224 entries in Mental Magic / Effects / Coincidence
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Edward Bagshawe The Circle of Coincidence five different-colored silks are put in envelopes and attached to a star stand, five color cards are shuffled and matched up with the silks, tray to switch cards
1924 11
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Übereinstimmung von Gedanke und Tat named musicians written down by performer and billets placed in hat, one is selected and it matches a card selected by another spectator
1930 54
Theodore Annemann The New Nile Divination a spectator thinks of a two digit number, random numbers are added, the sum match with the thought of number
Variations 1935 10
Theodore Annemann Pencil Reading method and two routines, divination of a calculation and spectator and performer always write the same number down
Related to 1935 23
Henry Christ Fatal Number coincidence with name list and name cards, slate writing
Also published here Aug. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 47)
Bruce Elliott Seven Wenches of Bluebird coincidences with cut-out heads
Also published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 106)
L. Vosburgh Lyons The New Half and Half three dice and list of letter combinations, a coincidence/prediction happens
Inspired byAlso published here Sep. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 148)
Paul Curry Padding add-a-number coincidence
Also published here 1941 14
Walter B. Gibson Clip Color four different colored cards are cut into different amount of pieces and sealed in envelopes, chosen color is spelled and found
Also published here Feb. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 2)
William S. Houghton "Thought Coincidence" Again spectator and performer write a word on a paper and seal it in envelopes, later they are found to be the same, using "Astro Ghost Reading" apparatus
  • Variation
Inspired by
  • "Thought Coincidence" (marketed effect, 1934 by Brown Magic Company, also in Hull's Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mentalism Volume 1)
1943 13
William S. Houghton Impromptu Name Duplication Test spectator and performer write a word on a billet, they match
1943 20
John Mulholland The Prophetic Pennies spectator shuffles deck, freely chooses penny from a pile, date matches top four cards
1944 62
L. Vosburgh Lyons The New Half and Half three dice and list of letter combinations, a coincidence/prediction happens
Inspired byAlso published here 1944 123
Bruce Elliott Bluebeard's Seven Wenches coincidences with cut-out heads, matching
Also published here 1944 157
Henry Christ Fatal Number coincidence with name list and name cards, slate writing
Also published here 1944 223
Richard Lindahl Psychic Match Mystery card is selected which has the same value as the amount of secretly moved matches
1945 9
Bruce Elliott Odds On spectator guesses picture in buddha papers, color of handkerchief in a bag, which card is reversed in the deck, and which number is written on a paper, in a locket
Jan. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 99)
Robert Fairthorne The Malkin voodoo effect, two paper dolls are rolled up and pinched with a needle, at the same places
Related toVariationsAlso published here July 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 130)
Bruce Elliott Fate male and female names are selected, one by sliding a paperclip on a list, second by rolling the dice, the names match and represent a famous pair from history
Related toVariations May 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 177)
Dr. Stanley Jaks You Cross As I Cross spectator and performer make a cross on a page in a book with the same title, it's the same page
Also published here Dec. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 245)
Aage Darling Figura spectator draws one of four symbols, the same as another spectator selected before
1953 36
Howard A. Adams Fate Again male and female names are selected, the names match and represent a famous pair from history
Inspired byAlso published here Nov. 1955
The New Phoenix (Issue 332)
Walter B. Gibson Clip Color four different colored cards are cut into different amount of pieces and sealed in envelopes, chosen color is spelled and found
Also published here 1956 200
Robert Fairthorne The Malkin voodoo effect, two paper dolls are rolled up and pinched with a needle, at the same places
Also published here 1956 215
Walter Behm Der Mathe-Magier number prediction of rolled dice, length of cut band, amount of cut cards and total of two selections, same numbers
Inspired by
  • Hofzinser's "Der Mathematiker"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 17 No. 4)
Tony Corinda No. 7. A Card Trick unknown card is marked with initials of the spectator, who finds that card by coincidence
1958 19
Tony Corinda No. 17. Any Date of the Year two calendars, spectator and performer mark the same date
1958 22
Theodore Annemann (2) Strange Coincidence spectator and performer always write the same numbers, one behind
Related to 1958 34
Punx Great Minds Think Alike one spectator reveals the thought of another, writing with finger nail on white paper for second spectator
Variations 1959 192
Al Koran "Inexplicable" spectator writes city on a billet and a clipped with a bulldog clip, several more billets are introduced, when touched with a cigarette they vanish, except one on which the same city is noted as on the spectator's billet
1959 195
Tony Corinda The Missing Link book on the table, bowl with billets, one is selected and is found to be a corner the missing corner of the book
