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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Theodore Annemann An Alternate Detection alternating one-way backs
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1934 11
Bob Hummer A Card in Flight!! card vanishes from deck and reappears at other side of window
Related toAlso published here Nov. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 14)
Bob Hummer Clubs/Spades Gaff used to make a card vanish
Nov. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 14)
Bob Hummer The Puzzling Speller progressive set-up, dealing placement
Related toAlso published here 1936
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1935/36)
Charles T. Jordan Premo Detection one-way backs, alternating
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1937 143
Charles T. Jordan Impromptu Detection scratching a line across side of deck
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1937 307
Bob Hummer The Magic Separation face-up and face-down cards are shuffled, performer separates cards behind back so one pile consists of same amount of face up cards as the other, see Collected Secrets for variations
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1940 3
Bob Hummer Face Up Prediction spectator and performer turn cards over in the deck, number of reversed cards is predicted
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1940 4
Bob Hummer Lite-Ning Addition spectator removes an Ace or a Two face down, then a Three or a Four and so on, total of added values is divined
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1940 5
Bob Hummer Two Card Transpo one marked card in performer's inner pocket, one in the deck
Also published here 1940 6
Bob Hummer Jogged Card to Inside Pocket injogged card, deck held in right hand, card secretly transferred to inner right pocket
1940 6
Bob Hummer Replacement In-Jog top half placed on lower half, top card of bottom half in-jogged
1940 6
Bob Hummer Two Card Location behind back, with knife stabbed in the deck
Also published here 1940 8
Samuel Berland, Bob Hummer Card and Ribbon ribbon with gummed sticker in pocket, selection vanishes from deck and is found attached on ribbon
Also published here 1940 9
Bob Hummer Breaking the Spoon spoon apparently broken vanishes
Also published here 1941 14
Bob Hummer The Whispering Spirit packet is cut and subtracted from a unknown calculation (age x nine), amount of cards in packet is divined when result is named
Also published here 1941 1
Bob Hummer The Four G Men card is divined, name of cards printed on four cards, with newspaper black art
Also published here 1941 3
Bob Hummer The Card on the Window Pane card through window
Related toAlso published here 1941 5
Bob Hummer Clubs/Spades Gaff used to make a card vanish
1941 5
Bob Hummer Double Thought two cards are located, edge marked deck with razor blade
Also published here 1941 7
Bob Hummer A Rare Coin Stunt coin in closed fist, other hand on top, quick upward motion and coin lies on top of fist
VariationsAlso published here 1941 11
Bob Hummer A Possible Impossibility deck under handkerchief, packet cut and shuffled, bottom card remembered and packet replaced on deck, card is located, nail edge mark of entire deck
Also published here 1941 12
Bob Hummer Imagination spectator throws invisible die and deals deck in that amount of packets, back of performed turned divines amount of packets
Also published here 1941 14
Bob Hummer Fantastric single card location, back turned for procedure, secret 10/9/8 count to find indicator card
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1941 (ca.) 1
Bob Hummer And Now an Improvement single card location, back turned for procedure, variation in the secret 10/9/8 count to always get a matching card
Also published here 1941 (ca.) 2
Edward Marlo Nu Presentation for Bob Hummer's Jumping Card, selection shoots out of still-held deck across bar surface and stops in front of spectator
Related toVariations 1942 22
L. Vosburgh Lyons Call It A Puzzle six discs with a different sign on each side are thrown and turned over while spelling a word, then one disc is hidden and performer turns back, he reveals which side is up on the hidden disc
Related toVariations May 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 8)
Martin Gardner, Bob Hummer Paper Clip Discovery chosen cards found to be paper clipped together with a message on them
Also published here 1942 12
Bob Hummer A Card in Flight! card vanishes from deck and reappears at other side of window
1943 25
Bob Hummer Clubs/Spades Gaff used to make a card vanish
1943 25
Bob Hummer Bob Hummer's Whirling Card
VariationsAlso published here 1943 2
Milbourne Christopher, Bob Hummer Under Cover ideas with a matchbook, as an ambush for a list, for a shiner, to pick up daub, picking up a coin
Also published here Feb. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 53)
Bob Hummer To All Who are Winning the War with Hummer's Magic
1944 2
Bob Hummer Hummer's Bible Trick bible book test, prediction of word, with playing cards
Also published here 1944 3
Bob Hummer Hummer's Magazine Test with playing cards
Also published here 1944 5
Bob Hummer By Mail (nail) packet extracted from case, bottom card remembered and shuffled
Also published here 1944 6
Bob Hummer Take Your Hat Off (This will burn 'em up) with flash paper under cover of a hat
Also published here 1944 6
Bob Hummer Impossible Location impossible location, with hair
Also published here 1944 7
Bob Hummer Do As I Do with hair
Also published here 1944 7
Bob Hummer Latest Miser's Dream Gag verbal ambiguity, getting spectator's money
Also published here 1944 8
