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Walter B. Gibson uses the penname Shaman.

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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Walter B. Gibson Clock Trick No. 2 ten cards in a circle, spectator thinks of one, then starts a counting procedure on another card that ends at his card
1928 17
Walter B. Gibson The Master Card Location
1928 19
Eddie Clever Hallucination three people look at top card, everybody sees a different card, see page 99 for improvement by Charles W. Fricke
VariationsAlso published here Oct. 1934
The Jinx (Issue 1)
Theodore Annemann The Tune Detective card found by dealing to selected song lyric / beat
Related toAlso published here 1934 31
Theodore Annemann, Walter B. Gibson An Improvement A La Carte any card forced with multiple layouts and equivoque
Related to May 1935
The Jinx (Issue 8)
Walter B. Gibson, Charles T. Jordan The Sagacious Joker four spectators pocket a card each, the joker is tapped against pocket and performer knows the cards, four methods (first one Charles T. Jordan's)
  • No. 2
  • No. 3
  • No. 4
Related to 1937 19
Ladson Butler The Whispering Queen deck is shuffled and dealt in four heaps, bottom cards divined
Related toVariations 1937 24
Walter B. Gibson Surpasso selection is inserted in cased deck by spectator and divined, deck pressed together in case
1937 32
Charles T. Jordan, Walter B. Gibson Double Prediction two cards are counted to after reverse faro procedure, positions predicted, actually Walter Gibson's (see article "Reverse Faro Shuffle" on ConjuringCredits)
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1937 85
Walter B. Gibson Simplified Reverse
1937 167
Walter B. Gibson Improved Super Memory apparently twenty selections and their positions are remembered
Variations 1937 175
Walter B. Gibson Master Card Location counting while spreading
1937 331
Norman Ashworth Before your Eyes message on slate becomes name of selection when wiping over it, idea by Charles Nyquist on page 270
Related toVariationsAlso published here May 1937
The Jinx (Issue 32)
Dai Vernon Up and Down selections end up at predicted positions, anti-faro trick
Related to Nov. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 38)
Walter B. Gibson Date Sense numbers on calendar are added, matrix force
Related toVariationsAlso published here Feb. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 41)
Walter B. Gibson Jog Control as top half is replaced
1938 46
Walter B. Gibson The 20 Card Trick as seen by Agostin, twenty cards are selected and shuffled back, all found blindfolded from pocket in apparently random order
Variations Aug. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 59)
Walter B. Gibson Double Reverse spectator's and performer's cards reverse
Related toVariationsAlso published here Jan. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 77)
Theodore Annemann, Walter B. Gibson The Omega Card Prophecy card chosen with dealing procedure, billet index
Also published here Mar. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 82)
Walter B. Gibson Before Your Eyes Improvement improvement
Inspired byAlso published here Mar. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 83)
Walter B. Gibson Card Case Glimpse "Flap-Flap" card put in card case is glimpsed later
The Jinx (Issue 86)
Walter B. Gibson Perplexity two cards in twenty card packet at unknown positions change place (more or less)
Related toVariations 1940
The Jinx (Issue 88)
Walter B. Gibson Like Seeks Like 3&3, precursor to Oil & Water using glide
The Jinx (Issue 91)
Walter B. Gibson Editrivia
Also published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 105)
Walter B. Gibson Bewildering Blocks (with a Sucker Finish) prop trick with colored blocks in tube
The Jinx (Issue 110)
Walter B. Gibson Key Location Medium finds selection in shuffled deck, coding using stacking principle
The Jinx (Issue 121)
Walter B. Gibson The Twin Princess
Also published here 1941
The Jinx (Issue 126)
Tapping Table Objects spectator thinks of one of seven objects, performer taps them while spectator spells silently, at end of word performer taps thought-of object
Also published here 1941 12
Walter B. Gibson Pay Off spectator deals half the deck and tries to separate red and black, you predict the relations of the cards to the other half, two phases
Related toAlso published here Jan. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 1)
Walter B. Gibson Mind Over Money memorizing the serial number of a bill and other ideas about quickly memorizing things on a bill
Jan. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 1)
Walter B. Gibson Lost in the Shuffle medium reveals three cards, pocket writing on playing card
Variations Feb. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 2)
Walter B. Gibson Clip Color four different colored cards are cut into different amount of pieces and sealed in envelopes, chosen color is spelled and found
Also published here Feb. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 2)
Walter B. Gibson, Bruce Elliott The Back Room
Mar. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 3)
Walter B. Gibson Ball-Istics four balls appear one by one and vanish again
Related to
  • corrections and improvements on p. 28
Mar. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 4)
Walter B. Gibson, Bruce Elliott The Back Room Otis Manning, Keith Clark, Schlumpini
Mar. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 4)
Theodore Annemann Forecast three people think of a word, medium writes them on separate papers, numbers them and throws them in a hat, clever one ahead routine
Related to Apr. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 5)
Walter B. Gibson The Back Room on trick exposure
Apr. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 5)
Walter B. Gibson Cut To Measure cut and restored tape measure
Also published here Apr. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 6)
Walter B. Gibson The Back Room on Carl Brema's shop
Apr. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 6)
Walter B. Gibson Topper
Also published here Apr. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 7)
Bruce Elliott, Walter B. Gibson The Back Room on Russel Swann and on Scarne and Rawson working on a series called "Magicians of the Underworld"
Apr. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 7)
Walter B. Gibson One Good Trick...