Variations 1959 219
Tony Corinda Corinda's Incredible Slate Test alphabet cards are shuffled and put on a board under two elastic bands, word is predicted
Related to 1959 309
Dr. Spencer Thornton Coincimental performer and spectator select cards from a deck with alphabet cards, they both have the same letters and form the same word
1959 330
U. F. Grant A Date with a Coin coin is selected, when top four cards are dealt, numbers match the date of the coin
1959 30
Jochen Zmeck Farbentippen color plates, one chosen, performer touches plates as spectator spells the chosen color, performer is on chosen color when final letter is spelled
Related to 1960 5
James Auer Mental Blocks spectator and performer put different colored cubes in a tube, same order, both blindfolded
1961 48
Gerald Kosky En Rapport Psychic Thought deck with names of famous people, selected name is found on named number and was predicted earlier
1961 54
Dr. Stanley Jaks Sie machen das, was ich auch machen werde spectator and performer make a cross on a page in a book with the same title, it's the same page
Also published here 1961 38
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli, Edwin Leist-Bernini Slogan's Hellsehtrick business cards and discs with different names of magicians, one is chosen and spelled silently while performer taps on discs, when spectator stops it will match the last card touched by the performer
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 23 No. 6)
Lubor Fiedler Meister des Zufall's triangular prisms with different colors on each side, matching and prediction routine
Also published here
  • "Methodische Reihe der Zauberkunst"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 24 No. 5)
Eddie Clever Influence of Evil five ESP symbols on slate, one spectator rubs out four of them behind back, another selects ESP card from deck, they match
Related to
  • p. 35 for suggestion by Peter Warlock
Jan. 1966 13
Paul Curry Probability Zero ten business cards are numbered from one to ten on one side and the cards shuffled and turned over, spectator selects cards and the numbers from one to ten are written on the other side, they match
Related toAlso published here Aug. 1967 113
Ned Rutledge Singin' in the Brain people summing songs in their heads, performer divines them, spectators write songs down, as a climax two people think of same song
Also published here 1967 55
Dr. William Weyeneth, Dr. Stanley Jaks MRS two sets of three letters placed in three envelopes, match or coincidence
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 29 No. 5)
J. W. Sarles Not Without Sorcery performer and spectator write a color with chosen crayon, they match, moving part and hole in prediction pad, see also p. 270 for ESP version by Jules Conway
Related to Apr. 1969 249
Ellison Poland Pseudo ESP-ology spectator guesses the color of five different-colored paper cards correctly from the back
Inspired by
  • "ESP-ology" (Syd Bergson, ca. 1963)
1969 213
James Auer Mental Masquerade five men on stage, names written down on cards and one selected, same man is selected by other spectator by covering him with a covering sheet
Also published here 1970
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Alan Shaxon By Popular Request! MC trick, spectator can decide who comes next, and what they have to do, forcing the program of the evening
1970 68
Don Nielsen, Karl Fulves Colorvision Revisited two color vision sets, three-phase matching routine
July 1970 349
Lady Valerie, Gene Nielsen Star Mate with zodiac cards, matching, locking-flap Card Box
Magick (Issue 7)
Bascom Jones The Book of the Damned three phase routine with twelve zodiac cards, spectator select cards which match their personal sgin
Magick (Issue 29)
Rolf Andra Mental-Test set of number cards is shuffled and spectator numbers them correctly on the back, set of ESP cards and spectator locates his chosen symbol
Related to 1971
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 32 No. 5)
Charles "Cicardi" Scott Hell's Fire! five business cards with words on them, spectator divines them correclty
Inspired byVariations 1972
Magick (Issue 59)
Jack Kent Tillar Shock Waves three sealed envelopes in which are three billets with two-digit numbers, freely named number is found in chosen envelope
Magick (Issue 75)
Karl Fulves Voodoo bowl with folded billets, on each billet is a country, spectator and performer take the same, interesting presentation
1974 46
John A. Novak Color-Mental! two boxes of waxes crayons, two crayons are selected by two spectators and match
Magick (Issue 120)
Arthur Emerson Mind Burn two people initial half of a business card, spectator selects right half and other is burnt, ash on hand with initials
Magick (Issue 125)
James Auer, Gene Nielsen Mental Masquerade five men on stage, names written down on cards and one selected, same man is selected by other spectator by covering him with a covering sheet
Also published here 1975
Magick (Issue 134)
R. W. Grosholz From Beyond! five business cards withy symbols, spectator choses correct one
Magick (Issue 135)
Gerald Kosky Calling Cards name written on one of a handful of business cards, cards are turned over and spectator mentally spells name while performer taps cards, spectator stops at last letter and ends up on card with name on it
1975 116
Gerald Kosky Thanks to John Hamilton pile of blank cards, two words written on two cards and cards shuffled, spectator cuts deck behind back and cards with written words end up in same position
Inspired by
  • John Hamilton's "A Mini Miracle" in "The Linking Ring", October 1965.
