295 entries in Thread / Invisible Thread / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Trois Canifs Ayant été Mis Dans un Gobelet d'Argent, l'un des Trois Saute par Terre au Commandement du Spectateur three pocketknives put in a golden goblet, one is chosen and that jumps out of the goblet, forcing of the middle one, with and out where apparently not hearing correctly which one
Related to 1784 27
La Danse de L'Oeuf an egg in a hat suddenly sticks to a cane and moves from side to side, performed with music by an orchestra
1784 29
La Tête d'or Sautant & Dansant Dans un Verre, pour Répondre à Diverses Questions a golden miniature head moves in a glass to answer questions, with assistant
1784 35
Henri Decremps Ancienne méthode de faire le Tour des trois Canifs. "Divers moyens de cacher un Compere, & de faire croire qu'on n'en a point, lors même qu'on emploie plusieurs." (title continued) more tricks by Pilferer, knife jumps from glass, long discussion about confederates and secret helpers, fake automatons
Related to 1785 47
A Card having been withdrawn and replaced, to call it from the Pack, and to make it come to you of its own accord thread, tabled rising card from spread
1876 117
Professor Hoffmann Lighting and Background for Thread Work
1876 229
Joseph Michael Hartz The Climbing Egg climbs up a wooden stick
Also published here 1890 345
Indische Gaukelei tissue paper crumpled into a ball, clings to hand or finger or floats for a moment, thread from head to wax ball which is attached to a chair
Sep. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Der folgsame Schmetterling "By St. ...", tissue paper butterfly kept in air with fan, new thread hook-up
May 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 5)
Der bezauberte Ring finger ring slides up and down a wand
Dec. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 12)
Fr. Maubach Das hypnotisierte Taschentuch knot in handkerchief, it becomes animated and dances between legs, thread
Nov. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 11)
Carl Willmann Das ungehorsame Taschentuch (borrowed) silk dances around on table, thread and assistant
Apr. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 4)
The Dancing Handkerchief thread
  • Parlour Method
  • Stage Method
Related to 1903 335
Carl Willmann Die Aufhebung der Schwerkraft ball floats from one hand to the other, thread
Jan. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 1)
Carl Willmann Die Königin der Luft I. card rises sideways out of deck that is held in one hand and floats across to other hand
Nov. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 11)
Carl Willmann Die Königin der Luft II. two glasses on two chairs, deck put in one, card rises and floats across into other glass and back
Dec. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 12)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli IV. Mimikry routine with tissue paper and hat
  • 1. Die Papierfabrik in der Hand (paper ball changes to confetti with fan, snow storm)
  • 2. Vergehen und Erstehen (paper ball travel to cone inside a hat)
  • 3. Die sich vermehrenden Bälle (ball multiplies under hat and inside balls are presents for spectators)
  • 4. Das japanische Schmetterlingsspiel (butterflies are formed from paper and they start to fly with the aid of a fan, thread on forehead)
1903 86
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XVII. Ist es möglich!
