148 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Transposition / Two Cards / Between two Packets
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
T. Nelson Downs Transposition Extraordinary No. 2, deck separated in red and black, card from red half put in black half, it is predicted and transposes with another red card, halves rubber-banded
Also published here 1920 5
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die ihre Plätze wechselnden Kartenpäckchen deck separated in number and picture cards
1930 72
T. Page Wright Unknown Leaper variation card at thought-of position transposes with card in other half
Inspired by 1933 11
Vincent Lynch "What the H___!?" two decks with different backs, Ace of Spades change places multiple times
Aug. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 23)
Ace Transposition odd-backed in packets, sticky cards
1937 111
Theodore Annemann Restless Cards two rubber banded piles with different backs, selections transpose, see also page 210 for comment
Apr. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 31)
John J. Crimmins Jr. Meta-Stasis two selected cards, duplicate
Aug. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 59)
Clayton Rawson 3: Stream-Lined Hypnotism duplicate
Also published here Feb. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 100)
Tony Kardyro Fair Exchange two card transposition from half to half
1948 8
Bert Allerton Biddle Move version of the Biddle trick by Allerton, selection among packet changes places with other card
Mar. 1949
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 6 No. 10)
John A. M. Howie Ambitious Transpo
Variations June 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 204)
Purvis W. Miller Both Ways two cards transpose twice and eventually travel to performer's pocket
Feb. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 223)
George Blake Interchange
Inspired by Mar. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 224)
Edward Marlo, Stewart James Pockethereal Minus Pockets two cards thought of, they transpose from packet to packet, two methods
Inspired byVariations 1953 98
Howard A. Adams Trilemma three phase routine
  • two mentally selected cards change places
  • two mentally selected cards end up in performer's pocket
  • five mentally selected cards are found
Variations May 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 280)
Vern Schoneck Crazy Mixed Up Cards! spectator's and performer's thought of card change places in the two halves of the deck and are found reversed
Feb. 1954
The Phoenix (Issue 300)
Clayton Rawson 3. Stream-Lined Hypnotism duplicate
Also published here 1956 154
Dai Vernon Penetration of Thought two packets of four Aces each with different-colored backs, thought-of Ace transposes
Related toVariations 1957 51
Jim Luzzi The Helpful Joker two cards transpose in packets, story presentation
1957 11
P. Howard Lyons Neater Penetration odd-backed, two packets of four Aces each, thought Ace transposes
Inspired by Oct. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 18)
Dai Vernon Thought Transposed two sets of four Aces with different backs, thought of Ace transposes
Related toVariations 1960 16
Anthony J. Gugliotta Leap Frog two cards at the same position in two halves transpose
Oct. 1960
Ibidem (Issue 22)
Charlie Miller Red and Black Packets selected cards from red half and black half transpose
Related to 1961 56
Dai Vernon Novel Card Transposition card on table with card at chosen number in deck
1962 47
Edward Marlo The Tilted Transposition "Twelfth Effect", two cards placed reversed into two halves transpose
1962 20
Edward Marlo The Criss Cross Transposition "Thirteenth Effect", more complex version of previous transposition
1962 21
Edward Marlo Variations on Vernon's Original Version two packets of four Aces each with different-colored backs, thought-of Ace transposes
Inspired by Aug. 1963
Ibidem (Issue 29)
Verne Chesbro, Larry West Face the Ace four red-backed Aces and four blue-backed Aces, Ace chosen in one packet, its duplicate reverses in the other packet, the transpose
1968 4
Robert (Bob) Hess Immovable Object deck in two packets, top cards shown and exchanged, on one packet it remains the same card, repeated several times
Sep. 1970 359
Ron Ferris Kavorting Kings red and blue backed kings, named kings transpose
