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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Norman Ashworth Before your Eyes message on slate becomes name of selection when wiping over it, idea by Charles Nyquist on page 270
Related toVariationsAlso published here May 1937
The Jinx (Issue 32)
The Conjurer's Touch deck in performer's pocket, he produces any suit and value on command
Variations 1942 218
Steve Beam The Human Eraser message on paper becomes name of selection when wiping over it or when spectator tries to erase it, rubber cement
Related to 1984 53
Alex Elmsley Card Counting Rhyme rhyme for counting 52 cards
Variations 1998 52
Mick Ayres Rhyme-Time spectator thinks of a word from list of words, then of a word that rhymes with it, it is divined
Nov. 2000
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 3)
Paul Curry Padding add-a-number coincidence
VariationsAlso published here 2001 156
Steve Beam, Mick Ayres Send in the Clowns humorous article
Related to 2002 38
Mick Ayres Color My World single card prediction on paper, selection has different colored back
2002 39
Mick Ayres Speed-Reader performer apparently memorizes deck, names position of selection
Variations 2002 150
Steve Beam, Marty Kane, Doug Canning, Mick Ayres, Rajneesh Madhok The Lack of a Picture is Worth... humorous article
2004 66
Mick Ayres Mr. Clean selection found at total of two cards
2004 96
Mick Ayres Calculated Risk number is formed with calculator, cards are mixed and match the total, using A Swindle of Sorts
2004 138
Mick Ayres Ahead of the Game prediction in pocket, cards add up to find position of selection
Inspired by 2004 170
Mick Ayres Con-Sense gambling themed book test, total of hands used select word
2004 177
Mick Ayres Letter
Related to 2004 190
Mick Ayres Card Counting for Poets rhyme for counting 52 cards
Inspired by 2004 239
Dan Garrett, Mick Ayres, Ken Scott Epic - Marked Down three predictions written with three different-colored markers, letter, two-digit number and two geometric shapes (one in the other)
2005 1
Mick Ayres Subliminal Message words on white board are erased, some letters remain and form name of selection
Inspired byRelated to 2006 17
Mick Ayres Cue-Cards words on whiteboard are erased, some letters remain and form other message, humorous routine
Inspired by 2006 18
Mick Ayres Rescue 2000 number divination
Inspired by 2006 100
Steve Beam, Mick Ayres, Doug Canning, Rajneesh Madhok When Proofreaders Run Amuck humorous article
2006 220
Jon Racherbaumer Speed Reader III performer apparently memorizes deck, names position of two selections, faro divider
Inspired by Aug. 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Steve Beam, Rajneesh Madhok, Mick Ayres, Doug Canning Behind the Scenes with Volume IIIIIIII - Revolting Proofreaders humorous article
2010 128
Mick Ayres Intuition performer knows how many cards are cut, several phases
Also published here
  • "Intuition" in "M-U-M" August, 2015.
2018 288
Mick Ayres Hybrid constructed card is located by spectator
Also published here
  • "Hybrid" in "M-U-M" October, 2013.
2018 290