606 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Spelling / Miscellaneous / Impromptu
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Charles T. Jordan The Simplicity Speller No. 9, card selected and cut into deck, long phrase with selection spelled, spelling to twenty-sixth card
VariationsAlso published here 1919/1920 37
Pretty Effect bold "force" in which apparently random card is pushed to spectator, then card is spelled to
1928 11
Nelson Hahne The Spelling Location four spectators have a packet of cards, remember bottom card, and cards are collected, then all selections spelled out, no set-up
1930 48
Tom Sellers An Easy Spelling Trick re-counting
1931 10
Ralph W. Hull (4) Spectator's Name Spells Card performer stabs reversed card in deck behind back, from that point on the spectator's name is used to spell to card
1932 12
Cardini Cardini Spelling Trick placement with short card twelfth from bottom
1933 16
T. Page Wright Spell Stab card spelled to from stabbed position
1933 19
Appleton improvement Eren's Spelling Card estimation to follow position, maneuvering selection to approximately twelve
Inspired by 1933 23
T. Page Wright An Original Spelling Card card chosen and buried in small packet, then spelled to in rest of deck
Also published here 1933 37
Louis Lam "Alice in Wonderland" card turns over multiple times, then is spelled out
1935 15
The New Spell spectator spells behind back, card appears reversed
1935 100
The Automatic Speller no-touch, procedure heavy
Also published here 1935 101
George Pearce, Charles T. Jordan Jordan's Spelling Card Mystery - Improved by George Pearce No. 40, card selected and cut into deck, long phrase with selection spelled to locate it
Inspired by 1935 38
Getting the Spectator's Number No. 42, complicated dealing selection procedure
1935 39
Vincent Dalban The Miracle Speller using short card
VariationsAlso published here Mar. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 18)
Theodore Annemann From Beyond the Grave spelling to dead name with blank cards
Also published here May 1936
The Jinx (Issue 20)
Dr. Jacob Daley The "Ad Lib" Spelling two cards spelled to
Inspired by
  • Larry Grey effect, marketed in Sphinx
Related toVariationsAlso published here
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1936)
Lawrence "Larry" Grey Spelling a Card simple, "Lawrence Gray"
VariationsAlso published here 1937 43
Lawrence "Larry" Grey Duplex Comedy Speller indifferent card is spelt, spectator spells his card but succeeds only in second try, "Lawrence Gray"
1937 43
Victor Farelli Farelli's Impromptu Speller (Gray's Speller - Single Card) simple
1937 44
Knock Out Speller simple
1937 44
A Single Speller four piles of thirteen to place card
1937 45
Ben Erens Superlative Speller estimation to follow position, maneuvering selection to approximately twelve
Variations 1937 45
You Selected the - estimation
1937 46
Arthur H. Buckley Spell It spelling every card with eleven letters except for four exceptions, card is placed at position eleven by simply picking up a break while spreading for selection
Also published here 1937 46
Impromptu Speller system for spelling every card with thirteen letters
1937 46
Peculiarities of the Pasteboards three selections, one spelt to, one appears on top, one reversed
1937 48
Jean Hugard The New Spell card is spelled out and appears reversed at correct position
1937 49
Mihlon Clayton The Automatic Speller three piles are formed and reassembled to place selection at twelve
Also published here 1937 49
U. F. Grant Spellino spectator's name is spelt
Related to 1937 50
U. F. Grant Spellino Climax performer names a card and spells it, repeated
1937 51
Howard Albright Howard's Simplex Speller
Related to 1937 51
U Spell Your Card
1937 52
An Easy Speller
1937 52
Lorne de Blois Lazybones card reverses itself and is then spelled out to find second selection, short card, see "Fan Letter" for credit information
Related to 1937 65
J. C. Cannel The Spelling Bee three spectators choose four cards each and choose of one of them, short card
1937 66
