229 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Number Effects / Card found at total of Packet or named number
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Charles T. Jordan The Card and Number Mystery No. 29, spectator deals piles, selects one, adds values, counts down to number and the card there is predicted
Also published here 1919/1920 76
Mephisto's Message number selected via card values from one half gives position of selection in other half
Related to 1935 16
Theodore Annemann Two Cheating Mysteries two-way-force deck
  • fair stop and count-down trick with two selections
  • one-handed location in hat
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1936/37)
Sam Leo Horowitz A Psychological Discovery two-pile-stop trick with Eight/Nine alternating set-up
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1938 549
Martin Gardner Never-Miss Stop Effect two-pile-stop trick with Tens/Jacks alternating set-up
Related to 1940 12
Edward Marlo Card Counted To spectator counts down, uses this value to count down again, third time selection shows up, impromptu method for "Count Your Card!"
Inspired byAlso published here 1941
Early Marlo (Issue Amazing, Isn't It?)
Edward Marlo Card Counted To spectator counts down, uses this value to count down again, third time selection shows up, impromptu method for "Count Your Card!"
Inspired byAlso published here 1941 3
Edward Marlo The Perfect Stop Trick spectator stops at any card, its values is used to count down again and again until selection appears
Related toVariations 1945
Early Marlo (Issue Oddity & Other Miracles)
Herb Runge Here's Your Card card is selected, deck put behind magician's back and the card put at a selected number
1945 30
Royal Vale Heath "Magic Square" Magic card selection in combination with magic square, total of square indicates position in the rest of the deck
Feb. 1945 103
Jean Hugard The Homing Card marked card vanishes from sealed paper and appears in deck at chosen number
Mar. 1945
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 2 No. 10)
G. W. Hunter No. 7 "Think of a Card" card is thought of and spectator counts to find out position, deck is cut and when old position is named, performer names new position of the card
1946 91
Edward Marlo Just Imagine deck shuffled, number named by spectator, card predicted, effect description, solution on page 19
1947 17
Edward Marlo Marlo's Miracle Prediction deck shuffled, number named by spectator, card predicted, punch deal
Related toVariations 1947 19
Jean Hugard Impossible packet from top and bottom are cut and placed on the table, card selected from rest and deck cut, performer cuts deck so that selection ends up at total of one of the packets on the table
Variations Apr. 1948
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 5 No. 11)
Edward D. Hesse Impossible as Don Hesse, variation of Hugard's Impossible, packet from top iscut and placed on the table, card selected from rest and deck cut, performer cuts deck so that selection ends up at total of one of the packets on the table
Inspired by Nov. 1948 480
John R. Boyko Strike Three and Out Variation card found by counting down three times to apparently random values
Inspired by
  • "Strike Three and Out!" (Bob Longe, The Invisible Deck, 1948, p. 9)
Related toVariationsAlso published here
Oct. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 214)
Eddie Joseph Who Knows the Card? card chosen with counting procedure ends up and number named at beginning
Variations 1950 3
Eddie Joseph Your Number card lost during slop shuffle, found at named number
1951 13
Stewart James The All Clear Card Transformation selection is found reversed and with different back at position indicated by card chosen by performer, cross sum force
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 13 No. 3)
Stewart James The Square Deal Location card found at number, off-beat method
1954 7
Jack Avis All Fair Count Down card from group is selected, value used to locate card
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1955)
Bringing the Card to a Named Position 21 card trick with twenty seven cards, spectator can name what the final position of the selection should be in the packet
Variations 1956 35
Thomas Walker Walker's Method Easier method for Gergonne's Pile Problem, lets spectator name the position of the selected card
