Written by Roberto Giobbi
Work of Al Bertini
15 pages (Stapled), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings by Barbara Giobbi-Ebnöther
Language: English
4 entries
Cover photograph
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Roberto Giobbi Preface
Al Bertini The Repeat Thread Gimmick "The work with thread"
characteristics of the gimmick, which consists of an invisible thread dispenser in a pen
1. The Material
2. Fixation points and sensors
3. Knots
4. The Dress
5. The lighting
Al Bertini Using the Gimmick
  • Pulling out the thread for use
  • Using the repeat quality
Al Bertini The floating finger ring borrowed ring clings to pen, moves up and down, then floats into spectator's hand
Data entered by Denis Behr, September 2017.