240 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Coincidence / Mates
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Orville Wayne Meyer Card Box Sympathy performer and spectator choose the same card, using the prop "P&L Metal Card box"
Jan. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 4)
Louis Lam Do As I Do "An Experiment in Coincidence", two four-card piles are made by counting some cards with both both decks, bottom cards match
1935 6
Charles T. Jordan Divino various coincidences with mates, see also hundred-cards-deck version in reference
Related to 1937 229
Frederick Braue The Marriage Meter two selections are mates
1941 26
Paul Curry Mates spectator shuffles deck and takes card from face-down ribbon spread and gives it to spectator, performer also takes a card from spread, they are mates
1941 16
Orville Wayne Meyer Card Box Sympathy performer and spectator choose the same card, using the prop "P&L Metal Card box"
1943 72
George G. Kaplan Coincidence? No. Prevision? Yes three decks, two shuffled and dealt face up, at one point same card appears at same position, this card is reversed in the third deck
Related toVariations 1945 94
L. Vosburgh Lyons Match'em! spectator pushes middle of the center out with a knife / pencil, two times it's the mate of a previously tabled mate
Aug. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 89)
Arthur H. Buckley Matching Pairs Experiment No. 4 - spectator and magician select card from a half, same value, repeated a couple of times
1946 154
Eddie Joseph Staggered - Presentation Four two decks, two cards are selected by two spectators and mates are found
1949 3
Eddie Joseph Staggered - Presentation Five two decks, two cards are selected by two spectators and mates are found, one deck dealt face up and one face down
1949 4
Eddie Joseph Staggered - Presentation Six two decks, two cards are selected by dealing to a chosen number, mates are found at same position, with variation
1949 4
Eddie Joseph Staggered - Presentation Seven two decks are cut and placed under hats, 51 cards are dealt and last two cards match
1949 5
John Scarne, Frank Garcia The Four Deuces No. 152, magician and spectator each place half the deck behind their backs. They each take out two cards, which are revealed to be the four Twos
Variations 1950 296
Clayton Rawson Mass Prediction two decks spectator and performer select the same five cards
Dec. 1950 729
Toni Koynini Koyincidence three thirds of deck, spectator selects card, when two packets are deal in unison, mates are at selection, not sure, twenty-sixth key
1951 16
Eddie Joseph The Invisible Influence deck is divided in halves and performer knows matching pairs when cards are dealt, six phases
  • The Patter
  • The Influence in Operation
  • The Principle Explained
  • Details of Working
  • Additional Information
Variations 1951 2
Bill Simon Coincidence repeated mate coincidence, two halves, dealing cards simultaneously
Inspired byRelated to 1952 29
Bill Simon Four-Way Coincidence four mates found by spectator
1952 169
Charles Hudson Major-Minor Do-As-I-Do one deck, spectator choses amount of cards he and performer get, down under deal until one card, mates
Mar. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 6)
Dai Vernon Repeat "Do as I do" spectator and Magician exchange cards from different colored decks which match, sets up again
Variations 1959 17
Edward Marlo Red and Blue - Spectator Coincidence card thought of and touched in other deck, match, two decks
Variations 1959 15
Edward Marlo Double Coincidence two cards chosen by performer and spectator turn out to be aces
1959 16
Michael Mence Blind Coincidence two spectators find mates behind their backs
Variations 1959 318
Ken Beale Triplets spectator counts down to a number between twelve and twenty and pockets card, down-under deal with dealt packet results in mate, another card of that value is taken from pocket
Inspired by Oct. 1960
Ibidem (Issue 22)
Sid Solomon Undue Influence card is removed face up, second card is choses face down it's the same with different back
1961 34
William P. Miesel Pinochle Tricks routine to be performed with a pinochle deck
  • Phase I (two selected cards match, Mexican Turnover)
  • Phase II (different matching phase)
Dec. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 24)
Ken Beale Brownian Movement deck cut, two spectators remove a number of cards and remember cards at that position, halves dealt in unison, performer stops when the cards appear at the same position, when removed number is counted down again mates are found
Dec. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 24)
Al Leech Right, Wrong, Right two cards match
1965 25
Al Leech A Chameleon Pair similar to "Right, Wrong, Right"
1965 27
Al Leech Face up Coincidence mates
1965 30
E. Leslie May Thank You, Ted two people select mates in fair manner
1969 51
Roy Walton Countdown Problem four cards tabled, one pocketed by spectator, sum of other three counted down to arrive at match to pocketed card
Related toVariations May 1969 258
Karl Fulves Countdown Problem Solution
Inspired byVariations May 1969 258