  • 1. Der Ring am Stabe (finger ring moves up and down on wand)
  • 2. Der aus dem Glase verschwindende Ring (ring vanishes from glass, covered with silk)
  • 3. Der Ring im Hühnerei (ring appears in egg)
1903 170
Edward Bagshawe A Deceptive "Floating" Ball "just an idea", thread hook up
1924 80
Louis Nikola Human Magnetism Rising Card, make chosen card rise out of deck
1927 25
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Gil d'or magique cigarette penetrates hand and then it moves inside a covered glass
1927 27
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Das Ei als Tänzer und Artist egg moves on hat and jumps from one hat to another
1927 79
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Der hypnotisierte Regenschirm balancing an umbrella on the floor, seated
1930 35
The Knee Thread animating figure or puppet while sitting, puppet on floor, Pipitilla
1937 89
Jean Hugard The Hugard Method Floating Ball on stage with thread
1. The Ball
2. The Box
3. The Thread
4. The Ear-piece
5. The Hoop
1937 100
Dr. Edward G. Ervin A Spooky Yarn yarn remains sustained in midair
1937 74
Dr. Edward G. Ervin Untying Silk thread
1937 78
The Floating Bill hook up to ear
1937 25
Method No. 5. Tube and Thread Hair and Wax Pellet, tube with thread in it (weight on one end) is hidden in clothing
1938 391
Bent tube for thread
1938 874
Martin Gardner Cigarette vs Beer lit cigarette is balanced on bottle and moves up and down within, thread
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1937/38)
Theodore Annemann, Holden The Rising Card credits see p. 461
Nov. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 66)
The Educated knot silk unties itself, thread
1941 376
Bruce Elliott Elliott Elysium striped invisible thread
The Jinx (Issue 127)
Al Baker The Knife Dial to find a card in the spread
Related toAlso published here 1941 28
Al Baker The Erectile Dollar Bill lengthwise folded bill moves to stand upright, thread attached to thumb tip
VariationsAlso published here 1941 50
Mr. Gessing, Alec Gordon The Gessing-Gordon Rope Trick cut ends visually move together and restore, rope and invisible thread
1941 ca. 305
Eddie Joseph The Hair Gimmick hair/thread rolled around pencil until ready for use
1942 43
Eddie Joseph Something Worth Knowing on using invisible thread
1942 43
Bob Hummer Bob Hummer's Whirling Card
VariationsAlso published here 1943 2
Peter Warlock My Best Rising Cards chair thread set-up
1945 66
Magnetized Wand wand moved in hand, thread
June 1945 124
Magnetic Wand glass of liquid suspended on wand
July 1945 137
Edward Victor The Rising and Falling Cigarette cigarette rises and sinks in glass test tube
1946 68
Bill Nord Hairy Flare moving match box, with burning match
Sep. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 211)
Al Baker Bar Trick Fooler finesse, coloring substance hanging from a thread
Also published here June 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 230)
Bottle (4)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
burning cigarette rises and falls in neck of cigarette
June 1951 803
Cane (3)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
cane balance on floor, while seated
Aug. 1951 829
Al Baker Hair Secrets
  • What to use
  • Where to get it
  • Color
  • Length
  • How to keep it
  • Substitutes for hair
  • Nylon thread
  • Wax, magician's wax
Also published here 1951 9
Al Baker The Baker General Utility Hook-up
VariationsAlso published here 1951 11
Al Baker The Double-Ended Hook-up
Also published here 1951 12
Al Baker, Dr. Jacob Daley The Double-Breasted Hook-up
Also published here 1951 12
Al Baker The Rising Ring thread, wand
Also published here 1951 20
Al Baker Miscellaneous Hair Tricks
  • cup moves on the table
  • animated bill
  • remote haunted deck
  • rising coin/card from glass
  • throwing a loose deck of cards to a spectator over some distance
  • balancing cane/umbrella
Also published here 1951 22
Al Baker Floating Glass of Milk thread
Also published here 1951 29
Al Baker Bar Trick Fooler finesse, coloring substance hanging from a thread
Also published here 1951 107
Wilfred Bader Levitation thimble floats, thread
Also published here 1952 35
Don Tanner "On the Air" No. 32, floating spring flower bouquet
1958 ca. 10
Gene Kirk Scotchman "Elevator" Gadget thread with weight in breast pocket, silk jumps back, floating silk etc.