1975 207
Gerald Kosky Constant Zodiac stack of zodiac cards is cut, four people take 12 cards and all have every Zodiac without duplicate
1975 241
Al Mann Through the Magic Door coincidence, spectator and performer select the same word from a newspaper, center tear with marked word in a newspaper
1978 14
Al Mann Panoramas of Thought six cards are written on a pad by different spectators, three spectators select a card, three of the written cards are chosen, they correspond with the selections
1978 5
Roy Miller Divine Power number is generated with calculator, it turns out to be the serial number of chosen bill from audience member, with bulldog clip on stick
Magick (Issue 207)
Philip T. Goldstein Skyward two sets of four business cards with numbers are found to be in same order, propelled-lapping
Magick (Issue 212)
Larry Becker Simpli-City Effect two sets of sixteen business cards with names of cities written on them, Do As I Do and prediction in envelope
1978 55
David Douglas Psy-Quik Tip handling for Larry Becker's Psy-Quik
Related to Oct. 1978 8
Larry Becker Increditable - The Original Psy-Quik coincidence of chosen objects from list, credit cards
Related to 1979 167
Larry Becker The Mating Game two sets of envelopes containing coins with different dates, matching routine
1979 174
Larry Becker Duo-Matic based on a Hummer idea, two spectators with four cards, 14 instructions later end up with same card
Inspired by
  • "Baby Hummer" (Charles Hudson, The Linking Ring, Dec., 1967)
1979 211
Gene "Phantini" Grant It Is an Incredible Coincidence some blank cards are cut and put in pocket, several billets with numbers, spectator choses one and it matches the amount of cut cards, with Larry Becker's "Ghost Image" Deck
1981 43
, Ben Christopher Movie Star Magic No. 32, do as I do routine with slips and names of movie stars, matching
1981 40
Gene Nielsen Synchronicity two spectators select same card, staging idea
Magick (Issue 274)
William Bauer Psi-Color Test cards with names of colors, audience vote for different colors and most popular color turns out to be the same as a color selected by a spectator
Magick (Issue 277)
Gerald Kosky Scorpio Rising 24 index cards, two are selected and marked, cards are in clock layout and both end up at same number
Magick (Issue 283)
Howard A. Adams, Bob Wagner Monopotestrio mindreading, coincidence and a prediction using a Monopoly game set
OICUFESP (Issue 7 - Matheight Miracles)
Jack Hughes Liquid Monte three numbered tubes with glasses inside, two selected and one remains is only one filled with whiskey
1981 125
Thomas Alan Waters Pointalism a knife is stabbed in tarot book and one in a tarot deck, page describes card
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Grymwyr)
Thomas Alan Waters Tarotate a knife is stabbed in tarot book and suspended by two fingers of two spectators, tarot deck is dealt and on some point the book and knife turn, the deal is stopped and the card matches the tarot card described in the book
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Grymwyr)
Thomas Alan Waters Thinky seven glass vials in envelopes, spectator finds the one filled with ink
Inspired by
  • Orville Meyer's "Think Ink" in "Magic in the Modern Manner"
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Octasm)
Eric Mason, Barrie Richardson Bingo or Raffle Movement box with paper balls, different numbers written on them, spectator names a number and selects that one
1982 30
Al Mann The Knight's Gambit named chess figure is predicted, red circle in a chess book around figure, with a letter
Variations 1982 1
Al Mann A Word in Orbit word is named by spectator, same word is marked in other book, forcing book
1982 4
Norman Houghton Love Match spectator and performer shuffle envelopes and pair them up, inside are names of celebrity pairs, they match
1982 65
Gene Nielsen The Third Person thirteen symbol cards, two cards are thought of, cards turned over in two piles both spectators stop at same time
May 1982
Magick (Issue 306)
Thomas Alan Waters On the Color-Counting Frame color forcing chart based on Stanley Collins and Ernest Noakes color-counting frame
Related to 1983
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Mindscript 3: The Symbol Test)
Paul Brignall 50337 calculator force, name of a selected city when number is turned over
Sep. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 29)
Thomas Alan Waters Speakay six people write something on a piece of paper, performer thinks of one of the words and claims that one spectator will have the urge to step forward, one does and it is the one who has written the word the performer holds
Related to 1984
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Thynk)
Gene Nielsen Tarot Enigma named card by performer ends up next to selection, only using Major Arcana
June 1984
Magick (Issue 332)