Charles Brent Fate pair of mates revealed by counting down to numbers rolled with dice, in second trick spot cards indicated number on die
VariationsAlso published here Oct. 1969
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Paul Swinford Double Duper spectator and magician turn over a card, mates
1971 32
Paul Swinford Against all Odds two spectators choose cards, they're mates
1971 34
Karl Fulves Mathematical Twins Variation mate found after klondike shuffle
Inspired byRelated to Feb. 1972 487
Jerry K. Hartman A Cut Above mirroring each other, magician and spectator each cut four piles, magician has cut to Kings, spectator has cut to Aces with corresponding order of suits
Also published here 1972 38
William P. Miesel Duo Coincido two mates are found, two methods
Inspired by
  • "Double Coincido" (Karl Fulves, MUM Vol.62/8)
July 1974
Epilogue (Issue 21)
Jerry K. Hartman Random Tandem packet of cards, pairs are drawn off Klondike fashion, spectator says stop and stopped-at pair is the only pair of mates
Also published here 1974 15
Harry Lorayne Match Up two chosen cards match
1975 109
Nick Trost Card in Pocket Coincidence Card placed previously in pocket is the mate of spectator's free selection
Also published here 1976 6
Nick Trost Truly - Unbelievable! Matching effect using Svengali type of deck
1976 32
Mental Mates No. 8, spectator removes red Aces and sandwiches any unknown card, performer sandwiches same card in another deck
1976 13
J. Stewart Smith Unseen Powers No. 25, spectator selects card, performer finds mate
1976 41
Robert Harbin Harbins Dreifache Übereinstimmung three small packets, spectator selects a card of each packet, performer does same with his three packets, three matching value pairs show up
Also published here
  • Abracadabra #425, 20. Mar. 1954
Feb. 1976
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Gene Maze Triple Coincidence three cards match to prediction cards
1977 336
Mark Weston Splitz double backer is put in the center of the deck, the cards next to it are removed and the double backer split in two normal cards, the cards match the other two cards
Related toVariations July 1977
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Frederick Braue Ein Ehetest with two decks, both end up at same card
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 38 No. 2)
Hans Meyer Halbe Karten tip for matching routine with half cards / torn cards
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 38 No. 4)
Allan Ackerman Quick Coincidence
Variations 1978 62
Jerry Sadowitz MHAIRI
Feb. 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 6)
Larry Becker Computer-Dating deck is shuffled and dealt face up until first king, it is placed on a face down card, repeated three times, kings are put on matching queens
1978 81
Karl Fulves The Closed Prediction spectator removes card from 16-card packet, performer faro shuffles and finds mate
1979 29
Karl Fulves Stopped Twice two prediction cards placed in deck during dealing by spectator end up next to their mates, "Gemini Twins"
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1979 2
Karrell Fox Duazidu spectator and performer have half the deck, they both select cards and they match, repeated two more times
1979 97
Father Cyprian Matched Pair Two cards selected by two spectators are mates
1979 9
Steve Beam Mating Season I dealing through the halves and spectator stops, mates
Related to 1980 33
Steve Beam Mating Season II dealing through the halves and spectator stops, mates, different method as in Mating Season I
Related to 1980 35
Jack Avis Optical Notes variations
Inspired by 1981
The Chronicles (Issue 30)
Thomas Alan Waters Coincideck two decks, three cards from one deck are put face up at random places into other deck, next to the same cards
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Deckalogue)
Harvey Rosenthal Another Double Coincidence two cards
Oct. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 18)
William Zavis Linear 'Z' one cards put face up in half of deck, mate at same position in other
Dec. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 20)
Howard A. Adams The Ramasee Prophecy using ESP cards and spelling several words, Egypt presentation
Related toVariations 1982
OICUFESP (Issue 10 - TULEFTA - The Ramasee Prophecy)
Edward Marlo The Spectator's Matcho two cards selected, then another two, they match
1983 60
Karl Fulves Linear A two halves, a card in one half reversed, when counted down a mate is in same position in other half, multiple methods
  • L-A #1 to L-A #8
  • Linear B
  • Linear C
Related to 1983 5
Gay Ljungberg Sympathy two decks, coincidence of a card, rainbow deck finish
Jan. 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 3)
Thomas Alan Waters Synsign two couples, according to their star signs, they select a king and a queen of the same suit each
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Thynk)
Thomas Alan Waters Courtship four women chose a queen each, four envelopes with four kings, husbands select the matching king
Related to
  • Basil Horwitz's "No Chance At All!" in "New Pentagram" Vol.3, No.3, 1971. P. 22.