1971 21
Sam Leo Horowitz Put-Back Move one card exchanged while two four-of-a-kinds are displayed and separated
Related toVariations Autumn 1971
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 5-8 (Vol. 6 No. 5th Folio)
Dai Vernon, Dr. Jacob Daley Vernon - Daley Transposition Artistic No. 116, two cards in two halves with their positions remembered by performer and spectator, halves exchanged and counted down to numbers to remove cards, then they transpose
1972 34
Charlie Miller Variation No. 717, perhaps: selected cards from red half and black half transpose
Related to 1972 192
Karl Fulves Jumping Joker repeat transposition of Joker with named card, stripper deck
1973 73
Edward Marlo Signo-Transpo front and back signed card jumps from packet to packet, rough-smooth
Variations 1974 55
Jerry K. Hartman Near Mix spectator selects card from red packet and another spectator selects card from black packet, selections swap packets
Variations 1974 49
Harry Lorayne The Fascinating Travelers two thought-of cards in two packets transpose
1975 99
T. Nelson Downs Transposition Extraordinary deck separated in red and black, card from red half put in black half, it is predicted and transposes with another red card, halves rubber-banded
Also published here 1975 77
Karl Fulves Mixed Doubles red-backed and blue-backed aces, aces transpose from those packets
Related to
  • notes on p. 312
Epilogue (Issue Special No 5)
Paul Harris The Phantom transpo of chosen card in one packet with unknown phantom card
Variations 1976 23
Jerry Andrus A Double Barreled Bandit two selection transpose to other half, with rubber bands
1976 61
Jerry Andrus Wind Up two selection transpose to other half, with rubber bands
1976 62
Nick Trost Transposed Aces with Repeat Four blue backed Aces and four red backed Aces on table, named Aced transposes between the two packets, twice
1976 21
Edward Marlo, Jon Racherbaumer Signo-Transpo front and back signed card jumps from packet to packet, rough-smooth
Inspired by 1976 29
Ken Krenzel The Impromptu Zig Zag two isolated packets
1978 105
Herb Zarrow Zigs & Zags
Inspired by
  • George Kaplan's "Zig-Zag" (Hugard's Magic Monthly)
May 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Karl Fulves Moving Target AS in one packet transposes with card in other packet
1978 11
Karl Fulves Compared To What four reds and four blacks, two chosen cards transpose
1978 46
Karl Fulves Kaleidoscope Ace through Four of Hearts removed from two different decks, performer reverses a card in each pile, they're named values and have transposed backs, optional transformation kicker
1978 50
Karl Fulves Thirty Eight transposition of two cards from red packet to black packet
1978 54
Karl Fulves Snark Hunt Aces and Jacks removed, named ones turn over and transpose, posed as problem, see reference for method clue
Related toVariations 1978 80
Jerry K. Hartman, Charles Hudson Chroma Roamers packet of Diamonds and packet of Clubs, card selected from each packet and returned, selections transpose into opposite packet, improvement of reference
Inspired byVariations 1978 79
Roy Walton Traveling Man two sets of Kings from different decks, named one transposes
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1978 25
Jon Racherbaumer Zippy Zig-zag
Jan. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Howard Schwarzman Night Riser black Aces on table, half deck on each, they rise to top of other packet, red Aces on bottom
  • Notes By Karl Fulves
Inspired byVariations 1979
The Chronicles (Issue 16)
Karl Fulves Snark Hunt clue to the method
Related to 1979
Interlocutor (Issue 35)
Edward Marlo Double Reverse and Transposition two cards in two halves reverse and transpose, see also page 83 for alternative handlings
1980 78
Barry Govan J-A-W-S "Joker And Wallet Solution", four Aces transpose with joker in wallet one by one
Dec. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Jon Racherbaumer Clean-Cut Finger Sandwiches cards between two sandwiches transpose, two methods
Hierophant (Issue The Last Hierophant)
Andrew Galloway, John A. M. Howie A Trick For Jack Avis two selection in two packets change places and end up on top of the other packet
1980 15
Karl Fulves Playback Poker two cards from two poker hands turn over and change places
1981 88
