43 entries in Paper / Transposition
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Edward Bagshawe Vice Versa blue silk is put into red paper tube and then rolled up in some paper, when unwrapped the tube is blue and silk is read
1924 24
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Curriculum magicum confetti in paper cone transpose with wine in cup
1927 99
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die ihre Plätze wechselnden Seidenpapierbälle three different colored sheets of paper are rolled into balls and each covered with a tube, they change places
1930 36
Tom Sellers A Numerical Exchange sum on two slips of paper exchange
1935 8
Peter Warlock Jest of Gratoulet white silk tied between two others, changes place with tissue paper
Jan. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 75)
Tom Sellers Sun and Moon with paper, center sections transpose
Related to 1941 15
Jean Hugard The Patriotic Tissues three red, blue and white paper balls are put in three bags with the same colors, they rearrange themselves, so in each bag is on ball of each color, then they change into flowers with the corresponding colors
Nov. 1944 79
Henry A. Colgate Milk and Confetti confetti in glass under handkerchief and milk in cone change places, milk pitcher
Also published here Mar. 1945
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Jean Hugard Whole Hole-Y Cigarette Paper two cigarette papers transpose, one has center torn-out and second is torn in quarters with missing corner
Apr. 1945
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 2 No. 11)
Robert E. Neale Insideout & Stretchit topological origami tube for several effects:
  • Stretchit
  • Insideout
  • The Chinese Wand
  • Additional Notes
  • With a Sponge Ball
  • The Square Circle
  • Flexible Transpo
for simplified folding method see reference
Related toVariationsAlso published here Mar. 1968
Epilogue (Issue 2)
Tony Cole Duo Flight three blank cards, geometric shape drawn on center one and those placed in envelope, same procedure with written name and second envelope, transposition, gaffed envelopes, see also p. 402 for suggestion by Robert Byrne
Dec. 1970 389
Charlie Miller The Delicate Touch of Charlie Miller signed paper napkin transposes with matches in matchbox, using the DeLand fake
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1970
Magick (Issue 2)
Charlie Miller Miller Revisited signed paper napkin transposes with matches in matchbox
Related to 1970
Magick (Issue 11)
Gerald R. Blount Paul Green's Droodles blank business card in envelope change places with chosen business card with drawing on it, with a loud bang, see also p. 36
Apr. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Peter Warlock Flash Paper and Silks two blue silks with yellow silk in between bundled up, flash paper changes into yellow silk, between blue silks is now flash paper
1971 ca. 10
Franz Schedelbauer Die springenden Hasen published as "Schedlbauer", cards with red and white rabbit change places, similar to Domino transposition trick
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 33 No. 1)
Charlie Miller Match Maneuvers signed napkin transposes with matches in matchbox
Related toAlso published here 1973 107
Robert E. Neale "Die Innere Außenseite" und "Ausgeflippt" topological origami tube for several effects:
  • Ausgeflippt
  • Die innere Außenseite
  • Der Chinesische Schnurstab
  • Fantasta
  • Platzwechsel
  • Anmerkungen
  • Mit Schaumgummibällen
Also published here Nov. 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 1 & 2)
Michael Skinner, Joseph Romano Zigarettenpapier-Transposition
Also published here 1979
Das Mike Skinner / Piet Forton Seminarheft (Issue Das Mike Skinner Seminarheft)
Theo Doré Der Cowboy und der Indianer large image cards in envelopes with holes transpose
Also published here
  • Hugard's Magic Monthly, Nov. 1958
Oct. 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 3)
Michael Skinner, Joseph Romano Cigarette Paper Transposition cigarette paper with hole burned in center transposes with one with torn off corner
Also published here 1982 35
Robert E. Neale Flexible Transpo No. 68, trick using two Inside-Out Tubes
Also published here 1985 119
Rich Marotta Matchic Trick signed paper napkin transposes with matches in matchbox
Inspired by 1987 1
Ken Plested Sonne und Mond im Quadrat sun and moon done with paper, center sections transpose
Related to 1988
Magische Blätter (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Jim Steinmeyer Black Confetti black confetti poured in glass and covered with black silk, white confetti in another glass changes into black and black confetti changed to white under silk
Also published here 1991 112
Tom Sellers Tissue Paper Monte three hats and colored paper balls, monte routine for stage, reprinted from Pentagram Vol. 1 No. 1, 1946
Mar. 1992
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Tom Craven Armchair Golfer Mel Stover's Vanishing Pencil (version of the Magic Egg Puzzle), pencil on paper changes places with pencil on initialed paper
1992 787
Daryl Martinez Additional Ideas Suggested by Daryl for Insta-Fax Card Printer, using it to change writing on business card or transpose two cards visually
1993 3
Dave Oestreicher Jaelous Jack colored stickers on back and front of a playing card change color and change places
June 1994
The Minotaur (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Theo Doré Cowboy und Indianer large image cards in envelopes with holes transpose
Also published here
  • Hugard's Magic Monthly, Nov. 1958
July 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 4 & 5)
Bob Driebeek Hinter Ihrem Rücken spectator and performer draw an ESP symbol on piece of paper, symbols change places
1996 33
George Klare The Traveling Egg - First Method: Klare's Original Version glass of confetti covered with handkerchief, egg changes into shower of confetti, egg now in glass
Also published here
  • "A Pretty Egg Trick" (The Wizard, Vol. 2 No. 22, June 1907, p. 348)
2002 153
Through a Black Hole glass of confetti covered with handkerchief, egg changes into shower of confetti, egg now in glass
Also published here
  • "Clever Egg Transposition" (Eggstraordinary Ways of Eggshibiting with Eggs, p. 19)
2002 158
J. V. Gilfillan A Reflective Journey glass of confetti covered with handkerchief, egg changes into shower of confetti, egg now in glass
Also published here
  • "The Wandering Egg" (The Linking Ring, Vol. 8 No. 3, May 1928, p. 205)
2002 158
Tony Slydini Slydini's Relocation two napkin pieces put into two glasses transpose, one is signed
Discoverie (Issue 8)
Stewart James The Book Of The Dead Two spectators select a page each from a loose-leaf book, magician makes the two pages transpose
Also published here
  • marketed by Abbott's, 1939
2007 28
Karl Fulves Yumpin' Yimminy "insto transpo"
visible transposition of two strips of paper in a type of flexagon wallet
Xtra Credit (Issue 4)
Doug Segal The Shadow Knows... two words written on two business cards, one of them sealed in an envelope, both words divined, then the business cards transpose
2009 42
David Acer Coffee Break exploiting Jastrow/"boomerang" optical illusion with cardboard sleeves of coffee paper cups
  • Identity Theft (two cardboard sleeves with names on them transpose)
  • Sizeable (cardboard sleeve grows)
Inspired by 2011 125
Jim Steinmeyer The Vicissitude of Black Confetti black confetti poured in glass and covered with black silk, white confetti in another glass changes into black and black confetti changed to white under silk
Also published here 2014 2
Jeff Prace Tagged
  • Left-Handed
key tags with two words on them transpose
Nov. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 11)
Alexander de Cova Der Taschendieb bill and signed check transpose, one in small purse
Inspired by 2016 70
Wayne Houchin French Kiss cards and papers are signed, one by spectator and one by magician
  • 1st Method: Two signed pieces of paper transpose while folded and held in mouth of spectator and magician
  • 2nd Method: Two signed cards transpose while folded and held in mouth of spectator and magician
Variations 2019 3