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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Alessandro de Luca Mit einem Mixbecher published as Lukas Th. Schoch, water poured from cup, then silks are produced
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 36 No. 5)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on the death of North Bigbee, FISM, Hans Moretti, Patrick, Alessandro de Luca
Magick (Issue 231)
Alessandro de Luca Cone of Power three scarfs with different colors, selected one has a knot
Magick (Issue 262)
Peter Wilker, Paul Maurer Der Andelfinder Handel oder Der Teufel im Weinland on Philius, Alessandro de Luca, Paul Maurer, Father B. Wachter , parapsychology & religion, Willy Peter, Ernst Meier
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 41 No. 2)
Robert Cassidy From Cassidy's Think Tank on Sandy Kross, Alessandro de Luca
Feb. 1980 3
Robert Cassidy 1980 Meeting of the Minds - St. Louis, Mo. program for the upcoming convention, Punx, Tony Raven, Alex Redans, Masklyn ye Mage, Irv Weiner, Larry Becker, Bob Cassidy, Bob Haines, Terry Nosek, Ralph Athey, Dan Tong, Ross Johnson, Ken Weber, Alessandro de Luca, Eliott Black, Scott Gordon, Aprille Becker
May 1980 1
A Photographic Record of the 1980 "Meeting of the Minds" picture of Elliott Black, Terry Nosek, Gordon Hoener, Alessandro de Luca, Bob Cassidy, David Hoy, Irv Weiner, Punx, Debbie Belante, Larry Becker, Sharon Lucas, Ken Weber
Aug. 1980 3
Willy "Tex Williams" Peter, U. Vorberger, Rico Leitner, Peter Faesi Magic Week-End 1980 in St- Gallen on the magic convention in St. Gallen, Peter Faesi, Olaf Spell, Binocchi, Shahiro, Fred Kurer, Roman Brunschwiler, Bastino und Andrea, Elmaro, Thomas, Alessandro de Luca, Toni, Philius und Jane, Piet Forton
  • Überschau
  • Frisch von der Leber weg? Sprechzauberei zwischen Routine und Innovation
  • Zauberhafte Streiflichter, Impressionen, Assoziationen
  • Der Wettbewerb
  • Aus der Sicht des Wettbewerbleiters
  • Schnappschüsse vom Wettbewerb
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 42 No. 1)
Peter Wilker, Jean de Merry MRS - CMS Zürich 13.-15. März 1981 report of Swiss national convention, Willy Peter, Philius, Almeico, Jean Garance, Edi Künzler, Marius, Ruedi Bucher, Pavel, Orsani, Böttcher, Haraldini, Claus Stub, Theo Timmermann, Viennamagic, Gene Anderson, Geoffrey Buckinham, Peter Gloviczki, Roberto Giobbi, Christian Scherer, Cherry Maxim, Alessandro de Luca, Curtini und Diana, Macao, Juliani
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 42 No. 3)
Alessandro de Luca, Theophil "Philius" Weidmann Zauberkünstler und Mentalmagie thoughts on mentalism, distinction to magic
1983 4
Alessandro de Luca, Theophil "Philius" Weidmann Einige der wichtigsten Regeln der Mentalmagie (Some important rules in mentalism)
1983 8
Alessandro de Luca, Theophil "Philius" Weidmann Auswahl der Gehilfen on choosing spectators for the show
1983 10
Alessandro de Luca, Theophil "Philius" Weidmann Zum Thema "Uebersinnliche Fähigkeiten" on paranormal skills, being "real"
1983 12
Alessandro de Luca, Theophil "Philius" Weidmann Tips und Anregungen on performing close-up mentalism, impromptu
1983 14
Alessandro de Luca, Theophil "Philius" Weidmann Klein - aber oho! spectator writes word on torn cover of matchbook, which is then placed behind matches, word is divined
1983 15
Alessandro de Luca, Theophil "Philius" Weidmann Das ESP-Spiel basics on the ESP deck
1983 18
Theophil "Philius" Weidmann, Alessandro de Luca Die Macht des freien Willens spectator selects one of several predictions in a vase, it matches with selected word from book
1983 24
Theophil "Philius" Weidmann, Alessandro de Luca Das Televisions-Spiel card is selected and is missing in second deck, found in envelope
1983 28
Theophil "Philius" Weidmann, Alessandro de Luca Das Philius-de Luca-Spiel divination of four selection from jumbo-deck, half deck has short end and other half has short side
1983 34
Theophil "Philius" Weidmann, Alessandro de Luca Ein Wort zum Schluss
1983 39
Peter Wilker St. Gallen Magic Weekend on the magic convention in St. Gallen, Hobini, Philius, Alessandro de Luca, Chris Maurer, Harold Voit, Eckhard Böttcher, Peter Kaiser, Edy Künzler, Roberto Mayno, Joro, Thomas, Durowa, Gradi-Wohlo, Paul Maurer, Tino & Susann, McSaimn, Karsten, Ivo Durox, John Duri Tgetgel, Andreas Pfister, Alex Porter, Rico Leitner
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 44 No. 6)
Chris Maurer (reviewer) Duo Mental-Seminar on the lecture by Alessandro de Luca and Philius 1983
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 44 No. 6)
Paul Maurer Die Nacht der 1000 Wunder on the Werner Hornung show in Zürich, Horst Gille, Oguz Engin, Belini, Duo Delgado, Allan & Babs, Fred Bolz, Duo Valer, Rico Leitner, Alessandro de Luca, Lajos Mihailik, Die Fernandos, Pascal
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 4&5)