788 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Think a Card / limited Choice
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
To tell one without confederacie what card the thinketh three cards on table, one thought of, divined by following gaze
Related to 1584 189
Deviner la carte pensée card thought from fan
1786 144
Another Mode of Discovering a Card Thought of twenty-five cards, different dealing pattern
1876 55
A Card having been Secretly Thought of by one of the Audience, to place two Indifferent Cards upon the table, and to Change such one of them as the Audience may select into the Card thought of using psychological force
1876 111
To Force a Person to Think of a Particular Card from fan or during riffling with slight stop at step
Related to 1889 12
A Card having been Thought of by one Spectator, to offer the Pack to another, and cause him to draw the same Card psychological force & out
1889 132
Der Triumph der Magie one of four cards, "is your card in this pile?"
1896 60
William E. Robinson New Thought Card Sleights - First Method fanning before the spectator's eyes
Related to 1897 35
William E. Robinson New Thought Card Sleights - Third Method springing from hand to hand
Related to 1897 36
Thought Reading Extraordinary thought of card at thought of number up to ten
Related to 1897 85
The Vanishing Of Thought Cards twenty-six double facers
1897 143
Die aus dem Spiel verschwindenden Karten thought-of cards vanish, double facer deck with odd cards on one side and even on the other side
Mar. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Die gedachte Karte "Die Kartenschule von Carl Willmann"
cards quickly spread in front of the spectator, only force card shown clearly, think-a-card force
Aug. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 8)
L'Homme Masqué Kinetoscopic Force cards riffled in front of spectator and King of Spades among Club cards is mistaken for King of Clubs, spectator holds deck as it is riffled, non-index cards used here
Also published here Sep. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Hugo Schrader Das Erraten dreier gedachter Karten three people are shown two cards each, they should remember one of them, they's found, two divided picture cards and a Seven/Eight of Clubs
Feb. 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 8)
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Die vier Könige "Hofzinser's Kartenkünste V."
card thought of, three cards chosen from a chosen packet, another card quickly taken out of pocketed deck by spectator, assembly, three double facers
Related toAlso published here June 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 6)
S. W. Erdnase A. By the Riffle "Methods for Determining a Card Thought Of"
Related toVariations 1902 166
S. W. Erdnase B. By Springing Flourish "Methods for Determining a Card Thought Of"
Related toVariations 1902 166
S. W. Erdnase D. By the Gaze "Methods for Determining a Card Thought Of"
cards shown one by one, spectator's eyes are watched
Related toVariations 1902 167
S. W. Erdnase A Mind-Reading Trick one out of four, "did you see your card already" and fishing
Related toVariations 1902 194
Fourth Method - To discover a card mentally selected one of four, by following gaze
1909 42
L'Homme Masqué Kinetoscopic Force cards riffled in front of spectator and King of Spades among Club cards is mistaken for King of Clubs
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1909 77
T. Nelson Downs The Mysterious Card "one of Mr. Downs' specialties", card thought of in spread of one fifth
1909 126
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Die Vier Könige card thought of, then a spectator extracts it from pocket, three matching cards found, then assembly, four double facers
Related toAlso published here 1910 69
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Der forcierte Gedanke (Zweite Ausführung) card removed by performer and wrapped in handkerchief, card thought of from second deck vanishes and travels to pocket, wrapped card is also thought-of card
VariationsAlso published here 1910 82
C. O. Williams To Discover and Pocket (Before Asking Any Question) the Card Thought of by a Spectator spectator remembers card and its position, performer removes it and puts it in his pocket
VariationsAlso published here 1911 573
C. O. Williams To Discover and Pocket (Before Asking Any Question) the Card Thought of by a Spectator spectator remembers card and its position, performer removes it and puts it in his pocket
VariationsAlso published here 1911 19
To tell the Card thought of by arranging the Cards in a Circle Ace through Ten in a circle, on through of and after some counting divined
1911 96
Louis F. Christianer The Card in the Pocket spectator remembers card and its position, performer removes it and puts it in his pocket
Inspired by 1916 13