Ken Simmons Direct Transposition top cards of two packets
Inspired by 1981 28
Karl Fulves Twogether two eleven-card packets with Ace through Jack from two decks are dealt, predicted value matches in position and backs transpose
The Chronicles (Issue 29)
Harry Lorayne A Card To Remember convoluted handling
1982 115
Edward Marlo Zig-Zag two methods
1982 166
Christian Scherer Die Heimkehrer two quartets, two cards are exchanged and then there are quartets again, with two times four duplicates of same card
1982 45
Christian Scherer Die fliegende Karte card is exchanged with one of a quartet, two cards transpose
1982 52
Larry Jennings, Jim Patton Your Best Suit Ace through Ten packet, chosen card turns over and transposes with joker put in breast pocket, a bit similar to DCD
Variations 1983 60
Karl Fulves, Dr. Jacob Daley Strip Shuffle Notes three cards on a Three, five cards on a Five, all on top of deck
1984 113
Jerry K. Hartman A Suit With A Future joker transposes with selected value in straight, effect similar to DCD
Inspired byAlso published here 1984 118
Stephen Tucker Doppelganger Four red cards transpose with four black cards. Selection (actually amongst the black cards) transposes with a red card in the red packet
1984 12
Edward Marlo Not Disappointing aces transpose
1985 76
Larry Jennings The Observation Test
1986 126
Jochen Zmeck Rot-Grün Überraschung two decks, chosen card turns over in other deck, and they have changed places
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 2)
Jerry Sadowitz Discrepancy Transposition: 1
1987 4
Karl Fulves Dial A Card four cards, spectator choses one that is turned over, packet placed aside, another four-card packet taken, the very same card is turned over in this one and the reversed card in spectator's packet has changed into another one
1987 43
Edward Marlo The Choice Transposition selection transposes with chosen Ace, repeat, Olram Subtlety application
  • An Impromptu Method
1988 191
George G. Kaplan Zickzack spectator remembers a card at a thought-of number from one to ten in one half, performer does same in other half, the cards transpose, ten duplicates or impromptu
  • Vorführung mit normalem Spiel
Also published here
  • Zig-Zag, Hugard's Magic Monthly
Apr. 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 4)
Roy Walton Travelling Man two sets of four Kings with different backs, named King transposes
Inspired byAlso published here 1988 19
Brother John Hamman Seeing with the Fingertips
1989 155
Justin Higham Switcheroo two cards transpose from packet to packet, then both cards travel from packet to deck
Inside Out (Issue Special No. 1)
David A. Vogt The Mechanical Queens a red and a black Queen are placed on one side, the other red and black Queens on the other side, two Queens transpose so reds are on one and blacks on the other side
Variations Sep. 1990
Technomagic (Issue 3)
Edward Marlo Mechanical Queens Finesse a red and a black Queen are placed on one side, the other red and black Queens on the other side, two Queens transpose so reds are on one and blacks on the other side
Inspired by Sep. 1990
Technomagic (Issue 3)
Justin Higham More Than One Transposition an Ace and a King placed on each side, two cards transpose so that two Aces are on one side and two Kings on the other, two more phases
Oct. 1990
Technomagic (Issue 4)
Alex Elmsley Mixed Marriages two royal flushes from two decks, they magically arrange in same order and one selected value transposes
1991 58
Jerry K. Hartman A Suit With a Future joker transposes with selected value in straight, effect similar to DCD
Also published here 1991 166
Bert Fenn Pockethereal, Minus Pockets notes
Inspired by June 1992
The Olram File (Issue 12)
Jon Racherbaumer Clarified Packethereal two cards transpose from pocket to pocket, duplicate
Inspired by June 1992
The Olram File (Issue 12)
T. Nelson Downs Transposition Extraordinary No. 24, deck separated in red and black, card from red half put in black half, it is predicted and transposes with another red card, halves rubber-banded
Also published here 1992 31
Edward Marlo Visibly, Invisibly two halves, two selections placed in them, they transpose to top of other halves
The Olram File (Issue 16)
Larry Jennings オブザベーションインカラー (Observation in Color)
1993 150
Karl Fulves Freeze Frame credit information