Thomas Alan Waters Quinsation five signed card (after a psychometry act) are numbered by the performer, spectators name a number each and they match with their signed cards
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Myxtyr)
Thomas Alan Waters Synchrowave two decks, same card is selected
Inspired by 1985
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Mystyx)
Thomas Alan Waters Zodiaccount approach to a book test, two persons, opened page by adding numbers is a compatibility reading for spectator's two star signs
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Fynys)
Paul Curry Probability Zero No. 2, ten business cards are numbered from one to ten on one side and the cards shuffled and turned over, spectator selects cards and the numbers from one to ten are written on the other side, they match
Also published here 1985 3
Karl Fulves A Winter's Tale No. 56, performer choses one of five pictures, spectator one of five titles, they match, all titles describe the same picture
1985 99
Howard A. Adams Liebe und Schicksal male and female names are selected, the names match and represent a famous pair from history
Also published here Oct. 1985
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 1)
Gene Nielsen Missing Link book on the table, zip loc bag with billets, one is selected and is found to be a corner the missing corner of the book
Inspired by 1985 4
Gene Nielsen Compatability Test "Compatibility", male and female spectators chose matching symbols from zip loc bag
1985 6
Gene Nielsen Double-Bagging two spectators chose something from two different zip loc bags, match
1985 6
Gene Nielsen Veiled Chancellor spectator gets only bill in zip loc bag with paper pieces
Inspired by 1985 7
Thomas Alan Waters Pyratarot thought of tarot card matches selected one and prediction
Inspired by 1987
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue T.A.R.O.T.)
Ned Rutledge Gedankenmelodie people summing songs in their heads, performer divines them, spectators write songs down, as a climax two people think of same song
Also published here Dec. 1987
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 2)
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Couch Potato two decks with cards, names of famous people in one deck and occupations in other deck, spectator selects name of husband and "couch potato"
Mar. 1988
Magick (Issue 403)
Karl Fulves Match Mates No. 39, two spectators move three different-colored silks or objects around and matches occur
1988 115
Bev Bergeron The Miracle of Synchronous Watches performer and spectator turn stem of wrist watches and stop wherever they want, same time
1989 17
Richard Webster Destination Unknown two piles of cards with holiday destinations, two spectator select same destination
Jan. 1990
Magick (Issue 433)
Diabelli Runen spectator draws a rune symbol on piece of paper which is then sealed in envelope, other spectator selects rune stone with same symbol
1991 27
Diabelli Nomen Est Omen fake check is placed in envelope, lots of envelopes are handed to the spectators, with a book consisting of first names, names are selected by accident and if one in the audience has the same name, he has to shout, first person who shouts owns the envelope with the fake check
1991 36
Daryl J. Bem Psychic Psenders two spectators draw the same image
Related to 1991 11
Jonathan Cooke Dream World two lists with dreams, performer and spectator mark the same
Aug. 1992
Magick (Issue 476)
Larry Becker Match Game cards with jokes matching cards with punchlines,
Inspired byAlso published here 1992 221
Jim Magus, Charles "Cicardi" Scott Arcana: Sleeping Gypsy using Tarot cards, name of cards written on index card and correctly allocated by spectator
Inspired by Oct. 1992
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 4)
Marv Long The Astro-Link deck with Zodiac symbols, spectator cuts to his/her sign
Jan. 1993
Magick (Issue 483)
Jack Yeager Love Match cards with colors and gem stones, pair selects each and colors match, PATEO
Variations Nov. 1993
Magick (Issue 496)
Philip T. Goldstein Symbue color cards, thought of color & design spelled to, progressive speller principle
1994 12
Philip T. Goldstein Pangmaster letter/word tiles used for a coincidence
VariationsAlso published here 1994 27
Philip T. Goldstein Shufflegram
  • First Avenue (with fishing)
  • Second Avenue (where spectator looks at a word in a dictionary as tell)
Inspired by
  • "Webster Had A Word For It" (Stewart James, Linking Ring)
1994 38
Philip T. Goldstein Yada pack with ten arrow cards
Inspired by 1994 59
Al Mann The VIP's Choice waitress and spectator write the same number, opener move
1994 5
John Riggs ESP 2000 six business cards are numbered from one to six on one side and the cards shuffled and turned over, spectator selects cards and the numbers from one to six are written on the other side, they match
Inspired by
  • Ormond McGill's "ESP Guessing Game"
Related to
1994 922