May 1962
The New Phoenix (Issue 369)
Dr. William Weyeneth Nid mööögli... stealing a billet from a cup, thread
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 24 No. 3)
Paul Curry A Pencil - A Ring - and Gravity ring levitates up and down on pencil, then pencil levitates
1965 95
Lewis Ganson, Harry Hickson, Alan Alan Dual Control two pencils stick to the hand, based on an idea by G.W. Hunter
1967 159
Abbott's Handkerchief and Rope Penetration handkerchief pulled through rope, thread on silk
  • To Pull Silk Up Through Rope
  • To Pass Silk Back Through Rope
  • Pulling Silk Up Through Rope With One Hand
  • To Pass Silk Onto Rope With One Hand
1968 297
Marconick The Dancing Rings and Umbrella Finale rings dance on closed umbrella, when umbrella is opened confetti snow storm descends and the words THE END can be read on the umbrella
Also published here 1968 30
Albert Spackman Miniature Rapping Hand miniature doll hand in box rapping and answering questions, different routine ideas,
  • word and card divination and with spirit slates
  • stop trick with cards
  • whistle put into the box and the hand moves and the whistle blows
  • gipsy thread is restored in the box, while hand moves
  • in conjunction with "The Thing"
  • card turnover

Related to 1969 74
Marconick Silk Production in Knot of rope
1969 15
Edward Marlo The Emerging Card or Fingertip Rise fingertip peeked at card rises, thread, dated 1964, see page 155 for additional observations
1970 99
Dr. William Weyeneth Schwerelos animation of knife
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 31 No. 3)
Marconick Dancing Rings rings dance on closed umbrella
Also published here 1970 14
Gene Nielsen Mind Blower pill in capsule floats up
Magick (Issue 21)
Sid Fleischman Torn and Restored Cigarette Paper
Related to 1971
Magick (Issue 27)
Alan Alan Rising Card loop from sleeve
1972 108
George Johnstone Coffee Float! floating coffee cup
Magick (Issue 58)
Dr. William Weyeneth Simsalabim mit Multifort hook-up for invisible thread, on finger rings
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 33 No. 2)
Billy McComb Frolics with the Hummer Whirling Card
  • A Variation
  • A Don't! - If You Unravel Your Own!
  • A Miracle!
  • You're All Set!
  • Light Weight - But Great!
  • True Story!
Inspired by 1972 51
Dai Vernon Vernon's Spirit Hank Tip No. 57, tip for placement of thread attachment
1972 18
Al Baker Al Baker Finger Tip Thread Knife Magnetism Trick No. 629, to find a card in the spread, brief
Also published here 1972 175
Arthur Finley Findley's Rising Card Thread Wrinkle No. 706, thread hook-up in trousers
Also published here 1972 190
Steve Spillman House of Cards building a cube / house with cards which does not collapse, glass placed on top
Also published here 1973 31
Steve Spillman The Ghost Card selection leaves ribbon spread deck and skids across the table
Also published here 1973 33
John Cornelius Phantom Cigarette miming cigarette, it appears, thread hook-up, rubber cigarette, see also p. 786 for note by Lu Brent
Also published here May 1974 739
Amedeo Vacca Acrobatic Matchbox longer routine
1974 47
Patrick Page The Floating Coin coin dropped into a glass of water floats up and out of glass
1974 36
Tenkai Ishida Dance of the Butterfly paper butterflies held in air with fan
Related toAlso published here
  • "The Sphinx".
1974 136
Jan Torell Quick Colour Change of a Silk
1975 20
Jan Torell Floating Glasses glass sticks to tray, to silk and floats slowly on a table
1975 26
Jan Torell The Acrobatic Match-Box stands up on stretched out palm and lid opens
1975 29
Ronnie Gann Tele-kin-'easy' chosen ESP card falls over, selection with second set in envelopes
Magick (Issue 136)
Stephen Minch Nervous Matches small items on table move, invisible thread
1975 35
Jerry Mentzer Thread to Use
1976 2
R. C. Buff The Floating Walking Stick
  • "The Balance"
  • The Floating Move
  • The Stick Rises and Falls
  • The Stick Floats
  • The Stick Revolves in the Air
  • The Stick Clings to the Hand
  • The Stick Revolves on the Palm
