30 entries in Cards / Sleights / Force / Cut Forces / Under Handkerchief
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
1935 4
Under Handkerchief Force
1936 155
Joe Berg Different Disclosure card selected behind back, cut into deck, deck cut through handkerchief straight at selection which is reversed and face up
1937 2
Jean Hugard Eine Karte unter Deckung eines Tuches zu forcieren cut force under handkerchief
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 1 No. 2)
L. Vosburgh Lyons The Lyons Force cutting through handkerchief
1941 14
Jean Hugard Handkerchief Cut Force deck secretly turned over under handkerchief
1942 20
Under Handkerchief Force
1943 77
George G. Kaplan Crystal Clairvoyance featuring a napkin force
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1948 179
Tony Kardyro Under-Handkerchief Force straight cut
1948 10
Bob Somerfeld Flipper! under handkerchief cut force, clever gimmick
Apr. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 175)
Force Under Handkerchief
1951 8
All Fair Force under handkerchief, Peter Warlock's Pentagram Vol. 5 No. 12
1954 70
Force Under Handkerchief
1961 30
Nate Leipzig Under The Handkerchief Force
Variations 1972 259
Richard Williams Perfect Card Force Variation cutting under handkerchief force
1972 53
Eddie Fechter Bar Towel Force
Also published here 1974 128
Under-the-Hank Force
1978 23
The Blindfolded Deck No. 3, underneath-handkerchief cut force, secret deck turnover
1979 3
Force Under Handkerchief
1980 9
Under-Handkerchief Cut-Force
1988 182
Eddie Fechter Bar Towel Force
Also published here 1993 212
Syzygy (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Aldo Colombini Under-the-Table Force
1994 4
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Pentacloth spectator cuts to lucky Tarot card
Apr. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 10)
George G. Kaplan Forcing under a Handkerchief
Also published here 2000 802
Cutting Force under handkerchief, with envelopes
2000 100
Under-the-Handkerchief Force
2003 4
Karl Fulves Two To One spectator and performer cut to same card with handkerchief covered deck, hidden rubber band
2004 71
George G. Kaplan The Kaplan Force
Aug. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 8)
Napkin Cut Force
2018 12