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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Klerikale Wunder - I. Die blutende Hostie bleeding altar bread, chemical explanation
July 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli II. Blutschwitzen oder Stigmatisieren "Klerikale Wunder"
sweating blood & stigmata
Aug. 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli An F. W. Conradi poem
Aug. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Magisches Fin de siècle one of six colors, coin, domino brick and playing card are chosen, all things predicted in envelope, mix of forces and indexes
Oct. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Herr F. W. Conradi poem
Dec. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 6)
Hugo Kramer Die Weinwanderung wine vanishes from glass under silk and reappears inside chosen egg
Related to Jan. 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Ei- und Wein-Change wine in glass and covered, egg vanishes, egg noch in glass with wine inside
Related to Mar. 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 9)
H. F. C. Suhr Die Aufhebung der Schwerkraft metal ball with holes through it, slipped onto glass rod and floats up and down on it
Related to Apr. 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Aufhebung der Schwerkraft rhyming patter for the trick
Related to May 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Weissagen wider Willen card written on billet and put in envelope, another empty envelope closed, spectator divines selection (via multiple-step equivoque), card travels from deck into this envelope
Also published here May 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Wunderbare Ei- und Weinwanderung wine in glass and covered, egg vanishes, egg noch in glass with wine inside
Related to June 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Das verschwindende Kartenspiel deck put in glass case and covered with handkerchief, deck vanishes and silk is in case, secret inner case that slides out
Also published here Nov. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 11)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Manschette als Verschwindungs-Mechanik using a removed cuff to vanish a ball, egg, lemon etc.
Dec. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 12)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Das verschwindende Kartenspiel No. 20, deck put in glass case and covered with handkerchief, deck vanishes or changes into some other item
Also published here 1900 108
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Zum VI. Jahrgang der "Zauberwelt" poem
Jan. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 1)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die verschwindende Taschenuhr borrowed watch vanishes in glass of water and reappears inside bread roll
July 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 7)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Das geheimnisvolle Couvert design for two-way envelope
Sep. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 9)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Das Balancieren einer Cigarre cigar balanced on its tip on a plate
Sep. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 9)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Der Zauberstab als Billardkugelmagazin billiard ball produced from wand, ball starts in fold of sleeve
Nov. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 11)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Variation zur "Ballkassette" construction to have billiard balls vanish in a hat
Variations Nov. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 11)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Auflösung einer Spielkarte card under silk is put on glass tray and vanishes, transparent celluloid card
Dec. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 12)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Eine Gedanken-Photographie spectator writes card on paper, two blank business cards put in box, on one appears image and on other name of selection
Dec. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 12)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Wander-Reigen routine with large dice and rhyming patter
Apr. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 4)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die im Glase erscheinende Rose rose vanishes from hands (pull), then rose appears in glass
May 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 5)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Tarnkappe board put on two chairs, egg vanishes from there, rhyming patter
Aug. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 8)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Ein Hülfsmittel zum Vertauschen kleiner Gegenstände holder for inside of jacket, deck switch application
Oct. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 10)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Weissagen wider Willen card written down, another spectator divines it via equivoque, it vanishes from deck and appears in envelope
Also published here Nov. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 11)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Ein Glaskästchen zum Verschwindenlassen kleinerer Gegenstände glass box for vanishing objects
Variations Nov. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 11)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Durchdringung der Materie signed cards from deck to envelope, two methods, rhyming patter
Dec. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 12)
Carl Willmann Zum Glaskästchen zum Verschwindenlassen kleinerer Gegenstände glass box for vanishing objects, another method
Inspired by Dec. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 12)
Emil Clauß, Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Halbfertige Ideen tray for switching
Jan. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 1)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Halbfertige Ideen
Inspired by Feb. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Carl Willmann (reviewer) Moderne Magie by Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Dec. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 12)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Vorwort