Bob Hummer Thot-Ography spectator remembers card and its position from top ten cards, Klondike shuffle, marked key card with needle scratch, see Collected Secrets for more references
Also published here 1945 1
Bob Hummer Personality Test face-up/face-down prediction of number of cards, weird, CATO related, personality type presentation
VariationsAlso published here 1945 1
Bob Hummer The 'snappy' Thirteen Cent Trick two nickels and three pennies, spectator can turn one sort of coins over while performer's back is turned, revelation of which coins are turned over
Also published here 1945 1
Bob Hummer The Moon Die Mystery number from one to six is thought of, three sides of a die are shown to spectator and he is asked if he sees his number, repeated three times and number is divined, without performer ever looking at the dice
Also published here 1945 2
Bob Hummer Forward
1945 1
Bob Hummer Little Stranger spectator places some red cards in his left and right trouser and jacket pockets, performer divines numbers
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1945 1
Warren Wiersbe, Bob Hummer Double Separation packet shuffled face-up face-down, then statement over condition made and colors separated
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1946 11
Harold J. Kelly Magic by Telephone single card location, back turned for procedure, secret 10/9/8 count to find indicator card, over phone
Inspired by
  • R. W. Hull's "Detective Card Trick" in "Testament of R. W. Hull".
Related to
June 1946 226
Bob Hummer Hummer's 18 Card Mystery spectator takes eighteen cards and turns over the top two cards and cuts the pile, that step is repeated as often as he likes, then the performer takes the cards behind his back and divines the amount of reversed cards, see Collected Secrets for links to variations
VariationsAlso published here 1946 1
Bob Hummer Hummer's Swindle spectator takes sixteen cards and turns over the top two cards and cuts the pile behind his back, that step is repeated as often as he likes, then the performer takes the cards behind his back and without looking reverses all cards back in order
Also published here 1946 2
Bob Hummer The Lonely Card CATO routine, cards turned face up, performer takes packet behind back and reverses all cards except selection
VariationsAlso published here 1946 2
Bob Hummer The Little Moonies CATO routine, cards with moon faces printed on them, one way they are smiling held the other way the are sad, spectator marks two cards on the pack and cuts them in the deck, performer takes cards behind back, all moons are in smiling orientation except marked two
Also published here 1946 3
Bob Oswald Revelation lots of counting
Related to 1946 61
Bob Hummer Thoto (The World's Smallest Trick) one card location, cards marked with pin behind back
Also published here 1947 1
Bob Hummer Kilroy Gets Around message appears on card, mathematical procedure
VariationsAlso published here 1947 1
Bob Hummer Something New (and easy to do) living and dead test, spectator writes two names of living and one of dead person on playing cards, divination of which is which
Also published here 1947 2
Bob Hummer Instruction Sheet for Improved It's Murder with rotatable disk, spectator selects murder and victim while performer's back is turned, both are divined
Related to 1947 1
Martin Gardner, Bob Hummer Under the Table spectator takes eighteen cards and turns over the top two cards and cuts the pile, that step is repeated as often as he likes, then the performer takes the cards behind his back and divines the amount of reversed cards, cards are separated into red and blacks as climax
  • Turn Every Other Card
Inspired byVariations Nov. 1948 484
Bob Hummer Hot Head with flash paper under cover of a hat
Also published here Apr. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 174)
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Martin Gardner, Bert Allerton, Bob Hummer
Dec. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 192)
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Dai Vernon, Jack Chanin, Bill Simon, Milbourne Christopher, Bob Hummer, Dr. Stanley Jaks, Robert Harbin
Related to Dec. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 193)
Ein neuer absonderlicher Kartentrick face-up and face-down cards are shuffled, performer separates cards behind back so one pile consists of same amount of face up cards as the other, same as Hummer's Magic separation
Related to 1949
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 10 No. 1)
Bob Hummer The Magic Separation face-up and face-down cards are shuffled, performer separates cards behind back so one pile consists of same amount of face up cards as the other
Also published here 1949 47
Bob Hummer Face-Up Prediction spectator and performer turn cards over in the deck, number of reversed cards is predicted
Also published here 1949 48
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Harry Blackstone, Martin Gardner, Dr. Jaks, Audley Walsh, Bobby Baxter, gag by Bob Hummer
Sep. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 212)
Bob Hummer, John Scarne Sensitive Fingertips No. 17, Performer unmixes a packet of cards that has been shuffled face up/down. Shown to have odd number of cards in packet
1950 36
Bob Hummer Topsy-Turvy Deck No. 26, Deck of face up/down cards split into two by performer, each half has equal number of face up cards
1950 49
Bob Hummer The Stubborn Card No. 46
1950 81
Frank Joglar Backstage on Vincent O'Toole, R. Marcelliee, Emile Clifton, Bob Hummer, Monica Lewis, Russ Swann, Dick DuBois, Al Monroe, Kuda Bux, Walter Gibson, Jimmy Jimae, Bill Brema, Paul Rosini, Martin Gardner,
  • Magazine Test
  • Hummer News
  • Video Trickery
  • Munroe's Miscelleany
  • Who Remembers?