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Thynk)
Karl Fulves Gemini Twins No. 1, two cards inserted where spectator stops dealing, both next to mates
VariationsAlso published here 1984 1
Steve Beam Siamese Stab double facer handed out for examination, see addendum for presentation patter, see also p. 543 for additional ideas
Related toAlso published here 1985 114
Larry Jennings Synchronicity magician and spectator choose mates three times in row
1986 10
Brother John Hamman Mixed-Up Mates Ace to Four of Hearts and Spades match multiple times
1989 240
Philip T. Goldstein Forehand four matching pairs generated
Inspired by 1989 7
Karl Fulves Hand to Hand Ace to Three face-up and face-down, spectator matches them, posed as problem
1989 56
Bruce Cervon Black & White Attraction four black and four white cardboard pieces, two black and two whites are put in four envelopes, spectator manages to match remaining black and white cards with correct envelopes, two methods
1989 123
Simon Aronson Mark-a-Place Mates deck cut in halves, two spectator touch a card in each half, the cards next to the touch card in one half are the mates of the two card in the other half
Variations 1990 10
Simon Aronson Mix and Match two decks riffle shuffled together and divided into two halves, one chosen from one half, performer shouts stop when the other one is dealt, the cards match
Related to 1990 59
Patrick Page Copycat Cards two chosen cards by performer and spectator are mate, repeat
  • The Multiple Revelation
Also published here 1990 61
Alex Elmsley Arith-Mate-Ic some cards are cut, rest is cut into two piles, number of cut-off cards determines coincidence in two tabled packets
Variations 1991 328
Steve Beam Mating Season III spectator calls three numbers between one and twenty-six, cards dealt in pairs, and cards at chosen numbers match in value and suit
Related to 1991 683
Steve Beam Mating Season IV spectator calls three numbers between one and twenty-six, cards dealt in pairs, and cards at chosen numbers match in value and suit, face up method
Related toAlso published here 1991 684
Patrick Page Kopierte Karten two chosen cards by performer and spectator are mate, repeat
  • Die Mehrfach-Bekanntgabe
Also published here Nov. 1991
Intermagic (Vol. 16 No. 3)
T. Page Wright The Triple Coincidence three cards chosen freely, deck put in pocket, performer finds the three mates by touch, last one found by spectator (hopefully)
1991 184
Jerry K. Hartman Striking Matches three pairs of mates
1991 537
Jerry K. Hartman Random Tandem packet of cards, pairs are drawn off Klondike fashion, spectator says stop and stopped-at pair is the only pair of mates
Also published here 1991 538
Jerry K. Hartman Transcendental Mate-itation spectator selects only pair of mates
VariationsAlso published here
  • in "The Linking Ring" June 1988. P. 91.
