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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Cardini The Cardini Snap Color Change
Related toVariations 1934 46
Tony Kardyro - The Man with the Educated Fingers
1941 3
Tony Kardyro The Routine Supreme introduction with comments on the thick card as a key card
Related to 1941 5
Tony Kardyro Locating the Key Card thick key card
  • First Method
  • Second Method
1941 6
Tony Kardyro To Bring Selected Card Second From Top thick key card
1941 7
Tony Kardyro To Bring Selected Card Second From Bottom thick key card
1941 7
Tony Kardyro Shuffling the Cards with thick key card
1941 7
Tony Kardyro The Routine Supreme intro to actual routine
1941 8
Tony Kardyro Mental Card Discovery card next to thick card can be glimpsed when riffling through deck
1941 8
Tony Kardyro Card in Pocket card is found by performer behind his back and put in spectator's pocket
1941 9
Tony Kardyro A Total Mystery spectator cuts off cards, counts them and replaces them, performer later cuts same amount
Related to 1941 9
Tony Kardyro Chosen Card in Selected Pile selection lost, three piles made, selection is found in chosen pile
1941 9
Tony Kardyro Sensational Sensitive Finger Tips several cards chosen and replaced, performer finds all of them in his pocket
Related to 1941 10
Tony Kardyro Routine Using the "Total Mystery" and "Sensational Sensitive Finger Tips" combination of both routines
1941 10
Tony Kardyro Sensational Sensitive Finger Tips (Second Effect) five cards named, removed and then lost, deck put in spectator's pocket and found there by performer
1941 11
Frederick Braue Roundabout with Fred Braue on Houdini, Frakson, Emil Jarrow, Carl Jones, Ade Duval, Paul Fleming, Carroll Lisby, Jean Hugard, Eric de la Mare, Bill Morton, Harry Mendoza, Charlie Miller, Tony Kardyro, Richard Himber, Bill Larsen and more
June 1948 428
John J. Crimmins Jr. (reviewer) Your Deck - Your Card by Tony Kardyro (written by Harold L. Robinson, Jr.) July 1948 444
Tony Kardyro Two Ace Change one of two Aces changes into selection
Variations 1948 4
Tony Kardyro Strange, Very Strange two cards in two halves thought of by two spectators at an agreed-upon small number, they are the same card, card is shown to have vanished and is reproduced from pocket
1948 5
Tony Kardyro Fair Exchange two card transposition from half to half
1948 8
Tony Kardyro Welcome Stranger handkerchief force, card vanishes from deck and appears anywhere else
1948 10
Tony Kardyro Under-Handkerchief Force straight cut
1948 10
Tony Kardyro Hindu Shuffle Force bottom two cards released onto bottom half
Related to 1948 11
Tony Kardyro Shuffle Location and Glimpse selection lost in hindu shuffle by shuffling single cards on top of it and glimpsing the seventh one
1948 12
Tony Kardyro, Harold L. Robinson, Jr. Follow The Leader
1948 14
Tony Kardyro Transposition Unique
1948 15
Tony Kardyro You Do As I Do method for obtaining the key card
Also published here 1948 17
Tony Kardyro The Private Eyes two-eyed Jacks locate selection between them
1948 18
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Clayton Rawson, Jerry Lukins. L. Vosburgh Lyons, Lu Brent, Tony Kardyro, Oscar Weigle
July 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 182)
Dr. William T. Palchinas Skill-Nil! combination of several routines, here as Palchanis
  • Pay Off (Walter Gibson)
  • One Good Trick (Walter Gibson)
  • A Total Mystery (Tony Kardyro)
  • Total Mystery / Sensational Sensitive Finger Tips (Tony Kardyro)
  • Card-Incidence (Charles Terraneau)
Related to Aug. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 183)
Elmer Biddle, Tony Kardyro The Biddle Sleight Marlo mentions Kardyro doing the sleight before it was published by Biddle
1954 26
Tony Kardyro Kardyro's Kard Konjuring "Senor Torino" = Tony Kardyro
1955 1
Tony Kardyro T. K's Master Deal Supreme top cards buckled back with left thumb for strike second, third, ... or center deal (of a random card)
Related to 1955 1
Tony Kardyro T. K's Master Utility Sleight deck held with both hands, top cards buckled with right first finger, inner right corners buckle up
  • The Peek
  • The Count
Variations 1955 3
Tony Kardyro T. K's Kard Kontrol No. 1 top card of left half secretly levered up before replacing upper half
Variations 1955 4
Tony Kardyro T. K's Kard Kontrol Supreme top card of left half buckled as in gambler's peek, upper half slid underneath top card
Variations 1955 6
Tony Kardyro T. K's Master False-Cut Supreme slip cut in Hindu shuffle position
1955 7
Tony Kardyro The T. K's One Card Drop Supreme "or The One Card Flip-Over Switch"
Related to 1955 8
Tony Kardyro T. K's Hole Card Switch Supreme
Variations 1955 10
Tony Kardyro The Hindu Shuffle Throw-Off bottom card shown before and after Hindu shuffle key placement
1955 11