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 9)
John Bannon Twisted Sisters two duplicate four-of-a-kinds from different decks, thought-of suit transposes
  • First Scenario: Apparent Transposition
  • Second Scenario: Implied Transposition
Variations 1993 1
Karl Fulves Freeze Frame two decks, performer signs one in his deck and spectator in his, decks exchanged but each still has his signed card in the deck
Related to 1994
Rigmarole (Issue 9)
Roger Crosthwaite Follow Up card peeked in red half travels to black half
1994 165
Iain Girdwood Adagio for Strings two cards in two suit runs from Ace to Ten transpose
Variations 1994 209
Aldo Colombini Can't Play Your Game ten red and black cards, two selections are told to transpose, packets transpose instead
Related to 1994 28
Jerry K. Hartman Crossing Cards red half and black half, two cards transpose
VariationsAlso published here Jan. 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 1)
Marvin Leventhal Bizarre Transposition card found in different colored deck, Bizarre Twist variation
Inspired by Sep. 1995
The Minotaur (Vol. 7 No. 3)
Edward Marlo Red-Black Transpo two Aces transpose from red and black packets
Also published here
  • The New Tops, Mar. 1979
1995 397
Aldo Colombini Trifle ungaffed Twisted Sisters version, two duplicate four-of-a-kinds from different decks, named suit transposes
Inspired by 1995 57
Aldo Colombini Band-It ten red and ten black cards, one of each selected, packets are rubber-banded, the two cards transpose
Inspired byRelated to 1995 85
Jerry K. Hartman Crossing Cards packet of Diamonds and packet of Clubs, card chosen in each, packets are each rubber-banded, chosen cards transpose
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1995 80
Jerry K. Hartman Chroma Roamers packet of Diamonds and packet of Clubs, card selected from each packet and returned, selections transpose into opposite packet, updated handling of reference
Inspired by 1995 85
Jon Racherbaumer Clean-Sweep Thought Penetration odd-backed, two packets of four Aces each, thought Aces transpose, repeat, by "The Boys of Bennigans" (Doug, Jason and myself)
Also published here Oct. 1995
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Jack Birnman The Dyslexic Psychic entertaining presentation
Winter 1996 1
Peter Duffie Hopover thought of card from red pack transpose with thought of card from black packet
Inspired by
  • "The PallaD Principle" (Peter Duffie, Cards in Principle)
1996 1213
Peter Duffie Metathesis packet with red cards and with black cards, two thought-of (mathematical procedure) cards transpose
Inspired by
  • "The PallaD Principle" (Peter Duffie, Cards in Principle)
1996 8
Peter Duffie Color Blind Red card selected from red half, black card selected from black half. Inserted in opposite color group, and then they transpose back to original halves, reversing themselves in the process
1997 34
Bill Simon, Roberto Giobbi Rise and Switch Double Rise plus transpo
Inspired by 1998 590
Jason Alford Suit Cut Suit two cards in two suit runs from Ace to Ten transpose
Inspired byAlso published here 1999 63
Jason Alford Suit Cut Suit two cards in two suit runs from Ace to Ten transpose
Inspired byAlso published here 1999 9
R. Paul Wilson Thinking it Over two methods
Also published here 2001 2
Karl Fulves Stranger #1
Stranger #2
Stranger #3
two straights/suits, value named, card moved from packet to packet and then some sort of coincidence or transposition occurs, posed as a problem
Related to 2001 153
Karl Fulves The Stranger #4 "Problems"
two straights/suits, value named, card moved from packet to packet and then some sort of coincidence or transposition occurs, posed as a problem
Related toVariations 2001 210
R. Paul Wilson Thinking it Over two methods
Also published here 2002 32
Matthew Field The Stranger #4 Solution two straights/suits, value named, card moved from packet to packet and then some sort of coincidence or transposition occurs
Inspired by 2002 238
Karl Fulves After Jack "Problems"
half deck vor spectator and performer, a card is chosen and exchanged, they transpose back and are reversed, posed as problem
Inspired by
  • Jack Vosburgh two-deck effect
2002 257
David Acer Separation Anxiety Magician/spectator each select a card from half the deck, the cards transpose.
