218 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Divination & Mind Reading / by Spectator
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Dire à l'avance la carte que quelqu'un choisira a spectator names the card that another person selected
1786 113
Deviner d'avance celle de quatre cartes qu'une personne prendra librement spectator names a card that has been touched by another spectator from a group of four cards, performer whispers card to him previously
Variations 1786 149
Divination on Slate two spectators connected with rope for "thought transmission", name of card apparently written on slate by spectator
June 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 6)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Weissagen wider Willen card written on billet and put in envelope, another empty envelope closed, spectator divines selection (via multiple-step equivoque), card travels from deck into this envelope
Also published here May 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Weissagen wider Willen card written down, another spectator divines it via equivoque, it vanishes from deck and appears in envelope
Also published here Nov. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 11)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XII. Weissagen wider Willen (Ein Kartenkunststück), spectator selects a card and writes name on paper, which is sealed in envelope, other spectator guesses card and selection vanishes from deck and appears in second envelope
1903 136
Stanley Collins The Guessing Game spectator guesses correctly on of three cards he has in pocket, then it change places with one of the other two cards
Related to 1915 63
Charles T. Jordan Odd or Even No. 11, spectator cuts off pile and spectator divined whether it's an odd or even number
1919/1920 42
Oswald Rae Psycho-Analysis performer divines card and thought-of name of a spectator by holding his wrist, then spectator divines thought of card from the performer and decided upon by another spectator
1928 77
Theodore Annemann Telepathy in the Audience spectator looks through the deck and removes a card, it's the card another spectator had chosen
VariationsAlso published here 1931 19
Lu Brent Can You Imagine!! (An unusual card effect) Spectator apparently able to predict magician's selected card
1932 36
Theodore Annemann, Tom Bowyer Impromptu Frame Ups card divination with instant stooge
Mar. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 6)
Hilarious Finish to an Old Trick card at number with recount, another spectator names it
1936 154
Joe Berg, The Card and Crystal Ball spectator divines selection in crystal ball, with variation by Joe Berg
Related to 1937 35
Louis Nikola Unconscious Thought Transmission card placed in envelope in beginning turns out to be any named one, memorized deck as open index
Also published here 1937 398
Stewart Judah The Guessing Game two cards from two decks are put in pockets by performer and spectator and divined by each other, or not (risky)
1938 557
S. H. Wimbrough Wise Guy Catch everyone sees how it's done except spectator on stage
Also published here 1938
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1938)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Crystal-Viso chosen card divined in crystal ball first by performer, then spectator
Related toVariationsAlso published here June 1939
The Jinx (Issue 57)
Theodore Annemann Volition four selections in envelopes, spectators choose their own card, equivoque
VariationsAlso published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 95)
Dr. Douglas Kelley Douglas Kelley's Telephone Trick spectator calls with a toy telephone and reveals selected card
Related to 1942
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1942)
Eddie Joseph Wandaphone card chosen, another spectator choses a card of same suit and choses an amount of cards that matches the value
1942 28
Milbourne Christopher Finger Tip Telepathy instant stooge, submitting name of forced card to spectator
1943 76
Shaman Cagliostro's Spectacles spectator puts on special glasses when the cards are spread in front of him, he names all of the selections
Inspired by
  • an idea of DeLands, credit reference on page 191
Related toVariations
Oct. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 45)
S. H. Wimbrough Wise Guy Catch everyone sees how it's done except spectator on stage
Also published here 1943 9
Theodore Annemann Volition four selections in envelopes, spectators choose their own card, equivoque
Also published here 1944 274
Dr. Stanley Jaks Crystal-Viso chosen card divined in crystal ball first by performer, then spectator
Also published here 1944 308
Hathaway As You Desire a stand with 6 different color cards, spectator choses a color, spectator's card is behind