Inspired by 1956 36
Alex Elmsley Choosey card chosen and lost, packet removed, spectator removes one card from it and it is selection or leads to it
Related toAlso published here Sep. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 11)
Edward Marlo Third Fooler two cards, faro and automatic placement
1958 51
Edward Marlo, Warren Wiersbe Sixth Fooler
Inspired by 1958 53
Edward Marlo Faro Fooler #11 Exact Placement, two selections are found at thought of number, with three variations
1958 62
Alex Elmsley Penny Plain performer brings card to special position corresponding with cut-off packet behind back, principle similar to Penelope Principle
VariationsAlso published here 1959 2
Edward Marlo A Simple Ace Routine aces lost and found with four times the 10-20 force
Early Marlo (Issue Oddity & Other Miracles)
Paul Marcus Dominating Dice number between one and thirteen used to select a card, card is found by throwing three dice
Jan. 1966
The New Jinx (Vol. 4 No. 45)
Peter Kane The Faro Finders Six of Spades to Eight of Spades lost and counted to, Aces as kicker
1967 14
Jack Avis Two - Four - Six - Eight - Find named number corresponds to distance between spectator's and performer's selection
Related to 1969 120
Edward Marlo Try this Trio - First of the Trio spectator finds card via size of cut-off packet, Penelope Principle
Related to 1970 92
Edward Marlo The Latest selection is found by counting down to value of freely chosen card from a bunch, small set-up
1970 118
Harry Lorayne Roll Your Own dice are rolled and number used to count down to the aces, last ace found via indicator card
1971 91
Bruce Cervon 18-35 Farrow selection found reversed at original position after "mistake", faro
1971 6
Sam Leo Horowitz 8's & 9's
Also published here Dec. 1971 471
Peter Kane Swindle Coincidence two decks shuffled by two spectators, they each chose a number card and count down to arrive at the same card
1971 10
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Mental Stop No. 602, two-pile-stop trick with Eight/Nine alternating set-up
Also published here 1972 167
Edward Marlo The Invisible Toss reappears in the deck at specific position, featuring the Deep Face-Up Switch
Related toVariations 1974 79
Edward Marlo, Roy Walton From Scratch mathematical procedure
1974 99
Edward Marlo A Quickie card vanishes from top and reappears at its initial position, using Charlier Pass as secret move
1974 192
Edward Marlo Exhibitionism card vanishes from top and reappears at its initial position
1974 193
Karl Fulves Close Call four card prediction, total predicts position of selection
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • "Close Call" (Linking Ring, Sept. 1974)
1974 12
Karl Fulves Lightning Dice using Stevens Control, card at position derived by two dice is predicted
1975 106
Harry Lorayne The 29th Card faro
Related to 1975 129
Roy Walton LeFong, Jr. card chosen by shaking three dice in matchbox and noting card at this position, shuffled, again dice shaken and selection at this position
Related to Mar. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 5)
Vic Perry The Man From Tomorrow deck cut by spectators, card is named and position in deck revealed
Variations 1975
Magick (Issue 122)
Gerald Kosky Vanish and Recovery selection is turned over in the deck and vanishes, reappearance at named number
1975 66
Charles T. Jordan The Card and Number Mystery spectator deals piles, selects one, adds values, counts down to number and the card there is predicted
Also published here 1975 226
Edward Marlo Improved Procedure for the Invisible Toss card is tossed "invisibly" at the right position
Inspired by 1976 197
Alex Elmsley, Stewart Judah Judah's "Coincidental Position" performer brings card to special position corresponding with cut-off packet behind back
Inspired by 1976 9
Larry Jennings Impossible Countdown counting from one card to the next
Related toVariations 1977 48
Larry Jennings Recount counting from one card to the next
Inspired byAlso published here 1977 50
Maro Nash An Incomplete Masterpiece IF Control, Penelope's Principle, see p. 447 for additional crediting
Related toVariations 1977 216
Murray Bonfeld Cut Coincidence selection is found at number specified by amount of cut-off cards, Penelope's Principle, faro
