240 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Signature Effects
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Three of Spades writing appears on face of selection
1942 14
Malcolm Davison Finding the Lady is Easy three signed blank cards, two are found by performer and third one turns out to be the blank card held by spectator since the beginning
1960 76
Roy Walton Transposition of a Signature Variation different colored back
Also published here 1969 60
Roy Walton Card Case mystery card in case, four Queens are found and mystery card turns out to be selection
  • Alternative Presentation (odd-backed)
Inspired byAlso published here Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
Karl Fulves Trans-Script two signatures change position on odd-backed cards, with odd-backed duplicates, faro, see also Addenda on page 60
Related to 1970
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue First Supplement)
Roy Walton They Match initials on different card come together on one card
Inspired by July 1970
Epilogue (Issue 9)
Edward Marlo Signature Transposition cards signed on face (!), signatures transpose
  • First Method
  • Second Method
  • Third Method
Related toVariations Spring 1970 113
Bruce Cervon Outer Limits! one of five unseen cards is signed on the back by performer, cards are turned over and spectator selects same card
Magick (Issue 23)
Roger Smith Card-O-Matic Writing one spectator signs back of a card and one face of another card, signatures end up on same card
Jan. 1971
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Frank Garcia Wild Cards performer's signature multiplies
Also published here 1972 25
Peter Kane Signature Transposition two cards signed on back by two people, signatures transpose
Related toVariations 1972 5
Dr. Jacob Daley Quick Bet spectator initials back of high card, performer of low card, signatures transpose
May 1972 520
Francis J. Baker Alpha Card Act
  • First Trick (spectator choses card from one deck, performer from another, they match)
  • Second Trick (spectator initials card on back, performer the Three of Hearts on face, but later the Nine of Hearts is initialed on face and on back)
  • Third Trick (two cards reversed in two decks match)
June 1973 629
Tony Bartolotta Half Transpo queen side of normal card transposes with blank side of double blank card
Sep. 1973
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 8 No. 11)
Frank Garcia Wild Cards performer's signature multiplies
Also published here 1973 6
Edward Marlo Signo-Transpo front and back signed card jumps from packet to packet, rough-smooth
Variations 1974 55
Edward Marlo No Future Plus two selections with different back are placed underneath a magazine, the become one card
1974 200
Edward Marlo Impromptu Signature Transpo two cards signed on the back, signatures transpose
Related toVariations 1974 248
Emil Loew, Karl Fulves Other Applications of the "Educated Envelope"
Related to July 1974 754
Roger Smith Signature Prediction free selection ends up with signature of performer, using the Faro Flip Out Index Card Steal
Necromancer (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Peter Kane, Edward Marlo The Sentimental Swiss Signature Switch two cards signed on stickers on face by spectators, signatures transpose
Inspired by 1975 24
Edward Marlo, Jon Racherbaumer Back & Forth two cards signed on the back on stickers, signatures transpose
Inspired by 1976
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 8)
Karl Fulves (4) Ships That Pass spectator mails a card to you and you on the same day a card to him, when envelopes are opened, the cards have transposed
  • Variation A: cards are the same card
  • Variation B: full decks are mailed with one reversed card
  • Variation C: spectator mails a card to himself and it changes to another or has now performers signature
posed as problems
Interlocutor (Issue 13)
Edward Marlo, Jon Racherbaumer Signo-Transpo front and back signed card jumps from packet to packet, rough-smooth
Inspired by 1976 29
Karl Fulves Celestial Navigation red-backed and boxed card is selected from blue deck
Related to 1977 237
Jim Hooper Your Autograph, Please sentence appears on blank card
July 1977
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Karl Fulves The Drop Point card selected from blue-backed deck, red-backed duplicate in other deck found, it then has signature, sleeving
Related to 1977 6
Karl Fulves Celestial Navigation odd-backed prediction card is signed on back and put in wallet, selection from another deck turns out to be same card
Related to 1978 4
Russ Burns Signature Transpo card signed on both sides, one signature travels to another card
1979 101
Karl Fulves Redexpress signed card changes back color, backs transpose
1979 8
Karl Fulves The Trip Back signature travels onto another card
1979 12
Roy Walton Transpositionsvariante different colored back
Also published here Dec. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 3 & 4)
Ron Hicks Signed Sandwich Sort of Aces signed on the backs, sandwich with two selections, signatures end up on selections
  • Additional Notes
1979 12
Jim Lee The Flying Signature from one back to another
Variations Mar. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Karl Fulves Color Quik 2&2, reds and blacks mixed in fan condition, when fan is turned over colors have unmixed, visual, multiple phases, selected card appears as finale and signature on it changes into mirror writing
1980 9
Paul Harris Sliding Ink initials are transferred from card to card
VariationsAlso published here 1980 79
Ben Harris Dimensional Relativity signed cards turns inside-out so that it has blistered rough surfaces on the outside and when peeled apart the signed surfaces show up again, deck also changes color for some reason
VariationsAlso published here 1981 3
Roy Walton Transposition of a signature variation different colored back
Also published here 1981 52
Derek Dingle Post It! signature on Post It! Note travels from card to card
Related toVariations 1982 164
J. C. Doty Flying Signature Explored
Inspired by Apr. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Jerry K. Hartman The Flying Signature Variation from one back to another
Inspired by Oct. 1982 15
Christian Scherer, Pino Pan Die wandernde Unterschrift signature on back of an ace travels on back of a signed selection
1982 78
Christian Scherer The Invisible Signature signature on face of card disappears and reappears
Jan. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 1)
Jay Sankey Forgery an X is transfered from card to card...