1945 14
"Maury" Kains Telepathic Routine card is telegraphed to the audience written on a tray
1945 140
Crystal Ball spectator sees information in crystal ball
1945 37
Harold Rasmus The Crystal Flame spectators name selected cards by looking at flame of a match
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1946)
Orson Welles The Town Skryer thought of card is revealed by another spectator while looking into a glass of water
Related toAlso published here Apr. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 103)
Dr. Stanley Jaks In the Ring spectator sees selection from an other spectator in a finger ring
Related toVariationsAlso published here May 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 125)
Wm. T. Beadles Psychokinesis three card monte, where spectator always finds the card to prove psychokinesis
Dec. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 140)
Clayton Rawson The Little Wonder Thought Projector spectator divines selection of other spectator, using egg beater as comedy prop, see p. 370 for idea by Edwin Shaw using a tray
Related toVariationsAlso published here July 1947 331
George G. Kaplan Card, Crystal Ball, and Panties impromptu stooge, card visible in crystal ball, then performer reads spectator's mind with gag revelation (paper panties)
Related toVariations 1948 301
George G. Kaplan The Comedy of Errors transposition of a candle and a handkerchief plus a mind-reading gag where audience divines spectator's card
1948 313
Ronald B. Edwards Dis-Illusion
Apr. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 149)
Bruce Elliott Joker spectator sees selection from other spectator on a joker, punched card
Dec. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 167)
Joseph Dunninger Dunninger's Mental Card Trick No. 5, Image of card appears in crystal ball, which matches previously unseen pocketed card
Related to 1950 15
John Scarne Spectator's Magic Count No. 25, performer thinks and writes down name of card, spectator deals down to any number and finds thought-of card on second try, re-count
1950 47
John Scarne Scarne's Miracle Card-Finder Trick No. 123, Spectator finds performer's thought-of card
1950 237
Dr. Stanley Jaks In the Ring spectator sees selection from an other spectator in a finger ring
Related toAlso published here 1951 8
Lee Grabel Two Grabel Mysteries spectator reads other spectator's mind, reverse fan to force card
Related to 1951 25
Lewis Ganson The Crystal Prism name of selected card appears in triangular glass prism so spectator can divine it
1952 37
Laurie Ireland The Spectator Does a Card Trick spectator divines card, pip of card used to secretly shown to spectator
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1954)
Karrell Fox Sociable Queen whispering queen, spectator divines card
1954 27
Geoffrey Buckingham The Palmist spectator divines card from second spectator, then locates card in pocket
Variations 1955
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1955)
Dr. Stanley Jaks In Any Ring spectator sees selection from an other spectator in a finger ring, with any ring
Related to Jan. 1956
The New Phoenix (Issue 335)
Jack Avis All Fair Hallucination card chosen and returned, deck riffled in front of another spectator and he names a card, it is the first selection, faro, only odd-colored
Inspired by
  • "Hallucination" (Lloyd Jones)
1956 13
Dr. William Weyeneth Die hellseherische Schuhsohle audience member can name selections, duplicates under shoes to signal cards
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 18 No. 3)
Tom Bowyer "Sucker" Effect spectator under cloth apparently divines cards, rest of audience plays along, originally published under Bowyer's stage name "T. Van Russell"
Also published here
  • marketed 1923
Mar. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 9)
Jack Shepherd The Second Seer performer divines two selected card from crystal ball, then thought of card is divined by spectator
1960 46
Joseph M. White That's the One five ESP cards in envelopes held by five spectators, another spectator divines which one holds a certain symbol
Related to 1960 11
Alan Milan The Devil Speaks toy phone, spectator divines card, same as Douglas Kelley's Telephone Trick
Related to 1961 66
Dr. Stanley Jaks Im Ring spectator sees selection from an other spectator in a finger ring
Also published here 1961 28
Dr. Stanley Jaks Dr. Jaks Kristallsehen chosen card divined in crystal ball first by performer, then spectator
Also published here 1961 130
Jochen Zmeck Das Kartenprisma two cards chosen, spectator looks into glass prism and sees first selection, second spectator cannot see anything in prism and his selection turns out to be blank-faced