1977 48
Dan MacMillan Close Call four card prediction, total predicts position of selection
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1977 21
Karl Fulves Meta-4 AS reversed in deck, travels to "random" number (four), then changes into a Four
Related to 1978 3
Frederick Braue The Self-Arranging Pack counting off random cards from shuffled deck, a Ten at position ten and so on
Related to 1978 23
Christian Scherer 3-6-9 deck as calculator, selection found at total
1978 53
Christian Scherer Die Glückszahl faro under the table, card at total of two added cards
Also published here 1978 79
Ken De Courcy By Age forcing the card that lies at spectator's age
1978 6
Ken De Courcy "Age Cards" Addition binary number cards, card named and number cards that total its position removed and added
1978 6
Paul Swinford Numeric Disclosure spectator cuts off packet and counts it, it is shuffled but not squared in rest, Riffle Shuffle Control, then selection is at earlier number
1979 10
Roy Walton Reverse Prediction two cards produced which lead to selection, selection found face up at that position
Also published here 1979 17
Steve Beam The Non-Sandwich Jack Trick two Jacks places into the deck, number is called and performer cuts deck into two piles, both Jacks are found at named number
1979 16
Francois Ziegler Layla queens are removed, card chosen, queen of same suit vanishes, reappears when counted down the value of selection
Nov. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Karl Fulves That's Impossible! card appears at chosen number (chosen by cut-off packet), using a variation of Fulves'
1980 37
Don Morris Rollover Location card is found at position, values of two cards added together
1980 26
Steve Beam Countdown values of two cut to cards are added and total leads to selection, 14/15 stack
1980 31
Steve Beam Talk About Your Nice Locations values of two cut to cards are added and total leads to selection
1980 37
Larry Jennings LJ's Prophet spectator cuts off pile, remembers card at same position in rest of deck, deals pile into four piles and top values are added to find selection
Also published here 1981
The Chronicles (Issue 29)
Roy Walton Reverse Prediction two cards produced which lead to selection, selection found face up at that position
Also published here 1981 180
Michael Farmer Eight Is Enough eight turns up but is wrong, is used to count to selections
Feb. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Del Copley Five Finger Discount card travels from packet to other packet at named number
1982 3
Christian Scherer Manipulierter Zufall card from performer and spectator add up to position of selection
1982 107
Stephen Tucker Double Decker seated deck switch, deck accidentally falls on the floor, with effect where performer is able to name position of any card
Apr. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 12)
William McKay The 24 Card Trick any card is named and produced, multiple out, plot of counting to 24 to find card, or its mates
Variations Apr. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Gary Goldberg Disoriented using FIRP
Inspired by May 1984
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 21)
Philip T. Goldstein Counter Feat spectator finds his card at some position
1984 6
Karl Fulves, Alex Elmsley Penny Plain No. 4
Inspired by 1984 6
Jim Molinari I Predict reversed card predicts position of selection in packet
May 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 5)
Justin Higham No Force Impossible Countdown counting from one card to the next
Inspired by 1985 14
Larry Jennings Dice-O-Matic number is arrived at with dice
Variations 1986 211
Max Giebe, Bert Gando Die Zufallskarte using 32 cards, card found at number, value of other card
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 4)
Dai Vernon Why am I Here? card found by counting down three times to apparently random values
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1988 122
Frisbie Saunders Location by the Numbers counting thing, intersting
1988 127
Larry Jennings Larry's Favorite performer cuts off named of number of cards, last card is selection, based on "Blackstone's Favorite" (probably reference)
Related toVariations 1988 1
Lawrence "Larry" Grey Cut to Perfection
1989 199
