196 entries in Cards / Sleights / Force / Count Forces
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
To make a Card thought of by one Person appear at such Number in the Pack as another Person shall choose card and its position remembered, bluff counting started with that number, re-count
Related to 1889 85
The Capital Q back-count force with counters/coins or cards, as divination with partial stack
Also published here 1889 95
The Capital Q back-count force with counters/coins or cards, as divination with partial stack
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1890 27
Das Abzählen der Karten faced deck, spectator names number, as force
Also published here Dec. 1895
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Abzählen der Karten faced deck, spectator names number, as force
Related toAlso published here 1896 14
Faced Deck Turnover Force
1897 176
Der neue magische Kartenkreis "by H. Sch., Dresden", two predictions in envelopes, three dice rolled to get two numbers, counted to in a circle of cards, both predicted, Q-principle
June 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 11)
Hugo Kramer Die verbrannte und wieder entstandene Karte card at any number force (palmed card replaced when named number is reached), card burned and reappears in cage
Related to Aug. 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 8)
Das maskierte Schleifen einer Karte using glide to count to any card from the face, with cover card so force card starts second from face
June 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 6)
Re-Count Force for card at any number
1909 161
Charles T. Jordan Cremo! Card Restoration Extraordinary card forced via spelling procedure, duplicate in deck
Also published here 1921
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Down to the Minute Magical Effects)
Oswald Rae, Stanley Collins A Subtle Force six card on table, number is named, to force a number
1926 28
Forcing By Numbers Spectator names any number, magician counts down to that number, card at that number is the forced card
1927 52
Eric F. Impey Card at Number card at small number is forced card, cards dealt face up
1928 1
A New Force double count
1933 19
William Larsen The Riffle-Slip top card slipped into center, as passive sleight, as force to bring top card to named number
Also published here 1933 4
William Larsen The Riffle-Slip top card slipped into center, as passive sleight, as force to bring top card to named number
Also published here 1933 27
A Card Prediction card at named number predicted
1935 26
Double Counting Force
1937 91
Charles T. Jordan Cremo Card Restoration card forced via spelling procedure, duplicate in deck
1937 220
William Larsen From Another Pack forcing any King from set-up deck with counting procedure
1937 229
Another Force forcing a random card on multiple spectators, short card
1937 311
Horoscope Card Force short card
1937 312
Countdown Force
1937 384
Reverse Order Location
1938 101
Countdown Force
1939 36
Audley Walsh The Mystic Twelve cards pocketed and another remembered, performer divines position of selection and number of cards in pocket, reverse-count force
Related toVariations Mar. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 82)
Allan Howell Counting Force making some piles
The Jinx (Issue 104)
Les Vincent Countdown Force any number up to ten, set-up with Eights and Nines
The Jinx (Issue 108)
An Easy Force small number named
Related to 1940 13
Edward Marlo Count Down Force performer counts to named number, then spectator himself counts again and takes the card there
Also published here 1941
Early Marlo (Issue Amazing, Isn't It?)
The Count Force technical
1941 12
Edward Marlo Count Down Force performer counts to named number, then spectator himself counts again and takes the card there
Also published here 1941 6
Walter B. Gibson Topper
Also published here Apr. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 7)
Eddie Joseph Think of a Number three numbers counted to, cards predicted or divined, bluff count force (original top card)
1942 19
Re-Counting Force
1943 9
Forcing a Card on a stage
Feb. 1944 38
Edward Victor A "Force" For One of Six Cards cards in a row, a number is named to chose one card
1946 102
Easy Force small number named
Related to Sep. 1947 355
Double-Lift Force
1948 210
George G. Kaplan The Odd-Even Force forcing an even or odd number with three dice, (reverse) svengali forcing deck
1948 231
Dave Lee Card Force for the Stage named number, seven
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1949)
Count-Force spectator names small number, counts to that card and uses its value to count to force card
1950 65
Cross Sum force after cutting the deck
