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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Theodore Annemann The One-Man 'Genuine' Magazine Test three magazines, fake cover ploy
Related toVariations 1931 46
Edward Victor A Match Divination divination of amount of selected matches
Related toVariations 1937 114
Theodore Annemann Trance Card Al Koran type deck for spelling routine
Dec. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 151)
U. F. Grant "Million Dollar" Bill Mystery two bills are torn, one half of each vanish and appear in envelope
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1943 112
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Jim Sherman, Richard Himber, Al Koran, Charlie Miller, Dell O'Dell, Shaman
Sep. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 70)
Al Koran The Koran Torn and Restored Newspaper
1950 36
Al Koran Koran's Solo Aces
Variations 1950 100
Toni Koynini Any Number spectator cuts deck and deals to any number in deck, adds digits and deals again, that card predicted
Inspired by
  • Al Koran trick from Magic Wand mental magic competition
1951 22
Bob Hummer Hummers Mathematical 3 Card Monte mathematical three card monte
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1951 1
Al Koran Koran's Miracle Blindfold Act multi-phase routine performed genuinely blindfolded, comprised of the following effects
Variations 1952 72
Al Koran Effect No 1. "Sense of Touch" performer blindfolded, selected card is located by feel in tabled spread
1952 73
Al Koran Effect No. 2. "Stop - By Power of Thought" performer blindfolded
1952 74
Al Koran Effect No. 3. "Three Times Three" performer blindfolded, three cards lost in three piles and located
1952 74
Al Koran Effect No. 4. "Double Thoughts" performer blindfolded, two spectators have five cards each, they exchange one and then name their cards, performer knows which ones were exchanged
1952 75
Al Koran Effect No. 5. "Prediction Plus" performer blindfolded, card chosen with ten-twenty force is predicted
1952 76
Al Koran Effect No. 6. "Force Superb" performer blindfolded, card chosen and performer finds it in his pocket
1952 76
Al Koran Hindu Force with preliminary display face in which bottom card changes
1952 76
Al Koran Effect No. 7. "The Pay Off" performer blindfolded, several cards selected and shuffled back, deck put in performer's pocket where he locates chosen cards by touch
1952 77
Jack Avis, Al Koran The Cards of Pegasus initialed Joker in sealed in envelope, five cards chosen and initialed, one card is chosen, transposes with the Joker, chosen card is now in envelope
Also published here 1953 33
Al Koran A Word in Thousands carbon paper
1954 247
Section Seven - The Magic of Al Koran
1954 127
Al Koran Simplex Torn and Restored Newspaper with one piece missing
Related toAlso published here 1954 129
Al Koran, Jack Avis, Roy Walton A Pound For Your Card signed card placed in nest of three envelopes, bill borrowed and serial number noted and then put in purse, card and bill transpose
Also published here 1954 139
Al Koran The Fate of a Fiver bill torn and crumpled up and put in ash tray, then shown restored, repeat but then it restores to many bills and some coins that have the same value when added up
Also published here 1954 146
Al Koran "Hanky Panky" Routine borrowed handkerchief is burned and restored, then coins and a filled wine glass appear
  • 1. Penetration of the handkerchief by the pencil
  • 2. Burnt and restored handkerchief
  • 3. Cut and restored handkerchief (Jack Chanin)
  • 4. Continuous production of coins from the handkerchief (Jack Chanin)
  • 5. Production of a cigarette and lighter from the handkerchief
  • 6. Production of a glass of wine from the handkerchief (Jardine Ellis)
Also published here 1954 154
Al Koran Perfection - Do As I Do performer and spectator both remove a card from a different deck, they match, one card is switched and the other card changes to match
1954 165
Bob Hummer, Al Koran Note Under Cups three cups, bill hidden under one and the cups exchanges after a pattern
Inspired by 1958 140
Tony Corinda, Al Koran Centre Tear (One Hand Variation)
Related to 1959 171
Al Koran "Inexplicable" spectator writes city on a billet and a clipped with a bulldog clip, several more billets are introduced, when touched with a cigarette they vanish, except one on which the same city is noted as on the spectator's billet
Related to 1959 195
