173 entries in Calculator
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Joseph Ovette The Oriental Bead Rack Abacus to force a color, two rows
1944 10
John A. Novak Calcu-Total! cards with four-digit numbers and dates are added on a calculator, total is divined/predicted
Related toVariations 1973
Magick (Issue 91)
Bob Read Calculator Writing joke, result of a calculation is a hidden message on the calculator, see also page 87 for additional idea by Dr. Brum Antonioli
Dec. 1974
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Calculator Spelling spelling words with upside down calculator
Related to Mar. 1974 714
Wesley James, Noel Coughlin The James-Coughlin List list of words that can be read as words upside down on a calculator, see also p. 786
June 1974 748
Karl Fulves Speak Up phone number converted to "psychic equivalent" with calculator, this number called and something divined, see also p. 815 for comment by J. Benson
Inspired by June 1974 748
Karl Fulves Pocket Calculators intro to some effects
June 1974 749
Karl Fulves You're In The Army upside down number to word gag
June 1974 749
Martin Gardner Strange Bedfellows upside down number to word gag
June 1974 749
Rick Johnsson It's Delete-Ful sum prediction, using calculator ruse, see also p. 815 for comment by Ronald Herman
June 1974 749
L. Vosburgh Lyons Add and Subtract number thing with desk calculator
June 1974 750
Calculator Gag "SHELL OIL" spelled out
Dec. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 2)
Al Mann Thinking Machines - Part One longer article on using calculators
  • Forward
  • General Patter Outline
Dec. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 2)
Al Mann Golden Digits two people with office machines/calculators on stage, numbers called out and added, two numbers thought of and added, prediction on slate
  • First Method
  • Revised Method
Dec. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 2)
Vic Perry The Last Miracle divination of total from calculator, misplaced buttons
Inspired by 1974
Magick (Issue 114)
John A. Novak Incalculable forcing a number with a calculator
Related to 1974
Magick (Issue 116)
Fredric Kolb ... And the Last Word on perfect calculator model for Novak's Calcu-Total
Inspired by 1974
Magick (Issue 117)
Mark Weston The Calculator Business message writing with a calculator and multiplication curriosities
Aug. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Al Mann Thinking Machines - Part Two more on calculators and addition machines
Jan. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 3)
Al Mann Alpha And Omega several spectators call out three-digit-numbers, total predicted, using calculator
Jan. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 3)
Al Mann The Phantom Digits number multiplied with two other known numbers, total named, performer immediately names original number
Jan. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 3)
Al Mann The Five-Digit Phantom number multiplied with two other known numbers, total named, performer immediately names original number
Jan. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 3)
Al Mann Thinking Machines - Part Three more on calculators and addition machines
Feb. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 4)
Al Mann Psychic Calculator three chosen numbers put into three calculators, all sums divined
Feb. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 4)
Al Mann Adithot Improved sixteen digits in square formation, added, sum predicted
  • The Calculator Version
Inspired by
  • "Adithot" (Swami)
Feb. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 4)
Karl Fulves Pocket Calculators building small calculators in pads for addition effects
Interlocutor (Issue 2)
John A. Novak Last Man on Earth
Related to 1975
Magick (Issue 123)
Roy Walton Baker Street Re-Visted cards with words on one side and numbers on the other. One card is selected and numbers added on a calculator, when turned over the result is the selected word.