Related toAlso published here May 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 8)
Walter B. Gibson Deserves Another predicting a card at a number, follow up
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here May 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 8)
Walter B. Gibson Sooth Sayer with different colored paper instead of numbered slips
Inspired by May 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 8)
Walter B. Gibson, Bruce Elliott The Back Room Dan Morris Russell Swann and Leonard Lyons
May 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 8)
Walter B. Gibson Cardee Foolee chinese writing cut in half reveals selection, published under Feng Huang
Related to May 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 9)
Walter B. Gibson, Chung Ling Foo Filtration liquid vanishes after performance of the hydrostatic glass
May 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 9)
Chung Ling Foo, Walter B. Gibson Twister Chung Ling Foo's torn and restored paper with sucker element
May 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 9)
Walter B. Gibson Confetti of Cathay three cups, one filled with confetti, confetti vanishes and travels to another, published under Hee Foo You
May 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 9)
Walter B. Gibson Tip For Torn Paper and Hat Tearing
May 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 9)
Walter B. Gibson Blackstone Anecdote
May 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 9)
Walter B. Gibson, Bruce Elliott The Back Room Greer Marechal, Clayton Rawson
May 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 9)
Walter B. Gibson, Danny Morris Gaglet Department
  • card coding with name badges (Gibson)
  • card in balloon gag (Morris)
  • cut and restored tie performance at army shows without a stooge (Morris)
  • bar bet, naming three numbers of a serial number on a bill
May 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 10)
Walter B. Gibson, Henry Hatton, Adrian Plate In the Pocket two different colors change places, hand and pocket
July 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 14)
Walter B. Gibson The Back Room on exposure, response to Bill Larsen, book exposure like Greater Magic, Modern Magic, Magician's Magic etc.
