122 entries in Thimble / Vanish
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Der bezauberte Fingerhut 1. thimble travels from hand to hand, false transfer with finger switch
2. false transfer
Sep. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 3)
The Patriotic Thimble thimble vanishes under small paper cover
1903 506
Van Lamèche The Vanishing Thimbles
1903 513
Lee Stewart Fingerhut-Kunststücke thimble sequences
I. vanish
II. swallowing
III. vanish as thimble is handed to spectator
IV. vanish
V. vanish from thumb
VI. showing both hands empty
VII. handling multiple thimbles, body holder
Dec. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 12)
Laurie Ireland Four Thimble Vanish and Reproduction
1931 4
Louis F. Christianer A Thimble Pass "by Christianer"
1933 3
William Larsen Thimble pass
1933 7
Tom Sellers A Thimble Sleight
1935 15
Laurie Ireland Just a Little Different Thimble Pass move
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1936)
Jean Hugard To Vanish a Thimble Thumb palm vanish
Inspired by 1936 5
Jean Hugard Hook Vanish No. I
1936 11
Jean Hugard Hook Vanish No. II
1936 12
Jean Hugard 5 - A Thumb Steal
1936 23
Edward Victor 6 - A "Victor"ious Vanish
1936 23
Jean Hugard 7 - A "Sucker" Vanish
1936 24
Brian MacCarthy 9 - Taps Vanish thimble with a tap on the fingers (first published in "Slow Sleights", The Magic Wand)
1936 25
Jean Hugard Production and Vanish of Four Thimbles Simultaneously Describes how to palm four thimbles, and use it to produce and vanish four thimbles
1936 39
John Goodrum The Super Thimble Vanish thread
1937 54
Edward Victor The "Little Finger" Sleight
1937 65
Edward Victor A "Slow Motion" Disappearance
1937 66
A Novel Thimble Vanish
1938 833
Thimble Vanish
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1938)
Thimbles - Sleeving about using sleeving in a thimble routine
1939 109
Lewis Davenport Ein tatsächliches Fingerhutverschwinden vanish of thimble, sleeving
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Edward Victor The "Pop" Thimble Vanish
Related to 1940 ca. 120
Jean Hugard Thimble Technique several thimble vanishes, where thimble does not start on finger
Nov. 1943 21
5 - Slow Thimble Vanish in Hand
1945 80
8 - Pull-Away Thimble Vanish
1945 82
10 - Throw-Away Vanish one-handed
1945 82
13 - Thumb Down Vanish
1945 84
15 - Head Vanish placing thimble apparently in head
1945 88
16 - Mouth Vanish
1945 89
Some interesting Thimble Vanishes Thumb Tip Vanish
Phantom Thimble Vanish (using half thimble gaff)
Another Phantom Thimble Vanish
Small Paper Bag Vanish
1945 99
Warren Wiersbe Tantalizing Thimbles longer impromptu thimble routine, with three different colored thimbles, nested
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1945)
Senor Charles Mardo A Thimble Routine vanishes/productions, penetrations through fist, vanish in pants fold, produce thimbles on all fingers, thimble becomes long ribbon
1945 21
Senor Charles Mardo A Thimble Acquitment
1945 24
J. B. Bobo The Exploding Thimble vanish with sound effect
1947 119
Frederick Braue Thimble Move
Dec. 1947 377
Francis J. Rigney The Thimble Vanish using thumb tip
  • The Vanish
  • The Recovery
Variations May 1948
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 5 No. 12)
Milton Borger Thimble Telepathy five different colored thimbles, chosen one is divined and others vanish
Also published here June 1948 429
Robert Novak Thimble Vanish using thumb tip
Inspired by Aug. 1948 453
Chester Dobski Thimble Magic
  • Simple Vanish
June 1950 675
Chester Dobski Thimble Magic
  • Thimble Vanish
Nov. 1950 726
Thimble Vanish
1952 28
Frederica Close-Up Thimble Routine
  • Part 1 - The Production
  • Part 2 - The Vanish (with silk)
Related to 1956 36
Al Leech Basic Sleights with thimbles
  • The Thumb Palm
  • Thumb Palm Vanish
  • Thumb Palm Color Change
  • The Finger Switch
  • The Finger Palm
  • The Palm
  • The Multiple Palm
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
Al Leech Thumble
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
Al Leech Complete Multiple Vanish
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
Al Leech Multiple Vanish from a Silk
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
Al Leech Come and Go multiple thimble vanish with a silk
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
Thimble Vanish on first finger
1963 34
Bob Ostin Thimble Vanish
1967 180
Thimble Pass No. 450, using something unnamed for tapping, unclear
1972 127
"The Hook Vanish or Under The Nose Vanish"
1976 71
Basic Thimble Vanish
1976 160
See-Through Vanish
1976 162
Push Vanish
1976 164
Thumb Vanish
1976 165
Bob Ostin Thimble Vanish
1976 ca. 7
Jim Ryan Thimble Fun! thimbles are produced and placed in hat, then thimbles vanish from hat, snapping the hat
1977 4
Fred Robinson Thimble-O complete vanish
May 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 9)