The Quartette four cards chosen and spelled out
1937 92
The Shuffled Speller stripper deck
1937 275
Henry Christ Dead Man's Hand selection found and dead man's hand dealt to someone, incorporating audible shot for shock effect
Related toVariations June 1937
The Jinx (Issue 33)
A Mental Discovery - Second Method by spelling spectator's name
1938 229
Lawrence "Larry" Grey Impromptu Method with Ordinary Cards "Lawrence Gray"
Variations 1938 309
Martin Gardner Preposterous
Variations Jan. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 40)
Martin Gardner Newspell
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1937/38)
Martin Gardner The ----- of -- Trick
Inspired by 1938
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1938)
Theodore Annemann Jordan Plus Gardiner Gardner
Inspired by 1938
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1938)
Joseph Dunninger Nomenclature three random names are spelled, selection found, automatic placement procedure
Related toVariationsAlso published here Oct. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 64)
Another Spell three cards
1939 29
It Must Be Magic spelling
1940 382
The Twenty-Sixth Location get-ready trick to get key in center, spelling
Related toVariations 1940 397
Edward Marlo Marlo's Rosini card glimpsed, no break, deck cut and card spelled to, deck crimp during spectator's peek
Early Marlo (Issue Pasteboard Presto)
Kent Arthur Eerie Cards using eight cards, card finally spelled to
Related toVariations 1940
The Jinx (Issue 101)
Herb Runge Pick Up
The Jinx (Issue 121)
Martin Gardner Double Climax Speller performer spells to wrong card which is there, then spectator to right card which is reversed
Related to 1940 10
The Great Merlini Name Your Poison spectator decides how selection is found: turns over, is spelled to or travels to pocket
Also published here 1941
The Jinx (Issue 132)
Bruce Elliott Elliott's Error wrong card is spelled out and finds selection
Aug. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 144)
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Stripper Spell
1941 22
Bruce Elliott The Back Room credit information on the speller
Oct. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 19)
Martin Gardner Vanish and Spell card vanishes and is found via spelling from the top
Related to 1942 14
Jean Hugard My Name's Magic selection by spectator spelling his name, revelation by spelling performer's name
1943 18
Vincent Dalban The Miracle Speller
Also published here 1943 41
Henry Christ Dead Man's Hand selection found and dead man's hand dealt to someone, incorporating audible shot for shock effect
Variations 1943 58
Harrison Give A Number featuring weird throw switch, mention of Svengali deck method
1943 62
Dr. Jacob Daley "Ad Lib" Spelling two cards spelled to
Also published here 1943 62
Martin Gardner Preposterous
1943 63
Martin Gardner Newspell
1943 65
Theodore Annemann Jordan Plus Gardner
1943 66
Dr. A. Heller The Heller Speller
Aug. 1944 65
Jean Hugard The Best Impromptu Spelling Trick
Nov. 1944 80
Dr. Stanley Jaks Jack Stanley ruft: Gottfried Stutz! spelling to selection
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 6 No. 1)
Theodore Annemann From Beyond the Grave spelling to dead name with blank cards
Also published here 1944 51
Edward Marlo Just Another Miracle distant daubed key card
1945 5
Jerry Sorensen That's the Way They're Done four cards are found, one with Martin Gardner's "Lie Detector Test"
1945 33
Royal Vale Heath One In Millions! ten named cards, their order recorded, performer arranges them so that they can be spelled out in original order
Variations 1945 138
Edouard Cartier Cartier's Card Reversal and Spelling selection vanishes and appears reversed when spelled to
Sep. 1945 151
Rémi Ceillier Tour de cartes spectator spells his name to select a card and performer's name is then spelled to find it again
Also published here
  • Jules D'Hotel's "Préstidigitation sans bagages"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 7 No. 1&2)