  • The Stick Revolves Horizontally in the Air
  • Passing a Hoop over the Stick
  • Around the Hand
  • A Juggling Feat
  • The Climax - Two Sticks from One
1977 6
R. C. Buff Suggestions on the Floating Cane
  • The Start
  • A Flip of the Hand
  • The Revolving Moves
  • Using the Stick for other Effects
  • The Hook-Up or Loop
  • The Stick Floats from Hand to Hand
1977 18
Lewis Ganson, Rinod The Dancing Walking Stick
  • The Basic Move
  • The Routine
  • Floating Between the Hands
  • The Stick Dances
  • The Walk Past
  • The High Swing
  • The M Move
  • The Twirl
  • Through the Arms
  • Around the Shoulders
  • The Climax
1977 20
Das Unique "Galli-Galli Seil" rope moves by itself between hands of performer
Also published here
  • The Gen, July 1968
July 1977
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Eine Karte kriecht aus dem Spiel card moves out of a spread
1978 61
George Kemp, Nita Kemp Mikhailova Phenomena moving objects with your mind, on pk-phenomena
Magick (Issue 206)
Ted Karmilovich Karmilovich Phenomenon moving objects on table, odd thread set-up
Magick (Issue 216)
Daniel Cros Daniel's Butterfly card cut into butterfly shape, inspired by Kaps' Floating Cork
1979 119
Stephen Minch Pickman's Model stain appears on table under statue, then statue moves and disappears
Also published here 1979 16
Stephen Minch The Music of Erich Zann séance performance, metronome starts moving and violin and music box start playing under glass bowl
Also published here 1979 36
Marconick Le final des anneaux dansant sur le parapluie rings dance on closed umbrella, when umbrella is opened confetti snow storm descends and the words THE END can be read on the umbrella
Also published here 1979 3
Bob Hummer Hummer's Whirling Card
Related toAlso published here 1980 84
Pat Conway Ein Faden für viele Effekte hook up, thread inside trouser leg with weight
  • The Apparatus
  • Using the Apparatus
  • Broken Thread
  • Magic With the Conway Thread Carrier
Also published here 1980
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 41 No. 2)
Uriah Fuller 4. Nylon Thread on using invisible thread to animate things
1980 39
Steve Spillman Sleight of Hand vs. Magic signed quarter crawls up in glass, jumps and lands on performer's hand
1980 1
Steve Spillman House of Cards building a cube / house with cards which does not collapse, glass placed on top
Also published here 1980 74
Steve Spillman Ghost Card selection leaves ribbon spread deck and skids across the table
Also published here 1980 75
Gordon Hoener 64-Cent Solution moving objects
Magick (Issue 294)
Michael Selwyn Psyched Up crumpled bill levitates
Magick (Issue 297)
Rising Ball ball with hole is placed on rod and moves up and done, with variations
1982 120
Marconick Up, 7 Up! bottles on table with wands inside, wand rises and when pushed back in bottle other rises, using third bottle and third wand to finish
Related toVariations 1982 19
Marconick Variation on "Seven Up" variation in method
Inspired by 1982 22
Barrie Richardson The Strange Key Stunt key moves on hand, small thread loop
VariationsAlso published here Mar. 1983
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 9)
Michael Selwyn Source-X on invisible thread, special brand
Jan. 1983
Magick (Issue 313)
John Kennedy Animated Card Location three selections, one rises from pocket, second shoots from deck, last rises from deck and floats into hand
1983 12
Mark Lefler Whirling Card card shoots out of deck and floats into hand
Related to 1983 16
Piet Forton Dein Zauberstab kann sich biegen und kann schweben... magic wand bends and sticks on hand, various methods, production of a handkerchief
1983 23
Marconick Up 7 up bottles on table with wands inside, wand rises and when pushed back in bottle other rises, using third bottle and third wand to finish, variation to reference
Related to 1983 32
Pascal Monmoine Card Through the Table from a Distance signed card, spectator lights a piece if pyropaper on the deck, the card flutters beneath the center of the table to the floor
May 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 6)