1903 iii
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die mystische Magie overview on history of mysthics, superstition and magic
1903 3
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die weisse Magie on the history of white magic, Philadelphia, Pinetti, Compars Hermann, Ludwig Döbler, Robert-Houdin
1903 6
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli II. Die moderne magische Kunst on the modern magic art
  • Definition
  • Einst und Jetzt
  • Ratschläge
1903 10
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli III. Die Elemente der Täuschung "the elements of deception"
  • Die physikalischen Hilfsmittel
  • Optische Täuschungen (optical)
  • Akustische Täuschungen (acoustic)
  • Gefühlstäuschung (touch)
1903 15
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die psychologischen Hilfsmittel "psychological aids"
  • Die Finte
  • Die Idee-Assoziation
  • Der Vortrag
  • Die gezwungene Wahl
1903 28
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Der fliegende Thaler coin in each closed fist and one put on finger
1903 31
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Das Messerschlucken apparently swallowing knife, lapping
1903 34
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Grundregeln seven rules of magic
1903 40
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli I. Der Salon als Zauberbühne setting of the room
1903 47
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli II. Der Zaubertisch magician's table
1903 48
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli III. Der Zauberstab on the magic wand, construction
1903 48
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli 1. Die stabile Servanten various servantes
  • a) Die Tischservante
  • b) Die Stuhlservante
1903 49
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli 2. Die transportablen Servanten transportable servantes
  • a) Die Tütenservante
  • b) Der Hut als Servante
  • c) Weste und Frack als Servante
1903 52
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli 1. Der Verschwindungsapparat für Tücher methods to vanish silks, pulls, holdouts and false finger gimmick
1903 55
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli 2. Die Drahtschleife silk production, steal from body, with wire
1903 58
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli 3. Der Lichtanzünder transferring flame from candle to candle, held with the fingertips, special gimmick
1903 58
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli 4. Das Verschwindeglas bottomless glass design and applications
1903 59
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli 5. Das amerikanische Couvert neuster Fasson envelope to make billets or bills appear
1903 61
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli 6. Die Manschette als Greifbecher und Servante method to vanish objects from a hat or a cub, holder connected to shirt cuff with a thread, that can be released into a servante
1903 62
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli VI. Der Regiezettel "director notes", systematically writing routines down to have to have a check sheet when preparing it (trick, props, preparation, help)
1903 65
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli I. Mein Talisman magic wand is produced from little purse, it shrinks and becomes normal again, then it rises up and clings to the hand and fingers
  • 1. Der Zauberstab im Portemonnaie
  • 2. Der zusammenschiebbare Stab
  • 3. Der Zauberstab als Voltigeur
Related to 1903 69
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli II. Pêle-Mêle coin is produced from selection, then coin is marked, placed under handkerchief and dropped inside glass, coin travels to second glass which is covered with the deck, finally coin vanishes again and appears inside spectator's breast pocket
  • 1. Der Taler im Kartenblatt
  • 2. Der Fliegende Taler
  • 3. Der Lufttaler (hook is added to coin to form a temporary hooked coin)
1903 74
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli III. Aus dem papierenen Königreich card is balanced on hat, deck is divided into two glasses and card floats from glas to glas, two cards are placed under two plates and the cards change places, selection is placed inside a book and performer shows envelope with miniature duplicate with correct page number and part of the text on that page written on it
  • 1. Die Karten-Balance
  • 2. Die Karte als Königin der Luft (with assistant)
  • 3. Die Kartenwanderung
  • 4. Eine magische Hypnose
1903 80
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli IV. Mimikry routine with tissue paper and hat
  • 1. Die Papierfabrik in der Hand (paper ball changes to confetti with fan, snow storm)
  • 2. Vergehen und Erstehen (paper ball travel to cone inside a hat)
  • 3. Die sich vermehrenden Bälle (ball multiplies under hat and inside balls are presents for spectators)
  • 4. Das japanische Schmetterlingsspiel (butterflies are formed from paper and they start to fly with the aid of a fan, thread on forehead)
1903 86
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Recipe for Flash Paper
1903 89
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli V. Spiritistische Spiegelfechtereien
  • 1. Wanderung von Tinte und Wasser (ink and water transposition, glass and bottle)
  • 2. Die Macht der magischen Mixtur (silk vanish, one placed over candle vanishes in a flash, silk appears in small bottle)
  • 3. Feuer und Wasser (water starts to burn)
  • 4. Das verschwindende Wasserglas (glass filled with water vanishes under handkerchief)
1903 92
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli VI. Ohne Karambolage billiard ball routine, ball appears, travels, changes color, second ball appears and balls transpose wrapped in paper, balls vanish again
  • 1. Der Zauberstab als Billardkugelmagazin
  • 2. Eine Tunnelfahrt
  • 3. Magische Färberei
  • 4. Erhaschen
  • 5. Platzwechsel
  • 6. Analyse (ball is dropped in glass of water and vanishes, under handkerchief, glass shell)
  • 7. Vermehrung, Verminderung & Vernichtung
1903 98
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli VII. Seltsam, seltsam, sonderbar!