Tony Kardyro Controlling a Selected Card with Hindu Shuffle
1955 11
Tony Kardyro T. K's Hindu False Shuffle or "The Slap Shuffle" top stock
1955 12
Tony Kardyro T. K's False Shuffle and Kard Kontrol with Hindu Shuffle
1955 12
Tony Kardyro Using the Top Card as a Locator for the Selected Card using Hindu Shuffle
1955 13
Tony Kardyro Controlling a Selected Card to the Bottom using Hindu Shuffle
1955 14
Tony Kardyro T. K's Simplified False Shuffle controlling selection to small number from top with Hindu shuffle
1955 15
Tony Kardyro T. K's Flip-Over Force No. 1 riffle force, top half rotated onto right hand and top card given to spectator, bold and illogical
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1955 16
Tony Kardyro T. K's Hindu Shuffle Force No. 2 block dropped onto left pile when stopped
Related to 1955 17
Tony Kardyro The T. K's Card Table Shift unusual pass after a cut, in-jogged half snapped to top as deck is replaced into right hand
1955 17
Tony Kardyro "The T. K's Pivot" and the Selected Card Removal Flourish fan in hand, named card is pushed and jogged to the left, fan closed and card ends up out-jogged
1955 19
Tony Kardyro The Comedy Force card appears sticking out of fan as gag as spectator reaches for a card and fan is closed, using previous flourish
1955 19
Tony Kardyro That Magic Touch spectator locates his card in fan, using a fan force with one card slid to the other side
1955 20
Tony Kardyro T. K's Follow the Leader Supreme performer cuts to selection which shows up reversed, then he cuts to other three matching cards, faro
1955 20
Tony Kardyro T. K's Flash "Color Change" Cardini Change
Related to 1955 22
Tony Kardyro "Hot Weather Handy" card through table, card sticks to back of wet hand
1955 23
Tony Kardyro Hot Weather Hand Supreme or I'm Allowed One Mistake "My Favorite Trick"
card is seen to be stuck at back of hand
Inspired by
  • "Hot Weather Handy" (Linking Ring, Hocus Pocus column)
1955 24
Tony Kardyro The Magic Genii card sticks to back of wet hand
1955 25
Tony Kardyro "Coming Thru!" top card placed on table, deck on top, selection appears face-up on top via air pressure turn-over, featuring a second deal with right-hand end grip and buckling action
Inspired by 1955 26
Louis Zingone, Tony Kardyro Zingone and Kardyro card reverses, then changes
Related to
  • Louis Zingone's "The Surprise Reverse"
1955 27
Tony Kardyro "The Magician's Best Friend" Joker appears reversed in deck and changes into selection
1955 28
Tony Kardyro The Broad Jump Reverse spread switch application
Related to 1955 29
Tony Kardyro At My Command card at thought-of number remembered, it jumps to same position in second half
1955 29
Tony Kardyro Vernon Transfer Handling
1955 29
Tony Kardyro The Blind Fold Poker Deal Supreme selected cards from several hands end up in performer's hand in next deal
1955 31
Tony Kardyro The Boxed Cards from the Pockets "or The Reversed Cards from the Pockets or The Sloppy-Mixed Cards from the Pockets"
deck mixed face-up/face-down, deck put in two pockets, performer removes cards oriented one way in stages, selection remains in pocket
1955 32
Tony Kardyro Thanx Fellows
1955 34
Elmer Biddle, Tony Kardyro Kardyro-Biddle Steal Sequence
1958 27
Henry Christ Henry Christ Spread Switch see Elmsley book for Tony Kardyro credit information
Related toVariations 1959 23
Dai Vernon The Chinese Second Deal one-handed pop-over flourish
Related toVariations 1959 71
Tony Kardyro Kardyro-Biddle Peeling Move Braue Addition & Switch type handling, step 5, see credit information at the end of the effect on page 11
Mar. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 23)
Edward Marlo, Tony Kardyro The K. M. Move
1962 2
Edward Marlo, Tony Kardyro Second Handling of K. M. Move end grip
Related to 1962 15
Torino - The Continental Deceptionist on Tony Kardyro and Faye
Aug. 1962
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Tony Kardyro The Ivisible Trip four matches on corners of handkerchief, covered by two matchbooks, matrix
Aug. 1962
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Tony Kardyro X Change half Dollar and Quarter change places, then both penetrate hand
Apr. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Tony Kardyro Behind my Back messages written on six cards, cards held behind back, reading with fingertips, for stage, using a table
Jan. 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 21)
Tony Kardyro A Cue For You & A Cue For Me spectator divines selection of other spectator, cuing spectator on stage and in audience
May 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 25)
Tony Kardyro Foreword
1966 1
Tony Kardyro A Perfect Accord card peeked at, spectator indicates any card from the back and it is shown to be selection, also face up and then it changes into selection
