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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Theodore Annemann Two Mindreading Publicity Effects center tear presentation as newspaper test or living/dead test
Related toAlso published here Mar. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 6)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Crystal-Viso chosen card divined in crystal ball first by performer, then spectator
Related toVariationsAlso published here June 1939
The Jinx (Issue 57)
Joseph Dunninger Nomenclature three random names are spelled, selection found, automatic placement procedure
Related toVariationsAlso published here Oct. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 64)
Stewart James (reviewer) Modern Magic Programs No. 7 by Joseph DunningerRelated to Dec. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 70)
Joseph Dunninger The Secret with flash paper addition, using a glass of water, credit claim
Related toAlso published here Jan. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 74)
Albert Cohn Combination dealing trick
Inspired by 1940
The Jinx (Issue 91)
Joseph Dunninger, Theodore Annemann Gipsies Won't Tell thoughts on the reading act
Also published here 1941
The Jinx (Issue 125)
Joseph Dunninger Dunninger's East Indian Rope Trick stage method
1941 ca. 385
Bruce Elliott The Back Room presentation idea for 7 keys to baldpate by Fetaque Sanders, on Walter Gibson, Joseph Dunninger, John Scarne
Jan. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 26)
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on a show by the IBM ring NYC, John Scarne, Jimmy Grippo, how to soften a deck for back palming, two newspaper clippings from Dunninger
Related to Mar. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 31)
Joseph Dunninger Sealed Mystery sealed message reading system, razor thumb tip
Related to Apr. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 32)
Joseph Dunninger The Umbrella Servante
Aug. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 42)
Jean Hugard Hu-gardenias on Joseph Dunninger
Nov. 1943 23
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Joseph Dunninger, Richard Himber, Dell O'Dell, John Scarne, John Mulholland
Mar. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 56)
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Richard Himber, Joseph Dunninger, Paul Rosini, Bob Novak
Mar. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 57)
Joseph Dunninger The Secret with flash paper addition, using a glass of water, credit claim
Also published here 1944 56
Joseph Dunninger, Theodore Annemann Modernizing the "One Ahead" Principle thoughts on the reading act
  • Readings for Intimate Groups
Also published here 1944 151
Joseph Dunninger Coin in Bottle Convincer for the sound
May 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 106)
Franklin V. Taylor, Joseph Dunninger Black Magic with playing cards and slit in book
Dec. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 116)
Joseph Dunninger The Impossible Prediction impromptu stooge, see "Challenges" for credits
Also published here 1948 179
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Max Holden, Joseph Dunninger, Richard Himber, Jay Marshall
July 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 181)
Arthur Leroy Conjuror's Carousel - Television Review commenting on television appearances of Gali Gali, Lucille & Eddie Roberts, Doc Marcus, Russell Swann, Dagmar, Prince Mendes, Joseph Dunninger
Jan. 1949 4
Don Tanner Let's Talk Television on Joseph Dunninger, getting paid for television work
Mar. 1949 11
Joseph Dunninger Dunninger's Mental Card Trick No. 5, Image of card appears in crystal ball, which matches previously unseen pocketed card
Related to 1950 15
Joseph Dunninger Nomenclature No. 34, Spelling trick with names
Also published here 1950 62
Tony Corinda, Joseph Dunninger, Maurice Fogel (3) De Profundis a color, number and city are predicted in a clear box attached to a rope, held by spectator
Variations 1958 105
Joseph Dunninger Nomenclature three random names are spelled, selection found, automatic placement procedure
Also published here Apr. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 12)
