94 entries in Food / Beer
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Newspaper Cuttings Turned into Pale Ale paper cuttings in glass covered with handkerchief, transforms into beer
Related to 1890 359
Der Käfer im Bierglas fake insect to be dropped into a glass of beer
Apr. 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Prof. Hillers Das wandernde Bierglas glass with beer travels into hat, using fake with painted beer
Oct. 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 10)
Carl Willmann Das Weinglas des Teufels oder "Die magische Färberei" glass filled with beer and emptied, filled again, silk produced from glass in dry condition, silks vanish and flag of same colors produced from glass, glass with tube inside, gaffed tray
Related to Mar. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 3)
Carl Willmann Variation zur "Tuchwanderung" silk pushed into glass with beer, it travels into another glass, glass with tube inside
Related to Oct. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 10)
H. F. C. Suhr Die bezauberten Biergläser beer travels from one beer glass to another, glass with hole drilled in
Nov. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Oswald Rae Mixed Drinks stout, beer and milk are mixed in a glass bowl, with three glasses performer removes a glass of each, Sand of Dessert with liquids
1926 47
Val Evans, Franz Christensen An Invitation to Lunch...with Beer picture cards with images are spelled out with story, always beer image shows up
Inspired by
  • Christensen's "Spell Hound" (Nov. 1936 Genii)
Aug. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 35)
Beer fake beer recipe
1938 874
Martin Gardner Cigarette vs Beer lit cigarette is balanced on bottle and moves up and down within, thread
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1937/38)
Arthur Dowler Beer Cap bar bet with beer cap, turning it over on table
Related to 1939
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1939)
Bruce Elliott Elliott at the Bar deck with selection put on top of beer glass, name of card appears written into beer foam
Related to 1941
The Jinx (Issue 127)
Charles "Think-A-Drink" Hoffmann Beer an Milk Beer peg drawn on paper, spigot pushed through image and beer is poured. Peg is transformed into a cow and milk is poured
1941 33
H.L. Schwaberow New Routine For the Quarter In the Beer Mug dissolving coin, instead of vanish, coin penetrates glass and table and lands in performer's hand
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1942)
Bruce Elliott Grade-A-Vanish milk vanishes from glass, covered with a cardbord cylinder, see p. 8 for further idea with beer
Jan. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 1)
7 kleine Tricks am Tisch
  • bet with matches
  • balancing a pencil
  • balancing three coins
  • balancing a glass on the table
  • coin penetrates filled beer glass and tabletop
  • magnetized cigarette
  • balancing a pencil, different method
Sep. 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 9)
Tom Sellers Note in Beer Bottle
1943 14
Dr. E. T. Ackerman Wild Beer dry ice in beer, gag
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1945)
Hen Fetsch "My Best" Club Laugh beer vanishes from paper cone, multum in parvo, gag ending
1945 301
Laurie Ireland Wine to Beer - A Chemical Trick with milk pitcher
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1946)
George McAthy Colossal Glass of Beer Production with handkerchief
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1946)
Hen Fetsch Rice Silks or Beer milk is poured in bottle changes into rice silks or beer
1946 8
Hen Fetsch My Best Club Laugh beer vanishes in paper cone and glass shrinks, comedy routine, using "Abbott's Comedy Beer Mug"
1946 19
Milbourne Christopher Vanishing Beer gag, then glass vanishes in bag
Nov. 1947 367
George Braund Stout Fella content of two beer bottles change places, then glasses are covered with handkerchiefs and both become the same kind of beer
July 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 155)
Iskari Das unerschöpfliche Fass beer barrel is filled with water, any drink named is produced, then barrel is opened to show flowers and silks
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 9 No. Sondernummer 3)
Martin Gardner Beery salt spilled in beer rises to top, see also p. 758
Oct. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 188)
Milbourne Christopher Silk In the News production of silk from newspaper
  • Variations
  • Long Stockings
  • Torn Newspaper Topper
  • Production Climax
  • Two Silks
  • Flowers and Beer
  • Light Touch
Sep. 1949 579
U. F. Grant Seeing Is Not Believing purse shown, it is unfolded to long purse, beer bottle taken out and put in paper bag, changes into coke bottle there, rubber bottle
May 1949 12
Vern Schoneck Sic Transit selected cards visibly appear in beer glass