Louis F. Christianer The Thought Card card thought of from near the top, three-card packets shown until the spectator sees his card, it is then found with equivoque procedure
1919 23
Jack Merlin Super Mental Card Effect thought of card is found on number performer says in cut half, alternative ending, card stab
1927/28 17
Good Simple Card Trick one of five cards thought of, performer locates it with five outs
1928 7
William Larsen Think of a Card spectator thinks of a card in the middle of an in-the-hands spread
1931 3
William Larsen Shuffle It Yourself twelve cards repeated four times, fishing & multiple out for divination, same as Walsh
Related to 1931 4
Ralph W. Hull Magic Touch Versus Mental Thought card and its position thought-of, divined and placed in pocket, Lazy Man's Card to Pocket
Related to 1933 14
T. Page Wright Thought-Of Stab spectator thinks of card in packet, then stabs in deck, names card, shown to be next to stabbed card
1933 20
Theodore Annemann The Mind in Retrospect
Related to 1934 16
Forcing Thought Principle - Several Methods of Forcing a Certain Card during riffle, springing, fanning
1935 8
Thought Card to Pocket several duplicates
Related to 1935 16
Mental Spelling progressive spelling set-up
1935 17
John Scarne The Scarney Thought Card spelled "John Scarney"
Related to Apr. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 19)
Henry Christ Climax! impromptu stooge with reverse fan
Related toVariations Sep. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 24)
The Five Card Fan five cards pushed through deck until one remains
1936 157
Laurie Ireland Ireland's Four Ace Trick spectator thinks of ace in pocket, then three aces found in pocket and indifferent cards on table
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1936)
In His Pocket one of three cards thought of, performer puts all in pocket, removes two of them, right one remains
1937 28
Lu Brent Matching the Aces psychological force of one of the Aces
1937 31
Thought Card from Pocket one of five, deck is put in pocket and performer removes thought-of card
1937 33
Thought Spelling progressive set-up, three spectators
1937 53
Quadruple Spelling progressive set-up, four spectators
1937 54
Theodore Annemann Another Thought Spelling progressive set-up
1937 54
Jimmy Kater Improved Spelling Trick progressive set-up
1937 55
Think It - Spell It progressive set-up with eight cards
1937 55
Theodore Annemann Think of a Card one of eighteen, card spelled out, short card
1937 65
William Larsen Think of a Card one of about five, no outs given
1937 93
U. F. Grant New Card Monte spectator think of one of two cards, double facer
Related to 1937 135
Wimborough Upside Down mentally selected card of four turns over in deck
Variations 1937 167
Another Impossibility one of ten, "is your card one of these?"
1937 218
Dai Vernon Card Divination card thought of from twenty-six-card stack, multiple out location of card once it is named
Also published here 1937 224
Stuart P. Cramer Les Cartes par Hasard card thought of from the middle while riffled, multiple out after dealing into four piles
Inspired by 1937
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1936/37)
Henry Christ Spell Me! thought-of card, progressive set-up
Related toVariations Mar. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 30)
Theodore Annemann Composite Routine spectator remembers card and its position, performer places card in pocket, turns out to be selections, three phases with different methods
May 1937
The Jinx (Issue 32)
Joe Berg An Unbelievable Prediction one of five cards thought of, performer writes a prediction and removes one of the cards, both put in pocket, other four cards lost in deck, selection is missing from deck and prediction and card in pocket match
1937 7
The Fadeaway Cards plunger-pushing back & forth a packet through deck until one remains
VariationsAlso published here 1938 243
Commander Slayton Spelling a Card merely Thought Of: Commander Slayton's Method
Variations 1938 315
John Northern Hilliard J.N. Hilliard's Method thought-of speller, ten-card set-up
1938 317
Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin a. Effect thought-of card by one spectator is chosen by second spectator
1938 330
Passing the Cards Before a Spectator
1938 334
c. Effect stop trick with thought-of selection, two handlings
1938 334
Audley Walsh The Magician's Dream four banks of twelve cards, fishing
Related to 1938 346
Bert Allerton Mind Reading with the Finger Tips as Bert Gustafson, two thought-of-cards are removed behind back
1938 900
Audley Walsh The Magician's Dream twelve cards repeated four times, fishing & multiple out for divination
Related toVariations Apr. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 43)
E. Leslie May Magic versus Mentalism Addition thought-of card predicted, six out index
Jan. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 52)