1991 541
Christian Scherer Duplizität der Ereignisse - Eine Routine mit dem palindromischen Spiel longer stay stack routine, mates are found, six phases
1992 12
Richard James A Problem Solved? deck faced and spread on table, face-up and face-down card pushed out of spread, they are mates
Inspired by Dec. 1992
Profile (Issue 11)
Peter Duffie Matchical Mix two Cards, two Piles, Same position - selection and mate
  • Epilogue to Matchical Mix
Inspired byAlso published here 1992 12
Steve Beam Mating Season I spectator calls three numbers between one and twenty-six, cards dealt in pairs, and cards at chosen numbers match in value and suit, face up method
Related toAlso published here 1993 62
Steve Beam Cutting Match two decks, both are cut between the same cards
Also published here 1993 71
Patrick Page Do as I Do spectator and performer each shuffle half the deck and exchange top card, they match, repeated multiple times
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1993 21
Jerry Mentzer Coincidence one of three cards chosen, another card chosen and put reversed in deck, they are mates, two handlings
1993 5
Steve Beam Siamese Stab double facer handed out for examination
Also published here 1993 6
Doble Predicción prediction of two cards, Karl Fulves's Stopped Twice / Gemini Twins, without credit
Also published here 1993 44
Vicente Canuto, Stewart James Coincidencia Para Dos Espectadores matching routine with cut-in-half cards
Inspired by
  • "Split Second" (Tops)
1993 48
Jerry K. Hartman, Vicente Canuto Aparición de Ases y Reyes mirroring each other, magician and spectator each cut four piles, magician has cut to Kings, spectator has cut to Aces
Also published here 1993 117
Allan Ackerman A Self-Working Quick Coincidence
1994 127
Lee Snyder Quick Match four of a kind
Feb. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 2)
Lewis Jones Happenstance mathematical thing
Variations May 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 5)
Philip T. Goldstein Four Sure mates & four of a kind are found with dice, mathematical
July 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 7)
Harry Lorayne Apocalypse Variations Or Additions
Inspired by Nov. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 11)
Philip T. Goldstein Yada pack with ten arrow cards
Inspired by 1994 59
Gene Maze Sympathetic Thoughts Passing Through two selection from two decks match, then are exchanged via push-through failure
1994 118
Basil Horwitz Challenge Aura Card spectator finds mate
1994 65
Edward Marlo Moveable Coincidence two cards chosen by saying stop when finger is moved along fan match
1994 112
Jack Carpenter Fate or Free Will? tabled prediction card, spectator picks card and inserts it in deck, cards on both sides of it are black Sevens, inserted card is shown to be a red Seven and prediction is other red Seven
Variations 1994
Labyrinth (Issue 1)
Driscoll Strictly For Lovers finding the King and Queen of Hearts
Related to Sep./Oct. 1994
The Magic Menu (Vol. 5 No. 25)
Hat Trick Magician cuts to three mates of three previoulsly tabled random cards
1995 62
John Scarne, Roberto Giobbi Triple Coincidence spectator and magician exchange three cards from two decks - they match
Inspired by 1995 99
Lou Gallo Slam Dunk
1995 1094
Simon Aronson Quad-Mates Revisited four cards put in deck at four positions, next to mates, Gemini Twins with four cards and spelling of random words
Inspired by
  • "Quad-Mates" (Simon Aronson, MUM, May 1979)
Related to
1995 73
Steve Beam Siamese Stab double facer handed out for examination
Related toAlso published here 1995 102
Jerry K. Hartman Spread Switch Secret Subtraction variant to switch one or a few cards on top of deck for other cards in play, occurs beneath cover card(s), quick trick application: performer removes card from deck, spectator randomly chooses card, they are mates, further applications follow
Inspired by
  • “... a clever single card selection switch explained ... over two decades ago by Harvey Rosenthal.”
1995 24
Jerry K. Hartman Steal Trap switch card(s) in a sandwich using Secret Subtraction methodology, trick application: spectator chooses two cards, performer sandwiches them between two red Aces and sandwiched cards are shown to be the black Aces
1995 31
Jerry K. Hartman Moving Indicator stabbing force, trick application: spectator inserts three cards into deck one at a time and each one is inserted directly next to its mate
Also published here 1995 51
Martin Gardner Face-Up Gemini Twins
Inspired byVariations 1996
Underworld (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves Cross Hatched
Inspired by 1996
