Creators | Title | Comments & References | Year | Source | Page | AA | Categories | |
Charles T. Jordan | The Simplicity Speller | 1919/1920 | ||||||
Pretty Effect | 1928 | |||||||
Nelson Hahne | The Spelling Location | 1930 | ||||||
Tom Sellers | An Easy Spelling Trick | 1931 | ||||||
Ralph W. Hull | (4) Spectator's Name Spells Card | 1932 | ||||||
Cardini | Cardini Spelling Trick | 1933 | ||||||
T. Page Wright | Spell Stab | 1933 | ||||||
Appleton improvement Eren's Spelling Card | 1933 | |||||||
T. Page Wright | An Original Spelling Card | 1933 | ||||||
Louis Lam | "Alice in Wonderland" | 1935 | ||||||
The New Spell | 1935 |
Card Manipulations
(Issue 4)
The Automatic Speller | 1935 |
Card Manipulations
(Issue 4)
George Pearce, Charles T. Jordan | Jordan's Spelling Card Mystery - Improved by George Pearce | 1935 | ||||||
Getting the Spectator's Number | 1935 | |||||||
Vincent Dalban | The Miracle Speller | Mar. 1936 |
The Jinx
(Issue 18)
Theodore Annemann | From Beyond the Grave | May 1936 |
The Jinx
(Issue 20)
Dr. Jacob Daley | The "Ad Lib" Spelling | 1936 |
The Jinx
(Issue Summer Extra 1936)
Lawrence "Larry" Grey | Spelling a Card | 1937 | ||||||
Lawrence "Larry" Grey | Duplex Comedy Speller | 1937 | ||||||
Victor Farelli | Farelli's Impromptu Speller (Gray's Speller - Single Card) | 1937 | ||||||
Knock Out Speller | 1937 | |||||||
A Single Speller | 1937 | |||||||
Ben Erens | Superlative Speller | 1937 | ||||||
You Selected the - | 1937 | |||||||
Arthur H. Buckley | Spell It | 1937 | ||||||
Impromptu Speller | 1937 | |||||||
Peculiarities of the Pasteboards | 1937 | |||||||
Jean Hugard | The New Spell | 1937 | ||||||
Mihlon Clayton | The Automatic Speller | 1937 | ||||||
U. F. Grant | Spellino | 1937 | ||||||
U. F. Grant | Spellino Climax | 1937 | ||||||
Howard Albright | Howard's Simplex Speller | 1937 | ||||||
U Spell Your Card | 1937 | |||||||
An Easy Speller | 1937 | |||||||
Lorne de Blois | Lazybones | 1937 | ||||||
J. C. Cannel | The Spelling Bee | 1937 | ||||||
The Quartette | 1937 | |||||||
The Shuffled Speller | 1937 | |||||||
Henry Christ | Dead Man's Hand | June 1937 |
The Jinx
(Issue 33)
A Mental Discovery - Second Method | 1938 | |||||||
Lawrence "Larry" Grey | Impromptu Method with Ordinary Cards | 1938 | ||||||
Martin Gardner | Preposterous | Jan. 1938 |
The Jinx
(Issue 40)
Martin Gardner | Newspell | 1938 |
The Jinx
(Issue Winter Extra 1937/38)
Martin Gardner | The ----- of -- Trick | 1938 |
The Jinx
(Issue Summer Extra 1938)
Theodore Annemann | Jordan Plus Gardiner | 1938 |
The Jinx
(Issue Summer Extra 1938)
Joseph Dunninger | Nomenclature | Oct. 1939 |
The Jinx
(Issue 64)
Another Spell | 1939 |
More Card Manipulations
(Issue 2)
It Must Be Magic | 1940 | |||||||
The Twenty-Sixth Location | 1940 | |||||||
Edward Marlo | Marlo's Rosini | 1940 |
Early Marlo
(Issue Pasteboard Presto)
Kent Arthur | Eerie Cards | 1940 |
The Jinx
(Issue 101)
Herb Runge | Pick Up | 1940 |
The Jinx
(Issue 121)
Martin Gardner | Double Climax Speller | 1940 | ||||||
The Great Merlini | Name Your Poison | 1941 |
The Jinx
(Issue 132)
Bruce Elliott | Elliott's Error | Aug. 1941 |
The Jinx
(Issue 144)
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue | The Stripper Spell | 1941 | ||||||
Bruce Elliott | The Back Room | Oct. 1942 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 19)
Martin Gardner | Vanish and Spell | 1942 | ||||||
Jean Hugard | My Name's Magic | 1943 | ||||||
Vincent Dalban | The Miracle Speller | 1943 | ||||||
Henry Christ | Dead Man's Hand | 1943 | ||||||
Harrison | Give A Number | 1943 | ||||||
Dr. Jacob Daley | "Ad Lib" Spelling | 1943 | ||||||
Martin Gardner | Preposterous | 1943 | ||||||
Martin Gardner | Newspell | 1943 | ||||||
