Count Forces
Creators | Title | Comments & References | Year | Source | Page | AA | Categories | |
To make a Card thought of by one Person appear at such Number in the Pack as another Person shall choose | 1889 | |||||||
The Capital Q | 1889 | |||||||
The Capital Q | 1890 | |||||||
Das Abzählen der Karten | Dec. 1895 |
Der Zauberspiegel
(Vol. 1 No. 4)
Abzählen der Karten | 1896 | |||||||
Faced Deck Turnover Force | 1897 | |||||||
Der neue magische Kartenkreis | June 1897 |
Der Zauberspiegel
(Vol. 2 No. 11)
Hugo Kramer | Die verbrannte und wieder entstandene Karte | Aug. 1898 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 4 No. 8)
Das maskierte Schleifen einer Karte | June 1904 |
Der Zauberspiegel
(Vol. 4 No. 6)
Re-Count Force | 1909 | |||||||
Charles T. Jordan | Cremo! Card Restoration Extraordinary | 1921 |
The Four Full Hands
(Issue Four Full Hands of Down to the Minute Magical Effects)
Oswald Rae, Stanley Collins | A Subtle Force | 1926 | ||||||
Forcing By Numbers | 1927 | |||||||
Eric F. Impey | Card at Number | 1928 | ||||||
A New Force | 1933 |
Card Manipulations
(Issue 1)
William Larsen | The Riffle-Slip | 1933 | ||||||
William Larsen | The Riffle-Slip | 1933 | ||||||
A Card Prediction | 1935 | |||||||
Double Counting Force | 1937 | |||||||
Charles T. Jordan | Cremo Card Restoration | 1937 | ||||||
William Larsen | From Another Pack | 1937 | ||||||
Another Force | 1937 | |||||||
Horoscope Card Force | 1937 | |||||||
Countdown Force | 1937 | |||||||
Reverse Order Location | 1938 | |||||||
Countdown Force | 1939 | |||||||
Audley Walsh | The Mystic Twelve | Mar. 1940 |
The Jinx
(Issue 82)
Allan Howell | Counting Force | 1940 |
The Jinx
(Issue 104)
Les Vincent | Countdown Force | 1940 |
The Jinx
(Issue 108)
An Easy Force | 1940 |
More Card Manipulations
(Issue 3)
Edward Marlo | Count Down Force | 1941 |
Early Marlo
(Issue Amazing, Isn't It?)
The Count Force | 1941 |
More Card Manipulations
(Issue 4)
Edward Marlo | Count Down Force | 1941 | ||||||
Walter B. Gibson | Topper | Apr. 1942 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 7)
Eddie Joseph | Think of a Number | 1942 | ||||||
Re-Counting Force | 1943 | |||||||
Forcing a Card | Feb. 1944 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 1 No. 9)
Edward Victor | A "Force" For One of Six Cards | 1946 | ||||||
Easy Force | Sep. 1947 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 5 No. 4)
Double-Lift Force | 1948 | |||||||
George G. Kaplan | The Odd-Even Force | 1948 | ||||||
Dave Lee | Card Force for the Stage | 1949 |
Ireland's Yearbooks
(Issue Yearbook 1949)
Count-Force | 1950 | |||||||
Cross Sum force | 1952 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 13 No. 6)
Al Koran | Effect No. 5. "Prediction Plus" | 1952 | ||||||
Dr. Stanley Jaks | Al Bakers Prophecy | 1954 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 15 No. 2)
Ten-Twenty Force | June 1955 |
(Issue 1)
Walter B. Gibson | Topper | 1956 | ||||||
Stewart James | So Nero | Apr. 1956 |
(Issue 5)
Die Macht des Gedankens | 1957 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 18 No. 6)
Edward Marlo | New Tail of the Q | Sep. 1957 |
(Issue 11)
Edward Marlo | Fifth Fooler | 1958 | ||||||
Russell "Rusduck" Duck | As a Force | May 1958 |
The Cardiste
(Issue 8)
Ken Beale | Exploring a Principle | Dec. 1961 |
(Issue 24)
Counting Force | 1967 | |||||||
Fred G. Taylor | Curious Count | Oct. 1968 |
The Pallbearers Review
(Vol. 3 No. 12)
Ten-Twenty Force | 1968 | |||||||
Backwards Counting Force | 1969 | |||||||
Dai Vernon | Curious Count II | Feb. 1969 |
The Pallbearers Review
(Vol. 4 No. 4)
Eddie Joseph | Minds in Collusion | 1969 | ||||||
10-20 Force | Nov. 1971 |
The Pallbearers Review
(Vol. 7 No. 1)
