94 entries in Cellophane
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
To Tear Cellophane you can tear cellophane and the spectator can't
1938 834
John Scarne Strong Man ripping the cellophane paper of a cigar, spectator can't do it
Nov. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 23)
Smoke Rings hole in cellophane of cigarette packet to form smoke rings
1949 27
Cellophane (1)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
practical joke, crumbled cellophane resembles ice
Aug. 1951 829
Cellophane (2)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
tearing cellophane, spectator is unable to do it
Aug. 1951 829
Cigar (11)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
cellophane of cigar rises
Sep. 1951 840
Cigar (13)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
cellophanes of cigars are placed in fist and change to long cellophane
Sep. 1951 840
Jerry Andrus A Transparent Miracle card wrapped in transparent wax paper changes, lapping
Related to 1956 124
Stewart James Silversion signed coin to sealed bottle under handkerchief, sealed with cellophane on top
1957 1
John Benzais Follow Up to Transit Dime dime on card case or cigarette pack penetrates cellophane wrapper from inside
Also published here Aug. 1966
The New Jinx (Vol. 5 No. 52)
John Benzais Transit Dime dime on card case or cigarette pack penetrates cellophane wrapper from outside
1967 36
John Benzais Follow-Up for Transit dime on card case or cigarette pack penetrates cellophane wrapper from inside
Also published here 1967 38
Cellophane Hold-Out card placed behind cellophane
1975 226
Bruce Cervon Card Case Switch gaffed card/transformation happens isolated in card box, card under cellophane
1976 6
Karl Fulves Jigsaw JD in quarters placed between two card cases changes into 8S, JD restored under cellophane
Related to 1978 71
Michael Skinner Coin Entrapped copper and silver coin placed on card case, named one penetrates cellophane and is underneath
Related toVariations 1978 1065
David Stahl The General Travelers three cards selected, one is signed, card changes into all three selections one by one, selections vanish and end up in cellophane of card case, under mat and in pocket, duplicates
1978 8
Richard Kaufman Loading Card behind Cellophane as deck is inserted in case
1979 129
Karl Fulves Ace Under Glass named ace penetrates case into cellophane which is pulled halfway down
Inspired by 1979 74
Allen Okawa Cellophane Surprise torn and restored cellophane at cigarette case, healing process is felt
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1979 134
Tan Hock Chuan Bottomless Glass Finesse cellophane bottom
1980 103
Jeff White Cellophane Swindle copper silver transpo, one coin in cellophane coin holder under mat or in pocket
1980 22
Steve Beam Mental Case spectator divines card, duplicate under cellophane of case
Inspired by 1981 9
Steve Beam Cases chapter intro on cardboard-cellophane coin holders for coin collectors
1982 14
Steve Beam, Woody Landers, Harvey Rosenthal The Basic Unload Move using cardboard-cellophane coin holders for coin collectors, see The Trapdoor No. 7, p. 104 for credit information
1982 15
Steve Beam Two Coin Unload using cardboard-cellophane coin holders for coin collectors
1982 16
Steve Beam Turnover Switch using cardboard-cellophane coin holders for coin collectors
1982 17
Steve Beam Crystal Clear Penetration using cardboard-cellophane coin holders for coin collectors
1982 17
Steve Beam Crystal Coin Case using cardboard-cellophane coin holders for coin collectors, marked coin stapled inside and wrapped in handkerchief, coin penetrates both
1982 18
Steve Beam Table Slide subtlety using cardboard-cellophane coin holders for coin collectors
1982 19
Steve Beam Just in Case using cardboard-cellophane coin holders for coin collectors, coin stapled inside changes to copper
1982 19
Woody Landers The Original using cardboard-cellophane coin holders for coin collectors, coin stapled inside changes to copper
1982 20
David Britland Xmas Time Trip climax for time machine trick, deck ends up sealed in cellophane
Dec. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 20)
Frederick Braue Bazooka Card Trick writing appears on card that can be seen in red cellophane envelope (1943)
1985 13
Terri Rogers Cigology opened cellophane on cigarette box is wrapped on box again, stunt
May 1987
The New Talon (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Addition from Case from under cellophane, "old idea"
1988 150
José Carroll The Card Wrapped in Cellophane Paper No. B)
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1988 39
David Williamson Cello-Feign coin repeatedly penetrates card case cellophane
1989 45
Ken Krenzel Case-Tration three face routine, card ends up under cellophane, card through card case and then penetrates it again, duplicate
Inspired by 1991 648
David Harkey Simply Divine divining rod symbol drawn on card case cellophane transfers to card, then from card to card down until it is on back of selection
1991 48
David Harkey Power Emanations divining rod symbol drawn on card case cellophane transfers to card, then from card to card down until it is on back of selection, variation of previous trick with more writing on the cellophane
1991 54
Karl Fulves The Office cellophane as shiner, Bridge cheating
Cheat Sheet (Issue 9)
Tomo Maeda New Era Moving Pips wrong prediction (card behind cellophane on card case) changes into right one by pip-moving
1992 34
Muneo Yokoi Some Time Coin through cellophane of card case
1993 20
Alexander de Cova Coin into Cellophane cellophane of card case halfway down, pinch vanish
Mar. 1993
Opus (Vol. 4 No. 9)
Joel Givens Super Duper instant camera, blank card gets face of chosen card inside case, both are signed
VariationsAlso published here June 1994
The Minotaur (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Doug Conn Conn's Opening featuring addition from card case's cellophane with slit
Inspired by 1994 10
John Riggs Peek Case gaffed case in cellophane
Related to
