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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Frank Kennard Pulley Vanish from Glass
Related to 1902 232
Dick Zimmerman Slippery Rocks stick with jewels
Variations 1967 134
Van Cleve Electric Cucumber comedy prop, cucumber with electric switch, with patter ideas by Gene Anderson, Dick Zimmerman and Leon Leon
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Dick Zimmerman Svengali Dribble Force
Magick (Issue 11)
Gerald R. Blount The Lair on IBM Ring 21 convention, Jack Boschan, Larry Jennings, Pete Biro, Dick Zimmerman, Charlie Miller, Bev Bergeron, Joe Berg, Leon, Roland Hill, John Gilbert, Eric Lewis, , Wally Boag, Emile Clifton, George Voorhils, Mark Gregory, Ken Benge, Vic Perry, Ken & Roberta Griffin, Bruce Cervon, Al Lamkin, Jules Lenier, Al Goshman, Mike Skinner, Paul Green
Mar. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Paul Green (reviewer) A Review on the It's Magic show, Dick Zimmerman, Mike Caldwell, Lee Edwards, Tom & Sherrie, Dai Vernon, Alan Wakeling, Frakson, Dick Weston, Mardoni & Louise, Christian, Blackstone Jr. Nov. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 37)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Cavalcade of Magic, Dick Zimmerman, Jay Marshall
Magick (Issue 17)
Claude Pahud IBM Convention on the IBM convention 1971, Duke Stern, Karrel Fox, Jay Marshall, Paul Graham, Christopher Woodward, Tony Shelley, Jeffrey Atkins, Maurice Rookly, Elizabeth Warlock, Anverdi, Horace, Pavel, Magic Christian, Peter Gloviczki, Dick Zimmerman, Bill Larsen, Claude Rix, Mike Skinner, Jules de Barros, Mike Rogers, Pete Biro
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 32 No. 6)
Dr. E. Raymond Carlyle, Dick Zimmerman Here's a Tip Shuffle force by Zimmerman using a Svengali Deck
Jan. 1971
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 47)
Gerald R. Blount Blounty Speaking on Dick Zimmerman, Virgil & Julie, Alan Wakeling, Jim Rinehart, Erik Markusen, Paul Fidler & Patty, Mike Caldwell, Ed Alterman, Harvey P. Graham, Magic Castle
Jan. 1971
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 48)
(reviewer) 3rd Annual Academy of Magical Arts Awards Banquet on Lou Derman, Peter Pit, Don Lawton, Senator Crandall, Paul Fidler, Alan Wakeling, Diana Zimmerman, Harry Blackstone Jr., Erik Makusen, Klaus Riisbro, Albert Goshman, Jim Rinehart, Virgil & Julie, Mike Caldwell, Dick Zimmerman Feb. 1971
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 50)
Ring 21's 4th Annual Cavalcade of Magic on Francis Carlyle, Jules Lenier, Gene Nielsen, Mike Skinner, Maury Lead, Eric Lewis, Whitley Roberts, Dick Zimmerman, Ini, Bob Wagner, Dai Vernon, Roland Hill, Lou Derman, Joe Berg, Jim Muszalski, Paul Diamond, Walter Berlin, Atoris, Bruce Cervon, Ron Wilson, Jay Marshall, Mike Caldwell, Cris Cristol, Ringo, Leon, Larry Steinhauer, Dan Alessini, Ed Alterman, Herman, Diana Zimmerman, Pete Biro, Darby Hinton, Dale Salwak, Al Koran, Kirk Kirkham, Bev Bergeron, Charlie Miller
Feb. 1971
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 51)
Gerald R. Blount Blounty Speaking on Kelly Green, Dick Zimmerman
Feb. 1971
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 51)
Gerald R. Blount Blounty Speaking on Mark Wilson, Pete Biro, Dick Zimmerman, Blackstone Jr., Bruce Cervon, Mike Skinner, Charlie Miller, Bob Eads, Channing Pollock
May 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 11)
Dick Zimmerman Super Sucker Rope Trick cut and restored rope with sucker presentation, double action pull
1973 3
Dick Zimmerman Surprise Ball Routine eight balls are produced, then all change colors, loop ball
1973 4
Dick Zimmerman The Ultimate Vanish silk vanishes from long glass jar with screwed lid
Related toVariations 1973 5
Dick Zimmerman Sleeveless Stretching
1973 6
Dick Zimmerman Miracle Coin Production coins visibly appear inside a shot glass covered with inverted glass, slit glass
1973 7
Dick Zimmerman Eveready Card In Wallet with hip-pocket
1973 8
Dick Zimmerman Challenge Coin Production fifteen coins are produced, spectator sees hands and stands next to performer on stage