Al Koran, Tony Corinda (28) The Ouija Board
1959 299
Piet Forton 24th annual convention at Hastings 21. - 25. Sept. 60 on David Haggarty, Fred Lowe, Francis Haxton, Gus Southall, Peter Warlock, George Blake, Edward Victor, Jack Avis, Devano, Ron Mc Millan, Claude Rix, Mystic Craig, Jerry Andrus, Jack Miller, Al Koran, Johnny Geddes, Tom Harris, Alan Alan, Mila Trnka, Roberta & Hella
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 22 No. 1)
Jack Miller, Al Koran Lazy Man's Card Trick
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1962 199
Al Koran Erfüllte Gedankenwünsche two cards selected and spectators find them with small number or stop, two-card mirage deck, partial rough-smooth
1962 23
Hugh Miller, Al Koran Professional Presentation including Koran's comments on presentation and on the tricks in the book
1968 5
Al Koran The Gold Medallion prediction of number on medallion
Related toVariations 1968 11
Al Koran Ring On Stick multi phase routine
1968 17
Al Koran Birthday Card Trick birthday is divined, center tear
1968 29
Al Koran The Torn Centre center tear handling
1968 32
Al Koran Book Test no additional props, just four books, exchanged covers
Related to 1968 37
Al Koran Torn & Restored Cigarette Paper
Variations 1968 43
Al Koran Black Magic number appears on smoked tin plate
1968 49
Al Koran Encore Card Stab stacked, estimation, apparently by Patrick Page, see "Magic Page by Page" for credits
Related toVariations 1968 57
Al Koran Out of hand Selection Process spectator cuts cards and takes top, delayed glimpse
1968 60
Al Koran Knife Glimpse used in Stabbing Routine
1968 62
Al Koran Doodles psychometry with six spectators and papers
Variations 1968 67
Al Koran Princess Card Trick...Plus deck shuffled after selections, deck switch
Related toVariations 1968 71
Al Koran One-and-a-Half Card Case
Variations 1968 74
Al Koran Nap Hand Deal cards played with three spectators, performer is away (blindfolded) and gives correct playing decisions
1968 81
Al Koran Double Thought spectator finds performer's card and the other way around, marked deck
Related toVariations 1968 89
Al Koran Card Prediction marked deck, prediction with nail writer
1968 95
Al Koran Sure Fire Force bold, basically you give the spectator the force cards
1968 101
Al Koran The Flying Ring reel
1968 107
Al Koran The Pendulum Tells six torn half blank cards are attributed to correct spectators with pendulum
1968 113
Al Koran Double Deal dealing five people the same cards, set up, twenty-five duplicates, siamesa
Related toVariations 1968 119
Al Koran Note Under Cup bill put under one of three cups, performer knows which one
Inspired byVariations 1968 127
Al Koran, Alton Sharpe Borrowed You Find It two methods: sticky card and belly-stripped card
1969 93
Al Koran Koran's Double Out Prediction two-way out
Variations 1969 97
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on the market for magic, Marvyn Roy, Al Koran
Magick (Issue 20)
Ken De Courcy The Jackpot Matchbox divination of amount of selected matches
Inspired by 1971 30
Gerald R. Blount Blounty Speaking on the Academy of Magical Arts, Al Koran, Carl Wentworth, Del Dixon
Feb. 1971
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 49)
Ring 21's 4th Annual Cavalcade of Magic on Francis Carlyle, Jules Lenier, Gene Nielsen, Mike Skinner, Maury Lead, Eric Lewis, Whitley Roberts, Dick Zimmerman, Ini, Bob Wagner, Dai Vernon, Roland Hill, Lou Derman, Joe Berg, Jim Muszalski, Paul Diamond, Walter Berlin, Atoris, Bruce Cervon, Ron Wilson, Jay Marshall, Mike Caldwell, Cris Cristol, Ringo, Leon, Larry Steinhauer, Dan Alessini, Ed Alterman, Herman, Diana Zimmerman, Pete Biro, Darby Hinton, Dale Salwak, Al Koran, Kirk Kirkham, Bev Bergeron, Charlie Miller
Feb. 1971
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 51)
Glenn G. Gravatt, Al Koran The Antique Medallion
Inspired by 1972 58
Al Koran Numerology ca. nine called-out four-digit numbers written on paper and put in bowl, spectator takes out paper and it is predicted, disappearing ink, see p. 552 for credit information, see p. 608 for comments by Mike Rogers and Sam Dalal
Related to
  • "Decision Control" (Syd Bergson)
VariationsAlso published here
Apr. 1972 514
Bill Logan More News newspaper folded and edges cut off, number counted to, Koran's binary newspaper
  • The Folding Force
Inspired byRelated to June 1972 525
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Al Koran, the most expensive prop in one's act