E. Leslie May Improvement three random names are spelled, selection found, automatic placement procedure
Inspired by May 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 13)
Paul Curry Chapter Four: Houdini and After on Harry Houdini, T. Nelson Downs, Nate Leipzig, Fred Keating, Joseph Dunninger, Emil Jarrow, Ade Duval, Cardini, Jack Gwynne
1965 47
Joseph Dunninger Out for Number Divination
Aug. 1966 50
Karl Fulves Babel Sam Schwartz, S.A.M. Boston Assembly's Golden Anniversary Celebration, Charles Reynolds's "Innovations", Joseph Dunninger, Buckley Bottom Deal anecdote
Mar. 1972 504
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Joseph Dunninger, Ron Wilson, Senator Crandall
Magick (Issue 49)
Walter B. Gibson, Joseph Dunninger Time Will Tell prediction of drawn time, handles of performer's watch are set correctly
Variations 1973
Magick (Issue 90)
Joseph Dunninger Sixth Sense book test with medium, bee wax
Magick (Issue 101)
Joseph Dunninger, Walter B. Gibson The Spaced-Out Card peeked card vanishes form deck
Magick (Issue 107)
Joseph Dunninger Location of Four Cards
1975 215
Joseph Dunninger Spread Location Selection pulled from tabled spread/mess
1975 216
Karl Fulves Babel Joseph Dunninger died, with newspaper clipping
Related to Mar. 1975 868
Joseph Dunninger Trick Sugar sugar cube thrown in bowl of water, it first sinks but then rises back to surface, chemical
Mar. 1975 869
Joseph Dunninger Dunninger's Addition Slates add-a-number slate, flap
1975 125
Joseph Dunninger Destiny's Disciple waiter in restaurant writes number on paper, which is later divined
VariationsAlso published here 1975
Magick (Issue 123)
Joseph Dunninger Mind Power needle pin through page of book, last name and city are predicted
Magick (Issue 130)
Joseph Dunninger, Burling Hull Dunninger's "Television" spectator makes simple geometric drawing, performer duplicates it, three versions
  • Method 1. With Cards (shiny reflective card)
  • Method 2. With Note-Book (reflector card inside notebook)
  • Method 3. With Bare Hands (mirror/reflector on back of hand)
1976 28
Burling Hull Combination with Dunninger Slater Number Feat combined with visible appearing writing
Inspired by 1976 94
Al Mann Foreword on sealed message reading
Related to 1977
Al Mann, Joseph Dunninger The Ghost of the Unborn two envelopes predicting a three-letter and a five-letter word, spectator can chose one and a word from a book, word is predicted in envelope, in other envelope is prediction of a word that was not chosen and of the length of word that will be chosen
1977 1
Joseph Dunninger Mind Spew ten cards are divined, ten people on stage
Magick (Issue 172)
Marvin Miller Destiny's Disciple waiter in restaurant writes number on paper, which is later divined
Inspired byRelated to 1977
Magick (Issue 173)
Marcello Truzzi Heads-Up coins are dropped and all heads-up coins eliminated until one remains, prediction of date
Related toVariations 1977
Magick (Issue 184)
Joseph Dunninger Magia y Ventriloquia necktie of ventriloquist's puppet changes color
Also published here
  • Joseph Dunninger's "Dunninger's Encyclopedia of Magic"
1977 98
Joseph Dunninger 2. Pañuelo-Tubo color change of silk inside transparent tube
1977 103
Joseph Dunninger 6. Bola y Tubo ball in tube changes color
1977 105
Joseph Dunninger 10. El As Cambiante Ace change into other Ace, pull
1977 107
B.C. Milnov Odd Coincident waiter in restaurant writes number on business card, which was predicted beforehand
Inspired byAlso published here 1979
Magick (Issue 243)
Al Mann, Joseph Dunninger Dunninger's Mind Warp anecdote of Dunninger convincing everybody not using a nail writer
1981 12
Joseph Dunninger The Act entire setting for the routine including the steals, opening and organizing the billets, the speech
1983 2
Joseph Dunninger The 'Read' answering the questions and the dramaturgy of the routine
1983 5
Joseph Dunninger The Tri Cycle Experiment spectator thinks of a three digit number, other spectator identifies it, Dunninger Ploy and stage whispering/cueing
1983 6
Joseph Dunninger The Miracle Slate Test (The Baffling 16 Digit Effect) closing effect, four four digit numbers are added and sum divined, flap
Variations 1983 9
Joseph Dunninger, Al Mann Dunninger's Brain-Thrust analysis of Dunninger's Headline prediction according to some news articles, slip of paper