1973 8
Dick Zimmerman The Second Switch
1973 9
Dick Zimmerman Impromptu Card Stab with a telescoping pen
1973 10
Dick Zimmerman Card Fold while closing the fan, folding selection in half
1973 10
Dick Zimmerman Crystal Card Box deck in clear box, selection comes out of the deck, pushes the lid open and falling on the table
1973 11
Karl Fulves Babel Walter Gibson, Kreskin, Dick Zimmerman's Linking Rings, Uri Geller, Robert Nelson's death, Maurice Fogel
Feb. 1973 592
Rick Johnsson Bottoms Up three coins penetrate through table upwards, visibly appearing in upside down plastic beer glass, slot in glass
  • The Mug Move
  • The Routine
  • Notes
see p. 1053 for vague Dick Zimmerman credit
Jan. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 3)
Dick Zimmerman The October Man four numbers are written on a pad and added, total appears on calculator held in plastic bag
Magick (Issue 248)
Dick Zimmerman Puzzle Wit spectator removes piece from a solved puzzle, performer finds the same piece in a pile of pieces from the same unsolved puzzle, performed on TV by Romark
Magick (Issue 254)
Mike Caveney, Dick Zimmerman Cents of Touch marked penny is lost and found in a bag of pennies
1981 27
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Dick Zimmerman, Steve Aldrich, Cicardi, Magic in the Rockies
Magick (Issue 277)
Patrick Page Lamp Chimney Vanish handkerchief vanishes from plastic tube, with variations of the pull
Related toAlso published here 1987 1
Dick Zimmerman Way out of this World two piles
  • Additions and Variations
1992 1
Dick Zimmerman The Face-Up Routine using red and blue backs
1992 7
Dick Zimmerman, U. F. Grant Impromptu Version two piles
1992 7
Michael Weber (reviewer) Master Prediction System by Dick Zimmerman Feb. 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Alexander de Cova, Dick Zimmerman Perfect Silk Vanish from milk bottle
Inspired byAlso published here Mar. 1993
Avantgarde Magic (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Alexander de Cova, Dick Zimmerman Perfect Silk Vanish from milk bottle
Inspired byAlso published here 1993 8
Alexander de Cova, Dick Zimmerman Perfect Silk Vanish from milk bottle
Also published here 1993 8
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Way Out of This World by Dick Zimmerman Mar./Apr. 1993
The Magic Menu (Vol. 3 No. 16)
Alexander de Cova, Dick Zimmerman Perfect Silk Vanish from milk bottle
Inspired byAlso published here 1994 87
Alexander de Cova, Dick Zimmerman Perfect Silk Vanish from milk bottle
Also published here 1994 14
Richard Busch Perspectives on Dick Zimmerman, Ford Kross, Bruce Chadwick
Mar. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 9)
Peter Duffie, Charles T. Jordan, Dick Zimmerman Jumbo Jeopardy signed jumbo card torn into quarters, one quarter under wallet, other quarters put under other jumbo cards on table, those vanish and card is restored under wallet
1996 4
Curtis Kam A Girl's Best Friend Jumping Gems stick routine, made to look like ear rings
Inspired byAlso published here 1996 85
Alexander de Cova Double Action Pull System
Related to 1997 15
Alexander de Cova, Dick Zimmerman Perfect Silk Vanish from milk bottle
Inspired byAlso published here 1997 16
Martin Gardner A Different Sure Thing plastic cup used to shake die, orientation of die can be glimpsed through slit
Inspired by
  • "Sure Thing" (Dick Zimmerman, marketed 1995)
July 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 7)
Dick Zimmerman The Zimmer-Egg attachment for normal egg to make it a Conley Egg
2002 10
Dick Zimmerman, Stan Allen In His Words: Dick Zimmerman
Nov. 2003
Magic (Vol. 13 No. 3)
Michael Weber, Dean Dill Background how "A New World" came to be
Related to 2005 13
Alexander de Cova, Dick Zimmerman Tuch aus Flasche from milk bottle
Also published here 2015 30
Johnny Thompson Parrish the Thought spectator stabs performer's signed card, performer spectator's, half the deck signed by performer
Inspired by
  • Robert Parrish trick
Related to
  • "The Incredible Signature" (Barry Stevenson)
  • "Double Pointed Miracle" (Dick Zimmerman, Genii, Vol. 47 No. 11)
2018 141