Sep. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 17)
Bruce Elliott, Walter B. Gibson Chance! Thought! Coincidence! with three different colored cardboards, one taken, one thought off and one stopped at by coincidence
Sep. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 18)
Walter B. Gibson, Han Ping Chien Gaglets
  • Gibson's wand vanish
  • Han Ping Chien swallowing billard ball vanishes
Sep. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 18)
Walter B. Gibson Super-Duper Speller clarification on page 90
Oct. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 19)
Walter B. Gibson The Furloined Rope Trick removing knots from rope
Oct. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 20)
Walter B. Gibson, Bruce Elliott The Back Room Dante, Ed Saint, Max Malini
Oct. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 21)
Walter B. Gibson Voodoo sword cabinet with a pins and a voodoo doll in a box
Dec. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 24)
Danny Morris, Doc Hurwitz, Walter B. Gibson Betcha
  • boiling water in a paper bag
  • beer bet
  • coin bet / puzzle ("One is not a nickel")
Variations Dec. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 24)
Walter B. Gibson, Bruce Elliott The Back Room on the "Barnstormer", Bob Hanko, Jean Hugard's dinner, Milbourne Christopher
Dec. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 24)
Walter B. Gibson Getting Away From Card Tricks while explaining a color change, a whiskey glass appears
Dec. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 25)
Walter B. Gibson The Back Room on Dorny, Hy Mayer and why this is the wacky issue
Jan. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 27)
Walter B. Gibson, U. F. Grant Count Them Out false count based on words
Jan. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 27)
Walter B. Gibson Billard Ball Act
  • perfect color change
  • extra ball getaway
  • down the ladder
  • through the pocket
  • gaining white ball
  • throw color change
  • the vanish getaway
  • instant ball to silk
  • the smash change
  • quick one to four
Related to Feb. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 28)
Walter B. Gibson Peeksie do as I do, but spectator probably fails finding performer's card
Mar. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 31)
Walter B. Gibson Mickey Finn
Apr. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 34)
Walter B. Gibson Turnabout two decks, two cards are exchanged and match
May 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 36)
Walter B. Gibson Pick Me Up number between one and thirty is named, an indicator card is inserted at that position and the card card named
Related to Aug. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 41)
Walter B. Gibson 91¢ Miracle three spectators select a different color envelope each and can than put one coin out of five in it, when performer turns over and sees the remaining two, he knows who chose which coin
Related to Oct. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 44)
L. Vosburgh Lyons Key Chart to the 91¢ Miracle
Related to Nov. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 48)
Walter B. Gibson Deferred Coincidence three cards are selected from a red and from a blue deck, they match
Dec. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 50)
, Walter B. Gibson "Free" French Drop like spider grip vanish, as a fake french drop, as a switch, pretending to be a master sleever
Jan. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 52)
Harry Blackstone, Walter B. Gibson Super Magic two in the hand, one in the pocket with paper balls and variations
Mar. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 55)
Walter B. Gibson, Bruce Elliott Gold Seal Mystery coins, objects and colors are chosen and predicted, in an envelope and the coin in a box and inside wool
Apr. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 59)
Walter B. Gibson The Poor Man's Anti-Gravico hydrostatic bottle
June 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 63)
Walter B. Gibson Switched while doing fan manipulations, in two parts
June 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 63)
Walter B. Gibson, L. Vosburgh Lyons Release From Reason silk and rope
Aug. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 66)
Walter B. Gibson Tom Dick & How Many? three people each raising a different amount of fingers
Inspired by Dec. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 74)
Bruce Elliott, Walter B. Gibson The Back Room
Dec. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 74)
Paul Fleming (reviewer) The World's Best Book of Magic by Walter B. Gibson 1944 7
Theodore Annemann, Walter B. Gibson The Omega Card Prophecy card chosen with dealing procedure, billet index
Also published here 1944 95
Walter B. Gibson Date Sense numbers on calendar are added, matrix force
Also published here 1944 135
Norman Ashworth, Walter B. Gibson Before Your Eyes message on slate becomes name of selection when wiping over it
  • Walter Gibson Method
Also published here 1944 188
Walter B. Gibson The Twin Princess
Also published here 1944 284
Walter B. Gibson A Spooky Message flap, "Before Your Eyes" wipe-away prediction
Related to 1945 402
Walter B. Gibson Turnabout two decks, two cards are exchanged and match
1945 92
Walter B. Gibson The Four Door Production Cabinet objects appear from a box with four doors
1945 308
James G. Thompson Jr. Biographical Sketches of Contributors
  • Theo. Annemann
  • Charles Arbuthnot
  • George E. Arrowsmith
  • Roger Barkann
  • Sylvan Barnet
  • Joseph L. Barnett
  • Raymond L. Beebe
  • Eugene Bernstein
  • J. B. Bobo
  • John N. Booth
  • Tom Bowyer
  • Vynn Boyar
  • Joan Brandon
  • Fred Braue
  • John Braun
  • Lu Brent
  • R. C. Buff
  • Clyde F. Cairy
  • Loring Campbell
  • Jack Chanin
  • Frank Chapman
  • Forest V. Chesbro
  • Milbourne Christopher
  • Eddie Clever
  • Stanley Collins
  • Mystic Craig
  • Thomas J. Crawford
  • John J. Crimmins, JR.
