30 entries in Cards / Sleights / Force / No-Touch Force (not Cut-Deeper or Cross Cut)
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Louis F. Christianer Your Trick spectator cuts deck, removes a few cards and remembers next one, self-force
1916 28
Burn Card Strategy top two cards burned, then next card taken
1923 8
The Trio three cards divined, no-touch confusion force
1935 10
Dr. James William Elliott The Trio simple no-touch force for any number of cards
1937 20
Prediction confusing cut to force two cards, possibly by Ralph W. Hull (see Trost reference)
Related toVariations 1937 23
William H. McCaffrey A Self Working Trick using a no-touch force
1938 237
H. Adrian Smith Out of Hands Force spectator forces card to himself
1938 465
Lin Searles The "So Simple" Force no-touch, spectator cuts and turns over one pile
1976 78
Harry Lorayne A Prediction "Pathway" mathematical dealing thing in which spectator sorts red and blacks to force himself a card, see end notes for fun history information
Inspired by 1979 53
John Scarne Long Distance card chosen on other side of the room, risky force, position named
1989 2
Frederick Braue The Loquacious Queen three cards selected via cut and count (no-touch force), then the whispering Queen of Hearts tells the performer their identities
Related to 1992 6
Steve Beam The Opened Prediction bold and easy open prediction, name written on joker, no-touch force
Related to 1993 47
Jerry K. Hartman Drop Force application of the Drop Force explained in reference, see "Fastidious Force (p. 49) and "Odd End" (p. 240) for other applications
Inspired by 1995 229
Karl Fulves Self-Force spectator forces card on himself
1996 84
Ken Krenzel Spectator's Stop When Ready Force cards turned over one by one and placed onto deck in out-jogged condition, done in the hands of the spectator
Inspired by 1997 13
James Swain The Dummy Force no-touch Force
1999 91
Ellis Stanyon Name of Selected Card in the Envelope No. 14, card chosen by pile-making and dealing, self-force
1999 41
William Alstrand, Karl Fulves Fooling the Experts No. 14, procedure with cuts and deals in which spectator forces a card on himself
2001 23
Topper No. 79, spectator forces card on himself without touching by performer
2001 119
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) 9. "The Next Card That I Will Turn Over Will Be Your Card!" "The Circus Trick" with no-touch force
Related to Mar. 2006
The Penumbra (Issue 10)
Manuel Montes El Juego de Aladino deck is cut in three parts, one part is counted, a card remembered and later found by performer
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Ryan Swigert The Garden Path two piles made, card selected from one, everything shuffled and card located, sucker math trick
Inspired by
  • "Cabalistic Card Trick" (Stewart Judah, The Linking Ring, Feb. 1964)
2012 22
Steve Beam, Benjamin Earl Deal Force open prediction bluff procedure, no-touch force
Related to 2015 3
Benjamin Earl Red Herring spectator forces a card in his own hand, some dealing, shuffling and losing of top and bottom cards
Related toVariationsAlso published here June 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 6)
Roberto Giobbi MaToFo: A Mathematical Topological Force no-touch dealing force
Hidden Agenda (Issue Aug 5)
Benjamin Earl Red Herring spectator forces a card in his own hand, some dealing, shuffling and losing of top and bottom cards, more details than in Genii write-up
  • Performance Notes
Also published here 2016 1
Tyler Wilson IKEA Force spectator forces card on himself, "muscle writing"
2017 21
Benjamin Earl Red Herring Force Variation spectator deals and forces himself a card, no-touch force
Inspired byRelated to 2020 16
Jim Steinmeyer Tour de Force forcing one of ten cards, mathematical
2020 17
Cut Force three tabled piles, bold
2021 39