  • 1. Das Loch im Taschentuch (hole is cut in handkerchief and restored)
  • 2. Das verschwindende Geldstück (coin disappears under glass, and appears again)
  • 3. Katalepsie eines Taschentuchs (Silk balances on corner)
  • 4. Das Taschentuch als Zuckerbäcker (candy production from silk)
1903 107
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli VIII. Täuschung, Schreck und Verwunderung tricks with eggs
  • 1. Tuch und Ei-Kunststück (egg in glass transpose with silk, three methods)
  • 2. Das verschwindende Ei (vanishing egg)
  • 3. Das japanische Eierspiel (egg production from silk, eggs change to flowers inside hat)
1903 111
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli IX. Colorado y maduro
  • 1. Metamorphose (cigarette changes to cigar)
  • 2. Ein Gleichgewichtsproblem (cigar is balanced on plate)
  • 3. Transformation (silk production from smoke of a match)
  • 4. Der gläserne Rauchfang (smoke appears in glass covered with silk)
1903 120
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli X. Heureka! (Wein- und Wasserkunststück), several glasses filled with water and red wine, water to wine and vice versa
1903 124
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XI. Traum oder Wirklichkeit?
  • 1. Goldregen (coins are produced and placed inside a hat, Miser's Dream)
  • 2. Hellsehen (marked coin is found among others inside hat)
  • 3. Der Spiritisten-Taler (coin penetrates silk)
1903 128
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XII. Weissagen wider Willen (Ein Kartenkunststück), spectator selects a card and writes name on paper, which is sealed in envelope, other spectator guesses card and selection vanishes from deck and appears in second envelope
1903 136
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XIII. Variatio Delectat
  • 1. Feuer in den Fingerspitzen (flame of candle is ignited again with fingers)
  • 2. Kerzen-Metamorphose (candle transforms into silk, wrapped in paper)
  • 3. Wanderschaft (Tuch- und Teller-Kunststück) (silk vanishes and appears under plate)
  • 4. Das Chamäleon-Tuch (silk changes color inside tube)
  • 5. Das verschwindende Seidentuch (silk vanishes in paper cone)
1903 140
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XIV. Telepathie
  • 1. Die Geisterschrift (slates, multiple versions, total of chosen number appears)
  • 2. Die Fernschrift (message appears on paper sealed in envelope, remote writing)
  • 3. Die Rosenverwandlung (rose changes from red to white, red writing appears on paper)
  • 4. Das spiritistische Kartenspiel (deck appears under box and vanishes again, hollow card deck imitation)
1903 146
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Intermezzi
  • 1. Der Konzertmaler (performer paints picture very fast)
  • 2. Der Schnellzeichner ( performer draws pictures very fast)
1903 156
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XV. Was kostet der Spass?
  • 1. Die biegsame Taschenuhr (apparently bending a pocket watch)
  • 2. Der neue gordische Knoten (pocket watch penetrates ribbon)
  • 3. Die badende Taschenuhr (pocket watch vanishes from glass and appears in wallet)
1903 159
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XVI. Trifolium
  • 1. Das verwandelte Kartenspiel (deck changes to silk, shell placed in shell)
  • 2. Das Tuch in der Kerzenflamme (silk appears in flame of a candle)
  • 3. Das plötzlich erscheinende Seidentuch (silk appears)
  • 4. Seidentüchlein auf Reisen (silk vanishes and appears knotted between two others, with glass tube)
  • 5. Die magischen Knoten (knotted silks unknot)
1903 164
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XVII. Ist es möglich!