June 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 205)
Eddie Joseph A Full Bottle of Beer from Under Coat from spectator's clothing
1950 58
Beer (1)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
how to stop foam rising
Apr. 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 11)
Beer (2)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
salt appears to penetrate through glass and raises up
Apr. 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 11)
Beer (3)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
how to write on beer foam
Apr. 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 11)
Bottle (8)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
controlling flow while pouring beer into glass
June 1951 803
Lewis Ganson Beer is Best beer image on paddle
1952 61
Wally Dean Beerie full glass of beer on a tray covered with handkerchief vanishes
Feb. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 274)
Charles Weller Vanishing Beer using latex bottle, two phases
1954 126
Leonard Austin No Beer sucker trick with three cards, one with a glass, one with a bottle and one with an bottle opener, glass apparently vanishes in handkerchief, version of Stung
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
H. E. Wiedenkeller Gags by H. E. Wiedenkeller
  • Beer Penetration (using a stooge and a Foo Can)
  • Rubber Beer Bottle routine
  • Monkey Bar
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
J. A. Philpot Magic Beer Production with tubes, black art
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
Tommy Windsor The Dribble Beer Can hole in beer can to annoy friends
Jan. 1956
The New Phoenix (Issue 335)
Mel Stover Stover's Variations Geometrical Vanish / transformation of objects, face becomes beer mug or red pencil becomes blue pencil
Inspired by 1956 125
Bert Douglas Blue Ribbon Beer Mystery confetti in tumbler turns into beer, under handkerchief
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1957)
Lane Bateman Old Glory Be! production of silks and a beer can from a can
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1959)
Jack McKenty Drink Up picture cards with images of drinks are spelled out with story, instead of beer water comes up, "drunk" as final gag
Inspired byVariations June 1960
Ibidem (Issue 21)
Charlie Miller Mugs and Hats short assembly with two hats and four paper balls, then two beer mugs and whiskey flask appear
Related to 1961 9
Max Malini Production of a Glass of Beer under hat, guessing game with coin
1962 50
Nate Leipzig Penny Out of a Glass of Beer coin in a glass of beer rises out of it
1963 130
Albert Spackman Merely A Beer Matter coin appears and vanishes between two coasters, bigger coin appears as a kicker
1967 290
Jeffery Atkins The Magic Kettle
  • The Properties
  • The Bar
  • The Kettle
  • Tankards
  • The Glasses
  • The Set-up
  • Double Check
  • The Presentation
  • A Preface to the Effect (Multum in Parvo in Reverse)
  • A Quick Drink!
  • Drinks from the Kettle
  • An Advantage
  • Pace!
  • Beer Here!
  • Ready for the Switch
  • Drinks for All!
  • Something for the Children!
  • Notes and Observations
  • Another "Out"
  • Economy!
  • Some Further Thoughts
  • A Different Presentation!
  • A Gag
1972 8
Vaya Cerveza, Amigo! beer starts foaming, gag
1973 103
Drinking Bar Bet performer bets, that he he drink three beers quicker than the other guy drinks three whiskies
Dec. 1974
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Rowan Brooks Beer and Girl from Barrel
1974 70
Escritura Misteriosa name of card appears in foam of a beer
Related to 1975 42
Eric Mason Moniker handle of a pint beer mug is threaded on a ribbon and under a handkerchief removed magically from it
Related to Oct. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Karrell Fox The "Fulla-Schlitz" Production six beer bottles appear on thin tray under handkerchief
Inspired by
  • P&L Fish Bowl Production
1976 107
Beer Can Routine bottomless beer can for cup and three balls (rolled-up bills) routine
1977 139
Gene Cosnoski Beer Bottle Polka bottle vanishes underneath napkin
Sep. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Jochen Zmeck Die verdrehten Flaschen full glass of beer as climax
1979 15
Ken Brooke A Betcha gag bet about emptying a glass of beer without being in the room
Also published here 1980 44
Ali Routine for the Six Card Repeat after every phase a mug of beer is emptied by performer
1980 47
Tom Mullica Egg Bag Finale glass and bottle of beer appearance
1984 42
Bier two impromptu magic items and gags with beer
Dec. 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 3 & 4)
Peter Wilker, Olaf Spell Immer dieses Bier picture image cards are spelled out with story, always beer image shows up
Inspired by 1986 1
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Ulta-plus! Close-up Mental Act multi-phase routine
