211 entries in ESP Cards / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Theodore Annemann Yggdrasil three phase routine with ESP cards, duplicates added from belt
Also published here Feb. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 41)
Theodore Annemann Was Prof. J.B. Rhine Hoodwinked?
Aug. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 47)
Theodore Annemann Yggdrasil three phase routine with ESP cards, duplicates added from belt
Also published here 1944 269
Frank Kelly Magazine and Picture Test combination
1948 159
Aage Darling Symbol Test spectator selects a ESP card and puts all five cards in envelopes, performer finds correct envelope and divines symbol
1953 30
Tony Corinda (1) Psychical Research versus Mentalism esp cards, with assistant
1958 146
Punx (16) Telekinecards ESP cards on a board move on their own, as the spectator wishes, third hand gimmick
1959 288
J. G. Reed The Million Dollar Test esp, code with two watches
1959 312
J. G. Reed E.S.P Test design cards, several spectator select one and put the cards in envelopes, performer locates the owners
1959 313
Robert A. Nelson ESP Coincidence do as I do with ESP cards, two packets
1959 10
Arthur Hastings The Study of ESP general comments
  • Clairvoyance
  • Telepathy
  • Precognition
1960 3
U. F. Grant Little Miracles I. do as I do with packet and double facer, no ESP relation
1960 6
U. F. Grant Little Miracles II. two cards transpose, one in spectator's and one in performer's pocket, no ESP relation
1960 6
U. F. Grant Little Miracles III. two card transposition from glass to paper bag, sucker element, no ESP relation
1960 7
Bert Allerton The Two Card Trick two phases, double facer, no ESP relation
Also published here 1960 7
Edward Marlo Edward Marlo and ESP Marlo on ESP effects, section intro
  • Foreword
1960 15
Don Paul Order Mnemonic for ESP Cards one line, two lines, ...
1960 15
Edward Marlo Mental Reselection spectator thinks of an ESP symbol, then he choses one and it matches
  • Method 1
  • Second Method
1960 21
Howard A. Adams Spirit Star selected ESP symbols appear on blank cards
Inspired by May 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 357)
Don Tanner Spirit Cut Ups paper placed in card box, cut out design appears of chosen ESP symbol
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
Ronald B. Edwards Mystery Loves Company ESP deck shuffled, spectator deals four to performer, then top or bottom to himself, repeated four more times, performer duplicates the five cards that the spectator ended up with
Nov. 1964
Ibidem (Issue 30)
Ronald B. Edwards cESPool spectator apparently matches two sets of ESP cards, proven by later showing complete ESP sets, bluff
Related to Nov. 1964
Ibidem (Issue 30)
Ronald B. Edwards Out of this Country ten-card ESP packet dealt into two piles by spectator, it is separated into two full sets
  • Method I (secret switching in pocket)
  • Method II (double facer and backer)
Nov. 1964
Ibidem (Issue 30)
E. Leslie May ESPell spelling to ESP cards
July 1965
The New Jinx (Vol. 4 No. 39)
Karl Fulves Color Control - Mentalists Night Out after a riffle shuffle some pairs and features of the hands are foreseen, ESP deck
Related to Nov. 1967
Epilogue (Issue 1)
Jochen Zmeck Symbol-Trix five ESP cards, one put aside, four spectators each look at a card, they all have the same, but this one is not there but the one on the table
1967 29
Dan Tong Magic vs. ESP two ESP decks, spelling to symbol
Nov. 1967
The New Jinx (Vol. 6 No. 67)
