390 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Four-of-a-Kind & Aces Effects / Production & Appearance / All at once
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Two Card-Catch from hand to hand
1910 22
Crocker The Four Aces cards shuffled in fairly, duplicates produced from Xkwizit gimmick
The Jinx (Issue 117)
Jean Hugard A brillant finish to any ace trick double friction toss
Variations Jan. 1946 187
Edward Marlo Ace Opener using incomplete faro condition, but with even riffle shuffle, Aces drop out from the bottom face up at once
Related toAlso published here 1947 30
Clayton Rawson Four Ace Surprise spectator touches four cards, they are the Aces, Aces are lost in the deck again and eventually produced from under coat using the Merlini Fan Switch
Jan. 1951 741
Norman Houghton The Shower of Aces Aces lost in deck, deck held under handkerchief, Aces drop out and onto table
Mar. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 13)
Al Leech Easy Aces Reversed
1959 24
Paul "Mr. Nobody" Schwab Tagrey's As-Trick four Aces placed in card stand, four selections in deck and deck thrown at handkerchief, Aces stick to handkerchief and in card stand are four selections
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 24 No. 1)
Al Leech Four Aces not visual, four four-of-a-kinds are produced
1965 54
Larry Jennings Gambler's Triumph "Chapter Eleven", four Ace Revelation by cutting packets, followed by Triumph with the Aces
Variations 1967 67
Rolf Andra Die Spring-Asse using riffle shuffle, Aces drop out from the bottom face up at once
Also published here 1971
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 32 No. 4)
Die vier Asse four Aces are reversed at the end
Also published here
  • "De Magier"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 32 No. 4)
Jerry K. Hartman Four-gone Delusion “Apex Ace” sequence to vanish Aces one at a time, then indifferent cards are changed into Aces
Inspired byRelated to 1971 20
Jerry K. Hartman Uppercutting the Aces Aces are cut to one at a time, last Ace changed from an indifferent card, two variations
  • Same as original, flourishy production of Aces (Lorayne move)
  • Jokers to Aces (see p. 2)
Variations 1972 1
Jerry K. Hartman Uppercutting the Aces - Jokers to Aces four Jokers cut to in succession, all changed to Aces
1972 2
Jerry K. Hartman Overskill spectator cuts to the Aces after they are openly lost, for a climax they are separated throughout deck and magician finds them all in a group with one Charlier cut
Related to
  • "A Problem Posed, 38th Method" (Edward Marlo, The New Tops, March 1965, p. 24)
1972 39
Jerry K. Hartman Ace de Triomphe Triumph, ending with Aces face up in deck
Also published here 1972 58
Jerry K. Hartman Four-gone Delusion II alternate ending for “Four-gone Delusion” see reference, four indifferent cards buried face up in deck, deck is spread to reveal four Aces face up
Related to 1972 60
Jerry K. Hartman All or None four Jokers change into the Aces
1972 61
Darwin Ortiz Any Ace Spell Variation climax
Inspired by 1975 74
Richard Kaufman An Instant Three-Card Location
1975 87
Frank Shields Four Card Display Move
Also published here 1975 1
Bill Liles Liles Out-Pivots Cervon royal flush production, pivot revelation
Variations 1976 42
Bill Liles, Bruce Cervon Liles Out-Pivots Cervon - Cervon Variation royal flush production, pivot revelation
1976 45
Bruce Cervon Fast Flush royal flush production, pivot revelation, five methods
  • Fast Flush Finish
Variations 1976 45
Bruce Cervon Triumph Fast Flush royal flush production, pivot revelation, combined with triumph
1976 53
T. G. Murphy Accidental Four Ace Production Aces fall out of deck during flourish cut, apparently accident
1976 22
Frank Shields Four Card Display Move
Related toAlso published here 1977 35
Erhard Liebenow Spring Spread Aces four aces are found all at once by springing the cards on the table
1978 2
Christian Scherer Die Asse des Magiers four aces are produced several times, then they transform in a named quartet and help to locate another named quartet