Dec. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Karl Fulves (1) Calculuxe spectators do equation on calculator, final result predicted, transposing memory and equal buttons
Interlocutor (Issue 11)
Karl Fulves Calculator Madness calculator as receiver and transmitter, putting it in a microwave
Interlocutor (Issue 20)
Karl Fulves Programs watch-size programmable calculators
Interlocutor (Issue 20)
Roy Miller Divine Power number is generated with calculator, it turns out to be the serial number of chosen bill from audience member, with bulldog clip on stick
Magick (Issue 207)
David Britland Calculated Mysteries prediction / force with calculator, memory button, Uri Geller anecdote
The Talon (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves Luminous Calculator Prediction calculator's numbers leaves prediction impression on luminous paint, only idea
Interlocutor (Issue 37)
Steve Beam Mathematical Card Trick calculator is used to find position of selection, humorous presentation
Also published here 1979 24
Dick Zimmerman The October Man four numbers are written on a pad and added, total appears on calculator held in plastic bag
Magick (Issue 248)
Stephen Tucker Bessie result on calculator forms a name, name is found on selection
The Talon (Issue 6)
Karl Fulves Calculated Capital No. 39, result turned over gives city, gag
1981 49
Stephen Tucker Gags?? with calculator, reverse writing, coin travels audible on counter top
Sep. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Philip T. Goldstein Mathemusical number arrived at via calculator procedure (subtraction of three digits and its reverse, then cross sum), that number on a list of song is played by calculator
Also published here 1981
Magick (Issue 279)
Steve Beam Mathematical Card Trick calculator is used to find position of selection, humorous presentation
Also published here 1981 4
Paul Hallas Card in Calculator duplicate
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 3)
Philip T. Goldstein Mathemusical number arrived at via calculator procedure (subtraction of three digits and its reverse, then cross sum), that number on a list of song is played by calculator
Also published here 1982 2
David Hawkins Human Error gag with programmable calculator that fails to find card
Feb. 1983
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 8)
Les Johnson Micro Magic programmable pocket calculator finds card
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 10)
Paul Brignall 50337 calculator force, name of a selected city when number is turned over
Sep. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 29)
Justin Higham Hello calculator reveals word hello, which is also found on Joker
Sep. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 29)
Sam Schwartz, Karl Fulves Tips on Slate Technique having an index on the slate or a writing pad, or programmed into a pocket calculator
1983 29
Karl Fulves The Anagrammer how to present the word after the letters have been called out, using calculator upside down to reveal word from a list of eight words
Related to 1983 49
José Carroll The Card-Culator ambitious card, card to number, stop trick, card folded to calculator
Also published here 1983 10
Steve Beam Calculator Trick sum prediction, with calculator, automatic shut-off recall
Related to 1984 104
Paul Maurer Aus meiner Gagkiste: Rechnen muss man können...! card on bottom of calculator
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 5)
Karl Fulves Byte Million number chosen from programmable calculator predicted, posed as problem
Interlocutor (Issue 48)
Karl Fulves Do Electrons Think? number typed into calculator and deleted is divined, posed as problem
Interlocutor (Issue 52)
Chris Kenworthy The Ultimate Prompter four numbers are added on calculator and performer names words on that page in dictionary
Apr. 1988
Magick (Issue 404)
Paul Maurer Buchtest calculator to access word list
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 49 No. 2)
Philip T. Goldstein Fifthought three numbers added, total predicted on calculator, then chosen digit of this total divined
Inspired by
  • "Five Thoughts Ahead" (Peter Warlock)
1989 69
David Altman Nth Degree using calculator, prediction of total
Related to Nov. 1990
Magick (Issue 447)
José Carroll The Card-Calculator ambitious card, card to number, stop trick, card folded to calculator
Also published here 1991 47
David Himelrick Calculator Caper numbers added on calculator, total matches prediction
1991 39
Steve Beam Mathematical Card Trick calculator is used to find position of selection, humorous presentation
Related toAlso published here 1993 79
Max Howard Additiontal Ideas Suggested by Max Howard for Insta-Fax Card Printer, using it with "Calculation Sensation" (Bob King), Out to Lunch combination
1993 3
Karl Fulves A Mind for Figures number divination with calculator
1993 24
Rudolf Braunmüller Taschenrechner-Zahlenforce Toxic force and applications
June 1993
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 1)
Rudolf Braunmüller Phantastische Phänomene forced number in calculator makes up word that fits circumstances
June 1993
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 1)
Rudolf Braunmüller Hellsehen per Telefon spectator reverses any card behind his back, phone number forced with calculator, that person called and he names card
June 1993
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 1)
Richard Busch, David Altman Perspectives TOXIC force using a calculator
Related toAlso published here
  • "M-U-M" April, 1992.