1961 21
Jochen Zmeck Medium partial rough-smooth, red and black alternate, then force blocks, three phases:
  • 1. spectator says if top card is red or black, he is always right
  • 2. spectator names position of a given card, the card is at that position
  • 3. performer put unknown card in pocket, spectator divines it
Related to 1962 18
A Mate from Wonderland Jaks In the Ring variation with cigar band
Inspired by May 1963
The New Phoenix (Issue 380)
S. H. Wimbrough Wise Guy Catch everyone sees how it's done except spectator on stage
Also published here Jan. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Irv Weiner Crazy Huh? spectator reveals selection by starring at a board with strange design, information readable when board is held in an angle
Apr. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 12)
E. Leslie May Person to Person spectator thinks of a card and deck is shuffled, second spectator takes deck and removes selection
Inspired by Nov. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 19)
Jack Ketch The Sniffer Card Trick comedy bit, spectator divines selection
Aug. 1964
The New Phoenix (Issue 392)
Ace Gorham Thought Waiver spectator divines selection of other spectator, using big index to signal card
Related to May 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 25)
Tony Kardyro A Cue For You & A Cue For Me spectator divines selection of other spectator, cuing spectator on stage and in audience
May 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 25)
Arthur Monroe Lodestone reversed fan
Sep. 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 29)
Douglas Francis Gedankenblitze spectator divines two selections
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 26 No. 5)
J. W. Sarles Spectator Divines Cards ventroliquism as method
Aug. 1966 50
J. W. Sarles Tow Minds spectator divines card by gazing into crystal
Winter 1967
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 1-4 (Vol. 3 No. 1st Folio)
Paul Maurer Der Streichholzschachteltrick spectator looks at flame of a match and divines chosen card
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 28 No. 6)
Eddie Fields Triple Spectator En Rapport
  • Phase 1: Magician receives spectator's thoughts
  • Phase 2: Spectator sends thoughts to second spectator
  • Phase 3: Spectator receives thoughts from another spectator
Also published here 1968 80
Marconick The Inca Ring deck is cut into packets and a ring placed on one, spectator looks through ring and names top card
Also published here 1968 9
Ace Gorham Psychic Spectator?
1969 22
E. Leslie May Penny for your Thoughts
1969 56
Roy Walton Mutual Mindreading two sets of Ace, Two and Three, performer turns over card spectator is thinking of and vice versa
Also published here 1969 12
Jules Lenier The Card in the Ring comment on routine in Guyot, spectator looks inside ring and divines selection
Related to
  • Gilles-Edme Guyot's "Nouvelles Récréations mathématiques et physiques" (1799)
Aug. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 24)
Carl Wentworth Suited four cards cut in halves, matching with spectator
Sep. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 28)
Paul Swinford Presentation of Marlo's Peek Deck spectator divines card
1971 47
Tony Binarelli Crystal Ball spectator sees card in crystal ball
1972 129
U. F. Grant Mindreading with Any Assistant No. 2 spectator divines chosen card, corner torn off
1972 40
Billy McComb Crystal Clear! card index seen in crystal
Inspired by
  • Card Crystal effect (Marvels of Mystery, John Booth)
1972 147
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Side Steal Mindreading Gag No. 131, assistant sees palmed card, not clear if instant stooge or real assistant
1972 37
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Wrinkle For A Good Trick No. 209, spectator divines the card the performer is thinking of, center tear
1972 50
Stan Blumenthal Houdini Glass spectator looks in glass of water and divines selection
Magick (Issue 89)
Fred Robinson Spectator Magician Plus
Related toAlso published here Nov. 1974
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Stephen Minch The Star Crystal selected tarot card is seen in crystal ball by second spectator
1974 34
Paul Maurer Cagliostro's Wunderbrille spectator puts on special glasses when the cards are spread in front of him, he names all of the selections, using card with two and with four indices
Inspired by 1974
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 35 No. 4)
Karl Fulves Telepathy Exists husband divines wives card and vice versa, only husband fooled, three phases
1975 175
Jerry K. Hartman Tele-tale Second spectator somehow manages to divine first spectator's selection from a packet of four cards
1975 37