1978 33
Vier Buben four jacks are found behind from a shuffled deck, spectator selects the one of chosen suit, Skat
1978 67
Quartett four cards with same value are lost in the deck and produced from pocket
1978 76
Al Smith Cross Over Aces using pick-up from wrong packets, see p. 37 for variation by David Britland
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1978
The Talon (Issue 2)
Frank Garcia Friction Toss with Four Cards at Once
July 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Eddie Fechter Choice Aces aces are lost and reproduced, spectator makes some decisions how
Aug. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Harry Lorayne HaLo Cut Ace Revelation
1979 59
Harry Lorayne Lorayces
1979 62
Harry Lorayne HaLo Royal And Evolution royal flush production
Variations 1979 228
Harry Lorayne Royal Crossing royal flush production, also for four-of-a-kind
Variations 1979 233
Harry Lorayne HaLo Cut Double Revelation
1979 240
Harry Lorayne HaLo Double Trouble four Queens are produced, lost, Triumph, Queens reversed at end
Variations 1979 243
Earl Nelson Hit and Run Aces Rollover Aces without Triumph part, just Ace production
Also published here 1979 119
Steve Beam King Charlier I four Ace production, at once
1979 7
Steve Beam King Charlier II production of four cards using Charlier Cuts with both hands
Also published here 1979 9
Steve Beam Split Cutting The Aces
1979 10
Father Cyprian Swindle Cut Aces Aces lost and cut to by magician
Related toVariations 1980 10
Paul Harris, Daryl Martinez Flap Jacks indifferent cards transform into Jacks and appear in a visual display
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980 31
Rovi Your Card Plus Four Aces selection is found reversed in the deck, first the four aces and the joker are produced
1980 11
Mary Wolf The Production Sequence
1980 113
Steve Beam Joker Magnet Jokers are cut into the two halves of the deck face up, cards next to Jokers are four of a kind
Related to 1980 8
Steve Beam Flipped Out production of four Aces
1980 57
Steve Beam Beam's Choice production of four of a kind, pivot out of the deck
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1980 63
Val Evans Encuentro Regio Efecto N°16, Kings are shuffled into packet, then they drop out on the table at once
1980 59
Al Smith Cross Over Aces using pick-up from wrong packets
Also published here 1980 2
Richard Kaufman, Cliff Green Cliff Green's Return Flight reconstruction of Cliff Green effect, ace changes into different ace when boomeranged 3 times, then splits into all aces
Sep. 1981
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Karl Fulves Shoot Out deck is wrapped with a rubber band, deck dropped on the table and the four aces shoot out
1981 38
Ron Ferris Roll-Out Move
1981 69
Marc Russell Flash production of a royal flush, with Hofzinser Two Card Catch
Dec. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Paul Harris The Biological Shuffle two phases
Related toAlso published here Oct. 1982 9
Harry Lorayne Concert Aces
1982 100
Harry Levine HaLo Five basically cutting to royal flush
1982 196
Mike Bornstein Poetry in Motion painting Aces on rubber side of close-up pad, from squared deck
1982 15
Richard M. Gamble Blooming Aces
Dec. 1982
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 7)
Christian Scherer Blitz-Asse four aces are produced at the same time, in the hands
Related to 1982 3
Christian Scherer Zwei + Zwei = Vier four aces are produced in the hands, two and two
1982 7
Christian Scherer Komplex three card location, with production of four aces
1982 132
Ben Harris Konverge Kings Producing four Kings using Twin Inspiration Move
Related toVariations 1983 65
Paul Harris Biological Shuffle two phases
VariationsAlso published here 1983 4
Paul Harris The No-Nonsense Biological Shuffle eight kings produced, four change into indifferent cards
1983 9
Steve Beam The Five Kings Card Trick
1983 24
Steve Beam Rollover Kings four kings production, last two kings with Elliott's Brrrrtttt!
