374 entries in Cards / Gaffed Cards & Decks / Deck / Marked deck / Backs
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Marked Cards - To distinguish the Suit of each Card suit-only marking
1889 52
Various Systems of Card-marking
1889 53
To distinguis the Suit of any given Card by Weight cards with glazed back, marked with water marks
1890 50
Professor Hoffmann The Mysterious Pairs several spectators remove two cards each and place them face to face, performer receives one card and names the other, then the pairs come together again in the deck
1890 84
To name the Bottom Card of each of Three Heaps of Cards performer divines bottom cards of three piles by making up mathematical rules with other drawn cards
1890 88
Dasselbe Kunststück in anderer Ausführung No. 30, selection found by weighing each card
1895 35
Grande clairvoyance mysterieuse No. 37, spectator choses card from one deck, then magician from another, they match, both decks marked
Related to 1895 44
Gedankenübertragung - 1. Methode - 1. Experiment mit Karten medium on chair divines selected cards, marked and coded by performer in way he holds the card
Mar. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Marked Deck Method marking method for back by Wüst
Mar. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Grande clairvoyance mystèrieuse two decks, two chosen cards match, decks marked, one in new deck order, second method with Mexican Turnover, third method in which one card is secretly transferred to the other deck at the beginning
Related to Apr. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Das gezeichnete Kartenspiel
1896 129
Carl Willmann Zum Geheimnis der Falschspieler about naturally marked cards
Related to June 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Carl Willmann Zum Geheimnis der Falschspieler ending of article
Related to July 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Marked Wüstsches Deck
Feb. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Ne Plus Ultra - First Method pile of cards removed, noted and placed on pack, after some dealing procedure, the performer divines the cards in face-down layout, also alternative with marked deck or stripper, "quadrating" (p. 50)
Also published here 1897 48
Marvelous Coincidence two selections from two decks match, double facer deck
Related toAlso published here 1897 158
Grande Clairvoyance Mysterieuse two cards chosen from two decks match, three methods
Related to 1897 167
Eduard W. Lufa Zur Markierung der Karten marking method, marks for suit and value closer together for quicker reading
Mar. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster, Soltau Das gezeichnete Kartenspiel "Einige Hilfsmittel der Magie"
new method to mark the backs of the Wüst backs
June 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 11)
Die verschwundene Karte und das dreifache Couvert No. 15, free selection vanishes from deck under handkerchief cover, reappears in nest of envelopes, envelope index in coat pockets
Related to 1900 94
Das non plus ultra-Kunststück part two of translation, with marked and stripper deck variants
Related to June 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 6)
S. W. Erdnase Prepared Cards information and opinion
Related to 1902 15
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Der Gedanke two decks on table, spectator removes thought-of card from other deck
Related toAlso published here 1910 53
Charles T. Jordan The Premo No. 3, card located after three riffle shuffles, interlocking chains, optional with marked deck or blindfolded
Also published here 1919/1920 17
Ralph W. Hull Single Card Wonder Prediction spectator shuffles deck, names number and card at that position is predicted, re-deal force
1932 17
Ralph W. Hull Bicycle Marking System
Variations 1932 17
Jean Hugard The Marked Card Principle
1935 26
A Card Prediction card at named number predicted
1935 26
Coincidence two decks, one in spectator's pocket one in performers, two selections, repeated (spectator plunges in pocket and takes out first card he can get), one marked, card index in pocket
1937 78
Like Thoughts stripper deck and marked deck
1937 276
Michael F. Zens Zens' Card Miracle with marked cards and two decks set-up
1937 296
Purvis W. Miller Double Prediction predictions with blue and red pencil match cards selected from blue-backed and red-backed deck, one forcing deck, other one stacked or marked
1939 30
Card Marking Crimp marking system
1940 92
Gambler's Card Marking System with crimps
Related to 1940 131
Bob Hummer Lite-Ning Addition spectator removes an Ace or a Two face down, then a Three or a Four and so on, total of added values is divined
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1940 5
Herbert Hood The Psychic Slates unseen selection is duplicated on slate, marked & stacked
Also published here Apr. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 136)