Jan./Feb. 1983
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 1 No. 5 & 6)
Sam Leo Horowitz, June Horowitz, Trevor Lewis Double Trouble weird effect
1983 240
Paul Harris Hi There Baby Cakes performer's name and phone number are written on two cards, one writing travels onto other card (on same side)
Also published here 1983 22
Michael Powers A Thought getting the spectator to sign on a different card than he thinks, low spot card, using Power Case
1983 85
Jay Sankey Celluloid Sell color change in case with hole, also signed, using Power Case
1983 87
Jon Racherbaumer Autograph Round two backs signed, both signatures travel on same back
Summer 1984
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. Summer Extra)
Earl Nelson The Flying Signature odd-backed card turns out to be same as signed selection, then signature appears on it
Related to Winter 1984
West Coast Quarterly (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Frank Simon The Flying Signature, No Palm Method odd-backed card turns out to be same as signed selection, then signature appears on it
Related to Winter 1984
West Coast Quarterly (Vol. 1 No. 1)
William P. Miesel Signa-Flite odd-backed card turns out to be same as signed selection, then signature appears on it, simplified variation
Inspired by Summer 1984
West Coast Quarterly (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Paul Harris Fan Dance spectator's initials on small piece of cardboard, it moves up and down a fan and vanishes, initials appear on selection
1984 50
William P. Miesel Twice under the Shot card under shot glass changes into signed selection, card is put back under glass then a second card is selected and signed on the back, signatures turn out to be on same card
Inspired by 1984 40
Karl Fulves Jumpback No. 49, card signed in red-backed deck and returned, then blue-backed card is chosen from second deck and it has the signature
Related to 1984 65
Peter Samelson New York Transpo signed card is only odd-backed card, transposes with card signed on back, then they merge into one card
Inspired by 1984 73
Jay Sankey Bit By Bit half the signature comes to top, then full signature, visual
1985 58
Ben Harris Signed Blendex odd-backed card finds signed selection, then becomes signed selection
1985 484
Danny Korem Signa-Wild Reset Reset in which one four-of-a-kind is signed on back by performer, then signatures transpose on other quartet
1985 156
Jay Sankey Forgery an X is transfered from card to card
1986 20
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders The Red Prediction signature travels onto odd-backed prediction
1986 31
Jay Sankey Clue detective story in which kings change to 2s, a back-marked card becomes signed king
1986 36
Eric Mead Signed Stunner spectator signs card on face, performer different one on back, both signatures on one card at the end
Variations Nov. 1986
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Karl Fulves Signature Transpo Credit Information odd-backed, only credit information
Related to 1987 53
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Mr. Stickman stickman drawn on paper, it vanishes from there and appears on back of selection
Inspired byVariations 1987 57
Thomas Hierling Jumping Signature card signed on face between two Aces, card signed on back between other two Aces, one vanishes and other card is signed on both sides
1987 96
Edward Marlo Signature Transfer nine methods, ungaffed, stranger, duplicate, double backer, partial roughed menetekel (method 8)
1988 189
Wayne Dobson The Jumping Signature spectator signs card on face, performer another card on back, signature jumps on back of spectator's card
Related toAlso published here Apr. 1988
Opus (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Roy Walton Magic Sign spectator signs card on face, performer another card on back, signature jumps on back of spectator's card
Related to May 1988
Opus (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Jerry Sadowitz Thanks to Hofzinser signature on back multiplies, appears on card pocketed in beginning
1989 37
David Williamson Signature Removal signature peeled off card, letralin
1989 79
Gary Kurtz Hypothetical Possibilities ambitious card, signature vanishes and reappears, wallet
Variations 1990 11
Gary Ouellet The Olympic Challenge signature transposition, two decks
Also published here 1990 176
Ben Harris Dimensional Relativity reprint of effect, card reversed on both sides is placed reversed in deck, rest of deck changes back color, then selection turns "inside out" and becomes kind of a double blank card with both signed sides inside
Also published here 1990 76
Michael Powers The Trap Door Card card with business information and trapdoor printed on it used for card-through-table, blank side of trapdoor card becomes signed selection
1990 115