Arthur H. Buckley Charlier Location and Speller Experiment No. 7 - cutting at the same position as a spectator and spelling application
1946 157
Frank Csuri A Spelling Change wrong card spelled to, changes into selection
1946 13
Tommy Dowd, Neal Elias, Bert Fenn We Both Spell
Inspired by 1946 19
Warren Wiersbe Fantispell card and its position remembered, selection later spelled out
1946 20
Herb Runge Face Down several times a card is selected and found, spelling, stopped at and with "next card I turn over, will be your card" gag
Sep. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 112)
Richard F. McKinney Spelling Trick Formula
Inspired by Jan. 1946 186
De Luxe Spelling Trick random sentence spelled to locate selection
1946 18
Martin Barnett Spectator's Name
1946 32
Gray's Spelling Trick
1948 63
Double Speller
1948 163
1948 181
Richard Himber Name Cards strange spelling effect
Variations 1948 91
Walter Behm 1 Karte + 1 magisches Wort "Ein Karten-Buchstabieren"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 9 No. 4)
Arthur H. Buckley Spell It spelling every card with eleven letters except for four exceptions, card is placed at position eleven by simply picking up a break while spreading for selection
Also published here 1948 61
Bill Simon Simpl-Speller
1949 7
Eddie Joseph Mail Mentalism trick performed as mailed instructions or over phone, spectator takes all odd cards, adds top and bottom value, counts down to card in rest, eventually located with spelling and dealing
1949 1
Paul Rosini "Let's See What You've Done" selection is immediately spelled out
1949 7
Joseph Dunninger Nomenclature No. 34, Spelling trick with names
Also published here 1950 62
Oscar Weigle Personification No. 75, Spell spectator's name to find selection
1950 137
John Scarne, Joseph Linman Scarne, Please Help Me No. 103, card is found after spelling "The Chosen Card is Here" and "Scarne, Please Help Me"
1950 196
Eddie Joseph Over the Wire spelling of spectator's name to locate card
1950 10
Lewis Ganson My Name - Your Name spectator spells his own name to locate selection
Inspired by 1950 91
Paul Rosini Do a Trick chosen card is spelled to
1950 34
W. F. "Rufus" Steele The Great Rufus Steele cut-off half is counted and digits added to arrive at a card, 9-principle, it is spelled to with some fun phrase
Inspired by
  • "Hocus Pocus Card Tricks"
Related to
1952 8
Hocus Pocus, Miss Jones cut-off half is counted and digits added to arrive at a card, 9-principle, it is spelled to with some fun phrase
  • First Presentation
  • Second Presentation
Inspired by
  • "Hocus Pocus Card Tricks"
1952 9
Al Leech Hocus Soapus different presentation, cut-off half is counted and digits added to arrive at a card, 9-principle, it is spelled to with some fun phrase
Related to 1952 10
Bill Simon Spell Anything random phrase can be used to spell to selection
1952 14
Al Leech Wild Deuces Twos are lost and found
Also published here 1952 18
Audley Walsh Name And Place phrase given by spectator is used to spell to selection
1952 42
Al Leech Easy Does It
Also published here 1952 49
Edward Marlo Spelling Selected Cards
1953 76
Edward Marlo The Nail Gauge Spell
1953 77
R. M. Jamison Yogi Tells one from four, card is spelled to
Apr. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 278)
Stewart James Spelling Location two selection, one is found by spelling first card
1954 4
Stewart James The Name is the Same two decks used and two cards spelled two, decks exchanged and same words used to spell to each other's cards
Inspired by
  • "My Name - Your Name" (Peter Warlock, My Best Card Trick, 1953)
1954 6
Stewart James The Flight of the Spelling Bee a random card and a selection are spelled to, re-count
1954 11
Two-Pile Location Card selected via some dealing into two piles. Later will spell THIS IS THE CARD I SELECTED to find the card
Variations 1956 22
Elmer Biddle Elmer's Spell running cut to place peeked-at card at certain position from top
June 1957
Ibidem (Issue 10)
Bert Allerton Surprise Spelling
Related to 1958 30
Russell "Rusduck" Duck As a Speller
May 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 8)
