342 entries in Paper / Appearing Writing, Photos, ...
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Encre invisible Recipe for invisible ink and its revelation
1786 88
Die sympathetische Tinte chemical method to make writing appear on paper, paper has to be dipped in water
Apr. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Arthur "Dr. Avon" Kollmann, Carl Willmann Röntgenstrahlen-Phantasien image of card appears on white cardboard in card case prop, set-up with three stands and x-ray patter, also an image of spectator's hand appears as x-ray on white cardboard, more variations
Apr. 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Sympathetische Tinte three recipes for invisible ink
Variations Aug. 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Das Schnellmalen painting appears on white paper in frame
Jan. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Antonio Molini Sympathetische Tinte recipes for invisible ink
Inspired byRelated to Oct. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Antonio Molini Sympathetische Tinte second part
Related to Nov. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Samuel "St. Roman" Thiersfeld Der Kobold in der Flasche No. 36, name of chosen card or sum of numbers appears on paper in bottle, chemical
1899 103
Der Schnellzeichner drawing appears on paper sheet when rubbed on it with cloth
Oct. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 10)
Das geheimnisvolle Gemälde No. 2, white cloth in frame lighted from back, it seems transparent, on command an image appears on cloth, chemical
1900 114
Glimmbilder herzustellen No. 4, drawings that appear when heated, chemical
1900 158
Carl Willmann Ueber ein neues Papier für Geheimmitteilungen on appearing writing
Oct. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 10)
Die Flammenschrift writing burns into piece of paper
Nov. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 11)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Eine Gedanken-Photographie spectator writes card on paper, two blank business cards put in box, on one appears image and on other name of selection
Dec. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 12)
Professor Hoffmann My Friend in Thibet card put in a box, two blank cards in envelopes with pencils, on chosen blank card name of selection appears
1903 497
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XIV. Telepathie
  • 1. Die Geisterschrift (slates, multiple versions, total of chosen number appears)
  • 2. Die Fernschrift (message appears on paper sealed in envelope, remote writing)
  • 3. Die Rosenverwandlung (rose changes from red to white, red writing appears on paper)
  • 4. Das spiritistische Kartenspiel (deck appears under box and vanishes again, hollow card deck imitation)
1903 146
Ben-Zur "Telegraphie ohne Draht" four blank paper pieces rolled up and inserted into fingers of borrowed gloves, four questions asked, fingers cut off and paper removed, questions and answers found on paper pieces, glove restored
Mar. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 3)
Dr. Costa Brito Der Name einer von einem Zuschauer gedachten Karte erscheint auf einem in einem Glase befindlichen Papier geschrieben piece of paper crumped up and put in glass, name of (forced) selection appears on it
Oct. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 10)
A. J. Zum mysteriösen Cigarettenpapier spectator crumples up piece of cigarette paper, word or number appears on it in chosen color
Inspired by
  • Das Mysteriöse Cigarettenpapier (a book by H. F. C. Suhr)
Oct. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 10)
Das Geheimnis des Wörterbuches empty billets put in hat, a page chosen in a dictionary, that page opened in another one and counted down to a word that corresponds with a number chosen from a change bag of number cards, that word is suddenly on a billet that's chosen form the hat, using force book with only two numbers to force page
Related to May 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 5)
Charles T. Jordan Satan's Trance No. 26, four cards removed from thirty-two-card deck and put in envelope, lights out, when lights are back on the names of cards are written on envelope
VariationsAlso published here 1919/1920 70
Edward Bagshawe A "Spirit Divination" Mystery name of card appears on empty paper
1924 42
Edward Bagshawe A Dark Deception paper in envelope, tumbler of ink, ink vanishes gradually, word chosen from dictionary appears as white writing in ink blob on paper
1924 63
Oswald Rae Pips and Paper paper signed and pinned on board, two selections turn blank and pips are found on paper
1926 5
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Telepathisches Kontrollsystem. No. 16, playing card is selected and placed inside a book, on blank piece of paper sealed inside an envelope, name of card and page number appears
1926 54
Louis Nikola The Telepathogram Magician divines thought of card, and writing appears on paper that divines position of card in the deck
1927 54
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Eine Addition der Geister oder Rechenkunst in der IV. Dimension sum of four written numbers appears on piece of newspaper when lit with match
1927 3
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Wunderkraft des Zauberspruchs writing on piece of paper vanishes and reappears, inside nest of envelopes