  • Marc Spelmann's "Glimpse", 2004
1995 36
Thomas Fraps Uncle Scrooge's Coin coin pentretrates the cellophane of a pack of cigarettes twice
VariationsAlso published here 1995 11
Allen Okawa Cellophane Surprise torn and restored cellophane at cigarette case, healing process is felt
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2 (Issue Close-up Entertainer)
Paul Harris, Eric Mead Membrane with a Pack of Smokes initials from paper are transfered to cellophane around cigarette pack
1996 45
Card behind Cellophane
1996 28
James Swain Card to Case Load card loaded underneath cellophane
Related to 1996 189
Karl Fulves Unlimited Access three cards placed on card case, one vanishes and is found under cellophane under case or in case
1997 110
Thomas Fraps Scrooge McDuck coin pentretrates the cellophane of a pack of cigarettes twice
Also published here 1998 30
Thomas Fraps Miller Change Variation inside cellophane of case
Inspired byAlso published here 1998 50
Doug Conn Conn's Opener adding cards to packet from underneath cellophane, see also p. 165 and p. 173 for applications
1999 153
Card Case Holdout under cellophane
1999 46
Thomas Fraps Miller Change Variation inside cellophane of case
Also published here 2000 5
Paul Harris Impromptu Chameleon Case card under cellophane
Also published here Sep. 2001
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 1)
Daniel Garcia Addict Resealable cigarette pack cellophane
2002 5
James Swain Royal Departure
  • The Card Expert
from Quartet between palms to case, card under cellophane
  • Version One
  • Version Two (four cases)
Inspired by Apr. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 4)
Jason Steffen The Living Hieroglyphics weird scribblings on case and cellophane become readable prediction when aligned correctly
June 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 6)
Nathan Kranzo Rewrapped cellophane removed from card case, it is vanished and reappears on box
Also published here Nov. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 3)
Carl Mercurio The Cellophane Surprise torn-off corner of selected card appears inside cellophane that has been halfway pulled off a cigarette case
Inspired by 2003 12
Jay Sankey Electric Candy part of cellophane wrapper torn off and restored
2004 49
Jason Latimer Trick Photography deck is used as an instant camera card, wrong card turns into selected card in cellophane
Related to Mar. 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 3)
Robert Cassidy The Erisian Force spectator cuts packet, amount of remaining cards is forced, cellophane
2004 69
Wonder Man Fred Trans-Parenthesis prediction on cellophane of card case changes into prediction of second card, signed by spectator
2004 249
Syd Segal Fake Card in Box Insertion really behind cellophane
2005 17
Barrie Richardson Double-Sided Peek Box slide covers under cellophane on both sides
Also published here
  • Club 71, Autumn 2002
2005 54
Allan Slaight A New Milk Pitcher Idea openly adding cellophane sheet to newspaper to motivate that it doesn't seep through
Also published here Aug. 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 8)
Doug Edwards Soft Cellophane removing cellophane of new deck with one hand
2006 158
Joel Givens Cellophane instant camera, blank card signed on back gets face of chosen card inside case
Inspired by 2007 xxxvi
Dave Forrest Invisible Opener chosen card is predicted (reversed, on top, under cellophane...), outs for Two through Nine of Hearts, verbal range force
2007 15
Joan Font Resealed resealing card case with cellophane, bill and lighter method
2008 99
Allan Slaight A New Milk Pitcher Idea openly adding cellophane sheet to newspaper to motivate that it doesn't seep through
Also published here 2008 26
Cellophane Holdout
2009 16
Helder Guimarães Three Cards and a Box (or "We all have a magician inside us!")
three selections, under box, under cellophane, folded in box
2011 49
Karl Fulves Moving Coin coin under cellophane of cigarette pack, it rises by shaking
Related to
  • old MUM issue
Prolix (Issue 9)
Michael Weber Twin Peeks shiny cut card as shiner, or matte card under cellophane
(Real Secrets Bonus sheet)
Feb. 2015
Real Secrets (Vol. 3 No. 35)
Ryan Plunkett Patet Pondus
  • 1. Charpentier's Dream: Deck placed in box with cellophane window. Cased deck felt to gradually lose weight, before shown to be empty
  • 2. Invisible Deck Monte: Three deck monte with card cases, cases start out empty, but then one of the boxes felt to suddenly grow heavy - deck produced from it
2016 11
Ryan Schlutz Box Switch card slid into case, later dumped out, using cellophane
Related toAlso published here 2018 26
Case as Holdeout under cellophane
2018 37
José Carroll The Card Wrapped in Cellophane No. B)
Also published here 2019 88
James Swain The 439 Trick named Ace vanishes from Ace packet and appears in case, four cases, under cellophane
May 2020
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. 1 Part 1 (Spring #2))
Ryan Schlutz Box Switch card slid into case, later dumped out, using cellophane
Also published here 2020 98
Andi Gladwin Case Switch cased card is switched, using cellophane
2022 43
Paul Harris Impromptu Chameleon Case card under cellophane
Also published here 2022 2
Nathan Kranzo Rewrapped cellophane removed from card case, it is vanished and reappears on box
Also published here 2022 137
Case Cellophane Hold-Out card under cellophane of flap side, later apparently pulled out of box
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Aug. 2004
2022 326
Joel Givens Cellophane blank card signed on back is cased, another selection is put under cellophane, blank card becomes duplicate of selection
Also published here
  • MAGIC, July 2007
2022 639
Thomas Fraps Miller Change Variation inside cellophane of case
Also published here 2022 12
Stephen Buehler The Disappearing Card card with performer's name on back placed under cellophane of card box, card chosen and put reversed in deck, is becomes blank ("vanishes"), and card under cellophane turns out to be selection
2023 12