  • Open House
  • More TV Topcis
  • Bill Brema
  • Paul Rosini
  • Gardner Gum Baffler
Jan. 1950 620
Carl Ballantine Ballantine Color Change double is turned over, similar to Hummer's change
Related to Nov. 1950 725
Peter A. McDonald Which Way? almost the same as Lonley Card
Inspired by 1950
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 11 No. 5)
Bob Hummer Hummers Mathematical 3 Card Monte mathematical three card monte
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1951 1
Bob Hummer The Four G Men card is divined, name of cards printed on four cards, with newspaper black art
Also published here 1952
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1952)
Bob Hummer The Card on the Window Pane card through window
Also published here 1952
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1952)
Bob Hummer Clubs/Spades Gaff used to make a card vanish
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1952)
Bob Hummer Double Thought two cards are located, edge marked deck with razor blade
Also published here 1952
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1952)
Bob Hummer A Rare Coin Stunt coin in closed fist, other hand on top, quick upward motion and coin lies on top of fist
Also published here 1952
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1952)
Bob Hummer A Possible Impossibility deck under handkerchief, packet cut and shuffled, bottom card remembered and packet replaced on deck, card is located, nail edge mark of entire deck
Also published here 1952
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1952)
Bob Hummer Imagination spectator throws invisible die and deals deck in that amount of packets, back of performed turned divines amount of packets
Also published here 1952
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1952)
Fred Fletcher Mentalexicon word is divined, with alphabet cards and a range of sixteen words
Related toVariations May 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 255)
Gerald Kosky Under-Hand Coin spectator puts some coins on the table and starts turning them over one by one then one coin is hidden and performer turns back, he reveals which side is up on the hidden coin
Inspired byRelated toVariations July 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 260)
Bob Hummer Mind Reader's Dream cards dealt according to thought-of card, with Dreambook to transfer number to card
VariationsAlso published here 1952 1
Bob Hummer Five Card Baffle one of five cards is divined, off-beat method
VariationsAlso published here 1952 57
W. F. "Rufus" Steele The Baffle Follow-Up one of five cards is divined
Inspired by 1952 58
Bob Hummer Politicians Puzzle 6x6 checkerboard, three checkers put on three D's for Democrats or three R's for Republican, spectator can spell a word with the three checkers, moving them for each letter, back is turned and politicians can be divined
Also published here 1952 (ca.) 1
Bob Hummer Mom and Pop Puzzle six checkers on a checkerboard, mom and pop are spelled several times, when performer turns over last spelled word is divined
Also published here 1952 (ca.) 2
Edward Marlo, Bob Hummer Cardician's Dream counting procedure with value of thought of card, etc, see page 196 for credits
Related toVariations 1953 130
Fay Smith Follow Up on Hummer's Rare Coin Stunt coin penetrates from back of the hand into fist, reversed Hummer effect
Inspired by 1953
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1953)
Jack Yates Devil's Die spectator thinks of a number between one and six, a die is put under performer's hand and without looking at it the performer shows three sides of the die several times and asks if the selected number is visible, number is eventually divined
Inspired byRelated to 1954 11
Jay Marshall The Bird Cage on Tommy Vanderschmidt, Milbourne Christopher, Norman Jensen, Chandu, John Gambling, Frakson, Sam Berland, Dai Vernon, Cardini, Bob Hummer
Apr. 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 304)
Jay Marshall The Birdcage on Bob Hummer, John Platt, Frank Garcia, Roy Benson, Al Keller, Gene Gordon
June 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 310)
George Sands An Oddity paper slips with numbers on each side are arranged by the spectator, see 2022 reference for credit information
Related toAlso published here July 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 312)
Jay Marshall The Birdcage on marriage of Jay Marshall and Frances Ireland, Silhouette of Francis Ireland by Dai Vernon, Dr. Stanley Jaks, Bob Hummer, Fred Keating, The American Magician, Jay Palmer, Karrell Fox, Lloyd Jones, Frank Chapman
Related to Aug. 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 313)
Jay Marshall The Bird Cage on Harlan Tarbell, Walker Fleming, Gerrie Larsen, Bill Magini, Chap's Scrapbook, Jean Hugard, Senator Crandall, Bob Orben, Frank Werner, Bob Hummer
Nov. 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 319)
Bob Hummer Change kind of one-handed second deal, Downs Change
Also published here 1955 38
Bob Hummer D-D-D Dial A Date Deal two rows of eight cards are dealt on the table, some face up and some face down, spectator selects a name on a sheet and turns cards over corresponding to the number next to the name, performer's back is turned and when he looks at cards name can be divined
Related to 1955 (ca.) 1
Bob Hummer Change kind of one-handed second deal, Downs Change
1956 3
Bob Hummer Matching the Colors Deck shuffled face up and face down, magician can separate into two piles containing the same number of face up cards. Alternative is to shuffle red and black cards.
