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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Doug Bennett Silver Sponge four coins vanish with sponge and are wrought out again, then large silver spoon appears, shell
Variations 1983 64
Jean-Phillippe Pradel, Joaquín Navajas The False Turn Over of a Coin
Related toAlso published here 1988
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 2 No. 7 & 8 Arcane)
John Carney Streamlined Cylinder and Coins
Variations 1991 50
Ralph Cos Die Airtight-Section - Der Grundgriff balloon pressed against deck of cards, it shrinks around deck which is apparently now inside the balloon
Inspired byRelated to 1991 20
Kiko Pastur Luis Piedrahita - El curioso caso de Luis Piedrahita Cuesta
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Román García Luis Piedrahita
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Luis Piedrahita El Empalme del Aberroncho finger palm variation, similar to edge grip
Also published here 2009
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Luis Piedrahita El Volteo Timoteo apparently showing both sides of a coin shell, example of turning four coins over on the table
Also published here 2009
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Luis Piedrahita El Lentigüillo coin flipped in other hand, hiding one side
Also published here 2009
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Luis Piedrahita Los vasos on Gea and his magic with coins and glasses
2009 95
Luis Piedrahita Prólogo - Sueños Muy Bien Pensados
2010 7
Luis Piedrahita, Kiko Pastur Cards in Balloon balloon pressed against deck of cards, it shrinks around deck which is apparently now inside the balloon
Related to 2010 79
Luis Piedrahita El Volteo Timoteo apparently showing both sides of a coin shell, example of turning four coins over on the table
2010 184
Luis Piedrahita La sortunata coin tossed in the air, controlled
El Manuscrito (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Luis Piedrahita El Lanzamiento Mascagranzas (y Juego) coin thrown on table is switched, with coins across routine
Also published here 2010
El Manuscrito (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Luis Piedrahita Aparición brutal de cuatro monedas production of four coins
El Manuscrito (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Luis Piedrahita Moneda inspirada y espirada coin is inhaled with the nose and exhaled again, appears on the outstretched hand, based on a move by John Cornelius
El Manuscrito (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Luis Piedrahita La Magia vista con otros ojos - las cámeras - primera parte on working with television cameras, presenting close-up in TV
El Manuscrito (Vol. 3 No. 14)
Luis Piedrahita Tesoros Y Otras Magias on the book "Tesoros y otras magias" by Álvaro Cunqueiro, on coin magic
2011 13
Luis Piedrahita El Empalme del Aberroncho finger palm variation, similar to edge grip
Also published here 2011 26
Luis Piedrahita El Volteo Timoteo apparently showing both sides of a coin shell, example of turning four coins over on the table
Related toAlso published here 2011 28
Luis Piedrahita El Triclinqui producing the coin sound with a gaffed coin, tapping one coin on others
2011 32
Luis Piedrahita El Lentiguillo coin flipped in other hand, hiding one side
Also published here 2011 34
Luis Piedrahita El Lanzagranzas coin thrown on table is switched
Also published here 2011 36
Kiko Pastur On Luis Piedrahita brief anecdote
2011 42
Luis Piedrahita Cobre / Plata Para Aberroncho y Lanzagranzas three times copper and silver coins change places, first in performer's hands then with a glass and finally in the hands of the spectator
2011 44
Luis Piedrahita Aparición Brutal de Cuatro Monedas four coin production
2011 54
Luis Piedrahita El Cilindro de Ramsay using toilet paper roll
Inspired by 2011 60
Luis Piedrahita La Falsa Cogida false take among of a coin, among other coins on hand
2011 64
Luis Piedrahita Producción de las Cuatro Monedas four coins appear on table, while brushing over it
2011 70
Luis Piedrahita Monedas a través de la Mesa four cons through table one by one into a glass then they penetrate table again at once
2011 72
Luis Piedrahita Unload Move
2011 75
Luis Piedrahita Cuatro Monedas y una Esponja four coins vanish with sponge and are wrought out again
Inspired by 2011 80
Luis Piedrahita Shell Unload Move while showing coins on table
2011 82
Luis Piedrahita Moneda en la Aspirina signed coin appears inside a aspirin pill which is dissolved in water
2011 92
Luis Piedrahita Monedas Firmadas que Vuelan de una Mano a Otra four signed coins travel from one hand to the other
Variations 2011 98
Luis Piedrahita, Román García Wild Coins, el Juego del Homúnculo
2011 108
Luis Piedrahita Monedas a través del Pañuelo two coins penetrate a transparent handkerchief on the table
2011 116
Luis Piedrahita Monedas y Plástico de Embalar four coins appear under a piece of bubble wrap, then the bubble wrap is cut into two pieces and the coins covered with them, very visible matrix
2011 122
Luis Piedrahita Palm Transfer from finger palm to back palm of other hand
2011 126
Luis Piedrahita Despedida. El Autor visto por sus Amigos
2011 137
Dani DaOrtiz La Vida Vista a través de Gafas de Pasta on Luis Piedrahita and his magic
2011 138
Miguel Ángel Gea A las Endiabladas Manos de Luis on Luis Piedrahita and his magic
2011 140
Román García Luis lo Hace, pero Distinto on Luis Piedrahita and his magic
2011 142
Luis Piedrahita Biografía brief biography of Luis Piedrahita
2011 145
Luis Piedrahita Hiding Coin Dispay in hand, among others
2011 163
Luis Piedrahita La Magia vista con otros ojos - las cámeras - segunda parte on working with television cameras, presenting close-up in TV
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 15)
Luis Piedrahita ¡Ah!, ¡Traviesa Moneda que atraviesas la goma! ideas and routines fo coin penetrating balloon / condom
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 18)
Luis Piedrahita Las Monedas Escapistas four coins on a string travel one by one to other hand
Related to
  • "Charming Chinese Challenge" (Troy Hooser)
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 21)
Luis Piedrahita Cámara y Pantalla en Magia de Cerca - parte 1 on how to work with camera and screen on stage
  • La cámara
  • Los soportes y la colocación de la cámara
  • La luz
  • Los objetos
  • El cuadro
  • La pantalla y el proyector
Related to 2013
El Manuscrito (Vol. 6 No. 24)
Luis Piedrahita Cámara y Pantalla en Magia de Cerca - parte II on how to work with camera and screen on stage
  • Tu sensibilidad
  • El escenario artístico que plantea la cámara
  • Un modo explícito
  • Los maestros que usan la cámara
    • René Lavand
    • David Copperfield
    • Juan Tamariz
  • A modo de resumen
Related to 2013
El Manuscrito (Vol. 6 No. 26)
Luis Piedrahita Cortando Cartas al Peso weighing the cards, three phases, first phase amount of cards is named, second phase named number is cut and as climax spectator cuts named number of cards
El Manuscrito (Vol. 8 No. 31)
John Lovick (reviewer) Coins and Other Fables by Luis Piedrahita Jan. 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 1)
John Lovick Luis Piedrahita: The King of Little Things
June 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 6)
Luis Piedrahita Tattoos stand-up comedy piece, translated by Adam Rubin
June 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 6)
Luis Piedrahita Shooting Close-Up Magic for TV "Excerpted from a Lecture Given at EMC in 2012"
June 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 6)
Luis Piedrahita Lo recuerdo perfectamente, como si no hubiera ocurrido. on the oblivion, the importance of remembering the history of magic
Maese Coral (Issue 1)
Luke Jermay Impossible four coins signed on both sides penetrate the table one by one
Inspired by 2023 7