Shigeo Takagi The Wild Blanks five blank cards, one is signed by performer and signature transfers to other cards
Inspired byVariations 1990 24
Karl Fulves One and Only red-backed card signed on back and put in wallet, blue-backed card chosen and signed, red card is removed and has now both signatures, using Z-fold Short Change Wallet
Related to 1990
Cheat Sheet (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves Light Fingered red and blue backed cards transpose, signature travels to another card, using Z-fold Short Change Wallet
Related to 1990 1
John Bannon Tattoo You spectator's initials are transferred from red to blue card, red/blue double backer
Variations 1991 38
Sveroni Romeo und Julia card is torn and performer and spectator sign their name on each half, then the performer's name jump to the other card and back
1991 32
Wayne Dobson The Jumping Signature spectator signs card on face, performer another card on back, signature jumps on back of spectator's card
Also published here 1991
Opus (Vol. 3 No. Opus Selection)
David Harkey Simply Divine divining rod symbol drawn on card case cellophane transfers to card, then from card to card down until it is on back of selection
1991 48
David Harkey Power Emanations divining rod symbol drawn on card case cellophane transfers to card, then from card to card down until it is on back of selection, variation of previous trick with more writing on the cellophane
1991 54
David Harkey IOU spectator's signature travels from one paper card to another with IOU note
1991 182
Peter Duffie Changing Sides two cards signed on back, they transpose
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1991 7
Alexander de Cova Hangman Plus stick figure on cardboard vanishes and appears on back of signed selection
Inspired byAlso published here 1992 108
Gary Kurtz Hypothetical Possibilities ambitious card, signature vanishes and reappears, wallet, revised handling
Inspired byAlso published here 1992 7
David Acer Forget Me Not performer's signature appears on back of signed playing card, performer writes name on business card, voodoo presentation
Jan./Feb. 1992
The Magic Menu (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Tom Mullica The Signature Trick one card is signed on back and one on the front, signature from back is moved to other card
1992 161
Karl Fulves Glass House card chosen and signed, odd-backed prediction in glass matches, then it also has signature
Verbatim (Issue 5)
Chuck Fayne Double Signed Card two spectators sign one card each on face and back, in the end one card is found with both signatures on face and back
1993 12
Alex Elmsley Signature Piece signature travels from red backed to blue backed deck
1994 192
Karl Fulves Erdnase's Envelope signed cards, in nested envelope is odd-backed prediction which then has signature
1994 78
Karl Fulves Hofzinser's Wallet odd-backed Aces from wallet placed on deck, one changes into signed selection (now odd-backed)
1994 114
Peter Duffie No Two Ways About It two signatures transpose
Inspired byRelated to 1995 226
Peter Duffie Changing Sides two cards signed on back, they transpose
Related toAlso published here 1995 229
Darwin Ortiz Signature Effect signature jumps from card to card
Inspired byVariations 1995 23
Darwin Ortiz Time and Again
Inspired by 1995 86
Darwin Ortiz Bold Fusion creating a double facer
Inspired byVariations 1995 139
Darwin Ortiz Darwin's Poker Deal travelling signatures
Inspired by 1995 159
Jim Morrison The Magic Marker rubbing signature off and back on
Aug. 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 8)
Simon Aronson This Side Up playing card with "Instructions" written on them becomes signed selection on one side
Inspired by
  • "Emergency Card" (Randy Wakeman, Randy Wakeman Presents)
1995 87
David Acer Initially Yours spectator's initials on one card, another card chosen and tabled, initials jump to another card twice, finally onto tabled card
Also published here 1995 99
Gary Ouellet The Olympic Challenge signature transposition, two decks
Also published here 1995 84
Stephen Tucker Xerox-Cards signature multiplies on blank cards
Also published here 1995 104
Gary Kurtz Hypothetical Possibilities ambitious card, signature vanishes and reappears, wallet, revised handling
Also published here 1995 14
Aldo Colombini Paramount card signed and lost in blue-backed deck, three blank red-backed cards are taken out, one of them has the back erased and printed blue, then the face appears, then the signature
Also published here
  • marketed through Mamma Mia Magic
1995 127
Paul Harris Backlash card signed on both sides, spelled to, put in pocket, travels back, one signature changes into performer's name
Variations 1996 29
Paul Harris Sliding Ink initials are transfered from card to card
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2 (Issue Close-up Fantasies 1 & 2)
Paul Harris Membrane spectator selects card with mark on back, mark on back is transfered onto card case