1956 17
Bob Hummer, Oscar Weigle Hummer's Reversal Mystery CATO trick, magician can name correctly number of face up cards after cut and turn over procedure. Oscar Weigle variation: colors are also separated
Variations 1956 17
Bob Hummer The Little Moonies CATO trick, uses cards with drawing of either smiling/frowning face. Two cards are marked on the back and after mixing, shown to be the only ones frowning while other cards are smiling
Inspired byAlso published here 1956 19
Bob Hummer Hummer's Die Mystery Magician uses dice to divine number thought of by spectator, principle is similar to 21 card trick / Gergonne's Pile Problem. spectator thinks of a number between one and six, a die is put under performer's hand and without looking at it the performer shows three sides of the die several times and asks if the selected number is visible, number is eventually divined
Related to 1956 45
Bob Hummer Hummer's Checker Trick Spectator moves three checker pieces around on the board via spelling, magician can divine the starting positions of the checker pieces
1956 62
Bob Hummer Hummer's Three-object Divination Three objects switched around, spectator then thinks of one and switches the other two, magician can divine thought of object (Mathematical 3 card monte 1951)
Variations 1956 63
Jack Yates Yates' Four-Object Divination three matches facing one way and one match facing the opposite way. After moving matches around, magician correctly can divine which is the reversed match without looking
Inspired byAlso published here 1956 66
Bob Hummer Hummer Tricks Hummer's Poker Chip Trick: numbered poker chips, magician can divine sum of the numbers on three concealed poker chips
1956 111
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Der "Sex"-Test eight cards, Cato under table, only Queen among Jacks and Kings ends up reversed
Inspired by 1956
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 17 No. 3)
Bob Hummer, Al Koran Note Under Cups three cups, bill hidden under one and the cups exchanges after a pattern
Inspired by 1958 140
Bob Hummer Visual Change
Related toAlso published here 1959 53
Bob Hummer Interlocked Production
Also published here 1959 63
Bob Hummer Bild und Rücken face-up and face-down cards are shuffled, performer separates cards behind back so one pile consists of same amount of face up cards as the other, see Collected Secrets for variations
Also published here 1959
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 20 No. 2)
P. Howard Lyons Dream of a Dream cards dealt according to thought-of card, without reference book
Inspired by Mar. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 16)
Edward Marlo Latest Presentation different grip for Bob Hummer's Jumping Card, selection shoots out of still-held deck across bar surface and stops in front of spectator
Inspired by Sep. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 26)
Martin Gardner The Thirteenth Turn die is turned according to some rules, divination of amount of turns (extra turn or not)
Related to Feb. 1964
The New Phoenix (Issue 387)
Ken Beale Natural Scent single card location, back turned for procedure, secret 10/9/8 count to find indicator card, combined with 26th location
Inspired by Nov. 1964
Ibidem (Issue 30)
Harry Lorayne Hummer Addition spectator reverses some cards, below table magician reverses more so named total is achieved, as kicker all are one color
Inspired byAlso published here 1965 30
Bob Hummer Entre Acte - Löffelbrechen spoon apparently broken vanishes
Also published here 1966
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 27 No. 3)
Harry Lorayne, Bob Hummer Mental Photography blank deck, spectator thinks of any card and goes through some dealing procedure, thought of card appears, all others blank, card index
Variations 1967 105
Peter Alexis Red Magic spectator places some red cards in his left and right jacket pockets, performer divines number
Related toVariationsAlso published here June 1967 103
Ray Grismer, Bob Hummer Computer Cards cards dealt according to thought-of card, simplified
Inspired byRelated toVariations Dec. 1967 145
Marconick Color Changing Card similar to Hummer change
Related to 1967 14
Al Koran Note Under Cup bill put under one of three cups, performer knows which one
Inspired byVariations 1968 127
Roy Walton, Bob Hummer Daydream with dealing procedure
Inspired byVariations Feb. 1968 160
Karl Fulves Babel television exposure, hypnotism, Bob Hummer wants to correspond
Mar. 1968 164
Robert Page, Bob Hummer Hummer of a Trick! face-up and face-down cards separated by performer behind back
Inspired byVariations Aug. 1968
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Robert Page All But One CATO red black separation routine, p. 241 for further reference