  • Second Method
1966 2
Tony Kardyro A Bold Reverse of a Selected Card
1966 3
Tony Kardyro Half Dollar Location cards dribbled on table, spectator tosses half dollar on any coin, it turns out to be selection
1966 3
Tony Kardyro The Change Move Force
1966 4
Tony Kardyro Stop, Spell or Number
1966 4
Tony Kardyro "I Said Red But......." back of spectator's card changes color
1966 4
Tony Kardyro The Prediction spectator removes any card and sandwiches it between two tabled cards, it matches a prediction
1966 5
Tony Kardyro Ace Blood Hounds Supreme spectator pushes two Aces into the deck so they sandwich one card, that turns out to be a previous selection
1966 5
Tony Kardyro The Uncanny Location Supreme spectator turns over a card behind his back from a group containing his selection, he turns the selection over
1966 6
Tony Kardyro "Lets Make Them Fours Instead of Five Cards" indifferent cards put on table, they change into Fours
1966 7
Tony Kardyro Controlled Variations switch handling so that the spectator thinks his selection is in a tabled group while it's actually still on the deck
  • Method One
  • Method Number Two
1966 8
Tony Kardyro A Mental Effect for the Card Men spectator and performer write same word on calling card
Jan. 1966
The New Jinx (Vol. 4 No. 45)
Tony Kardyro The Probable Winner from a horse-racing program a number of race and a horse are selected and written on billet, both divined by performer
Apr. 1966
The New Jinx (Vol. 4 No. 48)
Tony Kardyro Mentally Matched chosen card is divined, peek case
Nov. 1966
The New Jinx (Vol. 5 No. 55)
Tony Kardyro Adytum Joker with predictions is stabbed in the pack, cards next to it are predicted
Aug. 1967
The New Jinx (Vol. 6 No. 64)
Tony Kardyro The Fifty-Fifty Mental Selection one of two, three methods
Related toVariations 1968 53
Tony Kardyro Half Card Gimmick triangle with index to simulate different card
1969 113
Tony Kardyro The Ultimate Transfer card is put in envelope or card case, turns out to be later selection
1969 132
Tony Kardyro Turnabout Supreme any card turned over, predicted in second deck, "secretly same deck"
1969 90
Tony Kardyro T.K.'s Ambitious Card Supreme three cards, card reversed in the end
The Cardiste (Issue 13)
Tony Kardyro T.K's Ambitious Joker joker comes to the top twice then transforms into selection
The Cardiste (Issue 13)
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo K.M. Move
1971 230
Tony Kardyro Locomaster Joker joker stabbed in deck next to selection by performer
1972 16
Tony Kardyro T.K. Mental Card from Pocket two cards, one placed in pocket one in deck, spectator names which one is where
1972 17
Tony Kardyro Stand Up Quarter and Half Penetration quarter and half penetrate back of performer's hand
1973 96
Ellison Poland Color Change Caper wink change handling, face card changes under cover of fan
Related to 1973 7
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo, Karl Fulves K.M. Move Variation
New Stars of Magic (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Edward Marlo, Tony Kardyro Technique on T.K. Drop Sleight T.K.=Tony Kardyro, spread drop switch
Inspired by
  • Conjuror's Magazine, Sep. 1949
Also published here
1977 210
Edward Marlo, Tony Kardyro K.M. Move
1978 51
Jeff Hughes Utility Reverse while doing a swing cut, also as a force
Related to 1978
The Talon (Issue 1)
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo KM Move
1979 121
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo K.M. Move
1979 19
Romaine, Tony Kardyro Double Kicker card is found reversed at spelling position via push-through failure
Also published here 1980 27
Walt Lees Even Break one of two, gambling presentation
Inspired byVariations July 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 7)
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo KM Move
1981 25
Edward Marlo, Tony Kardyro K.M. Move
1981 35
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo The KM Move
1982 164
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo K.M. Move
1982 231
Tony Kardyro Turnover Below Top Card turning all cards openly underneath top card, "Bottom Double Drop"
1982 8
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo K.M. Move brief
Jan. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 1)
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo KM Move brief
1983 36
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo K.M. Move brief
1983 9
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo K.M. Move brief
May 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 5)
Justin Higham Kard Kontrols 3 and 4
  • Method Three (right-hand half pushed under selection with hands raised, pop-up move dynamic)
  • Method Four (different grip)
Inspired byRelated to 1985 12
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo KM Move brief
