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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Build Up six hands, two rounds, as Rusduck
Related toVariations May 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 61)
Charles Hudson Those Confusing Ladies two Queens face up in the center of the deck change places wit the other Queens on top of the deck ans all Queens are face down, one-handed, deck held behind back
Mar. 1944
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Frederick Braue Roundabout with Fred Braue on Peter Casson, Richard Himber, The Five-Best Poll (card tricks), Wilbur Kattner, Ernest Partington, Paul Fleming, Charles Hudson, Jean Hugard, Keith Brooks, Frank Werner, Don Medley, Edward Kullman
Feb. 1947 295
Charles Hudson Switch Back way to find the bridged card
June 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 204)
Joseph Diez Gergonne From Gergonne to Gargantua Chapter intro, describes Gergonne's Pile Problem, which is basically the 21 card trick using twenty seven cards, see following entries
Related toVariations 1956 33
Charles Hudson Hocus Pocus six hands, five rounds, ends with royal flush
Inspired by May 1957
The Cardiste (Issue 2)
Charles Hudson Sorcerer's Seven performer talks about the number seven, spectator puts a card in the deck, cards next to it equals seven, variation where all four cards are stabbed into the deck (Rusduck), see credits in No. 8
Related toVariations June 1957
The Cardiste (Issue 3)
Charles Hudson Sorcerer's Seven II cards are shuffled and cards from 8 to As removed, shuffled again and picture cards removed, then with the number seven all quartets are counted to
Sep. 1957
The Cardiste (Issue 4)
Charles Hudson Sorcerer's Sevens III
Related to Feb. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 5)
Charles Hudson Major-Minor Do-As-I-Do one deck, spectator choses amount of cards he and performer get, down under deal until one card, mates
Mar. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 6)
Russell "Rusduck" Duck, Stewart James Research Division credits
Related to May 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 8)
Russell "Rusduck" Duck, Charles Hudson Outer Space up to three spectators select thirteen cards, everybody has one card of each value
Related to July 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 10)
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Re: Outer Space ideas for Outer Space by Mel Brown and Cedric Lindholm
Related to Aug. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 11)
Karl Fulves ESP + Math ESP cards are shuffled and distributed, performer knows who has a pair in his cards, see also p. 728 for comment, p. 840 for comment by Jerry Fulton
Related toVariations Feb. 1968 162
Roy Walton, Charles Hudson Etcetera
May 1968 178
Karl Fulves, Charles Hudson ESP + Math non ESP-version, cards are shuffled and distributed, performer knows who has a pair in his cards
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here May 1968 178
Edward Marlo The Original R or B Phantom cut-off packet counted in rest, faro placement, penelope
Related to Summer 1970 204
Charles Hudson Variation and Feat cut-off packet counted in rest, faro placement, penelope
Inspired by Fall-Spring 1971
The Hierophant (Issue 5-6)
Charles Hudson A Horse of a Different Color card changes back in sandwich
Fall-Spring 1971
The Hierophant (Issue 5-6)
J. Stewart Smith To The Top "Coming Up in the World" precursor, shown by a soldier in 1942, see also p. 415, p. 426 for comment by Charles Hudson
Related to Apr. 1971 413
William Taylor, Charles Hudson Etcetera on criticism
June 1971 426
Lin Searles Moracle packet cut off and reduced to one card via reverse faros, this card predicted and four Aces on top of discard piles, see also p. 486 for comment by Charles Hudson
Inspired byRelated toVariations July 1971 430
Karl Fulves Unmatch five reds and five blacks mixed, spectator points to any five, removed as block, cards from both piles simultaneously turned over, always one red and one black, see also p. 460
Related toVariationsAlso published here Sep. 1971
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 6 No. 11)
Charles Hudson Hummer - 4 four cards mixed face up face down by spectator, values of face up cards predicted, CATO
Related to Nov. 1972
Epilogue (Issue 16)