Jan. 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 7)
Mel Bennett What Happened To Eve? palindrome comes out on calculator, numbers letters correlation
Inspired by
  • "Flip Flop Number Prediction" (D. Altman, MUM, Oct. 1983)
Rigmarole (Issue 7)
Mel Bennett Card 37 number force for 37 with calculator
Inspired by
  • "Letter for a Stranger" (Stewart James)
Rigmarole (Issue 8)
Jerry Mentzer Switch Calculator calculator with cover as two-way out switching device
1994 22
Pushbutton Magic No. 43, number on pocket calculator is Six of Hearts when turned upside down
1995 84
Karl Fulves Number Magic No. 13, spectator uses the value of a card and another number for calculation with calculator, both numbers divined when total is seen
1995 17
Karl Fulves Murder by Calculation No. 14, using four suspects on paper cards with phone numbers on their back and calculator, name spelled out on upside-down display
1995 18
Alex Elmsley Tailpiece revealing a number typed into the calculator of a windows computer
1996 51
Karl Fulves Snake On A Tape "Unsolved Mysteries"
calculator with paper tape, it comes out straight up and has a snake printed on it, posed as a problem
1996 77
Danny Archer Par for the Course prediction of score in imaginary game of golf, how many pars used noted on sheet, prediction of golf ball
Syzygy (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Karl Fulves None Is A Number
  • "Dot Com - Tricks and stunts with numbers"
row, column or diagonal on calculator layout chosen, those digits typed in and multiplied with another row, then child's age added, final number and child's age divined, credit information
1997 125
Karl Fulves Stored Time "Unsolved Mysteries"
calculator shows correct time when turned on, posed as a problem
1998 268
Karl Fulves Early Indications history of calculator tricks, automatons and tricks with electronics
1998 ii
Karl Fulves The Machinery properties of calculators
1998 v
Karl Fulves Instant Karma freely chosen age predicted on calculator
1998 1
Karl Fulves Absent Minded entered phone number seems gone on the display of a calculator, then brought back
1998 3
Karl Fulves The Eraser Code number is magically removed from memory function of calculator
1998 5
Karl Fulves Electron Thoughts number chosen from number cards is magically added to number entered in calculator
1998 7
Karl Fulves Cipher Vision part of spectator's phone number is recovered from calculator by rubbing a Joker on it
1998 9
Karl Fulves Add Infinitum number entered by performer into calculator, spectator adds a number, result predicted
1998 12
Karl Fulves Cheap Trick number entered by performer into calculator, spectator adds a number, result predicted
1998 14
Karl Fulves Cheat Method number entered by performer into calculator, spectator adds a number, result predicted
1998 15
Karl Fulves Behind The 8-Ball calculator answers questions with a list of possible answers coded by numbers
1998 16
Karl Fulves Time Recovered - Time Lost calculation with age and number on die on a calculator, performer divines both numbers by looking at final result
1998 17
Karl Fulves A Dead Machine's Tale number that is entered in calculator while it is switched off is recovered
1998 19
Karl Fulves Swindler's List number forced with calculator and number cards, character reading presentation with a list of character traits
1998 21
Karl Fulves Force-O-Matic forcing either 99 or 100 with calculator
1998 23
Karl Fulves Guess Your Age (Part One) calculator gag
1998 24
Karl Fulves Really Guess Your Age calculator returns age of spectator
1998 25
Karl Fulves Guess Your Age (Part Two) spectator guesses age of person on photograph, calculator arrives at the right age with spectator's guesses, baby gag
1998 26
Karl Fulves Meant For Each Other two rows of cards, calculation made with calculator arrives at two digit number, those two spots are exchanged in the rows, the rows then match
1998 27
Karl Fulves Count-Down Force two spectators note card in pocket by counting down to number arrived at with calculator, secretly the same card
1998 29
Karl Fulves Now Hear This number forced with calculator, prediction via object in envelope that corresponds to an ad in newspaper on that page
1998 30
Karl Fulves Lock Without Keys number force with calculator, combination lock presentation
1998 31
Karl Fulves King's Row number force with calculator, four-digit number used to find the Kings in row of cards on table