Edward Marlo C. Spelling out an Unknown Card second deal
1959 137
Al Leech Name Speller card and its position remembered, then it is checked that it is no longer at its position, card found by spelling the spectator's name
Related toAlso published here 1959 8
Matt Schulien Spell It card spelled out with spectator's name, sleight of hand method with card starting in lap
1959 29
Ken Beale $pell any coin is used to spell a card
Inspired by
  • Tom Sellers item in The Gen, Nov. 1953
June 1960
Ibidem (Issue 21)
Lawrence "Larry" Grey, Charlie Miller Fifteen Card Trick Routine - 2 simple spelling, first to "random" card, then selection, "Lawrence Gray"
1961 7
Dr. Stanley Jaks, Howard Albright Albrights Duplex Spelling Trick
Also published here 1961 148
Anthony J. Gugliotta Venus Observa card chosen and lost reversed in deck, its name is spelled in another deck and the arrived-at card lies next to the selection in first deck
Dec. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 24)
Edward Marlo Mechanical Estimation Effects as a location or spelling effect
1962 10
Edward Marlo 15-K-11 Speller fingertip peeked at card is spelled to, estimation and key card
1962 47
Harry Lorayne Simple Spelling Routine in the Afterthoughts
1962 193
North Bigbee Simpel Spell
Aug. 1962
The New Phoenix (Issue 371)
James Steranko Part One spectator cuts anywhere, remembers bottom card and replaces, then cuts again, performer takes cards behind back, then spectator spells out his card, including one additional cut in the estimation
1962 15
Stewart James Fare Enough card and its position remembered, spelling something relating to a lucky coin is used to locate selection
Sep. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 26)
Francis Haxton More for the Show two selections are peeked at, one turns over, other is spelled to
  • Method #1
  • Method #2
  • Method #3
Inspired by Sep. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 26)
Joseph Dunninger Nomenclature three random names are spelled, selection found, automatic placement procedure
Also published here Apr. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 12)
E. Leslie May Improvement three random names are spelled, selection found, automatic placement procedure
Inspired by May 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 13)
Peter Wilker Lieben Sie mathematische Kartenkunststücke? Card selected via some dealing into two piles, spelling name to find card, using a shuffle
Inspired by 1966
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 27 No. 3)
Tony Kardyro Stop, Spell or Number
1966 4
Roger Klause Matched Spellout "Chapter Two"
selection spelled out, four-of-a-kind kicker with packets that made during spelling
Related toVariations 1967 17
Harry Lorayne Spellbinder any selection is spelled to
1967 17
Dai Vernon The Name Is...? title of trick spelled out to find selection, four-of-a-kind on all piles
Related to Nov. 1967
Epilogue (Issue 1)
Arthur Monroe Spelldown spelling to selection, repeated
Dec. 1967
The New Jinx (Vol. 6 No. 68)
Paul Swinford Faro Spell shuffled deck, but CCCC
1968 59
Eddie Fields Cool Spell spectator spells the name of any woman they know, selected card is found at the end of spelling
VariationsAlso published here 1968 12
Paul Marcus A Southern Spell card chosen from six-card packet, another from a three-card packet and its value is used to find the first card via spelling
July 1968
Ibidem (Issue 33)
Paul Marcus Magic Spell packet cut and number used to select card, words spelled to find card
Jan. 1968
The New Jinx (Vol. 6 No. 69)
Ken Krenzel Ken's Immediate Spell card vanishes from top and is spelled to
Variations 1969 155
Edward Marlo Marlo's "Unknown" Speller see also page 162 for note by Ackerman
  • First Method (stay stack)
  • Second Method (stack)
  • Third Method (almost no stack)
Winter 1969 58
Jules Lenier Decision randomly selected card helps finding second selection, sixteenth card principle
Inspired byRelated to Feb. 1969 239
Ken Krenzel Tele-Spell via telephone, see also p. 246 & p. 270 for reference
Inspired by Mar. 1969 247