Karrell Fox Before Your Eyes any spectator in audience can name the selection of the person on stage, jumbo card on back of writing pad for instant stooging
1976 87
Burling Hull Crystal Ball Telepathy spectator sees name of card in crystal ball
1976 51
Burling Hull Duke Outdone six cards chosen, divined by spectators in crystal ball
1976 53
Bob Ostin The Thought Transmitter using a box to transmit selection
Also published here 1976 ca. 9
Clayton Rawson Der Wundersame Gedankenprojektor egg beater mind reading
Also published here July 1977
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Edward Marlo Psi Color deck is shuffled and spectator can guess if top card is red or black, he is always right
Related to 1979
Magick (Issue 243)
Marconick L'anneau Inca deck is cut into packets and a ring placed on one, spectator looks through ring and names top card
Also published here 1979 8
George B. Anderson The Pendulum and a Magic Shop Deck two cards are reversed in the deck and found with pendulum, first by performer, second by spectator
1980 21
Steve Beam Mental Case spectator divines card, naturally printed on card case
Variations 1980 6
Ken De Courcy Roller-Banner spectator divines card, egg beater situation, as ending to "The World's Fastest Card Trick"
1980 15
Ken De Courcy The Voice in the Teapot card chosen and lost, another spectator listens to a teapot and names card, card then found inside teapot
Inspired by
  • Arthur Setterington effect in The Magigram
1980 41
Ken De Courcy The Psychic Square spectator sees selection in paper fortune teller fold, other spectators don't
1980 5
Walter B. Gibson Dunninger's Blink! spectator divines card, sees image of card while staring at the wall
Magick (Issue 297)
Steve Beam Mental Case spectator divines card, duplicate under cellophane of case
Inspired by 1981 9
Roy Walton Mutual Mindreading two sets of Ace, Two and Three, performer turns over card spectator is thinking of and vice versa
Also published here 1981 2
Bruce Bernstein Scripted Thoughts spectator's and performer select a card and replace cards in other half, second spectator takes the deck and goes into other room to look for two cards which stand out, they match the selected cards
Also published here 1981 24
Bruce Bernstein Volition Plus four selections in envelopes, spectators choose their own card, envelopes are numbered from one to four a
Inspired byRelated to 1981 56
Thomas Alan Waters Automanticard spectator turns a card over behind his back, a second spectator is blindfolded and by automatic writing on a slate divines the card
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Deckalogue)
Basil Horwitz Mind-Nova five cards are selected by five spectators and put on table, spectators choses correctly which card belongs to which spectator
Jan. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Spectator finds your Card spectator deals cards and again in two piles, suit and value of top cards combine to performer's selection, re-deal force
Related to 1982 5
Frank Simon Quorum Quota card of same value and suit of card are found after dealing in two piles, then card itself
Inspired by 1983 94
Roy Walton Blind Choice No. 39, first publication, spectator and performer successfully guess colors of four-card packets that are handed out after one riffle shuffle
Variations 1984 50
Thomas Alan Waters Standout spectator finds a card, which another spectator wrote down, faded deck
Also published here Sep. 1984
Magick (Issue 339)
A. Berkeley Davis Roger And Out spectator divines card, instant stooge
1985 96
Randy Tanner The Psychic Queen index of card is printed on a queen for instant stooging
1985 256
Thomas Alan Waters Standout spectator finds a card, which another spectator wrote down, faded deck
VariationsAlso published here 1985
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Myxtyr)
Thomas Alan Waters Bluecue two spectators select the same card individually, difference to Standout, second spectator choses a card face down
Inspired byRelated to 1985
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Mystyx)
Frederick Braue Telemagic spectator finds another spectator's card in a corner of the room
(a.) card reversed
(b.) reverse fan
  • Braue's new method with double facer
Related to 1985 13
Marvyn Roy Omega-Four...One-Man Mental Act routine with four phases
  • named card is written on blank card in the deck
  • number divination, then signed bill travels to sealed card case
  • selected cards are named, memory stunt
  • spectator looks at ping pong ball and names a card, card appears inside case
Inspired by Sep. 1985
Magick (Issue 357)
Charlotte Pendragon Psychic Touch two selections are divined, one by performer and one by spectator
Oct. 1985
Magick (Issue 359)