Magick (Issue 43)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on the passing of Al Koran
Magick (Issue 52)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Al Koran, Sid Lorraine, T. Page Wright
Magick (Issue 63)
Jochen Zmeck Chipwanderung one of six chosen chips vanishes from paper bag and appears in a box
Inspired by
  • "Poker Chip Chicanery" (Al Koran, Jack Avis, marketed ca. 1953)
1972 16
Al Koran Five Star Prediction prediction of card in envelope, spectator deals through cards and stops at any point
1972 19
Al Koran Twenty Card Memory twenty cards are selected and each person gets a number, cards are placed inside pocket and performer finds cards blindfolded
1972 29
Al Koran The Gold Medallion prediction of number on medallion, medallion in box
Related to 1972 37
Al Koran Mind-Shot chosen card appears on polaroid picture, picture of spectator
1972 47
Al Koran Headline Countdown newspaper torn up and a piece selected, a word is chosen, it has been predicted, binary prediction
Related toVariations 1972 53
Al Koran The Astral Word impression device in book cover
1972 65
Al Koran The Million Dollar Prediction prediction of sports result, political election etc, nest of envelopes
Related to 1972 73
Al Koran Insight Spectaculr coded prediction as long number, book of codes to decode it
Related to 1972 81
Al Koran Cassette Recorder Miracle prediction on cassette tape
1972 91
Al Koran Where Did She Go? extra card, saliva
1972 101
Al Koran Pronto Card to Wallet using two cards and two wallets
1972 107
Al Koran Bare-Handed Coin Vanish coin vanish, needs surface
Related to 1972 115
Al Koran Stack Vanish stack of coins vanish under cone
1972 121
Al Koran The Pill anti-baby-pill themed, sponge balls change into small plastic babies
1972 127
Al Koran The Wife's Favourite four cards shown, one changes to selection
1972 135
Al Koran Automatic Poker Aces, Kigs, Queens, Jacks and Tens are removed and dealt, all Royal Flushes
1972 141
Al Koran Coloured Matches matches with different colored heads change colors in fists of performer
1972 147
Al Koran I'll Find It spectator thinks of number from one to twenty and remembers card at position, performer takes the deck behind back and removes a card and places it into pocket, it turns out to be the selection
1972 155
Al Koran The Eye of the Beholder divination of amount of cards from cut packet, using glass eye
Variations 1972 161
Al Koran Gadgets and Gimmicks
1972 167
Al Koran The Force Pack half forcing deck
1972 167
Al Koran Swami Holder magnetic
1972 167
Al Koran The Scored Deck diagonal scratch on side of new deck
1972 168
Al Koran The Daubed Spectator marking spectator for blindfold act
1972 168
Al Koran Grab Force frame with strings where playing cards are attached, forcing method
1972 169
Al Koran The Index Card index on playing card for books test
1972 170
Al Koran The Presentation of Al Koran's Magic
  • Handling of Props
  • Handling Spectators
  • Dress
  • The Finale
1972 173
Jon Racherbaumer (reviewer) Al Koran's Legacy by Al Koran (written by Hugh Miller) June 1973
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Al Koran
Magick (Issue 67)
Al Koran Numerology ca. nine called-out four-digit numbers written on paper and put in bowl, spectator takes out paper and it is predicted, disappearing ink
Also published here July 1973
Intermagic (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Vic Perry, Al Koran The Man Called Al Koran apparently by Al Koran, two bills are torn, one half of each vanish and appear in envelope
Related to 1974
Magick (Issue 100)
Tony Griffith, Al Koran The Princess Trick twenty-five duplicates
Inspired by 1975
The Hierophant (Issue 7 Resurrection Issue)
Audley Walsh, Al Koran Magician's Nightmare description Koran Deck and some Koran anecdotes
1975 130
Vic Perry, Al Koran Envelope Switch prediction of coin in envelope, envelope to switch coin
Magick (Issue 143)
Ken Krenzel Miracle Coin small coin cleanly vanishes and reappears, wax
Related to 1976
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #6)
Alan Shaxon The Jubilee Medallion number appears on medallion
Related to 1976 21
The Controlled Cut No. 65, spectator cuts and this value is used to count down to selection, Ace through King of Hearts set-up, Al Baker credit given
Related to 1976 98
Danton Century 21 Prediction predicting a chosen headline from newspaper, Koran's binary prediction