Eddie Joseph A Person to Person Call spectator choses card via cutting of packets and counting, it is located over phone
1969 48
Roy Walton A Simple Trick Using The Move wrong card reverses, then card is spelled to and it shows up reversed, Royverse application
Also published here Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
John Hamilton Eyes of the Gods two spectators with half the deck each chose a card, spectators deal through deck and performer announces first card, second card spelled to
Related toVariationsAlso published here Aug. 1970
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 5 No. 10)
Dai Vernon The IBM Card "deck as computer", ten-card packet
Related to Dec. 1970 385
Sid Fleischman The Mind Boggler spelling and named number, glide
Magick (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Impromptu ESP multiple out spelling location with small packet, for correction of procedure see reference
Related to 1971 11
Karl Fulves, Milton Kort Important! correction
Related to 1971 19
Gene Nielsen Sweetooth using name of candy bar to spell to selection
July 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 20)
Derek Dingle Applications - 1. of Side-Steal Placement, simple spelling trick
July 1972
Epilogue (Issue 15 (Part 2))
Roy Walton Simple Math pseudo math presentation to spell to selection which also reversed itself
Also published here May 1972 517
Brother John Hamman Chinese Miracle location of two cards and their four-of-a-kind via spelling, rest of deck sorted into four-of-a-kind groups, impromptu, see also p. 684
Related toAlso published here Summer 1972
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 7 No. 7th Folio)
Karl Fulves Sum Spell performer and spectator write numbers on each side of a business card, those numbers are later spelled (!) to find a selection
Related to Nov. 1972 571
Roger Pierre What in the World!
Magick (Issue 47)
Jimmy Connor Tap-A-Card mental spelling as performer taps on random card, selection at final letter
1972 11
James G. Thompson Jr. Number Spell-Out
1972 112
Lawrence "Larry" Grey Spelling a Card as "Gray"
Also published here 1972 113
Spectator's Name Spell
1972 115
Robert "Bob" J. Gunther Murder Mystery with Cards
1972 127
Clayton Rawson Name Your Poison spectator decides how selection is found: turns over, is spelled to or travels to pocket
Also published here 1972 134
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Counting And Spelling Trick No. 124, not enough details, but meant to be the reference, with additional double lift "sucker gag"
Related to 1972 36
Mathematical Trick No. 448, spelling a name
1972 127
Bottom Deal Discovery Variation No. 485, spectator stops anytime, that card spelled out to find a previous selection
1972 135
Dr. Jacob Daley Ad Lib Spell Variation No. 502, two cards spelled to, second card shows up reversed
Inspired byRelated to 1972 139
Frank Garcia Speller Transition one selection, small packet spell, Aces turn up
VariationsAlso published here 1973 110
Ben Christopher Spello sentence spelled to arrive at selected card, featuring simple placement
Mar. 1973 603
Jerry K. Hartman Cross-Spell Spectator and magician finds each other's cards via spelling
1973 36
Gene Finnell Speller two selections, when spelled after some dealing and Klondike shuffling the selections spell out the other's card
1973 17
John Hamilton Die Augen Gottes two spectators with half the deck each chose a card, spectators deal through deck and performer announces first card, second card spelled to
Also published here July 1973
Intermagic (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Edward Marlo A Three Packet Estimation multiple card control via estimation, spelling application mentioned
1974 238
Eddie Fechter Speller Positioning
Also published here 1974 171
Jerry Mentzer Cull Speller
1974 173
Philip T. Goldstein Vested Power card selected by number and position, number and card found with spelling
1974 5
Dr. Barlow Wagman Tele-Phoney card found by spelling a word, person phoned for getting a word
Magick (Issue 103)