Roger Crosthwaite Sepearations Effect 1: Reds and Blacks
four hands dealt, and two cards placed on table, performer matches color sequences of all hands by dealing cards as well, reds and blacks are dealt and eventually colors are separated
Inspired by 1985 38
David Britland Royal Decree spectator finds out of which King the performer is thinking
1986 40
Terry Seabrooke Mind Reading Can selected card is divined with a can by other spectator
1986 93
John Bannon III. Impromptu Stooge Swindle variation in which a spectator names the selection, faro fan
Inspired by 1986 25
Karrell Fox "Turnaround Trick" audience names selection, giant card on back of spectator
1988 113
Dr. Juris Focal Point spectator divines selection while looking in crystal ball
Feb. 1989
Magick (Issue 417)
Doc Eason Crystal Ball instant stooge, spectator reads card in crystal ball
Related to 1990
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 3 No. 1-5 Aspen Bar Magic)
Docc Hilford Hypno Daze spectator is blindfolded and scribbles on business card, initials of selection can be read, spectator also writes other information for instance date of coin
Oct. 1991
Magick (Issue 462)
Roger Klause What's Good for the Goose Is... spectator names card of another spectator, repeat with another spectator and card on forehead
1991 163
Frederick Braue Mental Routine outline, unclear what exactly happens
1992 20
Steve "Banachek" Shaw George and Bill using bill with Washington on it, spectator looks at face of Washington if he is smiling or not to divine card
Oct. 1992
Magick (Issue 478)
Dr. Lawrence Weinstein Card Sensor spectator divines unknown card using a pendulum
Related to Jan. 1993
Magick (Issue 483)
Chuck Fayne The "Plays Huge - Packs Tiny" Card Trick five spectators chose a card which is the same, comedy revelation by spectators, "This is my favorite effect."
1993 18
Lee Noble Flower Power smell of flower gives spectator powers, light bulb explodes or divination of chosen card
Feb. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 8)
Karrell Fox Right Off The Top Of Your Head chosen audience member divines selection, lazy tongs with card behind spectator
1995 144
Lloyd E. Jones Ein Einmann-Gedankenlese-Akt two spectators on stage divine things, instant stooge message cards
Mar. 1995
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 2)
Claude Rix Le tour indescriptible spectator cuts four packets, cards on bottom of each packet are divined by apparently looking through table, fourth card is divined by spectator who sees card under the table
1995 44
Claude Rix Adaption d'une routine de Marlo-Cornélius four spectator cut to card and remember it, three divined by performer and one by spectator
Inspired by 1995 121
Jerry K. Hartman Thoughtamatic spectator thinks of one of two cards, performer places one aside and is left with the correct one, this is repeated, for third phase spectator thinks of one and he chooses which one to eliminate and is correct
Inspired by 1995 172
John Fareed The Mind Projector cuing audience to name selection from person on stage, tray, similar to Clayton Rawson's routine
Related to
  • Hugard's Magic Monthly, July 1947
July/Aug. 1995
The Magic Menu (Vol. 5 No. 30)
Tony Corinda Beyond the 13 Steps: A Masterpiece of Mentalism spectators divine cards in shuffled deck, April's fool gag, cockroach deck switch
Apr. 1995
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 10)
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Crystal Button button cover as crystal ball, spectator sees card
Apr. 1995
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 10)
Dr. Dan J. Alessini The Shell You Say spectator names selection by holding shell to ear
May 1995
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 11)
Karl Fulves Your Card Mine spectator choses card for performer and vice versa, they then divine each other's card
1996 81
Reverse Fan spectator names card when looking at (reverse) fan
Related toAlso published here 1997 4
Dr. Stanley Jaks Dr. Jaks' Ring index of card stuck to ring, so spectator can name another spectator's selection
1997 4
Clayton Rawson Little Wonder Thought Projector egg beater mind reading
Also published here 1997 4
The Amateur Mindreader spectator names card when looking at (reverse) fan
Also published here 1997 8
Andreas Michel-Andino Der Gedankenübertragungsapparat "Ideen, Variationen Anekdoten und eine Routine zu einem modernen Klassiker"
egg beater mind reading, with different variations
  • Wie alles anfing
  • Variationen
  • Meine Routine
  • Erfahrungen und Anekdoten
Related to 1997
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 4 & 5)
Eddie Fields, Edward Marlo Triple Spectator En Rapport
  • Phase 1: Magician receives spectator's thoughts