Herbert Hood A Thought Out-Thought free selection divined, marked & stacked
VariationsAlso published here Apr. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 136)
Herbert Hood You and Yours - Me and Mine
Also published here Apr. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 136)
George W. Lord, M. D. Overholser A Peculiar Happenstance two cards in two piles appear at the same position, stacked & marked
Also published here Apr. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 136)
Gaston "Gasbor" Borgeaud Quelques remarques sur l'emploi du jeu de cartes rangé en chapelet on the use of a stack deck, with marked cards, marking the cards on top, as an out for classic force
Apr. 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Frederick Mosteller Bravo! five decks, multiple phase mental speller, suits spelled and values counted (count-spell), see Back Room reference for corrections
Related toVariations Dec. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 49)
Hans "Severus" Ernst Mnemotechnik oder Hellsehen? naming missing card, clocking and marked deck, 36 cards, followed by french translation "Mnemotechnique ou bien clairvoyance?"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Herbert Hood The Psychic Slate unseen selection is duplicated on slate, marked & stacked
Also published here 1944 226
Herbert Hood A Thought Out Thought free selection divined, marked & stacked
Also published here 1944 226
George W. Lord, M. D. Overholser A Peculiar Happenstance two cards in two piles appear at the same position, stacked & marked
Also published here 1944 280
Herbert Hood You and Yours - Me and Mine
Also published here 1944 281
John Booth Egyptian X-Ray Scope cards with symbols, card is revealed with the aid of a mysterious tube, juiced deck
1945 221
Roger Barkann, Magicana
  • Air Holes (wax pellets to seal air holes)
  • best pencil for marking card
July 1945 138
Dr. Stanley Jaks Das Pendel weiss es! card is located with pendulum, two decks
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 7 No. 3)
George B. Anderson Playing Card Mindreading spectator removes cards which helps performer to categorize his question
1949 10
Bob Haskell Psychic Spell six cards on the table, spectator thinks of one, cards are mixed face down and performer touches them one by one as spectator spells his card in his head, selection is touched on last letter
Related to 1949 6
Al Baker The Baker "Readers" Angel-Back brand
Also published here 1951 55
Al Baker Mental Discernment marked
Also published here 1951 56
Al Baker The Lie Detector marked
Also published here 1951 57
Al Baker Long-Distance Telepathy marked
Also published here 1951 57
Al Baker The Clairvoyant Spectator marked
Also published here 1951 57
Dr. William Weyeneth Mit einer Karte... spectator and performer put packet in pocket and last cards removed are selections
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 14 No. 6)
Laurie Ireland The Magnetic Ball rubber ball rolls alone to find selection
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1954)
Dr. William Weyeneth Praktische Winke - Zinkung der Karten für Kurzsichtige! method to mark cards, chloroform
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 15 No. 1)
P. Howard Lyons The Open Prediction #40 spectator cuts and turns that part over and deals through it, first face-down card left face down, marked instead of stacked
Inspired by Nov. 1955
Ibidem (Issue 4)
Edward Marlo Mental and Physical
  • #3 of "3 Mental Effects"
card thought of, another selection placed next to it, both found
  • Additional Ideas for Mental and Physical Choice
    • 1. Force
    • 2. Marked Deck
    • 3. Stacked deck
    • 4. One way deck on faces
Inspired byRelated to Sep. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 11)
Rolf Andra 3x Karten-Magie selection at number, number is determined by value of other card
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 19 No. 4)
Edward Marlo Marked Matcho two decks
Related to 1959 27
Edward Marlo Rough Markers roughed pairs, bottom cards are marked, divining removed cards by reading marks on bottom card of pair
Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
Edward Marlo Mental Reselection spectator thinks of an ESP symbol, then he choses one and it matches
  • Method 1
  • Second Method
1960 21
Edward Marlo Spectator Coincidence #3 two cards freely chosen from different decks match, first card chosen by reversing an unknown card (glimpse or marked deck)
Inspired by Oct. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 27)
Edward Marlo The Marlo Peek Deck marked deck, memorized deck
1964 41
E. Leslie May Revelation cards on table are turned over, one is covered and card is divined
Inspired by 1965
The New Phoenix (Issue 399)
Mike Rogers Seclusion solution
Inspired by Sep. 1966
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Bruce Cervon Readers performer locates card while wearing suspicious glasses, when spectator wears glasses he sees the marks, but all card are marked with same value