  • 1. Der Ring am Stabe (finger ring moves up and down on wand)
  • 2. Der aus dem Glase verschwindende Ring (ring vanishes from glass, covered with silk)
  • 3. Der Ring im Hühnerei (ring appears in egg)
1903 170
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XVIII. Prädestination (Vorherbestimmung)
  • 1. Die Karten (prediction of chosen pile, cards can be divined, Koran type)
  • 2. Die Blumen (name of chosen flower appears on paper in sealed envelope, half forcing deck)
1903 174
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XIX. Suggestion eines Obolus
  • 1. Ein Autodafé (coin folded in paper vanishes in a flash)
  • 2. Phönix (coin appears in glass, covered with silk)
  • 3. Die wahrsagende Münze (coin in glass jumps, to answer questions, coding systems)
  • 4. Der Karzer (glass and coin are covered with silk and placed inside a box where they vanish)
1903 178
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XX. Ein anderes Bild
  • 1. Das magnetische Kartenspiel (cards cling to hand)
  • 2. Bibifax (hole cut into hat, hat is then fully restored)
  • 3. Sympathie (card penetrates hat visibly)
  • 4. Ein Meisterschuss (cards are torn and loaded into gun, they appear restored inside hat)
  • 5. Die verschwindenden Karten (cards vanish under silk)
1903 186
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XXII. Eine Miniatur-Orangerie
  • 1. Die Rose im Knopfloch (rose appears on buttonhole)
  • 2. Der Hut als Warmhaus (flower starts to grow in bucket under hat, flowers appear in hat)
  • 3. "Maréchal Niel" (white rose changes to red, yellow and back to white, with a fan)
1903 199
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XXIII. Totentanz
  • 1. Das erscheinende Papp-Skelett (paper skeleton appears behind silk)
  • 2. Ein Ballett (skeleton starts to dance on table)
  • 3. Der zersprungene Spiegel (broken mirror is restored)
  • 4. Der Doppelgänger (mirror image from skeleton starts to become real and dances as well)
  • 5. Verwandlung von Milch in Tinte (glass of milk changes to ink, back to milk and then to water)
1903 204
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XXIV. Ein magisches Mirakel
  • 1. Die Puppentücher (silks change into ribbon)
  • 2. Eine gelungene Reparatur (ribbon vanishes and appears as normal silk in a glass)
  • 3. Der Flüchtling (silk placed back inside glass, both vanish unter handkerchief)
  • 4. Wiederkunft (glass filled with red wine appears under handkerchief)
  • 5. Farbenwechsel (red wine changes into white wine)
  • 6. Der unsichtbare Abfluss (liquid vanishes from bottle)
  • 7. Pariser Zuckerbäckerei (bran placed inside glass, changes into candy)
1903 209
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XXV. Finale Der verschwindende Zauberstab (wand vanishes from newspaper)
1903 220
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die mysteriöse Tuchwanderung two silks travel from paper-covered glass cylinder into two glasses that are covered with other silks
Jan. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 1)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Der wandernde Ball glasses covered with cylinders, ball travels from glass to glass
June 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 6)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Einleitung
1922 iii
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Vorwort
1922 v
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Diminutiv und Superlativ glove vanishes, second glove shrinks then it grows inside a bag and vanishes eventually
1922 1
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Entstehung aus dem Nichts production tambourine, silks and flowers, silk vanishes and appears knotted between two other silks in a box
1922 5
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Eine vereitelte Vernichtung signed card to envelope in envelope in notebook, and card with torn corner in frame
1922 21
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Schärpe der Kleopatra cut and restored ribbon
1922 26
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Magische Transformation und Analyse routine with three silks, silks vanish, appear and change colors, with paper tube and glass cylinder
1922 29
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Ein papierener Phönix bill travels from under handkerchief into a matchbox, then it is placed inside an envelope and burnt only to reappear inside second signed envelope
1922 38
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Wahlverwandtschaft der Flüssigkeiten ink and water in glasses change places, chemical solution
1922 43
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Aus alten Zeiten color changing plume in tube, then it changes into spring flowers in second tube
1922 47
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Der misslungene Eifersuchtsmord deck is balanced on single card, card placed in envelope and pierced with knife and then found restored
1922 51
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Mit dem Seherblick der Pythia number of rolled dice, domino, name of playing card and chosen color appear on empty signed slates
1922 55
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Fata-Morgana oder das Wasser-Phantom water vanishes from paper tube, then paper strip grows in size
1922 60
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Bunte Blätter multi-phase card routine, card stab, color change of cards, card through handkerchief and rising cards from wooden box
1922 65
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Schlusswort
1922 76
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Vorwort
1926 4
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Ueber den Wert der magischen Kunst general thoughts on magic
1926 5
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Hilf, o hilf, mein Zauberstab! No. 1, tricks with a magic wand
  • 1. Der Zauberstab im Portemonnaie (wand from purse)
  • 2. Der zusammenschiebbare Zauberstab (shrinking wand)
  • 3. Der an der Handfläche schwebende Stab (Wand clings to hand)
