Written by Karl Fulves
Work of Karl Fulves
80 pages (Spiralbound), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings by Joseph K. Schmidt
Language: English
35 entries
Cover photograph
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Karl Fulves Part Two
Karl Fulves Double Take card chosen with aid of joker, joker transforms into selection, then reverses in deck and changes back to joker, four methods
Karl Fulves Heel Break Insertion riffling to heel break
Karl Fulves Blank Intruder deck in new deck order, blank card between jokers cut into deck, face of chosen card transposes with blank face
Variations 88
Karl Fulves Ambitious Liberty coin on left palm is covered with card and penetrates it, extra piece glued on card as sliding stopper
J. W. Sarles Second To None second deal lap, credit note
Related to 94
Karl Fulves Face-Up Switch second deal lap application
Karl Fulves Double Switch joker changes into first, then second selection, second deal lap application
Karl Fulves Named Trap card sandwiched in beginning turns out to be named card
Karl Fulves, J. W. Sarles Second To None Variation second deal lap in which original third card is removed
Karl Fulves The Basic Color Upset 4&4
Karl Fulves Other Variations of the second deal lap
Karl Fulves One Finger Double Lift
Inspired byRelated to 99
Karl Fulves Ambitious Lady queen rises to top of two-card packet
Karl Fulves Paper-Clip Variation queen rises to top of two-card packet, other card changes
Karl Fulves Pharo Here incomplete faro position, stopped at card controlled
  • The Placement
  • The Revelation
Karl Fulves Topological Card Tricks on slits in card, credit information
Karl Fulves Matter Through Matter slits in cards openly shown, they pass through each other
Inspired byRelated to 105
Karl Fulves Split Level
Inspired by 107
Karl Fulves Topological Trap sandwiched card penetrates sandwich cards, a corner secretly folded
Variations 109
Karl Fulves Torn And Quartered signed card torn in half is restored after some topological stunts with another openly slitted card, half slit remains
Karl Fulves The Cage Effect visible sandwich, sandwich cards are placed perpendicular on deck, when lifted top card is between them
  • Notes On The Handling
  • Added Notes (impromptu method, paper clip addition)
Related to 117
Karl Fulves 4th Warp
  • First Method - Thru The Two (3 phase routine)
  • Second Method - Warp Get-Ready (getting into Walton's effect)
  • Concluding Notes (different objects, Busby & Walton)
Karl Fulves The Phantom Count four as three, five as four, ...
Karl Fulves Find The Lady cards reverse and change
Related to 130
Karl Fulves Poker vs. Monte monte cards transform into Royal Flush as finale
Karl Fulves No-Gimmick Phantom ungaffed handling of "Find The Lady"
Related to 133
Karl Fulves Half In blue backed card sandwiched between red cards changes to red, as application of using a half card
Karl Fulves Bottom Palm Replacement
Inspired by 141
Karl Fulves Replacement with Reversal briefly mentioned
Karl Fulves, Tony Slydini Repeat Under Spread Loading strange position of block clipped between fingers of left hand under spread, feeding cards while spreading under spread or on face to formed packet
Karl Fulves Cut To Win spectator shuffles deck and helps forming five packets, royal flush card on face of each
Karl Fulves Illusion Aces VI Aces turn over one by one between two Jokers, change to Kings
Inspired by 147
Karl Fulves Tunnel Space tunnel turnover between two other cards, color changing back kicker
Inspired by
  • "The Vanishing Lady" (Harry Franke, Hugard's Magic Monthly)
Karl Fulves Simplex Color Change fan waved over face of card, it changes
Data entered by Denis Behr, December 2015.