Related toVariations 1976
Magick (Issue 159)
Al Koran Ein Kartentrick für Faule Magier
Also published here
  • New Pentagram, June 1973
June 1976
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Carlhorst Meier Ein Psycho-Kartenprogramm multi-phase routine performed genuinely blindfolded, comprised of the following effects
Inspired byRelated toVariations Nov. 1976
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Patrick Page The Page Boy Speaks... on Ken Brooke, Al Koran, David Roth, Finn Jon, John Calvert, Jay and Frances Marshall
Aug. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Lewis Ganson Tribute to the Card Stars three or even four four-of-a-kinds show up
Inspired by 1977 22
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Holbrook Lecture Notes by Brad Holbrook
with credit information about "Salute To Vernon" by Al Koran
Related to 1977
Interlocutor (Issue 15)
Danton Voodoo Doll voodoo doll in box, body part is pierced by spectator, five pellets are contacted with lighter and four disappear in a flame, written on the fifth is the selected body part
Related to 1977
Magick (Issue 171)
Charles "Cicardi" Scott PSI-Symbols princess card trick with 36 picture cards
Inspired by 1977
Magick (Issue 186)
Gaston "Gasbor" Borgeaud Le Jeu des Anneaux Chinois study on the linking rings
  • Bibliographie
  • Passes applicable d'une maniere générale
    • I Présentation d'un anneau
      • a) L'enroulement: the twisting move
      • b) Autre présentation par enrouolement
      • c) Présentation de la clé
      • d) Présentation Al Koran de la clé
      • e) Présentation de la clé et d'un anneau enclavé
    • II Enclavage
      • a) Enclavage par glissement rotatif des anneaux
      • b) Enclavage par approchement simple des anneaux
      • c) Enclavage Al Koran
      • d) Enclavage Jack Miller
      • e) Enclavage de l'anneau passé sur l'avant-bras
      • f) Enclavage à la frappe.
    • III Désenclavage
      • a) Désenclavage diamétral
      • b) Désenclavage au lancé en rotation de Tommy Dowd
      • c) Désenclavage Aldo Colombini
    • IV Fioritures diverses
      • a) L'anneau désenclavé projeté en l'air
      • b) Deux et deux
      • c) La descente de l'anneau
      • d) L'échelle de Jakob
      • e) La goutte de rosée de Herman Weber
  • Passes nécessitant un anneau large
    • a) Premier passage
    • b) Deuxième passage
    • c) Troisième passage
  • Remarque finale
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 38 No. 4)
Roy Johnson None But the Brave two numbers chosen, they correspond to time of pocket watch
Inspired by 1977 68
Patrick Page The Page Boy Speaks... on Mike Caldwell, Albert Goshman, Al Koran, Dai . Vernon, John Fisher
Mar. 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 7)
Karl Fulves Medallion impromptu method, credit information, card and number predicted
Inspired by 1978 1125
Thomas Alan Waters Numerology Card in Wallet prediction in envelope, in wallet, nine-force, version of Al Koran's "Five-Star Miracle Card"
Variations 1978
Magick (Issue 205)
Jack Kent Tillar Ultimedallion design for Koran Medallion, number actually inscribed
Inspired by 1978
Magick (Issue 208)
Charles "Cicardi" Scott Mind Snap variation of Koran's binary newspaper
Inspired by 1978
Magick (Issue 218)
Al Koran Chips chips in bowl, some are selected by performer and spectator, relation is predicted
Magick (Issue 219)
Ray Grismer Handy - Torn Newspaper Prediction newspaper torn in thirty-two pieces, number counted to, Koran's binary newspaper
Inspired by 1978 1
Al Koran Peek Card Case
Dec. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 12)
David Britland Velleda Variations chips with numbers in a bag, forcing a number, erasable ink
Inspired by Jan. 1979
The Talon (Issue 3)
Al Koran, Jack Avis, Roy Walton Ein Pfund für Ihre Karte signed card placed in nest of three envelopes, bill borrowed and serial number noted and then put in purse, card and bill transpose
Also published here Dec. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 3 & 4)
Al Koran Das Schicksal eines Hunderters bill torn and crumpled up and put in ash tray, then shown restored, repeat but then it restores to many bills and some coins that have the same value when added up
Also published here Dec. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 3 & 4)
Nick Trost Newspaper Prediction newspaper folded and torn, number counted to, Koran's binary newspaper