Alphonso Much Thought three thought-of cards found by spelling, two decks, progressive spelling set-up
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1938/39)
Oscar Weigle Thought on the Line card thought amongst a group found over telephone
1939 27
Simultaneous Magic four decks, four people think of a card and later spell it (progressive spelling set-up)
1939 41
Emergency Card Stabbing break, also for when the selection is known to be one of a few cards but not which one
1940 120
Dai Vernon Two-Six-Four one of a thirteen cards thought of and position remembered, two halves made and selection found with multiple out counting procedure using Four, Two and Six spots
Related toVariations 1940 221
Charlie Miller Mental Selectivity five cards
1940 336
Louis Zingone Reverse Supreme mental reverse, bluff spacing in fan
Related toVariations 1940 344
Multi-Spelling Trick "The repeat Spelling of Mentally Selected Cards"
Variations 1940 347
Sam Leo Horowitz The Diving Pasteboard one of four random cards is thought of, they're shuffled back, Three-spot locator used to locate selection
Related toVariations 1940
The Jinx (Issue 105)
Dai Vernon Card of the Gods card thought of from top third, found with procedure and counting
Related toVariations 1940
The Jinx (Issue 105)
Charles Hopkins Think-a-Card thought-of card to pocket, ten-card set-up
Related to 1940 39
Louis Lam An Addition one of four thought-of, travels to pocket eventually, OOSOOM
1940 5
Martin Gardner Big Casino Count Down one of nine cards thought of, Ten-spot stabbed reversed in deck by performer, it locates selection
1940 13
Martin Gardner Six of Spades Count Down one of seventeen cards thought of, Six-spot stabbed reversed in deck by performer, it locates selection
1940 14
A Psychological Impossibility thought-of card to pocket
Related to 1941 205
Card in the Pocket one of ten
1941 238
The Mystic Card Clock Dial chosen card is put in pocket
1941 239
Diogenes' Card a card helps finding two thought-of cards (card and their position remember-procedure)
1941 27
Bert Allerton Magnetic Thought "The Challenge"
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1941 44
Al Baker The Finger Knows - And Tells one of five
Related toAlso published here 1941 9
Bob Hummer Double Thought two cards are located, edge marked deck with razor blade
Also published here 1941 7
Val Evans The Auto Repeato Speller divided deck spelling stack, card thought of from one half
1941 21
Val Evans The Prognostication Pack half Koran-type deck, one of five cards thought of, then performer shows five-card groups, card predicted on piece of paper
1941 34
Dai Vernon Addition and Subtraction one of fifteen cards and its position remembered, via calculation the card is found
1941/49 21
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue On the Gaze Selection Method see footnote, "secret of success" for one of Erdnase's methods
Inspired byRelated to 1942 13
Eddie Joseph One Out of Five card thought of, one of five, located with mediocre procedure and deck in pocket
1942 30
Eddie Joseph Peculiar Passage two roughed red/blue menetekel decks, thought of or chosen card(s) transposes between red and blue decks, four methods
1942 73
Eddie Joseph Extra-Sensory Detection spectator thinks of a card with deck in his hands, risky
1942 77
Frederick Braue Incredo Thought new dealing pattern
1943 25
Bruce Elliott Buckram "Out" thought of card travels to book, as an out for the think of a card you see plot
Nov. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 48)
Stuart P. Cramer Les Cartes Par Hasard card thought of from the middle while riffled, multiple out after dealing into four piles
1943 17
Theodore Annemann Composite Routine spectator remembers card and its position, performer places card in pocket, turns out to be selections, three phases with different methods
1943 44
William S. Houghton "Cards to Pocket" Wrinkle one of five cards thought of, that one travels to pocket, following gaze/eyes in five-card fan
1943 28
Jean Hugard Telepathy Plus one of five cards is selected
Sep. 1944 70
Edward Marlo Think of a Card among five in spread
1945 10
Edward Marlo The Super Miracle daubing multiple cards
1945 11
Bob Hummer Thot-Ography spectator remembers card and its position from top ten cards, Klondike shuffle, marked key card with needle scratch, see Collected Secrets for more references
Also published here 1945 1
Arthur H. Buckley Think of a Number Experiment No. 27 - spectator remembers card at thought of position
1946 184
Warren Wiersbe, Martin Gardner Think-A-Card - Wiersbe Version
1946 18
Reversed Fan to force a card, credited to Dunninger
Related to Apr. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 103)
"Senator" Clarke Crandall Triple Divination card from a poker hand or group of cards remembered, divined with "can you see one of same value here?..."
