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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
A Poker Player's Picnic no-touch, little bit of dealing involved
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1948 16
Dr. Jacob Daley The Mathematical Card Trick No. 33, Two cards selected from shuffled deck, deck split into two, when dealt down, both cards turn up at the same time
VariationsAlso published here 1950 59
Paul Harris, Daryl Martinez Flap Jacks indifferent cards transform into Jacks and appear in a visual display
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980 31
David Roth The Original Chinese Coin Assembly No-card coin assembly, hands as only cover
Variations 1985 65
Larry Jennings Impromptu Wildcard
Variations 1986 168
Arturo de Ascanio D'Ascanio Spread
Also published here 1989 11
Vicente Canuto, Miguel Gómez 1.- Empalme con Desplazamiento Previo en Diagonal angling bottom card in preparation to palm it when deck is placed in other hand, with tip by Miguel Gomez
1993 275
Alex Elmsley Shakedown credit information on the plot
Related toVariations 1994 197
Miguel Gómez Ladies of Spain two Queens transpose with two random cards
Related toVariations 1995 1062
Miguel Gómez Wild By Twos ungaffed
Spring 1996 69
Aldo Colombini Interchange two Queens transpose with two random cards, identical with Miguel Gomez routine
Related to 2000 3
Juan Gallego Luque, Miguel Ángel Gea Miguel Gómez - Miguel Gómez de la Torre
2003 327
Miguel Gómez En Todas Partes y en Ninguna with three glasses
2003 329
Miguel Gómez Foreword
2005 20
Arturo de Ascanio, Miguel Gómez The D'Amico Spread Ascanio Style
  • The D'Amico / Ascanio Spread - First Variant
  • The D'Amico / Ascanio Spread - Second Variant
Also published here 2006 45
Miguel Gómez Introducción
2007 11
Miguel Gómez Momentos especiales entire act, two cards are selected and six Jokers turn into cards to form two four of a kinds, followed by Oil and Water and Reset and in the end cards change back to Jokers, using an envelope
  • Primer acto: Wild Card
  • Segundo acto: Mini "Arena y agua"
  • Tercer acto: Reset
  • Epilogo: Al final, regreso al principo
2007 22
Bernard Bilis, Miguel Gómez Double Turnover one handed turnover with nail twist of double card
2007 29
Miguel Gómez Hindu Shuffle Force Variation forcing two cards, showing different card in between
2007 32
Miguel Gómez False Display hiding one of four cards behind fan
2007 36
Miguel Gómez, Donald Lehn Potenciadores del impacto mágico on the magical impact
  • 1.) La actitud del mago ante su magia como potenciadora del impacto mágico
  • 2.) Los objectos empleados como potenciadores del impacto mágico
  • 3.) Las cualidades sensoriales del momento del efecto
  • 4.) Las cualidades temporales del momento del efecto como potenciadores del impacto mágico
  • 5.) La intervencion de un espectador colaborador como potenciadora del impacto mágico
  • 6.) La limpieza del prodecimiento como potenciadora del impacto mágico
  • 7.) Lineas argumentales falsas como potenciadoras del impacto mágico
2007 48
Miguel Gómez El juego de los cuatro elementos four selected cards are placed on card case and they flip over to reveal the Aces, A Poker Player's Picnic meets Flap Jacks
Inspired byRelated to 2007 54
Miguel Gómez Mini Wild Card four Jokers transform into four Aces
Inspired by 2007 60
Miguel Gómez Aparición en dos tiempos para cuatro monedas y monedero invisible producing two coins from purse frame twice
2007 66
Miguel Gómez La moneda atravesada por la aguja (Magia para economias remendadas), coin is pierced with a needle
2007 69
Miguel Gómez Piensa una moneda spectator thinks of one of three coins, performer divines coin and changes it into other two coins, with coin purse
2007 74
Miguel Gómez, David Roth Matrix manual No-card coin assembly, hands as only cover
Inspired by 2007 78
Miguel Gómez ¿Por qué hacemos la magia que hacemos? essay from 2001, with addition from 2007
  • Apostilla, seis años después
Also published here
  • "¿Por qué hacemos la magia que hacemos?" in "La Circular de la Escuela Mágica de Madrid" N° 274, 2001. P. 312.