Related to 1983 1
Joseph Dunninger, The 'Slip' Switch apparently also used by Charles Foster 100 years earlier
1983 4
Joseph Dunninger, Al Mann Selected Sealed Message Reading Tests original introduction by Dunninger and some remarks by Mann
1983 3
Joseph Dunninger Impression Methods Method 1 (wax)
Method 2: The Clipboard
1983 4
Joseph Dunninger Transparency Method Method 3: Misdirection with Slates (switch & alcohol)
Method 4 (alcohol)
1983 6
Joseph Dunninger The Pellet Switch Method 5 (while putting billet in envelope)
1983 11
Joseph Dunninger The Medium's Billet Switch Method 6
1983 12
Joseph Dunninger Simplicity Itself Method 7 (window envelope)
1983 13
Joseph Dunninger Into the Air Method 8 (with flash paper)
1983 15
Joseph Dunninger The Black Medium and the Fire Ritual reading billet while on the way burning it
1983 15
Joseph Dunninger Dumb? Yes and No! Method 10 (changing device)
1983 16
Joseph Dunninger Foreword
1983 1
Joseph Dunninger Preamble crystal gazing
1983 2
Joseph Dunninger Routine - Modus Operandi of a Crystal Gazing Presentation with assistant
1983 2
Joseph Dunninger Introductory Opening for Crystal Gazing Speciality (patter)
1983 5
Joseph Dunninger A Sensational Test methods for gaining information, with assistants
  • An Unusual Dramatic Interlude (pre-show)
  • Returning Marked Envelopes to Spectators During the Speciality (unopened, flashlight)
  • Another Method (gist written on envelope)
  • Another Ruse (gist on watch)
1983 6
Joseph Dunninger Concluding Advice how to answer questions
1983 7
Joseph Dunninger A Simple Billet Test blindfolded
1983 2
Joseph Dunninger Another Test Impression Method
1983 3
Joseph Dunninger, Al Mann Psychic Billet Reading several people
1983 3
Joseph Dunninger Psychometric Power! question on billets are answered and billets of specific spectator found without opening them, several variations
1983 4
Joseph Dunninger Spirits? assistant does pocket writing of questions from the sitters
1983 7
Joseph Dunninger A Convincing Test billet steal from envelope, with thumb tip
1983 7
Joseph Dunninger A Mystic's Favorite sealed message reading, slit in envelope
Related to
  • Paul Kara's "Karaism", 1926 and Nelson's "Mind Divination"
1983 7
Joseph Dunninger Mysterious billet steal with bottomless glass
1983 8
Joseph Dunninger The Good Book Says carbon paper in bible
1983 8
Joseph Dunninger What the Eyes See
1983 9
Joseph Dunninger Puzzling? technical variation of "What the Eyes See"
1983 9
Joseph Dunninger A Medium at Work envelope switch for Q&A
1983 9
Joseph Dunninger A Visit to a Billet Medium carbon paper in book
1983 11
Joseph Dunninger The Method of Obtaining (?) Spirit Communication describtion of a spirit message reading with John Slater
1983 12
Joseph Dunninger, Al Mann The Modern Blindfold Drive and Kindred Phenomena
1984 1
Joseph Dunninger, Al Mann Methods of Gaining Information for Performer for the blindfold drive
  • A: The Impression Envelope
  • B: The Stuffed Pen
  • C: Stuffed Cigarette
  • D: Contact Mindreading
  • E: Impression Notebook
  • F: (publicity with VIPs)
  • G: A Confederate
  • H: Clip Boards, Etc.
  • I: Audience Participation (with changing bag)
1984 3
Joseph Dunninger, Al Mann The Blindfolds
  • 1: Nose Peek
  • 2: The Folded Handkerchief
  • 3: Secret Windows
  • 4: Eyebrow Lift
  • 5: Peep Holes
  • 6: Transparency
  • 7: See-Through Hood
  • 8: (general remarks)
1984 7
Joseph Dunninger The Secret Route trial run for blindfold drive
1984 8
Joseph Dunninger Publicity Effects card is divined and medium finds chosen card in the other room
1984 9
Joseph Dunninger Thought Vibration medium finds chosen word in book
1984 10
Joseph Dunninger The Single Handed Method without assistant
1984 11
Joseph Dunninger The Publicity Story and Press Release blindfold drive
1984 12
Joseph Dunninger Dunninger's Press Story for the blindfold drive
1984 14
Joseph Dunninger, Joe Bernasconi The Other Side coins are dropped and all heads-up coins eliminated until one remains, prediction of date
Related to Feb. 1988
Magick (Issue 402)
Rich Bloch Watch Scam divination of drawn time, handles of spectator's watch are set correctly
Inspired by 1991 13
Karl Fulves Interim Report on Slydini, John Scarne, Dai Vernon, Joseph Dunninger, Stewart James