Related to
  • p. 108 for forcing deck idea by Lu Brent
Also published here
June 1967 106
Al Koran Double Thought spectator finds performer's card and the other way around, marked deck
Related toVariations 1968 89
Al Koran Card Prediction marked deck, prediction with nail writer
1968 95
Edward Marlo Marked Memory marking numerical stack number of memorized deck instead of card value
Jan. 1968 152
Eddie Fields, Edward Marlo Another Problem Posed magician predicts two cards cut to by spectator
  • Method 1
  • Method 2
  • Method 3
VariationsAlso published here 1968 58
Joseph M. White Eight to Remember easy code for playing cards
Mar. 1968
The New Jinx (Vol. 6 No. 71)
Edward Marlo The Marked Deck "how to control it, without obviously running through the pack to find it, is our concern"
- For One Card
- For Two Cards
- For Three Cards
1970 71
William Patterson Precognition! prediction of ESP symbol, in a book
Magick (Issue 36)
Jules Lenier Dealer's Choice two decks, one card removed face down is reversed in second deck
Also published here 1971
Magick (Issue 38)
Edward Marlo For the Color Blind card with binary marks chosen from one deck is shuffled to top via faros in stacked second deck, badly explained
June 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Karl Fulves Marked Miracle naming chosen card without looking at cards
1973 68
Francis J. Baker Alpha Card Act
  • First Trick (spectator choses card from one deck, performer from another, they match)
  • Second Trick (spectator initials card on back, performer the Three of Hearts on face, but later the Nine of Hearts is initialed on face and on back)
  • Third Trick (two cards reversed in two decks match)
June 1973 629
James G. Thompson Jr. Another Dimension single card prediction in envelope, partial two-way forcing deck
Inspired by 1973
Magick (Issue 69)
Paul Curry Mindmaster spectator always gets two cards and decides whether they are mixed or have the same color
1974 100
Paul Curry Odds And Evens spectator always gets two cards and decides whether they have an odd or even total
1974 106
James G. Thompson Jr. No Way two spectators decide on a number up to 25, first spectator counts down to that card in half the deck, performer writes down two cards, second spectator counts down, both cards match prediction
Sep. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 9 No. 11)
Karl Fulves Prophet #2 deck is divided and to spectator's think of a number, performer predicts cards at the thought of number in each half, half forcing stack
1974 42
Karl Fulves, Don Nielson Liars Convention magician blindfolded, three spectators choose cards two exchange cards, magicican knows who and the cards, marked stacked deck
1975 412
Marked Cards Plus cutting named card to top, stacked and marked
1975 27
Ralph W. Hull, Jerry Mentzer Method of Marking Cards for Bicycle Rider Back
Inspired by 1975 29
Charles T. Jordan The Premo card located after three riffle shuffles, interlocking chains, optional with marked deck or blindfolded
Also published here 1975 124
Philip T. Goldstein Dangerous Game russian roulette themed card trick, one of five card is selected and turned over at last
1976 13
Alan Shaxon Twisted Psychometry three cards change into selections, with a display board
1976 23
Burling Hull "Visual Thought Projection" five unknown cards from jumbo deck put on stand, one chosen, same card is reversed and odd-backed in another deck
1976 50
Sandy Spillman ... Star Bright! zodiac cards, divination of selection, method to make cards look older
Also published here 1977
Magick (Issue 176)
Will Dexter Positive und Negative Markierungen on marking decks, or other objects
Also published here
  • The Gen, Feb. 1953
Dec. 1977
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Rudolf Braunmüller Noch eine Idee several spectators cut off a pile from an ESP deck and remember bottom card, performer divines each, marked and stacked
Dec. 1977
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Gedankenlesen two decks, selection is found in second deck
1978 118
North Bigbee Viermal Übereinstimmung marked stripper deck, four Aces of two decks, performer and spectator put cards in same order
1978 120
Hanussen Brain-Child prediction of ESP card, initialed envelope
Magick (Issue 220)
Larry Becker Perplexing ESP Plaques marking system for ESP cards, business cards etc., address
Related toVariations 1978 33
Jack Yates The Number Force card named, numbers jotted down and summed up, card at that position
  • Plus a Marked Deck (card pushed out of marked deck instead of named)
1978 5
Larry Becker Ghost Image deck of blank cards, prediction of amount of cut cards and thought of card
1979 140
Larry Becker Espitome two sets of five cards, matching
Inspired by
  • Hen Fetsch's "Symbologic" and Barry Stevenson's "C.I.D."
