37 entries in Rope / Knot Effects / Traveling & Jumping
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Milbourne Christopher Christopher's Jumping Knot knot jumpes from one position on rope to another
1942 342
Raymond Hafler Travelling Ring ring knotted on rope jumps to two other knots
Related to 1967 44
Ernesto "Ernest" Pracchia Nudo caprichoso knot travels on rope
1967 50
Jumping Knot
Related to 1968 90
Douglas Hood The Climbing Knot knot moves up by itself, during cut and restored routine, thread
Also published here
  • Goodliffe's "Abracadabra"
1968 71
Syd the Sorcerer Knottery rope with three knots placed in a change bag, rope travels to Jap Handkerchief Box and only knots remain in bag
Also published here
  • Goodliffe's "Abracadabra"
1968 75
Peter Wilker Eine Knotenwanderung traveling knot
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 31 No. 1)
Pavel Newspaper Knotting II newspaper cone, rope and knot thrown into it, knot found on rope, repeated with different colored knot
1970 ca. 15
Pavel Zweifarbige Schnüre
  • Effekt 1 (rope that is half white and half red, two knots tied in either section, the knots transpose and transpose back, knots untied)
  • Effekt 2 (two ropes that are half white and half red are tied red on white, suddenly they are tied red on red)
Also published here 1971 8
Harlan Tarbell Sympathetic Ropes two ropes in bowls, knots travel
1972 150
Harlan Tarbell Zip-Over Rope Mystery knotted and unknotted piece of rope change place
1972 153
George Sands Jumping Knot using extra piece
  • Jumping Knot - Set Up
  • Jumping Knot
Related toAlso published here 1976 36
George Sands Jumping Knot - Addition
Also published here 1976 41
George Sands Mountain Climbing Knot
Also published here 1976 41
Nick van Setten Nick van Setten's Knot Production apparently throwing knot on rope
Also published here 1976 42
Pavel 8. Nudos de Cuerda
  • Effekt 1 (rope that is half white and half red, two knots tied in either section, the knots transpose and transpose back, knots untied)
  • Effekt 2 (two ropes that are half white and half red are tied red on white, suddenly they are tied red on red)
Also published here 1977 106
Warren Stephens Warren Stephens' Helicopter Knot knot wobbles down on rope into hand
1981 18
Pavel Hopper Knoten four different colored ropes, knot from rope jumps on others and is opened on last rope
Related to
  • Pavel's Fantastic Knot
1983 2
Dick Koornwinder Naughty Knot knots appear and jump, fake knots, knot at elastic
1984 11
Manfred Cattarius 2. Knotenroutine knot jumps from one end of rope to other
1984 28
Michael Weber The Backwards Rope Trick cut and restored rope, done in reverse, knot is attached onto rope, rope is shown to be in two pieces, then scissors used to restore the rope
Also published here 1985 21
Karl Fulves Ricochet Knot rope knotted into loop, held between hands, knot jumps from lower strand to upper strand and then off
Inspired by 1986 28
Michael Weber Rope and Restored Cut cut and restored rope, done in reverse, knot is attached onto rope, rope is shown to be in two pieces, then scissors used to restore the rope
Also published here 1987 2
Michael Close Patter for Pavel's "Fantastic Knot" presentation
1993 37
Pavel Das Rätsel des gelben Knotens Pavel's Fantastic Knot, different method, magnetic
1995 28
Michael Kaminskas, Daryl Martinez, Pavel Roped two white ropes are suddenly knotted together, the rope slides along the rope and knot changes color, knot is taken off the rope and thrown on it again, when it is opened, its a white rope with a red part
Inspired by
  • Pavel's Fantastic Knot
  • Daryl Martinez' Amazing Acrobatic Knot
1996 97
Francis Tabary The Traveling Knot knot jumps from one end of the rope to the other, with extra piece
2004 52
Francis Tabary Move No. 2 rope is folded, ends travel one by one to other side, one end even has a knot, with extra piece
2004 56
Francis Tabary The Traveling Knot with extra piece
2004 164
Francis Tabary Voyage of a Square Knot and Stealing the Short Rope
2004 184
Alexander de Cova Roping rope routine with jumping knot, traveling knot, linking rope rings
  • Effekt Nr. 1 - Jumpy Knot
  • Effekt Nr. 2 - Cornelius Knot
  • Effekt Nr. 3 - die sich verketteten Seilringe
Also published here 2007 3
Alexander de Cova Robing rope routine with jumping knot, traveling knot, linking rope rings
  • Effekt Nr. 1 - Jumpy Knot
  • Effekt Nr. 2 - Cornelius Knot
  • Effekt Nr. 3 - die sich verketteten Seilringe
Also published here 2010 31
George Sands Jumping Knot using extra piece
  • Jumping Knot - Set Up
  • Jumping Knot
Also published here 2014 47
George Sands Jumping Knot - Addition
Also published here 2014 51
George Sands Mountain Climbing Knot
Also published here 2014 51
Nick van Setten Nick van Setten's Knot Production apparently throwing knot on rope
Also published here 2014 52
Jack Carpenter, Jamie Masterson The J&J Knot Routine
  • Phase One: Rope Through Neck
  • Phase Two: Knot Free Rope
  • Phase Three: Clean Jumping Knot (from one end to other)
  • Phase Four: Knots to Pocket and Back!
2024 26