Related to 1926 9
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Diskus, Ring und Obolus. No. 2, coin placed inside a ring on the table, then covered with paper and coin disappears and appears again
1926 14
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Vom Faden Ariadnes zur roten Fahne. No. 3, thread turns into silk and silk into flag
1926 17
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Der antigordische Knoten. No. 4, using two ropes and several objects
1926 19
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Sie spottet der Fessel. No. 5
  • 1. Der Kartenflüchtling (Ace vanishes from deck and appears inside envelope, pip covered by black Aces so Ace of Hearts poses as Diamonds)
  • 2. Die Karte als Ausbrecher (deck is encircled with rubber band, bottom card vanishes under handkerchief and appears in spectator's pocket)
1926 21
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Paraffinade tändstickor utan svafel och fosfor. No. 6, deck of playing cards changes to matchbox, match is balanced on box and then broken and restored in handkerchief
1926 25
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Das zweite Gesicht. No. 7, seven words or questions are written down and sealed in seven numbered envelopes
1926 29
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Reise der Münzen. No. 8, four signed coins travel from hat to glass, with threaded coin
1926 32
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Der Reifen des Hindu. No. 9, ring on rope, knotted to wrists travel to rope knotted between legs
1926 35
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Eine ermöglichte Unmöglichkeit. No. 10, signed card is found and then travels into sealed nest of envelopes
1926 37
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Das Geheimnis der Uhr. No. 11, pocket watch placed under silk, contains prediction of name, selected card and total of numbers
1926 39
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Geschwind wie der Wind. No. 12, signed coin vanishes from paper fold and appears in envelope
1926 42
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Feingefühl in den Fingerspitzen. No. 13, shuffled deck placed in handkerchief, performer names six card and finds them inside bundle, then six cards vanish and appear back in the deck, duplicates
1926 45
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Mysteriöse Reparatur. No. 14, torn and restored paper ribbon, two methods
  • I. Amerikanische Methode
  • II. Chinesische Methode
1926 47
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die entfesselten Symbole. No. 15, rings and balls penetrate rope
I. Die wunderbare Kordelschnur
II. Dr. Slades Ringexperiment
1926 50
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Telepathisches Kontrollsystem. No. 16, playing card is selected and placed inside a book, on blank piece of paper sealed inside an envelope, name of card and page number appears
1926 54
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Wirkung des Heckepfennigs. No. 17, selected number of coins appear, with coin tray and playing cards to select number
1926 57
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Half Forcing Stack half of the cards have same value to force a number
1926 58
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Verzauberter Schnee. No. 18, with fan
1926 60
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Kurze Erklärung explanation of different terms (Servante, Die Blattenservante, Die Beutelservante, Palmieren, Eskamotieren, Forcieren, Kasche)
1926 62
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Vorwort
1927 iii
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Flucht aus der Gefangenschaft three paper rings with different colors on a string, chosen color penetrates string under handkerchief
1927 1
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Eine Addition der Geister oder Rechenkunst in der IV. Dimension sum of four written numbers appears on piece of newspaper when lit with match
1927 3
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Ent- und Rematerialisation empty glass vanishes wrapped in newspaper and is produced filled with water under jacket
1927 6
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Der scharfe Blick spectator cuts any packet and performer knows if the amount of cards is even or odd
1927 9
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Magische Multiplikation four pieces of cork are placed inside a can, and suddenly there are eight pieces and then again four pieces of cork
1927 10
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Der geheimnisvolle Tausch ball on rod changes places with spectator's ring, under handkerchief
1927 13
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Man kann auch ohne Tabak rauchen smoke appears from two empty pipes, chemical
1927 17
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Beelzebub's Likörglas liquid appears in liqueur glass
1927 19
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Wunderkraft des Zauberspruchs writing on piece of paper vanishes and reappears, inside nest of envelopes
1927 21
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Das Kryptoskop deck cut in four piles, top cards are divined
1927 25
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Gil d'or magique cigarette penetrates hand and then it moves inside a covered glass
1927 27
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Ein entschwundenes Vergnügen cigarette vanish from small tube
1927 30
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Von Ort zu Ort finger ring travels from one handkerchief to another, secured with rubber band
1927 34
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Gedanken-Fischerei
1927 37
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Teufelsstrippe cut and restored rope, two methods
1927 39
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Der verzauberte Obolus coin is balanced on pencil, then wrapped inside handkerchief and held over flame, coin is removed but handkerchief is found unharmed