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1983 32
Ken De Courcy "Age Does Not Weary Them" Deal number of cards equal to spectator's age, then deal into four piles, top four cards are Aces
1983 4
Ken De Courcy Bottoms Up Magician splits deck into four piles, four Aces found on bottom of each pile
1983 5
Ken De Courcy Two-Handed Catch Two-card catch, produces four Aces
1983 6
Milton Kort Kort Aces Each spectator given packet of five cards, after following instructions, one reversed card in each packet, they are Aces, Vernon's Variant type of trick
Related to 1983 7
Dominique Giraud Two 4-Ace Revelations two methods, using table
Feb. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 2)
Paul L. Smith Snap Aces Out - Again tabled, using riffle shuffle
Mar. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 3)
Roberto Giobbi, Shiv Duggal 1, 2, 3 and 4 Queens a card is selected, three cards produced (Ace, Two, Three) and of them is chosen, the card reverses and changes into the selection, as a kicker the other three mates of the selection are produced
July 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 7)
Michael Skinner New King Cut Kings change to Aces, Kings are also cut to
Also published here 1984 53
Peter Duffie Aces In Tiers Aces are in ladder configuration on and in the deck at the end
1984 4
Jerry Sadowitz Boom! three cards produced simultaneously, in-the-hands
Variations 1984 20
Jerry Sadowitz Boom Production from shuffled deck
Inspired by 1984 24
Harry Lorayne Relationships Plus deck of cards and dice are used to force letters A and D, Ace of Diamonds is found along with other Aces
Inspired byRelated to 1985 565
Chris Ball Quick Kings four ace production
1985 109
John Riggs Rollover Revisited cards shuffled face up / face down, four of a kind is produced and cards all turn into same direction again
Inspired byAlso published here 1985 208
Frank Shields Catching the Cards from double friction toss
Also published here 1985 25
Ben Harris Split Personality Move one card is changed into its full four-of-a-kind on top of deck
1985 11
Bruce Cervon, Mike Maxwell Pivot to the Limit using Pivot Production, credit correction on page 1355
Dec. 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 12)
Rolf Andra Die Schaltjahre erweitert selection is found and four Aces as kicker, calendar presentation
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 6)
Gary Ouellet Three-Second Wonder crossing hands when turning over top cards, inspiration according to "JawDroppers!"
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here Apr. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 4)
Jack Carpenter, Steve Freeman Four at Once variation on Freeman's (unpublished?) riffle shuffle display production
Related to Dec. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 12)
Joseph K. Schmidt Four Cut Carson aces lost in deck, reproduced behind knee, greek break application
Mar. 1987
Epoptica (Issue 8)
John C. Wagner J.C.'s Super Closer Aces produced, lost and spelt to, deck sorted in suits as climax
Related to 1987 23
Steve Beam Exploding Kings flashy production of four of a kind
1987 281
Milton Schorr Stonehenge cards pop up to the four sides of the deck, one handed
Mar. 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 3)
Paul Harris The Biological Shuffle
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 2 No. 9-12 Paul Harris: The Act)
Thomas Hierling Move Out Aces Aces pivot out of deck
Related to 1988 34
Christoph Borer Die Reigen production of four Aces
Magische Blätter (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Hiroshi Sawa Footsteps deck is arranged in four stepped packets, and Ace is on the face of each
1988 75
Hiroshi Sawa Pull-Out Aces two halves are faroed together and one half is pulled out again with the four Aces stuck in it in different positions
1988 76
Randy Wakeman, Harry Lorayne OverWELM
Dec. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 12)
Karl Fulves Fast Find double Hofzinser Toss to find four-of-a-kind
1989 44
Randy Wakeman Exploding Aces Production
1989 114
Philip T. Goldstein Pivot Ping royal flush production, pivot revelation
Inspired by Oct. 1989
Inside Out (Issue 7)
Jerry K. Hartman OverwHelm
Sep. 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 9)
John Quine, Tom Craven Roadrunner Aces
Dec. 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 12)
Harry Lorayne Flip "Fource" Ace Revelation
1990 210
Jack Birnman The Birnman Revelation performer cuts deck swiftly into four piles, Ace on top of each, including a handling by John Bannon
1990 118
Gary Ouellet Three Second Wonder crossing hands when turning over top cards
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1990 28
Gary Ouellet Showcase four selections are found reversed in the center, then Aces are produced which change into selections
1990 244
Michael Powers Flushing Out the Queens royal flush production, pivot revelation
Inspired by 1990 9
Roger Crosthwaite Instant Aces
Also published here Sep. 1991
Apocalypse (Vol. 14 No. 9)
Karl Fulves No Fault folded paper in middle of deck is pulled and a four-of-a-kind jumps out
Related to 1991 6
Double Friction Toss Production
1991 17
Jerry K. Hartman Ace de Triomphe Triumph, ending with Aces face up in deck
Also published here 1991 285
Harry Lorayne Sticky Location/Revelation
Inspired by Jan. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 1)
Yuji Wada Eerie Revelation flourish production of two four-of-a-kinds after short slop shuffle
Inspired by
  • 4-Ace Reveal by David Britland
VariationsAlso published here
Mar. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 3)
David Acer Lickety Flip Ace split in two, suddenly all four Aces are produced
Related toVariationsAlso published here Apr. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 4)
Doug Edwards Eerie Ace Revelation
Sep. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 9)
Doug Edwards Say Four!