Philip T. Goldstein Encounter duplicate found in second deck when number is counted down, "Interrupted Gilbreath Principle"
1989 2
Steve Pressley Wheel and Deal three prediction cards, card is selected, prediction cards have same value and when added together total is position of selection in the deck
1989 521
Gary Plants Decoy
Inspired by
  • Stewart Judah's "Decoy Dice"
1989 553
Harry Lorayne Would It Be A Miracle? named number corresponds to distance between spectator's and performer's selection
Related toAlso published here 1990 39
Hideo Kato The Kato Kount some cards in pocket, card in deck is touched, values of cards in pocket are added and are position of card in the deck, binary values in pocket
1990 281
Alex Elmsley Choosey card chosen and lost, packet removed, spectator removes one card from it and it is selection or leads to it
Also published here 1991 368
Alex Elmsley Penny Plain performer brings card to special position corresponding with cut-off packet behind back, principle similar to Penelope Principle
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1991 374
Steve Pressley Completed Masterpiece I IF Control, free cut principle
Inspired by 1991 705
Steve Pressley Completed Masterpiece II as a single card prediction
Inspired by 1991 706
Jack Birnman Super Sum four cards produced, total gives position of card
Related to 1991 729
Peter Duffie The Lucky Ten two piles dealt, top card of one pile is thought-of number, top card of other pile selection
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here Dec. 1991
Profile (Issue 5)
Peter Duffie The Lucky Ten two piles dealt, top card of one pile is thought-of number, top card of other pile selection
Also published here 1991 14
Edward Marlo Invisible Toss reappears in the deck at specific position
Related to 1992 217
Karl Fulves Red Shift count forcing a Two, jokers from beginning change in Twos to indicate value and position (22) of selection
1992 36
Follow Down "Why Am I Here?"
Related to 1992 27
Stack Countdown spectator stops and then that value is counted down, A-K set-up, published in Pathfinder Magazine 30 years ago (ca. 1930?!)
Related to 1992 28
Cards of Cairo stop and count down, bold
1992 29
Charles T. Jordan The Card-and-Number Mystery No. 144, spectator deals piles, selects one, adds values, counts down to number and the card there is predicted
Also published here 1992 176
Ernest Earick Lustig for Life named value is cut to, selection at that number
Variations 1993 165
Richard Vollmer Six Plus Five two cards add up to eleven
July 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 7)
Harry Lorayne Nine All Mine using mini stay stack
Aug. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 8)
Richard Vollmer Ad Libitum fifteenth position
Variations Jan. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 1)
Alex Elmsley Second Link two selections, named number corresponds to distance between those cards
Related to 1994 183
Alex Elmsley Meet Me on the Road selection is found at position of cut-off pile, penelope's principle
1994 323
Alex Elmsley, Bill Reid Direct Link featuring Bill Reid's "Automatic Discovery", named number corresponds to distance between spectator's and performer's selection
Related to 1994 329
Karl Fulves, Dai Vernon Devious
Inspired byRelated to 1994 121
Simon Lovell, Gary Plants Jacked Black! card and position remembered, then another value added and card ends up at this position, switchless switch placement
1994 14
Philip T. Goldstein No Weigh selection lost, spectator cuts of a packet, performer goes behind the back with deck in one hand, then selection is found at position corresponding to number of cut-off cards reversed, credit information, clock trick principle
Inspired by Apr. 1994
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 8)
Peter Duffie The Lucky Ten two piles dealt, top card of one pile is thought-of number, top card of other pile selection
  • "No Crimp But Still Lucky"
Inspired byAlso published here 1995 53
Marty Kane Zip Code Pip Mode selection found on total of added values of several cards
Inspired byRelated to 1995 1110
Dai Vernon A Card Is Found No. 25
Also published here 1995 46
Simon Aronson The Trained Deck selection cut into deck, three chosen cards added, selection at this position, repeated, then selected card is spelled by spectator in his head while performer deals, performer stops at selection, Multiple Card Sum Stack