  • Effect No. 1
  • Effect No. 2
  • Effect No. 3
1946 22
J. B. Bobo Triple Thought spectator selects three cards and thinks of one of them, they're returned, performer finds thought-of card
1947 49
Bob Hummer Thoto (The World's Smallest Trick) one card location, cards marked with pin behind back
Also published here 1947 1
Telepathy Plus one of five, simple
1948 21
Thought Stealer progressive set up
Variations 1948 23
Card in the Pocket from top stock thought of with its position
1948 90
A Future in Cards one of five
1948 227
Frederick Braue Think-a-card six crimped cards shuffled in the deck
Related to May 1948
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 5 No. 12)
Don Greenwood Opener for a Mental Routine chosen card placed inside pocket, behind back
Oct. 1948 474
Arthur H. Buckley Sympathy in Choice four or five cards chosen and lost, then other spectators think of cards in fan, they match
1948 97
Arthur H. Buckley Sympathy in Choice four or five cards chosen and lost, then other spectators think of cards in fan, they match
1948 97
Arthur H. Buckley The Mental Fan Force card more exposed in fan
1948 98
Arthur H. Buckley One Card from Ten thought-of card from ten-card packet travels to spectator's pocket
1948 123
Arthur H. Buckley Is the Card You Thought of There? card thought of from spread, deck divided in packet, spectator says which one contains his card and it is named by the performer
1948 125
Arthur H. Buckley Selected Card at Any Number card thought of during riffling, it ends up at named number
1948 129
Al Leech Turnover Divination
Related toVariations 1949 24
The Ten of Diamonds one of nine cards chosen, reversed Ten-spot used to located it
1949 18
C. O. Williams, W. F. "Rufus" Steele The Card in the Pocket
Inspired by 1949 29
Joe Stuthard Thought Card thought-of card is found next to another selection
1949 17
Paul Rosini Indicator Card one of four random cards is thought of, they're shuffled back, Three-spot locator used to locate selection
Inspired by 1950 29
Ormond McGill Telepathic Card Selection finding one of five cards
1951 11
Reversed Fan Force
Jan. 1951 742
Jean Hugard The Latest Method spreading cards before eyes of spectator and locating selection
July 1951 810
Bob Hummer Double Thought two cards are located, edge marked deck with razor blade
Also published here 1952
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1952)
Bob Somerfeld Cornered! spectator in corner of the room with deck thinks of one card, card is divined, force
1952 12
Edward Marlo Magic Total:
Eight-Two Locator
Ace-Three-Five Locator
Three-Three-Three Loctaor
using some cards to count down to thought-of card, multiple out counting procedure, three methods
1953 141
Gerald Kosky Tricky Mentalist thought-of card is spelled to
Mar. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 276)
Bill Simon Simon Eyes! one of three cards is thought of, selection ends up sandwiched between two reversed cards
Apr. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 278)
R. M. Jamison Yogi Tells one from four, card is spelled to
Apr. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 278)
Howard A. Adams Trilemma three phase routine
  • two mentally selected cards change places
  • two mentally selected cards end up in performer's pocket
  • five mentally selected cards are found
Variations May 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 280)
Alex Elmsley Melbourne position and card at that position are thought of, card turns up with down-under-deal
Related toAlso published here June 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 283)
Mel Stover Okosa card thought from sixteen-card packet, top eight shown and asked whether selection is there, faro, repeat, ...