1927 21
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Eine spiritistische Antwort questions are written on pieces of paper, one is chosen and answer appears inside envelope, newspaper black art
1927 94
Oswald Rae A Novel Book Test page selected and line chosen by the aid of playing cards, line from page appears on blank card sealed in envelope
Also published here
  • "A Novel Book Test" in "The Sphinx"
1930 53
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Radioschrift number appears on piece of paper inside envelopes
1930 45
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Geisterschrift number and color appear on small paper ball isolated on needle
1930 49
Joe Berg The Blank Cards of Psyche two blank cards are initialed on both sides by the spectator, then tied together, name of selection or another word appear on the card
1930 15
Nelson Hahne The Peripatetic Rabbit performer draws rabbit on paper, it becomes a real rabbit, rabbit is wrapped and shot towards paper and appears there as drawing
1930 57
Tom Sellers The Psychic Wish
1931 18
Tom Sellers Spirit Message Improvement carbon papers of different color to produce prediction or spirit message in chosen color in envelope
1931 11
Victor Farelli Effect cards shuffled by spectator, still top card is correctly predicted on previous empty paper, locator card
1933 99
Tom Sellers Mysterious Writing out to lunch
1935 16
Theodore Annemann Annemann's Psychic Writing appearing writing on paper card answers question
Related toVariations 1935 4
Theodore Annemann Psychic Writing Variation appearing writing on paper card answers question
Related to Feb. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 17)
Charles T. Jordan The Spectral Seamstress name of person is magically sewn on handkerchief
Also published here June 1936
The Jinx (Issue 21)
Edward Bagshawe The Materialized Message spirit message, blank card placed into a windowed case and is covered, when uncovered, writing is on card and is immediately visible through the window
1936 ca. 43
Edward Bagshawe The Recurring Name writing appears on sealed-up card, naming a chosen celebrity
1936 ca. 57
Edward Bagshawe A Visitor from Down Under séance on stage with lights on, magician is tied to chair with screen around him and still from within the screen a bell rings, writing appears, knots tie in a rope, etc., trapdoor for assistant to reach under
1936 ca. 74
U. F. Grant A Spirit Message writing appears on card, double facer
1937 137
Arthur Monroe Voodoo hole coin on string is put in box and hidden, lights turned out, in glowing light performer is seen to have box again and coin drops off cord, combined with card divination on blank card
Related toAlso published here May 1937
The Jinx (Issue 32)
Louis Lam The Zig-Zag Card Novelty question marks on paper change into name of selected card
1937 19
Dr. Edward G. Ervin Telepathic Prediction named number appears in chosen color on paper stuck to piece of wood, optional repeat phase
1937 34
Revealed by Fire name of selected card appears on card in flash of fire
1938 226
John Mulholland A Spirit Writes name of selection appears on another signed card
1938 291
Sid Lorraine The Magic Blotter answer to question appears on paper
1938 890
Charles Nyquist, Pierre L. O. A. Keeler P. L. O. A. Keeler switch of paper sheets between slates
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1938/39)
Franklin M. Chapman It's a Date date of borrowed dime appears on disk
Mar. 1939
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Franklin M. Chapman When Your Number turns Up name of deceased person appears on piece of paper, initialed by spectator and sealed in envelope
Apr. 1939
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Franklin M. Chapman Kontact! name of chosen card appears on initialed paper, half forcing deck
Apr. 1939
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Die Geisterschrift pellet on pin, named number appears
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Maldino Die Gedankenfotographie picture of selection appears on photo paper, in envelope
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 1 No. 3&4)
Die Macht des Willens named number appears in chosen color on rolled up cigarette paper, pocket writing with different colored pencils
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Karl Germain The Germain Gem named dead person appears on billet, pocket writing
VariationsAlso published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 95)
Stewart James Two Fearless Feats - 2. name of selected card appears on tissue paper (via Tarbell's "Phanteario")
Also published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 98)
Allan Howell Merlin the Inscrutable pencil shavings in tissue paper "write" name of selection
The Jinx (Issue 104)
Len Sewell Tribal Try paper wrapped between boards, prediction or something else appears on paper inside
Also published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 111)
Mystery of the Traveling Numbers four random numbers are added, sum appears on paper
1941 179
The Spirit Mathematician called numbers are added up, sum "appears" in envelope
1941 184
Tom Bowyer "My Card, Sir!" double blank card changes into business card
The Jinx (Issue 131)
Alban's L'écriture de la parole named words appear on paper in envelope, presentation apparently using modern technique, wires etc.