Related to 1995 123
Steve Beam Countdown card is found by adding values of two cards, 14/15 total of two cards
1995 23
Joel Givens Weight Limit spectator cuts packet and selects a card, card is placed in reminder where it vanishes, then performer divines amount of cut cards and selection is found reversed at that position in the rest of the deck
1995 33
Jon Racherbaumer Calculated Invisible Toss card among five chosen, it becomes invisible and reappears reversed in deck at position that equals sum of remaining four cards
Inspired byVariations 1995 10
Peter Duffie Re-Calculated Invisible Toss card among five chosen, it becomes invisible and reappears reversed in deck at position that equals sum of remaining four cards
Inspired by 1995 16
Jerry K. Hartman Flipover Force number is named and counted down from top, card arrived at is forced, basic application of selection at named number
1995 54
Jerry K. Hartman Crock Count card at number effects
  • I. Cards turned over from bottom to top until named number
  • II. Similar to I., but two cards are randomly cut to and their total values dictate the number
1995 117
Paul Harris Bad Estimate performer "accidently" does bad estimation about where the selection lies
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Close-up Kinda Guy)
Michael Skinner Top and Bottom Blackstone two selections
Related toVariations 1996 70
Karl Fulves His Card His Number packet cut off and counted, another spectator loses card, card at this number, Penelope's Principle
1996 28
Jon Racherbaumer Allerchrist Fix four cards added to count down to previous selection
Inspired by 1996 20
John Bahu Apocalypse Variations Or Additions
Inspired by May 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 5)
Richard Vollmer Down-Under Mystery card selected by down under deal becomes locator
Aug. 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 8)
Peter Duffie Back To The Future Packet sum value of four cards tell you how many cards down selection is
Inspired by 1997 73
Peter Duffie The Winning Formula Three cards set aside, card is selected and lost. Two of the three cards are used to find selection
Inspired by 1997 75
Peter Duffie Trost-worthy Six pairs of cards, spectator selects one pair and adds the values of the cards, count down the deck to find selected card (based on Nick Trost ESP Trick)
1997 83
Bob Longe Strike Three and Out! card found by counting down two times to apparently random values, reprinted from "The Invisible Deck"
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • The Invisible Deck, Bob Longe, 1948
1997 106
John R. Boyko Strike Three and Out Variation card found by counting down three times to apparently random values
Also published here 1997 112
David Solomon A Simple Toss biddle trick, card found in deck at position of other four cards added
Inspired by 1997 156
Ken Simmons Predicting the Cut two cards placed aside, selection lost, two cards from beginning added, performer cuts off that many cards, last card is selection
Inspired by Oct. 1997
Onyx (Issue 1)
Jack Birnman My Spectator, The Clairvoyant fair selection (automatic placement), added value of three selections determines position of first selection
Related to Winter 1998 133
Marty Kane Magic with Added Zip
Inspired byRelated to 1998 1453
Jack Birnman, Eddie Joseph, Roy Walton My Spectator, The Clairvoyant card fount at total of four stopped at cards
Related to 1998 1468
Peter Duffie Joint Effort card found at two added chosen numbers
1998 5
Aaron Goldberg Sim-Sala-Simmons four card prediction, total predicts position of selection
Inspired byAlso published here Dec. 1999
Onyx (Issue 9)
Aaron Goldberg Sim Sala Simmons four card prediction, total predicts position of selection
Inspired byAlso published here 1999 35
Gary Plants The Deck Will Tell
Inspired by 2000 44
Steve Beam The New Math reversed card appears at certain position
2000 64
Steve Beam The Unselected card found at sum, using three dice
Inspired byRelated to 2000 108
Marty Kane Why 2K? with story presentation, Twos and Kings appear as a kicker
Inspired by 2000 123
Luca Buzzerio Dai Hard card found by counting down three times to apparently random values, selection with incomplete faro control