1979 180
Paul Swinford Magnetic Coincidence selection by spectator and performer are found next to each other by stop procedure, marked and half forcing deck, gilbreath
Related to 1980
Arcane (Issue 2)
Neil Somerville In Anticipation
June 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 6)
Bob Hummer Lite-Ning Addition spectator removes an Ace or a Two face down, then a Three or a Four and so on, total of added values is divined (1940)
Also published here 1980 10
David Britland Zennerism five ESP cards (or Ace through Five), one is pocketed by spectator and the rest are put down in pairs alternating with performer, all match, marked or impromptu
  • Effect
  • Preparation
  • Performance
  • Notes
1980 1
Sandy Spillman Star Bright zodiac cards, divination of selection, method to make cards look older
Also published here 1980 45
Thomas Alan Waters No. 4: Card Reading card prediction, with tarot or playing cards, in context of a reading
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Scrypt)
Gene "Phantini" Grant Estimation "A Matter of Debit and Credit" with blank cards, Larry Becker's "Ghost Image" Deck
Inspired by 1981 40
Gene "Phantini" Grant It Is an Incredible Coincidence some blank cards are cut and put in pocket, several billets with numbers, spectator choses one and it matches the amount of cut cards, with Larry Becker's "Ghost Image" Deck
1981 43
Stephen Tucker Mark same as Sandwich Box, with marked cards as convincer
Also published here May 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Leslie Anderson Liar... spectator selects group of cards and lies at one card
Magick (Issue 275)
Alexander One Ahead combining a stacked deck with marked cards
Magick (Issue 278)
Jules Lenier Zweimal die Gleiche two decks, one card removed face down is reversed in second deck
Also published here June 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Dr. Stanley Jaks "Ich wusste, dies würde Ihre Karte sein!" card from jumbo deck is selected, same card is found revered in regular deck
Also published here
  • New Pentagram, May 1969
Oct. 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 3)
The Juice Deck
1982 192
Neil Somerville Medusa's Touch ESP deck, one card is removed and after spectator shuffles, mate is on top of deck
Sep. 1982
Magick (Issue 310)
Robert Cassidy Pendulum Power! spectator holds pendulum and performer asks questions, card is divined, then sealed selection is divined using the pendulum by the performer
Related toAlso published here Oct. 1982
Magick (Issue 311)
Roy Baker Knock Out Reading Mind reading (name of card, chosen design, dice throw, chosen color, reading on health, wealth, love, luck, occupation, birthdate, answer any question in mind)
1983 24
Leif Reed Subtle Connection
Mar. 1983
Magick (Issue 317)
Edward Marlo Scratch Marked Deck scratch that can be felt, one mark for two values
1984 9
Edward Marlo The Sight Marked Deck one mark for two values
1984 10
Edward Marlo Scratched Deck as a Reader card counting application
1984 12
Thomas Alan Waters Twindow two decks, one is cut and card turned over, both deck are dealt until face up cards, same card on same position in other deck, position is predicted
Inspired by 1984
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Thynk)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Visual Thought Projection card from jumbo deck is selected, same card is found revered in regular deck, stage version for "The Mystery of the Scarab"
Also published here 1984 9
Robert Cassidy, Darryl Harris The New Thought Card using a one-way marked deck, impromptu version (Darryl Harris)
Inspired by 1984 44
Robert Cassidy The Pendulum spectator holds pendulum and performer asks questions, card is divined, then sealed selection is divined using the pendulum by the performer
Also published here 1984 47
Marked Cards combination of marked cards and stack
1985 29
Basil Horwitz, Rich Bloch Soul Search two decks, one card is selected and performer predicted position of same card in second deck, see p. 1774 for credits
Aug. 1985
Magick (Issue 355)
Reinhard Müller Nur gedacht! one of four cards selected and found, jumbo cards
Inspired by
  • "Alas-Poor Yorick" (A. Carter, Magigram 12, Oct. 1980)
  • "King's Row" (Larry Becker, MUM 70, 8, Oct. 1981)
1986 12
Thomas Alan Waters Trumpery variation of Gypsee
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue T.A.R.O.T.)
Thomas Alan Waters Marked Decks for tarot cards
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue T.A.R.O.T.)