Ross Bertram Toss-Vanish of a Thimble
1978 159
Ross Bertram Another Thimble Vanish The "Four Count"
1978 160
Stephen Tucker The Thimble-Thumble Vanish vanish of two thimbles, one after the other
1978 10
Lewis Ganson A Complete Vanish
1979 6
Milton Borger Fingerhut-Telepathie five thimbles of different colors, spectator writes down one color, all thimbles placed in fist and spectator puts finger in fist, all except chosen color vanish
Also published here Apr. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 1)
Al Leech Thimble Theme thimbles vanish and appear
1980 90
Basic Sleights thumb palm, thumb palm vanish, thumb palm color change, finger switch, finger's palm, palm & multiple palm
1980 95
1980 101
Al Leech Complete Multiple Vanish with silk
1980 118
Al Leech Multiple Vanish From A Silk with silk
1980 119
Bob Ostin The Perfect Vanish sleeving technique for thimble
Also published here 1981
Babel (Issue 2)
Stephen Tucker The Thimble Thumble Vanish two thimbles
Also published here
  • in "Close-Up Sorcery"
Babel (Issue 2)
John Ramsay Basic Vanish
1982 45
Hen Fetsch Der verschwundene Fingerhut one of two thimbles vanishes under silk, nesting thimble shells
Oct. 1982
Intermagic (Vol. 9 No. 3)
Piet Forton Das Verschwinden lassen eines kleinen Gegenstandes three methods to vanish, a sugar cube, a coin and a thimble, brief
1983 12
Karrell Fox The "Popper" Thimble Vanish popping sound
1986 21
Karrell Fox Triple Thimble Vanish routine
1986 23
Gary Ouellet The Impossible Thimble Vanish
1990 325
Gary Ouellet The New Wave Thimble Vanish
1990 328
T. Page Wright Move Number One thimble pushed in hand vanishes, then reappears
1991 51
T. Page Wright Move Number Two vanish and reproduction
1991 52
T. Page Wright Move Number Three
1991 54
T. Page Wright Move Number Four vanish with double change over
1991 54
Thimble Vanish
June 1993
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 1)
Joe Mogar The Macho Vanish four thimbles vanish one by one
Also published here 1995 1065
Joe Mogar The Belcher four thimbles put in hand vanish at once
Also published here 1995 1107
Joe Mogar Sucker Punch four thimbles vanish in hand
Also published here 1996 1215
Joe Mogar Sucker Punch four thimbles vanish in hand
Also published here 1996 19
Joe Mogar The Macho Vanish four thimbles vanish one by one
Also published here 1996 19
The Basic Vanish & Reproduction
  • Variation #1
  • Variation #2
  • The Reproduction
1997 30
Joe Mogar The Volley
1997 79
Joe Mogar The Macho Vanish four thimbles vanish one by one
Also published here 1997 80
Joe Mogar The Belcher four thimbles put in hand vanish at once
Also published here 1997 82
Joe Mogar Declining Balance four thimbles vanish
1997 84
Joe Mogar Double Declining Balance four thimbles vanish
1997 85
Joe Mogar You Can Call Me "Al" four thimbles vanish
Inspired by
  • "Master Move" (Al Koran, Mastered Amazement, 1947)
1997 86
Joe Mogar Proctologist Vanish four thimbles vanish in silk
1997 87
Joe Mogar Meat & Potatoes Vanish thimbles vanish under silk
Related to 1997 89
Joe Mogar A Fistful of Nothing thimbles vanish in silk
1997 90
Joe Mogar Stack & Steal thimbles vanish in silk
1997 91
Joe Mogar Tuck, Tuck, and Away thimbles vanish in silk, reproduced on other hand
1997 92
Joe Mogar Tuckered Out stack of thimbles vanishes
1997 93
Joe Mogar Tubular Steal stack of thimbles vanishes
1997 94
Joe Mogar The Death Vanish four thimbles put in fist vanish
1997 95
Joe Mogar The Testosterone Vanish
Related to 1997 97
Joe Mogar Sucker Punch four thimbles vanish in hand
Also published here 1997 101
Joe Mogar One-Way Vanish four thimbles vanish one by one
1997 103
Joe Mogar Powdered Thimbles thimble vanishes into confetti
1997 131
Joe Mogar Half a Trick clean production and vanish, half-thimble gaff
Related to
  • Willane's "Methods for Miracles No. 13 - Edward Victor's Thimble Manipulation"
1997 143
Ed Burchell, Geoffrey Buckingham, Joe Mogar The Vanish back palm
1997 161
Joe Mogar Sound FX plop sound with vanish
1997 175
Edward Victor Popping Off plop sound for vanish
Related to 1997 183
Joe Mogar Sleeving Thimbles - A Primer
  • Sleeving From The First Finger
  • Sleeving From The Second Finger
  • Multiple Vanish from the Second Finger
  • Producing from the Sleeve
1997 188
Joe Mogar The Black Hole Vanish complete vanish of four thimbles with silk, sleeving
1997 189
Joe Mogar Sew Sew Thimble Vanish one by one, four thimbles vanish from fingertips of the right hand
1998 1461
John Carney Thimble Stack Vanish false transfer
2002 360
Daniel Cros Thimble Vanish with paper ring
2003 12
Bob Ostin The Perfect Vanish sleeving technique for thimble
Also published here 2005 131
Daniel Cros Thimble Vanish with paper ring
2006 26
Fred Robinson The Trick That Cannot Be Explained aka "Thimble-O"
2009 284
Peter W. Tappan Two Thimble Vanishes
  • The Speed Vanish
  • Slow Motion Vanish
2012 265