1927 42
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Ätherisch oder kompakt coin under handkerchief is dropped on plate, it penetrates plate and table and arrives inside glass held under the table
1927 45
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Der gesteigerte Tastsinn four cards face-up on the table, one card is turned (not reversed) while performer is in other room, performer divines card
1927 48
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Ameisenarbeit different colored confettis are mixed in a bowl, performer produces handful of named color, à la sand of the desert
1927 49
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Mit Röntgen-Augen one of four different colored pencils is placed inside a box, divination of the color
1927 54
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Marpinger Wunderwasser water does not pour through sieve, then water appears from funnel, tin funnel with double walls
1927 57
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Ein sonderbarer Geldschrank two methods, coin in lemon and bill in lemon, vanish from under handkerchief
  • Variante I
  • Variante II
1927 60
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Getrennt und doch vereint four queens placed in different parts of the deck and they all appear on top
1927 65
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Der unverletzbare Zauberer nail through finger
1927 67
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Materialisation einer Flamme vanish and production of a silk in flame of match
1927 69
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Liberatio rope escape, wrists
1927 74
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Das Ei des Zauberers egg balanced on straw, then paper ribbon is produced from egg and a cane as climax
1927 76
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Das Ei als Tänzer und Artist egg moves on hat and jumps from one hat to another
1927 79
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Hellsehen three different colored cones, covered with thimbles and colors are divined by performer
1927 82
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Karte als Wandervogel chosen card travels under table cloth, inside a book and eventually in spectator's pocket
1927 84
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Eine mysteriöse Befreiung with three large pearls
1927 87
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Hypnose und Wanderung im Reiche des Unorganischen pencil erects on hand, then it vanishes from envelope and appears inside paper cone
1927 90
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Eine spiritistische Antwort questions are written on pieces of paper, one is chosen and answer appears inside envelope, newspaper black art
1927 94
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Curriculum magicum confetti in paper cone transpose with wine in cup
1927 99
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Eine mysteriöse Bildübertragung cards held on forehead are divined
1927 104
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Verschwunden und wiedergefunden coin vanishes wrapped in paper and appears inside hat
1927 106
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Eine magische Restauration card torn and pieces placed inside a card box, card is restored, with matching corner
1927 110
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Der befreite Arm und das entfesselte Bein handkerchief knotted around arm or leg, penetrates arm under cover of second handkerchief
1927 113
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Eine lustige Wanderung oder der Handschuh als Kobold borrowed glove vanishes from glass and appears inside bread
1927 116
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Im Rapport mit Spirits answer to question and sum of numbers appear on cleaned and numbered slates
1927 118
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Das Schnur-Mirakel alternative construction method for chinese sticks
1927 124
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Das wandernde Licht flash produced from flame of candle, then candle is wrapped inside paper and vanishes in pocket, then lit candle is produced from inside jacket
1927 128
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Voraussagung oder Suggestion? sum prediction in envelope
1927 131
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Das Messerchen der Marquise card is burnt and ashes placed on newspaper, knife placed inside ashes and card appears restored on tip of the blade
1927 136
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Platzwechsel red and green silk wrapped in newspaper changes places
1927 139
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die magischen Radiokarten ring, watch and coin are taken by spectators along with playing cards, performer divines who has which object, mathematical
1927 142
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Strickleiter der indischen Fakire various sticks with holes and strings running through them, when sticks are moved strings seem to vanish, looks like ladder with moveable parts
1927 146
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Eine fluidale Emanation small ball vanishes and appears under tube
1927 150
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Gedankenlesen Age Cards / Calculator Cards
1927 154
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Kette des Thaumaturgen chain with rings, top ring seems to penetrate all the other rings, Konsil-Ring / Indian Prayer Chain
1927 159
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Vorwort
1930 3
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die ihren Platz tauschenden Streichhölzer matches travel from one matchbox to another
1930 7
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die unzertrennlichen Hölzchen heads of matches used, one placed inside hand other thrown away and both end up back in the hand, repeated
1930 8
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Verflüchtigung eines Streichholzes vanish of match, wax
