the bachelor's needle \n rope is wind around thumb, threading end through loop \n unknown \n needless threeading \n george sands \n alan sands
1941 ca.
abbott's encyclopedia of rope tricks
The Bachelor's Needle
Related to
1941 ca.
sandsational rope \n routine with extra piece
- i. brazen restoration
- ii. stretching a rope
- iii. frustrated restoration
- iv. continuous circle
- v. much ado about knotting
- vi. sliding cut
- vii. sleight of leg
- viii. regular restoration
- ix. removable knot
- x. give a magician enough rope \n george sands \n pure rope \n felix farrell \n phase one effect \n mac king \n george sands \n sandsational rope \n george sands \n alan sands
sandsational rope
George Sands
Sandsational Rope
VariationsAlso published here
sandsational rope \n routine with extra piece
- part 1 - nomenclature of a rope
- part 2 - is there no end?
- part 3 - nor a center
- alan's variation
- part 4 - restoration
- part 5 - the lure
- part 6 - it's a long stretch
- part 7 - casual restoration
- part 8 - around and around
- part 9 - merry-go-round
- part 10 - sliding knot
- part 11 - dissection
- part 12 sleight-of-leg
- part 13 - finger cut
- part 14 - classical restoration
- part 15 - shoelace knot
- part 16 - give a magician enough rope
- conclusion
- part 17 - comedy ending by alan sands \n george sands \n alan sands \n sandsational rope \n george sands
George Sands, Alan Sands
Sandsational Rope
Also published here
needless threeading \n rope is wind around thumb, threading end through loop, elaborate routine
- preface
- effect
- setup
- presentation
- rope warp
- more rope warp \n george sands \n alan sands \n the bachelor's needle \n unknown
George Sands, Alan Sands
Needless Threeading
Related to