June 1941 7
Milbourne Christopher Christopher's "Double Cross" eight paper pieces, four with X on them are burnt, X now on other pieces
VariationsAlso published here 1943 53
William S. Houghton Spirit Writing Wrinkle numbering the sides of two slates, also for blank cards
1943 59
Dr. H. Walter Grote Ghost Writings name of selection appears on rolled up paper
Feb. 1944 37
Karl Germain The Germain Gem named dead person appears on billet, pocket writing
Also published here 1944 22
Arthur Monroe Voodoo hole coin on string is put in box and hidden, light turned out, in glowing light performer is seen to have box again and coin drops off cord, combined with card divination on blank card
Also published here 1944 127
Stewart James Prophetic Tissue name of selected card appears on tissue paper
Also published here 1944 140
Len Sewell Tribal Try paper wrapped between boards / slates, prediction or something else appears on paper inside
Also published here 1944 200
Chung Ling Soo The Invisible Hand No. 18, answer to a question appears on blank card
Also published here
  • Spirit Slate Writing and Kindred Phenomena, Chung Ling Soo, 1989
1944 22
A Spirit Communication sum of numbers appears on empty cardboard
1945 328
Message on Paper message appears on paper between slates
1945 406
Orville Wayne Meyer The Green Hand writing appears on initialed paper
1945 15
Bruce Elliott Silver Walls piece of paper is put between two coins, any number appears on the paper
Related to May 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 83)
Louis Tannen Spirit Writer name of card appears written on spectator's palm, rubber stamp, see Back Room #96 for additional idea
July 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 88)
C. L. Boarde Vest Pocket Seance seance program with a stack of business cards, coin appears, living and dead test, writing appears
Aug. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 110)
Edward Victor "Spiritualistic" Visiting Card Mystery name of playing card or name of famous dead person appears on blank card, two routines
1946 100
Glendi Glendi's Mental Photography - The Dream Photograph paper to photograph in envelope, comedy presentation
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1947)
Bruce Elliott Chance Stunt prediction of three psychological forces (color, number up to ten, flower) with appearing writing, white on red writing on red cardboard under red celluloid filter
July 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 129)
Edward Clinkscale, Eugene Taylor Gambler's Ghost name of selection appear on card fan
Aug. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 133)
Peter Warlock Pieces of Slate writing appears, version without a flap, chalk can write permanent and nonpermanent
Sep. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 134)
Billy McComb William's Invisible Paint brush on paper, picture is made without using paint
1947 26
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley Dictionary Test people write numbers on cards und seal them in envelopes, word appears on signed card locked in a frame
1947 49
Milbourne Christopher The Card Revealed two cards are selected, name of one card appears on second card
Jan. 1947 286
Clayton Rawson Spirit Script name of chosen card appears on card, deck moves, plate lifter
Nov. 1947 368
Bob Hummer Kilroy Gets Around message appears on card, mathematical procedure
Also published here 1947 1
C. L. Boarde Question and Answer - Variation C answer to question appears on billet
Variations 1947 78
Spirit Photography image of chosen card appears on photographic paper in envelope, two methods
Related to 1948 197
Greer Marechal Jr. Clipped Psyche writing appears on paper on clipboard, flap
Apr. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 148)
James G. Thompson Jr. Pocket Seance blank cards, name is divined and message appears
May 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 150)
Gerald Kosky Impromptu Ultra Spirit Message using business cards
Inspired byAlso published here Nov. 1948 478
Don Tanner Writing with Fire lit cigarette touched on paper, a flame starts burning along a line on the paper, writing a word or design, chemical
Dec. 1948 11
W. Flammarion 1 Karte + 1 Schrift "Eine effektvolle Geisterschrift", name of chosen card appears on signed paper
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 9 No. 4)
Arthur H. Buckley Psychic Photography photograph of selection appears on previously white paper
1948 150
Dr. Stanley Jaks, Bruce Elliott Mortell selected card appears on a paper under skull, flash paper
Also published here Mar. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 173)
Don Tanner The Dead Return spectator writes question on card which is put in envelope, envelope burns in a flash and question is now on other side of envelope
Apr. 1949 11
U. F. Grant Cover Picture about U. F. Grant (on cover of this issue), image materializes in luminous paint in the dark
Aug./Sep. 1949
Grant's Inner Circle Magazine (Vol. 1 No. 11 & 12)
Cy Keller Pip Pix card appears on photo paper
Sep. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 211)
Don Tanner On a Business Card signed business card in coin envelope with a hole, message appears
Dec. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 219)
Dr. Howard B. Kayton Kayton's Ghost Writer blank card is clipped to board, names of chosen objects appear on it, rubber cement
Mar. 1950
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 7 No. 10)
