60 entries in Rope / Knot Effects / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Tom Sellers The Jumping Ring knotted ring jumps to another knot
Related to 1939 13
Milbourne Christopher Fadeaway sliding knot from rope, cannot be repeated by spectator
Variations Apr. 1949
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 6 No. 11)
Francis J. Rigney Fadeaway - Again sliding knot from rope, cannot be repeated by spectator
Inspired by May 1949
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 6 No. 12)
Norman Houghton Laundry on the Line two silks knotted on rope, chosen one penetrates knot
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1950)
Dino Mazza The Silk on the Rope handkerchief appears knotted on rope
Oct. 1963
The New Phoenix (Issue 384)
Unique Rope Routine multi-phase rope routine, very similar to Sands Ropesational, "... a skillful combination of moves by several magical notables, among them Edward Victor, Henry Fetsch and Eddy Taytelbaum". rope cut several times using fingers, rope is restored, rope stretches and knots slide and jump from one end to the other
Related to 1968 82
Tying the Ends switching ends and tying knot, extra piece
Related to 1968 83
E. Leslie May En Rapport two ropes, sympathetic knots, knots are tied in one rope and then knots are found in second rope
1968 118
Jack Ketch Jack Ketch's Nonsense Knot bar bet or gag, knot shall appear on rope without letting go of ends, writing knot on rope
1968 27
George G. Kaplan Kaplan's Cut and Restored Rope Knot after rope has been cut, tying the knot in a normal way
Also published here 1968 58
Keith Lingley Lingley's Omega Square Knot after rope has been cut, tying the ends in a square knot
1968 62
Keith Lingley Lingley's Alpha Square Knot ends of rope knotted together before cut and restored routine
1968 63
Charles Harrison Charles Harrison's Perfect False Knot after rope has been cut, tying the knot in a normal way which can be cut again
Also published here
  • in "Hugard's Magic Monthly*
1968 65
Johnny Penrose Steal of the Red Knot center of rope is dyed red, knot formed and removed, silk tube
Also published here
  • Goodliffe's "Abracadabra"
1968 68
Marconick Knotted Twice silk produced in knot of rope, repeated
Also published here 1969 10
Marconick Knotted Twice silk produced in knot of rope, repeated
Also published here 1970 15
Pavel Encore the Silk in the Knot handkerchief disappears and appears knotted on rope over neck
1970 ca. 21
Conrad C. Bush Complete Circle three ropes tied into loops, they then form one big loop, then repeat and the big loop is actually one rope
Related to Aug. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 9 No. 10)
Flip Hallema Flip's Ring in Knot
1975 36
Verne Chesbro, Philip Reed Willmarth Chesbro's Knot it On
1975 41
Philip Reed Willmarth, Verne Chesbro Thru-The-Hole On ring is pulled in open knot
Related to
  • J. G. Thompson, Jr. "Top Secrets of Magic Vol. 2"
1975 47
Dick Jarrow Satin's Knot and Ring Thru ring is pulled in open knot
1975 49
Peter Warlock Android Two On
Related to
  • Peter Warlock's "Warlock's Way"
1975 50
David Berglas Knot Magic on knot effects
1976 23
George Sands Sands Improved Ropesational rope cut several times using fingers, rope is restored, ends change places with middle, rope stretches and knots slide and jump from one end to the other, several knots appear at once
Related toAlso published here 1976 12
Karl Fulves Knot A Knot spectator makes number of knots and lays rope onto shoulder of performer, number of knots divined
Interlocutor (Issue 39)
Karrell Fox Much Ado About Knotting borrowed watch tossed into knot
1979 255
Marconick Double noeud silk produced in knot of rope, repeated
Also published here 1979 1
Dr. Raymond L. Beebe Mexikanische Handschellen rope around spectator's wrist tightens in unusual way
Also published here
  • Genii, Mar. 1980
Jan. 1983
Intermagic (Vol. 9 No. 4)
Marconick Zweimal geknotet silk produced in knot of rope, repeated
Also published here 1983 9
R. C. Buff Hitch A Spectator several knots quickly united behind back
Related to 1984 8
Manfred Cattarius II. Auflösen von Knoten several ways to make a real knot dissolve
1984 15
Manfred Cattarius Tuch auf dem Seil handkerchief appears knotted on rope, one-handed and two-handed method
1984 31
Karl Fulves Rope Notes notes on rope effects, rope knot prediction in fortune cookies (how many spectator would tie)
1986 29
Ronald J. Dayton Ring of Beauty effect by Karl Fulves, rope ring slid on rope, rope pulled, rope ring becomes smaller and then jumps off rope
Related to 1986 43
Karl Fulves Loophole betting game, loop in rope, becomes knot or not
1986 59
R. C. Buff Square Knot to Two Single Knots - Then Back to Square Knot story trick, two knots on rope and ends held together with peg, positions of knots change
1987 2
R. C. Buff The "Reno Knot" quickly open a Square knot or a Reno knot
1987 5
R. C. Buff A Real Square from Delaware! quickly opening a Square knot
1987 6
R. C. Buff Half Hitched Square knot is changed into other knot and back
1987 9
R. C. Buff Chefalo Knot to Loop of Rope
1987 11
R. C. Buff Two Loops Square knot in center of two ropes, ends are knotted and ropes pulled apart to end with two loops
1987 15
R. C. Buff The Rope with Two Centers - No Ends rope is knotted then ends are fused together, snap fasteners
1987 18
Alvin Gentil The Dizzy Rope rope dyed half red and half greed, knot from red part slides down on green part
Related to 1987 1
Karl Fulves Rope Work knot effects, with betting game
  • Overtime Ending
The Chronicles (Issue 34)
Karl Fulves The Overhand Knot chapter intro
1990 4
Karl Fulves The Square Knot chapter intro
1990 34
Karl Fulves Special Effects chapter intro, knot effect
1990 47
Bob King Outline for Bob King Routine: Penrose Knot puzzle knot with several loops, guessing game application with bill
1991 14
Aldo Colombini Sliding Color-Changing Knot
Nov. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 11)
Mitsunobu Matsuyama, Martin Gardner Separating Knots two ropes together are knotted, knots separated, with Single Rope Variation, With Silks
Related to 1995
Arcane (Issue 14)
Doug Edwards Scissors Into Knot Scissors thrown towards knot, gets linked on the knot
1997 127
Dr. Raymond L. Beebe Mexican Handcuffs rope around spectator's wrist tightens in unusual way
Related toAlso published here
  • Genii
2000 73
Aldo Colombini The Chinese Purse chinese coin vanish and appears on rope between two knots
2000 2
Ron Avni Tying the Knot rope knot changes into wedding ring
Feb. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 2)
Richard Sanders Ringworm Knot on rope visually changes into a finger ring, coin purse (where ring was previously) shown to contain the knot
2004 212
Francis Tabary The Floating Knot knot in rope starts to levitate away from the rope
2004 250
George Sands Sand's Ropesational rope cut several times using fingers, rope is restored, ends change places with middle, rope stretches and knots slide and jump from one end to the other, several knots appear at once
Also published here 2014 28
Tony Slydini Slydini Untying Knot
2014 53
A Technique Wherein A Rope is Strung Through Both Sleeves... "...the Ends Are Double Knotted, the Knot is Pulled Around into the Chest, after Which the Two Ends Are Pulled and the Knot is Undone", square knot
  • Dan Sherer (additional comments)
  • Max Maven (additional comments)
Also published here
  • Hōkasen, 1764
May 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 5)