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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Tenkai Ishida Optical Revolve credit in "Cut the Cards", p. 24
Variations 1940 9
A Poker Player's Picnic no-touch, little bit of dealing involved
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1948 16
Mel Stover Okosa card thought from sixteen-card packet, top eight shown and asked whether selection is there, faro, repeat, ...
Related to Apr. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 5)
Bert Allerton The Double Lift snapped over right first and second fingers
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1958 32
Dan MacMillan One Hand Turn Over Switch
VariationsAlso published here 1977 24
Ross Bertram TeBe Color Change
Variations 1983 150
Juan Tamariz Tamariz Perpendicular Control (TPC) to bottom
Variations 1988 52
Ernest Earick One-handed Convincing Control see page 90 for mention of the sleight as cull, force, palm, switch
Variations 1993 83
Tommy Wonder Splitting the Profit splitting dollar bill in two that become one again
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1996 46
Gregory Wilson License to Thrill spectator's driver's license to wallet
Variations 1996 271
Guy Hollingworth The Penetration of Four Cards through a Jacket
Variations 1999 48
Lennart Green Float Pass
Variations 1999 122
Ramón Riobóo In the Long Run cards shuffled face up and face-down
Related toVariations 2004 202
Patrick Page Guesstimation spectator cuts a packet and remembers card, card is found, three variations
Variations 2011 112
Tyler Wilson Updog three cards produced one by one from sandwich, those cards becomes sandwich with original sandwich cards
Related toVariationsAlso published here 2013 21
Nancy Colwell Pseudo Riffle Stacking Pseudo riffle stacking demo, with deck separated into red/black as kicker
2017 53
Nancy Colwell Rotator Shifts how to secretly turn a card/packet end for end for use in a tapered deck routine
  • Method One
  • Method Two (based on Nathan's "Long-Fingered Half Pass")
  • Method Three
Inspired byRelated to 2017 93
Nancy Colwell Hofzinser's Suit Selection Spectator selects card from a packet of random cards, all the cards change to match the suit of the selection, Ace to King
2017 100
Nancy Colwell Henweigh Three cards produced one by one from sandwich, those cards becomes sandwich with original sandwich cards
Inspired by Oct. 2018
Elixir (Vol. 2 No. 1 (Summer #2))
Scott Robinson The Willy Wonka Card Trick card is seen to dematerialize as it is inserted perpendicularly between two Kings, then reappears
Variations 2018 17
Nancy Colwell Scrape Cut! tabled straight false cut
Silhouette (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Nancy Colwell Tabled-Jog card inserted into tabled deck, jog retained
Silhouette (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Nancy Colwell Snowflake Assembly done with only six indifferent cards (no on the first, one on the second Ace, and so on), credit information on progressive Aces plot
Silhouette (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Nancy Colwell, Edward Marlo FUFU Sequence with small packet
Silhouette (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Nancy Colwell WC Turnover double turned over from dealing position to fingertips one-handed
Inspired by
  • Griffin Watt practicing Malini's "Levitation"
Silhouette (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Nancy Colwell Hamman/Martinez Two-as-Four Count Handling starting in left-hand straddle grip
Silhouette (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Nancy Colwell Everybody's Card General Card with three selections
Inspired by
  • "Everybody's Card" (Magic Without Apparatus, 1914)
Silhouette (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Nancy Colwell Credits
Silhouette (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Nancy Colwell In Closing
Silhouette (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Nancy Colwell Scenic Route three cards
  • Phase One - A Bit of Mystery
  • Phase Two - Snap To It
  • Phase Three - Test Conditions
Output (Issue 4)
Nancy Colwell Last Minute Card Control spectator cuts off a pile, shuffles, remembers a card and loses it, hopefully step is retained
Inspired by May 2020
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. 1 Part 1 (Spring #2))
Nancy Colwell Narrow Minded approach with three selections, with discussion of think-a-card methods
Related to 2020 89
Nancy Colwell War and Peace torn card restores in spectator's fist
July 2021
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. Special Chicago Issue #1)
