1989 edition used
Written by Aage Darling
Work of Aage Darling
50 pages (Paperback), published by Magico Magazine
Illustrated with drawings by Jack Lamonte
Language: English
18 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
George Armstrong Introduction... translation of "Darlings Mentale Mystifier" (1948)
Aage Darling Instanto Book Test book test, several books first word is divined
Aage Darling Vibrato performer is blindfolded, thought of card is found
Aage Darling Tele-Hypnosis girl sits on one of seven chairs, with alternative method for large cards
VariationsAlso published here 12
Aage Darling A Thriller different colored cards with several words on it, spectator thinks of a word and puts all cards down, where the word does not appear, performer divines the word by reading from a crime novel, last word is the thought of
Aage Darling Telephotrix card is divined over phone
Aage Darling Pin Up Girl Test five men select a picture of a girl and put them in envelopes, medium divines who chose which picture
Aage Darling Suprema medium does psychometry routine with five objects in envelopes
Aage Darling Symbol Test spectator selects a ESP card and puts all five cards in envelopes, performer finds correct envelope and divines symbol
Aage Darling Suprediction add a number sum and selected card are predicted in envelope
Aage Darling Figura spectator draws one of four symbols, the same as another spectator selected before
Aage Darling Numero card is selected and returned, book tells which cards match which numbers, when card is named and the playing cards a second deck with numbers are dealt, number and selection are at the same place
Aage Darling A Test of Spirits one writes "milk" the other "whisky", behind back
Aage Darling Death's Name cards in envelopes, name is found and divined, other cards are burnt in the process
Aage Darling Thought Echo spectator finds thought of card of another spectator
Reverse Fan Force impromptu stooge with reverse fan
Hindu Shuffle Force
Aage Darling The Marked Card spectator makes a cross on a card behind his back, other spectator finds the card by selecting it from a fan
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, March 2016.