Theodore Annemann | Jordan Plus Gardner | 1943 | ||||||
Dr. A. Heller | The Heller Speller | Aug. 1944 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 2 No. 3)
Jean Hugard | The Best Impromptu Spelling Trick | Nov. 1944 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 2 No. 6)
Dr. Stanley Jaks | Jack Stanley ruft: Gottfried Stutz! | 1944 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 6 No. 1)
Theodore Annemann | From Beyond the Grave | 1944 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | Just Another Miracle | 1945 | ||||||
Jerry Sorensen | That's the Way They're Done | 1945 | ||||||
Royal Vale Heath | One In Millions! | 1945 | ||||||
Edouard Cartier | Cartier's Card Reversal and Spelling | Sep. 1945 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 3 No. 4)
Rémi Ceillier | Tour de cartes | 1945 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 7 No. 1&2)
Arthur H. Buckley | Charlier Location and Speller | 1946 | ||||||
Frank Csuri | A Spelling Change | 1946 | ||||||
Tommy Dowd, Neal Elias, Bert Fenn | We Both Spell | 1946 | ||||||
Warren Wiersbe | Fantispell | 1946 | ||||||
Herb Runge | Face Down | Sep. 1946 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 112)
Richard F. McKinney | Spelling Trick Formula | Jan. 1946 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 3 No. 8)
De Luxe Spelling Trick | 1946 | |||||||
Martin Barnett | Spectator's Name | 1946 | ||||||
Gray's Spelling Trick | 1948 | |||||||
Double Speller | 1948 | |||||||
Spellbound | 1948 | |||||||
Richard Himber | Name Cards | 1948 | ||||||
Walter Behm | 1 Karte + 1 magisches Wort | 1948 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 9 No. 4)
Arthur H. Buckley | Spell It | 1948 | ||||||
Bill Simon | Simpl-Speller | 1949 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | Mail Mentalism | 1949 | ||||||
Paul Rosini | "Let's See What You've Done" | 1949 | ||||||
Joseph Dunninger | Nomenclature | 1950 | ||||||
Oscar Weigle | Personification | 1950 | ||||||
John Scarne, Joseph Linman | Scarne, Please Help Me | 1950 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | Over the Wire | 1950 | ||||||
Lewis Ganson | My Name - Your Name | 1950 | ||||||
Paul Rosini | Do a Trick | 1950 | ||||||
W. F. "Rufus" Steele | The Great Rufus Steele | 1952 | ||||||
Hocus Pocus, Miss Jones | 1952 | |||||||
Al Leech | Hocus Soapus | 1952 | ||||||
Bill Simon | Spell Anything | 1952 | ||||||
Al Leech | Wild Deuces | 1952 | ||||||
Audley Walsh | Name And Place | 1952 | ||||||
Al Leech | Easy Does It | 1952 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | Spelling Selected Cards | 1953 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | The Nail Gauge Spell | 1953 | ||||||
R. M. Jamison | Yogi Tells | Apr. 1953 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 278)
Stewart James | Spelling Location | 1954 | ||||||
Stewart James | The Name is the Same | 1954 | ||||||
Stewart James | The Flight of the Spelling Bee | 1954 | ||||||
Two-Pile Location | 1956 | |||||||
Elmer Biddle | Elmer's Spell | June 1957 |
(Issue 10)
Bert Allerton | Surprise Spelling | 1958 | ||||||
Russell "Rusduck" Duck | As a Speller | May 1958 |
The Cardiste
(Issue 8)
Edward Marlo | C. Spelling out an Unknown Card | 1959 | ||||||
Al Leech | Name Speller | 1959 | ||||||
Matt Schulien | Spell It | 1959 | ||||||
Ken Beale | $pell | June 1960 |
(Issue 21)
Lawrence "Larry" Grey, Charlie Miller | Fifteen Card Trick Routine - 2 | 1961 | ||||||
Dr. Stanley Jaks, Howard Albright | Albrights Duplex Spelling Trick | 1961 | ||||||
Anthony J. Gugliotta | Venus Observa | Dec. 1961 |
(Issue 24)
Edward Marlo | Mechanical Estimation Effects | 1962 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | 15-K-11 Speller | 1962 | ||||||