Underworld (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves Little Alice mate coincidence with odd-backed cards in two packets, one handled behind back, red/blue double backer
Inspired byRelated to 1996
Underworld (Issue 3)
Harry Riser Double Coincidence two prediction cards put face-up in the deck by spectators, next to their mates
Inspired by
  • "Triple Coincidence - Stewart Judah Version" (Linking Ring, July 1974)
1996 166
Lou Gallo Matedburger two five-card hands, two cards exchanged, they match
1996 82
Nick Trost Double Turnover Coincidence Two spectators cut to black Queens, which is previously predicted by written prediction
1997 37
Nick Trost Reversed Coincidence with one deck Magician and spectator each has half a deck, they exchange one card and place reversed in each half, revealed to be mates
1997 38
Nick Trost Ten-In-A-Row Double Coincidence
Inspired byVariations 1997 41
Nick Trost Miracle Match Up similar to Gemini Mates in plot, two methods
Inspired by
  • "Prospero" (Peter Warlock, The Magigram, February 1980)
1997 177
Nick Trost A Clean-Cut Coincidence Spectator coincidentally selects mates, which is predicted by performer
Inspired byVariations
  • "Double Influence" (Tom Mosier, The Linking Ring, May 1995)
1997 193
Peter Duffie The Unknown Entity Convoluted coincidence effect with two packets, one packet counted down to find mate in other packet (two cards, two piles, but not same position)
1997 38
Peter Duffie Matchical Mix Two Cards, Two Piles, Same position - selection and mate
Also published here 1997 40
Richard Bartram, Jr. Brainstorm Mates reversed card in the deck turns out to be mate of cut to card
1997 146
Simon Lovell, Michael Austin Blind Date Bermuda spectator pockets three cards behind his back, performer takes another deck and finds the mates
Inspired by 1997 129
Aaron Fisher Quick Sync performer and spectator each choose a card, they are matching mates, uses "The Covered Strip Out Switch" (p. 24) with two cards
Labyrinth (Issue 6)
Karl Fulves Triumph With A Twist spectator and performer select a card from half the deck each, halves shuffled together face-up/face-down, top half spread, cards face-down except spectator's selection, bottom half face-up except performer's selection which is mate of spectator's selection
Related to 1998 183
Milton Kort The Courtright Connection Spectator selects two cards, revealed to be black Jacks, which are then used to sandwich red Jacks
1999 87
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note spectator finds two red Nine via counting, prediction says "You will not pick a black Nine"
Inspired by 1999 270
Jerry K. Hartman Well-Prepaired thirteen pairs are made of the 26 red cards, spectator chooses the only pair that is a perfect match of mates
VariationsAlso published here Dec. 1999
Onyx (Issue 9)
Andy Nyman Charade blindfolded performer stops spectator while dealing through one half and vice versa, the cards match, then spectator selects a card and puts it in other half and performer finds it
Also published here 1999 8
Roberto Giobbi Underground Twins spectator locates the mate of a card
2000 831
Howard A. Adams Change In Mind six cards torn in half, dealt for three players, top cards removed and coins placed on top, rest in one pile, coin values spelled to arrive at mates, Ramasee Principle
VariationsAlso published here
  • Mindespa Vol. 6 (1992)
2000 76
Peter Duffie Found by Coincidence spectator uses some cards of sixteen-card packet to find his selection with down-under deal, then reverse faros until down to one brings mate of the top card of another packet
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2000 6
Simon Lovell One Way to Bermuda different presentation, mate turns over in deck
Inspired by 2000 81
Allan Slaight Castor & Pollux Geminii Twins variation
Also published here 2000 44
Martin Gardner, Howard A. Adams Make the Cards Match No. 88, five cards matched with other five cards
Related toVariations 2001 130
Karl Fulves Cult Poker No. 14, spectator choses mate of performer's card from small packet
2001 29
Hiroyuki Sakai Pair-Card Mystery twenty four cards with names are used that make pairs (like Rome and Juliet), mate to selection is found
July 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 7)
Aaron Fisher Simpatico magician and spectator choose mate
2002 62
Philip T. Goldstein No, it is Open: One Position a/k/a Rotator
match with small packet stay stack (optional: slot machine cards)
2002 6
Philip T. Goldstein Rotator (II) match with small packet stay stack
2002 10
Philip T. Goldstein Rotator (III) match with small packet stay stack
2002 11
Philip T. Goldstein O, Decide Dice, Do version of "Roll, or..." with two die
2002 44
Philip T. Goldstein Tie It
2002 46
Philip T. Goldstein Want no Die? I Don't; Naw.