1930 9
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Wo sind die Streichhölzer? matches do not fall from machbox, then sort of monte with matchboxes
1930 10
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Striche auf den zwei Streichhölzern pencil marks on matches, paddle routine
1930 12
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Das empfindsame Streichholz blowing out a lit match through the sleeve
1930 13
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Wer nimmt das letzte Streichholz? puzzle, 15 matches on table 1, 2 or three can be removed at each turn, last one loses
1930 13
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Das Geldstück unter dem Streichholz bar bet, two matches balanced on matchbox and on coin, coin has to be removed
1930 14
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Eine Münze durchdringt eine Streichholzschachtel coin penetrates matchbox
1930 15
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Der ertappte Ausreisser french drop
1930 16
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Durch den Tisch fallende Münzen coin through table, lapping
1930 17
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Wanderung einer Münze durch den Rockärmel coin through sleeve
1930 18
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Der Schinkendiebstahl
1930 18
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Befreiung einer Münze aus einem Taschentuch coin placed inside a borrowed handkerchief, handkerchief is cut to release coin, coin vanishes and appears inside restored handkerchief
1930 20
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Diplomaten-Konferenz four coins placed on handkerchief, covered with two cards
1930 22
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Drei gleich Zehn counting and picking up coins puzzle
1930 25
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Ein Geldstück aus der Hand bürsten bar bet, spectator tries to remove coin from performer's hand with a brush and fails
1930 25
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die aus Bändern befreiten Ringe rings on two ribbons
1930 26
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Bald da, bald dort paper rolled to a ball vanishes in hand and under plate
1930 27
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Verschwinden eines Tischmessers knife wrapped in paper is swallowed
1930 30
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die zerschnittene und wiederhergestellte Schnur cut and restored string
1930 31
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Der Ring an der Schnur string knotted on handkerchief, borrowed finger ring found knotted on string
1930 32
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Der magische Knoten knotted silks become free again
1930 33
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Der hypnotisierte Regenschirm balancing an umbrella on the floor, seated
1930 35
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die ihre Plätze wechselnden Seidenpapierbälle three different colored sheets of paper are rolled into balls and each covered with a tube, they change places
1930 36
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Das schemenhafte Wasserglas glass through table, classic method
1930 38
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Wiederherstellung eines zerrissenen Papierstreifens torn and restored paper strip
1930 39
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Gegenstände durch ein enges Loch zaubern a disentanglement puzzle
1930 41
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Befreiung aus der Schlinge linked ropes knotted on wrists of performer and spectator, escape
1930 42
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Hellseherin medium in other room, identification of chosen object, simple visual code
1930 43
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Der durchdringende Blick three stapled dice, performer names total of all numbers which cannot be seen
1930 44
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Radioschrift number appears on piece of paper inside envelopes
1930 45
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Erraten der Augen dreier Würfel arithmetics done with three rolled dice
1930 47
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Rechnerische Kunstleistungen 1089
1930 47
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Geisterschrift number and color appear on small paper ball isolated on needle
1930 49
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Erraten einer bestimmten Buchstelle book test with medium in other room, using cards
1930 50
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Wenn zwei daselbe tun... writing "the same" as spectator on a piece of paper, joke
1930 51
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Rätselhafte Vorausbestimmung prediction in envelope, envelope switched with chair servante
1930 52
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Übereinstimmung von Gedanke und Tat named musicians written down by performer and billets placed in hat, one is selected and it matches a card selected by another spectator
1930 54
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Der Rechenmeister speed addition presentation
1930 55
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Mathematische Merkwürdigkeiten mathematical curiosities with the numbers 8, 9, 11, 37
1930 56
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Auffinden einer gezogenen Karte simple key card placement and location
1930 59
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Eine gezogene Karte erraten simple key card placement and location
1930 60
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Das wispernde As always being able to locate certain card from the back, card apparently talks to performer
1930 61
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Vorausbestimmung einer gemerkten Spielkarte one of six card is selected, performer puts card in pocket and puts five on table, card in pocket turns out to be the selection