Inspired by 1979 7
Bob Hummer, Al Koran Mathematical 3 Card Monte bill under one of three cups, back of performer is turned and after some changes in the order of the cups, performer divines cup with bill
Related toVariations 1980 35
Bob Hummer, Al Koran 3-Cup Monte bill under one of three cups, back of performer is turned and after some changes in the order of the cups, performer divines cup with bill
1980 60
Jack Kent Tillar Mental Monte bill put under one of three cups, performer know which one
Inspired by 1980
Magick (Issue 260)
Al Koran, Patrick Page The Al KORAN Thimble Routine finally having eight thimbles
Also published here 1980 3
Al Mann The Wallets Himber's, Al Koran's Wallet, The Bombshell Wallet
1981 1
Al Mann Page One with an Al Koran Wallet
1981 9
Al Mann The Noesis of Nyx card in envelope in wallet, with Al Koran Wallet
1981 19
Al Mann One Hundred Clams signed bill is burned and appears restored in an envelope, Al Koran Wallet
1981 21
Al Mann Instant Mindreading Al Koran Wallet as a peek wallet
1981 22
Al Mann The Mounds of Ashtoreth two decks, spectator selects five cards and signs two, performer duplicates everything with the other deck, Al Koran Wallet
1981 23
Al Mann, T. Page Wright, William Larsen The Royal Album torn and restored card, corner as a reference, Al Koran Wallet
Related to
  • Sphinx Vol.27 #9, 1928
1981 26
Thomas Alan Waters, Jack Avis The Occultear secretly tearing the center
  • Writing Materials
  • The Area of Writings
  • The Fold
  • The Tear
Related to 1981
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Scrypt)
Gene "Phantini" Grant Super Mental Deck Al Koran Deck meets Svengali
1981 26
Wayne Dobson Koran Revisited gimmick to load and add gimmick for Koran Medallion
Related to Aug. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Al Koran's Three Silver Rings/Ken Brooke on the Invisible Pack/ Fred Robinson's Ultimate Force by Ken Brooke (written by Various) Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Thomas Alan Waters Keyknow combination of Koran's "Gold Medallion" and "Flying Ring", message on key
Inspired by 1982
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Octasm)
Al Koran Al Koran's Top-Change Card held in End Grip, some handling finesses
1982 78
Michael Weber Floored Al Koran Five-Star Deck, prediction is jumbo card on the wall when an elevator is left
1983 33
Al Koran, Edward Victor Koran / Victor Number Force see Al Koran's Jackpot Coins
Related to Nov. 1983
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Father Cyprian Nostalgia Torn & Restored Card signed card is torn into four pieces, flash restoration
Inspired byRelated to 1983 1
Drunter + Drüber mention of Al Koran's cheek to cheek triumph from New Pentagram
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 44 No. 2)
Johnny Thompson Polish-ing Koran's Medallion
Inspired by 1984
Epoptica (Issue Yearbook)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Magic of Al Koran by Al Koran (written by Martin Breese) Aug. 1984
Epoptica (Issue 6)
Allan Slaight Guise Winner five hands of poker are re-dealt to same persons, spectator names missing card (Premonition)
Related toAlso published here 1984
Arcane (Issue 11)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Dr. Jaks' Incredible Prediction billet knife handling
  • The Double Envelope Method
Related to 1984 10
Stephen Minch The Effect description of blindfold card act, genuinely no vision, consisting of the following individual effects
Inspired by 1984 1
Al Koran Ein Dreifacher Buchtest
Jan. 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 10 No. 3 & 4)
Richard Mark Medallion M-2 prediction of number on medallion, different handling, number looks as if engraved
Inspired by Jan. 1985
Magick (Issue 345)
Gene Nielsen, Al Koran Dream Car Routine confabulation type routine with forced instead of free choices
Inspired by
  • Al Koran routine in Pentagram, Vol. 3 No. 1, Oct. 1948
1985 3
Al Koran, Gene Nielsen Chest of Koran two cards predicted in an envelope, chosen from zip loc bag
1985 4
Bruce Cervon, Al Koran Hanky Panky? borrowed handkerchief is burned and restored, then coins and a filled wine glass appear
Also published here 1985 (ca.) 1
Philip T. Goldstein Phonex using Al Koran forcing deck
Oct. 1986
Magick (Issue 379)
Hans-Gerhard Stumpf Farb-Chips Mental four different colored chips in a box are dumped in spectator's hand, color is selected by choosing a card and corresponding chip is found missing in hand and back in box, with variation