2007 86
Miguel Gómez Siempre seis transformation of bills and six bill repeat, with Himber wallet
2007 89
Miguel Gómez La apuesta jumbo card in envelope, prediction of chosen card, five star miracle deck
2007 93
Miguel Gómez, Luis Alberto Iglesias Magia con barajas ordenadas y memorizadas interview on working with a memorized deck
2007 98
Miguel Gómez Las cartas al peso card is located in pocket, then weighing the cards, last phase with packet in handkerchief
2007 101
Miguel Gómez La carta apuñalada two phase routine, knife stabbed in wrapped deck piercing selection
2007 108
Miguel Gómez El mago lo arregla todo
2007 116
Miguel Gómez Arena y Agua 4x4., three phases
2007 119
Miguel Gómez La Técnica on technique
2007 130
Miguel Gómez La práctica on practicing magic
  • 1. Analizar la técnica: distinguir entre movimiento falso y oculto
  • 2. Ensayar por encimo del objetivo
  • 3. Cambiar la posición de la baraja
  • 4. Tener la baraja en las manos. (¡Qué gran ensayo!)
  • 5. Dosificar las técnicas difíciles. Practicarlas y dejarlas descansar por un tiempo.
2007 134
Miguel Gómez El falso depósito de Juan Antón important notes on how to make a false transfer
2007 141
Miguel Gómez Medio salto a mezclar half pass of small packet, covered with overhand shuffle
2007 142
Miguel Gómez Devolución de cartas empalmadas al lomo palm replacement, one-handed while tapping deck on table
2007 144
Miguel Gómez La parte y el todo Hofzinser Ace problem, with preamble
2007 147
Miguel Gómez "Pasa-pasa" elástico packet secured with rubber band, steal from banded packet
2007 154
Miguel Gómez La carta a través del pañuelo
Inspired by 2007 158
Miguel Gómez Mi versión de los Ases de Hamman diagonal divided cards
2007 163
Miguel Gómez Doble extracción de detrás double from bottom of small packet
2007 168
Miguel Gómez La carta general (para manipuladores) Joker turns into three selections
2007 178
Miguel Gómez La carta general (con carta trucada) with gaffed cafd
2007 182
Miguel Gómez Transposición visual coin in purse transposes with Joker, Joker visually changes into coin
2007 185
James Lewis, Miguel Gómez Purse Switch
2007 185
Miguel Gómez La carta rota y recompuesta card torn in quarters, restores when pushed through hand
2007 190
Derek DelGaudio Banded Diagonal Palm Shift DPS with rubber banded deck
Inspired byRelated to 2010 8
Pepe Monfort Desnudando a Miguel Gómez on Miguel Gómez's show "Antalogía de la Cartomagia Española"
El Manuscrito (Vol. 6 No. 23)
Helder Guimarães Miguel Gómez: Intemporal on Miguel Gómez
El Manuscrito (Vol. 6 No. 23)
Miguel Gómez Acciones de Magia Real on the construction of an effect, AMR (acciones de magia real) and EEE (Espectacularidad, Efectividad y Engaño)
El Manuscrito (Vol. 6 No. 23)
Miguel Gómez Doble Under Cut para subir carta handling for double undercut from bottom to top, special break using index finger
El Manuscrito (Vol. 6 No. 23)
Miguel Gómez Falso Corte en las Manos false swing cut, in the hands
El Manuscrito (Vol. 6 No. 23)
Miguel Gómez Para Arturo de Ascanio, mi maestro on Ascanio
El Manuscrito (Vol. 6 No. 23)
Miguel Gómez, Dr. Jacob Daley Doble adivinación Two cards selected from shuffled deck, deck split into two, when dealt down, both cards turn up at the same time
Inspired by 2013
El Manuscrito (Vol. 6 No. 23)
Miguel Gómez, Dr. Jacob Daley ACAAN based on Jacob Daley idea, number named between 10 and 20
El Manuscrito (Vol. 6 No. 23)
Miguel Gómez Cartas al Peso "Mi Presentación" weighing the cards, multiple phases
El Manuscrito (Vol. 7 No. 28)
Miguel Gómez Del hijo de Jomaguy portrait on Helder Guimarães
El Manuscrito (Vol. 7 No. 29)
Miguel Gómez Open Travelers Steal stealing top card of double on table to produce at different location on the table
2014 44
Friedrich Roitzsch Switch'em two cards in spectator's sleeve transpose with two cards on table
Inspired byAlso published here 2015 1
Miguel Diaz, Carlos Vinuesa Miguel Gomez
2015 365
Miguel Gómez El Empalme de Miguel Gómez from small packet
2016 103
Miguel Gómez Nunca Seis seven card repeat, climax only selection remains
El Manuscrito (Vol. 8 No. 31)
Joaquín Navajas, Miguel Gómez, Camilo Vázquez Forzaje ESP three methods to force an ESP card
2019 96
Elliott Terral (reviewer) Miguel Gómez: The Joy of Magic by Miguel Gómez (written by Luis Alberto Iglesias) Mar. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 3)
Friedrich Roitzsch Switch'em after a muck demonstration two cards in spectator's sleeve transpose with two cards on table
Inspired byAlso published here 2022 3