1996 41
Paul Harris Hi There Baby Cakes performer's name and phone number are written on two cards, one writing travels onto other card (on same side)
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Close-up Kinda Guy)
David Garrard Disappearing Ink spectator's signature disappears
June 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 6)
Stephen Tucker The Xerox Effect signature multiplies on blank cards
VariationsAlso published here Aug. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 8)
Allan Ackerman, John Bannon Impromptu Tattoo You performer signs back of odd-backed card, spectator front of other card, signature jumps on odd-backed card
Inspired byAlso published here 1996 4
Michael Kaminskas Birthday Wishes birthday trick, selected card is signed on back, card rises to top and from deck comes birthday tune eventually happy birthday is found written on the front
1996 34
Karl Fulves InVisible Ink spectator's initials on back of card vanish, reappear and disappear again, using a ten-card packet
Related toVariations 1996 69
Harry Riser The Distraction Factor blank-faced card with Ace of Clubs printed on the back design pushed in deck, card next to it signed by spectator, eventually the blank face is now the signed face
1996 36
Aldo Colombini Heat creating double facer and double backer
Variations Sep. 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 9)
Karl Fulves Cristabel card signed on back and lost, deck covered with handkerchief, movement, mark now on other card outside deck
1997 45
Peter Duffie M.I.M.C. two spectators sign two cards with different backs, the two signatures on the faces transpose
Inspired by 1997 106
Anthony Owen The Blue Danube fusion of two cards, signed on both sides
Inspired byAlso published here Sep. 1997
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 1)
Bruce Cervon X Marks the Spot not signature, but X-mark
1998 36
Bruce Cervon X Marks the Spot II not signature, but X-mark, simpler for spectator
1998 40
Bruce Cervon X Marks the Spot III not signature, but X-mark, even simpler and commercial
1998 42
David Williamson Peel-Off Signature
1998 5
Wesley James Pristine piece-by-piece restoration of signed card, then folds removed and signature peeled off
  • The Force
  • Acquiring the Duplicate and the Signatures
  • Pre-Creasing
  • The Tear
  • Switching in the Duplicate
  • Restoring the First Piece
  • Restoring the Second Piece
  • Restoring the Third (last) Piece
  • Unloading the Extra Pieces
  • The Pristine-ing
1998 10
Dave Campbell Fusion selection signed on face, odd-backed card signed on back by performer suddenly has the spectator's signed face
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1998 20
Ken Simmons Convincing Signature Transfer Effect signature is transferred from face of Two of Hearts to the Three of Hearts, ungaffed
Inspired byAlso published here Apr. 1998
Onyx (Issue 3)
Tom Frame Off-Color Sandwich four odd-backed cards are supposed to find a signed selection, instead they are the matching four-of-a-kind with one of them being the signed selection
Also published here Nov. 1998
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 3)
David Regal John Hancock Signature jumps from card to card multiple times, blank card
1999 58
David Acer Diamonds Are Forever Seven of Diamonds initialed on face of rubber-banded deck (out to lunch), large diamond stone produced from it, changes into Six of Diamonds
1999 56
A. E. Bloom The Signed Ace Changes to a Three No. 19, celluloid sheet with extra pips and indices palmed onto signed Ace
1999 166
Eric T. Dockery No Camera Trickery three phases, a “No Camera Trickery” sign is torn and restored in flash of fire, a camera is produced, a signed card vanishes and reappears folded inside camera
  • variation to have card in camera with different colored back, implying spectator’s signature traveled to camera (p. 30)
Labyrinth (Issue 10)
Gregory Wilson The Name Tag Trick blank deck (“name tags”), spectator signs one, Ambitious Card sequence, signature vanishes and reappears, travels onto another card signed by performer on back
  • Alternative Final Phase: whole deck changes to spectator’s signed card, then changes back and card is produced from pocket
Related to
  • “Blank Ambition” (Seth Kramer, Ruminations, Vol. 1 No. 5, Nov. 1986, p. 4)
Labyrinth (Issue 12)
Tomas Blomberg Signing Off signature travels from the face of the Two of Hearts to the Ace of Diamonds, ungaffed
Variations 1999 11
Ken Simmons Jason's Trick signature is transferred from face of Two of Hearts to the Three of Hearts, ungaffed
Related to
  • "Signed Quick Visuals" (Ken Simmons, Choice Effects 8)
Also published here
1999 65
Aldo Colombini Y2K Deck "Double Signature Transpo"
deck of double-blank cards, spectator and performer each sign a card, they transpose, then both signatures on one card