  • Meine mental-magischen Farb-Chips
Inspired by
  • Jack Avis & Al Koran's "Poker-Chip-Chicanery"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 3)
Ron Wilson Al Koran's Ring Flight clever handling
1987 104
Thomas Hierling Impromptu Al Koran spectator stops anytime during dealing, card matches prediction, faced deck method
1987 60
Peter Wilker, Christoph Borer Die Auskultation finding mate of card, deck in spectator's pocket
  • Medizinische Kartenkunst
Inspired by 1987
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 7)
John Holland (reviewer) Mastered Amazement by Al Koran (written by Jack Lamonte) Feb. 1988
Epoptica (Issue 11)
Juan Tamariz Miraculous Adivination (Al Koran Style) as divination or location, Al Koran Deck
  • First Version
  • Second Version
1988 61
Charles Reynolds Conquest bill put under one of three cups, performer know which one
Inspired by Nov. 1988
Magick (Issue 413)
Al Koran Zeitungszerreißtrick with one piece missing
Also published here Feb. 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 3)
Christoph Borer Double Thought half forcing deck, spectator and magician find the selection of the other
Inspired byAlso published here 1989 32
Al Koran Take One No. 75, three different coins on table, three spectators each take a coin, performer finds out who has which
1989 104
Al Koran, Karl Fulves A Stab in the Pack No. 90, deck wrapped with dollar bill, knife next to selection
1989 132
Bruce Cervon, Al Koran Hanky Panky borrowed handkerchief is burned and restored, then coins and a filled wine glass appear
Also published here 1990 97
Bruce Cervon, Al Koran Silent Flight ringflight
1990 107
John Bannon, Al Koran Five-Star Engraved Prediction four cards selected, reduced to one, this is engraved on brass disc in purse, inspired by Al Koran's "Five-Star Prediction"
1990 139
Christoph Borer Double Thought half forcing deck, spectator and magician find the selection of the other
Inspired byAlso published here 1991 18
Peter Zenner Rattling the Koran Medallion Gold Medallion meets Rattle Box
prediction of number on medallion
Related to 1991 68
Al Koran Miracle Wallet Five Star Prediction, edited reprint of "Ken Brooke's instructions" from 1982
  • Another Handling (sixteen cards distributed on table, one chosen, predicted in wallet)
Oct. 1992
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Larry Becker Mail Mental named number on label attached to coin, Lippincott coin box
Inspired by 1992 217
Jonathan Cooke (reviewer) Koran's Legacy by Al Koran (written by Hugh Miller) Dec. 1992
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 6)
Al Koran, Patrick Page Die Al Koran - Fingerhut-Routine finally having eight thimbles
Also published here 1993 6
Alexander de Cova Zum Al Koran Forcierspiel handling tips
1995 11
Timothy Hyde Thoughts on the Gold / Engraved Medallion experience of Jack Dean's Koran Medallion routine
Related to May 1995
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 11)
Philip T. Goldstein Poker 101 clever ungaffed take on Al Koran's 1-0-1 Deck
Winter 1996 3
Michael Skinner, Al Koran A Deeper Mystery
Inspired by 1996 18
Al Koran Hanky Panky Routine described by Lewis Ganson, borrowed handkerchief is burned and restored, then coins and a filled wine glass appear
  • 1. Ein Bleistift durchdringt das Taschentuch
  • 2. Verbranntes und wieder hergestelltes Taschentuch
  • 3. Zerschnittenes und wiederhergestelltes Taschentuch (Jack Chanin)
  • 4. Fortwährende Münzenproduktion aus Tuch (Jack Chanin)
  • 5. Produktion einer Zigarette und eines Feuerzeugs
  • 6. Produktion eines Glases Wein (Jardine Ellis)
Also published here 1996
Intermagic (Vol. 20 No. 1)
Mark Garetz, Al Koran Persistence of Thought with camera flash unit
Inspired by 1997 12
Edward Bagshawe, Al Koran, Ron Wilson, Gene "Phantini" Grant, Ted Lesley The "Dream-Deck"-Combination single card divination
1997 2
Joe Mogar You Can Call Me "Al" four thimbles vanish
Inspired by
  • "Master Move" (Al Koran, Mastered Amazement, 1947)
1997 86
Roy Johnson Münzenlotto II Miraskill and Einstein routine with coins and two cups
Inspired by 1997
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 2)
Bruce Bernstein A Prediction in Code prediction is coded as number and sent in advance, code is shown and prediction can by deciphered, headline prediction, sport event etc.