2002 47
Jack Avis Triad three mates found by counting to month, day... of birthday and placing cards there
Related toVariations 2002 199
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson BF Double Twins two cards stopped at, they are next to their mates
2003 3
Chris Wardle What's In A Name? two piles dealt, then a name spelled from both piles, the cards on the last letter are duplicates, or mates in a variation
  • What's In A Name Variation - Using the "CW Mene-Tekel" Deck
2003 9
Chris Wardle Friends Reunited card chosen, spectator then locates its mates with cut deeper force, no-touch, menetekel with mates
2003 11
Karl Fulves Able To Match "automated version of 'Business Card Prophecy'", after riffle shuffle fifteen cards are removed, a card stabbed and cards on either side divined and those are the only ones with mates in packet
Related to 2004 50
Allan Slaight Castor & Pollux Geminii Twins variation
Also published here 2004 134
Juan Tamariz The Good Fortune Routine mates found at chosen number, two pairs of Aces as climax
Inspired by 2004 71
Verne Chesbro, James G. Thompson Jr., Juan Tamariz The Miracle performer and spectator reverse card in each half of the deck, mates, two phases
Inspired byRelated to 2004 226
Jack Parker Topiary deck cut in half, two cards chosen for spectator and performer, halves shuffled face-up/face-down, all straighten out except selections which also turn out to be mates
Inspired by
  • "Overcast" (Trini Montes & Jon Racherbaumer, Walking to New Orleans)
2004 22
Bob Ostin The Searcher card is placed next to its mate
2005 70
Harry Riser Double Triple Match ten red-backed and ten blue-backed cards mixed together, two chosen, they match and also match a card put in the Himber wallet, repeat phase, SBS double facers
Also published here
  • MUM, Oct. & Nov. 1999
2006 148
Steve Beam Mating Season VI multiple phase matching routine, as a climax all cards match
2006 102
Lewis Jones In Control two packets of five cards, word is spelled and spectator can chose where to transfer cards, cards always match
Inspired byRelated to 2006 152
Jack Parker Remote Control spectator reverses two cards, reveals to be the two black Twos
VariationsAlso published here June 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 6)
Jack Parker Two Minds Without a Single Thought spectator removes group of cards, two groups are made from those, top cards are mates
2006 45
Jamie Badman Friday Night Curry Spectators select two cards, turn out to be mates
Variations 2007 40
Jamie Badman Bring Your Wallet to the Curry Night Variation of Friday Night Curry, but with wallet secret preparation
Inspired by 2007 43
Karl Fulves Shifty two cards selected by performer and spectator match
2007 41
Karl Fulves Time Of Day mates in clock layout
2007 44
Jack Parker Remote Control Spectator reverses two cards, reveals to be the two black Twos
VariationsAlso published here 2007 125
Tony Bartolotta Narrow Minded spectator shuffles deck and deals it in two piles, one in spectator's pocket and one in performer's pocket, both remove a card, piles exchanged and repeated, off-color matching cards, colors separated
Prolix (Issue 3)
Gene Maze Clones two Jokers or tattoo cards are placed in two decks during a Hindu shuffle, the cards above them in both decks are duplicates
Variations Jan. 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 1)
Gene Maze Super Clones two Jokers or tattoo cards are placed in two decks during a Hindu shuffle, the cards above and below them in both decks are duplicates
Inspired by Jan. 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 1)
Jerry K. Hartman Well Pre-Paired thirteen pairs are made of the 26 red cards, spectator chooses the only pair that is a perfect match of mates
VariationsAlso published here 2007 321
Jerry K. Hartman Ulti-Mate spectator and magician each cut to a card and bury it, when they remove their cards from deck they are matching mates
2007 325
Angelo Carbone Blind Date spectator signs a Jack, then he pushed it anywhere in the center out of sight, it is found next to the matching Queen, using Crystal Card
July 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 7)
Allan Slaight Castor & Pollux Geminii Twins variation
Also published here 2008 130
Juan Tamariz The Torn and Restored Couple six pairs are mixed and one card placed on the table, mate is found after more shuffling
2008 20
Roger Klause Twin Lovers idea of predicting with a Royal couple instead of the usual mates
Feb. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 2)
Andy Nyman Charade blindfolded performer stops spectator while dealing through one half and vice versa, the cards match, then spectator selects a card and puts it in other half and performer finds it
Also published here Apr. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 4)