Sep. 1986
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo KM Move
1987 167
Tony Kardyro Kardyro Drop Sleight
1987 64
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo The K.M. Move
1988 93
Edward Marlo, Tony Kardyro A Brief Description of the K.M. Move
1988 260
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo K.M. Move
1989 557
Tony Kardyro Never Was No. 8, coin vanishes with handkerchief, unload under band of wrist watch
1989 10
Tony Kardyro Drop Sleight from spread condition
1989 40
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo K.M. Move
1990 12
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo K.M. Move
1990 60
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo K. M. Move
1990 109
Edward Marlo Second Quickie basically The Challenge
Related to 1990
Inside Out (Issue Special No. 1)
Jerry K. Hartman, Tony Kardyro A-D Revolving Force riffle force, top half rotated onto right hand and top card given to spectator, bold and illogical
Inspired byRelated to 1991 84
Edward Marlo, Tony Kardyro KM Move brief
1992 109
Tony Kardyro, Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal
1992 71
Edward Marlo, Tony Kardyro KM Move brief
1993 9
Tony Kardyro, Elmer Biddle Kardyro-Biddle Steal Sequence
1994 141
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo K.M. Move
1994 8
Elmer Biddle, Tony Kardyro Biddle Steal
1994 174
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo K.M. Move
1995 31
Horace Goldin The Goldin Force bold, riffle force and top half is flipped over twice
Related to 1995 88
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo K.M. Move
1995 14
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo The K.M. Move
1995 103
Jerry K. Hartman Free Fall Switch application of Visual Retention Switch (above), done with cards face up, offers a couple handlings and a quick card location, see handling tip on p. 38
Inspired by
  • "Tony Kardyro's Change Supreme as a starting point..."
1995 36
Jerry K. Hartman A-D Indicator Force No. 2 Simon Prophecy Move family, an in-the-hands force of the top and bottom cards via an indicator card, applied to Simple Simon as well (see Aronson reference)
Related to 1995 53
Jerry K. Hartman Secret Simon
  • Kardyro’s Simple Simon (see reference): under-the-spread force of top card (see also application on p. 280, in context of "Dynamic Duo")
  • Bill Miesel’s improved handling (p. 57)
Secret Simon combines elements of both, two handlings, can be used as key card placement
Inspired by
  • Simple Simon Move and Effects (Tony Kardyro, 1966)
1995 56
Jerry K. Hartman Thoughtamatic spectator thinks of one of two cards, performer places one aside and is left with the correct one, this is repeated, for third phase spectator thinks of one and he chooses which one to eliminate and is correct
Inspired by 1995 172
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo K-M Move
1995 240
Jerry K. Hartman, Tony Kardyro Simple Simon application of Kardyro move, see also "Secret Simon" on p. 56 and reference there
1995 280
Edward Marlo, Tony Kardyro T.K. Drop Sleight
1996 48
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo K.M. Move
Underworld (Issue 4)
Vernon Winiecke Bottom Reverse "Reversal of any number of cards - Dedicated to Tony Kardyro"
during swing cut
Related to 1996 44
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo KM Move brief
1996 42
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo K-M Move
1997 53
Tony Kardyro Boldly Attuned two decks, spectator and performer cut off a packet twice and the face cards do not match,
method for obtaining the key card
Also published here 1997 64
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo The K. M. Move secretly reverses one or more cards; various applications
1998 518
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo K.M. Move
1998 92
Edward Marlo, Tony Kardyro The K. M. Move As a steal
1999 89
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo The K.M. Move
1999 44
Edward Marlo, Tony Kardyro KM Move to reverse cards on top of deck in action of placing card face down on top
Labyrinth (Issue 12)
Flip Over Force forcing one of two selections
Related to 1999 46
Tony Kardyro, Joe Berg, Tony Slydini Repeat Remote-Viewing card selected behind performer's back, performer names it, repeated twice
  • Phase Two (card palmed out)
  • Phase Three (corner torn off)
Jan. 1999
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 5)
Edward Marlo, Tony Kardyro K.M. Move
2000 33
Steve Bedwell Where have you been all my life? about the possibilities of thick cards
Related to 2000 1
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo KM Move
2000 27
Vernon Winiecke Transpo Coins coin inside spectator's fist visually transposes with coin on top of his fist
Inspired by
  • "Pennys Thru Table" (Tony Kardyro)