Inspired by July 2000
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 11)
Simon Aronson Twice as Hard cards at named numbers for two free selections
2001 46
Simon Aronson Choices Card at named number
Inspired by 2001 155
Peter Duffie Combination Luck card and its position remembered, spectator deals down three times, using the stopped-at values and his position, selection appears on third attempt
Inspired by
  • Stewart James effect
2001 11
Philip T. Goldstein Chipper card at number, four poker chips with numbers, two decks
Variations 2002 2
Karl Fulves Multiple Choice four cards outjogged, spectator choses how many are used, they are removed and added up and used to count to selection, multiple shift application
2002 270
Doug Canning Boomerang spectator names number, performer cuts one cards less and selection is on top of reminder
2004 60
Steve Beam Cold Cuts shuffle tracking presentation, Ace and number is named and found at position
Also published here 2004 64
Steve Beam The Fabulous Four Card Prediction five cards as a prediction, spectator can remove any of the five cards, selection is found at total of the four cards
2004 86
Steve Beam The Fantastic Four Card Prediction total of four selected cards lead to selection
2004 89
Mick Ayres Mr. Clean selection found at total of two cards
2004 96
Steve Beam Total Chaos selection ends up on total of freely named numbers, humorous presentation
2004 101
David Solomon One Man's Search for Meaning two packets are dealt through to build card, remaining two cards are added and formed card is found at exact position in deck
2004 112
David Solomon Even More Meaning two packets are dealt through to build card, remaining two cards are added and formed card is found at exact position in deck
2004 113
Steve Beam Deal of Fourtune card is formed with the Eliminator and then found at total of two cut packets
2004 116
Steve Beam Diamonds are Fourever constructed card is found at total off two packets, using the Eliminator
Related to 2004 119
R. Paul Wilson All That Jazz number of card stopped at is counted from deck to find selection, flexible method
2004 132
Karl Fulves, Robert E. Neale Distant Marker spectator cuts deck, performer names number and a card of that value is at its numerical position from top
2005 110
Harry Riser The Dictionary Definition
Related toAlso published here
  • MUM, March 2002
2006 71
Harry Riser Penelope Alter Idem number of cut off packet used to count to selection, involves odd-backed Joker, penelope, faro
Also published here
  • MUM, April 1998
2006 139
Gordon Bean Spot On two spectators have a pile of six cards and a die, they remember card at position determined with the dice and all twelve cards are then shuffled, after dealing two piles, performer is able to turn the dice to that number matching positions in the piles
2006 183
Michael Powers Numerical Analysis selection ends up at total of cut-off packet after mixing procedure, Penelope
  • Alternate Presentations (An Open Prediction, A Closed Prediction)
Variations 2006 106
Bruce Cervon odd combination automatic placement
2007 40
Harry Lorayne Would it Be a Miracle?
  • Hidden Gems
named number corresponds to distance between spectator's and performer's selection
Also published here Sep. 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 9)
Jerry K. Hartman Find A Card, Any Card spectator shuffles one deck and thinks of card from another, multiple options for ending:
  • card is found in first deck at a named number
  • spectator stops dealing when he wants and finds card
  • magician inserts an indicator card into deck right next to selection
2007 385
George McBride Streamlined Who Knows the Card card chosen with counting procedure ends up and number named at beginning
Inspired by 2007 5
Steve Beam Cold Cuts shuffle tracking presentation, Ace and number is named and found at position, Killer Count
Also published here 2008 63
Luis Otero ¡Penélope lo hace! card constructed by selecting two cards, cards is found by adding values, also other card that is possible to construct is found, Penelope Principle
El Manuscrito (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Jason England A Curious Location selection lost, number up to ten named, performer cuts to this value and selection is found that many cards down