Dan Tong Odd Men Out two decks, with ESP cards
Inspired by Nov. 1967
The New Jinx (Vol. 6 No. 67)
Aldini ESP-GONE Selected ESP card in packet of five ESP cards turns blank
1969 20
Jim Brimble ESP - Stop! forcing an ESP card, rubber band around cards
Magick (Issue 3)
Rolf Andra Mental-Test set of number cards is shuffled and spectator numbers them correctly on the back, set of ESP cards and spectator locates his chosen symbol
Related to 1971
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 32 No. 5)
David Kaput The UnESPected ESP cards, three face down, spectator has to guess face-down cards, humorous routine
May 1971
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Karl Fulves Remembrance Of Things Past ESP signs design duplication with gaffed peek slate and paramnesia presentation, see also p. 690 for comment
Nov. 1973 683
North Bigbee ESProjections inspired by a Kreskin performance, ESP sign is projected to audience, many receive it
Magick (Issue 69)
Tieneblas Telekin-E-Meter stick with ESP symbols rises in hand and stops at chosen symbol
Magick (Issue 88)
John D. Pomeroy Vibro-Mental five ESP cards on stand, chosen one falls over, method for stage with assistant and independent method for parlour
1973 11
Alexander Past 1984 ... Beyond 2001 cards with ESP symbols are found, mathematical
Magick (Issue 93)
North Bigbee Cast a Mis-Spell Jumbo ESP cards, all symbols spelled
Magick (Issue 110)
North Bigbee ESPell Mental using Jumbo ESP cards, in envelopes, spelling and down-under deal
Inspired by
  • Paul Siegel's "Colorspell" in "Mentalism a la Mode"
Magick (Issue 114)
Ronnie Gann Tele-kin-'easy' chosen ESP card falls over, selection with second set in envelopes
Magick (Issue 136)
Philip T. Goldstein Burnt Offerings assistant reads ashes of a burnt business card and reveals a chosen ESP symbol
1976 7
Philip T. Goldstein Middle Telepathy ESP card, shape and name are divined
1976 21
Olof Jonsson, Al Mann Spectator Becomes the Mindreader spectators name top cards from a shuffled ESP deck
1976 30
Olof Jonsson, Al Mann Developing ESP spectator learns to cut at the same ESP symbol every time, shuffled deck
1976 34
Al Mann The ESPrit Message chosen ESP sign appears on slate
1976 26
Philip T. Goldstein The Dowser matching ESP card is found with dowsing rod
Inspired byRelated to
  • "Si Stebbins Kink" (Theodore Annemann, Linking Ring, Oct. 1924)
Magick (Issue 146)
Stan Blumenthal 98-Cent Divination ESP symbol appears on business card, invisible ink
Magick (Issue 158)
Rudolf Braunmüller Wunder mit ESP Karten introduction
Dec. 1977
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Howard A. Adams Totale Übereinstimmung three cards are selected from an ESP deck, rest is divided in half and two cards turned over only one pair matches, which is first chosen card, repeated with other selections
Related to Dec. 1977
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Philip T. Goldstein In Case Of ESP chosen ESP card is revealed, gaffed case
1978 12
Philip T. Goldstein In Case of ESP chosen ESP card is revealed, gaffed case
1978 6
Philip T. Goldstein In Case Of ESP chosen ESP card is revealed, gaffed case
1978 6
Philip T. Goldstein Pentaforce forcing a card from five, named number
Magick (Issue 218)
Larry Becker Perplexing ESP Plaques marking system for ESP cards, business cards etc., address
Related toVariations 1978 33
Robert Cassidy Christmas Time Fun "Parker Bros. "Merlin - the Electronic Wizard", robot toy from Merlin game finds chosen ESP card by blinking
