86 entries in Coin / Effect Themes / Appearance & Vanish with Reproduction Routines / Jumbo Coin Sequences
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
John Giordmaine The Big Nickel borrowed nickel changes into giant coin
  • An Alternate Effect
Variations 1966 473
Derek Dingle Bonus kicker ending for "Four Coins in the Countin'", different large coin appears
1971 53
Patrick Page 1. Spellbound Climax jumbo coin climax
1974 1
Michael Skinner Riesenmünzen-Produktion coin turns into jumbo coin under handkerchief, sleeve load
Das Mike Skinner / Piet Forton Seminarheft (Issue Das Mike Skinner Seminarheft)
Jeff White Bag It Jumbo coin appears and vanishes, with handkerchief
1980 8
Jeff White Interlace Production jumbo coin production
1980 25
Jeff White How About A Quickie jumbo coin appears between two chosen cards
1980 25
Steve Dusheck Surprise jumbo coin production from a few cards, plastic wallet
1980 ca. 5
David Britland A Coin Routine - With Interest one coin routine with jumbo coin kicker
Babel (Issue 2)
David Britland Coin Transformation coin into jumbo coin
Babel (Issue 2)
Horace E. Bennett Big Coin Routine coin travels from knee to knee, then change into jumbo coin
Inspired byVariations 1981 6
Horace E. Bennett A Big Production jumbo coin from handkerchief
1981 50
Phillip Young Giant Coin Vanish
1982 11
Steve Beam Folding Coins giant coin produced from small rubber purse
1982 31
Phillip Young Metal in the Elbow series of vanishes and reproduction of a coin, eventually it enlarges while being penetrated through the hand, close-up mat steal
1982 53
Phillip Young Swelled Head coin changes into jumbo coin, when turned over
1982 56
Curtis Kam Coercive Purse purse frame routine, copper and silver coins transpose with one in purse, jumbo coin from purse finale
Also published here 1982 1
Ross Bertram Money Goes East coin changes visibly when tossed from hand to hand, then to jumbo coin
1983 78
Roy Baker It's Getting Larger Coin flurry where coin keeps increasing in size until it is gigantic
1983 14
Stephen Tucker Cla$ico three different coins, asymmetrical transposition, then one coin becomes a jumbo coin
Sep. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 29)
David Gripenwaldt As Promised! jumbo coin appearance from metal ring, alternate ending
Inspired by Summer 1984
West Coast Quarterly (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Fred Kaps The Fred Kaps Chinese Coin Routine "Giant Chinese Coin Climax"
Chinese and half dollar transpose, Chinese coin grows, smaller one found under purse, the different-sized Chinese coins transpose with handkerchief, one grows again and smaller one again under purse, giant Chinese coin produced
Related toVariations 1984 5
David Roth Standup Flurry Climax Jumbo Coin Production
Variations 1985 26
David Roth The Lapel Coin One Coin Routine
1985 148
David Roth The Micrometer Standing production, vanish and transformation routine
1985 294
Joaquín Navajas Cobre, Plata, China y... Climax copper coin vanishes and appears again, then it changes into a silver and into a chinese coin, finally the coin becomes a jumbo coin
Also published here 1985 11
Joaquín Navajas Transfromación de la Moneda Gigante visual transformation of a coin into a jumbo coin, coin grows in closed fist
Also published here 1985 13
Steve Dusheck Auto-Steal Silk also "Auto-Silk", production item (jumbo coin) on thread, attached to silk through hole
Related toAlso published here 1985 10
Steve Draun Inflated Spellbound silver Dollar to Dime, several times, jumbo coin climax
1987 36
Gary Kurtz Continuation series of effects with coin and handkerchief, two jumbo coins finale
1988 15
Christoph Borer The Magic Pen coin appears and is vanished with a wand, then coin changes into jumbo coin
1988 9
Gary Kurtz Flurious using jumbo coins, with handkerchief
Related to 1988 1
Gary Kurtz Flurious Steal tucked in belt, with jumbo coin
1988 1
Gary Kurtz 500% coin grows into jumbo coin
1988 2
David Williamson Wishing Well coin changes color and size when dipped into fist, jumbo coin finale
Also published here 1989 23
David Roth Coin Transformation coin to jumbo coin
1989 6
Gary Kurtz Flurious using Jumbo Coins
Related to 1990 91
Rocco Silano The Four Coin Routine while smoking cigarette, four coins appear in flash, vanish, reproduction, jumbo coin appears
1990 19
Gary Kurtz Copper/Silver Continuation series of effects with coins and handkerchief, two jumbo coins finale, load from body
Also published here 1992 54
Steve Dusheck Jumbo Coin Catcher folding/hinged jumbo coin gimmick
1992 74
Steve Dusheck Jumbo Coin Fans "electric deck" with three jumbo coins for production
1992 77
Steve Dusheck Auto Silk plastic jumbo coin produced from silk, applications with Dusheck Vest and Fanglassic
Also published here 1992 87
Paul Gertner The Very Big Penny eight inch penny appears
1994 59
Jim Artle Bartender's Dream miser's dream with cocktail shaker, jumbo coin produced at the end which then turns into lots of several coins
Inspired by Dec. 1994
The Minotaur (Vol. 6 No. 4)
Steve Hook Ortho-Repeatic Jumbo COin jumbo coin vanish an reappears at right knee, in repeat at other knee
1994 166
Felix Farrell Another Flurry coin appears, penetrates hand, travels, vanishes from a handkerchief and turns into jumbo coin
1995 26
Gary Kurtz Copper/Silver Continuation series of effects with coins and handkerchief, two jumbo coins finale, load from body
Also published here 1995 9