Ryan Matney (reviewer) Nathan Colwell Live Lecture by Nancy Colwell Aug. 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 8)
Nancy Colwell Setting Sail - A Compositional Note
2021 3
Nancy Colwell The Ship of Theseus introduction to plot, card signed and torn into quarters, quarters replaced one by one with odd-backed quarters, when turned over the pieces still have spectator's signature
  • The Theseus Plot
  • Script
  • History
Variations 2021 7
Nancy Colwell Theseus - Third Solution card signed and torn into quarters, quarters replaced one by one with odd-backed quarters, when turned over the pieces still have spectator's signature
2021 17
Nancy Colwell Quarter Snap Change as quarter is torn off
Inspired by
  • "Tear Change" (Brandon Williams, The Changes, DVD, 2013)
2021 27
Nancy Colwell Theseus - Fifth Solution card signed and torn into quarters, quarters replaced one by one with odd-backed quarters, when turned over the pieces still have spectator's signature
2021 34
Nancy Colwell Interrupted MacMillan Switch
Inspired by 2021 34
Nancy Colwell Touch Force as Addition
Inspired by
  • "Touch Force" (Gary Ouellet, Genii, Vol. 51 No. 11, May 1988)
2021 37
Nancy Colwell Theseus - Sixth Solution card signed and torn into quarters, quarters replaced one by one with odd-backed quarters, when turned over the pieces still have spectator's signature
2021 50
Nancy Colwell Theseus - Tenth Solution three cards signed, cards replaced one by one with odd-backed cards, when turned over they still have spectator's signatures
2021 60
Nancy Colwell Postmortem of the Seventh Solution card signed and a quarter torn out, odd-backed quarter is taken from pocket and restored into its place, repeated three more times, when turned over the card still have spectator's signature
2021 75
Nancy Colwell Postmortem of the Eighth Solution card signed and torn into half, halves replaced one by one with single odd-backed card, when turned over that card still have spectator's signature
2021 77
Nancy Colwell First Solution, Et cetera four cards signed, cards replaced one by one with odd-backed ones, when turned over the cards still have spectator's signatures
2021 79
Nancy Colwell New Horizon card signed and torn into quarters, quarters placed on table in a mis-aligned layout, when turned over they align again
2021 84
Nancy Colwell Afterword
2021 102
Nancy Colwell Acknowledgments
2021 103
Nancy Colwell About the Author
2021 104
Nancy Colwell Foreword
2021 5
Nancy Colwell Finish Line Spectator selects a card, mixes deck face up and down. Magician shuffles the deck, gets Triumph ending
Inspired by 2021 6
Nancy Colwell Dav's Transpo Magician and spectator's ID card change places - spectator's ID changes into magician's ID, then spectator's ID is found in magician's wallet.

Includes two methods: one for inside coat pocket, one without coat
Inspired by 2021 10
Nancy Colwell Feathers and Bricks Dollar bill splits into 2, then becomes 1 bill, then seems to increase in value before returning to original value
Inspired by 2021 13
Nancy Colwell Picnic Under the Stars Poker's Player's Picnic, spectator gets to choose how many cards to deal off the top at first for each pile
Inspired by 2021 22
Nancy Colwell Oyster Production Bare-handed production of a single card
Inspired by
  • "Credit Card Vanish" (Nathan Kranzo, Boondock Mental, 2011)
2021 26
Nancy Colwell Tap Top Turnover Variation of Tenkai Optical Revolve
Inspired by 2021 28
Nancy Colwell Convincing Curve Finesse / variation on One Handed Convincing Control, bends the card
Inspired by 2021 29
Nancy Colwell Lateral Ascanio Steal Stealing the hidden cards in an Ascanio Spread, puts them in Lateral Palm
Inspired by 2021 30
Nancy Colwell Elmsley Switch-Ditch Two versions of using Elmsley Count to switch and ditch cards on top of deck
2021 31
Nancy Colwell Rolling Count Weird count to hide some cards, flips cards over repeatedly
2021 33
Nancy Colwell Pullman Lift Snappy double lift, card is snapped forwards. Can be done with break or no break
Inspired by 2021 34
Nancy Colwell Credits
2021 36
Nancy Colwell Afterword
2021 39
Ryan Murray Secret Rotations how to secretly turn a card/packet end for end
  • Single Card Rotation
  • Palm Rotation
  • Shuffle Rotation
  • Half Deck Rotation
Related to 2021 33
Francis Menotti (reviewer) Theseus: A Magical Journey by Nancy Colwell Apr. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 4)
Tom Stone The Suss postcard is chosen and signed, it is torn into four pieces which are replaced with pieces from another postcard one by one, the original pieces vanish and the pieces from the new postcard have the spectator's signature
Inspired by 2024 2