Dec. 1978 4
Philip T. Goldstein Day for Night Daley's Rouge et Noir with ESP cards
Inspired by 1979
Magick (Issue 236)
Jules Lenier Dark Touch ESP-deck, three cards in different pockets, performer finds duplicates of unseen selections
Magick (Issue 247)
Howard A. Adams Triplersons three cards are selected from an ESP deck, rest is divided in half and two cards turned over only one pair matches, which is first chosen card, repeated with other selections
Related to 1979
OICUFESP (Issue 1 - ten brand new esp card miracles)
Howard A. Adams Strangers three spectators find duplicates of their selected ESP card by naming a number
Variations 1979
OICUFESP (Issue 1 - ten brand new esp card miracles)
Howard A. Adams Trick Trock ESP cards placed on the table in shape of a clock, three spectators, cards are located
OICUFESP (Issue 1 - ten brand new esp card miracles)
Howard A. Adams Symbolicloth performer finds mates of selected ESP cards, using a cloth with ESP symbols on it, see vol. 3 p. 18 for corrections
OICUFESP (Issue 1 - ten brand new esp card miracles)
Howard A. Adams Symbolike two sets of ESP cards are placed face-up and face down into a pile and are further mixed, when divided into two piles both have same amount of face up cards, when assembled again five ESP cards are face-up and five face-down
OICUFESP (Issue 2 - ten MORE brand new esp card miracles)
Howard A. Adams ESP Oil Water with cards face up and face down
OICUFESP (Issue 2 - ten MORE brand new esp card miracles)
Howard A. Adams Crystal Balls three phase routine with circle ESP cards, Thinkard, finding mates by placing two circle cards face up anywhere in the pile and by placing them on cards
OICUFESP (Issue 2 - ten MORE brand new esp card miracles)
Howard A. Adams ESP 21 spectator locates his chosen ESP card
Related to 1979
OICUFESP (Issue 2 - ten MORE brand new esp card miracles)
Howard A. Adams Card to Believe performer finds chosen ESP cards behind back and places it reversed between to mates
OICUFESP (Issue 2 - ten MORE brand new esp card miracles)
Howard A. Adams Better Believe chosen ESP card is found sandwiched between two ESP cards with symbol chosen by performer, variation of Card to Believe
OICUFESP (Issue 2 - ten MORE brand new esp card miracles)
Howard A. Adams Multi ESP 21 ESP 21 with multiple cards
Related to 1979
OICUFESP (Issue 2 - ten MORE brand new esp card miracles)
Nick Trost The Pack about an ESP deck
1979 1
Nick Trost ESP Decoy Die six ESP cards used, two dice rolled and selection made via counting and located
Inspired by 1979 4
Nick Trost ESP Duck or Deal four circles and four crosses are separated via down-under-deal
Inspired by 1979 6
Nick Trost Dual Reverse two chosen ESP cards are the only reversed ones
1979 8
Nick Trost Million to One ESP five cards chosen, they make up a full set of ESP cards
1979 14
Stephen Minch Contact performer finds selected ESP card, one way key card
1980 31
Stephen Minch Retro-Cognizance spectator thinks of an ESP symbol and goes through deck deck, performer stops him five times at the thought of symbol
1980 34
Stephen Minch Random Retro-Cognizance spectator selects four ESP cards and order is noted, performer stops spectator while dealing the cards one by one four times, same cards in same order
1980 37
Stephen Minch Megaphysics performer finds matching ESP card of two spectators, by stopping spectator deal cards, impromptu Mene-Tekel
Inspired by
  • Nick Trost's "Metaphysics" in "ESP Card Session", 1965.