Paul Alberstat Elemental Assembly five cards are torn and elements are spelled to find matching halves
Syzygy (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Pentacloth spectator cuts to lucky Tarot card
Apr. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 10)
John Riggs ESP Guessing Game 2000 six blank cards are numbered, spectator guesses where which number is and he is right
Inspired by
  • Orville Meyer's "The ESP Guessing Game"
Related to
1995 59
Anthony Lindan Positive I.D. blank card is put in name badge plastic and performer's name appear, at the same time spectator choses one of several business cards and it's the performer's one
Dec. 1995
The Minotaur (Vol. 7 No. 4)
Karrell Fox Take Your Pick car key tags chosen from change bag, all the same brand, trade show presentation
1995 84
Gary Ward PSImpathy instruction game with two spectators and five coins, both end up with same coin
Syzygy (Vol. 2 No. 13)
Dave Arch Turning the Tarot finding chosen Tarot card, spelling a name
Syzygy (Vol. 3 No. 15)
Mark Strivings Warm Fuzzies Up Close cards with colors and gem stones, pair selects each and colors match, PATEO
Inspired byVariations 1996 39
Richard Bartram, Jr. Kill the Messenger voodoo effect, picture is pierced and performer bleeds at same place
1997 127
Karl Fulves His & Hers "New Maps", two papers with sixteen squares filled out with names by girl and her boyfriend and cut into loose squares, their own names are in same position
1998 61
Rudolf Braunmüller Paarweise word pairs on paper pieces, two chosen that match
Intermagic (Vol. 22 No. 2)
James Cuthbert Tourist Trap envelopes with coins from different countries, one is selected and matches chosen postcard
Syzygy (Vol. 4 No. 9)
Terri Rogers Chess Mate Magician uses two transparent chess clock faces to predict sum of two randomly chosen numbers, and also the choices end on two matching chess pieces. Based on the Gemini Factor mathematical principle.
Related to 1998 41
Terri Rogers Mind Game Magician predicts correctly that spectators will randomly end up choosing two comedians who work together. Based on the Gemini Factor mathematical principle.
Related to 1998 46
Karl Fulves Starring Role movie star chosen from list, matrix force and calculator used for a coincidence
  • Notes & References (credit information)
Related to 1998 118
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Hoops a daisy spectator selects a zodiac card among twelve from a clear bag, it matches his zodiac sign
1999 27
Karl Fulves Romeo and Carol "Three Tricks"
names written on both ends of four pieces of paper, torn in half, pairs made, matching people are combined, Ramasee Principle
1999 20
Roy Johnson Chromatismus three spectators choose a color, then a number from one to eight, chosen colors match with colors written on eight numbered cards
Inspired by 1999
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 1)
Chris Hurlbert Ognip using Bingo cards, selected person is first to get Bingo, as Hurlburt
Syzygy (Vol. 4 No. 17)
Chris Wardle Compatibility test with couple, woman writes a number down and man does some additions, both end up with same number
Syzygy (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Andy Nyman Mr. Saturday Night nine envelopes with "Mr. Right?" on them, one chosen (PATEO), it describes the fiancé of the woman
Also published here 1999 10
Kenton Knepper What a Trip! two spectator select the same postcard which is divined and was prediction as a climax
May 2000
Pabular (Vol. 9 No. 3)
Bob Still Color View spectators draw pictures on different-colored papers, torn up and tossed in clear plastic bag with more already torn up pieces, four matching pieces of chosen picture taken out by performer
Related to 2000 53
Chan Canasta Experiment in Concerted Motion two people make the same movements
2000 105
Chris Wardle Great Minds Think Alike one person writes down a four-figure number, another makes calculations with years and dates (extension of Al Baker's date addition force), the numbers match
Inspired by
  • earlier version using Tarot Cards by Chris Wardle in Abracadabra
2000 16
Richard Mark "Will the Names Match?" cards with names are torn in half and matching halves are found by spelling words in title
2000 27
Richard Mark Image Of Coincidence photo and envelope are selected, content of envelope matches foto
2000 99
Richard Mark You Do Voo doo Voodoo routine, ending "Will the Cards Match" with voodoo presentation "Will the Curse Match"
2000 105
Paul Curry Probability Zero ten business cards are numbered from one to ten on one side and the cards shuffled and turned over, spectator selects cards and the numbers from one to ten are written on the other side, they match, first in "Sealed Miracles 1", 1944
Related toVariationsAlso published here 2001 139
Paul Curry Padding add-a-number coincidence
VariationsAlso published here 2001 156