Also published here Jan. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 1)
Tony Bartolotta Top Ten Plus one packet with red, one with black cards, two cards exchanged with counting procedure, they transpose back
Related to 2002
Discoverie (Issue 7)
Karl Fulves Eight Speed two-packet version of Ace problem
Off The Books (Issue 9)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson 25 Faces North + 1 South a red and a black card chosen, reds and black separated, two cards stopped at in both halves, they're the selection but in odd-colored half
  • Simplified Version
2003 6
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Traveling Queen four red red-backed spot cards, four black blue-backed cards and Queen of Spades, transposition
2003 50
Michel Huot Don't Follow the Leader reds and blacks separated, one of each color chosen and returned, two cards turn over, they are the transposed selections
2003 19
David Acer Separation Anxiety Magician/spectator each select a card from half the deck, the cards transpose.
Also published here 2004 53
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Name a Number, Any Number two cards chosen in incomplete riffle shuffle condition, one from red half one from black, appear at chosen numbers in transposed packets
Inspired by 2004 6
Jack Parker Oddservation spectator and magician each holds four random cards, they exchange cards, but they transpose back. Magician is left holding only those two cards, while spectator is holding four Aces
Also published here June 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 6)
Karl Fulves The Rank And File chosen red card ends up in black packet and vice versa
  • Memory 101
2007 38
Karl Fulves Moment's Notice
2007 60
Jack Parker Cross Eyed Surprise Red and black Ace transposes when sandwiched between Queens, finally two Aces switch places with four Queens
Also published here
  • Set to Stun, 2005
2007 30
Jack Parker Oddservation Spectator and magician each holds four random cards, they exchange cards, but they transpose back. Magician is left holding only those two cards, while spectator is holding four Aces
VariationsAlso published here 2007 107
Jack Parker Detour (Oddservation Redux) Variation of Oddservation, ends with Royal Flush
Inspired byAlso published here 2007 110
Jack Parker Twisted Inversion Two selections transpose between two packets of four cards
Inspired by 2007 114
Jack Parker Detour (Oddservation Redux) Variation of Oddservation, ends with Royal Flush
Also published here June 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 6)
Karl Fulves Crossfire spectator names card from half the deck and a number, performer as well from other half, when counted to, the other cards shows up at the numbers
Prolix (Issue 8)
Michel Huot Leading by Example deck separated in red and black cards, one from each half chosen, when spread one card is seen face-down in each half, they're the transposed selections
May 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 5)
Karl Fulves Triptych two cards chosen, two piles dealt and performer reads out loud all the cards, spectators name the piles with their selections, performer divines cards, they transpose into other pile and are only odd-backed ones
Inspired byRelated to 2011
Prolix (Issue 9)
Tom Gagnon Red & Blue Double Leaper with the Versatile Spread Control, deck with half red and half blue cards, red selection travels to blue part and vice versa
Also published here 2011 44
Justin Higham Mechanical Queens Revisited two pairs of a red and black Queen each placed in two corners, two of the Queens transpose
Inspired by 2011 37
Manuel Montes Pensamiento en Color four cards with red backs and four with blue backs, two chosen cards change places, with repetition
  • Para Unidas Circular - Efecto de retorno
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 20)
Tom Gagnon Invisible Fingertip Transpo Jacks placed aside, named Jack transposes with selection which is reversed in center of deck
2013 24
John Bannon Duplicity ungaffed Twisted Sister type transposition, rest shown blank
Inspired by 2013 14
Alan Shaxon One-Eyed Jack Sandwich sandwiched card transposes with card in pocket
2014 100
Harapan Ong Twisted Choices Kings and Aces, twisting effect with one packet, chosen suit transposes between packets
2018 238
Scott Robinson Manifold red-backed Ace of Spades sandwiched between two red Kings transposes with selection, ending up at the designated position that selection occupied in deck
Inspired by 2018 148
Larry Jennings Diamond Cut, Plus Jokers Ace through Ten packet, chosen card turns over and transposes with joker put in breast pocket
Inspired by 2020 535
Jon Racherbaumer Clean Sweep Thought Penetration
  • Exhumations
odd-backed, two packets of four Aces each, thought Aces transpose, repeat
Inspired byAlso published here May 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 5)
David Williamson, Jay Burke Spooky Aces (At a Distance) Twisting the Aces with two sets of Aces with different back and sympathetic presentation, last Ace optionally transposes between packets
2023 1