Inspired by 2012 16
Michiaki Kishimoto Four Card Surprise packet is cut and spectator and performer deal cards at the same time, card on top is selection and mates are found as kicker
2013 128
Simon Aronson Totally Fooling Three random cards stopped on, sum of values equal number of cards cut off, plus selection is at that number
Inspired byVariations 2014 141
Simon Aronson Total Surrender Total Recall combined with Totally Fooling, MCS Stack
Inspired byVariations 2014 161
Simon Aronson The Total Package Three phases, MCS Stack
1. Total Recall
2. Prediction of card at number
3. Selection found at number
Inspired byVariations 2014 170
Patrick G. Redford Applesauce selected card at number that's generated by counting a cut-off packet
  • Variation #1: Mind Reading
  • Variation #2: Alternate Cull and Shift
  • Variation #3: Raahul's Ruse (Raahul Srinivasan)
  • Variation #4: Breather Crimp Triple Cut
2014 17
Jim Steinmeyer, Eddie Joseph The Luckier Number card shows up at number that is named at beginning
Inspired by 2015 15
Joseph Barry STOCAN V2 card lost, number chosen by removing pile of cards and counting it
Inspired by
  • "Simple Card at Number" (Joseph Barry)
2015 6
Alex Ng I Got the Number Phase one: Combined values of two prediction cards match freely selected card
Phase two: Value of one prediction card and suit of another matched the selected card. Combined value of the two cards give the position of the selection in the deck
2015 8
Joseph Barry STOCAN V2 card lost, number chosen by removing pile of cards and counting it
Inspired by
  • "Simple Card at Number" (Joseph Barry)
2016 10
Ramón Riobóo Sorpresa, Sorpresa two decks, cards turned over and value counted, repeated until reversed card is found, when card are added up, same card is found at total in other deck
El Manuscrito (Vol. 8 No. 31)
Gary Plants Group Effort card named, spectators touch cards which are reversed and added up, at the total is found the named card when counted down in the deck
Sep. 2017
Operandi (Issue 3)
Jim Steinmeyer Pure Evil No. 4, packet cut off, force card moved to total of cut-off cards by reverse-counting, reverse-count-placement
Variations 2017 10
Nick Trost Mathematical Location card found by counting down three times to apparently random values, starts with honest shuffle
Inspired by 2017 1455
Kevin Kelly Klondike Kelly Card selected and lost via Klondike shuffle, found at position indicated by number of cards spectator cut off previously
Oct. 2018
Elixir (Vol. 2 No. 1 (Summer #2))
Gary Plants Team Work Card found at position equal to sum of values of four random cards, improvisation
Oct. 2018
Elixir (Vol. 2 No. 1 (Summer #2))
Xiaobo Zhou X-27 ACAAN Selected card shuffled to a freely named position, uses the X-27 principle
Related to 2018 16
David Solomon Gemini Match two cards chosen by counting to numbers and Gemini Twins procedure, one decided upon, added numbers counted down to find mate
Inspired by
  • "Four Sided Gemini" (John Bannon, Destination Zero)
2018 72
David Solomon Ramón Riobóo's Inverse Compensation some cards removed, spectator choses three red cards of those and a black card, the red cards are added to count down to mate of black card
Inspired by 2018 79
David Solomon Impromptu Invisible Toss biddle trick, card found in deck at position of other four cards added
Inspired by 2018 91
David Solomon Reading the Tea Leaves sixteen-card packet riffle shuffled and dealt into four piles, top cards used to divine selection and find it by adding total
2018 125
David Solomon Totally Fooling Sans Shuffle four piles cut to, top cards of three piles total to number of fourth pile, selection on bottom of this pile, then the three numbers used to count to three mates of selection
Inspired by 2018 131
David Solomon Smaltzy Penelope card chosen and lost, number of cut-off cards used to count to selection, faro
Inspired by 2018 142
Ramón Riobóo Deep Diver magician names card at position, total of four selections
2018 133
Daisuke Sato Down to You spectator cuts to three cards and values added lead to selection
2018 159
Michał Kociołek Lucky You Chosen card found at position established by sum of randomly chosen numbers written on pieces of paper, based on mathematical principle
Inspired byRelated to 2019 18