Jan Torell Schwebende Gläser glass sticks to tray, to silk and floats slowly on a table
1984 44
Barrie Richardson Heavy Metal! spectator is not able to lift pencil from performer's palm
Also published here Aug. 1984
Magick (Issue 336)
Floating Wand thread
1985 24
Barrie Richardson Simon Says key moves on hand, small thread loop
Also published here Feb. 1985
Magick (Issue 346)
Gaëtan Bloom The Bloom vs. Kulagina Match all matches jump out of box, invisible thread
Variations 1986 46
Gaëtan Bloom Impossible Is Not French card balances on edge, torn card balances on torn edge
Variations 1986 8
Dr. Dan J. Alessini One-Man Seance seance style routine,
  • paper balls with names of songs, one starts to float and tune can be heard
  • name appears on index card
  • handkerchief moves (Glorpy)
Apr. 1986
Magick (Issue 368)
Marc Popelsky Brainstorm compass moves (not needle)
Oct. 1986
Magick (Issue 378)
Eugene Burger Catching a Spook lengthwise folded bill moves to stand upright, thread attached to thumb and second finger
Inspired by 1986 152
Al Bertini The Repeat Thread Gimmick "The work with thread"
characteristics of the gimmick, which consists of an invisible thread dispenser in a pen
1. The Material
2. Fixation points and sensors
3. Knots
4. The Dress
5. The lighting
1987 5
Al Bertini Using the Gimmick
  • Pulling out the thread for use
  • Using the repeat quality
1987 10
Al Bertini The floating finger ring borrowed ring clings to pen, moves up and down, then floats into spectator's hand
1987 12
Al Mann Stix stirer or knife placed inside a glass, glass lifts with stirer
Sep. 1987
Magick (Issue 395)
Patrick Page The Jumping Glove glove on floor jumps up in hand
Also published here 1987 38
Patrick Page The Rising Object object rises up to hand
Also published here 1987 40
Patrick Page The Moving Object object moves on table
Also published here 1987 41
Pat Conway The Conway Thread Carrier hook up, thread inside trouser leg with weight
  • The Apparatus
  • Using the Apparatus
  • Broken Thread
  • Magic With the Conway Thread Carrier
Also published here 1987 133
Pat Conway The Coin in Beer Glass coin dropped into full glass, it rises out back into the performer's hand
1987 137
Pat Conway The Rising Pencil out of a bottle
1987 138
Pat Conway The Moving Matchbox
1987 139
R. C. Buff Rigid Rope Variation rigid rope, with thread attached
1987 25
Joe Givan Suspendabill lengthwise folded bill balanced on two salt and pepper shakers, one pulled away and bill remains suspended
1987 24
Stefan Schutzer The Self Folding Bill thread
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 2 No. 9-12 Paul Harris: The Act)
David Britland Elastic Thread on invisible elastic thread
1988 20
David Britland, Finn Jon Adding the Loop how to get into possession of the loop in performance
1988 22
John Cornelius The Phantom Cigarette miming cigarette, it appears, thread hook-up, rubber cigarette
Also published here 1988 7
Ronnie Gann Telekepromptu moving objects on a table
Feb. 1988
Magick (Issue 401)
Richard Webster Power Play performer holds hands next to spectator's head, spectator apparently feels an energy
May 1988
Magick (Issue 405)
Patrick Page Der springende Handschuh glove on floor jumps up in hand
Also published here Dec. 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 14 No. 2)
Patrick Page Der emporschwebende Gegenstand object rises up to hand
Also published here Dec. 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 14 No. 2)
Patrick Page Der sich selbst bewegende Gegenstand object moves on table
Also published here Dec. 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 14 No. 2)
Michael Ammar The Floating Bill elastic invisible thread suggested by Alexander de Cova
Related to 1990
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 3 No. 1-5 Aspen Bar Magic)
Michael Weber The Spider signed bill travels cleanly from one cup to another
Also published here 1990 2
Patrick Page The Not-A-Knot Rope vanishing knot as it is pulled tight, thread
Also published here 1990 26
Stefan Schutzer Der sich selbst faltende Geldschein translation from reference