Karl Fulves Spellblind using Stevens Control, estimation speller
1975 107
Michael Skinner Francis Carlyle's Ghost
Variations July 1975
Epilogue (Issue 24)
Roy Walton Past Help four cards are found by spelling the names of four famous magician

Inspired byVariationsAlso published here Oct. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Roy Walton The "Thing er me Jig" Trick cards are spelled with words "remember" and "forget"
VariationsAlso published here 1975 2
Roger Smith Stop - A Mental Spell spectator thinks stop during spelling
Also published here 1975 1
Charles T. Jordan The Simplicity Speller card selected and cut into deck, long phrase with selection spelled, spelling to twenty-sixth card
Also published here 1975 13
Jon Racherbaumer Double Speller
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 8)
Nick Trost What's in a Name? Spell spectator's name to locate card
Also published here 1976 7
Spello No. 3, prediction phrase is spelled
1976 6
Frank Garcia Speller Transition one selection, small packet spell, Aces turn up, German adaption
Also published here 1976
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 37 No. 3)
Spelling Trick key card and face-up count
1976 48
Edward Marlo Under a Spell spelling cards from a shuffled deck with think a card kicker
1977 43
Edward Marlo The Direct Spell spelling cards from a shuffled deck
1977 47
Edward Marlo Shuffles and Spells spelling cards from a shuffled deck, various approaches
1977 48
Edward Marlo "Sophisticated Spellino" spelling specific cards from a shuffled deck
1977 50
Edward Marlo Mental Power #2 card and position are thought of but named
1977 56
Larry Jennings Tally-Ho Spell for Tally-Ho cards
1977 26
Cull Speller
1977 58
Jim Ryan Jim's Quick Spell
Also published here 1977 11
Harry Lorayne, Bert Allerton Triple-Climax Speller two cards spelled to, second card shows up reversed
Related to 1977 122
Harry Lorayne It's Impossible! automatic placement, position of card predicted, or other ideas:
  • Spell a Name
  • Lie Detector
  • Think Stop
Variations 1977 146
Karl Fulves, Al Baker The Yogi Knows card and its position remembered, spelling a phrase to locate it
1977 65
Rolf Andra 1. Eine Buchstabieridee spelling two selections, one from top one from bottom of the deck
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 38 No. 1)
Ken Krenzel Mechanical Spell mechanical second
Variations 1978 117
Ken Krenzel The Block-Cover Pass Immediate Spell
1978 218
Christian Scherer ABC spelling to a named card by performer and to selection
1978 10
Christian Scherer Die Allwissende Kreuz Vier two card location, locator card counted and spelled out
1978 61
Christian Scherer Hier ist meine Karte faro principle 18/35, card spelled to
1978 76
Die Buchstabierte Karte
1978 50
Namen-Buchstabieren card is found when spectator's name is spelled
1978 70
Doug Edwards The Royal Finale card is found by spelling a random card, royal flush is produced as a kicker
1978 12
David Britland Synthetic Spell
The Talon (Issue 2)
Speller Trick direct
1979 90
Harry Lorayne One-Hand Second-Deal Speller used as spelling effect
1979 218
Roy Walton The Caretaker face-up card in deck is spelled to find selection, incomplete riffle shuffle control
Inspired byAlso published here 1979 4
Michael Skinner The Miracle Speller spelling name of magician
Inspired by 1980 11
Romaine, Tony Kardyro Double Kicker card is found reversed at spelling position via push-through failure
Also published here 1980 27
Roger Crosthwaite Skating On Ice invisible dice presentation, based on an idea by Jon Racherbaumer in "Sticks and Stones, a leaflet for the left hand." No. 7
Oct. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 10)
Howard A. Adams Dealflipdropcut small packet tricks, featuring a false mixing process
  • The Principle
  • Spellflipdropcut
  • ESP Test
  • The Others Principle
  • Sequence
VariationsAlso published here 1980
OICUFESP (Issue 6 - the GHOST of esp card & mental miracles)
Roger Smith Stop - A Mental Spell spectator thinks stop during spelling
Also published here 1980 2