Nov. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 11)
Harry Lorayne But You!? producing a Royal Flush
Nov. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 11)
Jack Carpenter Four at Once Aces are produced one by one, then all at once with Freeman Display
Related to 1992 3
Justin Higham Instant Aces deck shuffled by spectator, performer instantly tosses the deck from hand to hand and ends up with four Aces à la Friction Toss
  • First Method
  • Second Method
Apr. 1992
Tech-Notes (Issue 2)
Chris Kenner, Paul Harris The Production four coins appear under four cards, production of four Kings
Inspired by Sep. 1992
Magic Man Examiner (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Gary Ouellet Three-Second Wonder no credit, crossing hands when turning over top cards
Inspired by Sep. 1992
Magic Man Examiner (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Peter Duffie Quick-Serve Aces quick Ace cutting
1992 7
Doug Edwards No Chances using cyclical stack
Apr. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 4)
Ken Brooke The Ken Brooke Routine with Joe Stuthard's Trilby Deck - Part One edited reprint from Brooke's magazine "Routine" (1950), routine begins and ends without the set of duplicates, aces cut to top in one cut, assembly routine, end strippers
Nov. 1993
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Hiroyuki Sakai Facing the Aces four aces end up face up in the deck, deck is thrown in other hand
1993 885
Muneo Yokoi Cut Cut Aces Tabled Ace Production, magician cuts deck into four piles in a row and cuts to four Aces
1993 14
Eddie Fechter You Would Lose performer cuts to four Aces, slip cuts
1993 49
Gary Ouellet Three Second Wonder crossing hands when turning over top cards
Also published here 1993 12
Allan Ackerman, Kosy Phibulphanuvat On the Freeman Display
1994 18
Allan Ackerman, Kosy Phibulphanuvat Double Exposure Freeman Display production of Kings followed by Aces
1994 20
Roger Crosthwaite Flash Aces
Also published here 1994 74
Aldo Colombini Four Card Display
Related to 1994 74
Joe Rindfleisch A Pretty Ace Display
Oct. 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 10)
Steve Beam Cutting Class four Ace production
VariationsAlso published here 1995 1126
John Riggs Rollover Kings cards shuffled face up / face down, four of a kind is produced and cards all turn into same direction again
Inspired byAlso published here 1995 44
David Acer Lickety Flip Ace split in two, suddenly all four Aces are produced
Inspired by
  • "Rotary Revelation" (Victor Sendax, MUM, Feb. 1984)
Also published here
1995 13
Steve Beam Queen Charlier production of four cards using Charlier Cuts with both hands
Also published here 1995 3
Jon Allen The Four Musketeers production of four Aces, while cutting the deck in the hands
Also published here 1995 11
Aldo Colombini Wanna Bet? one-handed production, three Aces flip over three different sides of the deck
Also published here
  • John Cornelius has similar production
1995 35
Harvey Rosenthal H. R. Aces Aces lost in deck, first Ace is cut to, then buried face up in middle and other three Aces turn face up next to it
Labyrinth (Issue 3)
Marc Serin Hofzinser Homage deck shuffled face-up/face-down, Aces found with double Hofzinser toss and deck shown rightened
Also published here July 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 11)
Daryl Martinez, Paul Harris Flap Jacks indifferent cards transform into Jacks and appear in a visual display
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2 (Issue Close-up Fantasies 1 & 2)
Tony Miller Pre-Mixed Flap Jacks another set-up for "Flap Jacks"
Inspired by 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2 (Issue Close-up Fantasies 1 & 2)
Paul Harris The Biological Shuffle (revised)
Related to 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Magical Arts Journal)
Michael Skinner New King Cut Kings change to Aces, Kings are also cut to