  • Phase 2: Spectator sends thoughts to second spectator
  • Phase 3: Spectator receives thoughts from another spectator
Also published here 1997 114
Andreas Michel-Andino Nachtrag zum Gedankenübertragungsapparat more comments
Related to 1998
Intermagic (Vol. 22 No. 1)
Bruce Bernstein Scripted Thoughts spectator's and performer select a card and replace cards in other half, second spectator takes the deck and goes into other room to look for two cards which stand out, they match the selected cards
Inspired byAlso published here 1998 30
Ellis Stanyon (c) Card Selected by One Person Is Named by Another card tabled and verbally forced (no details) on another spectator with equivoque questions
1999 107
Jerry Mentzer Spectator Finds Your Card Magician chooses a card, spectator deals to find two cards that divines value and suit of selected card, uses double-deal force
1999 51
Orson Welles The Town Skryer thought of card is revealed by another spectator while looking into a glass of water
Also published here Feb. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 2)
Richard Mark Affix spectator initials card on the back before the show, other spectator divines card later
2000 118
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones What's MY card? unknown card reversed in deck, spectator pushes Joker in deck twice to identify suit and value
Inspired by 2002 94
Ali Bongo The Happy Medium cards shuffled and placed into houlette, spectator has bag over the head and divines cards
2002 8
Steve Beam The Human Transmitter spectator divines selection by removing card with same value and one with same suit, repeated
Inspired by 2002 138
Jay Sankey Transference Magician divines spectator's thought of card, then another spectator divines another's thought of card, then spectator locates his own card
Twenty Years Of Magic (Issue Amazing Tricks)
Roberto Giobbi Pinetti's Prediction spectator names a card that has been touched by another spectator from a group of four cards, performer whispers card to him previously
Inspired byAlso published here July 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 7)
Roberto Giobbi Die geflüsterte Vorhersage spectator names a card that has been touched by another spectator from a group of four cards, performer whispers card to him previously
Inspired byAlso published here 2003 20
Chris Wardle Mind Reading By Proxy
2003 20
Dan Harlan Soulmates spectator cuts deck and removes top card, thirteen cards used to locate a card with the same value and suit with spectator
2003 107
Ramón Riobóo In the Bluff clever card force, number is counted in the deck to select card, revealed by asking question to other spectator
2004 201
Bruce Bernstein The Force of Psychology - Effect #2 two selections are transmitted by the spectators to the audience who mostly receive correct cards, then performer sends a card, using Bernstein's Psy-Deck
Related toAlso published here 2004 18
J. W. Sarles Prompt Impromptu "Telepathy On The Spot"
card chosen and replaced, spectator looks at fan of cards, meanwhile a spectator on other side of room names selection
2005 413
Karl Fulves Stretching The Truth word written on wide rubber band when stretched is no longer readable when collapsed, instant stooge application
Related to 2005 432
Rafael Benatar Right Between the Eyes spectator divines card from second spectator, then locates card in pocket
Inspired byAlso published here Mar. 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 3)
Bob Ostin Thought Transmitter using a box to transmit selection
Also published here 2005 73
Marty Kane Key Points in Mind Reading humorous routine, spectator apparently reads mind of performer
2006 56
Theodore Annemann Telepathy in the Audience spectator looks through the deck and removes a card, it's the card another spectator had chosen
Also published here May 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Eddie Fields Triple Spectator En Rapport
  • Phase 1: Magician receives spectator's thoughts
  • Phase 2: Spectator sends thoughts to second spectator
  • Phase 3: Spectator receives thoughts from another spectator
Also published here May 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Karl Fulves Cross Colors deck separated in colors, unknown black card pocketed by spectator, guessed by spectator, then red card pocketed by performer and guessed by him, both match
Inspired by
  • Number Four in Joe Berg's Private Card Problems
Related to
Prolix (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves Eureka deck separated in colors, unknown black card pocketed by spectator, guessed by spectator, then red card pocketed by performer and guessed by him, both match
Related to 2007
Prolix (Issue 3)
Hector Chadwick A Card Behind Spectator divines identities of three cards in increasing accuracy
