66 entries in Mental Magic / Principles / Instant Stooge
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Dr. Douglas Kelley Douglas Kelley's Telephone Trick spectator calls with a toy telephone and reveals selected card
Related to 1942
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1942)
George Armstrong What's On Your Mind? word from a book is predicted on a billet
July 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 14)
Vivian St. John Disembodied C.P.A. lady from audience is blindfolded and reveals a result from a calculation
June 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 37)
Theodore Annemann Impromptu Frame-Ups feeling time behind back, knowing what is drawn on slate, instant stooge
  • 1. Envelope Test
  • 2. Watch Test
  • 3. Slate Test
  • 4. Another Slate Test
  • 5. Shirt Test
Also published here 1944 113
Orville Wayne Meyer Hit Parade spectator thinks of song from top ten, pianist starts playing it, verbal code
Also published here 1944 340
Crystal Ball spectator sees information in crystal ball
1945 37
C. L. Boarde Telephone Tests - Variation B apparently person at other end of the phone divines word, written on billet
1947 91
C. L. Boarde Projection - Variation C spectator duplicates drawing, "be a good sport..."
1947 94
Tony Corinda, "Teddy" Love (13) Stooges comments, trick by "Teddy" Love where two spectator's select the same card as the performer does, three decks
Also published here 1958 99
Felix Greenfield A TIp on Hip ideas for instant stooging, pseudo hypnotism
Apr. 1967
The New Jinx (Vol. 5 No. 60)
George B. Anderson Here's Your Number spectator divines number, coding with word on cigarette
1968 10
George B. Anderson The Blackboard Gimmick submitting message secretly to spectator who divines thought of other spectator, using a blackboard for children
1968 13
George B. Anderson The Bystander Book Test spectator divines chosen word from book by writing it on a slate
1968 18
George B. Anderson Let the Volunteer Do It transmitting message to spectator, using a hooked coin
1968 21
Sandy Spillman Modern Mentalism name appears in crystal ball, method to add piece of paper
June 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 15)
Ron Barry Dimension 'X' bold book test
Magick (Issue 57)
Sam Dalal Women Can Tell... ESP deck, card selected and sealed in envelope, spectator divines symbol by looking into crystal ball
Related to 1974
Magick (Issue 116)
Joseph Dunninger Destiny's Disciple waiter in restaurant writes number on paper, which is later divined
VariationsAlso published here 1975
Magick (Issue 123)
Marvin Miller Destiny's Disciple waiter in restaurant writes number on paper, which is later divined
Inspired byRelated to 1977
Magick (Issue 173)
Philip T. Goldstein Zodiaction spectator looks at a chart with the zodiac signs and thinks of one
1978 6
Philip T. Goldstein Zodiaction spectator looks at a chart with the zodiac signs and thinks of one
1978 6
Karl Fulves Nielsen-Fulves Book Test Controversy using a stooge in a book test, gag examples
Interlocutor (Issue 23)
Philip T. Goldstein Green Bells of Hell different colors are noted down by different people, one color is selected, prediction
Magick (Issue 209)
B.C. Milnov Odd Coincident waiter in restaurant writes number on business card, which was predicted beforehand
Inspired byAlso published here 1979
Magick (Issue 243)
Gene "Phantini" Grant Supreme Psychometry pseudo psychometry, different objects in envelopes, serial number divination of a bill
1981 71
Joseph Dunninger The Tri Cycle Experiment spectator thinks of a three digit number, other spectator identifies it, Dunninger Ploy and stage whispering/cueing
1983 6
Jerry K. Hartman, Karl Fulves Memorease No. 91, spectator can memorize large number, also letters
Also published here 1983 118
Father Cyprian Bank Deposit Slip Prediction four spectators each write down a sum of money from $1 to $10, added together, equal to a bank deposit placed in envelope as prediction
Related to 1983 27
Father Cyprian Match Box four spectators each write down a sum of money from $1 to $10, added together, equal to money placed in a box as prediction
Related to 1983 29
Peter Duffie Fred 23 bold number force, card named, number written on back of named selection
Related to 1984 19
Karrell Fox The "Imposiword" Book Test "one word will stand out to you", large word on pull
1991 77
Chuck Hickok The Three T's (Telesthesia, Telepathy, and Teleportation) spectator divines serial number, bill is burnt and found restored in box, bill duplication method
Inspired by
  • Bob Christenson'r routine in "Vibrations" #136.