Related toAlso published here 1997 22
Andy Nyman Deep Red Prediction a movie is named, number named, in a bag is a copy of the chosen film and a membership card with the named number on it
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1997 4
Jack Avis Nu Way Shell Game props changed to four white cards with colored spots
Inspired by 1998 66
Jack Avis, Al Koran Poker Chip Psi four chips of different colors, one chosen is predicted via a card with that color
Also published here
  • marketed item
1998 88
Jack Avis, Al Koran Cards of Pegasus initialed Joker in sealed in envelope, five cards chosen and initialed, one card is chosen, transposes with the Joker, chosen card is now in envelope
Related toAlso published here 1998 112
Al Koran Miracle Card Stab exact center
1998 123
Jack Avis, Al Koran The Cards of Pegasus initialed Joker in sealed in envelope, five cards chosen and initialed, one card is chosen, transposes with the Joker, chosen card is now in envelope
Related toAlso published here 1998 1
Albert Spackman, Al Koran DoublESP multi-phase prediction with Himber wallet
1998 65
Dave Arch The Tender Touch matching the amount of cards cut by spectator
Inspired by 1998
Syzygy (Vol. 4 No. 7)
Jeff Busby More Aspects more on fishing and Al Koran type deck, credit information, Richard Osterlind's Radar Deck
1998 86
Christian Scherer Sensitive Finger five phases blindfold routine with sense of touch presentation
  • 1. finger print, by touch
  • 2. think stop
  • 3. rising card under handkerchief, magnetism presentation
  • 4. card identity divination
  • 5. location of selection
Inspired byRelated to 1999 9
The Century - Those Who Impacted The Art In America
  • Al Koran (1914-1972)
  • S. H. Sharpe (1902-1992)
  • The Pendragons
  • Carl Owen (1889-1975)
  • Alan Wakeling
  • John Mulholland (1898-1970)
  • Mike Caveney
  • Paul Harris
  • Charles Reynolds
  • Russell Swann (1905-1980)
  • Dai Vernon (1894-1992)
Aug. 1999
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Al Koran Mein Symboltest stacked symbol cards, red and black symbols
Intermagic (Vol. 24 No. 2)
Al Koran Überall und Nirgends three cards chosen, performer turns over three cards behind back, all wrong, spectators chose all the same card which is found in pocket, weight hold-ou
  • Effekt Nr. 1 (grifflose Methode)
  • Effekt Nr. 2 (die Griff-Methode)
Intermagic (Vol. 24 No. 2)
Richard Mark Chapter Three on Al Koran
2000 59
Graham Jolley Graham Jolley on Chan Canasta and Al Koran with credit info for Koran's Torn and Restored Newspaper from "Routined Manipulation Finale"
Related to 2001 5
Val Andrews The Koran I Knew
  • 11 Years Ago...
on Al Koran
Also published here
  • The Magic Nostalgic, July 1992
June 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 10)
Darwin Ortiz The Zen Master performer repeatably knows position of card, memorized deck
Inspired by 2002 102
Chuck Hickok Demonstration Three: People Reading Plus five people draw something on cardboard
Inspired by 2002 81
Lewis Jones The full monte Hummer's Mathematical Monte variation with three cards, chosen one named, variation by Jack Avis with three packets
Inspired byRelated to
  • "Monte Bank" (Lewis Jones, The Spring of 52)
2002 63
Christoph Borer Double Thought half forcing deck, spectator and magician find the selection of the other
Inspired byAlso published here 2003 21
Karl Fulves 3-Coin Monte three cards and three coins, spectator moves cards around, performer places coins on cards which he thinks match the value of the coins via instructions
Inspired by 2003
Off The Books (Issue 4)
Jim Steinmeyer Building a Better Slot Machine
  • Conjuring
three spectators on stage select slot machine symbols and an amount of money, symbols are predicted in three (flip) books and money on a poker chip (Koran medaillon)
Inspired by June 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 10)
Billy McComb My Friend Al
  • Woolgatherings
on Al Koran
Sep. 2003
Magic (Vol. 13 No. 1)
Billy McComb My Friend Al (Part Two)
  • Woolgatherings
on Al Koran
Oct. 2003
Magic (Vol. 13 No. 2)
Paul Swinford Bits and Pieces card torn up in pieces and they're laid out, number from one to eight named, and counted to, index corners found, Koran's binary newspaper
Related toVariationsAlso published here 2004 25
Dave Campbell Performing Aces Aces turn over in deck, Twisting sequence, two Aces transpose from pockets of spectator and performer, Assembly (diamond shape layout for Ace assembly, before Daryl)
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here
  • The Gen, Vol. 22 No. 8, Dec. 1966
2004 141
Robert Cassidy Rip It Up Koran's binary newspaper, number named after newspaper is torn
Inspired by 2004 152
Al Koran Koran's Binary Newspaper credited to Trost and Borodin