Variations 2008 103
Neil Henry Signature on Thought-Of Card spectator signs unknown card behind his back, then he names any card, it is the signed card, using Crystal Card
July 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 7)
Fred Robinson, Tony Faro Spectator Magician Plus spectator divines card's suit and value via Double-Deal Force, does OOTW and finds performer's thought-of card, marked deck
Inspired byAlso published here 2009 202
Fred Robinson The Psychic Spectator two out of 52 success rate
2009 228
Rafael Benatar Entre Ceja y Ceja spectator divines card from second spectator, then locates card in pocket
Inspired byAlso published here 2009
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Tom Stone Audience Cues using anamorphic image to cue audience (blurry part of design not seen from close, but from far away)
  • Version 2
Inspired by
  • "Crazy Huh?" (Irv Wiener, The New Jiny, April 1963)
2009 15
Mike Hopley Crystal Clear spectator chooses card behind performer's back, another spectator divines it when looking into a crystal ball, then also the number where it is found in another deck
2009 20
Clayton Rawson, Patrick Page Clayton Rawson egg beater mind reading, with different variations
Inspired by 2011 314
Karl Fulves Table Talk spectator divines card chosen under table, apparently a corner is torn off and restored for the rest of the audience
Prolix (Issue 9)
Barrie Richardson Pants on Fire two phases
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Club 71, Sep. 2003
2011 229
Dan Buck, Dave Buck Peekaboo spectator B names A's selection
Also published here Oct. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 10)
Doc Eason Crystal Ball Delight instant stooge, spectator reads card in crystal ball
Inspired byRelated to 2012 79
David Gabbay Window to the Soul spectator divines card, instant stooge, index stuck on coin
2012 16
Bruce Bernstein The Force of Psychology - Effect #2 two selections are transmitted by the spectators to the audience who mostly receive correct cards, then performer sends a card, using Bernstein's Psy-Deck
Also published here 2012 28
Bruce Bernstein Scripted Thoughts spectator's and performer select a card and replace cards in other half, second spectator takes the deck and goes into other room to look for two cards which stand out, they match the selected cards
Also published here 2012 135
John Guastaferro, Andrew Brown Piecing the Clues Together
2013 18
Alberto de Figueiredo El Vínculo spectator cuts and remembers a card, other spectator remembers a card he sees while deck is dribbled from hand to hand, same card
2013 19
Chris Westfall Three Stooges Second spectator correctly divines the first spectator's selection
2013 38
Wayne Dobson The Unnamed Card unknown card chosen and pocketed, audience thinks of a card each, asked to sit down by calling out various card properties, last person standing thinks of card that is in pocket
2013 25
Dominique Duvivier Premonition-Telepathy spectator finds a chosen card, then divines one
June 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 6)
Dan Buck, Dave Buck Peekaboo spectator B names A's selection
Also published here 2014 39
Dr. Stanley Jaks Crystal-Viso chosen card divined in crystal ball first by performer, then spectator
Also published here 2014 130
Dr. Stanley Jaks In the Ring spectator sees selection from an other spectator in a finger ring
Also published here 2014 166
Colin McLeod Double Card Prediction Essay two cards placed on two chairs, two spectators divine card, one by selecting the same card from a deck and one by just naming it
2014 70
Michael Murray Springboard spectator forms a card by compare it with his selection
  • The Knowing
  • The Killer (approach to Kenton Knepper's "Kolossal Killer")
  • Duplopia (approach to Paul Vigil's "Diplopia")
  • Springback
  • Invisible Deck Application
  • Springboard for the Stage
  • Increasing Accuracy
  • Springboard Suit Exchange for Perfectionists
  • Back Tracking
  • Other Applications
  • Watch This
  • Springboard & Letters
  • Springboard & Colours
  • Closing Thoughts
Inspired by 2014 164
Patrick G. Redford The Evolution of A Rain King magician proves he can quickly memorize deck by naming card at named number, then proves spectator can as well
  • Multiple Card in Phase One
  • Additional Smoke
  • Using Multiple People
  • The Double MC Kraser Force
  • The Memorized Stack
  • Variations
    • Variation 1: Card Counting Combination
    • Variation 2: The Formal Performance
    • Variation 3: GT vs GT
    • Variation 4: Paul Vigil's Photographic Memory
    • Variation 5: Memory Prison
Inspired byRelated to
  • “Rain King” (Patrick G. Redford, Triangle, 2007, n. p.)