Al Smith Magic Countdown spectator remembers card and its position, after a shuffle it is no longer in its position but spelled with word "MAGIC", faro
1980 36
Derek Dingle Applications 1. of Side Steal Placement
1981 38
David Solomon Swindle Speller Ace of Spades is spelled to and locates thought-of card (thought of at mental number)
Inspired by
  • "Psi-Chic Spell" (Sticks & Stones #7)
1981 69
Jim Ryan Quick Spell
Related toAlso published here 1981 5
Allan Slaight Fourth Down spelling to "THE KING OF HEARTS" into four packets, a King on each pile except one which has an indicator card to find last king, credit information
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1981 32
Dr. Stanley Jaks Ganz Persönlich spectator cuts off pile, counts it, adds numbers and remembers card at that position, found by spelling performer's name, repeat phase
Dec. 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 4)
Roy Walton The "Thing er me Jig" Trick cards are spelled with words "remember" and "forget"
Also published here 1981 146
Roy Walton The Caretaker face-up card in deck is spelled to find selection, incomplete riffle shuffle control
Also published here 1981 168
Roy Walton Simple Maths pseudo math presentation to spell to selection which also reversed itself
Also published here 1981 221
Derek Dingle Any Card Speller featuring Side Steal Placement
1982 104
Jon Racherbaumer Reflex Spell selection by cutting off a number of cards and remembering card at that position, automatic placement
1982 356
Larry Jennings Impossible automatic placement, "impossible" is spelled
Related toAlso published here 1982 5
David Britland Christian card at position vanishes and appears when spectator's name is spelled
Inspired by
  • "What's in a Name?" in Garcia and Schindler's "Magic with Cards"
Also published here
May 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 13)
David Britland Small Prophet selection is found by placing a coin on a car, two-way out, with four Aces climax or by spelling Ace
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. Special #1 (Summer))
Edward Marlo False Count Spell two unknown Cards are spelled to
1983 60
Tom Mullica Under my Spell spelling to four selections
Related to 1983 71
David Hambly Magic by David Hambly The 7 Card Spell
selection found by spelling a sentence and always eliminating card until one is left
Feb. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 22)
Eugene Burger Spelling Stunner spectator cuts and spells his first name to selected card
Also published here 1983 57
Edward Marlo Mental Spelling Effect selected card not known by performer is spelled out
1984 232
Edward Marlo Infallible Estimation Spell fingertip peek and cut, selection spelled to
1984 236
Edward Marlo Taking a Chance spelled to any named card, percentage effect
1984 242
Brother John Hamman The Phoenix Four four selections vanish, are named and reappear face up via spelling
Variations 1984 16
Stephen Tucker The Incomplete Deck behind his back, aspectator puts a card reversed in the middle of the deck, this card is spelled and the selection is found
Apr. 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 5)
Andrew Galloway Vernon's Indicator card is reversed in the deck, an other card is selected and found with the aid of the first one
Inspired by Oct. 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 8)
Sid Lorraine Old Spell - New Twist "This is your card" is spelled to find selection, these words are also found printed on card, duplicate
1984 34
The Seven-Up Mystery No. 6, "Seven Up" is spelled so a selection in a small packet shows up
1984 8
Frederick Braue Item spelling almost any card with eleven letters
1985 1
Spell it Out
1985 22
Routine routine outline:
  • Surprise Spell
  • Card turns over
  • Ambitious
  • Rub a Dub Dub
Related to 1985 18
Larry Jennings Impossible automatic placement
Also published here 1986 44
Larry Jennings "Can't Be Done" "IMPOSSIBLE"
Also published here Jan. 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 1)
Philip T. Goldstein Universal Speller card chosen by spelling any word
1986 5