Harry Lorayne | Simple Spelling Routine | 1962 | ||||||
North Bigbee | Simpel Spell | Aug. 1962 |
The New Phoenix
(Issue 371)
James Steranko | Part One | 1962 | ||||||
Stewart James | Fare Enough | Sep. 1962 |
(Issue 26)
Francis Haxton | More for the Show | Sep. 1962 |
(Issue 26)
Joseph Dunninger | Nomenclature | Apr. 1963 |
The New Jinx
(Vol. 1 No. 12)
E. Leslie May | Improvement | May 1963 |
The New Jinx
(Vol. 2 No. 13)
Peter Wilker | Lieben Sie mathematische Kartenkunststücke? | 1966 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 27 No. 3)
Tony Kardyro | Stop, Spell or Number | 1966 | ||||||
Roger Klause | Matched Spellout | 1967 | ||||||
Harry Lorayne | Spellbinder | 1967 | ||||||
Dai Vernon | The Name Is...? | Nov. 1967 |
(Issue 1)
Arthur Monroe | Spelldown | Dec. 1967 |
The New Jinx
(Vol. 6 No. 68)
Paul Swinford | Faro Spell | 1968 | ||||||
Eddie Fields | Cool Spell | 1968 | ||||||
Paul Marcus | A Southern Spell | July 1968 |
(Issue 33)
Paul Marcus | Magic Spell | Jan. 1968 |
The New Jinx
(Vol. 6 No. 69)
Ken Krenzel | Ken's Immediate Spell | 1969 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | Marlo's "Unknown" Speller | Winter 1969 |
The Hierophant
(Issue 2)
Jules Lenier | Decision | Feb. 1969 |
The Pallbearers Review
(Vol. 4 No. 4)
Ken Krenzel | Tele-Spell | Mar. 1969 |
The Pallbearers Review
(Vol. 4 No. 5)
Eddie Joseph | A Person to Person Call | 1969 | ||||||
Roy Walton | A Simple Trick Using The Move | Aug. 1969 |
(Issue 34 & 35)
John Hamilton | Eyes of the Gods | Aug. 1970 |
The Pallbearers Review
(Vol. 5 No. 10)
Dai Vernon | The IBM Card | Dec. 1970 |
The Pallbearers Review
(Vol. 6 No. 2)
Sid Fleischman | The Mind Boggler | 1970 |
(Issue 5)
Karl Fulves | Impromptu ESP | 1971 | ||||||
Karl Fulves, Milton Kort | Important! | 1971 | ||||||
Gene Nielsen | Sweetooth | July 1971 |
(Vol. 2 No. 20)
Derek Dingle | Applications - 1. | July 1972 |
(Issue 15 (Part 2))
Roy Walton | Simple Math | May 1972 |
The Pallbearers Review
(Vol. 7 No. 7)
Brother John Hamman | Chinese Miracle | Summer 1972 |
The Pallbearers Review
(Vol. 7 No. 7th Folio)
Karl Fulves | Sum Spell | Nov. 1972 |
The Pallbearers Review
(Vol. 8 No. 1)
Roger Pierre | What in the World! | 1972 |
(Issue 47)
Jimmy Connor | Tap-A-Card | 1972 | ||||||
James G. Thompson Jr. | Number Spell-Out | 1972 | ||||||
Lawrence "Larry" Grey | Spelling a Card | 1972 | ||||||
Spectator's Name Spell | 1972 | |||||||
Robert "Bob" J. Gunther | Murder Mystery with Cards | 1972 | ||||||
Clayton Rawson | Name Your Poison | 1972 | ||||||
Dr. Jacob Daley | Daley's Counting And Spelling Trick | 1972 | ||||||
Mathematical Trick | 1972 | |||||||
Bottom Deal Discovery Variation | 1972 | |||||||
Dr. Jacob Daley | Ad Lib Spell Variation | 1972 | ||||||
Frank Garcia | Speller Transition | 1973 | ||||||
Ben Christopher | Spello | Mar. 1973 |
The Pallbearers Review
(Vol. 8 No. 5)
Jerry K. Hartman | Cross-Spell | 1973 | ||||||
Gene Finnell | Speller | 1973 | ||||||
John Hamilton | Die Augen Gottes | July 1973 |
(Vol. 1 No. 1)
Edward Marlo | A Three Packet Estimation | 1974 | ||||||
Eddie Fechter | Speller Positioning | 1974 | ||||||
Jerry Mentzer | Cull Speller | 1974 | ||||||
Philip T. Goldstein | Vested Power | 1974 | ||||||
Dr. Barlow Wagman | Tele-Phoney | 1974 |
(Issue 103)
Karl Fulves | Spellblind | 1975 | ||||||
Michael Skinner | Francis Carlyle's Ghost | July 1975 |
(Issue 24)
Roy Walton | Past Help | Oct. 1975 |
(Vol. 2 No. 2)
Roy Walton | The "Thing er me Jig" Trick | 1975 | ||||||
Roger Smith | Stop - A Mental Spell | 1975 | ||||||
Charles T. Jordan | The Simplicity Speller | 1975 | ||||||
Jon Racherbaumer | Double Speller | 1976 |