  • one of several bottle caps is chosen, matching beer is produced from jacket
  • name of person written on paper is burnt and divined by performer
  • chosen zodiac sign appears on boiled egg, inside the shell
  • chosen tune is heard from box, which is later to be shown empty
Variations Aug. 1987
Magick (Issue 394)
Pat Conway The Coin in Beer Glass coin dropped into full glass, it rises out back into the performer's hand
1987 137
Ken Brooke Eine Bierwette gag bet about emptying a glass of beer without being in the room
Also published here Oct. 1990
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 4 & 5)
Docc Hilford Bud, Schmud divination of beer brand, writing it on foam of beer
1990 27
Patrick Page The Biro Can empty can without top, coin tossed in and rattles, then beer poured out, tube gimmick
Also published here 1990 11
Karrell Fox One Beer - To Go bottle travels from paper bag to paper bag, rubber beer bottle (Norm Nielson)
1991 100
Andy Häussler Bier her! several beer bottles appear on tray
1991 86
Rudolf Braunmüller Aufsitzer & Bierwetten collection of bar bets
  • Verschiedene Wetten
    • Die dreifache Gemeinheit (drinking shot glass under hat without touching)
    • Für Trinkfeste (drinking three beers faster than someone else three shot glasses)
    • Beantwortungs-Wetten
    • Münzenwetten
    • Eine Pokerwette (cards taken openly from face-up deck, yet spectator loses)
    • Die nächste Karte, die ich umdrehe, ist Ihre! (Circus Card trick)
  • Zauberer-Wetten (for magicians)
    • Der Center Tear
    • Der Münzenschnipper
    • Mental-Farbwürfel
    • Der Faro-Mischkünstler
June 1991
Intermagic (Vol. 16 No. 2)
Patrick Page Die Biro-Dose empty can without top, coin tossed in and rattles, then beer poured out, tube gimmick
Also published here Nov. 1991
Intermagic (Vol. 16 No. 3)
Alan Wakeling The Liquid Sands Routine beer, milk and red wine are mixed in a champagne bucket, then glasses are used to take out the liquids separately again
Also published here Dec. 1992
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 4)
A Drink to Order keg of beer is drawn, spigot inserted in drawing, beer comes out
1993 220
Alan Wakeling The Liquid Sand Routine beer, milk and red wine are mixed in a champagne bucket, then glasses are used to take out the liquids separately again
Inspired by
  • William Larsen idea inspired by Jack Gwynne's Sands of Egypt, Genii, Dec. 1941
Also published here
1993 77
George Kirkendall Bottle Capper bottle cap is chosen, matching beer as prediction
Inspired by 1994
Syzygy (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Raimo Patronen Psychic Beer five tubes with numbers, four are eliminated and under remaining one is a beer, envelopes with numbers, spectator selects same number as one with beer
July 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 1)
Bob Farmer Three to One bet about drinking three beers faster than a shot glass
Sep. 1996
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 1)
Robert Waller Psychic Psuds spectator look at a beer and form name of a card, when deck is removed, back of named card matches brand of beer, two methods
Variations 1996 41
Simon Lovell The Supra-Selling of the Lemming Man
  • Selling the Roll Out (four-coin roll-out flourish)
  • Selling the Six-Dice Stack
  • Grandfather's Beer (beer production from dice stacking cup)
1997 16
Simon Lovell The Infamous Submarine Card gag routine in which glass of beer is spilled all over the place as a deck of cards is put inside
1997 236
Karl Fulves St. Patrick's Bubbles bet about bubbles in stout beer floating downwards
Charlatan (Issue 3)
Robert Waller Betcha Can't Eat Just One! a.k.a. Psychic Psuds spectator look at a beer and form name of a card, when deck is removed, back of named card matches brand of beer, more ideas on the plot
Inspired by 2004 42
Elliott Black More Psychic Psuds spectator look at a beer and form name of a card, when deck is removed, back of named card matches brand of beer
Inspired by 2004 43
Bob Ostin Bamboozled water changes to beer
2005 145
Paolo Cavalli Beer-It Twice dated 2004, three bags with bottles, spectator guesses brand of beer and in which bag bottle is, other bags are shown empty
2005 35
Alexander de Cova The Bavarian Beer Game instruction game with glasses and beer
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 2006 11
Mark Elsdon Bottle Capped one of several bottle caps is chosen, matching beer is produced from jacket, free choice of cap and switch
Inspired by 2008 185
Patrick Page Milk? beer comes from milk bottle
2011 295
Vanni Bossi Card in the Head card found folded floating on head of someone's beer
2016 31
Alexander de Cova Bierkrug Produktion filled beer glass from paper bag
Variations 2016 13
Francis Carlyle The Golden Coin coin dropped in beer changes to gold coin, bar stunt
2018 49