Gerald Kosky A Printer's Dream printing one side of three blank cards, using Vernon's Fake Turn Over Sleight
June 1950 673
Paul Rosini Impressive Card index of cards appears on previously empty piece of paper, kind of stamp in shoe
1950 46
George F. Wright Some Thoughts on Magic "Spirits Make Known Their Presence", message appears on business cards
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1951)
Dr. Stanley Jaks The Four Blacks image of selection appears on black plastic card
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1951 5
George Schindler Six Sided Spirit named geometrical figure appears on paper
Mar. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 225)
Sam Leo Horowitz X-It! paper torn in eight pieces, performer draws an X on four of them, the marks disappear and appear on the other pieces
Inspired byAlso published here July 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 233)
Don Tanner Ashes to Ashes name written on a billet and burnt, ashes put on a second billet and eventually name appears
July 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 234)
Bob Somerfeld, Ted Messenger That's the Spirit name is predicted and writing appears
Inspired by
  • Ted Messenger's "Fourth Dimensional Enterprise" in "Coven"
1951 12
Toni Koynini One Pound Revelation pound note between cardboards, name of free selection appears on note, then card itself appears between boards
  • Alternative Routine - With Borrowed Cards
1951 27
Al Baker The Baker Spirit Photo "freely" chosen person appears on paper as photograph
Also published here 1951 85
Don Tanner Don Tanner's 4 Items: Item #2 paper placed in ashes, ash-writing appears on it, idea
Mar. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 276)
R. M. Jamison The Mystic Card of Fu message appears on a blank card, which names position of selection in deck
May 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 308)
Arthur Hastings Spirit Writings writing appears on one of two blank cards
Related toVariations Jan. 1956
The New Phoenix (Issue 335)
Stewart James Hotelepathy names written on cards are selected and appear on suitcase, two times and ends with a gag, uses Jack Hughes' Attaboy
1957 26
Don Tanner Royal Box image of skull appears on blank card in a box, spectator has thought of any dead president, gag
Mar. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 9)
Dr. Spencer Thornton Other Thorntonism Ideas for a serial number divination, switching playing cards and appearance of a message
1958 2
Harry Stanley Spectral Writing paper put in glass of water, message appears
1960 106
Howard A. Adams Spirit Star selected ESP symbols appear on blank cards
Inspired by May 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 357)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Die vier schwarzen Karten image of selection appears on black plastic card
Also published here 1961 20
Dr. Stanley Jaks Jaks Totenkopfexperiment name of card appears on piece of flash paper, with miniature skull
Also published here 1961 42
Dr. Helmut Teumer, Dr. Stanley Jaks Der südamerikanische Kürbistrick message appears on pumpkin
Also published here 1961 98
Edwin Leist-Bernini Zahlenzauber named number appears on signed card in envelope, carbon envelope, pyro envelope
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 22 No. 2)
Harry Lorayne Just (Business) Cards - Spirit Writes name of selection appears on business card
1962 261
Harry Lorayne Flash Printing printing business card
1962 262
Everett Lyda Impromptu Atomic Routine several tricks combined into a routine with atomic theme, Glorpy, Adam's Atomic Crystal Spot, break-away pencils
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
Don Tanner Comedy Spirit Painting skull appears in paper inside card box
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
Nate Leipzig Cigarette Paper Prediction thought of name appears on a cigarette paper
Related to 1963 141
Ali Bongo The Lady's Not for Burning eight paper pieces, four are burnt, letters appear on other pieces to form a name
Inspired byRelated to 1966 21
Ned Rutledge My Friend, Tonto writing appears on card and selection is found face up in the deck
Related toAlso published here 1967 5
Ned Rutledge The Instant Darkroom thought of symbol, number and letter appear on blank cards
Also published here 1967 43
Arthur Rasper Der neue Geisterblock blank cards shown from both sides, one chosen, put in envelope with two holes, card marked through holes, yet a message appears on card
Inspired by
  • Out-to-Lunch principle
1967 30
William T. Powers, Sam Randlett, Edward Marlo, Dick Jarrow Serios Business imitation of thought-photography of Ted Serios using small projector
Jan. 1968 151
Gerald Kosky The Spirit Writes writing appears on blank and marked card, using mechanical Card Box
Also published here 1969 91
Ellison Poland Handling for The Four Blacks image of selection appears on black plastic card leaving behind a blank card, application of the previous switch
Inspired by 1969 35
John Dowdell Sprite in a Wet Water Glass message appears on paper, in water
Magick (Issue 6)
James A. Conley Madam Fifi's Haunted House writing appears on signed paper, feather moves inside toy house
Magick (Issue 8)
Burling Hull Slate Trick Master Slate Writing, writing appears on slates, described thanks to Mickey Hades (see p. 460)
Inspired by Sep. 1971 441
Al Portwood Thought Picture ghost photo à la Ted Serious, index of selection appears, fake camera
Magick (Issue 20)
Bob Ellis Ghost Writer as Robert Ellis, history of the Out to Lunch, name of card appears on paper