  • Paul J. Curry
  • Del Monte
  • Harry Dobrin
  • Ronald B. Edwards
  • Bruce Elliot
  • Professor El-Tab
  • Dr. E. G. Ervin
  • Dr. Henry Ridgely Evans
  • Val Evans
  • "Hen" Fetsch
  • Thomas B. Fitzgerald
  • Dariel Fitzkee
  • Sid Fleischman
  • Joseph Harman Fries
  • Martin Gardner
  • Teral Garrett
  • Walter B. Gibson
  • Arnold L. Grubin
  • Nelson C. Hahne
  • Hathaway
  • Royal V. Heath
  • Charles H. Hopkins
  • Jean Hugard
  • Mark Jacobs
  • R. M. Jamison
  • F. H. Jeudevine
  • Maurice Kains
  • George G. Kaplan
  • George Karger
  • Joseph A. Karson
  • Wilbur Kattner
  • Gerald Lynton Kaufman
  • Howard B. Kayton, M.D.
  • The Great Kolar
  • Gerald Kosky
  • Abril Lamarque
  • William W. Larsen
  • Sid Lorraine
  • Art Lyle
  • L. Vosburgh Lyons
  • Richard F. Madden
  • Greer Marechal, JR.
  • George McAthy
  • William H. McCaffrey
  • Jack McMillen
  • Harry Mendoza
  • Orville Meyer
  • John W. Mifflin
  • Chester Morris
  • Paul Morris
  • Frederick Mosteller
  • Robert A. Nelson
  • C. A. George Newmann
  • Grady S. Nicholson
  • Dr. Cecil E. Nixon
  • Charles Walter Nyquist
  • Dell O'Dell
  • Tom Osborne
  • George Harrison Pittman
  • Julien J. Proskauer
  • Clayton Rawson
  • Ralph W. Read
  • Dolf Rudin
  • Herb Rungie
  • Ned Rutledge
  • James J. Sanders
  • Lucille Pierce Saxon
  • Sigmar - The Magician
  • Jerry Sorensen
  • Willard S. Smith
  • George Starke
  • Dr. Raymond V. Stone, SR. (RAMO)
  • Harlan Tarbell
  • DR. Franklin Taylor
  • J. G. Thompson, JR.
  • Jack F. Trebel
  • M. Van Reese
  • Jack Vosburgh
  • Audley Valentine Walsh
  • Peter Warlock
  • Herman L. Weber
  • Bob Weill
  • William H. Wilson
  • Tommy Windsor
  • Howard H. Wise
  • Ed. Wolff
  • Michael F. Zens
1945 347
Mel Stover Days of Force calendar number force
Related toVariationsAlso published here Feb. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 77)
Walter B. Gibson Sextuple Stranger Than Hallucination three people look at the bottom card and remove it, all think of the same card
Inspired by Mar. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 80)
L. Vosburgh Lyons, Ronald B. Edwards, Clayton Rawson, Bruce Elliott, Walter B. Gibson Boxed piece of a magazine is put on a string and the ends of the string thread through two holes in a box, a word is selected and when checked on the piece on the string all words are crossed out except the selected one
Related to Apr. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 81)
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on R.C. Buff ideas with the Lyons-Elliott Box, Frank Taylor, ideas by Hen Fetsch, Ed Marlo, Bert Allerton and Richard Mc Closkey
Related to May 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 84)
Roger Barkann Follow the Leaders routine with red/black effects
  • prediction of red / black relationship (Phoenix No. 1)
  • Out of this World (not explained)
  • Follow the Leader (not explained)
  • Slop Shuffle Color Separation
Related to Mar. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 102)
Dr. William T. Palchinas Skill-Nil! combination of several routines, here as Palchanis
  • Pay Off (Walter Gibson)
  • One Good Trick (Walter Gibson)
  • A Total Mystery (Tony Kardyro)
  • Total Mystery / Sensational Sensitive Finger Tips (Tony Kardyro)
  • Card-Incidence (Charles Terraneau)
Related to Aug. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 183)
John J. Crimmins Jr. (reviewer) Professional Magic for Amateurs by Walter B. Gibson Mar. 1949
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 6 No. 10)
Walter B. Gibson Switcheroo No. 54
Variations 1950 96
Dai Vernon Up and Down No. 81, Prediction cards give final positions of two selections after mixing procedure
Related to 1950 148
John J. Crimmins Jr. (reviewer) Magic Explained by Walter B. Gibson Feb. 1950 628
Lewis Ganson Gambler's Luck poker player's picnic type Kings location, open Bottom Deal demo followed by Aces deal
Inspired by
  • "Tops Four Aces" (Paul Clive's "Card Tricks Without Skill")
  • "The Honest Gambler" (Walter B. Gibson's "Professional Magic for Amateurs")
1950 71