1930 62
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Bestimmung des Wertes von vier vom Zuschauer entnommenen Karten deck is cut and eight cards are dealt, sum of chosen hand is predicted
1930 63
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Eine gezogene und in das Spiel zurückgemischte Karte herauszufinden
1930 64
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die plötzlich sich verwandelnde gezogene Karte transformation of face-down top card, faced deck
1930 65
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die verwandelte Karte transformation of bottom card, glide
1930 65
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Das Kaffeekränzchen four of a kind separated in the deck ends up back together in the middle
1930 66
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Vorausbestimmung der gewählten Karten prediction of card at named number
1930 67
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Erraten des Gesamtwertes der untersten Karten von 4 Kartenhäufchen value of card is complemented until ten by dealing cards, repeated four times and amount of rest is divined
1930 68
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Zwei getrennte Karten vereinigen sich im Spiel two cards end up together in the middle of the deck, pair of pseudo duplicates
1930 69
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Kartenzahl des mittleren von 3 Kartenhäufchen zu erraten
1930 70
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die durch ein Buch wandernden Karten cards penetrate book
1930 71
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die ihre Plätze wechselnden Kartenpäckchen deck separated in number and picture cards
1930 72
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die aus einer Schachtel in einen leeren Umschlag wandernde Karte signed card vanishes from cigar box and appears inside envelope
1930 74
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die gezogene Karte wandert on einen leeren Briefumschlag card travels into envelope
1930 76
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Mutus dedit nomen cocis
1930 78
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Auffinden zweier gezogener und in das Spiel zurückgesteckter Karten two cards are located, even / odd divison
1930 79
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Erraten gezogener und in das Spiel zurückgesteckter Karten medium locates four selected cards
1930 81
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Eine vom Zuschauer zerrissene Karte wieder ganz zu machen torn card in envelope is found restored, with missing corner proof
1930 83
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Erraten einer fehlenden Karte mit Hilfe der Quersumme numbers of a four digit number used, one card placed inside pocket and divined by performer
1930 84
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die gehorsamen Karten in der Tasche des Zuschauers deck placed inside pocket of spectator, performer removes three selections at three named numbers
1930 86
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Eine beliebige Karte des ausgebreiteten Fächers erraten fan force, card is touched and fan separated at this point, card angled under fan
1930 88
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Wanderung zweier Karten in einen Hut two selection travel into a hat
1930 88
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Eine gezogene Karte, die sich in einem von sechs Päckchen das durch Würfelwurf bezeichnet wird, wiederfindet thrown dice to find packet with selection, deck consists of six cards repeated
1930 89
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die sich im Spiel umdrehende gezogene Karte card reverses in deck, under handkerchief
1930 90
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Balancieren eines Kartenspieles auf den Fingerknöcheln balancing deck on back of hand
1930 92
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Karte als Detektiv four spectators place a card unseen inside their pockets, detective card is placed inside the pockets, which tells performer the name of the cards
1930 93
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die elfte Karte
1930 95
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Eine gezogene und in ein fremdes Kartenspiel gesteckte Karte herausfinden card removed from one deck and put in other deck is found immediately
1930 95
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Aufgabe für Sechsundsechzig Spieler card game puzzle
1930 96
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die sichtbaren Bilder puzzle, arranging four cards in a special way
1930 96
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Aus Magie 1935: Magie & Schachspiel von F. Hügli Bern part of Hügli's article from Magie, with his Ex Libris made by Hans Eggimann
Related to
  • "Magie" 1935.
Oct. 1940
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 2 No. 2&3)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Biographische Notizen Hüglis on Chevalier Agoston
Also published here
  • "Magie" 1930
Oct. 1940
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 2 No. 2&3)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Aus den unveröffentlichten Werken Fritz Hügli's intro of the unpublished Fritz Hügli book "Die Kunst zu Zaubern", on performing magic
Oct. 1940
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 2 No. 2&3)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Eine seltsame Uebereinstimmung shuffled deck in handkerchief, performer names three cards and removes them from the deck without looking, second deck with numbers on back, numbers on backs of the three removed card match with the actual date
Also published here
  • "Magie" 1931.
Oct. 1940
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 2 No. 2&3)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Addition with Newspaper addition of cards, newspaper with cover over cards
Oct. 1940
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 2 No. 2&3)