Magick (Issue 22)
Morty Rudnick Funny Force prediction appears on paper, comedy presentation
1972 202
Paul Siegel Tabagie pencil and paper are sealed into envelope, slogan of named cigarette brand appears on paper
1972 12
Paul Siegel The Mephisto Writings people write down statements on paper, character reading, then writing appears on paper while hold over flame
1972 26
Arthur Setterington Message Most Mysterious writing appears on paper, signed on both sides in a circle
1972 17
Arthur Setterington All Hallows Eve spooky presentation, word chosen from a book appears on picture in a frame
1972 43
Dr. Jacob Daley Roterberg Spirit Card Effect No. 696, three selections, names appear on paper in envelope (or so it reads)
Inspired by 1972 188
Jerry Mentzer Spirit Writing four objects listed on business card, paper balled up, chosen item vanishes from list and appears written on balled-up paper
1973 157
Juan Tamariz El Espiritu de las Cenizas Reveladores name of selection is written on a napkin which is then burnt, ashes are put on a second napkin and name of card appears
1973 126
Chandler Mason Personal Voodoo voodoo doll on paper, x-mark appears at same position on second and signed drawing
Variations 1973
Magick (Issue 66)
Carl Herron Personal Talisman drawn talisman appears on a card
Magick (Issue 76)
Christopher Rogers The Ultimate Presentation answers and signature of a spectator's friend appear on signed envelopes, envelopes in jar filled with water and pencil leads
Magick (Issue 78)
Zorka Out of Ashes ashes of burnt paper rubbed on second paper reveal spectator's zodiac sign
Magick (Issue 82)
John A. Novak Playing Card Spirit Slates name of selection appears on sticker on a odd-backed card, half-forcing deck
Magick (Issue 89)
Stephen Minch The Temperance of the Elements four tarot cards matching the elements are selected, four pieces of paper where a writing appears, with the elements theme too
1974 28
Amedeo Vacca, Milbourne Christopher Flash-X pieces of paper in spectator's hand, Xs drawn on other pieces, the vanish in fire, Xs now on pieces in spectator's hand
1974 33
Stan Blumenthal Horse Sense horse race ticket, word winner appears
Magick (Issue 108)
Corvello Le Mystère des Cartes Blanches writing appears on blank card, method two show both sides of two blank cards empty
Also published here
  • "L'Illusionniste" N° 229.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 35 No. 3)
Jochen Zmeck Der FBI-Test one of six different-colored chips chosen by naming a number from an invisible die throw, predicted on blank paper by rubbing ashes on it, alternatively a two-way stencil to put over letters
Inspired by
  • Hanns Thielemann routine
1974 8
Jack Avis Spirits appearing writing on paper card reveals selection
Inspired byRelated to
  • "Simplified Psychic Writing" (S. H. Sharpe, Bagshawe's Magical Journal, Dec. 1928)
July 1975 977
Richard Lyn Name Dropper! name is selected from clear plastic forcing bag, divined and appears on soot
Related to 1975
Magick (Issue 119)
Gerald Kosky Impromptu Ultra Spirit Message using business cards
Inspired byAlso published here 1975 159
Gerald Kosky The Spirit Writes writing appears on card with famous person on it, Hypnotic card box
Also published here 1975 184
Charles T. Jordan Satan's Trance No. 26, four cards removed from thirty-two-card deck and put in envelope, lights out, when lights are back on the names of cards are written on envelope
Also published here 1975 223
Charles T. Jordan The Spectral Seamstress name of person is magically sewn on handkerchief
Also published here 1975 243
Philip T. Goldstein Tephramantic Brainwave card written on a piece of paper and burnt, ashes rubbed on an envelope and the name of the card appears, inside the envelope is a deck with the chosen card reversed, wax swami
1976 8
Philip T. Goldstein The Spirit Is Willing (to Write) spirit writing on signed business card, glorpy
Variations 1976 16
Alan Shaxon Smoking A Tin coin between tin plates, number appears on coin
1976 32
Orville Wayne Meyer Psychic Paper chosen ESP symbol appears in chosen color on cigarette paper
Magick (Issue 155)
Jack Bridwell PSI-Q lead of pencil in crumpled paper, named number appears, paper moves
Magick (Issue 160)
Sid Lorraine Voodoo Revisited voodoo doll on paper, x-mark appears at same position on second and signed drawing, carbon paper
Inspired by 1976
Magick (Issue 167)
Thomas Alan Waters Beyond Chance spectator's question on business card changes into answer, in nest of envelopes
Magick (Issue 168)
Burling Hull Volta Spiro-Predicto word or prediction appears on blank card with spectator's signature on other side, switching paper with stack of envelopes
1976 19
Frank Garcia The Mindreader's Wild Card cards with different presidents changes into selected name Lincoln
1977 102
Philip T. Goldstein The Happy Horoscoper twelve zodiac cards, named zodiac sign is removed, other cards are blank and on the named one "Happy Birthday" appears
Related toAlso published here 1977 9
Al Mann The Voice from the Abyss chosen card or word appears on a blank paper sealed in a signed envelope, Abyss envelope
1977 7
Dr. Franklin Matula Rememory! Slate message appears on cardboard, tied with ribbon
Magick (Issue 178)
Karl Fulves The $30 TV Set gag message appears on blank card
1977 145
Karl Fulves, Don Nielsen Changing Slide Projections changing image that is projected right on the screen, posed as problem
Related to 1978
Interlocutor (Issue 24)
Jerry K. Hartman Ex-specter Writing appears on paper card, revealing two selections