Ramón Riobóo Spanish Roulette mate of selection is found via fair dealing procedure, set-up
Variations 2010 246
Roberto Giobbi Through the Magic Looking Glass Alice in Wonderland themed, two packets, words spelled and mates are found, Ramasee principle
2010 6
Andy Nyman Charade blindfolded performer stops spectator while dealing through one half and vice versa, the cards match, then spectator selects a card and puts it in other half and performer finds it
Also published here 2010 75
Woody Aragón Coincidences with Incidences two selections from face-up face-down deck are mates, then two piles made and shuffled by audience have matching mates
2011 97
Steve Beam Mating Season VII multiple phase matching routine, as a climax all cards match
Also published here 2011 xx
Patrick Page Copycat Cards do as i do, spectator and performer always find pairs
2011 230
Patrick Page, Roberto Giobbi Cards of Coincidence spectator and performer each shuffle half the deck and exchange top card, they match, repeated multiple times, with additional thoughts by Roberto Giobbi
Related to Mar. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 3)
Nick Trost Three Matched Pairs spectator selects only three pairs of mates
  • ESP Card Version
Inspired by 2011 586
Nick Trost Dr. Jaks with a Colorful Finish I cards are exchanged and replaced reversed and found to be the four Twos, deck separation kicker
Inspired byVariations 2011 617
Nick Trost Dr. Jaks with a Colorful Finish II cards are exchanged and replaced reversed and found to be the four Twos, deck separation kicker
Inspired by 2011 618
Michał Kociołek You Know Better from a shuffled deck, three spectators find the mates of their cards, apparently by intuition, "Gemini Twins" with three cards
Inspired byAlso published here 2012 6
Persi Diaconis, Ron Graham A Mind-Reading Computer Packet of twelve cards, go through various dealing and shuffling procedures, create a pair of matching mates
2012 85
Obie O'Brien The Matching Color Mates spectator cuts to a card, performer finds mate
2012 213
Jim Steinmeyer, Eddie Joseph Flummoxed three phases, single-deck approach for Eddie Joseph's "Staggered" stack
Inspired by 2013 18
Nick Trost Elmsley Plus 1-0-1 Arith-Mate-Ic followed by Koran Five-Star type prediction (with credit information on p. 757)
Inspired by 2013 754
Roger Crosthwaite IRF Open Prediction (semi improvised effect) Card is placed next to its mate
2014 25
Michael Weber Living Parallel Lies Behind the back Do As I Do, multiple cards match
2014 14
Benjamin Earl Four-Card Impossible performer gives prediction to spectator who then selects a card and two more to make four-of-a-kind
2015 1
Denis Behr, Alex Elmsley Mathe-Mate-Ics In a progressively more impressive demonstration, the participant cuts a number of cards from the deck. The magician cuts the remainder in two. Dealing down in both the magician's packets to the participant's number, two mates are found. This is repeated two times.
Inspired byAlso published here 2015 124
Steve Beam The PC Card Trick Compatibility test with a couple where two mates are found.
2015 103
Ron Cartlidge Queen Elizabeth Two red Queens placed into the deck by spectators are found next to black Queens
2015 1
Terrill Fischer Gemini Squared black Ten placed next to other black Ten, then black Tens magically sandwich red Tens
2015 21
Karl Fulves Shorty's Version mates show up at top of two halves after shuffle and counting to a value twice
The Lowdown (Issue 1)
Nick Trost A Royal Routine using the twelve picture cards
  • Phase One (six mixed pairs match)
  • Phase Two (mixed face-up/face-down, then only one color is face-up)
  • Phase Three (6&6 oil & water)
  • Phase Four (follow the leader)
Inspired by 2015 1189
Nick Trost The Power of Money nine ESP cards on table, spectator places three poker chips on cards, nine more are dealt on top of the tabled cards, only the pairs with the poker chips match
Inspired by
  • "Marka-Thought" (Bob Mason, marketed 1972)
Related to
  • "Figgerow" (Stewart James, Stewart James in Print, 1989)
2015 1330
Pit Hartling Close Encounters three cards inserted by spectator from another deck lie next to their duplicates
2016 48
Steve Beam Progressive Mating Season (VII)
  • The Work
  • Phase II
  • Phase III - Progressive Transformation
  • Phase IV - The Entire Deck Changes
Also published here 2016 2
Michał Kociołek You Know Better from a shuffled deck, three spectators find the mates of their cards, apparently by intuition, "Gemini Twins" with three cards, additional handling for five cards (Royal Flush)
Inspired by
  • "Four-Sided Gemini" (John Bannon, Destination Zero, 2015)
Also published here
2017 19
Patrick G. Redford Temporarily Out of Order multiphase matching routine, mates of entire deck match at the end, then deck is dealt into four hands and separated by suits in order