Related to
Discoverie (Issue 4)
Vernon Winiecke Which Ace? two Aces shown, spectator has to guess the location of one, it changes into selection
Inspired by 2001 187
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo K.M. Move
2001 40
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo K.M. Move
2002 92
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo KM Move
July/Aug. 2002
The Penumbra (Issue 2)
Tony Kardyro Kardyro's Kard Kontrol partial, glimpsing top card of left hand half as bottom card of right hand spread is pointed to and shown to spectator
2002 233
Tony Kardyro, Henry Christ Double Turnover from a Spread in the Hands
2003 1129
Tony Kardyro, Elmer Biddle Kardyro-Biddle Steal
2003 18
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo K.M. Move
2004 118
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo KM Move
2005 24
Don Nielsen Supercharged Silver ring changes to coin, involving a magnetic coin that is moved from sleeve to hand with magnetic pen
Related to 2005 414
Romaine, Tony Kardyro Double Kicker card is found reversed at spelling position via push-through failure
Also published here Apr. 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 4)
Tony Kardyro, Elmer Biddle Kardyro-Biddle Steal
2006 165
Tony Kardyro Copper-Silver coin on spectators hand is covered with matchbox and transposes with coin inside matchbox
Related toVariations 2006
Prolix (Issue 1)
Dan Lewis Merlin's Matchbox half-dollar on table covered with matchbox, match lighted, half-dollar changes to quarter and another quarter is in box
Inspired by 2007
Prolix (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves Back Story further comments and credit information on the referenced items, sliding shell, Werry's Matchbox Illusion
Related to 2007
Prolix (Issue 3)
Justin Higham The Illogical Dribble Force
  • The Basic Move
Related toVariationsAlso published here 2007 3
Tony Kardyro T. K. Supreme Change card is switched as it is dropped to table
2007 117
Jerry K. Hartman, Tony Kardyro Block Simple Simon Simple Simon with a block of cards, essentially a packet version of Kardyro reference, see Trickery Treats reference for other applications
Related to
  • Simple Simon Move and Effects (Tony Kardyro, 1966)
  • "Shifting Sandwich" and "Show and Spell" (Jerry K. Hartman, Trickery Treats, 1999, p. 115 and p. 119 respectively)
2007 255
Tony Kardyro, Elmer Biddle Biddle Move
2008 249
Justin Higham One Handed Flip-Over Force
Inspired by 2008 20
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo K.M. Move
2010 26
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo K.M. Move
Aug. 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 8)
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo K.M. Move
2011 110
Justin Higham Modified Kardyro Hold-Card Switch
Inspired by 2011 29
William Goodwin Double Flip-Over Force handling for forcing two cards
Inspired by 2011 66
Edward Marlo, Tony Kardyro K.M. Move
2012 77
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo K.M. Move
2012 271
Tony Kardyro Flip-Over Force
Also published here 2012 11
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo KM Move
2013 125
Tony Kardyro T. K.'s Flip-Over Force No. 1
Also published here 2015 126
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo KM Move
2015 54
Justin Higham Illogical Revolve-Cut Production
Related to Feb. 2016
Operandi (Issue 1)
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo KM Move
2016 44
Bob Farmer, Tony Kardyro Treating the Cards with cashmere bouquet soap and teflon powder, also for faro shuffles
Related to 2017 56
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo KM Move
2018 281
Tom Gagnon Soaping the Faro
Inspired byRelated to 2019 339
Steve Forte Hole-card and Player-card Switches credit information
  • direct hole-card "switch"
  • tip-over hole-card switch
Related to 2020 602
Larry Jennings Discrepant … See?
Related to
  • "Flip Over Switch" (Tony Kardyro, Conjurors' Magazine, Sep. 1949)
Also published here
2020 418
Tony Kardyro T.K. Change
Related toVariations 2020 421
Larry Jennings T.K. No Turn card placed on top of deck and held with left thumb, then tossed forward
Inspired byRelated to 2020 422
Edward Marlo, Tony Kardyro Technique on T.K. Drop Sleight spread drop switch
Also published here 2021
Output (Issue 19)
Tony Kardyro Tip-Over Spread Switch
Jan. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 1)
Tony Kardyro Preparing a Faro Deck soap on edges
2022 6
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo K.M. Move
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Dec. 2007
2022 680
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo K.M. Move brief
2023 19
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo KM Move
Apr. 2024
Genii (Vol. 87 No. 4)
Tony Kardyro, Edward Marlo KM Move
2024 72