Inspired byAlso published here 1978 50
Al Mann Spirit Answers answer to question appears on blank business card placed inside a box, Arca system
1978 7
Philip T. Goldstein Intimate Spirit spirit writing appears on business card, signed on both sides by spectator
Apr. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Karrell Fox "Crystal-Clear" Intro name of next performer appears in drawn crystal ball
1979 218
Karrell Fox King "Toots" Tablet scribblings on cardboard visible move to name or selected card
1979 275
Larry Becker Seance signatures of famous magicians appear on chosen blank cards
1979 89
Stephen Minch The Eye of Alhazred chosen symbol appears chemically on paper, with fire
Also published here 1979 11
Stephen Minch Pickman's Model stain appears on table under statue, then statue moves and disappears
Also published here 1979 16
Nick Trost Message Cards two cards shown on all four sides which are numbered in the corner, message appears
1979 11
Mark Levy Time Out! time on drawn clock changes as time passes
Mar. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Bob Hummer Kilroy Gets Around message appears on card, mathematical procedure
Also published here 1980 36
Bob Hummer Hummeristic message appears on blank card, by rubbing ashes on it
  • #1: The Ashes Reveal
  • #2: Ghost Force
  • #3: Transference of Thought
  • #4: A Magic Business Card
  • #5: Ghost Envelope
1980 38
Ray Grismer Pen Pal automatic writing, scribble is erased and name of selection remains
Magick (Issue 269)
Ted Biet Flash Prediction writing slowly appears, using white carbon paper
Jan. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Christopher Sallek Colorevelation using "color tricks" pens
June 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 6)
Bob Ostin 'Is There Anyone There?' ink forms into chosen ESP sign, signed card, uses Velleda pens
Also published here 1981
Babel (Issue 1)
Sam Leo Horowitz Ge-X't paper torn in eight pieces, performer draws an X on four of them, the marks disappear and appear on the other pieces
Also published here June 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Der sechsseitige Geist symbols on six sides of a sugar cube, chosen one appears on piece of paper
June 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Thomas Alan Waters Alexicon name of named dead person appears on card, four ABC cards, spelling "DEAD"
Inspired by
  • Alex Elmsley's "What Card?"
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Grymwyr)
Thomas Alan Waters Hallowgram name of dead celebrity appears on one of four ABC cards, one side of the cards spells "DEAD" the other "NAME"
Inspired by
  • Alex Elmsley's "What Card?"
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Grymwyr)
Kennedy Smith Rubik Paint cube mixed by spectator, performer paints with transparent paint on white paper and a 3x3 color layout appears, the layout matches a side of the cube, cube partially fixed
1982 15
Al Mann The Book from Sumer word from a book is noted and billet burnt, performer opens book at the page and ashes are rubbed on page, chosen word appears
1982 14
Thomas Alan Waters Psychographitti four routines where writings or pictures appear on alphabet cards
  • Cardworm
  • Meow
  • Velleda Baby
  • Blast-Off
Inspired by 1983
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Psychl)
The Mystery of the Marks No. 32, Xs appear on pieces of paper
1983 9
Karl Fulves Ah Ha two blank cards under spectator's hand fuse into one with drawing of named card, mirror writing
1983 107
Ali Bongo Instant Art empty frame is wrapped in newspaper, picture appears
Related to 1983 7
Harry Lorayne Spots New?! initials on business card move and multiply
June 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 6)
Mike Gancia Name That Card name of spectator appears on selection
1984 74
Basil Horwitz Spectator's Clairvoyance & Spirit Test two spectators select same card, name of card appears on blank card, which is signed on both sides
Also published here 1984 12
Thomas Alan Waters, Philip T. Goldstein Showdiac twelve zodiac cards, named zodiac sign is removed, other cards are blank and on the named one "Happy Birthday" appears
Related to Oct. 1984
Magick (Issue 341)
Michael Rubinstein Business Card Production printing routine with business card wallet
Aug. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 8)
Thomas Alan Waters Qwhite question is written on a card and sealed in an envelope, answer given ans message appears on another blank card
Related to 1985
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Myxtyr)
Thomas Alan Waters Mutattle question written on a card is put inside two envelopes and is sealed, performer answers the question and when the envelopes are open, the question is gone and a spirit message is found on the card
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Myxtyr)
Frederick Braue Bazooka Card Trick writing appears on card that can be seen in red cellophane envelope (1943)
1985 13
Walter B. Gibson The Shadow Image stamps appear on index card held by spectator
Dec. 1985
Magick (Issue 362)
Milbourne Christopher Double Cross No. 44, eight paper pieces, four with X on them are burnt, X now on other pieces
Also published here 1985 80
Karl Fulves Tailor's Ghost No. 55, pieces of cardboard shown blank, spectator's shirt size appears on one
1985 96
The Mystic Star No. 72, two blank cards, a star appears on one visibly when held against light
Also published here
  • "The Mystic Star" (Great Magicians' Tricks, Will Goldston, 1931)
