54 entries in Random Object / The Trick that Fooled Einstein
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Counting Trick
1928 14
The Number Discovery number of cards divined à la Einstein
1933 2
Edward Victor A Match Divination divination of amount of selected matches
Related toVariations 1937 114
A Matter of Debit and Credit "I have as many cards as you have, and enough....", magician twice divines correct number of cut off cards
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1938 157
A Baffling Card Stunt The Trick That Fooled Einstein with cards
1949 18
Milton Berle The Quickie Card Trick No. 92, The Trick That Fooled Einstein with cards
Variations 1950 172
The Estimated Cut Trick That Fooled Einstein
1956 5
Edward Marlo The Worm Turns telling number directly in Einstein trick
Related to July 1959
Ibidem (Issue 17)
Ken De Courcy The Jackpot Matchbox divination of amount of selected matches
Inspired by 1971 30
Karl Fulves Change in Mind "as many pennies as you have, plus three more, plus enough left over...", trick that fooled Einstein with coins
Related toVariations 1977 83
1. Soll und Haben "I have as many cards as you have, and enough....", magician twice divines correct number of cut off cards
Also published here 1979
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 40 No. 4)
Gene "Phantini" Grant Estimation "A Matter of Debit and Credit" with blank cards, Larry Becker's "Ghost Image" Deck
Inspired by 1981 40
Matching Matches No. 19, off-beat divination of selected amount of matches, "as many as you plus enough more to make X"
1981 21
Barrie Richardson Alphabet Mentalism with scrabble letters, prediction, coincidence and mindreading
Also published here Nov. 1983
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Al Koran, Edward Victor Koran / Victor Number Force see Al Koran's Jackpot Coins
Related to Nov. 1983
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Jon Racherbaumer Correct Change trick that fooled Einstein with coins
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1984 60
Jack Carpenter A "Quickie" Revisited number of cards cut off and card selected are predicted, see "Errata" in Issue #3 (p. 31) for more references
Inspired byRelated to 1994
Labyrinth (Issue 1)
No Guesswork No. 1, spectator cuts off some cards from a pile, prediction in the form of "the same as you and enough to make them twelve, ..." (The Trick That Fooled Einstein)
1995 1
Bob Farmer Debit and Credit: Part I
  • Flim-Flam
article on the principle and comments on versions
  • Change of Mind (Karl Fulves)
  • Correct Change (Jon Racherbaumer)
  • Cash In Hand (Will Dexter)
  • This Month & Next
Related to Jan. 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 5)
Bob Farmer Debit and Credit: Part II
  • Flim-Flam
more on this principle, versions and credits with comments
  • A Matter Of Debit And Credit (Greater Magic)
  • Dollars And (Sixth) Sense (Stewart James)
Related to Feb. 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 6)
Jack Dean The fool That Tricked Einstein coins in bag, performer divines how many have been removed, hidden scale, version of "The Tricks that Fooled Einstein"/"Jackpot Coins" ("I have exactly as much as you, plus...")
Syzygy (Vol. 3 No. 16)
Roy Johnson Münzenlotto II Miraskill and Einstein routine with coins and two cups
Inspired by 1997
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 2)
Barrie Richardson The Trick That Fooled Einstein with coins
Also published here
  • Club 71, Autumn 1989
1999 119
Barrie Richardson Alphabet Mentalism scrabble pieces in clear change bag, Trick that Fooled Einstein, followed by letter divination (tossed-out deck principle)
Also published here 1999 126
Barrie Richardson Little Jackpot Coins
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here
  • Club 71, Halloween 1997
1999 175
Dave Arch The Einstein Enigma coins in bag, performer divines how many have been removed, version of "The Tricks that Fooled Einstein"/"Jackpot Coins" ("I have exactly as much as you, plus...")
