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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
George Coon The Card and Cigarette Case torn and restored card to metal cigarette case, two pieces proof
Variations 1958 18
Pavel A Rope Circle Routine three knotted rope rings become one large ring, then small rings again which are then linked
Variations 1970 ca. 7
Pat Conway A Gag From Pat Conway thread becomes invisible when pulled free
Also published here Aug. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Walt Lees Editorial on Harry Dewhirst, Ger Cooper, Brian Glover, Pat Conway, Harry Nichols, Bob Little, Piet Forton, Roger Crosthwaite, Bob Read, Dick Turpin, Ken Brooke
Sep. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 9)
Pat Conway Pat Conway's Routine
1980 22
Pat Conway Ein Faden für viele Effekte hook up, thread inside trouser leg with weight
  • The Apparatus
  • Using the Apparatus
  • Broken Thread
  • Magic With the Conway Thread Carrier
Also published here 1980
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 41 No. 2)
Pat Conway The ???? in Wallet gag production of rubber spider from wallet
Also published here Feb. 1982
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 2)
Pat Conway Dedication
1987 5
Pat Conway Pat Conway
1987 6
Pat Conway Matchbox Turnover cover and drawer of matchbox transpose multiple times, cover travels from pocket back to tray, matches penetrate box and hand
1987 13
Pat Conway The Immatcherial Cigarette version of Sympathetic Matchboxes (also originally invented by Conway), as one matchbox is closed, another one opens, boxes separated by cigarette packet
1987 19
Pat Conway Wife Swapping two cigarette packets are signed by two couples, all put under handkerchief, then the signatures transpose (one wife with the wrong man and vice versa)
1987 25
Pat Conway The Conway Cigarette Case metal cigarette case as switching device, can be opened by spectator
Inspired by 1987 28
Pat Conway The Card and Cigarette Case torn and restored card in metal cigarette case, first minus one quarter, then fully
Inspired by 1987 31
Pat Conway Joker Spots blank cards, spots and Jokers appear on them, move around and vanish
Also published here
  • Abracadabra, 1975
1987 35
Pat Conway False Count three cards, similar to E-Y-E count
1987 38
Pat Conway Chameleon Cards red and blue cases transpose after being wrapped in two handkerchiefs, sucker presentation
Also published here
  • Abracadabra, 1975
1987 41
Pat Conway The Colour Change Pack with changing card case
1987 48
Pat Conway The Colour Change Pack (Second Version) with changing card case, using a face-to-face gaffed hinged card
1987 53
Pat Conway Auto Spell spelling through a packet of one suit with spectator
1987 55
Pat Conway The Note in Cigar
1987 58
Pat Conway A Routine for the 27p Coin Trick routine with set of nesting coins ("The Master Coin"), jumbo coin appearance as finale
1987 63
Pat Conway Double Change coin put on face-up deck, both coin an card then change, tosheroon
1987 68
Pat Conway Tiefusion two pieces of rope fuse back together behind tie
1987 70
Pat Conway The Appearing Knots knots appear when rope is passed through hand, they are then untied
1987 76
Pat Conway The Conway Rope De Luxe rope cut into three pieces is restored
Also published here
  • marketed by Ken Brooke in the early 1970s
1987 83
Pat Conway Loopy four ropes are tied into rings, they morph into one large rope ring
Inspired by 1987 93
Pat Conway At the Drop of a Knot knot in rope vanishes and appears in different part of the rope
1987 100
Pat Conway D.I.Y. Sliding Knot
1987 104
Pat Conway Instant Silk on Rope silk appears in knot of rope as it is tied
1987 109
Pat Conway The Invisible Sliding Knot gag, knot is tied into invisible rope via miming, knot is taken off and becomes real
1987 114
Pat Conway Rope Interlude sliding knot effect, knot slid off
1987 116
Pat Conway Colour Change Record Subtlety
1987 119
Pat Conway Pipe Dream cigarette travels to pocket, rises out of fist, manipulative sequences, changes into pipe
1987 121
Pat Conway Oranges and Lemons fruits appear in a mat that is folded and unfolded several times, fruits attached to mat with string
1987 128
Pat Conway The Conway Thread Carrier hook up, thread inside trouser leg with weight
  • The Apparatus
  • Using the Apparatus
  • Broken Thread
  • Magic With the Conway Thread Carrier
Also published here 1987 133
Pat Conway The Coin in Beer Glass coin dropped into full glass, it rises out back into the performer's hand
1987 137
Pat Conway The Rising Pencil out of a bottle
1987 138
Pat Conway The Moving Matchbox
1987 139
Pat Conway Baby Bottle bar bet about emptying a small bottle with rubber teet without removing it
1987 141
Pat Conway The Joke Matchbox gag matchbox with folding lid but looks like it has a drawer
1987 142
Pat Conway Four to the Bar intro to section with bar stunts
1987 144
Pat Conway Coin and Tin Penetration
Also published here
  • Ron MacMillan's "Magic Info" of Oct. 1972
1987 144
Pat Conway Catch One invisible cigarette becomes visible
Also published here
  • Ron MacMillan's "Magic Info"
1987 145
Pat Conway The Vanishing Matchbox
1987 145
Pat Conway The Tie Matchbox Vanish matchbox vanishes behind tie
1987 147
Pat Conway Tie and Die die vanishes after being rolled up in necktie
1987 149
Pat Conway Invisible Thread thread becomes invisible when pulled free, gag
Also published here 1987 152
Pat Conway The Yuk in Wallet gag production of rubber spider from wallet
Also published here 1987 154
Pat Conway Final Word
1987 157
Click! Click! Pat Conway, Bobby Bernard
July 1989
Opus (Vol. 2 No. 11)