1985 127
Karl Fulves Almost Certainly No. 73, writing appears on blank card(s) to answer question
1985 130
Ben Harris Cig-Stuff message appears on cigarette, written with invisible ink
1985 128
Karl Fulves Roller Out using roller apparatus that changes blank paper to money for prediction
1986 29
Wayne Kyzer Night Writer prediction, blank card, writing is seen with flashlight, see also p. 264 for additional ideas by Phillip Young
1986 240
Dr. Dan J. Alessini One-Man Seance seance style routine,
  • paper balls with names of songs, one starts to float and tune can be heard
  • name appears on index card
  • handkerchief moves (Glorpy)
Apr. 1986
Magick (Issue 368)
Jack Bridwell Infinity circle and cross are drawn on business card, cross vanishes and appears on spectator's hand
June 1986
Magick (Issue 372)
Terri Rogers Shadowline writing on card vanishes and appears on hand of performer, erasable ink, Velleda
The New Talon (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Don Tanner Noch ein paar Effektideen - 2. skull appears on business card in card box prop (freely named but dead person)
Related to Dec. 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 3 & 4)
Eugene Burger Spirit Messages message appears on crumpled-up cigarette paper
Inspired by 1986 138
Eric Mason Eric Mason on Parallax name of thought of card appears on paper combined with Parallax
Inspired by May 1987
The New Talon (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Ned Rutledge Mein Freund Tonto writing appears on card and selection is found face up in the deck
Also published here Dec. 1987
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 2)
David Harkey Pop Art drawn cannon on signed paper really blows off
Variations Apr. 1988
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 2 No. 3)
David Ashton Living and Dead... Out to Lunch message appears on card with name of dead person
Mar. 1988
Magick (Issue 403)
Tommy Tucker Talk of the Town! named word appears on blank index card
Nov. 1988
Magick (Issue 413)
Philip T. Goldstein The Happy Horoscoper twelve zodiac cards, named zodiac sign is removed, other cards are blank and on the named one "Happy Birthday" appears
Also published here 1989 65
John Bannon Photologic on slip of paper, image of selection appears magically (spirit photography)
1990 113
Ben Harris HighLight numbers on paper, one marked with highlight pen, digit travels to another paper, using principle that highlight pens dissolve printing on NCR paper (no carbon required)
1990 9
Diabelli Bizarr bizarr routine, prediction of a Tarot card, amulet breaks into pieces and skull appears on paper
1991 47
Basil Horwitz Der übersinnliche Zuschauer two spectators select same card, name of card appears on blank card, which is signed on both sides
Also published here June 1991
Intermagic (Vol. 16 No. 2)
David Harkey Pop Art drawn cannon on signed paper really blows off
  • Pop Art in Color (using chromatic brand writing pen)
Inspired by 1991 59
David Harkey Mirage oasis appears on drawing of desert scene
1991 145
Jerry K. Hartman Ex-Specter Writing appears on paper card, revealing two selections
Inspired byAlso published here 1991 485
Diabelli Ear of the Dragon as Harry Meier, three objects in three bags, one is removed while performer turns away, ashes are placed on paper and image of chosen object appears, audible method
1991 72
Chris Kenner Print Shop business card printing
Also published here 1992 95
Anthony Lindan Speck-Ulation dots on back of business cards change into name
June 1992
The Minotaur (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Hubert T. Brill The Spirit's Right borrowed business card in envelope, writing of selected card appears on it, stamp on card case
Also published here
  • Genii, Feb. 1939
Apr. 1992
Profile (Issue 7)
Chris Kenner Print Shop business card printing
Also published here Oct. 1992
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Charles T. Jordan Satan's Trance No. 125, four cards removed from thirty-two-card deck and put in envelope, lights out, when lights are back on the names of cards are written on envelope
Also published here 1992 156
The Phantom Cut-Out Card number and suit are cut out of previously blank paper
1993 97
The Vanishing Line big drawing board, drawn line vanishes
1993 204
A Stylish Gentleman big drawing board, drawn pocket handkerchief appears on drawing
1993 206
Dan Garrett Insta-Fax Card Printer blank business card inserted into clear plastic sleeve, writing visually appears on it, WOW gimmick precursor
1993 2
Michael Weber Insta-Fax Card Printer Handling different get-ready
1993 2
Max Howard Additiontal Ideas Suggested by Max Howard for Insta-Fax Card Printer, using it with "Calculation Sensation" (Bob King), Out to Lunch combination
1993 3
Michael Stillwell The Sensational Initial Ploy blank paper card inserted in Insta-Fax Card Printer and initialed through hole in plastic, printing appears around initials
Also published here 1993 4
Paul Gertner Photocopy photocopy of palm shown, card vanishes and travels into photocopy (Himber Wallet) and on this the card appeared as well
Variations 1994 149
David Acer, Rick Bronson Missing ink double blank cards print into business cards
Also published here Sep./Oct. 1994
The Magic Menu (Vol. 5 No. 25)
Anthony Lindan Positive I.D. blank card is put in name badge plastic and performer's name appear, at the same time spectator choses one of several business cards and it's the performer's one
Dec. 1995
The Minotaur (Vol. 7 No. 4)