Related to June/July 1991
Avantgarde Magic (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Michael Ammar, Alexander de Cova The Floating Bill with information about elastic, invisible thread, expanded translation from MAJ
Related to Aug./Sep. 1991
Avantgarde Magic (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Gordon Jeppesen Turning Point paper tube is balanced on two glasses, one glass moves away then, paper tube turns to audience
Mar. 1991
The Minotaur (Vol. 3 No. 1)
Tony Cachadiña Cigarrette without Gravity cigarette levitates in bottle
1991 2
Tony Cachadiña The Flotting Bank-Note floating bill
1991 18
Tony Cachadiña Magic with Threads Suggestions and ideas for:
  • the thread
  • the wax
  • the thread holder
  • the security break
1991 20
Michael Weber The Spider signed bill travels cleanly from one cup to another
Also published here 1991 2
Patrick Page Das Knotenunfähige Seil vanishing knot as it is pulled tight, thread
Also published here Nov. 1991
Intermagic (Vol. 16 No. 3)
Michael Ammar Der schwebende Geldschein continuation of translation of reference
Related to Jan./Feb. 1992
Avantgarde Magic (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Alexander de Cova Der schwebende Geldschein floating bill handling by de Cova
Jan./Feb. 1992
Avantgarde Magic (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Alexander de Cova Magie mit dem Wurli-Wurm Squirmel/Wonder Worm ideas and routines
  • Die Vorbereitung (preparation)
  • Die beidhändige Handhabung (two-handed)
  • Die einhändige Handhabung (one-handed)
  • Auf dem Bleistift (with pencil)
  • Die Daumenspitze (thumb tip)
  • Aus dem Ärmel (sleeve)
  • Die "S" Faltung
  • Anstelle der Schaumgummibälle
  • Der farbwechselnde Wurm (color change)
  • Der ungezogene Wurm
  • Der Schlangenkorb (meine Lieblingsroutine)
Related to Jan./Feb. 1992
Avantgarde Magic (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Dan Harlan Financial Attraction floating Dollar Bill, with the Harlan Hookup
Mar. 1992
The Minotaur (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Bob Rees Suck It Up method to load end of invisible thread into mouth during performance, straw
June 1992
The Minotaur (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Marconick Finale mit tanzenden Ringen und Regenschirm rings dance on closed umbrella, when umbrella is opened confetti snow storm descends and the words THE END can be read on the umbrella
Also published here 1992 54
The Enchanted Cane floating cane, thread
1993 52
Steve Dusheck A Moving Experience five cards on a stand, chosen one falls over
1993 99
Wilfred Bader Das Fingerhut-Schweben thimble floats, thread
Also published here June 1993
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 1)
Sid Fleischman The Bottle Fantastique bottle clings to rope, gimmick on invisible thread
1993 54
Michael Close, Gaëtan Bloom Bloom in Your Hand thread set up to balance card on hand and making matches fly from matchbox
Inspired by July/Aug. 1993
The Magic Menu (Vol. 3 No. 18)
Michael Close Bloom On Your Hand matchbook cover stands on edge (I.T.R.), match animation
1994 32
Steve Dusheck Universal Gimmick hook-up for invisible thread that can be attached to clothing, with weight to pull back thread, with applications:
  • rope floats to hand
  • third tassel gag for Chinese sticks
  • rising card with card floating to hand
  • as pull, match or coin vanish
Inspired byVariations
  • "Invisible Thread Retractor" (Steve Dusheck, marketed 1978)
Also published here
  • marketed in 1968
1994 74
Shawn McMaster The Fox Sisters' Table piece of wood falls over by itself and animates out of a glass jar, then it starts to burn for a short while
June 1994
The Lemniscate (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Ralf "Braco" Wichmann Routine number on paper is crumbled and moves up and down corresponding to the number
Feb. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 8)
Ralf "Braco" Wichmann Astral Hand spectator invisible feels touches on face
Feb. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 8)