Hal Barlow Dental Telepathy two cards are selected while performer is in other room, both cards are divined, code
Apr. 1987
Magick (Issue 388)
V. Robert Allen The H-S-L Opener divination of five selected cards
Dec. 1987
Magick (Issue 399)
Bruce Cervon Readers cards are apparently marked, but all the same
Also published here 1988 223
Edward Marlo Treasure Chest Mentalism two reversed cards in two decks match, stack and marked cards, two methods
1988 164
Edward Marlo Marked Control marked deck, key card
1988 168
Edward Marlo Four Told four card prediction with marked deck
1988 169
Christoph Borer Die Macht der Psychologie
Also published here 1988 3
Christoph Borer Thought Rise thought of card ends up on top of the deck
Also published here 1988 4
Karl Fulves Faxfiction three cards on fax machine, two exchanged, image sent, performer on other end names position of unchanged card
Inspired by 1989 22
Edward Marlo Marked Memory marking with stack numbers instead of card value
Apr. 1990 6
Martin A. Nash Juice-Work "Chater's Code", dashes and dots
1990 159
Steve Dusheck Card Prediction jumbo card with 52-on-1, card marked on it, matches selection
1991 37
The Value of Paper
Also published here
  • How Gamblers Win (Dick & Fitzgerald, 1868)
Swindle Sheet (Issue 9)
Al Koran Miracle Wallet Five Star Prediction, edited reprint of "Ken Brooke's instructions" from 1982
  • Another Handling (sixteen cards distributed on table, one chosen, predicted in wallet)
Oct. 1992
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Larry Becker Power of Suggestion with the power of suggestion the selection becomes invisible for the spectator, then chosen card is divined
Inspired by 1992 205
Larry Becker Test Conditions prediction of chosen card
1992 435
Philip T. Goldstein Aztec reversed card in blue deck travels to red deck
Sep. 1992
Magic Man Examiner (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Steve Beam Marked Phenomena two versions
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1993 90
Dr. Lawrence Weinstein Card Sensor spectator divines unknown card using a pendulum
Related to Jan. 1993
Magick (Issue 483)
Ed Loveland Envelope Fan-Fair divination of written down information in envelopes
Apr. 1993
Magick (Issue 487)
Hal Barlow Choice and Chance prediction of two cards, one selected above and one below table
Sep. 1993
Magick (Issue 494)
Richard Bartram, Jr. Point of Thought spectator thinks of a card and removes this with two others from a deck, performer removes card with arrow from second deck, it points to thought-of card and matches it
VariationsAlso published here
  • Mystification
1993 200
Steve Dusheck Brainstorm spectator choses a card from one deck, it is reversed in other deck
1993 94
Sid Fleischman A Guide to the Gallows marking system in which letters are written on back, Lesley type
1993 73
Sid Fleischman Flash Mnemonics No. 1, order of shuffled deck apparently memorized
1993 76
Sid Fleischman Jimmy Valentine Returns, Blindfolded No. 2, reading cards with fingertips
  • The Blindfold Finish
  • The Card Discovery Finish
1993 78
Sid Fleischman The Princess & The Pea No. 3, reading cards with fingertips, routine with jumbo cards
1993 80
Sid Fleischman You, Too Can Have X-Ray Eyes No. 4, apparently reading a card through a piece of metal
1993 84
Sid Fleischman The Moving Lips spectator thinks of name of his card and performer names it
1993 86
Sid Fleischman The Eyes presentation for revealing a card
1993 86
Sid Fleischman The Vagrant Key marked deck for setting key card next to selection which is not read
1993 87
Harlow Hoyt The Princess' Scarab five cards, one half of deck is scratch marked on back
1994 1228
Karl Fulves Pendax one of five cards selected is divined, marks for long distance reading, three marking methods
1994 87
Bob Farmer Marked Cards general comments
1994 14
Ted Lesley, Philip T. Goldstein The Out of Sorts Variations thought-of card (from eight) found and named with back turned, two variations
Inspired by 1994 52
Ellison Poland Making Paper on marking cards, with system for Bicycle New Fan Back
1994 46
Ellison Poland Marked Matcho No. 2 two decks
Related to 1994 49
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Any Card Any Number two decks
Mar. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 9)
Bruce Bernstein Mentalist's Card Through Table named card penetrates table
Also published here 1994 15
Oscar Weigle Gordon's Divination - Marked Version
1995 87
Edward Marlo Two Memory Bits - Bit One marking a deck with its stack number
Facsimile (Issue 3)
Simon Aronson The Open Index
  • The Open Index
  • Estimate, Glimpse and Cut
    • A. Glimpse First, then Cut
    • B. Cut First, then Glimpse
  • Knowing Where You Are
    • A. Marks
    • B. Key Cards
    • C. One Way Backs (see also p. 237)
  • Determining the Desired Card
    • A. The Target Card is Directly Designated by the Spectator