Related to Aug. 1968
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Bob Hummer Hummering ring onto rope
Also published here 1968 141
Rick Johnsson, Walter Rollins Colors Revealed after a riffle shuffle, the spectator sorts deck in multiple stage in colors and pockets piles in six different pockets, performer knows number of cards in each pocket
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here July 1969
Epilogue (Issue 6)
Karl Fulves Colorvision Plus Math color vision cube turned on table by spectator according to instructions, color divined, see also p. 340 & 373
Related to Feb. 1970 322
John Hamilton Computer Cards card thought-of, counting procedure with deck by spectator, see also p. 402 for suggestion by Leslie May
Inspired by Aug. 1970
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 5 No. 10)
Edward Marlo Stolen Hours
Related to 1971 18
Bob Hummer Bottom Placement Load credited to Hummer
1972 157
Billy McComb Frolics with the Hummer Whirling Card
  • A Variation
  • A Don't! - If You Unravel Your Own!
  • A Miracle!
  • You're All Set!
  • Light Weight - But Great!
  • True Story!
Inspired by 1972 51
Bob Hummer 12) Hummer Move No. 427-12, convex crimp during shuffle
1972 119
Roy Walton Isolator card selected, cards dealt in two piles by spectator, colors separated except selection, faro
VariationsAlso published here Nov. 1973
Epilogue (Issue 19)
Karl Fulves 5-Card Reader five cards, packet handling of Hummer's "Mindreader's Dream"
Inspired by 1973 43
Oscar Weigle Color Scheme with face-up/face-down mix of twenty cards behind spectator's back
Related toVariationsAlso published here Apr. 1974 724
Jeff Busby 2nd Thot spectator remembers card and its position from top ten cards, Klondike shuffle
Inspired byRelated to June 1974 746
Paul Swinford Octo octahedral die with symbols, chosen symbol divined
Inspired by Oct. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 9 No. 12)
Jack Avis Siva's Nightmare one-way deck
Inspired by July 1975
Epilogue (Issue 24)
Karl Fulves The 12¢ Solution "Math Trix"
twelve pennies, two dice, pocket watch, dice total divined along with dates on chosen coin and setting on watch
Inspired byRelated to Oct. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 12)
Gerald Kosky "The Total Is!" eight disks with numbers on each side, spectator can turn them while performer's back is turned and then cover three chips, performer names numbers covered
Inspired by 1975 119
Karl Fulves Hummer, Jaks on compiling a book about Bob Hummer's and Stanley Jaks's work
Interlocutor (Issue 8)
Ray Grismer Computer Mind No. 34
Related to 1976 54
Bob Hummer Personality No. 60, eight-card packet, spectator reverses cards and shuffles, at the end, three are one way and five the other which was predicted, doesn't work always
1976 91
Gene Nielsen, Bascom Jones Psi-Cup '3' question written on paper and hidden under one of three cups, question is answered and paper located, center tear
Related to 1977
Magick (Issue 194)
Karl Fulves The Parity Principle four objects used
Inspired by 1977 135
Bobby Bernard, Bob Hummer The Hummer Coin Penetration
1978 22
Larry Becker The New Math Miracle six cards with numbers on both sides in envelopes, shuffled and turned over by spectator, total is divined
Inspired by 1978 29
Karl Fulves Type Casting face-up/face-down prediction of number of cards, weird, CATO related
Related toAlso published here 1979 23
Paul Harris Quarter Caper three half dollars are produced from quarter and vanish again
Inspired by
  • Bob Hummer effect from "Professional Magic Made Easy" (Bruce Elliott)
Also published here
1979 86
Karl Fulves 5-4 spectator turns cards over from a packet of 18 cards, behind back performer splits packet and knows relation of face-down and face-up cards in each half
Related toAlso published here Sep. 1979
The Talon (Issue 5)
Bob Hummer 3. Kein Zufall face-up and face-down cards are shuffled, performer separates cards behind back so one pile consists of same amount of face up cards as the other, see Collected Secrets for variations
Also published here 1979
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 40 No. 4)
Nick Trost Three-Way Prediction using three blank cards with colored stickers
Inspired by 1979 5
Paul Swinford, Bob Hummer Silver and Gold various parity effects (six routines) inspired by Bob Hummer's work with numbered chips and small metal cups
Arcane (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves Lone Impromptu cards mixed face-up and face-down, performer rightens them behind back except for selection
Inspired by 1980 29
Karl Fulves Murder, Inc. a red card in a packet is designated as killer and its position remembered, then black card with same value cut at same position, performer divines it all