Karrell Fox A "Flashy" Logo flash paper on board, company name appears in flash, trade show
1995 92
Rick Bronson, David Acer Missing Ink double blank cards print into business cards
Also published here 1995 49
Paul Harris, Eric Mead Angel Case paper and pencil is put in card case, rattles, message appears on paper (case can switch pieces of paper)
Related to 1996 27
Vanni Pulè Spiegel, Spiegel name chosen from booklet appears with lipstick on mirror, svengali forcing book
Inspired by 1997
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 4 & 5)
Jean-Frederic Blain The Braille Trick marks on business cards form into name of selection
July/Aug. 1997
The Magic Menu (Vol. 7 No. 42)
Steve Beam The Checkout check book, svengali book, as a gag for card to wallet
Also published here 1998 1413
Scott Wells Second Impression photocopy of palm shown, card vanishes and travels into photocopy (Himber Wallet) and on this the card appeared as well
Inspired by 1998 71
Danny Archer Bicycle Box Built for Two image of card appears on blank paper, switching card case
Also published here Jan./Feb. 1998
The Magic Menu (Vol. 8 No. 45)
Karl Fulves Visible Ink "Unsolved Mysteries"
white cardboard dipped in water, message appears, posed as a problem
The Fine Print (Issue 10)
David Acer Mail Fraud blank post card signed, name of later selection appears on it
Variations 1999 14
Ellis Stanyon Spirit Photography No. 31, photograph of selection appears on blank paper in envelope
1999 174
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note comments on obtaining a photograph for the effect
Related to 1999 174
Ellis Stanyon The Name of the Card in a Nest of Envelopes No. 10, prediction appears on business card in nest of envelopes
1999 218
Rudolf Braunmüller Kurz-Tricks & Tips
  • prediction written with candle on back of business card
  • "do as I do" with tarot cards
Intermagic (Vol. 22 No. 4 & 5)
Geisterschrift writing appears on paper when made wet
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 2)
Ned Rutledge Die Instant-Dunkelkammer thought of symbol, number and letter appear on blank cards
Also published here 1999
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 3)
Joseph Otto Chicago Opener Variation message appears on back of card
Mar./Apr. 1999
The Magic Menu (Vol. 9 No. 52)
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Alhambra prediction of named cigarette brand, words appear on flash paper
Also published here 2000 9
Fred Goodman Vanishing Writing moist paper put in copying machine, copied text apparently disappears when touched
2000 50
Steve Beam The Checkout check book, svengali book, as a gag for card to wallet
Also published here 2000 104
Don Tanner Kartenchangier-Kassetten-Tricks
  • skull appears on business card in case, gag
  • "Houdini" written on business card, put in envelope and then in card box, card is then outside
Related to 2000
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5)
John Cornelius Prints Valiant blank paper printed into business cards, long-short, lettering as impromptu rough-smooth
2001 5
Steve Beam The Checkout check book, svengali book, as a gag for card to wallet
Also published here 2001 49
Jon Racherbaumer Doppelgänger photocopy of palm shown, card vanishes and travels into photocopy (Himber Wallet) and on this the card appeared as well
  • Magic Christian ideas
Inspired by Aug. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 8)
Michael Stillwell Sign of the Times blank paper card inserted in Insta-Fax Card Printer and initialed through hole in plastic, printing of business card appears around initials, using "Instant Business Card Printer"
Also published here 2002 10
Karl Germain, David Ben Spirit Writing thought-of name appears on a cigarette paper
Related to May 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 5)
Docc Hilford Swamp Water water from mysterious swamp, paper dissolves and message appears on other paper when placed inside the water
2002 23
Docc Hilford The First Experiment name of chosen object appears on card, pencil breaks on chest, sound in box, performer stops pulse in process
Inspired by
  • Ned Rutledge's "Green Bean Trick"
2002 11
Al Baker The Baker Spirit Photo "freely" chosen person appears on paper as photograph
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Pet Secrets)
Al Baker My Way of Doing Two Tricks Spirit Photography, card image appears on initialed paper put in envelope
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, Vol. 29 No. 10, Dec. 1930
2003 634
Al Baker Psychic Photography three methods
  • Psychic Photography Improved
  • Latest Psychic Photography
2003 730
David Ben Spirit Writing named word appears on cigarette paper
2003 27
David Acer Postcards from the Dead blank post card signed, name of later selection appears on it, with glorpy
Inspired by Dec. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 12)
Todd Karr Prince Rainier's Plume animated feather dips into ink and draws a portrait by itself on a signed piece of paper
Inspired by
  • John Carney's animated pen routine
2003 307
Danny Archer Bicycle Box Built For Two image of card appears on blank paper, switching card case
Also published here Mar. 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 7)
David Acer Open Time Traveller Writing appears on the back of selected card "You Will Pick This Card"
2004 116
Jay Sankey Between the Sheets name of selected card appears on two previously blank and banded together business cards
2004 127
David P. Abbott Spirits in the Corner