1980 50
Howard A. Adams Two Two Two based on Pairsee, medium in other room gets rest of ESP cards and finds two selections
Related to 1980
OICUFESP (Issue 3 - FURTHER brand new esp card miracles)
Howard A. Adams Symba Wonda five spectators select five ESP cards, each hand ends up having one of every symbol, first published in 1970
Related to 1980
OICUFESP (Issue 3 - FURTHER brand new esp card miracles)
Howard A. Adams Quincidenta three ESP cards are selected and they all match, prediction is revealed which leads to two more matching cards
OICUFESP (Issue 3 - FURTHER brand new esp card miracles)
Howard A. Adams bRAINBOW names of colors are written on cards, with the aid of face up and face down ESP cards chosen colors are divined
OICUFESP (Issue 4 - esp card & mental miracles RETURN)
Howard A. Adams Fail Your signed ESP card if located using ESP three letter cards
OICUFESP (Issue 5 - the SON of esp card & mental miracles)
Howard A. Adams COUrTdown EsP COUrTdown with a deck of ESP cards
OICUFESP (Issue 5 - the SON of esp card & mental miracles)
Howard A. Adams Recorded four ESP symbol cards are located with the aid of two signed business cards
OICUFESP (Issue 6 - the GHOST of esp card & mental miracles)
Howard A. Adams Dealflipdropcut small packet tricks, featuring a false mixing process
  • The Principle
  • Spellflipdropcut
  • ESP Test
  • The Others Principle
  • Sequence
VariationsAlso published here 1980
OICUFESP (Issue 6 - the GHOST of esp card & mental miracles)
Uriah Fuller 6. ESP Cards, Part II divinations and tests using one-way backs
1980 50
Gene "Phantini" Grant Wish Upon a Star six ESP cards, spectator finds the odd one twice
1981 28
Gene "Phantini" Grant The Impossible Thrown-Out Deck tossed out deck gag
1981 104
Leo Kostka Psychic Stigmata ESP sign appears on hand of performer and on various spectator, sugar cube as stamp
Inspired by 1981
Magick (Issue 285)
Bob Ostin 'Is There Anyone There?' ink forms into chosen ESP sign, signed card, uses Velleda pens
Also published here 1981
Babel (Issue 1)
Stephen Tucker Star of Wonder match puzzle as revelation of star sign with ESP symbols
Dec. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 20)
Howard A. Adams Quintsetes five people select five ESP cards, each hand contains one of each symbol
OICUFESP (Issue 9)
Peter Kane With an E.S.P. Deck
  • 1. assembly à la Card Puzzle
  • 2. esp divination
1982 104
Alessandro de Luca, Theophil "Philius" Weidmann Das ESP-Spiel basics on the ESP deck
1983 18
Nick Trost Symbolique princess card trick with ESP card, repetition and then performer finds all cards with same symbol as selection
  • ESP-Princess
  • Princess Repeat
  • Seeing Stars
Also published here
  • Nick Trost's "Symbolique" in Mickey Hades "ESP-Session with Nick Trost" 1971
1983 20
Basil Horwitz ESP Mindreading Plus Mindcontrol spectator divines ESP card of other spectator
Also published here 1984 20
Jack Bridwell Dots ESP cards are chosen and placed inside envelopes, performer divines symbols and allocates them correctly, à la Pseudo Psychometry
June 1986
Magick (Issue 373)
Bascom Jones Star Search large part of audience select same ESP symbol
Sep. 1986
Magick (Issue 377)
Philip T. Goldstein Quintest packet of five ESP cards (or other cards), spectator cuts packet, then follows instructions and ends up with force card
May 1986 39
Rudy T. Hunter Quick-And-Easy ESP Card Readings
  • Why 'Quick-And-Easy'?
  • The System
  • The Secret
  • The Symbol 'Reading' Cues
  • The Five Location Cues
  • How IT Works in Practice
Related to Nov. 1988
Magick (Issue 413)
Ricardo Baccarini Materialization Mental card appears under paper
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Philip T. Goldstein ESPresso removed ESP card divined with other cards, binary sorting
1989 1
Philip T. Goldstein Mocha removed ESP card divined with other cards
1989 1
Sidney Piddington, Barry Wiley Silent Psi code for ESP cards
Nov. 1989
Magick (Issue 430)
Gene Nielsen More ESP Card-Reading Techniques
  • ESP Symbol Readings
  • Easy-To-Carry Packet
  • Quickie Layout
  • Force of Fate
  • Reader's Readers
  • Squares and Waves
  • And Circles and Crosses
Related to Nov. 1989
Magick (Issue 431)