Related toAlso published here 2000 60
Aldo Colombini Y2K Deck "Double Signature Transpo"
deck of double-blank cards, spectator and performer each sign a card, they transpose, then both signatures on one card
Also published here 2000 5
Stephen Tucker, Aldo Colombini King-Ko's signature multiplies on blank cards
Inspired by 2000 12
Jon Racherbaumer Phantom Autograph card location, apparently marking the back of the selection with an "invisible pen", later a card is signed on the back for real and the signature travels to another card, nail nick credit information
Inspired by Oct. 2000
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 2)
David Knight The Blair Switch Project signature on face of a card and signature on back of other card
Jan. 2001
Pabular (Vol. 9 No. 5)
Aldo Colombini Y2K Deck deck of double-blank cards, spectator and performer each sign a card, they transpose, then both signatures on one card
Also published here Nov./Dec. 2001
Mr. Gadfly (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Joshua Jay The Sport of Memorization a sports card is collected, then a playing card from a deck signed on the back by different athletes, playing card has the sportsman's signature on its back
Also published here Mar. 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 7)
Darwin Ortiz No Way Out apparent failure in bet presentation
Inspired byVariations 2002 66
Darwin Ortiz Ultimate Fusion
Inspired by 2002 168
Peter McLanachan Signature Transferral one card signed on back and one on face, they find each other, then signature from back is transferred onto other card
Also published here
  • Aldo Colombini's column in Genii, May 1996
July 2002
Ego (Vol. 2 No. 13)
Karl Fulves Hoftwinzer signature on back of a card travels to another selection
2003 24
Jay Sankey A Short Fuse Two of Clubs (signed on face) fuses with Ace of Clubs (signed on back) to form double signed Three of Clubs
Related to 2003
Twenty Years Of Magic (Issue Memorable Images)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Shifty King two spectators sign the backs of two cards, the signatures transpose, without deck
Inspired by 2003 28
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Repligator Universal Card plot, odd-backed blank card changes into three selections one by one, then into signed selection
2003 43
Chris Wardle Mental Erasure card signed on back, the signature vanishes
2003 15
Serge Kalloghlian Torn-and-Restored Couple two names written on a half of a separate blank card each (spectator's and performer's name), they are torn in half and the halves with the names fuse together
Also published here Apr. 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 8)
Kevin Kelly "Stuck" on Marlo's Impromptu Signature Transpo two cards signed on the back on stickers, signatures transpose
Inspired by 2003 11
Dave Campbell Fusion selection signed on face, odd-backed card signed on back by performer suddenly has the spectator's signed face
Also published here 2004 37
Dave Campbell Direct Transfer selection signed on face, odd-backed card signed on back by performer suddenly has the spectator's signed face, red/blue double backer, partial roughing
Related to 2004 341
Ron Frost Cordially Yours: The "Initial" Way Three cards selected. One card is found and signed on back. Another card is found, but signature from previous card has moved onto this card. Last card is found inside a glass that is produced under napkin
Inspired by 2004 74
Axel Hecklau Wild Sign cards are signed by performer, faces of cards vanish and only signatures remain
2004 42
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Chroma Zone odd-backed card placed in half deck which is tabled, spectator signs face of a selection from other half, tabled half spread and odd-backed card removed, it is the signed one
2004 32
Jay Sankey Short Fuse Two of Diamonds initialed on face, Ace of Diamonds on back, they fuse together into a Three of Diamonds (blendo) initialed on both sides
Inspired by 2004 39
Jay Sankey Power Lunch spectator's initials travel from one business card to another
2004 88
Jason Latimer Red Blue Psychosis signed card placed in odd-backed deck, signature moves, deck changes color
Mar. 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 3)
Kostya Kimlat A Trick for Descartes Evil Genius selection is signed and placed on the bottom of the deck, it ends up on top, signature is removed and replaced then backs of deck change color, selection's back changes to third color
2004 31
Tyler Wilson Release The Chocolate Hostage Four of Hearts with spectator's signature changes into Six of Hearts, picking-off-the-pip procedure
Also published here 2005 32
Bob Ostin Signature Transposition performer and spectator sign back of two cards, signatures change places
  • "Signature Transposition" in "Abracadabra" Nr. 2355. March, 1991.