Jim Krenz Quasimodo Quoins coins travel from hand to hand every time a spectator rings a service bell, last coin appears under bell and as a climax a jumbo coin appears
Related to Sep. 1996
The Minotaur (Vol. 8 No. 3)
Curtis Kam Coercive Purse purse frame routine, copper and silver coins transpose with one in purse, jumbo coin from purse finale
Also published here 1996 29
Lou Gallo Coins of the World production of twelve coins plus four jumbo coins from Okito box
Inspired by
  • Paul Cummins routine
1996 35
Wesley James Big Coin Finish finale for Spellbound routine, three different jumbo coins appear
1997 89
Tom Stone The One Coin Opener short one-coin flurry, then pen is produced from coin, coin from pen cap, jumbo coin sequence
Also published here
  • "The Warpsmith's Toolbox" (1993)
1997 1
Manuel Muerte Die Münze und der Stift coin appears, coin and pen sequence, coin in pen cap, pen grows to giant pen, jumbo coin falls from its cap
1998 12
David Regal Optical Coin Climax Way of revealing jumbo coin under cards as a climax after a Matrix type effect
1999 165
Phillip Kaiser Coinfetti giant jumbo coin changes into confetti
Aug. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 8)
Hiroshi Sawa The Sleeve Shootout one-handed production of handful of coins on the table, or growing coins (normal coins change into jumbo coins instantly)
VariationsAlso published here Nov. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 11)
Alexander de Cova Riesenmünzen-Produktion tip on production of jumbo coin
Related to 2002 12
Tom Burgoon Ultra Mint hooked jumbo coin with black art back
  • The Basic Vanish
  • The Recovery
  • The Split
Feb. 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 2)
Tom Burgoon Ultra Mint II hooked jumbo coin with black art back
  • Vanish and Reappearance with a Silk
Feb. 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 2)
David Roth Coin Transformation coin to jumbo coin
2006 40
Curtis Kam Tablehopper's Jumbo jumbo coin appears as climax of a routine, then vanishes again
2006 25
Michael Powers Expanding Expenditure coin tossed on mat grows to jumbo coin, vanishes and reappears
2006 187
Justin Miller Walking to China Chinese and silver coin transpose with use of handkerchief, then two jumbo coins and two even bigger coins appear
Related to May 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Patrick Page Continuous Coin Production With Climax
Nov. 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 11)
Patrick Page Ace and Jumbo Coin Production performer locates the Aces, then a Jumbo coin appears under the fan of Aces
Related to Nov. 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 11)
Patrick Page The Big Coin Production producing jumbo coin, plate or other object behind knee
2011 124
Jan Logemann Three-Layered Silver (Dreilagiges Silber)
paper snippets turn into coin when burned in a flash, one-coin routine, jumbo coin, more coins appear
2013 14
Tom Crosbie Magic for the Deaf spelling as presentation to produce and vanish coin, jumbo coin finish
2013 76
Hiroshi Sawa The Sleeve Shootout one-handed production of handful of coins on the table, or growing coins (normal coins change into jumbo coins instantly)
Also published here 2013 239
Alexander de Cova One Coin Killer jumbo coin production as end of one-coin routine
2015 66
Alexander de Cova Phase V: Die Riesenmünze jumbo coin production, coin changes into jumbo coin
2015 96
Jamy Ian Swiss Direct Steal & Jumbo Coin Transformation as climax for a flurry
Also published here
  • Magic Manuscript, Sep./Oct. 1992
2016 37
Geoffrey Latta The Flopperino Jumbo Coin Production coin grows to jumbo size
2017 51
Geoffrey Latta Jumbo Chinese Coin Production loaded from table edge
2017 54
Eric Stevens Logicoin Opener Jumbo coin appearance in hands, need sleeves
Inspired by 2018 11
Ignacio López Siempre Dos two coins are sepearated and always end up together, finally they change into two jumbo coins
2018 71
Alexander de Cova Fred Kaps Chinese Coin Routine Chinese and half dollar transpose, Chinese coin grows, smaller one found under purse, the different-sized Chinese coins transpose with handkerchief, one grows again and smaller one again under purse, giant Chinese coin produced
  • Abschlussladung - Patrick-Page-Variante
Inspired by 2018 139
Jan Logemann An Anfang war 'ne Münze three coins appear and vanish, jumbo coin finale, pendulum, incorporating appearing sand in presentation
2019 4
Christian Scherer Das Sicherheitsportmonnaie three coins appear and vanish with a purse frame, coins travel from hand to hand, one coin becomes a large coin and other coins disappear in purse frame again
2019 3
Christian Scherer Coin to Jumbo Coin with Kaps / Ramsay Drop Vanish handling
2019 16
Christian Scherer Jumbo Coin to Normal Coin visual transformation
2019 20
Joaquín Navajas Cobre, plata, china y... clímax copper coin vanishes and appears again, then it changes into a silver and into a chinese coin, finally the coin becomes a jumbo coin
Also published here 2019 17
Joaquín Navajas Transformación en moneda gigante visual transformation of a coin into a jumbo coin, coin grows in closed fist
Also published here 2019 19
Jeff Johnson Mumbo Jumbo jumbo coin appearance at end of matrix routine
2022 191
Sol Stone Not So Rapid Transit coin vanish and reproduction routine, then change into jumbo coin
2022 211
Michael Rubinstein Standup Flurry Climax Handling jumbo Coin Production
Inspired by Sep. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 9)