Roy Johnson Noughts and Crosses follow the leader, described with ESP cards
  • Card Displacement - Method No. 2 (Veeser Concept)
Also published here 1989 7
Philip T. Goldstein A Clash of Symbols three phase ESP routine with cards in envelopes which also have symbols, "three-sided approach to the Gilbreath Principle"
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1991 41
Tony Johnson U-2 / Deja Vu five ESP cards placed inside spectator's pocket, one is removed and performer choses same symbol
May 1991
Magick (Issue 455)
Diabelli ESP Spectator selects ESP card, second spectator marks same ESP symbol on a chart
1991 31
Basil Horwitz Gedankenlesen und Kontrolle spectator divines ESP card of other spectator
Also published here June 1991
Intermagic (Vol. 16 No. 2)
Roy Johnson Kreise und Kreuze follow the leader, described with ESP cards
  • Umschicht-Methode Nr. 2
Also published here June 1992
Intermagic (Vol. 17 No. 1)
Aldo Colombini ESP Coins coins assume shapes of symbols
Nov. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 11)
Bob Gill The Haines Phenomenon on the one-way principle involved in the Haines ESP cards
1994 9
Basil Horwitz ESP Card Mnemonic System classic, line counting
1994 13
Basil Horwitz Special ESP Test performer is blindfolded, spectator selects one ESP card and signs it, those are shuffled and put in performer's pocket, he removes four, then he names the ESP symbol in the pocket and shows the signature on it
1994 15
Martin Gardner Chromo-Clairvoyance five envelopes, five color cards, spectator puts them in, performer guesses all correctly, three methods
Arcane (Issue 14)
Bob Driebeek Hinter Ihrem Rücken spectator and performer draw an ESP symbol on piece of paper, symbols change places
1996 33
Peter Duffie Succubi one card reversed in twenty-five cards ESP deck, word spelled, then cards dealt into five hands, hand with reversed card is all the same symbol and others mixed
Inspired byRelated to 1996 13
Peter Duffie Chambre Ardente spectator finds five cards with same symbol
1996 14
Nick Trost, Stewart Judah The Odd Set Performer mentally influences spectator to select "odd" pile of ESP cards
1997 278
Nick Trost Million to One ESP Five ESP cards freely selected, found to consist of unique symbols (no repeat)
Related to 1997 286
Bill "Doc" Robinson Ein einfaches ESP-Legesystem stacking system for ESP cards and three effects
  • 1. Das Super-Gedächtnis
  • 2. Symbol-Würfel-Vorhersage
  • 3. Hellsehen
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 4 & 5)
Karl Fulves Psy-Key advantage for an ESP guessing game, memory
1998 31
Philip T. Goldstein A Clash of Symbols three phase ESP routine with cards in envelopes which also have symbols, "three-sided approach to the Gilbreath Principle", in english and french
Also published here 1998 6
Lee Earle ESP Stack
Apr. 1998
Mind & Magic Magazine (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Philip T. Goldstein A Clash of Symbols three phase ESP routine with cards in envelopes which also have symbols, "three-sided approach to the Gilbreath Principle"
Also published here 1999 7
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy The Royal Magic ESP Deck sky back, star marking
1999 1
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy Psychic Feedback five spectator select an ESP card and seal them in an envelope, after the envelopes are shuffled the envelopes are returned to the correct owner
1999 5
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy Casting a Spell spelling to an ESP card
1999 6
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy Square Speller spelling to an ESP card
1999 7
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy Noughts and Crosses five cross and circle cards, behind back performer builds pairs
1999 10
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy Australian Spell
1999 13
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy Psychic Sign card is found by spelling "Psychic Sign"
1999 15
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy The Force forcing ESP card with 10-20 force
1999 16
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy Tricks with a Stacked ESP Deck on the stack and handling it