Related to Apr. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 5)
Dai Vernon The Challenge mind-reading presentation for transposition plot
Related toVariations 1957 114
Edward Marlo Telephone Test
  • #2 of "3 Mental Effects"
over telephone or from another room, spectator deals cards one at a time and calls them out and thinks of one of them, performer divines it, repeat with two cards (one thought of, another selection placed besides it, then the order called out), optional ideas for further phase
VariationsAlso published here Sep. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 11)
Edward Marlo Mental and Physical
  • #3 of "3 Mental Effects"
card thought of, another selection placed next to it, both found
  • Additional Ideas for Mental and Physical Choice
    • 1. Force
    • 2. Marked Deck
    • 3. Stacked deck
    • 4. One way deck on faces
Inspired byRelated to Sep. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 11)
P. Howard Lyons Telephone Extension different handling for second phase of Marlo's routine
Inspired by Sep. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 11)
J. G. Reed J. G. R. Mental Force five times six cards repeating
Aug. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 11)
Edward Marlo Mental Disclosure
  • First Method (one of ten memorized cards thought of, fishing and showing piles and asking whether the card is among them)
  • Second Method (shuffled, one of nine, asking whether the card is among them)
Variations Mar. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 13)
Alex Elmsley Mathematics & Mentalism one of sixteen cards thought of with its position, during reverse faros the spectator says in which half his card is, selection ends up on top (and force card brought to original position)
Related toVariationsAlso published here Sep. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 14)
Matt Schulien The Mental Fan Force Routine cards run through with faces towards spectator who thinks of one, card named and found, detailed with outs
  • A Sample Routine
Related to 1959 78
Dai Vernon Simple Arithmetic one of thirteen, using the Two of Clubs
Related toVariations 1960 9
Dai Vernon Think of an Ace any Ace named, that Ace is shown in deck with four-way out
Related toVariations 1960 13
Dai Vernon Thought Transposed two sets of four Aces with different backs, thought of Ace transposes
Related toVariations 1960 16
Edward Marlo Under Cover Mentalism five ESP cards placed under a handkerchief, one symbol thought of, performer removes one and pockets it, four under handkerchief shown to be not the thought-of one which is removed from pocket
  • First Method
  • Second Method
1960 22
Edward Marlo Behind, Under or Above one of five ESP cards thought of, performer removes one and tables it, it is shown to be the selection
  • First Method
  • Second Method
Variations 1960 25
Edward Marlo Card Man's Mentalism Ace through Five (or more) are shown, one thought of, performer removes one and tables it, it is shown to be the selection
Inspired byRelated to 1960 27
P. Howard Lyons 5 Corpses in 1 Coffin one of three cards thought of, they are lost, performer finds it with "There It Is" sequence
Inspired byRelated to Oct. 1960
Ibidem (Issue 22)
Edward Marlo To Use in a Mental Effect how to control the block of which a card is thought of
1961 40
Edward Marlo Mental Bonus card thought of (one out of ten), deck shuffled and placed in pocket, card instantly removed by performer
1961 30
Maly Think a Card tip on restricting selection during fanning
1961 39
Max Malini Think a Card Secret spreading cards with faces towards spectator and following spectator's gaze
Also published here 1961 39
Charlie Miller Multiple Think a Card
1961 41
Edward Marlo Mental Stab performer places Four spot card next to thought-of card
Related to 1962 55
Edward Marlo Super Mental Stab thought-of card is always above a face up indicator
1962 57
Harry Lorayne In the Side Pocket spectator thinks of one of top ten cards, magician removes this card and pockets it, risky