Also published here 1996 20
Dominique Duvivier Antic Aces production of Aces, Aces are alternated face-up/face-down and their arrangement changes when turned over multiple times, then selection appears sandwiched between Aces
Variations 1996 76
Joel Givens Kicking Aces four Ace production, at once
Also published here 1996 1162
Bill Malone Malone Revelation
1996 173
Steve Freeman Freeman Revelation
1996 176
Steve Beam Cutting Class
Also published here 1996 2
Steve Beam, Mike Beam Beam's Choice production of four of a kind, pivot out of the deck
  • The Optional Fifth Revelation
Also published here 1996 13
Lou Gallo Lost and Found Aces Aces cut into deck one by one, then cut to at once, two crimps, with crimpless variation
Inspired by 1996 39
Richard Sanders Four Ace Me Not four Ace production, in the hands at once
Sep./Oct. 1996
The Magic Menu (Vol. 7 No. 37)
Jack Carpenter Preliminary Notes and Credits credits for the Freeman Display
1997 11
Jack Carpenter A Dance for the Devious Queens vanish one by one, reproduced at once together again
Related to 1997 15
Jack Carpenter The Flash Production
1997 23
Jack Carpenter The Sweep Control deck cut into four piles, Ace on bottom of each, tabled
Related to 1997 71
Jack Carpenter Nova Royale Freeman Display with five cards (Royal Flush)
1997 94
Allan Ackerman In The Hands Freeman Display
Related toAlso published here 1997 31
Peter Duffie Aces Take The Plunge two random cards placed in deck, cards next to them are four Aces
Inspired by 1997 21
Christian Scherer Blitz-Asse II four aces are produced at the same time, in the hands
Related to 1997 19
Steve Beam Cutting Class four Ace production
Also published here 1997 19
Aaron Fisher, Lee Asher, Mike Strange Basic Math spectator removes four cards from deck, values are added up to make "lucky number", deck is spread and Four-of-a-Kind that matches "lucky number" is face up in deck, force of number is essentially the Gilbreath principle although not credited as such
Labyrinth (Issue 6)
Andrew Wimhurst Spread 'Em! Queens are cut to, then Aces are found in face-down tabled spread by pulling them out
Related toVariations 1998 16
Lee Asher The Ripper visual, "double backed card transformes in 4 of a kind"
1998 1
Jack Avis Flash Ace Production deck split into four packets, Ace on top of each
1998 78
Lew R. Brooks Bughouse Poker tabled royal flush production with some preliminary handling, pivot revelation
Inspired by 1998 18
Baltazar Fuentes Ultimate Pivot Revelation production of Aces, Kings and three selections
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Alton Sharpe's magazine "Olla Podrida"
1999 23
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note four Jacks lost, found with two friction tossed one with each hand
Inspired by 1999 30
Ellis Stanyon The Inseparable Knaves No. 16, quartet shuffled into deck and found again
1999 211
Gregory Wilson Lethal Fours “four card trick”, many phases:
  • three cards continuously becomes four each time one is eliminated
  • becomes one card – a Four
  • it is lost in deck and then all four Fours are visually produced on top
  • the Fours multiply into many cards
  • the Fours and then card case are produced from under spectator’s arm
  • deck is shown to be thick due to all the produced cards, shrinks back to normal
Inspired by 1999
Labyrinth (Issue 12)
Michael Sibbernsen Flash Cut
Variations 1999 49
Frank Shields The Frank Shields Display
Also published here 2000 1020
Christian Ehret Spread 'Em Again Kings are lost in deck, then Aces are found in face-down tabled spread by pulling them out, simplified
Inspired by 2000 14
Andrew Wimhurst Spread 'Em! Kings are produced, then Aces are found in face-down tabled spread by pulling them out, updated
Inspired by 2001 5
Four-Card Monte No. 63, four piles on table, both hands move around and exchange top card(s) of the piles, all Aces on top