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 13 No. 6)
Al Koran Effect No. 5. "Prediction Plus" performer blindfolded, card chosen with ten-twenty force is predicted
1952 76
Dr. Stanley Jaks Al Bakers Prophecy one out of eight cards is chosen, value leads to selection, everything was predicted
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 15 No. 2)
Ten-Twenty Force card starts at position nine
June 1955
Ibidem (Issue 1)
Walter B. Gibson Topper
Also published here 1956 99
Stewart James So Nero spectator loses Jacks and deals out four hands to find them again, no-touch, story presentation, with spelling strategy to force one of four piles
Inspired byVariations Apr. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 5)
Die Macht des Gedankens brief explanation of two effects without title
  • two decks, selection is at same position in other deck, displacement of three cards
  • cards removed from deck to select card, prediction / force
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 18 No. 6)
Edward Marlo New Tail of the Q
  • #1 of "3 Mental Effects"
back-count force with Q-shaped layout, two cards and a number are divined
Related to Sep. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 11)
Edward Marlo Fifth Fooler twenty-sixth card is forced with procedure similar to automatic placement
1958 52
Russell "Rusduck" Duck As a Force
May 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 8)
Ken Beale Exploring a Principle number chosen with dice throw, card at that position removed, added to number, several of the numbers are counted to until total of five cards are removed, they're predicted
Variations Dec. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 24)
Counting Force card at x+1, packet cut off, then x cards counted off
1967 16
Fred G. Taylor Curious Count broken count force
Related toVariations Oct. 1968
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Ten-Twenty Force
1968 35
Backwards Counting Force
1969 134
Dai Vernon Curious Count II covering cases two to five
Inspired byVariations Feb. 1969 239
Eddie Joseph Minds in Collusion deck not touched, spectator cuts, deals out four hands of thirteen cards, each pile cut, value of bottom card used to count to a card by four spectators, performer divines all
Also published here 1969 66
10-20 Force
Nov. 1971 467
Jon Racherbaumer Reversing the Order of the Cards the placement principle in most Clock Effects
1971 3
Edward Marlo Prediction Surprise & Clock Combination card chosen with cut & count procedure has odd back, re-counting force, ambiguous color changing deck
Related to 1971 10
Fred G. Taylor, Daryl Martinez Curious Count broken count principle, for credit information see reference
Related to 1973 107
Edward G. Brown The Card Chosen by Elimination
1973 190
Tommy Fredericks Geheimnisvolles Päckchen using words on cigarette case a card and its position is remembered, a packet is cut off and some counting done to arrive at selection, twenty-one force
Also published here
  • Magigram
July 1974
Intermagic (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Charles T. Jordan Cremo! Card Restoration Extraordinary card forced via spelling procedure, duplicate in deck
  • Note by Annemann (pieces vanish in handkerchief)
Also published here 1975 106
Re-Deal Force with spelling
1976 86
Backwards Count Force packet cut off, then row counted on table and card counted to
1976 107
Bold Count Force reverse count, then bottom card shown
1976 121
Karl Fulves, Alex Elmsley Penelope's Principle as a Force faro
1977 49
Twenty-Thirty Force
1978 8
Card Force number between five and ten
1978 52
Jerry K. Hartman Underforce Forcing a card using Under-Down deal from small packet of cards
Also published here 1978 1
Philip T. Goldstein Pentaforce forcing a card from five, named number
Magick (Issue 218)
Larry Becker Count Force cards one to ten, two way out
1978 127
Theodore Annemann A Ted Annemann Force one of three cards chosen, its value used to count to force card
1978 50
Edward Marlo Flexible Force using automatic placement procedure, Penelope Principle
1979 369
David Lederman Spell-a-name Force any name is spelled
Feb. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Larry Becker Seance signatures of famous magicians appear on chosen blank cards
1979 89
Nick Trost ESP Numerology ten-twenty force with ESP cards
1979 2
Nick Trost Numerology simple ten-twenty force
1979 1
Philip T. Goldstein The Tenniel Prediction one of about ten cards is selected and predicted, prediction for two cards
Inspired by 1980
Magick (Issue 248)
Philip T. Goldstein Orientation! prediction of a Japanese city, cards with names, prediction in form of ABC cards in envelope, 10/11 force, see also p. 1380