Charles Hudson, Al Weyfield, Bill Taylor, Kenn Eastin Etcetera
Feb. 1972 486
Robert E. Neale Number Hummer four cards mixed face up face down by spectator, values of face up cards divined or predicted
Inspired byRelated to Feb. 1973 600
Charles Hudson Match Up
Inspired by 1973 91
Jerry K. Hartman Near Mix spectator selects card from red packet and another spectator selects card from black packet, selections swap packets
Variations 1974 49
Charles Hudson, Jon Racherbaumer Mini-Observation Test with nine cards
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 9)
Charles Hudson On Faro Felon notes on the faro shuffle
Related to Feb. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Jerry K. Hartman, Charles Hudson Chroma Roamers packet of Diamonds and packet of Clubs, card selected from each packet and returned, selections transpose into opposite packet, improvement of reference
Inspired byVariations 1978 79
Albert Charra "I'm Lucky" a bit of pile making and dealing required
Variations June 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Harry Lorayne One-Way Tally-Ho one-way feature on Tally-Ho Circle backs, see also page 598 for information by Charles Hudson
Oct. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Gene Finnell, Harry Lorayne, Murray Bonfeld FABULOUS using faro, see page 372 for handling variation by Charles Hudson
Dec. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Larry Becker Duo-Matic based on a Hummer idea, two spectators with four cards, 14 instructions later end up with same card
Inspired by
  • "Baby Hummer" (Charles Hudson, The Linking Ring, Dec., 1967)
1979 211
Charles Hudson Gathering of the Court Cards - Improved Version
Also published here 1979 8
Ken Krenzel Transcendental Transpo using two divided cards along different axis, see page 372 for handling detail by Charles Hudson
Mar. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Charles Hudson Apocalypse Variations Or Additions
Inspired by Apr. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Philip T. Goldstein Abacus cut-off number of cards and single card are predicted/divined, partial stack
Related toVariationsAlso published here Oct. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Alex Elmsley Parity Failure some cards from 5x5 cards layout are turned over according to rules, condition is called out and on one card is lied
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980 38
Charles Hudson Parity Notes
Inspired by 1980 59
Peter Marshall Bicycle! with Bicycle cards, words on case are spelled to and royal flush comes out
Inspired byVariations Jan. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Charles Hudson Apocalypse Variations Or Additions
Inspired by Feb. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Keith Breen Successive Reversals one ace at a time appears face up in deck
Variations Nov. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 11)
Harry Lorayne Charles Hudson mini bio
1982 104
Charles Hudson Sum Hummer Ace to Ten packet, mixed face up and down by spectator, number of reversed cards and their total predicted, CATO principle
Variations 1982 105
Charles Hudson The Royal Computer Kings and Queens are given to spectator for CATO procedure, two card turned over, two previous selections
Variations 1982 109
Charles Hudson Invisible Inserts two selections reverse one by one, invisible card presentation
1982 395
William P. Miesel Water and Oil Barrons
Inspired byVariations 1982 29
Charles Hudson Abacus III cut-off number of cards and single card are predicted, partial stack, see credit corrections on page 864
Inspired by June 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 6)
Jerry K. Hartman Order Restored one suit is reversed in deck and orders itself, gaffed and ungaffed (faro) method
Related toVariations Jan. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 1)
Roy Walton Triple Alliance
Inspired by
  • "Spelled Prophecy: 2" (Charles Hudson)
Oct. 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 8)
Karl Fulves ESP + Math No. 37, packet of cards is shuffled and distributed, performer knows who has a pair in his cards
Related toAlso published here 1984 48
Charles Hudson Enlarged Hartman
Inspired by Apr. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 4)
Charles Hudson Smart Deck cards reverse that indicate color, suit, value...