David Acer Mitosis two spectators each write down sic digit numbers, add them together, calls that number on a phone, turns out to be magician's cellphone number
Also published here May 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 5)
David Berglas The Mexican Hat Dance six men choose different hats to music and when the music stops the selection is examined after several rounds all six wear the same hats
2002 267
David Berglas Coloured Discs Four spectators select different colored balls from a box and put them in their pockets, then they get a board with a color matrix on one side and numbers on the other. A number is selected and the color matrix faced to the audience, eventually the performer divines the remaining ball in the box, each color and in which pocket it is and when the selected number is counted on the matrix it matches their selection. As a kicker a prediction of the remaining ball is shown
Related toAlso published here 2002 291
David Berglas Coincidental Colours brief, same as Coloured Discs
Related to 2002 342
Tom Costas Picture Cards Coincidence probability coincidence using cards with images on them
2002 240
James Cuthbert Bit on the Backside prediction of heads or tails, coin in envelope with same side up, with chosen side written on other side as a gag
Syzygy (Vol. 5 No. 9)
Brian O'Neill Lucky Ticket roll with ticket strips, one forced with variation of Clip Line (cut newspaper strip) method
Also published here Apr. 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 8)
David Berglas Colored Discs four spectators select different colored balls from a box and put them in their pockets, then they get a board with a color matrix on one side and numbers on the other. A number is selected and the color matrix faced to the audience, eventually the performer divines the remaining ball in the box, each color and in which pocket it is and when the selected number is counted on the matrix it matches their selection. As a kicker a prediction of the remaining ball is shown
Also published here Nov. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 3)
Andy Nyman The Hidden spectator places coin, wallet and watch on table, then cuts to three cards in deck of blank cards with objects written on them, the objects match the three removed items
Inspired byRelated to
  • "Synonymental" (Ed Mellon)
Also published here
2002 25
Ali Bongo Sympathetic Colours two spectator selects same colored ball from bag
2003 8
Allan Slaight The Bard and The Bible matrix number force used for a coincidence about a bible verse and the name Shakespeare
Jan. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 1)
Morley Budden Post-It Parapsychology two spectators draw same picture
Related to 2003
Syzygy (Vol. 5 No. 17)
Luke Jermay Phone Predicton three cards are predicted and random numbers add up to performers cell phone number
2004 32
David Acer Mitosis two spectators each write down sic digit numbers, add them together, calls that number on a phone, turns out to be magician's cellphone number
Also published here 2004 290
Jay Sankey Drew as I Drew two scribblings made with pen on business cards without looking match
Inspired by 2004 131
Robert Cassidy Extra Sensory Switch three routines with the Delight Switch
  • two rows with five ESP cards, after switching all cards match
  • two rows with five ESP cards, only one match, prediction
  • spectator and performer note a number and seal it in envelopes, they are switched and both numbers are the same
Related to
  • "Thought Coincidence" (marketed effect, 1934 by Brown Magic Company, also in Hull's Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mentalism Volume 1)
2004 55
Kostya Kimlat License to Steal, to Amaze, to Refrigerator numbers and letters are selected, spectator realizes that they form license plat from card, then plate is produced as a kicker
2004 31
Paolo Cavalli, Massimo Tira Wook spectator choses word from book before the show, other spectator selects same word from book during the show
Inspired by 2004 10
Bruce Bernstein Eat At Joe's envelopes with letters are switched and when opened they form a message
Related toAlso published here 2004 11
Bob Love Warm Fuzzies Up Close Update cards with colors and wrapped colored candies, pair selects each and colors match, PATEO
Inspired by 2004 37
Steven Brehe Token Of Affection cards with colors and gem stones, pair selects each and colors match, PATEO
Inspired by 2004 38
Barrie Richardson Impromptu Psychic Matching business cards torn in quarters to make two sets of five symbols, matching with those
Inspired by
  • Hen Fetsch's "Symbologic"
Also published here
  • Club 71, Christmas 2002
2005 74
Jack T. Koopmans Celebrity Search ten cards with names of celebrities are dealt in circle, spectator thinks of one from a numbered list, performer touches tabled cards one by one until spectator says stop, name matches selection