Milbourne Christopher Super Date Senses sheet of calendar is used and days named, blindfold performer names total of numbers, matrix force
  • Stage Version
  • Impromtu Version
Inspired by Mar. 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 10)
Royal Vale Heath, Walter B. Gibson Calendar (3)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
Five dates are circled on a calendar month, magician asks how many Mondays/Tuesdays... are circled, magician can divine the sum total of the circled dates
Also published here July 1951 819
Gerald Kosky Tricky Mentalist without Cards twenty signed cards are returned later to correct persons, Gibson's Super Memory with business cards, see p. 1177 for corrections
Inspired byAlso published here Oct. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 292)
Walter B. Gibson Billard Ball Routine four ball routine, with handkerchief
1953 124
Walter B. Gibson Second Billard Ball Routine with five balls, a handkerchief, color changing balls
Related to 1953 141
Stylesmith Lost in the Shuffle - Again blindfolded medium reveals selected cards and describes owners
Inspired by Feb. 1954
The Phoenix (Issue 300)
Roy Benson The Birdcage on John McManus, Dr. Morris Young, Jay Marshall, Paul Fleming, Chris Carlton, Bob Lewis, SAM Assembly No.9, Neil Foster, Walter B. Gibson, Victor Farelli
The New Phoenix (Issue 327)
Walter B. Gibson Cut to Measure cut and restored tape measure
Also published here 1956 92
Walter B. Gibson Pay-Off spectator deals half the deck and tries to separate red and black, you predict the relations of the cards to the other half, two phases
Also published here 1956 97
Walter B. Gibson Topper
Also published here 1956 99
Walter B. Gibson One Good Trick Deserves Another selection is put in pocket by performer behind bak, card is predicted on a slip too
Also published here 1956 101
Walter B. Gibson Clip Color four different colored cards are cut into different amount of pieces and sealed in envelopes, chosen color is spelled and found
Also published here 1956 200
Walter B. Gibson, Royal Vale Heath Gibson's Circled Dates Five dates are circled on a calendar month, magician asks how many Mondays/Tuesdays... are circled, magician can divine the sum total of the circled dates
Also published here 1956 48
, Walter B. Gibson Heads or Tails? Determine whether hidden coin is heads or tails after spectator has turned over the coins randomly, provides variation by Walter Gibson using pieces of colored cardboard
Variations 1956 61
Mel Stover The Irrisistible Force
Variations Jan. 1957
The New Phoenix (Issue 340)
William P. Miesel Another Impromptu Out of this World doing Miraskill for separating red and black cards
Related to Mar. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 6)
Ein Mikro-Trick marked match is located among others, behind back
Related to 1959
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 20 No. 3)
Walter B. Gibson, Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) The Match Twister marked match is located among others, behind back, with notes by Ron Wohl
Related toAlso published here 1959
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 20 No. 5)
Walter B. Gibson Zum Dessert: Buchstabieren spectator thinks of one of seven objects, performer taps them while spectator spells silently, at end of word performer taps thought-of object
Also published here 1967
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 28 No. 1)
Eddie Fields Way Ahead Card to Card Case seven random cards called out and written down on piece of paper, with numbers one to seven, one of the numbers is chosen, and corresponding card appears in card case without moves, miscalling
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1968 6
Jon Racherbaumer (reviewer) The Complete Illustrated Book of Card Magic by Walter B. Gibson Winter 1969
Hierophant (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves (reviewer) The Complete Illustrated Book of Card Magic by Walter B. Gibson Oct. 1969 286
Walter B. Gibson Ashes of the Phoenix burnt and restored paper
Magick (Issue 16)
