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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Yank Hoe The Card in the Watch borrowed watch wrapped in handkerchief, miniature of it appears in box of watch, two methods
1909 140
Yank Hoe The Sympathetic Coins on corners of handkerchief
Variations 1909 251
Yank Hoe Laydown Steal
1909 252
Yank Hoe The Trance Vision (Second Method) Q&A
1909 345
The Sympathetic Coins on corners of handkerchief, second method with extra coin
Related to 1935 52
Yank Hoe Location with Crimp magician inserts card
1938 47
Commander Slayton Spelling a Card merely Thought Of: Commander Slayton's Method
Variations 1938 315
Yank Hoe The Sympathetic Coins corners of handkerchief assembly, shell
Related to 1938 689
Yank Hoe The Sympathetic Coins on a handkerchief with two pieces of paper
1952 197
Al Saal The Al Saal Stratagem move to transfer a coin
Inspired by 1952 198
Lewis Ganson The Sympathetic Discs matrix on four corners of handkerchief with four different colored discs and two covers
  • Suggestion by Terence J. Coates
Inspired by 1952 82
John Northern Hilliard Les pièces voyageuses corners of handkerchief assembly, shell, two cards
Related toAlso published here
  • J. H. Hilliard "La Prestidigitation du XXe Siècle"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 34 No. 4)
Karl Fulves Ho Ho Coins No. 8, coins gather under credit cards, posed as a problem
Inspired by 1985 116
Tom Gagnon You Have My Sympathy with close up map
Inspired by 1988 399
Karl Fulves Undercover pocket card, "high card wins" presentation
Inspired by 1989 30
Yank Hoe Razors and Paper Loops stick is broken on paper without harming paper
1994 1225
Yank Hoe Detail of Yank Hoe Trick of Card in Watch Case short note
1994 1226
Vanni Bossi, Yank Hoe The Card in the Watch corner of card travels in wrist watch
2005 3
Tom Gagnon Ultimate Coin Assembly four quarters, one-handed performance
Inspired by 2013 150
Tom Gagnon Gagnon's Sympathetic Coins coins penetrate upwards through pad to join coin under card, extra coin
Inspired by 2013 164