1999 17
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy A Cute Intro spelling all ESP cards and turning them over
1999 22
Philip T. Goldstein A Clash of Symbols three phase ESP routine with cards in envelopes which also have symbols, "three-sided approach to the Gilbreath Principle"
Also published here 2000 6
Philip T. Goldstein A Clash of Symbols three phase ESP routine with cards in envelopes which also have symbols, "three-sided approach to the Gilbreath Principle"
Also published here 2000 5
Philip T. Goldstein A Clash of Symbols three phase ESP routine with cards in envelopes which also have symbols, "three-sided approach to the Gilbreath Principle"
Also published here 2000 5
Philip T. Goldstein A Clash of Symbols three phase ESP routine with cards in envelopes which also have symbols, "three-sided approach to the Gilbreath Principle"
2000 6
Philip T. Goldstein A Clash of Symbols three phase ESP routine with cards in envelopes which also have symbols, "three-sided approach to the Gilbreath Principle"
2000 6
Philip T. Goldstein Test Set card removed from ten-card-ESP-packet divined by spelling, outgrowth of "Symbulation" (Linking Ring, April 1996)
2002 32
Philip T. Goldstein Wondered? No, Psi is Pondered Now. two sets of ESP cards mixed by spectator who then choses (via procedure) five cards, exactly one of each
2002 48
Philip T. Goldstein A Clash of Symbols three phase ESP routine with cards in envelopes which also have symbols, "three-sided approach to the Gilbreath Principle"
Also published here 2002 6
Philip T. Goldstein A Clash of Symbols three phase ESP routine with cards in envelopes which also have symbols, "three-sided approach to the Gilbreath Principle"
Also published here 2003 7
Philip T. Goldstein A Clash of Symbols three phase ESP routine with cards in envelopes which also have symbols, "three-sided approach to the Gilbreath Principle"
Also published here 2003 7
Tom Stone Synonymax cards with pictures and words, selections are divined
Inspired byAlso published here 2003 12
Philip T. Goldstein A Clash of Symbols three phase ESP routine with cards in envelopes which also have symbols, "three-sided approach to the Gilbreath Principle"
2004 7
Basil Horwitz ESP Incredible Memory Test five ESP cards are signed and put back in deck, performer reverses the cards behind back
2004 36
Jimmy Gonzalez ESP For Lunch symbol of chosen ESP card appears on business card
2004 21
Karl Fulves Pictorials clocking other things than the values
  • Mid Count
  • Corner & Curves
  • Line Count (ESP)
  • Lines And Curves
2005 69
Bob Ostin "Is There Anyone There?" ink forms into chosen ESP sign, signed card, uses Velleda pens
Also published here 2005 130
Paolo Cavalli Coinport dated 1992, one of three different invisible coins is selected and materializes in performer's hand, then an ESP card is selected and the matching symbol appears on coin while it is held by spectator
2005 3
Woody Aragón In-ESP-Licable using ESP cards, all ESP cards with same symbols come together and deck is sorted as climax
2006 202
Max Maven Pentathon pack of any type of cards and five ESP symbol chips, five spectators get a few cards and choose one, ESP symbols are spelled to find them
Inspired by Feb. 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 2)
Harold Cataquet ESP Mental
  • Effect 1 - All cards change to star
  • Effect 2 - Spectator's card is shown to be star
  • Effects 3 & 4 - Stars are shown to be different colours
Inspired by
  • "ESPecially Wild" (Paul Hallas, marketed)
2006 155
Karl Fulves The Automatic Mind on memory systems, also for ESP cards
2007 65
Nick Trost ESP Card Version of Ned Rutledge's "Cards Concordant"
2008 41
Nick Trost ESP Card Version of Paradoxical Pairs
Inspired by 2008 49
Nick Trost Chapter 11 - ESP Cards - Part 1 intro
2008 221
Nick Trost Una-Minds locating chosen symbols in spread of cards
Inspired by 2008 222
Nick Trost Design by Accident coincidence
2008 225
Nick Trost ESP Do As I Do one deck, based on Patrick Page's "Continuous Do As I Do"
Inspired by 2008 226
Nick Trost Dr. Jak's Symbol Mystery Do As I Do
Inspired by 2008 227
Nick Trost Extrasensory Deception
Inspired by 2008 228