Inspired byRelated to 1980
The Chronicles (Issue 25)
Karl Fulves The Hummer Book on the "Bob Hummer Collected Secrets" book and missing pages
Interlocutor (Issue 43)
Martin Gardner Introduction on Bob Hummer
Related to 1980 iii
Bob Hummer A Card in Flight! card vanishes from deck and reappears at other side of window
Also published here 1980 1
Bob Hummer Clubs/Spades Gaff used to make a card vanish
1980 1
Bob Hummer The Puzzling Speller progressive set-up, dealing placement
Also published here 1980 1
Bob Hummer Graphite Matchbox Daub idea for preparing a matchbox to access daub at all times
Also published here 1980 2
Bob Hummer Hot Head with flash paper under cover of a hat
Also published here 1980 2
Bob Hummer Salty Dimes coin vanish with salt shaker, instead of vanish coin multiplies
Also published here 1980 3
Bruce Elliott Under Cover Bruce Elliott's remark of independently inventing the Graphite Matchbox Daub
Also published here 1980 3
Bob Hummer Politicians Puzzle 6x6 checkerboard, three checkers put on three D's for Democrats or three R's for Republican, spectator can spell a word with the three checkers, moving them for each letter, back is turned and politics can be divined
Also published here 1980 3
Bob Hummer Hummer's Poker Chip Baffle six poker chips with numbers on each side, spectator can turn them while performer's back is turned and then cover three chips, performer names numbers covered, for credit information see 2022 Bob Farmer reference
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980 4
Bob Hummer Hummer's Little Stranger spectator places some red cards in his left and right trouser and jacket pockets, performer divines numbers
Related toAlso published here 1980 6
Bob Hummer Hummer's 18 Card Mystery spectator takes eighteen cards and turns over the top two cards and cuts the pile, that step is repeated as often as he likes, then the performer takes the cards behind his back and divines the amount of reversed cards
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980 7
Bob Hummer Hummer's Swindle spectator takes sixteen cards and turns over the top two cards and cuts the pile behind his back, that step is repeated as often as he likes, then the performer takes the cards behind his back and without looking reverses all cards back in order
Also published here 1980 7
Bob Hummer The Lonely Card CATO routine, cards turned face up, performer takes packet behind back and reverses all cards except selection
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980 7
Bob Hummer The Little Moonies CATO routine, cards with moon faces printed on them, one way they are smiling held the other way the are sad, spectator marks two cards on the pack and cuts them in the deck, performer takes cards behind back, all moons are in smiling orientation except marked two
Also published here 1980 8
Bob Hummer The Magic Separation face-up and face-down cards are shuffled, performer separates cards behind back so one pile consists of same amount of face up cards as the other (1940)
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980 9
Bob Hummer Face Up Prediction spectator and performer turn cards over in the deck, number of reversed cards is predicted
VariationsAlso published here 1980 9
Bob Hummer Lite-Ning Addition spectator removes an Ace or a Two face down, then a Three or a Four and so on, total of added values is divined (1940)
Also published here 1980 10
Bob Hummer Two Card Transpo one marked card in performer's inner pocket, one in the deck
Also published here 1980 10
Bob Hummer Jacket Load while opening jacket, card can be stolen and loaded to inside pocket
1980 10
Bob Hummer Two Card Locaction behind back, with knife stabbed in the deck
Also published here 1980 11
Samuel Berland, Bob Hummer Card and Ribbon ribbon with gummed sticker in pocket, selection vanishes from deck and is found attached on ribbon
Also published here 1980 11
Bob Hummer Five Card Baffle one of five cards is divined, off-beat method
Also published here 1980 12
Dai Vernon, Bob Hummer Escape of the Jack signed black jack in pocket changes places with sandwiched black jack on table
1980 13
Bob Hummer One of Fifty-Two one way principle, alternated arrangement, one card's position is changed and separation in two piles
Related to 1980 14
Bob Hummer Personality Test face-up/face-down prediction of number of cards, weird, CATO related, personality type presentation
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980 14
Bob Hummer The 'Snappy' Thirteen Cent Trick two nickels and three pennies, spectator can turn one sort of coins over while performer's back is turned, revelation of which coins are turned over
Related toAlso published here 1980 15