1998 32
Karl Fulves Square Route square root pushed any number of times on calculator to force a digit, used to force a group of three cards in tabled layout, one of that is then divined, alternative presentation with horse race track prediction
1998 33
Karl Fulves Short Term Memory on the memory function of calculators
1998 35
Karl Fulves Speak Memory retrieving previously entered number from calculator that is no longer visible on the display
  • Second Method
  • Third Method (application with serial number of bill)
1998 36
Karl Fulves Subconscious M+ chosen coin divined via calculation with its date on a calculator
1998 39
Karl Fulves Agatha amount of money stolen is divined with calculator
1998 41
Karl Fulves Area 51 phone number of the White House appears after spectators entered some numbers in memory of calculator
1998 43
Karl Fulves Forgetful Figures several spectators add up numbers on calculators, total divined
1998 45
Karl Fulves Recovered Memory month and year entered in memory of calculator by spectator, later recovered, two-memory feature
1998 47
Karl Fulves Ghost Writer sum of two numbers appears on calculator, two-memory feature
1998 50
Karl Fulves Little Blue "machine version of tic tac toe" using calculator
1998 52
Karl Fulves Blue Streak "machine version of tic tac toe" using calculator
  • Blue Notes
1998 55
Karl Fulves Trick Tac Toe using calculator, deck of cards and die
1998 58
Karl Fulves Tap A Phone order of digits are changed on display of calculator
1998 61
Karl Fulves Cell Phone Finesse number reverses itself on display of calculator
1998 62
Karl Fulves Mirror Child three-digit number entered by spectator later comes back reversed on display of calculator
1998 63
Karl Fulves Movable Money three digits entered by spectator in calculator, two of them switch places
1998 65
Karl Fulves Digits At A Distance three digits chosen from packet of cards, two exchanged, same thing happens on display of calculator
1998 66
Karl Fulves Digital Device four digits chosen from packet of cards, two exchanged, same thing happens on display of calculator
1998 68
Karl Fulves Other Approaches changing order of digits on calculator
1998 71
Karl Fulves Impromptu Reversion changing order of digits on calculator
1998 73
Karl Fulves The Exemplar three-digit number chosen with packet of cards is predicted on calculator
Variations 1998 74
Karl Fulves Four-Digit Version four-digit number chosen with packet of cards is predicted on calculator
Inspired by 1998 76
Karl Fulves Short Cons with calculator
  • Digits From Digits
  • Ciphers Deciphered
  • 625 Bets
  • PIE In Sky
  • A Memorable Date
1998 77
Karl Fulves Playing The Numbers spectator is "one off" in betting game with calculator
1998 81
Karl Fulves Video Poker two poker hands chosen and entered into calculator, from total the performer divines the two hands
1998 83
Karl Fulves Video Dice calculator divines thrown dice numbers
1998 85
Karl Fulves Bet A Hundred making a number from 101 to 115 appear on display without touching the number keys, with variations:
  • A Hundred Numbers
  • Rapid Numbers
  • Decimal Dilemma (posed as a problem)
  • Masked Memory (posed as a problem)
  • What's Next?
  • Nuthin
Variations 1998 87
Karl Fulves Lie To The Machine murderer chosen with five cards, calculator used to find him
1998 92
Karl Fulves Digital Schemes ideas for covering the calculator and disabling further inputs
1998 95
Karl Fulves Secret Addition several secret uses of the blindfold process when covering the display
1998 96
Karl Fulves Cover Up cover for number key on calculator to help with "Day for any Date"
Related to 1998 99
Karl Fulves The 9's Cover addition trick with calculator
1998 100
Karl Fulves Shell Game ideas for shell cover that fits over calculator
1998 102
Karl Fulves Keep Off! blocking some keys with a paper card
1998 103
Karl Fulves Down Side Up on upside down numbers on calculator
1998 104
Karl Fulves Shell Shock number travels from one calculator to another, posed as a problem
1998 105
Karl Fulves Knock Off erasing number on display of calculator with actual eraser, posed as a problem
1998 105
Karl Fulves Forced Landing spectator names number and one counts to that number on a 4x4 or 5x5 grid, forced, method with calculator
  • Notes & References (credit information)
Related to 1998 106
Martin Gardner Calculated Swindle variation of the calculator trick with 12345679
1998 110