Syzygy (Vol. 4 No. 16)
Ralph W. Hull, Roberto Giobbi Miraculous Coincidence magician twice divines correct number of cut off cards
Inspired by
  • "Still Simpler" (R. W. Hull, Sandu Writes Again, 1934, Paul Stadelman)
2000 891
Karl Fulves, Walter B. Gibson Bet a Million No. 39, "as many cards as your number, plus enough...", bet presentation
2001 57
Harry Lorayne Dig This "I have as many cards as you, plus...", Royal Flush kicker
2001 45
Barrie Richardson Minding the Mint "The 'Coins and Currency Divination' Revisited"
spectators take coins and bills while the performer is not looking, performer divines who holds what
Also published here 2003
Syzygy (Vol. 5 No. 15)
Karl Fulves Apex Footnote connection to "I have as many cards as you..." and red black relationship principle, also with suits
2004 43
Barrie Richardson But There's More! "The 'Coins and Currency Divination' Revisited"
spectators take coins and bills while the performer is not looking, performer divines who holds what
Inspired by
  • "Coins and Currency Divination" (Barrie Richardson, Club 71, Summer 1991)
  • "Dollars and (6th) Cents" (Stewart James, Linking Ring, Oct. 1971)
Related toAlso published here
2005 93
Jon Racherbaumer Guesstimation Plus
Nov. 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Roberto Giobbi, Ralph W. Hull Magical Match "I have as many cards as you have, and enough....", magician twice divines correct number of cut off cards
Also published here 2006 81
Michael Weber Picking on Rainman Trick that Fooled Einstein presentation for toothpick routine, dated 1989
2008 2
Bruce Bernstein Bernstein's Bet Trick that fooled Einstein, with bills, High Card presentation
Also published here 2008 1
Nick Trost A Divination Routine divination of number, color and suit in cut-of packet
  • Phase One - As Many As You
  • Phase Two - Color Sense
  • Phase Three - Suit Discernment
Inspired by
  • "As Many As You" (Walter B. Gibson, Magic Explained, 1949)
2009 351
John Bannon The Einstein Overkill combined with Ace revelation
Also published here 2009 59
Bruce Bernstein Bernstein's Bet Trick that fooled Einstein, with bills, High Card presentation
Also published here 2012 87
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Wager of the Month Club Einstein trick with change money, Real Secrets Team
Oct. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 10)
John Bannon The Einstein Overkill combined with Ace revelation
Also published here 2013 53
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Beat the Guesser Trick that Fooled Einstein with coins, predicting the change a spectator removes from his pocket and an amount of coins matches the performer's weight
Related to Oct. 2013
Real Secrets (Vol. 2 No. 19)
David Britland The Trick That Didn't Fool Einstein
  • Cardopolis
credit information
  • History of a Mystery
  • A Novel Card Effect
  • The Repeat
  • Finally
Related to June 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 6)
Howard L. Grant A Novel Card Effect
Also published here
  • The Magic World, Nov. 1920
June 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 6)
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Einstein at the ATM Trick that Fooled Einstein with coins, prediction embossed on ATM card
Related to Dec. 2014
Real Secrets (Vol. 3 No. 33)
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Drinking With Einstein predicting how much a spectator will drink, The Trick that Fooled Einstein
(Real Secrets Bonus sheet)
Also published here Dec. 2014
Real Secrets (Vol. 3 No. 33)
Michael Weber, Tim Trono The Drink that Schooled Einstein predicting how much a spectator will drink, The Trick that Fooled Einstein
Also published here 2015 3
Michael Weber Bonus Effect version of "The Tricks that Fooled Einstein"/"Jackpot Coins" ("I have exactly as much as you, plus...")
2015 12
Michael Weber, Tim Trono The Trick That Fooled Einstein with coins, prediction on Zoltar Medaillon
Mar. 2015
Real Secrets (Vol. 3 No. 36)
Jim Steinmeyer Subversive Math
2020 14
David Britland Jackpot Coins credit information, Al Koran, divination of amount of selected matches
Inspired by Feb. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 2)
Patrik Kuffs P.Q.I. stand-up presentational ploy Jackpot Coins with squares of toilet paper
May 2022
The Hermit (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Harrison Carroll Einstein Coins number prediction with bowl of coins
2022 200
Tyler Wilson The Trick That Fooled Weinstein Jackpot Coins handling, with hole in one coin to humorously make prediction correct
June 2024
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. Wilson Issue)