Magick (Issue 275)
Fred G. Taylor Curious Count broken count principle, credit information
1982 39
Karl Fulves Blue Lightning No. 11, packets of cards removed from two decks and counted and added in some way, at the end three spectators have the same number of cards without it being obvious, all chose the same card if counted down
Inspired by 1983 14
Hornswoggled No. 54, twenty-one cards are removed and a card chosen with a counting procedure
1984 78
Terry LaGerould Lost And Found backwards count as prediction, "Countdown Force"
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1985 560
Larry Jennings Bottom Deal Force
1985 56
Miscellaneous Forces
  • forcing four cards with (re)dealing
  • odd-even number of things to force one of two spectators (matches or corners of newspaper)
1985 30
Card Forces re-dealing to named number with apparent error
1985 1
Small Number Force small number named to arrive at force card
1985 1
Countdown Force card placed with example
Related toAlso published here 1985 2
Faced-Deck Force counting
1985 2
Forcing by Numbers forcing multiple cards by counting to named numbers
1985 3
Force One card placed with example
Also published here 1985 7
Frederick Braue Three Pile Prediction counting and piles to force ninth card from top (1944)
  • As a Location
1985 3
Jon Racherbaumer Full-Deck Smith-Myth Force two cards are selected with the "card at position of cut-off number"-procedure, performer forces same card on both
Inspired by
  • forcing procedure in "Ten Self-Working Master Effects" (Professor Sydney Lawrence)
Related to
Jan. 1986 21
A Simple Card Force broken count force
Related to 1986 143
Karl Fulves The Educated Die Ace through Six, die rolled and card counted to, it's always an ace, two methods
1989 19
Karl Fulves, Henry Christ Mathejack four jacks produced after some counting
Inspired by 1989 9
Karl Fulves Force Card Note forcing card with coin on spread via "Overthrow", A-10 set-up
1989 5
William Larsen The Riffle-Slip top card slipped into center, as passive sleight, as force to bring top card to named number
Also published here 1991 168
Jerry K. Hartman Fall Force in context of a lie detector routine
1991 80
Terry LaGerould Countdown Force backwards count
Related to Oct. 1991
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Karl Fulves Red Shift count forcing a Two, jokers from beginning change in Twos to indicate value and position (22) of selection
1992 36
Corvello 10/11 Force
Aug. 1992
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Frederick Braue The Loquacious Queen three cards selected via cut and count (no-touch force), then the whispering Queen of Hearts tells the performer their identities
Related to 1992 6
Cross-Sum Count Force
1992 16
10-20 Force Cross-Sum
1992 23
T. Nelson Downs The Wizard's Force number between ten and twenty names, card at that position is forced, block of double backers and turnover of deck
Sep. 1992
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Charles T. Jordan Cremo Card Restoration No. 141, card forced via spelling procedure, duplicate in deck
Also published here 1992 173
Scott Robinson The Portable Ladder cards spread on table, named number is counted to and card turned over, value of card helps find selection, force or prediction
1993 39
Charles T. Jordan, Ron Rennick Count Down Force counting black cards in one pile and counting down in another pile
Rigmarole (Issue 3)
Mitsunobu Matsuyama Fortune cards with "He Loves Me", "He Loves Me Not", petal principle
Related toVariations 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 4)
Martin Gardner Fortune information on the petal principle force
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 4)
John Northern Hilliard An Original Force For One Card described for a king value
1994 1222
Philip T. Goldstein Elimination Count or Spell see also More Magic, credit information
1994 20
Karl Fulves Little Nothings loading the spectator's wallet during apparent money exchange before performance, force of mate with counting and down-under deal procedure
Variations 1994
Rigmarole (Issue 6)
Alain Gesbert The French Prediction backwards count as prediction, "Countdown Force", two Tarot cards predicted written on third card
Inspired by May 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 11)
Mis-Count Placement Force
Related to 1995 87
Karl Fulves Death Row Ace through Six in red and black removed and shuffled via Milk Build, after counting procedure the Ace of Spades is arrived at and it completes the Royal Flush in the case
Underworld (Issue 1)
Jerry K. Hartman Flipover Force number is named and counted down from top, card arrived at is forced, basic application of selection at named number