Related to 2001 94
Harry Lorayne Surprisingly Good four Ace revelation, HaLo Cut application, Somersault Revelation
Also published here 2001 151
Harry Lorayne Royal Re-Crossing Royal Flush revelation
Inspired by 2001 157
Harry Lorayne Another Snappy Flush quick Royal Flush production
Inspired byRelated to 2001 215
R. Paul Wilson Pithleavis Aces Aces lost and found at once
Related toAlso published here 2001 6
Dan Buck, Dave Buck Shuffled Aces Freeman Display, during in-the-hands riffle shuffle
Related toVariationsAlso published here 2001 28
Dan Buck, Dave Buck Another Ace Production in-the-hands
2001 30
Dan Buck, Dave Buck Expeditiousness in-the-hands
Variations 2001 31
Dan Buck, Dave Buck Molecular Aces in-the-hands
2001 32
Dan Buck, Dave Buck Day Dreaming in-the-hands
2001 33
Dan Buck, Dave Buck Apparition Aces in-the-hands
2001 34
Dan Buck, Dave Buck Brooklyn Bridge Production tabled
2001 35
Dan Buck, Dave Buck The Las Vegas Strip tabled, also as an effect to reveal a selection as well
2001 35
Dan Buck, Dave Buck Sudden Impact tabled
2001 36
Dan Buck, Dave Buck Pandemonium at the card table tabled
Related toVariations 2001 37
Steve Beam Cutting Class
Also published here 2001 5
Terry LaGerould Royal Victory royal flush production, pivot revelation
Inspired byVariations 2001 8
Armando Gutierrez Q Surprise Aces production of the four Aces using Twin Inspiration Move
  • The 2nd Method
Inspired by Aug. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 3)
R. Paul Wilson Pithleavis Aces four Aces lost and found again (almost) at once
Also published here Nov. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Dan Buck, Dave Buck Blackjack Production four Aces are produced à la Freeman Display, then the four Jacks appear under the Aces
  • Dave's Version
  • Dan's Version
Inspired by 2001 5
Dan Buck, Dave Buck The Second Deal Production apparent Second Deal demonstrations results in all four Aces popping up at once in T formation
Inspired by 2001 22
Dan Buck, Dave Buck Molecule 2 three packets, starting with Z cut
  • As a Cut
  • As a Production
  • As a four card production
Inspired byRelated to
  • "Four Ace Revelation" (Dan Fleshman, Encounters of the Close-up Kind)
VariationsAlso published here
2001 24
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Two Card-Catch from hand to hand
2002 29
R. Paul Wilson The Back Four (Pithleavis Aces Mk II) four Aces are lost in the deck and found in seconds behind the back
Related to 2002 18
Dan Buck, Dave Buck Molecule 2: As a four card production, 2nd method starting with Z cut
Inspired by 2002 5
Dan Buck, Dave Buck P. @ T.C.T. 2
Inspired by 2002 31
Chris Randall Pop Go the Aces tabled deck, two Aces pop over on either side and third Ace face-up on top to match previously found Ace
Also published here June 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 10)
Gabi Pareras Aparición Flash deck is gently dribbled on the table and the for Aces appear face-up on top
Variations 2003 280
Dan Buck, Dave Buck Real Time hand waved over deck and the Aces appear on deck, between fingers and under watch
Also published here Oct. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 10)
Gábor G. Szabó Queens' Turn four of a kind production, one reversed on top and three as a fan in center
2003 7
Earl Nelson Hit and Run Aces Rollover Aces without Triumph part, just Ace production
Also published here 2003 117
Dan Buck, Dave Buck Watch hand waved over deck and the Aces appear on deck, between fingers and under watch
Also published here 2003 10
Dan Buck, Dave Buck Shuffled Aces Freeman Display, during in-the-hands riffle shuffle
Also published here 2003 18
Dan Buck, Dave Buck Lay Down and Spread'em starts with Top Shot
2003 34
T. G. Murphy Ace Production Aces fly out of deck as block during Deck Flip
2003 38
Wesley James Named Travelers "final", named four-of-a-kind appears on top, then travelers