1962 78
Harry Lorayne Three for the Money Three-spot as multiple out indicator card
Variations 1962 106
Harry Lorayne Three Again Three-spot as multiple out indicator card, with real shuffles
1962 108
Harry Lorayne Three Times and Out Three-spot as multiple out indicator card
1962 109
Dai Vernon The Vernon Card Divination card thought of from half the deck, multiple out divination
Also published here 1962 37
Dai Vernon New Divination one of top twelve, card and position remembered
1962 60
Paul Marcus Think of a Card Koran deck with set of eleven, fishing over phone
Related to Aug. 1962
The New Phoenix (Issue 371)
Edward Marlo Mental Elimination one of four thought of, three discarded, remaining card placed on top is selection
1962 8
Edward Marlo Rising Thought "First Effect", one of four cards thought of, all lost in deck, selection comes to top
1962 9
James Steranko Take Five spectator removes any five cards, remembers one and performer divines it, risky
1962 25
Edward Marlo Concentrate Approach verbal ploy to make a thought-of card out of a peeked-at/selected card
May 1962
Ibidem (Issue 25)
Edward Marlo On Robbins's Magic Frame routine suggestion
Oct. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 27)
Edward Marlo Non-Confusing Challenge
Inspired byRelated to Oct. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 27)
Ronald B. Edwards Stranger in our Midst odd-backed card is stabbed next to thought-of card behind back by performer, Stop When Ready type disclosure
Related to Aug. 1963
Ibidem (Issue 29)
Reverse Fan Force
Nov. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 19)
Edward Marlo Faro Divider Effects - Effect No. 5: Mental Eliminator one of thirteen memorized cards
1964 16
Edward Marlo Faro Fan Constraint to apparently give a free choice to think of a card, but only half the cards are visible
1964 23
Alex Elmsley Elmsley's Ultra Mental ungaffed
Related to 1964 52
Edward Marlo Marlo's Handling Variation Brainweave
Related to 1964 53
Edward Marlo Marlo's Favorite Brainweave
Inspired by 1964 58
Edward Marlo Instant Reverse thought-of card (of about twelve) turns over, faro hide-out
1964 60
Edward Marlo Marlo's Brainwave one of ten thought of, this is reversed and odd-backed, faro fan
1964 63
Edward Marlo Physical and Mental performer places physical selection next to mental selection (one of twenty-six), two phases, half forcing deck, faro fan
Related to 1964 68
Edward Marlo Easy Logical Procedure
Inspired by 1964 69
Eine von Sieben deck in pocket, thought of card from small packet is removed at named number
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 25 No. 4)
Dai Vernon Mental Spell "Chapter Seven", one of ten, multiple out
1967 41
Alex Elmsley Double Prediction two cards, progressive spelling set-up, one-ahead, sixteenth card principle
Also published here 1967 182
Charlie Miller Card Tricks
1967 18
Allan Slaight The Eclectic Deck stack for seventeen effects, see also p. 29 for comments
  • 1. one of five cards thought of and located
  • 2. card location
  • 3. face-up deal stopped, value used to count to selection
  • 4. spelling to thought-of card
  • 5. open prediction
  • 6. card from packet to pocket
  • 7. two-card transposition
  • 8. card from hand to pocket
  • 9. Aces stacked, then Royal Flush dealt
  • 10. five good hands dealt
  • 11. blackjack demo with rubber-banded deck
  • 12. bridge demo with all Spades
  • 13. three-way transposition
  • 14. two selections reverse
  • 15. card chosen, spelled to and some matching cards found
  • 16. Ace assembly (not explained)
  • 17. Mind Mirror challenge location
  • Final Thoughts
  • Closing Credits (credits for all effects)
Also published here July 1967
Ibidem (Issue 32)
Paul Swinford Duo-Spell two thought-of cards, sixteen card set-up
Related to 1968 30
Tony Kardyro The Fifty-Fifty Mental Selection one of two, three methods
Related toVariations 1968 53