1995 54
Bob Farmer, Max Maven Fifty Years Ago in Magic
  • Flim-Flam
on the Billy O’Connor's backcount force in "One Card 10/20 Poker", back and forth letters between Max and Bob
Related to Sep. 1995
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Karl Fulves Red Handed using only red cards and prediction is "red", looks like a joke but is only red-backed card
1996 12
Karl Fulves 20 Faces Twice repeat phase
1996 18
Paul Harris Spelling Force spectator's name spelt out by cutting packets to force card
1996 16
The Whispering Queen queen whispers identity of top three cards to performer
Related to 1997 27
Jack Avis, Billy O'Connor O'Connor Caper two cards predicted and mates via count-back force (10-20 force), credit information
Inspired by
  • Billy O'Connor trick in The Magic Wand
1998 131
Ellis Stanyon A Simple Method of Forcing a Card No. 31, number named, performer counts, re-count by spectator
1999 18
Ellis Stanyon The Capital Q No. 23, back-count force
  • Improvement (as divination with partial stack)
1999 70
G. W. Hunter The Card Chosen Corresponds with Paper in Person's Pocket No. 40, re-deal force, motivated by having two cards chosen, one predicted and one divined
1999 78
Ellis Stanyon Simple and Conclusive (Mathematical) Method No. 3, accidental (?) over-count, then re-count
Related toVariations 1999 270
Ellis Stanyon Forcing a Card by Count and Second-Dealing No. 6, counting to named number
1999 273
Fred G. Taylor The Curious Count with credit information
Related to 2000 799
Steve Beam Count Forward Force packet is cut and value of card indicates how many more cards are added
2000 62
Karl Fulves Making the Point No. 31, two cards counted to by throwing two dice, both cards predicted
Related to 2001 47
Topper No. 79, spectator forces card on himself without touching by performer
2001 119
Karl Fulves, Stewart James Most Wanted List No. 4, list with twelve descriptions, one kind and all others ugly, value chosen with two numbers and description at that position is the kind one, small packet counting force
2001 8
10/20 Force face up
2002 40
Karl Fulves Count Force counting to a number twice, second card is forced, deck of double facers
2003 4
Karl Fulves Sonix #1 forcing the same card to two spectators using six cards in card stand
Inspired by
  • Supersonic Card Prediction (Jaks)
2003 43
Karl Fulves Sonix #2 no-gaff version
Inspired by
  • Supersonic Card Prediction (Stanley Jaks)
2003 46
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Principle of Nine adding digits and subtracting from original number always is a multiple of nine
  • The basic estimation principle
  • The Count-Back Force
  • The Less-counting principle
2003 79
10-20 Force
June 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 10)
Wesley James The Sigma Principle force in which spectator cuts off pile, counts it and counts down that many cards in rest
2004 101
Charles T. Jordan The Slip-Back Move
2004 112
Reinhard Müller Reinhard Müller translation correction of Sharpe's version in case the gaze force misses
2004 372
Steve Beam The Curiouser Count versatile variation of the Curious Count
Inspired byRelated to 2004 82
Steve Beam Even Curiouser Count with single cards, pairs and triplets, broken count force
Related to 2004 85
Steve Beam Curiouser Count Epilog more ideas on the Curiouser Count
Related to 2004 92
Karl Fulves Self-Made Trap card chosen from face-up deck with Ten-Twenty force, turns out to be sandwiched by odd-backed cards
2005 424
Giorgio Tarchini Dice Force using dice rolls to force a card with multiple-out count
Nov. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. Annual 2005)
Jack Avis Flip-Up Put Back Count - A Utility Move every card angled up with the left thump
  • First, the Method of Counting
  • To Count Less
  • As a Force
  • The Double Deal Double Lift
  • Double Deal
2006 154
Jack Avis Another Force counting down to a named number
2006 163
Steve Beam The Force forcing one of four cards, named number
2006 50
Re-Count Force apparently accidental over-count and repeat
Prolix (Issue 3)
Steve Beam Count Forward Force packet is cut and value of card indicates how many more cards are added
2007 91
Jerry K. Hartman Underforce combines Vernon Strip-out Addition and Under-Down Deal
Also published here 2007 7
Terry LaGerould Backwards Count Force counting backwards from ten until thought-of number is reached, then counting down that number as well
2008 59
Terry LaGerould Backwards Count Force counting backwards from ten until thought-of number is reached, then counting down that number as well
2008 241
Terry LaGerould LaGerould Countdown Force countdown with number from one to ten, credit information