2005 87
Roy Walton Autograph Hunter signature travels to back of another card
Also published here 2005 3
Tyler Wilson Release the Chocolate Hostage Four of Hearts with spectator's signature changes into Six of Hearts, picking-off-the-pip procedure
Also published here 2006 51
Peter Gröning, Michael Powers Signed Sealed and Delivered unknown card signed on back, sandwiched with red Jacks and put in card case, another card is signed on face, cased card turns out to be signed on both sides later
  • Signed, Sealed and Delivered the Easy Way
Inspired by 2006 80
Simon Lovell Semi-Switched cards change places while signatures stay put, gaffed
2007 125
Peter Duffie Travel Agent Signature transfers from back of one card onto selection's back
2007 64
Tyler Wilson Running Man signed card travels from packet to packet, then fusion of face and back of two signed cards, ungaffed handling for Doc Eason's "Anniversary Waltz", credit information
  • Director's Cut - Alternate Ending
Also published here 2007 7
Tony Bartolotta Signature Collection spectator choses a half-card from clear plastic bag, some others tossed up and performer catches matching half-card with a deck while riffling it, prediction card in wallet, then a different card is chosen and signed on back, card in wallet then has the signature on back, Himber wallet, clear forcing bag
Prolix (Issue 3)
David Solomon Jokers Are Wild Joker signed on back, Joker is supposed to be brought next to signed selection but selection is not next to it, card with signed back now suddenly has face of selection
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 2007 10
Tyler Wilson Oscar The Grouch deck with celebrity-names on backs, some transformations on both sides of one of those cards, back changes to named name
Also published here Oct. 2007
Antinomy (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Jim Steinmeyer Two Strangers On The Same Train "Three Tricks with The Crystal Card"
free selection signed on back, large X travels from another card to face of signed card
July 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 7)
Jim Steinmeyer Hallucination "Three Tricks with The Crystal Card"
instead of a planned transposition the signature transposes from one card to another
July 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 7 Special Genii Supplement)
Jim Steinmeyer The Time Traveller "Three Tricks with The Crystal Card"
card is signed, then signature vanishes, card becomes blank, then signature reappears on blank card
July 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 7 Special Genii Supplement)
David Solomon Jokers are Wild Joker signed on back, Joker is supposed to be brought next to signed selection but selection is not next to it, card with signed back now suddenly has face of selection
Also published here 2009 20
Arie Vilner Swift Transfer Four - Eternal Bond performer's signature travels from packet to packet, odd-backed
2009 88
Tyler Wilson Running Man signed card travels from packet to packet, then fusion of face and back of two signed cards, ungaffed handling for Doc Eason's "Anniversary Waltz"
Also published here 2010 85
Tyler Wilson Oscar The Grouch deck with celebrity-names on backs, some transformations on both sides of one of those cards, back changes to named name
Also published here 2010 164
Christian Engblom The Near Perfect Circle circle appears on card, spectator cuts under table, in circle appears name of card cut to
Related to 2010 38
Karl Fulves Rapid Ink a King labeled with K on back, a Seven with 7, one put in pocket, the faces change place
Related to 2010
Prolix (Issue 7)
Karl Fulves Nightmare Scenario "Unexplained"
unknown card marked on back an put in envelope, free selection marked by performer on face, it now has other mark on back and card in envelope spectator's mark, posed as a problem
Inspired by 2010
Prolix (Issue 7)
Karl Fulves Inkubator written letters on blank card are covered with Post-It note, they travel onto selection
Inspired by
  • "A Minor Miracle" (?), Hen Fetsch
Prolix (Issue 8)
Tom Frame Off-Color Sandwich four odd-backed cards are supposed to find a signed selection, instead they are the matching four-of-a-kind with one of them being the signed selection
Also published here 2010 78
Ryan Schlutz Insignia signed card, back of magician's name tag predicts selection and then even has the signature
Inspired by 2011 81
David Acer Initially Yours spectator's initials on one card, another card chosen and tabled, initials jump to another card twice, finally onto tabled card
Also published here 2011 107
Karl Fulves Contrarian signed card in case, deck cut in half, one half behind back and back of top card signed, card vanished from case and card in deck is signed by both spectators on the face and odd-backed