    • B. The Target Card is Indirectly Designated, and is Not Known to the Spectator
    • C. A Target "Position" is Designated
1995 222
Edward Marlo Mental Reselection spectator thinks of one of five cards, then choses one of them face-down, it's his mental selection
  • First Method (marked)
  • Second Method (five marked cards)
  • Third Method (five stacked cards)
  • Fourth Method (deck with imperfections)
Also published here
  • The New Tops, May 1979
1995 402
Claude Rix Le jeu marqué marking system for memorized deck
1995 37
Claude Rix Le tour impossible avec jeu marqué divination of selection
1995 38
Claude Rix Le tour impossible jeu rouge jeu bleu two spectators select the same card from two decks
1995 40
Claude Rix Le tour impossible avec 4 paquets spectator cuts four packets, cards on bottom of each packet are divined
Related to 1995 41
Claude Rix Le tour impossible avec 4 paquets sans connaitre l'ordre des cartes spectator cuts four packets, cards on bottom of each packet are divined, without memorized deck
1995 43
Claude Rix Le tour indescriptible spectator cuts four packets, cards on bottom of each packet are divined by apparently looking through table, fourth card is divined by spectator who sees card under the table
1995 44
Claude Rix Epelinternationale marking system for spelling cards of memorized deck
1995 47
Claude Rix Les cloches de Nuremberg glass attached to string produces sound and divines position of named number, and is used to divine chosen card, calendar and second deck used for additional phase
1995 71
Claude Rix Le réveil cards are dealt on table, alarm clock starts when named card is dealt
1995 76
Hervé Pigny Le dernier réveil! cards are dealt on table, alarm clock starts when chosen card is dealt, with two decks
1995 81
Claude Rix Pour magiciens et profanes with stooge
1995 112
Alexander de Cova Zum Al Koran Forcierspiel handling tips
1995 11
Derek Parfitt Blind Date
Feb. 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 6)
Karl Fulves Reflex Action reading exercise
1996 15
Harry Riser Marked Cards and Dealer's School chapter intro
1996 138
Harry Riser Harry's Marking System for Bicycle rider backs, blockout work
1996 138
Harry Riser Reading the Cards ploy to study the back
1996 142
Harry Riser Nail Writer Prediction routine for a direct prediction
1996 143
Harry Riser Dealer's School
  • Phase One (red black separation by feel)
  • Phase Two (shuffle control demo)
  • Phase Three (dealing some hands, performer ends up with Aces)
1996 144
Stephen Tucker Markiert same as Sandwich Box, with marked cards as convincer
Also published here 1996
Intermagic (Vol. 20 No. 4 & 5)
Mark Garetz Cold Readers cold reading presentation to name selection
Syzygy (Vol. 3 No. 5)
Bob Farmer Methods For Marxism on marking systems
Oct. 1996
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Bob Farmer The Farmarx System marking system
Related to Oct. 1996
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Bob Farmer The Juice Deck comment
Oct. 1996
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 2)
John Morgan The "Birthday" Book birthday book, shuffled deck one card freely selected
1997 83
Mark Garetz, Al Koran Persistence of Thought with camera flash unit
Inspired by 1997 12
Karl Fulves He Has Followers No. 1, spectator riffle shuffles once and then deals into two piles part of the deck, follow the leader type presentation for color separation, colors marked on backs
1997 2
Karl Fulves Follow Me No. 3, spectator follows dealing pattern of performer, backs marked for color
Related to 1997 7
Martin Joyal Red, White, and Blue with three decks, one deck with number cards
1997 180
Greg Albright Practice Contact routine to practice muscle reading, finding selected card blindfolded
Syzygy (Vol. 3 No. 17)
Bob Farmer Blob-O-Vision
  • Flim-Flam
Bicycle Rider Back marking system that can be read from far away
  • The Missing Flim-Flam Column
  • Hey, Isn't That The Aces OF Spades On The Other Side OF The Street
    • Bob's Blobs
    • By Nary a Blob
    • Suit Blobs
    • Advantages
Mar. 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 7)
Bob Farmer Farmarx Updated marking system
Related to Mar. 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 7)
Eddie Fields, Edward Marlo Another Problem Posed magician predicts two cards cut to by spectator
  • Method 1
  • Method 2
  • Method 3
Also published here 1997 106
Bruce Bernstein Love Connection two chosen cards end up together in the deck, with the Queen of Hearts in between, sign of love, two methods
Also published here 1997 32
Andy Nyman Homicide spectator cuts off a pile, performer names the number of cards, another pile is cut off and bottom card remembered, performer finds it
Also published here 1997 8
Card Marking Systems substances "Pet Eye", "Red Out", "Spot Pen", magnetic markings
1998 167
Marvelous Coincidence two selections from two decks match, double facer deck
Also published here 1998 226