Nick Trost Dual ESP Test Location naming two selections, cyclic stack
Inspired by 2008 231
Nick Trost The Symbol Separation Test coincidences occur with fifty-cards-ESP-deck
Inspired by 2008 242
Howard A. Adams Dealflipdropcut small packet tricks, featuring a false mixing process
  • The Principle
  • Spellflipdropcut
  • ESP Test
  • The Others Principle
  • Sequence
Related toAlso published here 2008
Prolix (Issue 5)
Max Maven A Clash of Symbols three phase ESP routine with cards in envelopes which also have symbols, "three-sided approach to the Gilbreath Principle"
Also published here 2009 7
Nick Trost ESP Jumbo Split packets cut off and counted, card at that number remembered, at the end a coincidence happens, credit information
Inspired by 2009 550
Nick Trost Triple Synchronicity two ESP decks, three cards exchanged, they turn out to be three pairs
Inspired by 2009 570
Shiv Duggal Psychic Journey ESP cards routine
  • Phase 1 (divination of selection)
  • Phase 2 (repeat of first phase)
  • Phase 3 (card chosen, two piles deal until two symbols match, they match selection)
  • Phase 4 (power of thought type coincidence)
  • Final Phase (two packets match in order)
2009 122
Aldo Colombini Wild ESP-Ressions two ESP sets, one card chosen, other cards change into blank cards, letters on backs spell selection
Prolix (Issue 8)
Tom Stone Synonymax cards with pictures and words, selections are divined
Inspired byAlso published here 2011 229
Woody Aragón ESP Memorized Deck an ESP stack that retains order after Faro shuffles
2011 273
Max Maven A Clash of Symbols three phase ESP routine with cards in envelopes which also have symbols, "three-sided approach to the Gilbreath Principle"
Also published here 2011 7
Nick Trost ESP Color Scheme ESP cards mixed face up/down, spectator separates waves from stars
Inspired by 2011 813
Nick Trost Five-Way Coincidence III spectator cuts the deck a few times, five matching symbols produced
Inspired by 2011 817
Nick Trost Five-Way Coincidence IV some cutting and dealing with ESP deck, five matching symbols show up
  • A Variation
2011 819
Nick Trost Three Odd Couples ten ESP card pairs are on table, spectator chooses three, they contain matching cards while the others are mixed pairs
2011 826
Nick Trost Dowsing By Design card selected and placed aside, twelve pairs made, two pairs added to selection, the five cards match
Inspired by 2011 828
Woody Aragón In-ESP-Licable deck of ESP cards is shuffled and card selected and replaced, deck divided in five packets and one card in one packet is chosen, it matches selection, then entire packet is shown to consist of same symbol, other symbols are found together in each packet
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 21)
Max Maven Psychloid ESP card chosen, four more chosen, all five make up a complete set, Cycloidal Forces
Also published here
  • Precursor No. 30, 1991
Jan. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 1)
Nick Trost The Dice Decider four packets are counted off according to four thrown dice, dice are turned with number one up and all packets have an Ace on top
  • Second Effect (with royal flush)
  • ESP Card Version
Inspired by
  • "Trade Show Dice" (Jerry Sadowitz, The Conjuror, Feb. 1997)
Related to
  • "Dice Aces" (Jerry Sadowitz, The Crimp, No. 34, 1994)
2013 729
Nick Trost Coincidence by Design I LaGerould's Backward Countdown Force leads to five matching symbols
Inspired by
  • "A Reading" (John Mendoza, The Mendoza Series of Personal Instruction, 1979)
2013 830
Nick Trost Coincidence by Design II LaGerould's Backward Countdown Force leads to five matching symbols
Inspired by 2013 832
Nick Trost Coincidence by Design III LaGerould's Backward Countdown Force leads to five matching symbols
Inspired by 2013 834
Nick Trost Subliminal Perception spectator apparently matches sets of ESP cards, proven by later showing complete ESP sets
Inspired by
  • "E.S.P. Outdone" (Tilford, Hugard's Magic Monthly, Oct. 1960)
Related to
2013 849
Steve Beam A Star is Born Random cards from a spectator-shuffled ESP deck distributed to four participants. With free choices of which cards to eliminate, they all end up with a star.