Ramón Riobóo An Adjusted Prediction Single card prediction, deal down sum of many numbers plus an adjustment card
2019 41
Ramón Riobóo Impossible Dribble Add number of cards from two freely dribbled packets, card at that number is mate of the prediction
2019 55
Ramón Riobóo Fair Value Magician can name card at position in the deck determine by the sum of four random cards
2019 113
Ramón Riobóo A Magic Card and a Magic Number Card found using magic card and magic number
2019 177
Ramón Riobóo A Taste for the Ladies Locate four Queens after dealing cards into four piles based on audience personal data
2019 191
Tony Cabral A Personal Favorite combination of two tricks
  • Cabral's Favorite Blackstone's Favorite
  • Darwin Ortiz's Remote Control (performer knows position of peeked at card in second deck)
Inspired by 2019 11
Simon Black Über selection vanishes from packet, reappears in the deck at specific position
Inspired byRelated to 2020 36
Steve Beam The Randomized Lie Detector face-up/face-down cards to form a number and to find selection
Inspired by 2020 184
Giancarlo Scalia Triangulation several packets are formed with one reversed card on top, spectator selects some and adds up values, total leads to selection in the deck
Related to 2020 220
Larry Jennings Repeat Indicator "First Exercise in Holding Multiple Breaks"
counting from one card to the next
Also published here 2020 351
Larry Jennings Two Knowns Equal an Unknown trick located by counting down sum of two numbers, trick doesn't work, error in description
2020 474
Larry Jennings Lucky "32" spectator cuts off pile, remembers card at same position in rest of deck, deals pile into four piles and top values are added to find selection
Also published here 2020 475
Jon Racherbaumer Higgledy-Piggledy We Go
  • Exhumations
same as "Why Am I Here?"/"Strike Three And Out"
Sep. 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 9)
Dani DaOrtiz Unraveling the Triple Intuition three spectators choose cards and they are lost in deck, Spectator A deals and stops when he wants and value of card is counted to arrive at his selection, Spectator B deals to a number he thought of and card at that number is his, Spectator C deals and stops when he wants and is fairly given option to deal more or go back, arrives at his card
Also published here 2021 145
Jim Steinmeyer, Robert Ramirez Match, Match, Match, Match No. 2, packet cut off, four-of-a-kind found after some pile-dealing, value has been predicted, reverse-count-placement
Inspired by 2021 9
Dai Vernon Three Times Impossible No. 9, card found by counting down three times to apparently random values, same as Vernon's
Inspired by 2021 28
Eugene Burger The Horowitz Variation spectator stops in one half, value used to locate card in other half, impromptu
Related to 2021 275
Bob Farmer Any Card At Any Hummer piles made on the table, one card chosen and cards assembled, from one pile the spectator chooses four cards, they are added up and the is found at that sum
2022 2
Bob Farmer Another Any Card At Any Hummer number is generated by adding the card values on four double-blank cards that have cards written on both sides
  • The Blomberg Layout Procedure (Tomas Blomberg)
2022 9
Jean-Pierre Vallarino Trio signed selection lost in deck, spectator names number, performer cuts off that exact number of cards and card arrived at is selection, values of four prediction cards are shown to total that amount as well, finally selection’s back is shown to have changed color
2022 215
Alex Elmsley By a Narrow Margin
  • Exhumations (Jon Racherbaumer)
card chosen and lost, packet removed, spectator removes one card from it and it is selection or leads to it
Also published here Sep. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 9)
Gary Plants I Know Why I Am Here card found by counting down multiple times to apparently random values, different getting-into and four packets
Inspired by 2023 23
Joshua Jay Tetradecaphobia
  • Phase One (selection is plucked out of dribbled deck)
  • Phase Two (two cards are plucked out and the sum of their values indicates position of selection)
  • Widening the Scope (other ideas with the premise)
Inspired by
  • "Pluck" (Christian Grace, 2020 download)
2024 16
Christian Scherer Good Luck Number faro under the table, card at total of two added cards
Also published here 2024 282