1985 501
Charles Hudson The Visine Trick all black climax
Inspired byRelated to 1985 506
David Britland Kojack two selections and four Kings lost in deck, selections rise, Kings reproduced
Inspired by
  • "Decktectives" (Charles Hudson, Linking Ring)
Nov. 1985 16
Philip T. Goldstein, Robert E. Neale Toddler packet mixed face-up/face-down, values added up is force number
Inspired by
  • "Baby Hummer" (Charles Hudson, The Linking Ring, Dec., 1967)
1989 3
Basic Hummer four cards, selection is only one reversed after some procedure
Inspired by
  • "Baby Hummer" (Charles Hudson, The Linking Ring, Dec., 1967)
Also published here
1993 72
Jerry K. Hartman Chroma Roamers packet of Diamonds and packet of Clubs, card selected from each packet and returned, selections transpose into opposite packet, updated handling of reference
Inspired by 1995 85
Nick Trost The Gathering of the Court Cards three packets of Jacks, Queens, Kings, assemble to three Jacks, three Queens and three Kings
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1997 57
Charles Hudson Charles Hudson's Version Variation of "The Gathering of the Court Cards"
Related toAlso published here 1997 61
Nick Trost The Perfecto Bridge Deal duplicate Spades
VariationsAlso published here
  • The New Tops, Feb. 1969
1997 235
Basic Hummer Baby Hummer, four cards flipped face up and down, end with selection being the only one reversed.
Related toAlso published here 1999 37
Tom Craven Hummer Clean-Up four cards, selection is only one reversed after some procedure
Inspired by
  • "Baby Hummer" (Charles Hudson, Linking Ring)
Also published here
2000 69
Tom Craven Hummer - Odd Back selection also has odd back
Inspired by
  • "Baby Hummer" (Charles Hudson, Linking Ring)
Also published here
2000 70
Doug Canning Canning's Baby Hummer with six cards
Inspired by
  • "Baby Hummer" (Charles Hudson, Linking Ring)
Also published here
2000 72
Karl Fulves Tomorrow's Card No. 47, eight cards shuffled face-up/face-down, number of reversed cards and their identity predicted
Inspired by
  • "Baby Hummer" (Charles Hudson, Linking Ring)
2001 67
Harry Lorayne A Couple of Pages sixteen cards mixed face up and down by spectator, number of reversed cards and their total predicted
Inspired by 2001 489
Harry Lorayne Spur of the Moment two selections are only reversed cards in packet after CATO procedure
Inspired by 2001 495
Dean Dill Speaking Volumes
Related to June 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 6)
Tom Craven Raising Baby Hummer selection is reversed, variation with odd-colored back
  • Off-Color Baby Hummer
Inspired by
  • Charles Hudson's "Baby Hummer" in "The Linking Ring" December, 1967.
2006 72
Richard Vollmer Sum Hummer Explored packet mixed face up and down by spectator, number of reversed cards and their total predicted, CATO principle
Inspired byVariations 2007 264
Nick Trost Trost on Hudson's "Sorcerer's Sevens" some coincidences with the number seven occur
Inspired by 2008 52
Woody Aragón Psychic Poker spectator shuffles and deals four hands. magician guesses winning player and predicts winning hand.
Inspired by 2011 167
Nick Trost "Baby Hummer," Simplified four Kings are mixed face-up/face-down under table by spectator, performer divines only reversed card
Inspired by
  • "Baby Hummer" (Charles Hudson, The Linking Ring, Dec., 1967)
Related to
2011 732
Persi Diaconis, Ron Graham Mathematics in the Air Chapter intro that describes the CATO Principle and the mathematics behind it, along with tricks
Related to 2012 1
Charles Hudson Baby Hummer Used to demonstrate the CATO principle, uses four cards
Related toVariations 2012 1
Nick Trost Trost on Hudson's "Two Grand Slams" duplicate Spades, eliminating faro
Inspired byRelated to 2013 809
John Hostler The Triskadequadra Principle related to Gilbreath, allows knowledge about consecutive groups of four cards after a riffle shuffle if the deck starts out in four-card-groups of the same order
Related to 2016 58
Ramón Riobóo Shy or Showoff Many spectators, each spectator takes four cards, CATO Principle (Baby Hummer)
Inspired byRelated to
  • "Baby Hummer" (Nick Trost)
2019 63
Reinhard Müller Baby Boom with four cards
Inspired by 2020 179
Jon Racherbaumer On Baby Hummer chosen Ace ends up reversed after performer does some arranging behind his back
Inspired by
  • "Baby Hummer" (Charles Hudson, Linking Ring, Dec. 1967)
Feb. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 2)
Jon Racherbaumer Baby Hummer Redux
  • Exhumations
Inspired by
  • "Baby Hummer" (Charles Hudson, The Linking Ring, Dec. 1967)
Mar. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 3)