Related toVariations Aug. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Gene Taylor Hollywood Squares nine cards with celebrities laid out in a grid, spectator chooses one from another set of cards, performer touches tabled cards one by one until spectator says stop while he spells his name, name matches selection
Inspired by Nov. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. Annual 2005)
Docc Hilford E'Voque seven random objects are placed on the table and a spectator secretly writes down one object, second spectator selects matching object, thorough Equivoque explanation
  • Step1: The Items
  • Step 2: The Prediction
  • Step 3: The Set-Up
  • Step 4: The First Line
  • Step 5: The Second Line
  • Step 5: The Third Line
  • Opening Patter
  • Afterthoughts
2005 7
Docc Hilford E'Voqueing People seven people on stage with different colored balloon hats, other spectator selects on and this person is selected, prediction of color of hat
2005 22
Docc Hilford Dr Cocktail's Party Game seven people on stage with different drinks, bar keeper choses a drink secretly, person is selected by other guest and name is predicted
2005 25
Karl Fulves Comedy Central presentation of Doubling Box with cards that have punchlines and jokes on them, only a specific joke matches its punchline when cards are turned up simultaneously
Inspired by 2006
Prolix (Issue 1)
Docc Hilford 1n-N1l3-At10n "In-Nile-Ation", a spectator thinks of a two digit number, random numbers are added, the sum match with the thought of number
Inspired by 2006 28
Allan Slaight The Bard and the Bible magic square, Shakespeare presentation, 46th word from front and back in 46th psalm of King James bible
Also published here
  • Puzzler's Tribute: A Feast for the Mind, 2002
2008 162
Oliver Meech Final Signature Spectator selects only business card that is not already written on
2009 70
Tom Stone Cinderella mentalism 1 "mentalist’s version of 'Sam the Bellhop'", story told with props in bags in random order
2009 6
Tom Stone White Death blank cards are laid out on table, spectator moves around with marker, later it is shown that he avoided the cards with "crack" written on their underside, Himber Wallet
Also published here 2009 7
Tom Stone White Death (method 2) blank cards are laid out on glass sheet, spectator moves around with marker, later it is shown that he avoided the cards with "crack" written on their underside
2009 8
Tom Stone Mental Sports coincidence with different types of sports ball that are matched with the sport equipment
Inspired by
  • Ed Mellon's "Quantimental"
2009 9
Jon Allen Word's Funniest Joke five envelopes with parts of a joke are put in right order
2009 134
Andy Nyman Mr. Saturday Night nine envelopes with "Mr. Right?" on them, one chosen (PATEO), it describes the fiancé of the woman
Also published here 2010 79
Andy Nyman The Hidden spectator places coin, wallet and watch on table, then cuts to three cards in deck of blank cards with objects written on them, the objects match the three removed items
Inspired byRelated to
  • "Synonymental" (Ed Mellon)
Also published here
2010 141
Andy Nyman The Heist spectator puts money in an envelope, it is mixed with three more envelopes and all but one are put through a shredder according to instructions, the money envelope remains, performer never touches anything
2010 197
Andy Nyman Mazeltov Aura Test borrowed watch is placed in wine glass which is put in padded envelope, four more identical envelopes are put on the floor and mixed with the one with the watch, performer stomps on four, the watch is left intact
2010 217
David Acer Mitosis two spectators each write down sic digit numbers, add them together, calls that number on a phone, turns out to be magician's cellphone number
Also published here 2011 149
Barrie Richardson Symbologic Revisited coins with colored stickers, two sets of five, spectator matches colors unseen in two phases
  • Phase I - Three Matches
  • Phase II - Five Matches
Inspired by
  • Hen Fetsch's "Symbologic"
Also published here
  • The Magician, Aug./Sep. 2006
2011 93
Max Maven Procre two piles with three-letter strings are dealt through with one card face-up, the cards at that position form an actual word
Inspired byAlso published here
  • The James File, 2000
Dec. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 12)
Christoph Borer Die Übereinstimmung two spectators select two objects with the same symbol on it
2012 8
Christoph Borer Schamanische Steine two stones are selected which have the same symbol on it
2012 8
Christoph Borer Herzen der Liebe couple selects two heart-stones, they have the same symbol on the back
2012 9
Max Maven Pangmaster
  • Lost Horizons
letter/word tiles used for a coincidence
Also published here June 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 6)
Bruce Bernstein Eat At Joe's envelopes with letters are switched and when opened they form a message
Also published here 2012 56