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy The Royal Magic ESP Deck sky back, star marking
1999 1
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy Sight Unseen performer removes thought of ESP card from pocket
1999 3
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy Behind the Back single card divination
1999 4
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy ESP by Elimination single card divination, performer eliminates four
1999 4
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy Casting a Spell spelling to an ESP card
1999 6
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy Square Speller spelling to an ESP card
1999 7
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy Symbolic Age card is selected by using spectator's age, divination
1999 7
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy Transmission Experiment two sets of five cards, one thought of card is divined
1999 8
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy ESP for Two two sets of five ESP cards, put down in two rows, they match
1999 8
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy ESP for Two, Sight Unseen two sets of five cards, matching of all cards, one by one placed on table
1999 9
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy CoinCidence two sets of five cards, coins land on cards with same design
1999 9
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy Psychic Revelation 25 ESP cards, selected is divined
1999 12
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy Revelation a la Mindreading divination of an ESP card
1999 12
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy Revelation via Pulse divination of an ESP card by feeling spectator's pulse
1999 12
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy It's a Draw ESP sign duplication
1999 12
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy From the Ashes divination of an ESP sign, burning the drawing
1999 13
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy Dual Control spectator and performer select ESP card with same symbol
1999 13
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy Australian Spell
1999 13
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy Australian Deal, Mate card with same ESP symbol found unsing down-under deal
1999 14
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy Eliminator spectator deals cards until he remains with one
1999 15
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy Psychic Sign card is found by spelling "Psychic Sign"
1999 15
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy One in Six ESP divination of one card
1999 18
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy Three Faces three people cut a packet of an ESP deck, all cards are divined
1999 19
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy Fantasy five-way match, same ESP symbol
1999 20
Karl Fulves Spread Peek reversed card in middle, also with marked deck
Related to 1999
The Fine Print (Issue 10)
Justin Higham Direct 15-Card Trick applying Pre-determined Estimation to fifteen-card trick
  • Marked Version
  • With 21/24 Cards
Inspired byVariations 1999 77
Justin Higham Mono Do-as-I-Do performer and spectator have each other peek a deck, performer removes his selection, it's the same as spectator's
  • Marked Version
Inspired by
  • "Futzless" (Carmen D'Amico, Sticks & Stones No. 18)
Related toVariations
1999 78
Michael Sibbernsen Match Maker matching two royal flushes, Symbologic
1999 37
Max Maven Sventalism two cards chosen with medium out of the room, medium then divines them, marked Svengali deck
Inspired byRelated to May 1999
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 9)
Chris Wardle Paranormal Piles three equal piles are made and cards moved around according to instructions, piles covered, performer divines number of cards in each pile
2000 5
Tracy Atteberry Tell Me Lies, Tell Me Lies lie detector presentation, divination of one card
Jan. 2001
Pabular (Vol. 9 No. 5)
Kenton Knepper The Card Channel spectator deals cards according to though-of number from one to ten, remembers next one and places dealt cards back on top, number and card are divined
Inspired by
  • Larry White & Larry Becker's "Out of Body"
Jan. 2001
Pabular (Vol. 9 No. 5)
Bob Kohler The Non-Memorized Deck three spectators cuts to cards and remember bottom cards, cue card, deck marked with stack numbers
2001 7
Clayton Rawson Merlini Rides Again
Also published here
  • Genii, Vol. 6 No. 5, Jan. 1942
May 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 5)
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Thought two decks on table, spectator removes thought-of card from other deck
Also published here 2002 58
Jack Avis Bent Out of Shape six pairs on the table, one is turned over and card remembered, packed and selection are divined
2002 105
Wayne Dobson Think As I Think
Inspired byRelated to 2002 11