Rigmarole (Issue 2)
Joseph Dunninger Dunninger Predicts three items predicted in three envelopes, two forced and one bluff (stock market value), for radio
Rigmarole (Issue 2)
L. Vosburgh Lyons Dunninger's Secret proposed switch with envelope for Q&A act, accidental tripping
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 7)
Karl Fulves Joseph Dunninger
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 9)
Joseph Dunninger, Steve Shaw, Vernon Lee, Tony "Doc" Shiels Disclaimers That Don't disclaimer quotes
Oct. 1993
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Joseph Dunninger, Ralph W. Read Dunninger's Impossible Prediction
Also published here 1994 4
B.C. Milnov Odd Coincident same as The Impossible Prediction, impromptu stooge
Also published here 1994 4
Joseph Dunninger, Marvin Miller Destiny's Diciple with addition by Marvin Miller (see reference)
Related toAlso published here 1994 5
Karl Fulves Interim Report on Joseph Dunninger's act, mindreading acts
Related to 1994
Rigmarole (Issue 6)
Joseph Dunninger Psycho Thought
Rigmarole (Issue 8)
John Scarne, Joseph Dunninger Ace Finds Ace No. 8, two halves under table, one reversed and put into other, it turns out to be an Ace and is next to another Ace
1995 13
Lee Earle Lee Earle at the Editor's Desk on Herb Dewey, Bascom Jones, Craig Bender-Rovinsky, Steven Logan, Lee Marelli, Allen Few, Charles Buckner, Joseph Dunninger, Mark Garetz, Leonard Hutchens, Christian Chelman, Six-and-One-Half, Marc Salem, Stewart James
Syzygy (Vol. 3 No. 5)
Ted Lesley The Box vibrating box, instant stooge
Inspired by Sep. 1997 11
Finally Science and Invention cover, Joseph Dunninger
Mar. 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 7)
Karl Fulves Mental Dice No. 35, card selected by dealing packets according to throw of invisible die
Inspired by 2001 51
Karl Fulves Introduction on David Copperfield's "Tornado of Fire" special, camera tricks and mirrors, Joseph Dunninger's radio magic, Ken Burns, jazz, two Martin Gardner titles that have an identical chapter by editorial mistake, psychic healing techniques, John Edward
2001 167
Karl Fulves, Joseph Dunninger, Theodore Annemann, Peter Warlock On One-Ahead & Mental Epic comments, quotes and references
Related to 2001 173
Joseph Dunninger Psychic Tricks on a medium called Eusapia Palladino, rising table, electromagnet
Discoverie (Issue 5)
Michael Close (reviewer) Dunninger's Brain Busters by Joseph Dunninger (written by Joseph Atmore) Sep. 2001
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 1)
Peter Warlock Miracle Slate sliding section on slate, part of slate covered with paper, can be filled in from behind for any prediction
Related to 2002 230
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Dunninger's Brain Busters by Joseph Dunninger (written by Joseph Atmore) Feb. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 2)
Joseph Dunninger Crushed Egg Vanished from a Handkerchief - Second Method: The Pull
Also published here
  • "Egg-Straordinary" (Popular Magic and Card Tricks, Vol. 3,1929, p. 19)
2002 80
Stuart P. Cramer In Person drawing and comments by Cramer on the following magicians:
  • Dai Vernon
  • Eugene Laurant
  • Herbert Leon Cope
  • Karl Germain
  • Carl Rosini
  • Harlowe R. Hoyt
  • Robert Harbin
  • Cardini
  • Winston Freer
  • George Bailey
  • John Mulholland
  • E. J. Moore
  • Paul Fleming
  • Jean de Jean
  • Eddie Tullock
  • Bert Allerton
  • Kuda Bux
  • Okito
  • Igor Kio
  • Joseph Dunninger
  • Russell Swann
  • J. B. Bobo
  • Stanley Jaks
  • George Jason
  • Doc Nixon
  • Bert Easley
  • Hardeen
  • Albert H. Jacques
  • John Nicholls Booth
  • John Grdina
  • Harry Blackstone
  • Dante
  • Albert Goshman
  • Jay Marshall
  • Ralph Emerson Powell
  • Al Saal
  • Walter Gibson
  • Russ Walsh
  • Harlan "Doc" Tarbell
  • Stuart P. Cramer
June 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 10)
Paolo Cavalli, Massimo Tira Corinda 2005 Outdone only description of effect, some random person is called to name numbers which match prediction
Inspired by 2005 18
Joseph Dunninger, Doug Edwards Dunninger's Directory off-beat gimmick
2013 93
Karl Fulves Dunninger on Joseph Dunninger
2015 6
Joseph Dunninger Dunninger Force reversed fan
Related to 2017 20