Robert Cassidy Matchmaker - One Man Billet Routine #4 postcards torn in halves and put inside bag, two people each select matching halves, forcing bag
2013 172
Robert Cassidy The Nameless Secret two people select same city, using Atlas and cards with names of cities
2013 316
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Making Things Right two rows of three torn-apart paper pieces are formed and then exchanged according to diagram, afterwards the pieces are correctly paired
Related to Sep. 2013
Real Secrets (Vol. 2 No. 18)
Dr. Stanley Jaks You Cross as I Cross spectator and performer make a cross on a page in a book with the same title, it's the same page
Also published here 2014 245
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Perfect Match two chosen numbers are transformed via information on a card and they turn out to match
(Real Secrets Bonus sheet)
Nov. 2014
Real Secrets (Vol. 3 No. 32)
Michael Weber Making Things Right two rows of three coins are formed and coins exchanged according to diagram, afterwards the coins are paired, credit information
Inspired byRelated to 2015 4
Michael Weber The UnMixologist presentation of "Making Things Right" in which cocktails are matched with garnishes via diagram instructions
Related to 2015 11
Michael Weber UnMixed Marriages presentation of "Making Things Right" in which three married couples stand back-to-back and are matched via diagram instructions
Related to 2015 11
Michael Weber 4 Sided Triangle - Weber Notes variation with a word instead of cards
Inspired by 2015 15
Alexander de Cova Königsgambit chosen chess figure is predicted, red circle in a chess book around figure, with a letter
  • Die Waage (using hidden scale to find out which chess figure is missing from box)
Inspired by 2015 171
Christoph Borer Die Catha-Zettel spectator selects one of five billets on which is written "may the show begin", on the other billets are humorous remarks
Related to 2016 26
Christoph Borer Die Reiseprospekte out of this world with travel brochures, one have a cross the other a check mark
Related to 2016 30
Christoph Borer Kloincidence matching routine with toilet signs, male / female
2016 39
Christoph Borer Lea cards with tombstones, names written on them, selection was named before trick begun
2016 110
Jim Steinmeyer Poetry in Motion
  • Conjuring
order of six envelopes chosen by spectators, they form a poem in the right order
Also published here Dec. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 12)
Ted Karmilovich The Three Pellet Test performer and spectator each have three paper balls with written colors, matching routine, repeated with names of stooges and the words show, movie and theater
  • The Golf Pencil and Other Subtleties
Related to
  • "Ghostly Influence" (Clettis Musson, The New Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mentalism, Volume Two, p. 5)
2017 1
Jim Steinmeyer Poetry in Motion order of six envelopes chosen by spectators, they form a poem in the right order
Also published here 2017 11
Harapan Ong On Apophenia and Coincidence Effects I: An anecdote (impossible vs. improbable)
II: Infusing Intention
III: Connecting random dots
IV: Another anecdote ( "trick that cannot be explained")
V: References
2018 216
Dexter Cleveland Punchlines cards with jokes matching cards with punchlines, Ramasee Principle, same idea as Becker's Punch Lines
Also published here 2020 37
Jonathan Friedman The Trick (or Treat) That Can't Be Explained ten envelopes, one chosen via spelling procedure, it has the candy reward inside
Oct. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 10)
Brian O'Neill Lucky Ticket roll with ticket strips, one forced with variation of Clip Line (cut newspaper strip) method
Also published here 2022 71
Steve Skomp Camouflage 4x4 grid of face-down papers, pairs are exchanged by spectator, yet when collected and laid out again the baby gag image forms
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Dec. 2008
2022 809
Tom Stone White Death blank cards are laid out on table, spectator moves around with marker, later it is shown that he avoided the cards with "death" written on their underside, Himber Wallet
Also published here 2022 6
Jonathan Friedman CHICO's Curse
  • WWPD
one of six words chosen, it is the only one that reads the same in a mirror
Oct. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 10)
John Hostler Top Twenty song title chosen from list, title's letters used to remove cards from a deck of cards with letters written on the cards's backs, the face are Ace through Queen of Hearts and a previously chosen card is the King to complete the suit, the song's title is an anagram and spells out "King of Hearts"
Inspired by 2023 30
Tom Stone White Death blank cards are laid out on table, spectator moves around with marker, later it is shown that he avoided the cards with "death" written on their underside, Himber Wallet
Also published here 2024 8