Inspired by
  • "ESP-Bingo" (Mat Roelof, New Pentagram, Dec. 1985)
  • "ESP-Bingo" (Mat Roelof, New Pentagram, Dec. 1985)
Related to
2015 49
David Britland Secret of The Cards
  • Cardopolis
secret juice-like one-way marking on all Haines's ESP decks
Also published here
  • Center Tear magazine by Trevor McCombie
Oct. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 10)
Nick Trost The Dice Decider, Revisited four packets are counted off according to four thrown dice, dice are turned with number one up and all packets have an Ace on top
  • Second Effect (with royal flush)
  • ESP Card Version
Inspired by 2015 1152
Nick Trost Australian ESP three spectators locate their chosen symbols, involving counting, spelling, down-under deal
Inspired by 2015 1325
Nick Trost A Powerful Swindle
  • Phase One (coincidence when two ESP packets are dealt in unison)
  • Phase Two (swindle switch coincidence of two ESP packets)
2015 1329
Max Maven A Clash of Symbols three phase ESP routine with cards in envelopes which also have symbols, "three-sided approach to the Gilbreath Principle"
Also published here 2016 9
Roberto Giobbi On ESP Cards
Hidden Agenda (Issue Nov 20)
Max Maven Distant Dowser
  • Lost Horizons
ESP card pocketed, matching ESP card is found by spectator with help of performer who also divines it
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Center Tear magazine by Trevor McCombie, Oct. 2002
Feb. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 2)
Roy Walton Camouflage four-card groups made after shuffling procedure, they all contain one of each suit
  • E.S.P. Variation
Related toAlso published here 2016 163
Nick Trost ESP Spelldown selected card found by spelling top card of either half after dealing an ESP deck into two piles
Inspired by
  • "Driftin" (Aldo Colombini, Simply Impromp2, 2006)
Related to
2017 1557
Nick Trost Baffling ESP Discovery selected ESP card found
Inspired by
  • "CATO Deals" (Aldo Colombini, Simply Impromp2, 2006)
2017 1558
Nick Trost Five-Star Finale I five ESP star symbols shows up at the end
  • Second Version
Inspired by 2017 1559
Nick Trost ESP Cards and Coins Routine routine with ESP cards and coins
  • Phase One (Roy Walton's "Ghostly Spells")
  • Phase Two (Howard Adams's "Change in Mind")
  • Phase Three (Mel Bennett's "Thrifty Aces")
Inspired by 2017 1579
Nick Trost Do As I Do ESP "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", adapted to ESP cards
Inspired by
  • Fred Braue's routine in Hugard's Magic Monthly, Dec. 1959
2017 1587
Joaquín Navajas, Miguel Gómez, Camilo Vázquez Forzaje ESP three methods to force an ESP card
2019 96
Joaquín Navajas Trans ESP spectator selects an ESP card and draws symbol on the back of performer's hand, symbol appears inside the hand
2019 98
Joaquín Navajas Telequinesp chalk on hand starts to move and draws chosen symbol
2019 100
Roy Walton Camouflage four-card groups made after shuffling procedure, they all contain one of each suit
  • ESP Variation
Also published here 2022 927
Szabolcs Molnár Things to know about ESP cards
  • History of ESP cards
  • Different type of ESP cards
    • Classic
    • Coloured
    • Coloured (all the cards are different)
    • Jumbo ESP
    • Parlour
    • Home made
  • Where to get them
2023 7
Szabolcs Molnár ESP stacks
  • The classic ESP stack
  • The Trafficlight stack (for colored ESP decks)
2023 25
Szabolcs Molnár Marked Cards on ESP marking systems
  • Royal Magic ESP deck
  • Marking unmarked cards
    • Tools
2023 28
Vince Szöke Kiss The ESP marking system of Vince Szöke Kiss (Bicycle)
  • Tips from Vince
2023 30
Szabolcs Molnár ESP Memory multi-phase memory demonstration with ESP deck
  • Tips from the author
2023 55