47 entries in Box
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Le Grand Sultan automaton who can divine a card by nodding with his head, the number of a rolled dice and in which compartment of a closed box a doll is placed, with assitant
1784 1
La Carte Brûlée, qu'on Fait Trouver Dans une Montre card is selected and burnt, ashes vanish from a box and miniature card is found under glass of a watch, spectator selects among three, with assistant
1784 19
La Balle Jettée Dans la Petite Maison à Trois Portes & Sortant Par l'une des Trois à Volonté a ball is thrown in a little house with three doors and is coming out of the chosen door
1784 44
Le Coffre Qui s'ouvre à Volonté lid of box opens at will
1784 53
Light and Heavy Chest with cigar box on plate, electro magnet
1899 74
Tom Sellers Off And On Again ribbon is removed from a gift box and under cover the ribbon appear again tied around the box, shell
1939 11
L. Vosburgh Lyons Okito Outdone okito box with a rectangular box
Dec. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 50)
R. M. Jamison Force Box
Nov. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 72)
L. Vosburgh Lyons, Ronald B. Edwards, Clayton Rawson, Bruce Elliott, Walter B. Gibson Boxed piece of a magazine is put on a string and the ends of the string thread through two holes in a box, a word is selected and when checked on the piece on the string all words are crossed out except the selected one
Related to Apr. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 81)
Billy McComb William Turns Gravity Upside Down board on two trestles with three bricks on top, trestles are removed and the rest floats, then board, lowermost and middle brick are removed one by one, still suspended in the air
1947 49
Martin Gardner Box
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
general comments on boxes
July 1951 815
Box (1)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
living finger in box
July 1951 815
Box (2)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
boiling water in cardboard box
July 1951 815
Box (3)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
color vision with different colored balls in box
July 1951 815
Theodore Annemann Three Card Monte Outdone with three aspirin boxes and one penny
Related to 1952 7
Blocks of India Variation on Blyth's Domino Box, uses colored dominoes
Inspired by 1956 110
Al Murdy The Novelty Novel box to carry tricks, designed as book
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1958)
(11) The Prediction Chest brief
1958 98
Tony Corinda (7) Corinda's "Money Box" coins in box are removed, performer names amount and dates on the coins, electronic version
Related toVariations 1958 150
Dr. Stanley Jaks Die Miniaturklopfhand rapping noise from a small box
Also published here 1961 74
Frederica Spiritune a tune is selected and predicted with a music box, when the music box is opened, it's found empty
Variations 1967 171
Bob Ostin Thimble Box thimble vanishes and appears in a box
1967 179
Roy Fromer The Tale of Count Magnus black box sealed with three pieces of scotch tape slowly opens by itself, with vampire story
July 1967
The New Jinx (Vol. 6 No. 63)
Music Box Prediction cards with songs, one chosen, music box produces this song and then turns out to be empty, "suggested in Great Britain a few years ago"
Related to Dec. 1969 308
Sid Fleischman Haunted House Plus Two using Jap Box, moving silk
Related to 1972
Magick (Issue 61)
Dick Zimmerman Crystal Card Box deck in clear box, selection comes out of the deck, pushes the lid open and falling on the table
1973 11
Theo "Okito" Bamberg Tea Canister Mystery object from canister travels to other canister, then fish appears
1973 89
Theo "Okito" Bamberg Jewel Chest Mystery box with objects from the audience vanishes and appears again, uses the Substitution Principle
1973 112
Sid Fleischman, Robert "Bob" J. Gunther 'Test' Conditions number on poker chip is divined, in rattle box
Magick (Issue 131)
Erwin Schussel Pandora's Box of the Future prediction of events happening during the show, in locked box, several pieces of paper
Magick (Issue 158)
Al Mann The Reach of the Mind box with several pendulums of different lengths, chosen one starts to move
Related to 1977 16
Tan Hock Chuan The Box from Singapore Production Box
1977 27
Tan Hock Chuan Night-Club Double Box Illusion
1977 31
Tan Hock Chuan The Reappearing Pearls String of pearls appear in empty box
1977 39
Thomas Alan Waters Box Office box with amulets on a tray, one is removed and under the tray but in the box is a prediction with the right choice
Related toVariations 1979
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue New Thoughts For Old)
Alexander Renno Mind's Eye several chess pieces in a box, performer divines the one which is removed
Related toVariations 1979
Magick (Issue 242)
Larry Becker Spectromental
  • Effect #1: color of poker chip in cardboard box is predicted, other two are divined
  • Effect #2: drawing in cardboard box is divined
Variations 1979 44
Marconick The Box of Mystery coin placed on box and hand appears to grab coin, miniature card on hand
1982 41
Marconick Another Mystery Box coin placed on box and hand appears to grab coin, miniature card on hand, using freely named card
1982 42
Al Mann Cagliostro's Message! No. 39, question locked in box is answered
1983 11
Martin Lewis My Great-Great Grandfather's Card Trick Signed card travels to deck locked in antique wooden case
1985 52
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Sounds of Music a tune is selected and predicted with a music box, when the music box is opened, it's found empty
Variations Feb. 1986
Magick (Issue 365)
Jim Hyams The Traveling Toupee toupee vanishes from head and appears in clear plastic box, Crystal Casket
1987 344
Ted Lesley The Box vibrating box, instant stooge
Inspired by Sep. 1997 11
Robert Cassidy The Prediction Chest idea for using a normal box in combination with a Lippincott box
2004 218
Bob Ostin The Ring In The Glass of Beer ring placed inside rattle box vanishes and appears in beer glass, glass covered with tissue and ring found with hook, Okito Glass
Also published here
  • "The Conjuror" Vol.1, No.2. December, 1995.
2005 16
Dr. Stanley Jaks Miniature Rapping Hand rapping noise from a small box
Related toAlso published here 2014 193