Walter B. Gibson Three Card Mental Repeat three cards in pocket, two removed and bringing mentally selected card out at last, repeated
Related to 1971
Magick (Issue 25)
Walter B. Gibson Triple Mental Repeat three cards in pocket, two removed and bringing mentally selected card out at last, repeated, duplicates
Related to 1971
Magick (Issue 28)
Walter B. Gibson, Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) The Match Twister / Der Zündholzdreher marked match is located among others, under table, with variation by Ron Wohl
Also published here 1971
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 32 No. 4)
Walter B. Gibson Without a Shadow of a Doubt double facer with two indices on each side, prediction of one of four cards
Magick (Issue 57)
Walter B. Gibson Double Reverse spectator's and performer's cards reverse
Also published here 1972 116
Walter B. Gibson Dell O'Dell strategy to change decks, ends with Brainwave, used by Dell O'Dell
Magick (Issue 72)
Walter B. Gibson, Joseph Dunninger Time Will Tell prediction of drawn time, handles of performer's watch are set correctly
Variations 1973
Magick (Issue 90)
Walter B. Gibson Double "A" Production Cabinet for handkerchiefs etc
1974 36
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Witchcraft by Walter B. Gibson Feb. 1974 709
Joseph Dunninger, Walter B. Gibson The Spaced-Out Card peeked card vanishes form deck
Magick (Issue 107)
Walter B. Gibson Fan Steal from one packet under one-handed fan in other hand
1975 176
Gerald Kosky, Walter B. Gibson Tricky Mentalist - Without Cards apparently twenty selections and their positions are remembered, using business cards and words
Inspired by 1975 142
Charles T. Jordan, Walter B. Gibson Double Prediction two cards are counted to after reverse faro procedure, actually Walter Gibson's (see article "Reverse Faro Shuffle" on ConjuringCredits)
Related toAlso published here 1975 31
Charles T. Jordan The Sagacious Joker four spectators pocket a card each, the joker is tapped against cards in pocket and performer knows the cards
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1975 42
Charles T. Jordan The Sagacious Joker - Improved four spectators pocket a card each, the joker is tapped against cards in pocket and performer knows the cards
Inspired byRelated to 1975 44
Edward Marlo, Walter B. Gibson Double Prediction two cards predicted, two methods, combination of Walter Gibson's "The Mystic Prediction & "The Psychic Card Problem" (Book of Popular Card Tricks)
Early Marlo (Issue Oddity & Other Miracles)
Clayton Rawson, Walter B. Gibson, Jerry Ross Date Sense coins in handkerchief, one with specific date is found, several versions
Magick (Issue 161)
Larry Jennings Number Transposition
Related toAlso published here 1977 37
Walter B. Gibson, Al Mann Walter's Letter prediction in nest of envelopes, sent to spectator by mail
1977 10
Stephen Tucker, David Britland Three Coins vanishing coin with coin puzzle presentation
Inspired by 1978
The Talon (Issue 1)
Paul Fleming (reviewer) Professional Magic For Amateurs by Walter B. Gibson 1979 92
Magisches aus aller Welt on the Magic Castle Awards 1978, Harry Blackstone jr., Walter B. Gibson, Edmund Spreer, Philippe Theodore, June Leith, John Ramsay Award, Anne Warlock, Kratky-Baschik-Weg, AFAP convention, Sara Kabigujina-Sultangali Schukurow
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 40 No. 3)
Philip T. Goldstein, Walter B. Gibson, Maurice Kraitchik Rainbow Matrix number force with a magic square
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1980 8
Walter B. Gibson Dunninger's Blink! spectator divines card, sees image of card while staring at the wall
Magick (Issue 297)
Philip T. Goldstein, Walter B. Gibson, Maurice Kraitchik Rainbow Matrix number force with a magic square
Inspired byRelated to 1982 4
Al Mann One Thousand Skulls seeing through the wall theme, spectator in other room draws two miniature skulls from a bag, the skulls are either red or white, four phases
Related to 1982 6
Walter B. Gibson The Amazing Washington Irving Bishop
  • A Wake of Mystery
  • And a Mother's Ambitions
  • Skeptic Versus Practitioner
  • Muscle Reading or More?