Robert Parrish The Spirit Dial number chosen with dice divined with spirit clock
1995 17
Bob Marvin Bob Marvin's Floating Ball one-man method
1995 121
Jon Allen Ghost bill floats inside wine glass
Related to 1995 4
Alexander de Cova Fadenbefestigungen thread hook-up tips
Also published here Mar. 1995
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 2)
Alan Nguyen Bender Ender spoon seems to move under cover of handkerchief, becomes bent
Inspired by 1995
Labyrinth (Issue 4)
Michael Kaminskas Heli-Card card rises from deck then it is signed and is spinned in the air, Steve Fearson Hookup
1996 19
Jon LeClair Conquering Invisible Thread
1997 25
Jon LeClair The LeClair Animator invisible thread hook-up
  • Wha Is The LeClair Animator
  • Assembling The LeClair Animator
  • Utilizing The LeClair Animator
  • Lighting The LeClair Animator
1997 29
Jon LeClair Utility Thread Handling Techniques
  • The Middle Finger-To-Thumb Putty Transfer
  • Forefinger Maneuvers
1997 57
Jon LeClair The Effects
1997 63
Jon LeClair Floating Bill crumpled up
Variations 1997 65
Jon LeClair Erectile Bill bill folded lengthwise
1997 75
Jon LeClair Thread Breakage
1997 81
Jon LeClair Animated Matchbox
Also published here 1997 83
Jon LeClair The Pendulum Principle pendulum motion when floating with an invisible thread
1997 87
Jon LeClair Defying Death paper with living person levitates/jumps out of glass bowl into other hand
Variations 1997 89
Jon LeClair Debunking the Debunker on people suspecting thread
1997 95
Jon LeClair Jamy Ian Swiss' Animated Ring ring moves on pencil
Inspired by 1997 99
Jon LeClair Thread Strength
1997 105
Jon LeClair Swizzle Stick Rise swizzle stick rises out of bottle
1997 107
Jon LeClair Cigarette Follies cigarette moves on table
1997 113
Jon LeClair Thread Is Like Oxygen
1997 117
Jon LeClair Knife Locator knife rotates to locate card in dial layout
Related to 1997 119
Jon LeClair Monkey in the Middle
1997 123
Jon LeClair, Alan Skogerbo Tonka Chauffeur toy card moves by itself
1997 125
Jon LeClair Variety Entertainment In The Nude improvising with invisible thread
1997 129
Jon LeClair Static Card card stands on hand on edge
Inspired by
  • "Standing Card" (Gaëton Bloom)
1997 135
Jon LeClair Whirling Card
Inspired by 1997 137
Jon LeClair Impromptu Animated Deck with borrowed deck, tabled or in the hands
1997 145
Jon LeClair Appendix
  • Obtaining Invisible Thread From Nylon Tights
  • Extracting Invisible Threads From A Tight Spot
  • Don't Cut It Out
  • The Main Strand
  • Technical Threads
1997 155
Dean Dill Floating Match folded paper match, using ITR thread reel
1997 55
Nicholas Einhorn Warning! on thread work
1998 16
Mark Elsdon Reel Floating Match match floats over playing card, invisible thread strings around card
Jan. 1998
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 5)
David Regal Got a Light? Two matchboxes perform a series of animations, drawers open and close by themselves, thread hook-up
1999 73
Barrie Richardson Mental Motor paper napkin unfolds by itself
Also published here
  • Club 71, Mayday 1991
1999 57
Barrie Richardson The Strange Key key moves on hand, small thread loop
Also published here 1999 64
Barrie Richardson Pencil Pusher spectator is unable to pick up a pencil on performer's open hand, small thread loop
VariationsAlso published here 1999 71
Rick Anderson The Ultimate Floating Bill
1999 264
Jon LeClair Open Sesame Matchbox
Also published here Apr. 1999
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 8)
Karl Fulves Stuck Up staple of magazine bent open for levitation or hook-up
2000 58
Robert E. Neale A Hair of the Dog bill folded into dog
  • Bonus Number One - Bob's Presentation
  • Bonus Number Two - Magic Doggie! (dog stands up by himself)
2000 151
Lee Earle L.E.X.I.con Revisited placing small magnifier in book to chose page
Syzygy (Vol. 5 No. 6)
Mark Mason, Vic Connor Hindu Rope Surprise rope floats and dances, invisible thread reel
2000 8
Chas. D. Willis Significator a glass moves during a tarot reading
Discoverie (Issue 2)