Jon Racherbaumer | Reversing the Order of the Cards | 1971 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | Prediction Surprise & Clock Combination | 1971 | ||||||
Fred G. Taylor, Daryl Martinez | Curious Count | 1973 | ||||||
Edward G. Brown | The Card Chosen by Elimination | 1973 | ||||||
Tommy Fredericks | Geheimnisvolles Päckchen | July 1974 |
(Vol. 2 No. 1)
Charles T. Jordan | Cremo! Card Restoration Extraordinary | 1975 | ||||||
Re-Deal Force | 1976 | |||||||
Backwards Count Force | 1976 | |||||||
Bold Count Force | 1976 | |||||||
Karl Fulves, Alex Elmsley | Penelope's Principle as a Force | 1977 | ||||||
Twenty-Thirty Force | 1978 | |||||||
Card Force | 1978 | |||||||
Jerry K. Hartman | Underforce | 1978 | ||||||
Philip T. Goldstein | Pentaforce | 1978 |
(Issue 218)
Larry Becker | Count Force | 1978 | ||||||
Theodore Annemann | A Ted Annemann Force | 1978 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | Flexible Force | 1979 | ||||||
David Lederman | Spell-a-name Force | Feb. 1979 |
(Vol. 2 No. 2)
Larry Becker | Seance | 1979 | ||||||
Nick Trost | ESP Numerology | 1979 | ||||||
Nick Trost | Numerology | 1979 | ||||||
Philip T. Goldstein | The Tenniel Prediction | 1980 |
(Issue 248)
Philip T. Goldstein | Orientation! | 1981 |
(Issue 275)
Fred G. Taylor | Curious Count | 1982 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Blue Lightning | 1983 | ||||||
Hornswoggled | 1984 | |||||||
Terry LaGerould | Lost And Found | 1985 | ||||||
Larry Jennings | Bottom Deal Force | 1985 | ||||||
Miscellaneous Forces | 1985 |
The Fred Braue Notebooks
(Issue 1)
Card Forces | 1985 |
The Fred Braue Notebooks
(Issue 2)
Small Number Force | 1985 |
The Fred Braue Notebooks
(Issue 2)
Countdown Force | 1985 |
The Fred Braue Notebooks
(Issue 2)
Faced-Deck Force | 1985 |
The Fred Braue Notebooks
(Issue 2)
Forcing by Numbers | 1985 |
The Fred Braue Notebooks
(Issue 2)
Force One | 1985 |
The Fred Braue Notebooks
(Issue 2)
Frederick Braue | Three Pile Prediction | 1985 |
The Fred Braue Notebooks
(Issue 5)
Jon Racherbaumer | Full-Deck Smith-Myth Force | Jan. 1986 |
The Card Man-uscript
(Issue 3)
A Simple Card Force | 1986 | |||||||
Karl Fulves | The Educated Die | 1989 | ||||||
Karl Fulves, Henry Christ | Mathejack | 1989 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Force Card Note | 1989 | ||||||
William Larsen | The Riffle-Slip | 1991 | ||||||
Jerry K. Hartman | Fall Force | 1991 | ||||||
Terry LaGerould | Countdown Force | Oct. 1991 |
(Vol. 1 No. 2)
Karl Fulves | Red Shift | 1992 | ||||||
Corvello | 10/11 Force | Aug. 1992 |
New Sorcerer
(Vol. 1 No. 2)
Frederick Braue | The Loquacious Queen | 1992 |
The Fred Braue Notebooks
(Issue 6)
Cross-Sum Count Force | 1992 |
The Fred Braue Notebooks
(Issue 6)
10-20 Force | 1992 |
The Fred Braue Notebooks
(Issue 6)
T. Nelson Downs | The Wizard's Force | Sep. 1992 |
(Vol. 2 No. 1)
Charles T. Jordan | Cremo Card Restoration | 1992 | ||||||
Scott Robinson | The Portable Ladder | 1993 | ||||||
Charles T. Jordan, Ron Rennick | Count Down Force | 1993 |
(Issue 3)
Mitsunobu Matsuyama | Fortune | 1993 |
(Issue 4)
Martin Gardner | Fortune | 1993 |
(Issue 4)
John Northern Hilliard | An Original Force For One Card | 1994 | ||||||
Philip T. Goldstein | Elimination Count or Spell | 1994 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Little Nothings | 1994 |
(Issue 6)
Alain Gesbert | The French Prediction | May 1994 |
(Vol. 16 No. 11)
Mis-Count Placement Force | 1995 | |||||||
Karl Fulves | Death Row | 1995 |
(Issue 1)
Jerry K. Hartman | Flipover Force | 1995 | ||||||
Bob Farmer, Max Maven | Fifty Years Ago in Magic | Sep. 1995 |
(Vol. 5 No. 1)
Karl Fulves | Red Handed | 1996 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | 20 Faces Twice | 1996 | ||||||
Paul Harris | Spelling Force | 1996 | ||||||
The Whispering Queen | 1997 |
The Fred Braue Notebooks