  • The Blindfold Drive
  • Trance State
  • The Final Question
Sep. 1983
Magick (Issue 323)
Walter B. Gibson Date Sense No. 72, numbers on calendar are added, matrix force
Related to 1983 92
Martin Gardner Crazy Calendar No. 73, calendar force with matrix principle
Inspired byRelated to 1983 94
David Britland Double Trouble spectator's and performer's cards reverse
Inspired by 1983
Cardopolis (Issue 1)
Walter B. Gibson Anmerkungen zum "Ärmeln" article about sleeving
Also published here
  • The Conjurors' Magazine, July 1947
May 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 1)
Walter B. Gibson The Shadow Image stamps appear on index card held by spectator
Dec. 1985
Magick (Issue 362)
Karl Fulves Not a Half "Penny Papers", twist on catch question "one of them is not a half dollar"
Inspired by 1985 85
Walter B. Gibson Thsakw alphabet cards are shuffled and placed inside box, box starts to move and letters on top are divined by performer
Mar. 1986
Magick (Issue 366)
Walter B. Gibson Reflections in a Wizard's Eye - Part I on the relationship of the Jinx and Phoenix
  • The Jinx Special
  • Enter the Phoenix
  • Origin of the Name
  • Getting Elliot Involved
  • And the Bird Takes Flight
  • The Ready-Made Subscription List
  • Where I Bowed Out
Related to Oct. 1986
Magick (Issue 379)
Walter B. Gibson Reflections in a Wizard's Eye - Part II memories of Annemann, Dunninger, Stebbins, Hellstroem, Zancig, Bert Reese, Claude Golden, Bob Sherman
  • The Mind Readers
  • Ted Annemann
  • Mentalism-Bashing
  • The Si Stebbins Act
  • Palace Movie House
  • The Bits and Pieces
  • Si Stebbins in Person
  • The Show That Never Was
Related to Nov. 1986
Magick (Issue 381)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Double Bill Tube by Walter B. Gibson July 1987
Epoptica (Issue 9)
Edward Marlo, Walter B. Gibson You Found It! spectator turns card face-up, it is previous selection, alternatively next to selection, mathematical, inspired by Walter Gibson's "The Popular Card Tricks", three methods
May 1991 14
Rich Bloch Watch Scam divination of drawn time, handles of spectator's watch are set correctly
Inspired by 1991 13
Charles T. Jordan, Walter B. Gibson Double Prediction No. 8, two cards are counted to after reverse faro procedure, actually Walter Gibson's (see article "Reverse Faro Shuffle" on ConjuringCredits)
Related toAlso published here 1992 6
Ellison Poland Colors By The Numbers No. 1 six colored chips with numbers turned over by spectator, orientation and number of a hidden chip divined
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1994 64
Walter B. Gibson Three-Jacks Improved No. 38
1995 77
Karl Fulves, Walter B. Gibson Progressive Poker No. 41, multiple deal-outs with various hands
1995 80
Walter B. Gibson Spider Grip Vanish
1996 27
Karl Fulves Charlie Cheats No. 10, number of reds and blacks in packet determine who wins, two phases
Related to 1997 17
Eddie Fields, Walter B. Gibson Way-Ahead Card to Cardcase seven random cards called out and written down on piece of paper, with numbers one to seven, one of the numbers is chosen, and corresponding card appears in card case without moves, miscalling
Also published here 1997 18
Karl Fulves Informant further comments and credit information on the referenced items, Vernon's Joker Monte
Related to 1998 194
Bruce Bernstein Scripted Thoughts spectator's and performer select a card and replace cards in other half, second spectator takes the deck and goes into other room to look for two cards which stand out, they match the selected cards
Inspired byAlso published here 1998 30
The Century - Those Who Impacted The Art In America
  • Richiardi Jr. (1923-1985)
  • Walter B. Gibson (1897-1985)
  • Ricky Jay
  • T. Nelson Downs (1869-1938)
  • Alex Elmsley
  • Robert Harbin (1908-1978)
  • Marvyn Roy
  • Dunninger (1892-1975)
  • U. F. Grant (1901-1978)
  • Howard Thurston (1879-1938)
Feb. 1999
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 6)
Walter B. Gibson Amalgamating Magical Societies
  • 60 Years Ago...