2004 125
Justin Hanes 4O1K "four-of-one kind"
2004 10
Juan Tamariz Flying Through Thin Air when dealt through deck named four-of-a-kind is missing, cards return face-up at different parts in the deck
  • Reassembling the Stack
Variations 2004 102
Kostya Kimlat Zephyr Production four-of-a-kind production, using the Hofzinser Two Card-Catch
2004 29
John C. Wagner Final Closer aces produced, lost and spelt to, deck sorted in suits as climax, reworked handling
  • Extra Thoughts & Substitutions
  • No Cop/No Switch Method by Syd Segal
Inspired by 2005 7
Jack Carpenter, Allan Ackerman I Dance for the Devious - Two Queens vanish one by one, reproduced at once together again
Inspired byAlso published here 2005 43
Justin Hanes Shake and Bake Aces
Inspired by 2005 12
James Swain Expulsion of Aces
  • The Card Expert
Aces found two by two, then the Kings with two friction tosses
Dec. 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 12)
Brandon Burton Angled Aces flourish cut followed by all-at-once Ace production
Inspired byRelated to May 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Rick Merrill Slip, Flip, Pop quick one-at-a-time revelation in pop-out position
Inspired byRelated to 2005 15
Rick Merrill Sybil Cut Flush Ouellet's Ace production followed by Sybil cut with one Royal Flush cards at face of each packet
Related to 2005 20
Luke Dancy Dancin' with Dancy Friction Toss extension
2005 31
Dave Forrest Eight of Two Kinds performer cuts deck into four piles, Kings are on top, underneath are the Aces
2005 61
Ramón Riobóo Driving A Hummer cut and turnover to apparently mix cards, deck stays in the same order
  • Flash Forward (production of a Royal Flush)
2006 37
Ramón Riobóo Libido two years are added and sum used to make four piles, four Queens are found
Variations 2006 41
Doug Edwards Three Cards And An Ace Ace covered with three cards and cut into the back, repeated with other, Aces are produced at once
Related to 2006 128
Rich Aviles Ace Beam Boom four Ace production from a Four spot
Inspired by 2006 3
Andi Gladwin Road Trip Four Ace production
Variations 2007 15
Tyler Wilson Fluffer Four Ace production
2007 19
Miguel Gómez El juego de los cuatro elementos four selected cards are placed on card case and they flip over to reveal the Aces, A Poker Player's Picnic meets Flap Jacks
Inspired byRelated to 2007 54
Joel Givens Kicking Aces four Ace production, at once
Also published here 2007 48
John Bannon Bluff Strangers' Gallery Production
2007 122
Tyler Wilson Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia selection is spelled to, four Aces found, off-beat presentation
Also published here 2007 13
Justin Higham Digital Aces Ace Production with Digital Poker technique
Related to 2008 43
Kevin Ho Static 4 Four card production (instantaneous)
2008 10
Kevin Ho Pegasus Four card production: two versions

-Wingless Pegasus
2008 18
Kevin Ho Fully Loaded Produce four Kings in a cross shape
2008 42
Paul Gordon Fast IDF Ace Production
Related to 2009 18
Chris "Doc" Dixon Memory Aces four packets cut, face cards shown one by one, then they changed to Aces when shown again, with variation by Steven Youell
Inspired by 2009 10
Jon Allen The Four Musketeers production of four Aces, while cutting the deck in the hands
Also published here 2009 153
Tyler Wilson Schlorange unknown card is stuck to shirt, signed selection appears on deck, transforms into named four of a kind, shirt-card is signed card
2010 49
Tyler Wilson Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia selection is spelled to, four Aces found, off-beat presentation
VariationsAlso published here 2010 59
Roberto Giobbi Four Ace Production
Secret Agenda (Issue May 4)
Nathan Kranzo Instant Foursome
2010 129
Michael Skinner Four Ace Cutting four packets cut with an Ace on top of each
2010 276
Jay Jayaraman Ace Production
2011 20