(Issue 8)
Jack Avis, Billy O'Connor | O'Connor Caper | 1998 | ||||||
Ellis Stanyon | A Simple Method of Forcing a Card | 1999 | ||||||
Ellis Stanyon | The Capital Q | 1999 | ||||||
G. W. Hunter | The Card Chosen Corresponds with Paper in Person's Pocket | 1999 | ||||||
Ellis Stanyon | Simple and Conclusive (Mathematical) Method | 1999 | ||||||
Ellis Stanyon | Forcing a Card by Count and Second-Dealing | 1999 | ||||||
Fred G. Taylor | The Curious Count | 2000 | ||||||
Steve Beam | Count Forward Force | 2000 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Making the Point | 2001 | ||||||
Topper | 2001 | |||||||
Karl Fulves, Stewart James | Most Wanted List | 2001 | ||||||
10/20 Force | 2002 | |||||||
Karl Fulves | Count Force | 2003 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Sonix #1 | 2003 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Sonix #2 | 2003 | ||||||
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson | Principle of Nine | 2003 | ||||||
10-20 Force | June 2003 |
(Vol. 12 No. 10)
Wesley James | The Sigma Principle | 2004 | ||||||
Charles T. Jordan | The Slip-Back Move | 2004 | ||||||
Reinhard Müller | Reinhard Müller | 2004 |
Latter Day Secrets
(Issue 9)
Steve Beam | The Curiouser Count | 2004 | ||||||
Steve Beam | Even Curiouser Count | 2004 | ||||||
Steve Beam | Curiouser Count Epilog | 2004 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Self-Made Trap | 2005 |
Latter Day Secrets
(Issue 10)
Giorgio Tarchini | Dice Force | Nov. 2005 |
(Vol. 1 No. Annual 2005)
Jack Avis | Flip-Up Put Back Count - A Utility Move | 2006 | ||||||
Jack Avis | Another Force | 2006 | ||||||
Steve Beam | The Force | 2006 | ||||||
Re-Count Force | 2007 |
(Issue 3)
Steve Beam | Count Forward Force | 2007 | ||||||
Jerry K. Hartman | Underforce | 2007 | ||||||
Terry LaGerould | Backwards Count Force | 2008 | ||||||
Terry LaGerould | Backwards Count Force | 2008 | ||||||
Terry LaGerould | LaGerould Countdown Force | 2008 | ||||||
Billy O'Connor | Ten-Twenty Force | 2008 | ||||||
Terry LaGerould | Countdown Force | 2009 | ||||||
R. Paul Wilson | YAMFACAAN | 2010 | ||||||
Fred Kaps | Fred Kaps's Force | 2010 |
Secret Agenda
(Issue Feb 12)
Roberto Giobbi | A Bold Force | 2010 |
Secret Agenda
(Issue Nov 6)
Karl Fulves | Random Access | 2010 |
(Issue 8)
Karl Fulves | History | 2010 |
(Issue 8)
James Swain | The Vietnam Trick Revisited | June 2010 |
(Vol. 73 No. 6)
Steve Dusheck | Pokerello | 2010 | ||||||
Larry Jennings | Countback Aces | 2011 | ||||||
Gordon Bean | Gordon Bean Handling | 2011 | ||||||
Helder Guimarães | Helder Guimarães Handling | 2011 | ||||||
William Goodwin | Random Locations | 2011 | ||||||
Terry LaGerould | Backwards Count Force | 2013 | ||||||
Terry LaGerould | Backwards Count Force | 2013 | ||||||
Steve Beam | Task Force | 2015 | ||||||
Michael Weber, Tim Trono | One Hand Clock | Jan. 2015 |
Real Secrets
(Vol. 3 No. 34)
Nick Trost | Triple Predicti | 2015 | ||||||
Hector Chadwick | Shriek | 2016 | ||||||
Colm Mulcahy | Low Down Triple Dealing Principle | 2016 |
(Issue 5)
Roberto Giobbi, Anthony Norman | Deal Force | 2016 |
Hidden Agenda
(Issue Nov 8)
Roberto Giobbi | A Novel Force | 2016 |
Hidden Agenda
(Issue Nov 12)
Terry LaGerould | Countdown Force | 2017 | ||||||
Nick Trost | Ken Beale's Cards and Dice | 2017 | ||||||
Nick Trost | An ESP Reading | 2017 | ||||||
Terry LaGerould | Countdown Force | Oct. 2018 |
(Vol. 2 No. 1 (Summer #2))
Harapan Ong | Naming a Number | 2018 | ||||||
Count-Down Force | 2019 | |||||||
Michał Kociołek | R.M. | 2019 | ||||||
Larry Jennings | Easy Intuition | 2020 | ||||||
Dani DaOrtiz | You, me, and him | 2021 | ||||||
Max Maven | Viva Force | 2021 | ||||||
Newell Unfried | Fred G. Taylor Curious Count | 2022 | ||||||
Count-Down Force | 2024 |