  • “Memory Prison” (Patrick G. Redford, Heptagon+, 2010, n. p.)
2014 37
Patrick G. Redford Card Counter performer divines card, then spectator does so with multiple cards
Also published here
  • “Card Counter” (Patrick G. Redford, Square 2010, n. p.)
2014 99
Lewis Jones You Think, I Think The magician reads the spectator's mind. Then, the spectator reads the magician's mind.
2015 134
David Solomon Reading the Tea Leaves A selection is made and lost in the pack. Taking a third of the pack, cards are shuffled and dealt into four hands. The top card of each pile is turned face up and they tell the color, suit, royalty content, and finally, the value of the selection.
2015 159
Ted Karmilovich Target Invisible Deck one spectator guesses card which is reversed in the deck, next to it is envelope with prediction describing the spectator
2015 29
Ted Karmilovich Target Card performer projects playing card, person who guesses it right is predicted, polling system by Daryl Bem
Related to 2015 33
Matt Mello Multiply-a-Number spectator knows answer to equation, using "Total Control"
Inspired by 2015 7
Paul Vigil Two Minds with But a Single Thought two spectator's read each other's mind
2017 221
Áriston La Maquina Transmisora Del Pensamiento
2017 133
Asi Wind Supervision spectator takes two cards behind his back and pockets them, performer names cards and spectator correctly names which is in which pocket
Inspired by 2018 113
Chan Canasta Chan's Out out for "Do you want to Change your Mind?" as reported by Johnny Thompson
Related to 2018 114
Tino Plaz Kristallklar two cards are divined with a crystal ball, a spectator divines the third selection
Inspired by 2018 10
Lewis Jones, Steve Beam Faux Chance divination of card, as a bet
Inspired by
  • Lewis Jones' "No Chance" in "Top Deck" 2016
2018 248
Matt Baker Casablanca spectator names card, then removes a card an pockets it, performer as well, spectator has predicted performer's selection with previously named card and performer divines spectator's card
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 2019 31
Steve Skomp Spectrum secret cueing of spectator to write something on clipboard, blue writing under blue translucent foil
Also published here
  • MAGIC, July 2006
2022 516
Matt Baker Casablanca spectator names card, then removes a card an pockets it, performer as well, spectator has predicted performer's selection with previously named card and performer divines spectator's card
Also published here 2023 9
Anson Chen Non-Duality spectator divines card other spectator selects, dual-reality to cover method
2023 54
John Michael Wilson The Heap No. XI, spectator correctly guesses card that performer pockets, verbal "force" for Four of Hearts with out
Inspired by
  • routine by Benjamin Earl from "Past Midnight" DVDs
2024 25
Joshua Jay Self-Starter spectator removes any card from spread and pockets it, the spectator cuts three packets from deck that match color, suit and value of pocketed card
Inspired by
  • "Triple Play" (Simon Aronson, MUM, March 2012)
2024 12