24 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Transposition / Two Cards / Odd-backed
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Stanley Collins Red and Blue (A "Jumbo" Card Effect)
blue-backed black Aces and red-backed red Aces are removed, the backs transpose, using jumbo cards, temporary double backers
1925 24
Nelson Hahne The Cards With The Color-Changing Backs card named, that card is removed from blue-backed and red-backed deck and placed face-up on the odd-backed deck, the two cards transpose
1930 34
Joe Berg The Changing Faces two cards from two different-colored decks are placed in the other deck, the faces of the two odd-backed cards transpose
1937 3
Joe Berg Color Transformation two cards removed from different-colored decks and placed half-way into other deck, the faces transpose, in second phase backs change place
1937 6
Norman Houghton HiLo a blue-backed King is placed low in red-backed deck, a blue-backed Three high, they transpose within the deck
Apr. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 5)
Dai Vernon Chameleon Pack red-backed and blue-backed cards transpose
1959 14
Harry Lorayne Lorayne's Transposition Breakthrough #2 one card odd-backed
Also published here 1965 50
Milton Kort Off Color Mixup card pocketed, two cards chosen, one found and it has a different back color, pocketed card is then shown to be same selection and odd-backed card is the other selection
1970 21
Karl Fulves Double Express bottom and top card transpose, with odd-backed card
Inspired by 1971 14
Karl Fulves One Way Transpositions notes on unequal or odd-backed transpositions
1971 19
George Sands Single Color Changing Card card with different colored back turns out to be same face, then card transposes with other selection
1971 ca. 15
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Interchango No. 179, two cards with different backs, the backs transpose
1972 44
Rolf Andra 3. Ein 8-Asse-Problem two sets of four Aces with different backs, Aces of chosen suit turn over and change places
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 38 No. 1)
Roger Smith The Signed Transposition name of two cards is written on their backs, the faces transpose
1980 3
Peter Samelson New York Transpo signed card is only odd-backed card, transposes with card signed on back, then they merge into one card
Inspired by 1984 73
Jerry K. Hartman Signatour backs transpose using stickers
  • Gaffed Version
Variations 1991 160
Aldo Colombini W-Hole odd-backed card with hole in center transposes, two center-pieces of two cards transpose
1994 102
Harry Lorayne Transpositions-Durchbruch Nr. 2 one card odd-backed
Also published here 1996
Intermagic (Vol. 20 No. 3)
Paul Curry Sure Thing red backed card and blue backed card, one with a hole in the middle, monte
Related toVariations 2001 65
Karl Fulves Rapid Ink a King labeled with K on back, a Seven with 7, one put in pocket, the faces change place
Related to 2010
Prolix (Issue 7)
Robert Parrish About Face two odd-backed cards, only the faces transpose
Prolix (Issue 9)
Peter Gröning Knock on Wood unknown odd-backed card stapled to block of wood, turns out to be later signed selection, presented as faces transposing, credit information
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here
  • TheSecondDeal website, Feb. 2001
2020 97
Jerry K. Hartman Signatour II backs transpose that are initialed by spectator with index of cards
Inspired byAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Dec. 2007
2022 679
Shannon Clark Clark on Scarne handling of Scarne glass transposition, second phase with one odd-backed card
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Dec. 2007
2022 681