Mel Stover Project A Picture certain number key sequence chosen by spectator on a calculator is divined
1998 112
Karl Fulves None Is A Number age divined with calculator calculation
  • Background (credit information)
1998 115
Karl Fulves Starring Role movie star chosen from list, matrix force and calculator used for a coincidence
  • Notes & References (credit information)
Related to 1998 118
Karl Fulves And The Winner Is spectators choose four cards face up from group of sixteen cards, values added and number predicted, Matrix Force application
  • Notes & References (credit information)
Variations 1998 122
Karl Fulves Topic Of Capricorn number coincidence with two calculators
1998 126
Karl Fulves End Notes calculator tricks in print
1998 129
Richard Osterlind, John Cornelius Total Knock Out number divination and prediction with gaffed calculator, based on John Cornelius' "Total Recall"
  • Business Seminar Presentation
  • Stage Presentation
1999 54
The Napoleons Die schwerste Ziffer digit moves on calculator display
Intermagic (Vol. 22 No. 4 & 5)
Neal Thomas Without Numbers bet that performer can change number on calculator to named number without pressing certain keys
Inspired by 2002 243
Lewis Jones I've got your number number force with a calculator
Inspired by
  • Michael de Marco, Linking Ring, May 2001
2002 242
Doug Canning, Steve Beam Double Digit Inflation using the Tent Prediction as a two-way out
Inspired by 2004 135
Mick Ayres Calculated Risk number is formed with calculator, cards are mixed and match the total, using A Swindle of Sorts
2004 138
Mel Bennett Easy As Abc calculator option for simplifying task to spectators in division tricks
Inspired by
  • Number Challenge (Royal Vale Heath, 1957)
  • "Zangbar Zackelback" (Wallace Lee, Genii, June 1958, p. 364)
  • "Zackelback's Problem" (John F. Pooley, Genii, Oct. 1958, p. 46)
Related to
Prolix (Issue 2)
Jack Avis Houdini's Unfinished Trick prediction with numbers, using DeMarco's pocket calculator force
Inspired by
  • Michael de Marco item in Linking Ring, May 2001
2006 79
Alan Innes Devil Lived II number 7734 forced, reads devil on calculator, devil appears on a previously blank card
Related to 2007 34
Robert E. Neale The Soul in the Machine Do some calculation on calculator, when final result is turned over it reveals a message in English
2008 275
Robert E. Neale High Noon Do some calculation on calculator, final result reveals numbers related to God's creation
2008 281
Karl Fulves Eek problem of creating calculator error without dividing by zero
Related to 2009
Prolix (Issue 6)
Roberto Giobbi Pocket-Calculator Magic presentation for old number trick on calculator
Secret Agenda (Issue Aug 13)
Karl Fulves Much Ado... zero is the unexpected result after calculation on calculator, gag prediction
Prolix (Issue 7)
Mel Bennett Nothing Test numbers chosen and put in calculator, divided by numbers chosen from deck of cards, remainder given out in money, it is zero three times
Prolix (Issue 7)
Karl Fulves Cubic Code three dice, number calculations, "Einstein's Theory"
Related to 2010
Prolix (Issue 7)
William Goodwin Pocket Calculator two number cards chosen, an amount of cards equal to their sum and product, pocket calculator appears
2011 59
Karl Fulves E Squared bet about producing error on calculator
Related to 2012
Prolix (Issue 10)
Jorge "The Jack" Garcia One Head triple prediction with rolled up papers in glass, with mental calculator
2014 24
Jorge "The Jack" Garcia One Head triple prediction with rolled up papers in glass, with mental calculator
2015 50
Bob Farmer Toxic forcing a number with a calculator
2015 51
Number Force with calculator or cell phone
2016 147
Áriston Predicción con Calculadora finding a card using a calculator
2017 90
Michael Powers, Keith Randolph Chaos four number cards used to generate four-digit number that is put in calculator, another number is subtracted, final result is nine and the four Nines are shown to be at top of four previously cut-off packets
2019 218
José Carroll The Cardculator ambitious card, card to number, stop trick, card folded to calculator
Also published here 2019 130
Michael Weber, Tim Trono TOXCCO Force spectator adds up numbers on calculator
Inspired by
  • TOXIC Force ("Calculation Sensation", Bob King, ca. 1989)
2022 7
Robert Lusthaus Calculator Magic - The Heavy Eight number eight moves to other end when calculator is tapped
Unexpected Agenda (Issue June 29)