  • Phase One: Coincidence
  • Phase Two: Mind Reading
  • Phase Three: Mix and Match
  • Phase Four: Amnesia to a Total Coincidence
  • Phase Five: An Encore - Participant Deals into New Deck Order
  • Further Thoughts & Variations
  • First Phase with Si Stebbins Instead of a Memorized Deck
  • Final Thoughts
Inspired by 2017 178
Patrick G. Redford The Interchange Force two decks same card found reversed in center, deck is switched in process
Inspired by 2017 240
Nick Trost A Cutting Discovery spectator cuts to two cards in two halves, they match
Inspired by 2017 1362
Nick Trost Triple Match-Up three cards are chosen, then three more, they match
Inspired by 2017 1364
Michael Breggar Cra-Ker-Jack Dice used to choose cards by four spectators, magician deals down that number to find matching mates, then produce four Aces
Inspired by Oct. 2018
Elixir (Vol. 2 No. 1 (Summer #2))
Denis Behr Routined Arith-Mate-ic packet cut off and counted, rest is cut into two piles, number counted down in both piles and mates show up, three phases
  • Set-Up from Tamariz Stack
Inspired byAlso published here 2018 12
David Solomon Colorful Mates spectator selects to cards from red deck, performer inserts them into blue deck next to their mates
2018 68
David Solomon Gemini Match two cards chosen by counting to numbers and Gemini Twins procedure, one decided upon, added numbers counted down to find mate
Inspired by
  • "Four Sided Gemini" (John Bannon, Destination Zero)
2018 72
David Solomon Ramón Riobóo's Inverse Compensation some cards removed, spectator choses three red cards of those and a black card, the red cards are added to count down to mate of black card
Inspired by 2018 79
Ramón Riobóo Royal Elimination two piles of eight cards, cards are eliminated and remaining cards are found to be mates
2018 137
Keiichi Hiraki Mental Breeze numbers on billets are used to count cards from a small packet, mates
2018 153
Derrick Chung The Final Countdown finding mates of selection, variation of The Lowdown
Also published here 2018 286
Harry Lorayne Quick Mate cut production, showing that card is not on top or bottom before
  • HaLo Thumb Drag/Thumb Push-up
Also published here 2018 44
David Britland Blind Coincidence Revisited
  • Cardopolis
performer and spectator reverse a card in half the deck under the table, they are mates
Inspired by May 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 5)
Pepe Lirrojo Homonymous, Homographic, Homonym cards multi-phase routine, from Tamariz Stack
2019 3
Michael Powers Speed spectator cuts to four cards and chooses two of them, performer pulls mates out of pocket with great speed
Inspired by
  • "Fast Times" (Steven Youell/Grace Ann Morgan)
2019 62
Ramón Riobóo The Bad-Luck Card Spectator selects the only unpaired card in a packet of paired mates
Inspired by 2019 185
Ramón Riobóo The Roulette Deck Audience finds mate of selection
Inspired by 2019 253
Patrick G. Redford Your Luck Is In The Cards Kruskal principle, spectator finds the mate to a selection
2019 70
Harry Lorayne Great Mate Locate performer shows card and tables it, then pushed out a card from spread, it is the same card and tabled card is now mate
2020 9
Larry Jennings Red-Black Separation and Mate Location half the deck placed aside, two cards chosen from rest, they are the black Kings, all other cards in that half are red
Related to 2020 393
Larry Jennings Coincidentally D.C.D. two cards chosen in two halves are mates
2020 533
Roberto Mansilla, Mark Weston Splitz
  • Artifices
double backer is put in the center of the deck, the cards next to it are removed and the double backer split in two normal cards, the cards match the other two cards
Inspired by Feb. 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 2)
Yu Huihang Co-Inky-Dink Spectator and magicians each hold half the deck behind their backs, turn over one card and place in the middle. Both cards are mates
Inspired by 2021 37
Dani DaOrtiz The Trick that Can Be Explained three spectators select cards, a fourth spectator goes through randomizing process and eventually reverses random card in deck, three spectators’ cards all match in value and match the reversed card in deck
2021 141
Eugene Burger A Top-Secret Device handling of a palmed shiner, applications (spectator stops at any card, then mate is found, red/black separation)
2021 129
Florian Brooks Cut force/coincidence exercise for previous techniques
2022 28
Jean-Pierre Vallarino Coincidence spectator's selection from one deck matches performer’s selection from another deck
2022 121
James Steranko Diabolique deck is cut and halves placed face-to-face, spectator and performer each select a card, one from each half, they match and have also been predicted
Also published here
  • Genii, Nov. 1962
Aug. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 8)