17 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Gags & Curiousities / Skullocation
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Frederick Braue Skull-ocation Variation using the Biddle Vanish, with handling variation
Oct. 1948 471
Big Skull pack placed in spectator's mouth, who is then tapped on the head. All cards, except selection fall out
Also published here Jan. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 221)
Gustl Schieb Wie Gustl Schieb, Wien seinen "Karli" vorführt handling for skullocation
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 13 No. 4)
Jolly E. Erikson Jolly Skullocation using Skullocation with a living and dead test
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 16 No. 6)
Guy Thompson Dexter the Dexterous using Bill Nord's "Skull-ocation" and a story about Gulliver's Travels, card is located with miniature skull
Magick (Issue 1)
Stephen Minch Death's Grip card is found with small skull on chain (Skull-ocation)
1974 26
Bob Ostin Skullocation Routine
Also published here 1976 ca. 5
Ken Brooke Read "Another" Again ideas with double-stick tape
  • card sticks to bald head
  • Utility
  • Skullocation
  • A Pot
  • Red Tape
Also published here 1980 186
Ken De Courcy The Cat cat design for paper fortune teller fold, can be used for Skullocation
1980 17
Skullocation Life pack placed in spectator's mouth, who is then tapped on the head. All cards, except selection fall out
Also published here June 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Marconick Trapping a Card cards placed in peg, all fall out except selection
1982 9
Gary Ward Hung Out to Dry Skullocation with miniature clothespin
Nov./Dec. 1993
The Magic Menu (Vol. 4 No. 20)
Ken Brooke Verschiedenes ideas with double-stick tape
  • Die Glatzenproduktion (card sticks to bald head)
  • Hilfsmittel
  • Skullocation
  • Tischpräparation
  • Bandproduktion
Also published here 1997
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 1)
Skullocation deck in bulldog clip, all cards fall out except selection
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 2)
Bob Ostin Skullocation Routine
Also published here 2005 134
John Scarne Skullo-Card chosen card appears in jaws of plastic skull
Inspired by
  • Bill Nord's "Skullo-cation" (marketed 1948)
Prolix (Issue 1)
Jack Avis "Skullo" Handling chosen card left in jaws of plastic skull
2006 125