Related to 2008 276
Billy O'Connor Ten-Twenty Force
2008 292
Terry LaGerould Countdown Force counting backwards from ten until thought-of number is reached, then counting down that number as well
2009 378
R. Paul Wilson YAMFACAAN "Yet Another Method for A Card at Any Number", reverse spread
2010 170
Fred Kaps Fred Kaps's Force re-count
Secret Agenda (Issue Feb 12)
Roberto Giobbi A Bold Force handling for old re-counting force
Secret Agenda (Issue Nov 6)
Karl Fulves Random Access performer and spectator each name a number, cards at those numbers counted to, both predicted, re-count force
Related to 2010
Prolix (Issue 8)
Karl Fulves History credit information, on the double count / re-count force
  • Hoffmann on the Double Count
Related to 2010
Prolix (Issue 8)
James Swain The Vietnam Trick Revisited spectator remembers card at position that equals a cut-off amount, card predicted and spelled-to
Inspired by June 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 6)
Steve Dusheck Pokerello one of five poker hands is chosen, it is predicted, Corvello Force variation
2010 61
Larry Jennings Countback Aces spectator cuts deck in half, both halves counted, digits added and that many card counted off to form four piles in total, Aces are on top
Inspired by
  • “After the Four Ace Trick” (Billy O’Connor, The Magic Wand, June-Sep. 1935, p. 85)
2011 32
Gordon Bean Gordon Bean Handling spectator cuts deck in half, cards counted, digits added and that many card counted off to form four piles in total, Aces are on top
Inspired byVariations 2011 33
Helder Guimarães Helder Guimarães Handling two spectators cut of packet and count it, digits added and that many card counted off to form four piles in total, Aces are on top
Inspired by 2011 34
William Goodwin Random Locations four spectators count a packet, add digits and then count to a card, using Billy O’Connor's procedure as placement/force, faro
2011 39
Terry LaGerould Backwards Count Force counting backwards from ten until thought-of number is reached, then counting down that number as well
2013 634
Terry LaGerould Backwards Count Force counting backwards from ten until thought-of number is reached, then counting down that number as well
2013 635
Steve Beam Task Force Two-card force
Related to
  • "In the Bluff" (Ramón Riobóo, Thinking the Impossible, 2012)
2015 238
Michael Weber, Tim Trono One Hand Clock numbered slips in circle are used to count to one which is predicted, also with Ace through Queen
Jan. 2015
Real Secrets (Vol. 3 No. 34)
Nick Trost Triple Predicti three prediction cards, three times the performer counts off a named number between five and ten, ten and fifteen and fifteen and twenty, the arrived at selections match predictions
Inspired by 2015 1298
Hector Chadwick Shriek card fairly chosen is predicted as cell phone message
  • Thoughts and variations
2016 49
Colm Mulcahy Low Down Triple Dealing Principle
Facsimile (Issue 5)
Roberto Giobbi, Anthony Norman Deal Force with small numbers that are named
Related to
  • "Basic Card Technique" (Anthony Norman, 1948)
Hidden Agenda (Issue Nov 8)
Roberto Giobbi A Novel Force
Inspired by 2016
Hidden Agenda (Issue Nov 12)
Terry LaGerould Countdown Force with counting backwards with a number up to twelve
2017 98
Nick Trost Ken Beale's Cards and Dice number chosen with dice throw, card at that position removed, added to number, four Aces are found that way
Inspired by 2017 1418
Nick Trost An ESP Reading ESP matching with Terry LaGerould's Countdown Force, to find five matching symbols
2017 1569
Terry LaGerould Countdown Force
Related to Oct. 2018
Elixir (Vol. 2 No. 1 (Summer #2))
Harapan Ong Naming a Number improvisational countdown force, "trick that cannot be explained"
2018 231
Count-Down Force forcing the seventh card, two methods, one using Curious Count
Also published here 2019 33
Michał Kociołek R.M. Thought of card from packet of twelve vanishes, appears in sealed envelope, uses a number force
Inspired by 2019 24
Larry Jennings Easy Intuition first Ace found with version of ten-twenty force, then one of two options
  • re-deal force in two packets
  • cutting the Aces with switch
Inspired byRelated to 2020 451
Dani DaOrtiz You, me, and him two spectators and performer each decide on a number, cards are dealt from top corresponding to all three numbers, card arrived at is forced
2021 70
Max Maven Viva Force variant of 10/11 force with ten cards in circle layout, one of two cards
2021 53
Newell Unfried Fred G. Taylor Curious Count handling of the broken count force
  • Variation
Inspired by 2022 63
Count-Down Force forcing the seventh card, two methods, one using Curious Count
Also published here 2024 96