Edward Marlo Marlo's Pellet Index any card thought out of ten cards is predicted on pellet, featuring an index made from a playing card
1968 84
Edward Marlo Speller Presentation thought-of spelling with progressive set-up and optional prediction (billet index)
1968 86
Edward Marlo Five Card Mental or "I Have It" one of five
1968 107
Ken Krenzel Two-Part Invention see p. 236 for Marlo reference
Inspired byRelated to Winter 1968
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 4 No. 2nd Folio)
Eddie Fields 5-Card Ad Infinitum Routine divination of thought-of selection from five cards, three phases
Also published here 1968 89
Bruce Cervon Think and it's Trapped one of two cards is thought of and appears in sandwich in deck, various versions:
  • First Version
  • Second Version
  • Third Version
  • Fourth Version (Pitfalls of Thought I)
  • Fifth Version (Pitfalls of Thought II)
Variations 1969 109
Edward Marlo Multiple Mental Spell four spectators spell down to mentally selected cards, stack, second method with bank of twenty-four duplicates (page 182)
1969 179
Aldini Cards to Pocket Thought of card vanishes from packet of four cards, travels to pocket
1969 36
Robert A. Nelson Mental Magic two routines
  • one of four card is divined, all in pocket, three removed
  • carbon paper impression in magazine, divination of number
1969 2
Roy Walton Sans Wizard card thought of from half the deck, half shuffled reversed in other half, selection vanishes and reappears (after perhaps multiple attempts), card named at the end
Inspired byAlso published here Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
Edward Marlo Try this Trio - Third of the Trio fishing amongst a restricted range
Related to 1970 93
Robert E. Neale More Lies thought card revealed with eight-card-packet as computer
Related toVariationsAlso published here Winter 1970
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 6 No. 4th Folio)
Allan Ackerman Joker Sandwich thought of card in sandwich in deck
Inspired byVariations 1970 6
Allan Ackerman, John Cornelius Change of Mind one of five, kicker
Variations 1971 5
Karl Fulves 6-Card Mental Test one of six, off-beat method
1971 8
Edward Marlo Simple Mental Five card thought from five-card packet is divined
1971 36
Walter B. Gibson Three Card Mental Repeat three cards in pocket, two removed and bringing mentally selected card out at last, repeated
Related to 1971
Magick (Issue 25)
Walter B. Gibson Triple Mental Repeat three cards in pocket, two removed and bringing mentally selected card out at last, repeated, duplicates
Related to 1971
Magick (Issue 28)
Gerald Kosky Tele-Mental five cards on table, thought of card starts to move
Inspired byAlso published here 1971
Magick (Issue 35)
Stab-Mental thought of card is found
1972 75
Nick Conticello Seeing Through the Deck one of five
Related to 1972 124
Earl Keyser 22-Card Faro Spelling Trick
Nov. 1972
Epilogue (Issue 16)
Edward Marlo Multiple Choice Triumph chosen card can be any one in upper half
1972 57
Edward Marlo Impromptu Think Triumph applying Hull's "Mental Discernment" (one out of nine)
1972 82
Al Baker The Finger Knows - And Tells one of five
Also published here 1972 30
Jack Merlin Fadeaway Cards plunger-pushing back & forth a packet through deck until one remains
Also published here 1972 109
Dai Vernon Vernon's Mental Trick No. 9, uses memorized thirteen card set-up, one of thirteen thought of, two halves made, values Two, Four and/or Eight used to locate selection once named, cryptic
Related to 1972 8
Dai Vernon Vernon's Mental Gem No. 11, cryptic, probably strategy to narrow down four thought-of card possibilities to two
1972 8
Dai Vernon Vernon's Index Key Mental Trick No. 16, one of thirteen cards thought of and found with multiple-out counting procedure
VariationsAlso published here 1972 9
Dai Vernon Vernon's Divination Effect With 26 Cards No. 17, card thought of from twenty-six-card stack, multiple out location of card once it is named, no details
Also published here 1972 10
