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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Royal Vale Heath The Lucky Number Magic Square 3x3
Jan. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 16)
Royal Vale Heath Magic Squares chapter on Magic Squares, discussing
  • The Three Square
  • The Five Square
  • Odd and Even Cell Squares
  • The Eight Square
  • The Six Square
Variations 1938 911
Royal Vale Heath Figure Fantasy Fibonacci principle
VariationsAlso published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 91)
Royal Vale Heath One In Millions! ten named cards, their order recorded, performer arranges them so that they can be spelled out in original order
Variations 1945 138
Royal Vale Heath DY-Cyphering Trick method of quickly calculating five three digit numbers, second method with dice
Variations 1945 242
Royal Vale Heath Take a Number from 1 to 30 number on cards, numbers in column add on
1945 246
Royal Vale Heath "Magic Square" Magic card selection in combination with magic square, total of square indicates position in the rest of the deck
Feb. 1945 103
Robert Stull The Problem of the Stacked Dice puzzle, five dice stacked with coins on top, naming top numbers of each die
  • Counter-clockwise Dice
  • Clockwise Dice
Variations Jan. 1949 502
Robert Stull, Ned Rutledge, Wallace, Royal Vale Heath The Problem of the Stacked Dice puzzle, more solutions to Stull's problem posed on p. 502
Inspired by Apr. 1949
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 6 No. 11)
Royal Vale Heath Tap Tap Tap selection and five other cards are put in envelopes, performer taps the envelopes and spectator mentally spells his card, when he stops the performer his hand is on the correct envelope, using deck with different backs (rainbow)
Apr. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 201)
Royal Vale Heath Retrospecs card is held behind performer, who divines it, mathematical, see also p. 841, glasses sight gag, Fibonacci sequence
Aug. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 209)
Royal Vale Heath, John Scarne Heath's Master Speller No. 15, Ace to king packet arranged, random card cut to, value spelled repeatedly to get Ace to King in sequence
1950 31
Royal Vale Heath Bill (28)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
Serial number divination
Also published here May 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Royal Vale Heath, Walter B. Gibson Calendar (3)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
Five dates are circled on a calendar month, magician asks how many Mondays/Tuesdays... are circled, magician can divine the sum total of the circled dates
Also published here July 1951 819
Walter B. Gibson, Royal Vale Heath Gibson's Circled Dates Five dates are circled on a calendar month, magician asks how many Mondays/Tuesdays... are circled, magician can divine the sum total of the circled dates
Also published here 1956 48
, Eddie Joseph Tapping the Hours Spectator think of any hour on the clock, magician tap the clock at random points, eventually will end counting on the thought-of hour. Variation by Eddie Joseph using blank cards with words
Variations 1956 50
Royal Vale Heath Heath's Bill Trick Serial number divination, very mathematical
Also published here 1956 52
Which Hand? divining which hand holds dime and which hand holds penny
Variations 1956 59
Royal Vale Heath Heath's Variation Which Hand, divine which hand holds nickel and which hand holds penny, required length of calculation as tell
Inspired byRelated to 1956 60
Royal Vale Heath Heath's "Tappit" Tapping the Hours type of trick, but with colored tiles and numbers printed on them
Inspired by 1956 102
Royal Vale Heath, Ed Balducci Heath's "Di-ciphering" five dice with different three digit numbers on each face. Roll the dice, magician can very quickly give the sum of the numbers rolled
Variations 1956 106
Royal Vale Heath Number Challenge two-digit number divided by three, left-over named to performer who then works out the number
Related to
  • "Zangbar Zackelback" (Wallace Lee, Genii, June 1958, p. 364)
Dec. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 12)
Stewart James, H. E. Dudeney, Max Katz Nic's Trick two-digit number divided by three, left-over named to performer who then works out the number
Inspired by Mar. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 13)
Thomas M. Harris On the Mind two-digit number divided by three, left-over named to performer who then works out the number (is this "Tom Harris"?)
Inspired byRelated to
  • "Zangbar Zackelback" (Wallace Lee, Genii, June 1958, p. 364)
Sep. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 14)
Jack Potter Figure Fantasy Fibonacci principle, number prediction
Inspired byRelated to Mar. 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 23)
Max Katz Addendum Fibonacci principle, number prediction
Inspired byRelated to May 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 25)
Royal Vale Heath Fibonacci Fibonacci principle
Also published here 1967
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 28 No. 3)
Dr. Jacob Daley, Royal Vale Heath Card Trick 14-15 No. 571, card lost, spectator cuts and nine cards are taken, three consecutive cards give numbers 14 or 15 to locate selection, magic square with the nine cards
1972 159
Karl Fulves, Royal Vale Heath Left-Handed Thoughts No. 45, different coin in each hand, spectator does quick mental calculation and performer is able to name the result
Related to
  • Royal V. Heath's "Mathemagic"
1981 55
Royal Vale Heath A Mathemagical Magic Square reprinted from reference
Related to
  • The Sphinx, August 1936
1983 4
Al Mann Wizard's Walk telephone book test over the phone, mathematical principle
Related to
  • "Arithmetical Whoopee" in Royal Vale Heath's "Math-E-Magic", 1953
1984 8
Royal Vale Heath, Rudolf Braunmüller Die Phänomen-Würfel five dice with three-digit numbers, speed calculation effects
  • Effekt Nr. 1
  • Effekt Nr. 2
  • Effekt Nr. 3
  • Effekt Nr. 4
Oct. 1987
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 1)
Ted Lesley Black Magic² Pseudo Psychometry, information written on business cards, last information is a number which is divined by doing a magic square
Inspired by 1994 177
Robert Cassidy The Moleskine Divination three dice with three digit numbers, to select number and place from a list in a moleskine, divination
Inspired by 2004 168
Mel Bennett Easy As Abc calculator option for simplifying task to spectators in division tricks
Inspired by
  • Number Challenge (Royal Vale Heath, 1957)
  • "Zangbar Zackelback" (Wallace Lee, Genii, June 1958, p. 364)
  • "Zackelback's Problem" (John F. Pooley, Genii, Oct. 1958, p. 46)
Related to
Prolix (Issue 2)
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Heath Receipts instantly knowing the price of any named item
(PDF bonus from sometime before May 2013)
Inspired by May 2013
Real Secrets (Vol. 2 No. 14)
Michael Murray The Comparative Uncertainty Principle (CUP's), system to detect if someone is thinking of a long or a short word
Related to 2014 192
David Britland Spellstack
  • Cardopolis
ten chosen cards, performer arranges them so that they can be spelled out in original order as they had been chosen
Inspired by Sep. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 9)