1991 35
Larry Becker Crystal-Eyes second spectator sees chosen ESP symbol in wristwatch
Related to 1992 194
Larry Becker Subliminal Persuasion spectator listens to music and then selects a word which is divined
1992 405
Steve Dusheck Stooge Book Prediction
1993 52
B.C. Milnov Odd Coincident same as The Impossible Prediction, impromptu stooge
Also published here 1994 4
Al Mann The VIP's Choice waitress and spectator write the same number, opener move
1994 5
Ted Lesley The Mentalist's Tablecloth magnets under tablecloth, plate lifter used, to cue spectator, move objects etc.
  • The Dung Beetle Revelations
  • The Living Dead
  • Greased Ghost (Haunted deck with plate lifter method)
  • Grand Mal Geller (spoon in bag moves and bends)
Related to 1994 132
Lloyd E. Jones Ein Einmann-Gedankenlese-Akt two spectators on stage divine things, instant stooge message cards
Mar. 1995
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 2)
Bev Bergeron Mental Murmors newspaper adverts pasted on index cards, selected one is divined by second spectator, voice recorder pen
Syzygy (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Jim Steinmeyer The Psychic Trust
  • Conjuring
borrowed bill put in one of four numbered envelopes, spectator burns three of them by himself
Also published here
  • New Invocation, Oct. 1983
Dec. 1996
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 4)
Ted Lesley The Box vibrating box, instant stooge
Inspired by Sep. 1997 11
Andreas Michel-Andino Der Gedankenübertragungsapparat "Ideen, Variationen Anekdoten und eine Routine zu einem modernen Klassiker"
egg beater mind reading, with different variations
  • Wie alles anfing
  • Variationen
  • Meine Routine
  • Erfahrungen und Anekdoten
Related to 1997
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 4 & 5)
Andreas Michel-Andino Nachtrag zum Gedankenübertragungsapparat more comments
Related to 1998
Intermagic (Vol. 22 No. 1)
Jas Jakutsch "Lost & Found" AKA "Six in One" billet routine with four phases, twelve people write down a los object and their initials, spectator finds the right billets, without opening it, divines the content of several and a member of the audience does the same too
1999 5
J. T. Knight Hue Clue three different-colored silk in three glasses, one chosen, another spectator divines the choice
Related to 2000 102
Chuck Hickok Demonstration Five: Anything Can Be Learned spectator divines symbol, number and word from other spectator, dotted information
2002 107
Ali Bongo Sympathetic Colours two spectator selects same colored ball from bag
2003 8
Morley Budden Post-It Parapsychology two spectators draw same picture
Related to 2003
Syzygy (Vol. 5 No. 17)
Tom Stone Chairport as spectator is going to row of chairs to sit down, performer already displays a prediction which chair will be chosen
VariationsAlso published here 2003 3
Docc Hilford Cellular Mitosis person is called who reveals information a spectator secretly wrote on a business card
  • Test I
  • Test II
2005 6
Docc Hilford Super Secret Bonus Routine: Hypnotorious spectator write down various action test, person is apparently hypnotized and divines actions by doing them, a la Hot Seat
2005 34
Michael Weber Landing Pad chair test with one spectator and six chairs, dated 2002
Inspired by 2008 10
Hector Chadwick The Prophecy of Gregynog Spectator divines chosen object
2008 155
Michael Weber (with your) Back to the Drawing Boards using three spectators
Variations 2009 1
Tom Stone Audience Cues using anamorphic image to cue audience (blurry part of design not seen from close, but from far away)
  • Version 2
Inspired by
  • "Crazy Huh?" (Irv Wiener, The New Jiny, April 1963)
2009 15
Barry Cooper A Special Place presentation for a Swami Test, instant stooge hypnotism
Inspired by 2009 73
Oliver Meech Truly Invisible Deck Spectator reads the mind of another spectator, divine which card has been reversed in an imaginary deck, no cards used
2010 44
Tom Stone Chairport as spectator is going to row of chairs to sit down, performer already displays a prediction which chair will be chosen
Also published here 2011 96
Michael Weber (with your) Back to the Drawing Boards using three spectators, updated version
Inspired by 2011 1
Jon Armstrong The Kids' Table color of crayon behind back is divined, repeated by a spectator
2011 32
James Biss Password Projected one-ahead divination
2012 39
Robert Cassidy It's Not What You Think, But How You Think It That Counts on the use instant stooge
2013 320
G Banana (太阳花) Make writing appear on banana, and also make spectator correctly guess what's inside a paperbag (a banana)
2015 47
Gerry McCambridge Chapter 17: Three Index Card Q&A performer divines info from three spectators, routine for when audience is too big to distribute slips to everyone or for a short show
2017 111
Steve Skomp Spectrum secret cueing of spectator to write something on clipboard, blue writing under blue translucent foil
Also published here
  • MAGIC, July 2006
2022 516