Prolix (Issue 10)
Karl Fulves The Three-Corner Card "Unexplained"
corner of selection torn off and put under case, remaining card signed on back, card put in deck so a part is protruding, prediction card with corner missing shown, it is signed on back and protruding part is now only corner which has vanished from under case, posed as a problem
Inspired by 2012
Prolix (Issue 10)
Joe Hammer Houdini Outdone signature of Houdini appears on card, then front of card changes to picture of Houdini
2012 115
Frank Zak Another Business Card Trick signature travels from back of business card to other business card
2012 290
Tony Cachadiña, John Bannon Cazador de autógrafos spectator's initials are transferred from red to blue card
Inspired by 2012
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 22)
David Redondo El Ragalo signatures from two cards end up on one card, back and front, duplicate
2012 49
Jason Ladanye Forging Ahead initials are moved from one Ace to another Ace, Out-to-Lunch
Also published here 2013 133
Patrick Lehnen InkOgnito signature is taken off the card and replaced finally the card and the deck turn into blank cards and back to a normal deck again, blank card
2013 19
Jim Abrahams, Patrick Lehnen Signatory Piece the magician's writing (phone number) travels on the back of other cards and ends up on signed selection
2013 25
Wayne Dobson Compatibility spectator and performer both chose a card via counting to a number and sign it on back and face respectively, it's the same card
Inspired by 2013 4
Hiroyuki Sakai Time Regained
  • Tokyo Workshop
card signed on back and put in case, signature vanishes from card, another card is put in case and signature appears on that card
Nov. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 11)
Tomas Blomberg Tattwo You signed card from a red-backed deck matches with blue-backed card prediction. Signature travels from selected card to prediction
Inspired byRelated to 2014 62
Tomas Blomberg Matest
  • Phase one- two spectators select the same card
  • Phase two- ungaffed handling for Doc Eason "Anniversary Waltz"
2014 66
Tomas Blomberg Matest Inverted -Phase one- two spectators select the same card, which was signed at the back
-Phase two- second card is selected and signed at the face, signature travels from the first card to the second one
2014 68
Jerry K. Hartman Stranger Card spectator stabs odd-backed card into deck and signs card next to it, later it turns out to be the odd-backed card
Inspired by
  • "A Sweet Little Mystery" (John Carey)
June 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 6)
Friedrich Roitzsch Catch Me If You Can spectator's signature travels from back of one card to another
2015 4
Karl Fulves The Bicycle Thief four Kings signed on back are placed in different pockets, then performer cuts to four Kings in deck which do not have signatures, then the signatures appear on them, they are lost and then removed from the pockets
The Lowdown (Issue 1)
Alexander de Cova Hangman Plus stick figure on cardboard vanishes and appears on back of signed selection
Inspired byAlso published here 2015 132
Benjamin Earl Memento card signed on both sides, card jumps around, one signature changes into performer's name
Inspired by 2016 12
Alexander Hansford Mystery Card Card is selected and signed, odd-backed card shown to be the same card with different signature, signature then changes into spectator's signature
2016 22
Scott Kahn My Signature Effect signature transposition using novelty deck made from clear plastic
Aug. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 8)
Roy Walton Autograph Hunter signature travels to back of another card
Also published here 2016 42
Michael Feldman Merely Impossible spectator hides card anywhere, apparent misunderstanding, another card turns out to be signed selection under impossible circumstances
Related to 2017 23
Michael Feldman Impromptu Merely Impossible same but with Eight/Ten as duplicates, index is torn off
Related to 2017 33
Jason Ladanye Forging Ahead initials are moved from one Ace to another Ace, Out-to-Lunch
Also published here Mar. 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 3)
Anthony Owen Sticky Blue Danube fusion of two cards, signed on both sides
Inspired byAlso published here 2017 68
Anthony Owen On the Cards two blank cards, with signature and pictures, pictures transpose
Inspired by 2017 75
David Kuraya, John Guastaferro, Eric Mead Mystery Wand signed card placed among the Aces, wand made from rolled-up odd-backed card, that card turns out to be the signed selection
Inspired byVariations Oct. 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 10)
Benjamin Earl M-Theory ambitious card, signature vanishes and reappears
Inspired by 2019 23
