43 entries in Cards / Sleights / Force / Psychological Forces / Psychological Stop Force (Seventh Card Force)
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The Seventh Position
1938 341
The Psychic Stop! at seventh position, psychological
Related toVariations 1940 330
Stewart James The Open Prediction #24 psychological stop force, with out by Arthur Carter (different effect really)
Related to
  • out by Arthur Carter in The Pentagram, Feb. 1953
Aug. 1955
Ibidem (Issue 3)
Bill Simon Psychological Stop Force Handling
Sep. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 7)
Edward Marlo Rapid Deal Psychological Stop Force card starts at fourteenth position
1962 45
Harry Lorayne Out of my Control standard psychological stop effect, with outs
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1965 12
Harry Lorayne Out Of My Control standard psychological stop effect, with outs
Also published here May 1965
The New Jinx (Vol. 4 No. 37)
Edward Marlo Marlo's Original Solution to the Open Prediction psychological force
Fall 1969 23
Jerry K. Hartman Ace Placer spectator deals and stops at the four Aces
Inspired by 1972 41
Dai Vernon Vernon's Stop Trick No. 10, ninth or eleventh card
1972 8
Jerry K. Hartman Psychic Backstop out for psychological stop trick, using down-under deal
Related to 1973 39
Howard Wurst Out of Control out for psychological stop trick, see p. 1301 for reference
Also published here
  • Sphinx, Feb. 1948
The Chronicles (Issue 20)
Bruce Bernstein Mentalist's Force stop force, seventh card and glide as an out
1981 36
The Nines with psychological stop force
Related to 1985 28
Have You Thought of a Card? thought-of card has different back, with details to psychological stop force
1985 6
Edward Marlo Not All Psychological spectator stops at odd backed card
Also published here 1986 42
Jerry K. Hartman Psychic Stopgag different outs for Psychic Stop depending on how many cards the spectator ends up dealing
Inspired byRelated to 1991 335
Edward Marlo Not All Psychological spectator stops at odd backed card
1992 245
Edward Marlo Not All Psychological spectator stops at odd backed card
Also published here 1992 4
Edward Marlo Not All Psychological spectator stops at odd backed card
Also published here 1993 4
Eddie Fechter The Spectator Stops psychological stop trick, cards face down
  • Outs
  • Touches
1993 53
Die Neunerforce psychological stop force, position nine
Mar. 1995
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 2)
The Psychic Stop psychological stop force
1997 10
Harry Lorayne Außerhalb meiner Kontrolle standard psychological stop effect, with outs
Also published here 2000
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5)
Roberto Giobbi The Psychic Stop! commentary and control handling
Related to May 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 5)
Dani DaOrtiz Double Intuition two selections, spectator deals stops at card and counts value to find selection, then deck is dealt face down and second spectator stops at selection
2007 27
Helder Guimarães Psychological Stop Force with Out
2008 (ca.) 25
Helder Guimarães Psychological Stop Force with Out
2011 86
The Psychic Stop!
Related to 2014 73
Matt Mello Verbal Psychic Stop performer recites cards without a deck and spectator says stop
2014 8
Joseph Barry Another Stop Trick.. Really? spectator stops at card, its value is used to count down to selection, no set-up
Feb. 2016
Operandi (Issue 1)
Psychological Stop Trick
2017 9
Lorenz Schär Go-Stop spectator deals through deck, psychological stop
Inspired by 2019 87
Dani DaOrtiz The Seventh Card and Its Psychological Nuances
  • In the hands of the magician
  • In the hands of the spectator
  • On the table (p. 42)
2021 41
Dani DaOrtiz In the hands of the magician dealing stop force of seventh card, performer deals, psychological details
2021 41
Dani DaOrtiz In the hands of the spectator dealing stop force of seventh card, spectator deals, psychological details
2021 41
Dani DaOrtiz On the table deck spread on table, top cards pushed over one at a time, spectator forced to stop on seventh card
2021 42
Dani DaOrtiz Creating a force number with absolute freedom deck is dealt and spectator stops at a few cards, at each stop he is given choice of surrounding cards, stopped-at cards’ values are forced, good for five cards (can be less or more), includes what to do if a card is passed
2021 49
Dani DaOrtiz Mistakes and Outs what to do when these forces do not “hit” perfectly
  • More subtleties
  • Preventative measures (p. 106)
  • Increasing values
  • Increasing values in two directions
  • Gathering information to use later for spelling or counting (p. 108)
2021 105
Dani DaOrtiz Mistakes in Technical Forces more tips (and “outs”) for 7th card stop force to always arrive at correct card
  • One of two
  • Discarding the chosen card
  • Adding or removing (p. 110)
  • Ending with a verbal number force
  • By pure chance (apparently)
2021 109
Dani DaOrtiz, Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin Chosen Thought spectator thinks of a card, another spectator deals and stops when he wants and finds card
2021 129
Eugene Burger The Psychological Stop Force seventeenth position
2021 16
Ben Daggers One-Track Mind first is stopped at and other three are taken while cards are spread from hand to hand
2022 93