Bob Hummer The Moon Die Mystery number from one to six is thought of, three sides of a die are shown to spectator and he is asked if he sees his number, repeated three times and number is divined, without performer ever looking at the dice
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980 15
Bob Hummer The Four G Men card is divined, name of cards printed on four cards, with newspaper black art
Also published here 1980 17
Bob Hummer The Card on the Window Pane same as A Card in Flight, not explained here
Related to 1980 18
Bob Hummer Double Thought two cards are located, edge marked deck with razor blade
Also published here 1980 18
Bob Hummer A Rare Coin Stunt coin in closed fist, other hand on top, quick upward motion and coin lies on top of fist
VariationsAlso published here 1980 19
Bob Hummer A Possible Impossibility deck under handkerchief, packet cut and shuffled, bottom card remembered and packet replaced on deck, card is located, nail edge mark of entire deck
Related toAlso published here 1980 19
Bob Hummer Imagination spectator throws invisible die and deals deck in that amount of packets, back of performed turned divines amount of packets
Also published here 1980 21
Bob Hummer Hummer's Bible Trick bible book test, prediction of word, with playing cards
VariationsAlso published here 1980 22
Bob Hummer Hummer's Magazine Test with playing cards
Also published here 1980 23
Bob Hummer By Mail packet extracted from case, bottom card remembered and shuffled
Also published here 1980 23
Bob Hummer Take Your Hat Off same as Hot Head, not explained
Also published here 1980 23
Bob Hummer Impossible Location impossible location, with hair
Also published here 1980 24
Bob Hummer Do As I Do with hair
Also published here 1980 24
Bob Hummer Latest Miser's Dream Gag verbal ambiguity, getting spectator's money
Also published here 1980 24
Bob Hummer Thotograhy spectator remembers card and its position from top ten cards, Klondike shuffle, marked key card with needle scratch
VariationsAlso published here 1980 25
Bob Hummer Hummer's Magic Carpet divination of a four letter word from a list, with handkerchief and alphabet cards
Related toVariations 1980 25
Bob Hummer Fantastric single card location, back turned for procedure, 10/9/8 count with more succesfull match
Also published here 1980 26
Bob Hummer The Whispering Spirit packet is cut and substracted from a unknown calculation (age x nine), amount of cards in packet is divined when result is named
Also published here 1980 28
Bob Hummer Hummer's Great Discovery card is remembered from a packet by thinking of a number, found with down-under-deal, back of performer is turned
  • Method Using 9's System
  • Method Using Any Number
1980 29
Bob Hummer This Is It twenty cards in a row, spectator selects amount of matches and signs the corresponding card on the the face, on the back of the card is written "This is It" and the correct number of selected matches
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here
  • marketed 1943
1980 30
Bob Hummer Dial a Date Deal two rows of eight cards are dealt on the table, some face up and some face down, spectator selects a name on a sheet and turns cards over corresponding to the number next to the name, performer's back is turned and when he looks at cards name can be divined
Related toVariations 1980 31
Bob Hummer Mom and Pop Puzzle six checkers on a checkerboard, mom and pop are spelled several times, when performer turns over last spelled word is divined
VariationsAlso published here 1980 34
Bob Hummer Hummer Card Mystery several cards removed from deck, and some put in pocket, when performer gets balance of cards he knows how many cards are in pocket
1980 34
Bob Hummer, Al Koran Mathematical 3 Card Monte bill under one of three cups, back of performer is turned and after some changes in the order of the cups, performer divines cup with bill
Related toVariations 1980 35
Bob Hummer Thoto one card location, cards marked with pin behind back
VariationsAlso published here 1980 36
Bob Hummer Kilroy Gets Around message appears on card, mathematical procedure
Also published here 1980 36
Bob Hummer Something New living and dead test, spectator writes two names of living and one of dead person on playing cards, divination of which is which
Also published here 1980 37
Bob Hummer Stop - Thief!!! cards with license numbers on them, deck of playing cards used to divine the number
1980 37
Bob Hummer Hummeristic message appears on blank card, by rubbing ashes on it
  • #1: The Ashes Reveal
  • #2: Ghost Force
  • #3: Transference of Thought
  • #4: A Magic Business Card
  • #5: Ghost Envelope
1980 38
Bob Hummer It's Murder with rotatable disk, spectator selects murder and victim while performer's back is turned, both are divined
Variations 1980 40