Carlos Vaquera Traveling Signatures two packets of blank cards, signatures travel from packet to packet several times
2019 69
Peter Gröning Face Off card signed on both sides and put in cased deck, blank odd-backed card signed on back, its face changes into selection in stages, then signature appears, cased card is now blank-faced, apparition
2020 53
Peter Gröning Bizarre Assignment Bizarre Vanish (à la Biddle Trick) and Twist with card signed on both sides, color-changing back kicker
Inspired by 2020 64
Chris Beason, Louie Foxx, Jonathan Friedman Vampire Cat drawing on back of signed selection changes from a bat to a cat
Oct. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 10)
Nancy Colwell The Ship of Theseus introduction to plot, card signed and torn into quarters, quarters replaced one by one with odd-backed quarters, when turned over the pieces still have spectator's signature
  • The Theseus Plot
  • Script
  • History
Variations 2021 7
Nancy Colwell Theseus - Third Solution card signed and torn into quarters, quarters replaced one by one with odd-backed quarters, when turned over the pieces still have spectator's signature
2021 17
Nancy Colwell Theseus - Fifth Solution card signed and torn into quarters, quarters replaced one by one with odd-backed quarters, when turned over the pieces still have spectator's signature
2021 34
Nancy Colwell Theseus - Sixth Solution card signed and torn into quarters, quarters replaced one by one with odd-backed quarters, when turned over the pieces still have spectator's signature
2021 50
Nancy Colwell Theseus - Tenth Solution three cards signed, cards replaced one by one with odd-backed cards, when turned over they still have spectator's signatures
2021 60
Nancy Colwell Postmortem of the Seventh Solution card signed and a quarter torn out, odd-backed quarter is taken from pocket and restored into its place, repeated three more times, when turned over the card still have spectator's signature
2021 75
Nancy Colwell Postmortem of the Eighth Solution card signed and torn into half, halves replaced one by one with single odd-backed card, when turned over that card still have spectator's signature
2021 77
Nancy Colwell First Solution, Et cetera four cards signed, cards replaced one by one with odd-backed ones, when turned over the cards still have spectator's signatures
2021 79
Harapan Ong Harapan Ong's Solution card signed and torn into quarters, quarters replaced one by one with odd-backed quarters taken from bag, when turned over the pieces still have spectator's signature
2021 97
Simon Aronson Simon Aronson's Solution card signed, quarters torn out one by one are replaced quarters from odd-backed duplicate, when turned over the pieces still have spectator's signature, red/blue double backer
2021 99
Lionel Gallardo Plasmar sobre una carta la firma pensada del espectador story of trick where spectator's signature appears on card
2021 228
Jeff Hinchliffe Soul Mates two cards initialed on back by man and woman, the signatures travel from those cards together onto the back of the composite card of suit of one and value of other card
Conundrum (Issue 1)
Serge Kalloghlian Torn-and-Restored Couple two names written on a half of a separate blank card each (spectator's and performer's name), they are torn in half and the halves with the names fuse together
Also published here 2022 181
Tyler Wilson Running Man signed card travels from packet to packet, then fusion of face and back of two signed cards, ungaffed handling for Doc Eason's "Anniversary Waltz"
Also published here 2022 696
Frank Fogg Ink signature is transferred from back of one card to another card
Inspired byAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Apr. 2011
2022 1023
Christopher Congreave Signature Interlude performer's signature travels on back of spectator-signed card, then deck vanishes except signed card
Inspired by
  • "Simple Fusion" (John Carey, DVD)
Related toAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Oct. 2011
2022 1066
Joshua Jay The Sport of Memorization a sports card is collected, then a playing card from a deck signed on the back by different athletes, playing card has the sportsman's signature on its back
Also published here 2022 1243
Bernard Bilis Bilis' Signature Finders three cards are signed on the back and put under case, signatures jump to the backs of three other cards twice
2022 36
John Guastaferro, David Kuraya, Eric Mead Mystery Wand signed card placed among the Aces, wand made from rolled-up odd-backed card, that card turns out to be the signed selection
Inspired by 2023 146
Allan Ackerman, John Bannon Impromptu Tattoo You performer signs back of odd-backed card, spectator front of other card, signature jumps on odd-backed card
Also published here 2024 101