Diamond Jim Tyler Soaring Straw straw moves, jumps and floats
  • Walking the Straw
  • Making the Straw Jump from Hand to Hand
  • Making the Straw Float Upward
Mar./Apr. 2000
The Magic Menu (Vol. 10 No. 58)
Al Schneider Serpent String
  • The Schneider Technique
knot in string unties itself
Jan. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 1)
R. Paul Wilson Threadbare presentation for floating bill, with spool of regular thread
2002 3
Barrie Richardson The Power of Suggestion: The Heavy Pen
  • From My Thoughts
spectator is unable to pick up a pen on performer's open hand, small thread loop
Inspired by Jan. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 1)
Donato Colucci Animations intro on thread
2002 179
Attaching a Thread to an egg
  • First Method
  • Second Method
2002 181
Jon LeClair, Donato Colucci The LeClair Animator short comment on that hook-up
2002 181
The Hypnotized Egg egg moves on tabletop
Also published here
  • Magic, Stage Illusions and Scientific Diversions Including Trick Photography, p. 11
2002 182
The Wonderful Walking Egg egg walks out of one hat into another
Related to
  • The Magician, Vol. 1 No. 3, Feb. 20, 1905, p. 27
2002 182
The Obedient Egg egg walks from tumbler to hat
Also published here
  • "To Pass an Egg from a Tumbler into a Hat" (Hatton and Plate, Magician's Tricks: How They are Done, 1910, p. 161)
2002 183
Joseph Ovette The Airborne Egg egg floats
Also published here
  • "The Floating Egg" (Eggstraordinary Ways of Eggshibiting with Eggs, p. 28)
2002 183
Joseph Michael Hartz The Climbing Egg climbs up a wooden stick
Also published here 2002 184
Howard Albright The Spooky Egg "yes" and "no" written on egg to answer questions
Also published here
  • Howard Albright, Party Trix à la Carte, p. 10
2002 280
Jamy Ian Swiss I. Theory: Simple Not Easy general thoughts on invisible thread magic, simple vs easy, too perfect theory
2002 2
Jamy Ian Swiss II. A Basic Thread Primer
  • I. Hidden Thread
  • II. Invisible Thread
2002 5
Jamy Ian Swiss III. Throwing Some Light On The Subject lighting conditions for invisible thread use
2002 9
Jamy Ian Swiss IV. The Gimmick: Simply Swiss hook-up and organisation of thread
2002 13
Jamy Ian Swiss V. The Animated Ring ring moves on pencil
  • Effect
  • Introduction
  • The Properties
  • Physical Conditions
  • Psychological Conditions
  • The Preparation
  • The Ring
  • To BeginThe Performance
  • Phase 1
  • Phase 2
  • Phase 3
Inspired byVariations 2002 15
Alexander de Cova Fadenbefestigungen thread hook-up tips
Also published here 2002 17
Al Baker The Knife Dial to find a card in the spread
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Magical Ways and Means)
Al Baker The Erectile Dollar Bill lengthwise folded bill moves to stand upright, thread attached to thumb tip
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Magical Ways and Means)
Al Baker The Knife Dial earlier version
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Magical Ways and Means)
Al Baker Hair Secrets
  • What to use
  • Where to get it
  • Color
  • Length
  • How to keep it
  • Substitutes for hair
  • Nylon thread
  • Wax, magician's wax
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Pet Secrets)
Al Baker The Baker General Utility Hook-Up
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Pet Secrets)
Al Baker, Dr. Jacob Daley The Double-Breasted Hook-Up
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Pet Secrets)
Al Baker The Double-Ended Hook-Up
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Pet Secrets)
Al Baker The Rising Ring thread, wand
VariationsAlso published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Pet Secrets)
Al Baker Miscellaneous Hair Tricks
  • cup moves on the table
  • animated bill
  • remote haunted deck
  • rising coin/card from glass
  • throwing a loose deck of cards to a spectator over some distance
  • balancing cane/umbrella
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Pet Secrets)
Al Baker Floating Glass of Milk thread
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Pet Secrets)