Bob Hummer The Gremlins cards with red and blue gremlins are shuffled, behind back performer sorts the card in two packets so amount of red gremlins in one packet is the same as blue gremlins in the other packet
Related to 1980 41
Bob Hummer Mind Reader's Dream cards dealt according to thought-of card, with Dreambook to transfer number to card
VariationsAlso published here 1980 42
Bob Hummer Mindreader's Dreambook booklet to translate numbers into playing cards
Related to 1980 45
"Senator" Clarke Crandall Crandall on Hummer on Bob Hummer
Also published here
  • "Crandall on Hummer" in "The New Tops" 6, 7 & 8 in 1964
1980 49
Bob Hummer 3-Card Monte mathematical three card monte
Also published here 1980 59
Bob Hummer, Al Koran 3-Cup Monte bill under one of three cups, back of performer is turned and after some changes in the order of the cups, performer divines cup with bill
1980 60
Bob Hummer Voodoo Fortune Telling cards with questions on one side and different pictures of zombies on the other side, one question is selected and cards separated several times while checking different features of the zombies, eventually a four digit number is evaluated and leads to the answer of the question in a book, system is explained with playing cards
1980 73
Bob Hummer Hummer's Mathematical Shell Game with four cups or four shells and two dice
1980 78
Bob Hummer Hummer's Whirling Card
Related toAlso published here 1980 84
Bob Hummer Hummer's Forcing Deck using hinged cards
1980 84
Bob Hummer Hummer's Ring and Cord ring off and on string with handkerchief
Also published here
  • a part of Martin Gardner's column in "Hugard's Magic Monthly"
1980 85
Bob Hummer Interlocked Card Production method to interlock fingers
Also published here 1980 86
Bob Hummer Bob Hummer's Visual Change
Also published here 1980 87
Bob Hummer Hummer Card Change with handkerchief, hand turned over and card put on silk
Also published here 1980 89
Bob Hummer Think a Word disc to select an spell any card, card is divined, back turned (1964)
1980 91
Jeff Busby Thotography II
Inspired byRelated to 1980 93
Bob Hummer Night Moves
1980 94
P. Howard Lyons It's Murder - No Book no book method, with rotatable disk, spectator selects murder and victim while performer's back is turned, both are divined
Inspired byRelated to 1980 96
Bob Hummer Mother Goose Force to force a page, based on the Miraskill idea
Related to
  • Martin Gardner's "Mother Goose Mystery"
1980 99
Bob Hummer A Hummer Letter to Martin Gardner
1980 103
Karl Fulves Gremlins No. 10, ten red-green double-faced paper cards, spectator shuffles, performer separates the cards behind his back so that the same number of green cards is in both piles
Inspired by 1980 10
Ken De Courcy The Red and Black Computation spectator places some red and black cards in his left and right trouser and jacket pockets, performer divines numbers, with selected card
Inspired by 1980 21
Werner "Walt Nelson" Nussbaumer Die Nussbaumersuite: Ein Spion wird aufgespürt sixteen chips with numbers are turned over and a city is selected, city is divined, agent and telephone number presentation
Inspired by 1980
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 41 No. 4)
Jon Racherbaumer Third Thot card that falls on thought-of position is chosen, later named, ten memorized cards, faro
Inspired by 1981 25
Bob Hummer, Million-Dollar Mystery No. 9, twelve coins on table, spectator can remove some and coins with heads and tales up are divined, blindfolded
Related to 1981 13
Bob Hummer Mental Die No. 28, die under hat, divination of number
Also published here 1981 32
Karl Fulves, Oscar Weigle, Bob Hummer The Borgia Cup No. 53, three cups, poisoned glass is found
1981 64
Max Abrams Max Abrams version for puzzling speller and highlighting mistake in original description
Related to 1981 112
Bill Coomer Bill Coomer idea for the Mindreader's Dreambook
Related to 1981 113
Tom Hunter Tom Hunter some ideas on Thoto
Inspired by 1981 114
Jeff Busby Jeff Busby on a picture of Bob Hummer
1981 118
Bob Hummer, Martin Gardner Paper Clip Discovery chosen cards found to be paper clipped together with a message on them
Also published here 1981 118
Richard Durham Richard Durham letter written by Bob Hummer to C. Verne, with lot of biographical details
1981 120
Thomas Alan Waters, Bob Hummer Grayze divination of a card, five cards on the table, covered with a handkerchief
Related to 1983
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Mindscript 3: The Symbol Test)
Mark Lefler Whirling Card card shoots out of deck and floats into hand
Related to 1983 16
Stephen Tucker Stitches in time Triumph effect with pseudo-Bob-Hummer presentation/procedure, spectator "unmixes" deck themselves via long mathematical/Hummeresque procedure
Inspired by 1984 3