Dai Vernon Vernon's Thot Card Wrinkle No. 31, one of twelve cards, Two spot to locate it
Related to 1972 13
Dai Vernon Vernon's Thot Trick With Two Special Variations No. 35, one of thirteen cards, crimped Two spot to locate it
Related to 1972 14
Dai Vernon Vernon's Four Ace Thot Trick No. 36, any Ace named, that Ace is shown in deck with four-way out
Related to 1972 14
Dai Vernon Vernon's 4-2-6 Card Affect No. 52, effect typo, one of a thirteen cards thought of and position remembered, two halves made and selection found with multiple out counting procedure using Four, Two and Six spots
Related to 1972 17
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Version of Horowitz Mental Spell No. 129, progressive set-up
Inspired by 1972 37
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Great Mental Trick No. 167, one of twelve cards thought of, distribution shuffle, perhaps some OOSOOM strategy but too cryptic
Related to 1972 42
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Note No. 195, note for that trick, cryptic
Related to 1972 47
Dr. Jacob Daley, Sam Leo Horowitz Daley's Variation Of Horowitz's Bewildering Mental Effect No. 286, one of four
  • Note by Dai Vernon
Related to 1972 72
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Improvement Of Vernon's Mental Card Trick No. 288, one of a thirteen cards thought of and position remembered, two halves made and selection found with multiple out counting procedure
Inspired byRelated to 1972 73
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Version Of Vernon's Thought Card Wrinkle No. 301, one of a twelve cards thought of and position remembered, two halves made and selection found with multiple out counting procedure
Inspired byRelated to 1972 77
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Gone No. 318, one of five cards thought of, it vanishes eventually as cards are shown repeatedly, reappears face up
1972 83
Fred Rothenberg Fred Rothenberg's Mental Gag No. 399, group of cards which contains thought-of card is at bottom, spectator asked to remove a few cards including his selection, performer knows it's the last one removed
Related to 1972 109
Dr. Jacob Daley Mental Thot Bridge Hand Improvement No. 557, one of thirteen cards thought of and found with multiple-out counting procedure, using Finley Natural Key Card
Inspired by 1972 156
Thot Trick Set Up Using 6 Cards No. 583, 1-0-1 set-up to locate a thought-of card, not clear
1972 163
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Location Thought No. 594, card thought of from thirteen cards during riffle peek, found by counting down its value
Related to 1972 166
Sam Leo Horowitz, T. Page Wright Horowitz & Wright Combination Stack Routine Using Ace To King No. 616
  • card thought of from thirteen cards during riffle peek, found by counting down its value
  • then another card selected, spectator cuts, value cut to used to count to selection
  • spectator chooses a number of cards and puts them on deck, then a card of matching value is chosen or located
Related to 1972 171
Karl Fulves 5-Card Reader five cards, packet handling of Hummer's "Mindreader's Dream"
Inspired by 1973 43
Alex Elmsley Melbourne position and card at that position are thought of, card turns up with down-under-deal
Also published here Mar. 1973 607
Joseph K. Schmidt The Card Thought Of spectator looks at card in spread (effectively one of three), it is reproduced from pocket
  • No-Palm Method
see also p. 648 for credit information
Aug. 1973
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 8 No. 10)
Jerry K. Hartman Teleapathy Reversed card at the beginning shown to be the thought of card impossibly, something like Mystery Card
1973 66
Jerry K. Hartman Thought Thrust Toothpick thrust into deck next to thought of card
Also published here 1973 68
Jerry K. Hartman Hope For The Best spectator thinks of highest card in the hand, then magician deals four of a kind, high-card mental force
Related toAlso published here 1973 80
Edward Marlo Highest Card Gambit
1974 23