Related to 2004 229
Bruce Bernstein Remote Driving two phase routine, instruction game where toy card is placed and moved among five envelopes with names of different cities, last city is predicted, then spectator pushes car until it stops, city is predicted again / Koornwinder Kar
Inspired by
  • Al Koran's "The Dream Car"
2004 1
Jon Racherbaumer On the Slant Al Koran, Rip-Offs
Jan. 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 1)
David Regal, Dan Garrett Speaking Volumes
Related to July 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 7)
Frank Garcia Throw Cut Aces throw-cut production of four-of-a-kind, then two more quartets show up
Inspired by
  • Al Koran routine from The Wizard
Discoverie (Issue 10)
Docc Hilford, Danton, Stanton Carlisle 21st Century Svengali pick-up artist version of Koran's binary prediction, using dual reality
Inspired byRelated to 2005 17
Eric Mead Lazy Restoration handling to restore reversed part of stack
Inspired by 2006 117
Darwin Ortiz Gold Medaillon Handling see also p. 105
Inspired by 2006 86
Al Koran Koran's Romany Coin Trick three copper coins wrapped in handkerchief, same with three silver coins, they transpose
2006 53
Christoph Borer Double Thought half forcing deck, spectator and magician find the selection of the other
Inspired byAlso published here 2007 17
Christoph Borer Challenge Peek three cards are divined, half Al Koran deck
2007 37
Paul Vigil Diplopia one thought-of (and removed) card by performer and one by spectator, performer finds spectator's card and vice versa
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 2007 3
Impromptu Lazy Man's Card Trick
Inspired by June 2007
Antinomy (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Nick Trost Trost on Al Koran's "Prediction Supreme" three cards, Ten-Twenty Force
Inspired by
  • "Prediction Supreme" (Al Koran, The Magic Wand, Oct. 1946)
2008 127
Nick Trost ESP Double Thought with ESP cards
Inspired by 2009 569
Al Koran, Roberto Giobbi One-Deck Do-as-I-Do miscalling
Related to 2010
Secret Agenda (Issue July 26)
Joe M. Turner (reviewer) Al Koran's Blindfold Card Act by Brian Barnes Apr. 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 4)
Paul Swinford Bits and Pieces card torn up in pieces and they're laid out, number from one to eight named, and counted to, index corners found, Koran's binary newspaper
Related toAlso published here 2010 279
Andy Nyman Deep Red Prediction a movie is named, number named, in a bag is a copy of the chosen film and a membership card with the named number on it
Inspired byAlso published here 2010 21
Alexander de Cova Der Stich im Dunkeln mate of free selection is stabbed by performer
Inspired byAlso published here 2011 8
Patrick Page Other Revelations on divining cards, finding the mate of the chosen card
Related to 2011 85
Al Koran, Patrick Page The Al Koran Thimble Routine finally having eight thimbles
Also published here 2011 187
David Britland (reviewer) Al Koran: The Unique Years by Al Koran (written by Martin Breese) Oct. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 10)
Nick Trost ESP Prediction Supreme three cards chosen with ten-twenty force match
Inspired by
  • "Prediction Supreme" (Al Koran, The Magic Wand No. 211, Oct. 1946)
2011 821
Darwin Ortiz Sorcerer's Apprentice spectator and performer locate each other's cards
Related toVariations 2012 277
Karl Fulves Three Cheat Monte spectator shuffles deck and deals out two cards, looks at one and exchanges the other two, selection indicated and named
Inspired by 2012
Prolix (Issue 10)
Jamy Ian Swiss (reviewer) Al Koran: The Unique Years by Al Koran (written by Martin Breese) May 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 5)
Dustin Stinett (reviewer) Al Koran's Secrets by Graham Jolley Sep. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 9)
Dani DaOrtiz El juego de las 3 tazas mathematical monte using three cups
Related to 2012
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 22)
Bruce Bernstein A Prediction in Code prediction is coded as number and sent in advance, code is shown and prediction can by deciphered, headline prediction, sport event etc.
Related toAlso published here 2012 40
Robert Cassidy The Rainbow Pad pad for the one hand center tear, how and when to read center
Related to 2013 166
Alexander de Cova Gedanken zum Forcierspiel von Al Koran 1-0-1 force principle used on backs, with names on backs
  • Das OSKAR-Spiel
Also published here May 2013 12
Alexander de Cova Stab in the Dark mate of free selection is stabbed by performer
Inspired byAlso published here July 2013 31
Alexander de Cova Al Koran Newspaper Prediction binary tearing and counting
Inspired byAlso published here Oct. 2013 25