Kabbala — Volume 3
(Vol. 3 No. 8)
Nick Trost | What's in a Name? | 1976 | ||||||
Spello | 1976 | |||||||
Frank Garcia | Speller Transition | 1976 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 37 No. 3)
Spelling Trick | 1976 | |||||||
Edward Marlo | Under a Spell | 1977 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | The Direct Spell | 1977 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | Shuffles and Spells | 1977 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | "Sophisticated Spellino" | 1977 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | Mental Power #2 | 1977 | ||||||
Larry Jennings | Tally-Ho Spell | 1977 | ||||||
Cull Speller | 1977 | |||||||
Jim Ryan | Jim's Quick Spell | 1977 | ||||||
Harry Lorayne, Bert Allerton | Triple-Climax Speller | 1977 | ||||||
Harry Lorayne | It's Impossible! | 1977 | ||||||
Karl Fulves, Al Baker | The Yogi Knows | 1977 | ||||||
Rolf Andra | 1. Eine Buchstabieridee | 1977 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 38 No. 1)
Ken Krenzel | Mechanical Spell | 1978 | ||||||
Ken Krenzel | The Block-Cover Pass Immediate Spell | 1978 | ||||||
Christian Scherer | ABC | 1978 | ||||||
Christian Scherer | Die Allwissende Kreuz Vier | 1978 | ||||||
Christian Scherer | Hier ist meine Karte | 1978 | ||||||
Die Buchstabierte Karte | 1978 | |||||||
Namen-Buchstabieren | 1978 | |||||||
Doug Edwards | The Royal Finale | 1978 | ||||||
David Britland | Synthetic Spell | 1978 |
The Talon
(Issue 2)
Speller Trick | 1979 | |||||||
Harry Lorayne | One-Hand Second-Deal Speller | 1979 | ||||||
Roy Walton | The Caretaker | 1979 | ||||||
Michael Skinner | The Miracle Speller | 1980 | ||||||
Romaine, Tony Kardyro | Double Kicker | 1980 | ||||||
Roger Crosthwaite | Skating On Ice | Oct. 1980 |
(Vol. 6 No. 10)
Howard A. Adams | Dealflipdropcut | 1980 |
(Issue 6 - the GHOST of esp card & mental miracles)
Roger Smith | Stop - A Mental Spell | 1980 | ||||||
Al Smith | Magic Countdown | 1980 | ||||||
Derek Dingle | Applications 1. | 1981 | ||||||
David Solomon | Swindle Speller | 1981 | ||||||
Jim Ryan | Quick Spell | 1981 | ||||||
Allan Slaight | Fourth Down | 1981 | ||||||
Dr. Stanley Jaks | Ganz Persönlich | Dec. 1981 |
(Vol. 8 No. 4)
Roy Walton | The "Thing er me Jig" Trick | 1981 | ||||||
Roy Walton | The Caretaker | 1981 | ||||||
Roy Walton | Simple Maths | 1981 | ||||||
Derek Dingle | Any Card Speller | 1982 | ||||||
Jon Racherbaumer | Reflex Spell | 1982 | ||||||
Larry Jennings | Impossible | 1982 | ||||||
David Britland | Christian | May 1982 |
(Vol. 2 No. 13)
David Britland | Small Prophet | 1982 |
(Vol. 2 No. Special #1 (Summer))
Edward Marlo | False Count Spell | 1983 | ||||||
Tom Mullica | Under my Spell | 1983 | ||||||
David Hambly | Magic by David Hambly | Feb. 1983 |
(Vol. 2 No. 22)
Eugene Burger | Spelling Stunner | 1983 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | Mental Spelling Effect | 1984 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | Infallible Estimation Spell | 1984 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | Taking a Chance | 1984 | ||||||
Brother John Hamman | The Phoenix Four | 1984 | ||||||
Stephen Tucker | The Incomplete Deck | Apr. 1984 |
(Vol. 8 No. 5)
Andrew Galloway | Vernon's Indicator | Oct. 1984 |
(Vol. 8 No. 8)
Sid Lorraine | Old Spell - New Twist | 1984 | ||||||
The Seven-Up Mystery | 1984 | |||||||
Frederick Braue | Item | 1985 |
The Fred Braue Notebooks
(Issue 1)
Spell it Out | 1985 |
The Fred Braue Notebooks
(Issue 1)
Routine | 1985 |
The Fred Braue Notebooks
(Issue 5)
Larry Jennings | Impossible | 1986 | ||||||
Larry Jennings | "Can't Be Done" | Jan. 1986 |
(Vol. 9 No. 1)
Philip T. Goldstein | Universal Speller | 1986 |