Also published here June 2000
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 10)
Karl Fulves, Walter B. Gibson Bet a Million No. 39, "as many cards as your number, plus enough...", bet presentation
2001 57
Walter B. Gibson Player Piano No. 41, repeat version
2001 60
Michael Close (reviewer) Fell's Official Know-It-All Guide: Advanced Magic by Walter B. Gibson Feb. 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 6)
Lewis Jones By the numbers number force for any number with a magic square
Related to 2002 233
Walter B. Gibson Eggs from Thin Air manipulative, hole in fake egg
Also published here
  • "Eggs from Nowhere" (What's New in Magic, 1956)
2002 47
Harry Houdini Cone and Egg hat with plate on table, egg on hat, covered with paper cone, a wooden cone vanishes under handkerchief, under paper cone is now wooden cone, egg produced from elbow, egg-cone sequence, wooden cone reappears in hat
Also published here
  • Harry Houdini, Houdini on Magic, ed. Walter B. Gibson and Morris N. Young, 1953, p. 188
2002 177
Walter B. Gibson Recollections of Al Baker
Also published here
  • M.U.M. Vol. 72 No. 4, Sep. 1982
2003 875
Walter B. Gibson, Roberto Giobbi, Harry Blackstone The Happy Birthday Card Trick card found by dealing to song lyrics, from Blackstone's Modern Card Tricks
Related to 2003 1157
David Regal (reviewer) Walter B. Gibson and The Shadow by Thomas Shimeld Aug. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 8)
Michael Close (reviewer) Walter B. Gibson and The Shadow by Thomas Shimeld
- It's Not Magic, But...
July 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 11)
Walter B. Gibson New Spelling Trick count-spell principle
Also published here
  • The Magician Monthly, July 1918
Prolix (Issue 2)
Edward Marlo, Walter B. Gibson Spider Vanish
2007 142
Walter B. Gibson, Maurice Kraitchik Matrix Force
2007 11
Nick Trost The Burglar Trick
Inspired by 2008 64
Nick Trost A Divination Routine divination of number, color and suit in cut-of packet
  • Phase One - As Many As You
  • Phase Two - Color Sense
  • Phase Three - Suit Discernment
Inspired by
  • "As Many As You" (Walter B. Gibson, Magic Explained, 1949)
2009 351
Steve Beam Outflanked two spectators find each others card, mathematical selection procedure
Inspired by 2010 45
Roy Walton The Power of Two placement strategy for selected card to any position
Related to 2010 162
Michael Weber Weber's Winning Idea number-matrix force on lottery ticket
Related to 2010 1
Walter B. Gibson Cheating on the Payout slit bill that makes bills look like twice as many
Also published here
  • Conjurer's, July 1949
Prolix (Issue 7)
Burton S. Sperber Miracle From Your Pocket ten cards chosen, then collected and pocketed, performer assigns them to spectators in pairs
Inspired by 2010 88
Michael Weber Binary Division quickly arranging a packet of a wanted number of cards
Related toAlso published here 2010 12
Michael Weber Binary Division quickly arranging a packet of a wanted number of cards
Related toAlso published here 2011 12
Walter B. Gibson Spider Grip Vanish
Feb. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 2)
Tomo Maeda Zodea zodiac symbols on paper are folded and turn into letters, spelling a word, off-beat prediction
Related to 2013 60
Nick Trost Swindle Switch with Cards and Dice three dice thrown, two spectators remember top and bottom total of throw and then cards at these positions, after a swindle switch procedure the cards are at opposite positions
Inspired by 2013 719
Max Maven Rainbow Matrix number force with a magic square
Related to 2015 4
Michael Weber Rainbow Matrix - Weber Notes
Inspired by 2015 5
Nick Trost Synchronicity Revisited two piles are dealt in unison, two selections are at the same position and that position is predicted
Inspired by 2015 1295
Walter B. Gibson Spider Grip Vanish
Related to
  • "Misdirection Drop" (Walter Gibson, The Sphinx, Feb. 1919, p. 239)
2017 112
Steve Beam Club Sandwich spectator and performer each select card from half the deck and exchange it, Triumph with visible sorting of stepped packets
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 2018 39
Jim Steinmeyer, Walter B. Gibson Two-Way Switch two cards remembered with their positions in twenty-card packet, they eventually are found at opposite positions
Inspired by 2020 4
Theodore Annemann An Improvement A La Carte equivoque force of one of five tabled cards in cross layout
Related to 2022 62